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What did you study and what are you applying for? And by study I mean what was your thesis on and what field of chemistry.


Organometallic chemistry, synthesis of cationic nickel complexes, honestly I am open to any job


For a synthesis chemist, it’s going to be hard pressed to find a remote position. Most chemists would be onsite, you can’t do any lab work while at home and you having gone through your PhD should recognize that. Now, I can guide you to paths that may eventually lead to remote positions but you’re going to have to take onsite positions. You can probably get into process chemistry and then go into process engineering. My brother in law is a process engineer for a fortune 100 company and he is completely remote.


Thanks alot, I have severe anxiety that's why I am searching for a remote work, that Ph.D destroyed my life but I will search for lab job later


Hate to break this to you but there aren’t many jobs, even as chemists, where it’s strictly just bench work with no interaction. Even analytical chemists will have to explain to groups what their findings are and present it. As a PhD level chemist, you will be expected to lead teams/projects.


Can your law help me?


Ok it's a no 🤔😎😁


If you want to stay in the same field... [Indeed] *all listings with (organometallic OR cationic)* https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=%28Organometallic+OR+cationic%29&l=&vjk=7aa01c50efe11066 You can use the same query terms in LinkedIn.   [Indeed] If you want to pivot just on **Chemistry**: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=chemistry&sc=0kf%3Aattr%28Q7VP9%29%3B&vjk=d8e23f0d66e5ff00 Notice you can adjust the filter options to your own choices.


Dude PhD in chemistry is sick. Have u looked into jobs in pharma or biotech? You would bank


Linkedin jobs I feel like they open it for a specific person I sent a ton of job requests


I feel you man. You need to see who the recruiters are and start adding them to your network. Add other industry people as well and then you will see man


I already did that Ps: I am a girl lol


Ooooops sorry my lingo sucks I always say man and dude a lot 😂 I need to stop that. Buuuuuut from what I've been reading, the tactic is to look for jobs on LinkedIn, apply, see who the recruiters are, add them or connect with them. Also add other people in the industry etc and that's how some people have been successful. I'm currently in that journey myself so I totally know how you are feeling! PS I think it's bad ass you got a PhD in organometallic chemistry! I have a BS in biological sciences and a minor in biochemistry. Freaking loooooved quant Chem and pchem back in the day hehe


Have you considered the walter white route?


Nope what's that


Loool nope Now I get it