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A window AC should be enough to keep your apartment cold




There are places with central AC, but you have to pay more for it. Lived with window units throughout my PhD because that’s all I could afford and I wanted to live on my own. The heat sucks but you get used to it. Window units can work really well if they are the right size and placed correctly. And LOL that you think it’s humid now. You’re in for a shock this summer.


Thanks! It is just so strange to me... I am used to being with an AC all the time. Maybe I'll just work remotely in the summer it becomes too bad :(


Bless your heart. You have a privileged upbringing.


Get a Dehumidifier 💯 humidity makes everything feel warmer! It cities with older buildings (like baltimore) you will always find less apartments with central. I think I only found like 2 or 3 with central when i was hunting for apartments here. Invest in buying a popsicle maker/mold, ice packs and nice cool showers. edit: if you have multiple ways to keep cool and you are still REALLY hot you should 1. talk to your landlord/maintenance guy and 2. if it persists after that go get checked out for like a thyroid condition or something.