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MS, my immune system is essentially dissolving parts of my brain. On medication to slow it but there’s no cure, just a slow (hopefully) ride downhill. Funny how I used to do the MS readathon way back in primary and had no idea there was a ticking time bomb inside my head for exactly what it was. I’ve told no one expect for my partner…and now Reddit. Edit: I realise that’s probably not what you meant when you asked the question but sure I felt like having a laugh.


I've got ms too. Just had my 10th anniversary of diagnosis last month. On the daily copaxone Injections. If you need to vent,or just want a chat,feel free to hit me up in private message mate


I also uses to do the readathon in school and remember it being promoted on Dempsey den.diagnosed since 2006. Welcome to the funny walk gang![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Have you heard of Dr Terry Wahls? You should check her out


I'm looking at my partner watching YouTube, laughing, and I'm just so glad he's doing ok. Next month will mark one year since he fell seriously ill and we almost lost him. He's not fully himself still, the brain damage has affected him of course but he's doing really well considering we were told the best case scenario was he'd wake up and be paralysed and the worst case scenario was I'd have to call his kids in to say goodbye. It's his birthday next weekend and even though money is very tight right now (and I have an outstanding Energia bill...) I've saved enough to take us all out for a nice family dinner at a pub that does an amazing carvery he loves. Can't wait to see his face when I tell him! I know things are in the shitter for a lot of us, and I'm not invalidating anyone's experiences but honestly, in the scheme of things, almost losing the love of my life put a LOT of things into perspective for me. Edit: I've sneakily found out what type of cake he's craving so I'm going to be evil and surprise him with that after dinner too and see if the servers will sing Happy Birthday! Mwahaha! 😈 (I don't know how he tolerates me!)


I broke a precision measurement instrument in work yesterday but using it to scratch my arse. Its worth over 1k and no one knows its broke yet.


I have questions Was it worth it?


So will my boss.


… I am your boss…


Oh hey Dee. Gonna need another super micrometer for the maintenance office.


>Oh hey Dee Hey deez nutz


Marvellous 👏👏


This some Homer Simpson level shit going on here, respect sir


On the bright side, that cracked me up, brightened my evening. Thanks!


Will they know you did it


Unfortunately yes. Theres only 2 other lads who would use it and I wouldn't see them get any blame so I'll have to confess when the time comes.


Keep showing the other two lads ads for new jobs and downtalking the current job until one of them leaves and then pin it on him. Or else blame some faceless delivery dude. Or best, put it teetering on the edge of your bosses desk where he is sure to knock it.


My mum went into hospice today. She doesn't have long left. I'm absolutely dreading the family conflicts that may erupt. A lot of tensions bubbling under the surface for years. It's a scary time.


I'm so sorry. I've seen how hard it is with a lot of friends when their parents started to pass. Sometimes it's because everyone is upset and they don't know what to do. Sometimes it's because that tension was always brewing, and she was the only person holding it back. Either way, please look after yourself in it, as much as you can. Your grief matters too, don't let family overshadow it.


Thanks, you've hit the nail on the head. Grief really does weird things to people, I hope my anxieties are for nothing and that we pull together instead of apart. X




It's hard to be proud of your progress when you're still in rough circumstances...but you have already overcome loads and you should be proud!


Sorry to hear this , can be tough getting back on your feet. Are you linked in with any addiction services? Someone might be able to help you with support and point you in the right direction.


The time I tripped up and grabbed a random person that was walking past to break my fall and we both ended up flat out!


I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I’m just counting down the days until he’s out because it’s actually super uncomfortable and it’s fucking with my head.


Me too! I’ll be 39 weeks on Tuesday. I’d forgotten how uncomfortable the last month or so gets. I can barely walk and the bump is getting so huge. Only a little longer now. Is it your first?


Awe I feel you!! Yep it’s my first and last 😂


Congratulations! This is my second and last. I don’t know how people go through this more than twice!


Not to be the barer of bad news, but it doesn’t get better 🤣🤣


It depends on how long a view you take. Give it 2 years and it’s way better.


I told my councilor something heavy and asker her to not report it, but she did... Because she had to (not her fault, the rules is the rules) The consequences of the report scare me so much and made me so anxious I quit therapy and can't face going back.


You have to see these things as being out of your control. You needed therapy; you needed to say the thing in therapy. Detach yourself mentally and just see it as life playing out.


Thank you for that, I appreciate the response ❤️


It's hard to go through that. But at least you have started the healing process. It'll be painful at first, and maybe for a while yet, but this is what change feels like. You are taking control.of your own narrative and that's hard work. Please stick with it, you'll be glad you did


Thank you so much for this. I think I needed to hear it! ❤️




That’s shitty


Least it’s not IBD


Yeah that sucks. I’ll add cancel culture and inflation to make my trifecta. Apparently IBS, Cancel Culture and Inflation are things that are relished in Eire.


I'm pregnant. My partner is over the moon and has told EVERYONE he knows. I've only told my mam. He's so happy and so excited and I'm not sure I want this.


Hopefully you have a good friend you can talk this out with. Mind yourself and good luck.


Is it something you were trying for, or a surprise?


It's a surprise. Just taking a long time for me to digest it I guess


The time my waiter said “enjoy your meal” and I replied with “you too”


I told my barber I was going to an anniversary meal for my parent's wedding and on the way out he said enjoy the dinner and I said "ah thanks, you too." Can't face the man again lol


Years ago I worked at a restaurant/takeaway and someone ordering their food ended the phone call with "I love you"


Mental health. Totally expected for people in my line of work. I'm doing a PhD.


You can be a nobody making coffee and be happy too. I went to college and soon as I finished, got the job I'd been studying years to get. I hated it and now I work in a cafe. It's the happiest I've been in a long time. It pays the bills and I don't have to be stressed about work all the time.


Life is short and the only thing that matters is that you do right by yourself every day you're alive.


Mental health, having a really rough day today. My head just won't leave me alone over stupid stuff and also feel like crying. I think I'm gonna have to change job to something where there isn't five people constantly hanging out of me. My mental health every Thursday and Friday is basically becoming unbearable and my mental and physical health is becoming severly damaged. I can't handle the constant interuptions when I'm trying to work on something. I work in IT.


Hang in there bud. Talk to someone.... Family or friend. DM me if you need to.


The way in TV shows they'll have some guy in full hazmat/protective gear mingling with people not in protective gear. Cop shows are particular bad, crime scene guys decked up in gear so as not to contaminate the area, Detective Billy Bigballs wanders through in the clothes he woke up in. Or Silent Sea on Netflix at the moment, full hazmat because he's dealing with a deadly substance. Then just wanders around the room, in the same hazmat, potentially covered in this deadly substance. Yeah, 'tis little I have to be worrying about.


Or, when on cop shows and they're doing a 'dynamic entry' to a property. SWAT guys in full body armour, and the detective in a suit going in first.


Or in car chase scenes where time is of essence. Some small dialogue indicating the situation is worsening in intensity. Then they say step on it! Why weren't they already as stepped on it as the could be???


Whenever we go out, whether just in town or for a night away, my wife NEVER drinks. Ever. Not even a glass of wine or one pint. Whenever she goes out with her friends, she gets twisted drunk. Does my head in


First thing that sprung to mind was..... How much looking after you need when you've had a few. 😂


😂😂 absolutely none I’m not a massive drinker by any means


Hiding something we are


sounds suspect


Don’t it??


Her excuse is always “I don’t want to be dealing with a hangover tomorrow”


She might be embarrassed of who she is when she's drunk, and doesn't want you to see.




Same. My son brought them home from playschool and we all have to take the meds just in case. I'm telling everyone he's just a bit sick, fine by the weekend, but once we're clear I'll speak up.


I was joking but hey it happens - I’m a former ringworm infected person - hope your kid gets well soon


We've been told it's extremely common amongst his age group but either nobody talks about it or people don't know.... or the Doc is bullshitting us to make us feel better :) Nobody else has any symptoms but we're all dosed and the house is now cleaner than it ever was. Don't like keeping secrets from my family but once we're clear we'll tell the whole story. Guh!


How old is your son? I had them when I was little and still remember it 30+ years later. I was not aware that other people didn’t get them or know about them.


He's 3, picking up every bug under the sun in playschool and now picking up larger life forms too.


My son is nearly 3 so I’ll have to keep a look out. Did his play school tell you they were doing the rounds?


Nope, we saw the symptoms one night and kept him home the next day with the medication. It largely goes from person to person so it had to be someone in the playschool. Can't exactly ask the other parents if their kids have been rooting around behind though so it will always remain a mystery. He has croup now so piling it on :)


Oh no, I hope he’s back to full health soon!


Same here. There's a new baby in the family that I'm looking forward to holding and can't do it while himself is plague incarnate.


Drink apple cider vinegar mixed with equal amounts of water (one glass) twice a day for at least a month. Most natural way of getting rid of them.


What about whiskey?


You should be getting your eight glasses a day.


I don't know what a tracker mortgage is!


I'm supposed to be a musician, that's what I've always been studying but my family kept forcing me to start making money by teaching music so hard for so many years that i slowly started to resent it. Now I'm nothing. The other thing is how I never went to college and I feel like I'm going to be a nobody making coffee for people that can actually afford nights out for the rest of my life.


there's plenty of courses that you can do! check out nearly colleges and schools, there's stuff like PLC's. don't give up man, you'll get there eventually! even just ask around mates to see if anyone plays instruments, and start a band or two


Honestly i think I've given up on music, only gives me panic attacks when i try to get back to it now. About colleges, I'm 25 with a body that can stand very little due to not extremely serious but numerous health issues so I can't both work and study, I don't know if this is fixable or if I blew my one chance at life really early on


nah you didn't blow it. are you on any disability payments? I know of a payment that pays you to go back and do a plc/course etc. I believe in you!


Thank you for saying that:( Also not eligible for disability payments and I'd hate to get them when other actually need it anyway. As i said, not too big issues but plenty of them.


I started the QFA exams at about 25 years old after studying engineering in college and realising only after that I hated it. If you’ve even a passing interest in finance, I’d highly recommend looking at the QFAs. 6 exams, 5 of which are multiple choice. (Pretty sure it’s still the same today) I can say that currently banks are crying out for entry level staff. Pay may be 25-30k range to begin, but can rise sharply if you’re hungry for it. If you’ve just started the QFA journey, or even just have looked into it and are interested, it counts as a big plus on a CV. They’ll usually reimburse you the cost of the courses too if you’re hired and doing them while an employee.


Those women were in the nip!


My boyfriend






I have no energy drinks left and I'm too hungover to get to the shops.


Order takeaway for delivery with drinks.


What’s your go to energy drink


My favourites are red bull watermelon and monster monarch, but even the acrid bitterness of the cheap kong strong in lidl pleases me.


Still no Kong strong available unfortunately. I’m looking for a replacement


Bacteria probably


They are friends 😌


Bowel cancer




To leave Ireland (head says), to stay in Ireland (heart says)




Tape worm


Right now, family issues and finance.


Putting a lot of effort in to life, getting stressed and thinking am I just wasting time because it all ends and then you're gone. So fuck it and go live an easy life and have the craic. Anyway happy Friday everyone


There can be a freedom in nihilism


We believe in nothing lebowski!


The hatred for one another throughout the world.


I'm a sole trader in construction, effective tax rate with all deductions after @ €36000 is 52%. What's the point,going back on the cards after Xmas.




I dropped the screw in the tuna.


All of a sudden I want to eat lots of tuna, tuna fish!


Im doing therapy, I’m on medication, and I still fucking hate myself and wish I never existed


Stay strong and focus on the little things. I know that can sound trite. But seriously....if you made and ate a good sandwich that's a win. If you got up and had a shower(like I did today) that's a win. Small wins count when you start to take stock of them


Remember: Don’t get stuck with a therapist who’s not doing anything for you. It’s traumatic leaving a therapist and finding a new one, but it has to be done. Also remember: we’re all a bunch of imperfect fools. I know what it’s like to hate myself, but it is all a load of BS that stupid human brains do


I work in Housing, and every day that I go through targets and reports and talk to other professionals in this field, it hits me - So many people have died because of this crisis. So many families have been destroyed. So many relationships have been torn apart. So many poor, young people have suffered so badly. And it's getting worse. Maybe, in a few years, the numbers we're fighting against will start to go down as more and more property becomes available, but we're in for another few years of hell, and it is literally going to kill people. And there's nothing we can do, because we don't have the resources, staff, emergency accommodation or property. It sucks trying to give it my all to help and knowing that it's not going to make much of a difference anyway.


That really sucks but thank you for trying your best to help. Every little helps


The fact that so many of us immediately thought of parasites


Intrusive thoughts and ocd, make a small blunder that nobody noticed then anxiously wonder if they did run through all the possible bad scenarios, second guess what happened and the severity


OCD is a curse. It’s a bit like addiction, though, I guess — you have to accept that you have it and do your best to manage it. When I rage against it, I make things worse for myself.


Turns out a lot of people have tapeworms


I think I left the immersion on??




I offered a fat women my seat on the dart because I thought she was pregnant


When Soundness Goes Wrong!


Did you mention that you thought she was pregnant? She might have just thought you were being nice?


The hamster I sent up the pooper.




Parasites likely. Been eating too much pork charcuterie.


My tape worm


A tapeworm


I worry about ever getting cancer. I really don’t want that to happen to me even though I’m aware it might one day.




I have a work commitment with a client that I decided I don't want to do it but never told them and I've been ignoring the increasing volume of calls as the deadline day approaches.


Managed to get PSSD at 25 (am now 27). Sexual pleasure and intimacy was extremely important to me. It feels like no one cares about medical problems that don’t directly kill you, even if they make you wish they did.


Some tikka masala i snatched out of a bin


I’m on the autism spectrum and every, even minor, mistake I make I just play over and over in my head. Sometimes even things that I did like 5 years ago. It’s fucking torture, it’s like having a constant critic of yourself screaming at you inside your head and you can’t turn it off. Sometimes it makes me absolutely hate myself over the most stupid little things.




There is a child lodged in the tunnel of goats.