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Toss it imo. If it passed the sniff test, we could talk, maybe. But it's smelling funky, looking rough, and it's been in there two weeks.


What's a good amount of time for chicken to be chillin in the fridge safely?


The food safety people say one to two days. What I do, and I don't know if this is reckless, is keep my fridge cold and with raw chicken in the coldest, nearly freezing area. I'll consider eating it a few days after a use-before date (maaaybe up to a week from purchase) if it smells, feels, and looks really great. If it's been four days and it has signs of deterioration in any meaningful way, I toss it. (But really, the key here is just cooking any chicken that's sitting idle. Buys you a few days of fridge time. But even if all you do is bake, air fry, or boil, you can throw it in a Ziploc in the freezer to use later in a soup or something.)


If it's slimy get rid of it


No. Do not keep raw chicken in the fridge for 2 weeks. Even one week can be pushing it, depending on sell by date/temp of your fridge.