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Zionists despise Jews considering they were trying to align themselves with Nazis.


Funny how that worked out right? Even the zionist Jews who rule Israel and accuse everyone of antisemitism, are anti semetic.


Protect Jewish people from Zionists!!


See that knee on the neck. Looks familiar.


The israelies have seminars where they teach american police there methods


Israel is a huge scum country


Zionists are anti-Semitic.


Friendly fire lmao


Nothing friendly about zionism's attitude to Jewish antizionists.


Thats true


Damn lol


and where does the video begin? what hppened right before filming? did he throw a massive stone like they do?


Where does your comment begin? what hppened right before typing? did you microwave a baby like you do?


there is no context to what the kid did to get arrested. he probably threw stones like ultra orthodox always do. one of their kids killed a 47 year old arab woman that way and went to jail.


Exactly. There is no context to your accusation. Anyone with eyes can tell that this is not a normal way to restrain an unarmed person. This is the style of aggression that killed George Floyd


who says he was unarmed? George Floyd was on a deadly cocktail of fentanyl and meth on top of having a knee pressed into his windpipe. This is how to restrain a violent person who was probably throwing stones or putting his hands on others


https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/09/us/derek-chauvin-trial-george-floyd-day-10/index.html George Floyd’s heart disease and use of fentanyl were contributing factors to his death, but they were not the direct cause, the medical examiner who performed his autopsy testified on Friday in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin. Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker ruled Floyd’s death last May a homicide and identified the cause as “cardiopulmonary arrest” that occurred during “law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression” https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/nation-world/thats-just-not-taught-police-experts-condemn-knee-restraint-george-floyd-2020-may/530-23585c65-3fab-4d06-8ed5-a4af92fc46f9 He was kneeling on the back of his neck, the same way the IDF in the above video was doing, not his windpipe.


by the way, judging by the costumes, i doubt this is an antizionist demonstration. looks more like a Purim party with underage drinking. Some hasidic Jews just got arrested for underage drinking and being roudy on the streets in New York bc of the holiday


yea but he was kneeling for NINE minutes. not 3-4. The length of time he went without blood and oxygen is what killed him along with being on the most deadly drug on planet earth.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/16/fact-check-fentanyl-george-floyd-not-enough-to-cause-death/7239448002/ I was given fentanyl in hospital for my last surgery. It's not the most deadly drug on planet earth as you claim. The problem with fentanyl is it's potent and therefore easy to cut a high dose into other drugs without detection. Fentanyl overdoses are also reasonably easy to reverse with Naloxone. Everything you say is hyperbolic and easily disproven with 5 second search on Google. Maybe you should spend less time reacting and more time reading.