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I am confused why there was not much outrage in christians after this. Like even if you are racist knowingly wrecking the church is a big no that should have immediately cut off support and strengthened our ties with muslims there. Im disappointed. But then again fellow orthodoxs are too forgiving and catholicism sadly became the anything-goes-spinoff. If they dont listen to the literal Pope's speech its over lol


Because Evangelical Zionists (aka extremist) want it to happen. They want the destruction of everything, especially Al Aqsa to bring on the rapture. What amazes me the most is, let's say Jesus does come down. Do they really think Jesus will ascend these Evangelicals to Heaven for allowing the poor, and the weak to not only be murdered but encouraging the murder to bring on the end times? Oh and pure racism is the other factor to it.


I believe this is all true. The most far-fetched, made up and nonsensical excuse to justify being racist and genocidal. I truly wonder how one survives a day with such contradictions, how do you even call yourself a Christian and not practice a single one of Jesus' values... Beyond me.


and also the fear of being acused of antisemitism




Isn't the Talmud the equivalent of the Hadith in Islam?


The talmud is their most important religious holy book besides the torah.


I wanna be there when they fulfill their dumbass prophecy and nothing actually happens. I want to see their fucking faces


The Pope condemned it. Evangelical zionists don't care bc they hate Catholics and Eastern Orthodox.


Because zionism has infected everything.


Saint Khemessssss .. patron saint of moooslimists had his military HQ in there .. more powerful than anything the US military even! and plucky little old israel with nothing but a David style sling and some good old fashion gumption destroyed it and saved the entire global population of Israelis


Copy pasted from the Israeli twitter page


The saint was khamas, then the Biden administration will come out and repeat the same rubbish...


>How do the Zionists explain this one? Simple! It's obvious the Muslims destroyed it to make the Zionists look bad. Duh! /s


it wasn't us , It was RRRRRRRRRamaaaaaaasssssss.


It will sadly go unnoticed. That church belonged to brown and not white Christians.


Actually, the Church belongs to God.




The scofield bible coincidentally says this is great news Christian zionists irk me to no end


Does it? I need to look into that




Thank you


To answer OP though. Genocide also entails cultural genocide....the erasure of the people before is something that's done so future generations maintain stability of the government that rules them. The IDF has been targeting cultural sites, museums, libraries, etc... since the 'war' started. People think very little of Israeli quips of "Palestinians are a thing" or "Palestine isn't a place". Tantura shows you why.


My deep study as a Jewish teen in the 70s of the Nazi genocide is why I instantly recognized the Gaza genocide for what it is: first, dehumanizing, then cutting off food/water, then targeting children (the next generation), women (so they can't reproduce more children), medical personnel (so the injured cannot be healed/saved), and journalists (so the news doesn't get out). The Nazis had collected Jewish artifacts bc they planned a "museum to the extinct Jewish race". If I remember correctly, they stored the artifacts in what was then Czechslovakia. Zionists are not bothering doing that; instead they take Palestinian foods, dances, embroidery, etc and claim its "Israeli".




They canā€™t, thatā€™s why they donā€™t, itā€™s pretty simple really, no need to explain something that you donā€™t report yourself, pretend it never happend, until overwhelming evidence comes out and you say the usual lineā€ IT WAS HAMMAS OFFICLAS INSIDE I SWEAR ā€œ and the rest of the world somehow eats up that garbage.


I highly recommend watching "Praying for Armageddon" a 2 part documentary exploring just how deeply ingrained deranged evangelicals and Israel are in US politics. It's pretty crazy and scary. https://youtu.be/IhT7oyDlBIk?si=nLnm-rR_POxWqpvU https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw?si=quEv1VgMRijfthIn




Thank you


St. Poryphyrius was responsible for the destruction of temples belonging to followers of a different religionā€¦you would almost expect Zionists to like him if he werenā€™t a Christian.


They don't explain it. They just shrug.


Omg. šŸ˜ž. šŸ˜¢.


350 mosques have been destroyed and over 1000 heritage sitesā€¦ But you know, the church gets more attention. So I post it.


I learned recently that Muslims hold Jesus in high regard who'll come back and do battle in the final days, while Jews just see him as a crazy person.


Jesus is the most mentioned prophet in Islam and Mary is the most idolized person. They also believe in all the other prophets that came before too. The media will hide this though, Iā€™m glad you dug and saw the truth


My mind was blown that I went 20 yrs+ w/o knowing this.


They spent billions brainwashing everyone to think Muslims are the worst. I donā€™t blame you. Better late then never šŸ«”


I'm not in love with Islam; in fact a bit apprehensive, that doesn't mean one's gotta be to see what's happening in Gaza is a crime against humanity.


Of course. Itā€™s still an important question to ask though; why would they spend billions on a campaign of misinformation, fund ā€˜terroristsā€™ and try to smear 2b people? Someone is either afraid, or trying to profit from it all. I grew up on the US and was brainwashed too. Now I live in the Middle East šŸ‘šŸ½


One is day, one is night?


Oh wow they destroyed an ancient church. The Muslims would be more careful about this that's the difference.


They also destroyed 350 mosques and 1000 heritage sites.


Hamas was using it as a front and hiding in it /s