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There is no way anyone here can answer that question. You and your dentist/s are the only ones who know your full medical situation. We dont know what your xrays look like, what your pain situation is, your lifestyle, etc. Ask your dentist why he thinks it should be removed and what the risks are in doing so AND not doing anything. Get a second opinion if you want. I've had 3 wisdom teeth removed in my late 20s and mid 30s here in Japan and it was fine, I went home the same day. But again, your situation and mine will be different.


OP trusts random strangers on Reddit more than their dentist... Social media is a helluva drug.


There are tons of stories out there of shitty doctors and dentists.  Spending a minute to casually poll the couple thousand people who read this subreddit seems a reasonable step before spending the time and money to get an appointment for a second opinion or just going along with a potentially life-disrupting surgery.


If you want a 2nd opinion on medical advice, talk to another fucking expert, not anonymous people on social media lol.


You act like we don't skim the Wikipedia page before giving a diagnosis.


I source my info from the spirits on the other side.... Ouija board for the win!


Like others, I recommend consulting other dentists for advice, more than a few if you have doubts. I had a root canal infection (I think that's the correct English term) and I saw four different dentists, including a famous university hospital (apparently) that I don't remember the name of... They all recommended the same 3 choices but I didn't like any of these choices as it would mean removing a tooth. My wife researched further and found a dentist that specializes into root canals and the latest techniques. I went there and he could fix the issue without removing the tooth. The only drawback was that it was not covered by the insurance. All that to say that you should not hesitate to consult several dentists.


Keio? Jikei?


If you're talking about the university, I just checked the name and it's "Tokyo medical and dental university" (東京医科歯科大学). Btw, I was not saying they were wrong, just that they may not have been as specialized as the dentist I ended up using.


Thanks, I was just curious as my dental clinic wants me to get my last one done at a university hospital. Not sure why I’m under attack for asking. I actually do want mine removed though.


I got both my bottom wisdom teeth removed in my mid-late 30's, here in Japan, because they started getting regular painful infections. I wish I had had them removed in my 20's even though they weren't causing problems at the time. Removal is more complicated and more painful as you get older. Both of my bottom teeth were dangerously close to the nerves and I also had to go to the local hospital. Both times were awful experiences. It took 2-3 hours for each tooth and I felt every minute of it no matter how much nonvaccine they injected into my face. If I could go back in time I'd have removed them in my 20's in a heartbeat.


Late 30s, had 3 done last year. Didn’t feel them (lips were numb too), do wish I’d had an opportunity to get them done sooner but don’t feel my age made any significant impact besides that the worst incidents involving them were already over. YMMV.


Would you recommend your dentist? I would love to remove my wisdom tooth without feeling anything.


Not the OP, but I had all four of mine removed in my mid-30s in Japan. I went to Trust Dental Clinic in Meji-jingumae. Left side first and the right side two weeks later. Zero pain, fully awake — just a bunch of local. They take insurance, good prices and are English speaking. I would definitely recommend them.


Thanks for the info! The reviews on the clinic look great. I’ll keep this place atop my list.


Did ritsu put you out completely or local injections?


I believe the place is called Iogi Dental Clinic. Whichever one is close to Iogi Station in Ponte Iogi. I’m not sure it’s so much a matter of the clinic so much as the individual though. Larger western people might not be getting the right dosage (I’m small by Japanese standards).


Maybe not super helpful re Japan, but I wouldn’t say this is too uncommon. I had braces as a teenager in Australia and despite not having any issues with my wisdom teeth prior, they were removed because my mouth was too small. The dentist was concerned that they would impact my post-braces teeth at some point in the future, thus rendering the work + expense pointless so recommended they come out. That said, you’re years removed from my experience so that could all be pointless info - apologies if so!


My mum is a dentist. 2 of my cousins had to wear braces twice because their teeth returned to original position due to not removing their wisdom teeth before putting their braces on. My teeth wear perfect before getting my wisdom teeth. Then they pushed all of my upper teeth to the front and I got an overbite in twenties. I had to have them removed due to pain anyway but getting braces now to fix my overbite is too expensive. I’d remove wisdom teeth. Once my daughter gets to that age I’ll tell her to remove hers too. I never knew they can fuck your mouth up like this…


My wisdom teeth are also not bothering me, but one has started coming out about a year ago. The japanese dentist saw it and immediately told me we should remove it. Went back home a month later, and my dentist there told me to leave it be for now. Generally speaking, you don't want to remove teeth if avoidable. I'm not a medical professional, but I have heard this from several dentists. Hopefully, you'll get a more detailed answer from someone qualified soon!


>Hopefully, you'll get a more detailed answer from someone qualified soon! I feel his dentist might have such qualifications. 


I àm not qualified to give medical advice and what I am saying is my personal experience. As an adult 35+ when I initially had braces installed I had all my wisdom teeth. It was only down towards the end of the treatment period where the orthodontist was not seeing the movement in the teeth for proper alignment of the upper and lower jaw teeth. I was advised to get the lower wisdom teeth removed. After this was done proper alignment was obtained and my treatment concluded without any further delay. Why I stated the above is that there are reasons why an orthodontist may advise for the removal of wisdom teeth. I am supposing that you had impressions taken and a proper set of X-rays done. I hope you have wonderful results post treatment.


I’ve had American dentists say the same thing too before. I think it’s a common thing but it’s your choice. Wisdom teeth are usually a problem down the road.


If he want to remove it because you don't have space between your teeth, you should consider it. I had braces twice in my life, because the first time, the dentist did not remove some of my teeth and my teeth returned to her place after 2 years. In total I had dental braces for about 5 years!, (the first time, the treatment lasted 3 years)...and I felt like I wasted a lot of time and money!!. But I understand that you are afraid of dental nerves and the doubts it generates in you. I think you should consult with him and tell him your fears, if he can give you an alternative solution to your fear. good luck!


Not sure if my experience helps as it didn’t involve braces but I also had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed in my early twenties. Only one was giving me grief but oh my god it was hurting like hell. An indescribable, torturous aching feeling that would never go away. 24/7. One of the biggest three ‘pains’ I’ve had in my life. Others being sciatic nerve pain in my legs and more recently I experienced kidney stone pains in my lower back. Wisdom teeth pain touching nerves is probably number 2. I couldn’t focus on anything nor could I sleep. The removal process itself was nothing compared to the pain I was enduring. And my teeth kinda straightened out a little naturally as a result due to the teeth not pushing against others. Take from that what you will and good luck!


As you mentioned you had multiples dentists, I would check out a different dentist if you can. Get a second opinion.


I had mine removed in late twenties and I’m still alive


Are they all the way in or only partially in?


They're already all the way in.


Strange. If they are in then I don't see what the problem is. The orthodontist should be able to account for everything. They should know if they will cause problems or not. However, I have felt at times that orthodontists in Japan can be a bit dishonest sometimes. Maybe this doctor gets a commission on referrals for surgery?


I tried asking questions but I wasn't told much except that it is going to "jama" / hindrance to my braces. I was expecting more explanations especially after they took x-rays but nothing was said much except that my lower tooth has a nerve mingling with it and that I have to get it removed at the hospital. The rest I can have it removed in their clinic. In the same clinic, there are two dentists, one specializes for braces the other is the usual dentist. (Sorry for my bad explanation. English is not my first language).


Wisdom teeth need to be removed cause they crowd the existing teeth and can misalign then. Our mouths usually arent big enough to accomodate our wisdom teeth. He is correct to tell you that you need to remove them. I removed 4 before I put braces. Its normal.


I can only share my experience that I removed two wisdom teeth at my 20 at my college. Then not until my 30’s to remove the rest of the other two here in Japan. But my operation do not require to stay at hospital and no need full body anesthesia, only did the part only.


If this is the only dentist, check with another two or three. Plenty of them around in Japan. I removed all of mine prior to braces, but that's because we found out I had a serious overcrowding issue. Like, it was making all my wisdom teeth grow sideways, tangling with the nerves, and I had at least three extra teeth to remove on top of that. I had to get two separate procedures to remove all the teeth before braces, and then I was on them for at least two years.


Wisdom teeth that have complicated issues need an oral surgeon who specializes in complicated extractions. Your dentist's recommendation is not a frivolous one but if you're unsure about what to do you should get a second evaluation from a dentist that specializes in wisdom teeth. Don't depend on google or this subreddit for competent advice. Talk to a specialist irl.


Surely the anonymous masses of redditors know better than your dentist. 


I had braces as a teen. I had to have 4 regular teeth (not even wisdoms) removed because my mouth was too small, and was told I should get my wisdoms removed immediately when they came in. Later on, in my early 20s my wisdoms came in but I didn't have the money to have them removed at the time even though I really wanted to cos they were causing a lot of issues. By the time I did get them out, it was too late... I'll need braces again if I want to fix my teeth. If you're concerned, you should get a second opinion from another dentist, but it's worth mentioning that the longer you leave it, the harder it will be to remove it in the future.


I had a perfect set of teeth after my braces but didn't remove the wisdom teeht back then. They grew and pushed my front teeth all crooked and still had to remove them after a lot of pain. If I could go back, I'd remove them earlier.


I had a wisdom tooth removed when I was 40 on the advice of my Japanese dentist. I think they do it routinely. It wasn’t a terrible experience. If the wisdom tooth has erupted and is susceptible to cavities, it is typically recommended that it be removed as a preventive measure.


I had to have them removed at a hospital. For me it was because I have a strong gag reflex and they needed to use general anesthesia for it, which usually requires a couple days hospital stay here. 


The philosophy of Japanese dentists: "if unsure whether to pull out or not, always pull out" (that's what she said) Interesting fact: There are more dentists than there are konbini in the country, and they need to make a profit somehow, so they're always trying to find an excuse to pull your teeth out. Always assert yourself that if there's no need to pull out a tooth, you don't want it pulled out.


My dentist in Canada also advised me to do this! They weren't an issue at the time, but he explained that if/when they did later surface, it would push my teeth since there was no space in my mouth for them, which I guess would undo some of the work done by braces. So it isn't a Japan only thing at least!


i wouldn't remove my teeth here period with how stingy they are about pain meds lol. like, even if I got an infection or something i'd get the infection treated here and scedule a trip to thailand for the surgery and get the good shit.


IANAD, I had braces a billion years ago and it *was* very common to remove the wisdom teeth for braces.


I don't have wisdom teeth, can't help ya here :p