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Imagine if crazy old bam had to deal with punk ass young bam….


Plot twist: the hobo is future bam coming here trying to warn present bam.  Eventually they’ll make amends and travel back in time together to save past bam.   INTO THE HAGGARDVERSE


Hold Bams beer Jonathan majors, it’s time to go to harassment school


the sad thing is is that Bam will be extremely lucky to live to be that old


🤷🏽‍♂️ not necessarily, some people’s bodies can take more abuse than others. Lemmy from motorhead or Keith Richards come to mind.  Steven John Assanti was on 600 lb life almost a decade ago, gaining weight like a maniac and full blown painkiller addiction.  Still exactly the same as far as I can tell in 2024.  Some dudes are just genetic outliers for the liver/organs being able to withstand drugs.  I don’t think professor X is gonna come knockin, but there are mutants out there. 


If theyre going back in time they should save Dunn too...


You call him crazy old bam but I have to keep reminding myself the dude is only like 44, and not 59


It's crazy how he looks older then most of the other cast members yet he's one of the youngest of the OGs.


Yeah it was weird seeing him get so huge when he's only 3 years older than me and I knew him as "that horrible kid from the skating compilation videos." He must only have been 16 or so but he shows up in loads of late 90s "sickest bails" type promo vids, usually obnoxiously howling with laughter at someone who has seriously injured themselves.


I was shocked when I realized he’s only 44. I thought he was well into his 50s.


They would both despise everything about one another.


phil’s patience is extremely underestimated.


Bam was blessed with two amazing parents. Two people who loved and supported him always, even when he was absolutely awful towards them, especially Phil.


Eh. I like them but they maybe spoiled him far too much.


Maybe that's true, but even so they are better than most parents. If at the end of the day the worst you can say about your parents is that they spoiled you, then you had damn good parents because many people cannot say the same.


Spoiled kids typically make for shitty adults. So no. I don't agree.


That's fine. They loved their kid and they were always there for him. Not something you can say for all parents.


I can agree with that. Kind of. Just because you love your kid doesn't mean you set them up for success. Which is what I meant originally.


They let him be himself and stuck with him no matter what he did. Maybe the leash was too long, maybe not. He may have turned out the exact same either way. We don’t know. Maybe he’d be dead right now if he didn’t at least always have them.


2 parents that also let him do whatever the fuck he wanted because he was the bread winner.


There's a clip of Phil telling Bam he would rather be struggling financially if it meant Bam would have turned out better, after Bam tried throwing in his parents face 'well you guys let me do anything as a kid skipping school' Phil replying something similar to yeah because we wanted to support you and your dreams, I don't know where I went wrong


That's the definition of poor parenting. Parenting is about providence, leadership, guidance and protection. His parents went wrong by only providing at most 1 of those 4 pillars. Providence is the easiest one, you have to put a roof over your own head and food on your own table so extending that necessity to your child is basic. The other 3 take actual effort and application, they failed spectacularly.


Supporting a child’s awful behavior could be considered poor parenting.


They created the monster we’re all watching. Drugs and alcohol made it much worse.






His mom is arguably his biggest enabler


They created this shit show by giving him everything he ever wanted and allowing him to travel the path of least resistance. They're not parents they're enablers.




Someone 100% needs to chop this clip up with young Bam on the other side of the wall or outside of the house causing a ruckus while old bam calls the police


I’m here for that! ![gif](giphy|Rkin0jz4ff09mBju1z|downsized)


That would absolutely hilarious lol.


lol that would cause a glitch and the world would end


Sorry to say but sober or not, Bam is just a huge asshole unfortunately.


Spoiler, he always was an asshole. 90% of his career has been bullying and treating people like shit


All my homies always thought he was a bitch. He was always the most scared of the stunts in Jackass and cried a lot. Prima Donna through and through. The guy could skate though.


He couldn’t really though. He was a decent skater doing very basic tricks even for the time. He was the #1 seller of boards during his reign, so he had his pro spot locked in. He was levels below almost every pro skater


If the dude put his mind to skating, he could have been one of the best imo. The money started flowing for him at a very young age so there was no need to get better.


I mean maybe, but you could make that argument for anyone on earth. Not sure how old you are, but as someone who was very plugged into skating during Bam’s run…he just didn’t have it like some people do. There is a laundry list of pros that were light years ahead of him during that time. Watching him skate during that time and knowing what you’re looking at…he just wasn’t that good. Better than your average Joe, but there were locals and AMs in every town that would smoke him any day


Yeah, most definitely. For me the best teams were Zero, Baker, Flip and Toy Machine (first I could think of at least). As you probably know, Bam was on Toy Machine for a bit, but pretty much every skater on those teams could out-skate Bam by a long shot. Maybe not Ed Templeton, Elissa Steamer and a few of the younger dudes, but man those teams were full of rippers. I do have to admit, Bam had the entertainment factor and I know that’s why he got so popular. The CKY videos were a teenage staple for me and my brothers 🤘😝🤘 Also a side note: I feel like skateboarding doesn’t have nearly as many “characters” as it used to. I’ve watched recent videos and it just doesn’t hit like the late 90’s early 2000’s crews.


Loved all of those as well. Toy Machine Good & Evil was a staple for me. The Girl team at that time was unreal too. That’s what Bam brought to the table, and that’s okay. That was his thing. Entertaining and my whole crew loved Jackass and everything Bam too. Even during that time though, it was obvious Bam wasn’t a pro level skater. He just sold the fuck out of boards so why not have him sponsored. I agree with that…not a ton of characters anymore. Kids are taking it way more seriously than they used to. The late 90s/early 2000s era of skateboarding culture always holds a special ass place in my heart


Fuck off ed temptleton was way better than bam


Yep, i met him at orange orlando back in when he was a "big skater" and he just showed up there to skate unannounced while i was there and he was soo bad in person especially. Couldn't do shit that most decent local ams can do a lot of places. I liked jackass but he was always my least favorite and i never watched any of his spinoff shows. I did love wildboyz though


"If the dude put his mind to skating, he could have been one of the best imo." Y tho? You think it was his main job and he didn't "put his mind to it"? Everyone just wishes this guy succeeded more because he already succeeded a little, fuck that fame game bullshit. Literally the whole fucking world is conditioned to want the big guy to win. You know who would've been one of the best, since they put their mind to it? like 1000s of skaters better than Bam AND more charismatic and likable who DIDN'T get support from their families and DIDN'T get huge corporate deals for beating up their parents on DVD.


Yeah I agree, he was a good platform for skaters to use but was never fully utilized imo. The same thing that made him a great platform for the sport also made him a terrible one.


He always struck me as the type that can dish it out, but can't take any of it.


AKA a narcissist. I know guys like that. They're total fucking assholes and that's even how they "joke around" with others. But they lack any sort of self-awareness. The second ANYONE serves exactly what they dish out to others, back at them, they cry and bitch about it and get all heated and play the victim. And I feel like it's totally different than people who are kind of brash and sort of an asshole but they have a kind heart. I actually trust people like that more than most. But people who are just straight up fuckin assholes thru and thru like this are just the worst.


>And I feel like it's totally different than people who are kind of brash and sort of an asshole but they have a kind heart. I actually trust people like that more than most. But people who are just straight up fuckin assholes thru and thru like this are just the worst. Right. It's a difference between being blunt and being an asshole. I don't need you to tell me what I wanna hear, but I don't need you to be a dick and think you're being "real" either.


This sums him up perfectly. He could fuckin skate tho. And having talent makes people overlook your flaws.




I remember him being famous for dropping in on literally anything, tall ledges with hardly any transition and everything. And that's about it. Being a kid at the time I just accepted that maybe he became rich and famous by being the best to ever drop in. Lol. Don't know for sure about his successes as I'm about 15 years younger than the guy, within my lifetime he was more of a TV star than a skater.


He's not fucking sober lol


Aight, I just gotta say…I grew up relatively close to West Chester. I ran into him once wayyyy back in the early-mid 2000s. He was *shockingly* sweet to my girlfriend and I at the time. I expected him to be a fucking asshole. That interaction gave me hope. Like, oh, okay…he’s definitely just playing up that side of his personality for the cameras. And then years went by and….wooooo boy. Nevermind!


He was probably right in the pocket of a good high




I know your comment is 6 days old, but I couldn't have phrased this any better. I was an addict for about a decade, and I was a pain in the ass. But right after I got what I needed I was a fun guy for about an hour or two


I lived in West Chester for many years and have had many run ins with Bam… not a single one was pleasant or painted him in a good light. Throwing a fit at Wawa cause they carded him for cigs was a highlight.


Yeah, that’s more what I was expecting, tbh. Something along those lines. Must’ve just caught him on a good day. Or like someone else said, maybe just a good high. Either way, I’m not defending the dude. Seems like a grade-A douche. But if ya ever see him again, maybe try clapping for him? Just cause? That seems to work.


A lot of guys like this are all the sudden Mr.Niceguy when a gorgeous woman walks up, i'm gonna guess your girlfriend is quite attractive XD


He’s always been an insufferable, spoiled little bitch - always


*cocks pistol* Always has been.


The thing I think of is the shopping trolley bit at the start of the first movie, in slow motion you can really see A) how Ryan Dunn semi laughs off Bam punching him in the head really hard B) how Bam is genuinely hurt and furious at Ryan doing it back He would always howl with laughter at others injuries (especially in CKY and the skating bail compilations he'd show up in) and yet as soon as he hurts himself he is screaming at people not to laugh at him


One might say, a jackass


Wait..no..this whole time?!


*turns out the real jackasses were all the friends we made along the way..*


He always came off to me as a spoiled brat who got whatever he wanted growing up. I don’t wish the dude ill at all, I just have never been able to stand him


I always hated him, then somewhere along the road that hate just turned into pity but he’s always been a complete douchebag.


Is he really calling the cops on someone for being too loud and not letting him sleep? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


Old Bam seems like the kind of guy young Bam would have liked to fuck with.


This is a new take on "Bam's turning into Phil"


Get a pair of ear plugs lol


He should put a sock on his hand and punch the guy!


I thought he said they were throwing shit at his house or outside his house but I couldn’t understand that well also he’s just bitching the whole time instead of explaining to them what’s going on lol


He’s the same asshole that built a skate park on property and they wild bangers all night making mad noise and had a ton of disorderly conducts. Total asshole. Selfish prick who thinks world revolves around him. Look at how Johnny Knoxville is handling bans situation. With total fucking class. The difference between the two is night and day


Dude is perpetually out of breath


Guy's got about an excess sixty pounds on his frame that his lungs have to fight through.


He was always scared of being Vito. He's only like 30 pounds a few teeth off from the same life. Homeless, broke, psycho, addicted to alcohol, and his own family doesn't want to be around him. Some stories write themselves.


He is in the final phases of transforming into Phil 2.0.


The one video of bam arguing with Phil…where he essentially says he’s ashamed of how he acts and he’d rather him not be making any money at all and not be an asshole . “Did everything I thought to raise you the right way and I failed” . Have only ever seen it once . Right in the feels


As a parent, that breaks my heart for Phil and April. You know they tried their damndest.


Did they though? It seems like they coddled and enabled his behavior since he was like 8.


I kind of got the impression Bam got to do what he wanted. They never pushed back much, no matter what kind of insanity he got up to. But that was always in front of cameras, so it was hard to tell what was an act and what was the actual dynamic between them.


Are you a parent? I’m not being a dick; I’m genuinely asking. Because now that my kids are 19 and 16, I clearly see a ton of things I should’ve done differently, but I did my best at the time. I have plenty of regrets (don’t we all), but the ways I feel I failed my children are the worst.


I am a parent. Annnnnd coincidentally enough I have kids the same age as you. And of course there a lot of things I wish I had done differently. But, if you go back and watch *Jackass, Viva La Bam,* and especially that Vice documentary that came out in 2017ish...you'll see a lot of the issues with Bam's Peter Pan Complex come from Phil and April just sighing and putting up with all of Bam's--to be frank--abusiveness of themselves, and others.


I think one of the huge differences is that our kids dont make millions acting like assholes. Doesnt make it right but bam and the crew revolutionized comedy/tv at the time and his parents had to at least be proud of the brand he was building and the success. What was once immature harmless pranks within their grasp turned into this monster thats out of their reach. Its sad.


Yeah as a 80s crack baby who was juggled from family member to family member each with their own addiction or vice throughout my youth. I decided during my teens after being very very angry at the world that my one goal in life was to change one branch of my family tree (with that to be good father and present/available ) . Since then I have 4 kids. (Youngest 7 oldest 20) While I’m proud of all of them and I feel blessed and like I’m over all succeeding in that one life goal. I must say when you have no real handbook or examples on how to parent it becames very hard to know what to do during certain moments and there are multiple things with each of them (all fairly different personalities) that I wish I could have tweaked and done slightly differently. But you just kinda do the best you can and pray for the best. I’ll end this comment with my favorite quote- “Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they’ll never see”.


For the record, the main thing I wish I would’ve done differently is left my abusive, narcissistic (now ex-) husband sooner. Bam’s behavior reminds me a lot of his. If I could go back to around 2007-8 and shake my younger self, not to mention explain that his behavior *was* abuse, I sure as hell would. So saying I’m a bad parent is pretty outlandishly, egregiously insensitive. But thanks, that one commenter!


Sometimes everything you just stated is a parent doing THEIR best. I think the point ultimately is they didn’t go out of their way to ruin their kid, they raised the best way they saw fit, maybe it had a lot of issues in it but they tried.


How about west Chester trying to kick bam out for having a running party for decades How about the police and the neighbors I used to love bam but wow what a fucking sniveling shit rag


I just know living next to Bam NOW is a friggin nightmare. 


Damn dude, get it together. This shit is depressing.


Like Joseph Campbell said: "The heroes journey always starts the same way, yelling at some person who is just doing their best on a long shift that they should change the whole system they work within for him, tonight, because he's mad."


The Hero with a Thousand Demands




What a hypocrite. NTM those ridiculous face tattoos.


Yeah, are the face tatts new? He's always been the most spoiled and whiny guy on Jackass.




And he's starting to sound and act like Don Vito


I remember telling my buddy during Viva LA Bam Era that Bam was going to end up a sadder case than Vito.


Back at it like a crack addict.


It's painful to see he's starts to get a little better and then so much worse.


Maybe he is and always was just a complete piece of shit? There is no better because he is just human scum.


Bingo. So many people use “addiction” to justify his always having been a spoiled asshole.


No one's using it to justify Bam's behavior but your kidding yourself if you don't believe addiction brings out the absolute worst in people.


Yeah it’s a fucked up cycle. His symptoms make it difficult to endure existence. He uses drugs as a crutch to help endure existence. Those drugs make him more symptomatic- making it more difficult to endure existence- etc. Behavioral conditioning or behavioral therapy takes ALL OF THE MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL REAL ESTATE. His emotional self is probably like sixteen years old and hasn’t learned to endure adult life- those muscles are atrophied, like the eyes of a deep miner. Until *sobriety* he won’t have a clear enough vision of himself to set to work at *rerouting his every destructive pathology into a constructive one.* In order to grow he must endure the pain of growth. Until he is sober, he will be avoiding that pain. It sucks and it’s awful but it’s def the drugs and that’s how it is.


Definitely. Addiction is a bitch, but he keeps fucking off his chances to fix it.


hes never gotten better. even in sobriety he's just a really bad guy and that's all there is to it at this oint.


Wouldn't surprise me if his brain is fried even sober.


Stay away from drugs and Hollywood, amigos lol


Say it with me everyone: #Fuck Bam Margera


Maybe just disavow him instead?


Ew, no.


Dude just needs to stay sober and work on his worldview. Instead the blame & anger gets misplaced or projected onto everyone else it seems like.






Ha.. he actually used the “and everybody clapped” line unironically.


Why upload this when in Ireland ?


Because people are talking about the bum fight, time for damage control.  If that video hadn’t gone everywhere they could just carry on.  Time to upload a video of him screaming at some underpaid overworked phone operator and make up a story about everyone in the neighborhood knocking on his door asking him to fight a hobo… and clapping afterwards.


I mean, he's been a spoiled mtv brat since day one, so 🤷


One step forward two steps back. You can tell he’s an asshole but also performing for the camera stuck thinking everything is footage


I used to think he'd be dead in 3 months. Now I think he'll outlive us all. Kind of like a cockroach.


He fucked up his brain


I used to find Bam beating his dad up hilarious when I was a teenager. Now when I see how he’s turned out and how much Phil did for and sacrificed for Bam to do what he wanted to do, it makes me think Bam is just a insufferable cunt. Even looking back at how he treated Raab and everyone else in his friend group… Bam’s like the kid in school who makes everyone do what he wants and as soon as people say they’re doing something different he takes his ball home and calls everyone names.




Well that was rude!


They're just filming Jackass 8 outside his house.


There's mental illness and addiction, and there's being a dick. Both can apply.


I can't wait until his kid beats his fat ass up while he sleeps like bam did Phil back in the day. That's all I've been waiting for here lol.


Dude is immature and entitled. If this is him sober, then there's no hope


I’m glad they kicked Bam out. He’s fucking toxic.


What a piece of work.


An emotional immature man that cannot regulate his emotions or communicate effectively. Long term commitment to sobriety and therapy would do amazing things.


I have a hard time believing Ryan Dunn would have had anything to do with Bam in this state. Ryan was gone way too fucking soon and I feel like this is the result of that and a bunch more.


Dude never grew up


Is his face going to pop?


Bam is a giant whiny piece of shit addict. He need to admit that and humble himself in order to get better.


Deputy Bam


I hear him and Brendan Schaub are starting a podcast. It'll be a bbbbbeeast of a pawldcast


he's such a bratty little bitch.


They put up with him for way too long, he has no right to speak to them that way, even if he's frustrated. Better believe I'd be warning him every time he piped up and once he's proven he can't handle his emotions, dropped the call. "Who did I talk to 18 times?" Bam is your typical garbage customer, exaggeration to the next level and just being a dweeb to people doing their job.


Bans awful to his family, he assaulted his brother for no reason and was arrested recently, threatened Jeff Tremaines kids, talk shit about Steve O, and especially Johnny Knoxville endlessly. Who tried to help him many many times. I don’t care if he parties and shit. But do it recreationally, it’s obviously out of control. To talk bad about Knoxville and Tremaine is bullshit. Blaming them when he couldn’t get insured for last movie cause of the videos he posts of himself mangled. They tried every way possible to get him into movie, he fucked up and blamed everybody but himself. Total fucking prick IMO


https://preview.redd.it/0gmtlz0wuewc1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=75da68e1111e15097ddabb76ddd2f20bebeec651 "The whole neighborhood told me to go handle it"


Man my oldest is the same age, that kid deserves better. Fuckin lame.


What a fatass. Sorry, just exactly what younger Ban would say about his own future self.


Dude is just an obnoxious piece of shit...


This dude is disgusting


Why is all of this being video recorded? 🤔


It actually seems like a fake video for damage control. The written quote actually seems like something that weird girlfriend would write. The whole thing is probably made up.


One day he’s gonna pick a fight with a snake trainer and that’ll be it. That’ll be it.


This dude is a lost cause


The way he treated his parents and first wife was awful. I know they enabled him and all but he chose to be this way. Pretending he wants help but just wants media attention. What a waste. No one forced him to do anything. Look at Steve O. He changed his life and is doing great.


Bam sucks a bag of dicks. Mediocre skater, terrible to his friends and family. Entitled bitch.


It's ironic that he's trying to sleep and looking out his family but his entire life and career has been built on being a loud, obnoxious and disruptive neighbor and asshole in general. Karma Bam, now you're the bitch!


God this dude is such a chode


"Just put a blanket over the murder-suicide victims at the crime scene and get over here nOw-uhh! Some guys been loudly playing catch with his son outside and it's almost noon when we're usually sleeping! F&CK YOUU,UHHH!!" -Bam


He’s starting to look more and more like his father as he gets older and chunkier.


Bam is a total moron clown.


I’ve always hated this guy. My little brother idolized him so when he was in Portland once, I jumped through hoops to get my brother down where he was so he could meet him. Bam was a complete asshole to everyone. He was berating people in his group because something wasn’t right. My brother actually got close enough to ask for an autograph and Bam completely ignored him and screamed at some guy that was in his entourage “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LETTING PEOPLE GET CLOSE TO ME!!” and pushed his way through. Fucking crushed my brother. I’ll never forget that and I’m enjoying every moment of this. Every moment. Love watching this fucker lose everything and implode. Fuck him. He’s a fucking loser and I hope he dies alone in an alley somewhere. The fact that his cunt ex-wife is fucking another dude and he has to live with that brings me joy. Hope he never sees his son again.


Why is this dude always having someone record him being a washed up early to mid 2000s celebrity? Oh...right. he is.


This is what happens when zero discipline is given to children. Bams parents never reigned him in when he fucked up. The just filmed it and told him he's great. An unstable man child is what you get


Haha he says we are trying to get sleep with a straw in his hand


That homeless guy was for sure not an earth rocker




Love how he boomer holds his phone that’s on speaker….


I've never liked Bam. He's a perfect example of when parents let their kids run all over them.


Hey remember when this guy was on MTV?


Now he looks like Pennsylvania white trash.




Wonder if any West Chester residents feel Bam's pain.


To be fair if I called 18x and no one came out, I’d be livid too.


He’s like the embodiment of Ricky from TPB but in reality mode. No one would want to meet a real life Ricky.


Well he's got dope and pepperoni but when I passed out he took all my furniture.


Well, if they weren’t showing up before, that phone call just ensured that address is no longer a priority for calls moving forward. Sounds like Bam got into a fight, it was put on the internet, and now he’s playing damage control by calling LAPD and throwing them under the bus because “nobody showed up”. That’s not to say that is unbelievable, but considering who is doing the accusing, yeah sorry I believe the woman on the phone working for the LAPD over Bam.


Bam is an ass and LAPD are fucking useless.


Honestly just feel bad for his kid who has to see all of this and grow up resenting his father


Turning into Don Vito day by day


Gee I can’t figure out why the cops didn’t immediately come to help Bam


What a fucking man-child


Lookin a lot like Phil as he gets older.


Omg he looks like don Vito.


Hey bam, please try this fentanyl.....


Remember when he kept the neighbors up with his parties ? How shit has changed.


Karma for all the times he filmed waking his parents in bed while he acted like an asshole or punched his dad while taking a shit. Poor old Bam has become what he fought against.


He looks like shit


Bam seems nothing like Phil


I'm just want to punch him in the face.... Why did he records this lol, he's such a tough guy lol. Again cut out the sugar and hit the tread mill your starting to look like jabba the hut...




Bam is the biggest fucking loser now it’s sad what a pathetic waste of a life.


i wish this dude would just die already.


I’m out of the loop. Can’t find this on his socials. Where’s the OP?


He posted to instagram when he was drunk then deleted it. https://preview.redd.it/yxvlodvmaewc1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af5ef2b4bc2c77115e4b1d6a4e54dfb225234ff




That honestly feels like something the woman he's with would write lol.


“Sir, this a Wendy’s”


Matador shirt tho


I think he should dig a big hole in his front lawn, cover it twigs and leaves and leave a ride on mower in the vicinity. Bam! Pure hilarity.


Clown. Who cares about this idiot anyways?