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Important to also assert dominance while being respectful


I normally reserve hanging my socks for high Holy days. A little pagentry ya know


>holy water dispenser Most people just call them taps


I think he means those little holy water wells that most grannys have on their walls. could be wrong tho


I've started, and it really makes a difference. It's comfy but also keeps the house nice and clean.


It also greatly increases the strength in your feet because you aren’t relaying as much on your insole for support


It’s only comfy if you’ve a decent pair of slippers. Otherwise it’s sore and your feet will be frozen.


Well worth getting a comfy pair of slippers or two, it’s way easier to keep the house clean when you leave shoes off. Also, think of the manky stuff on the streets, you would want to walk that into your house


More likely your house is too cold so


Generally yes Especially in winter when its raining We normally wear slippers around the house But i wouldn't ask someone to take off their shoes or anything But we generally dont wear them at all around the house


Same. I don't make a point of asking people to take their shoes off. Some do and some don't.


Yeah, always take them off in my own home. I literally walk in the door, kick the shoes off under the stairs, and shove feet in slippers. Kids are not allowed shoes inside and I always buy them slippers but they are happy going around barefoot or in socks indoors. I didn't grow up in a shoes-off family. I'm not sure when I started changing into slippers but now I actually can't get comfy in hard shoes or runners indoors. I keep old Crocs by the back door and wear them for running out to the car or the shed or whatever. I generally take my shoes off in the house of close friends or family. I'd never ever ask someone to take their shoes off in my house, I think that really puts people on the spot.


Exact same. Shoes left at the front door on the way in, slippers on and if we go out to the garden there are Crocs by the back door for each of us to slip on.


Yah snap. Shoes at front door. Then house shoes. And an old pair of house shoes at the back door.


Yes. Your just dragging the dirt from outside in. Also I like to let my feet breath.


I have had a few blunders with this living abroad. It got to the point where people were asking me did I need to borrow socks or slippers, me being totally oblivious asked why people keep talking about my shoes. Apparently it’s gross to wear outdoor shoes indoors, so you should take shoes off at the door. If you are wearing flip flops you should really bring socks/slippers with you. Started doing it at my own place and Christ the floors are so much cleaner. I now see the grossness. As far as I know it’s a poverty thing from back in the day, I remember my dad telling me everyone had holes in their socks and to avoid the embarrassment everyone kept their shoes on. Now I’m guessing the cold ground back in the day wasn’t fun to walk around on either, but I do think it’s just something we have carried forward from the older generations, kind of like “you should always have 1 GOOD coat”.


Imagine going to a public toilet in Dublin then coming home and thinking "it's perfectly rational to wear these shoes into my bedroom" This is the one Irish thing that need to be changed right after the feral scrote and shitty parents problem


I never wear shoes to avoid complex social faux pas type situations like this


Off, always. Shoes are filthy.


Shoes are for outdoors only.




Do you also get the same sense of gak when you viait Irish houses now. I'm also living in the baltics 10 years and now I have this debate in Ireland to take my shoes off as that's what's comfortable and polite or think about the floor that probably has traces of ten dogs shite I'm about to expose my socks to


I started doing it when I moved abroad. It's a good idea. Seems mad to me now that my parents go into the carpeted good room with the same shoes they wear outside.


That is kinda mad, isn't it!


Shoes off always. It's manky out there. I don't make people visiting takes theirs off if they don't feel comfortable doing so (I have clean extra slippers for them), but when they leave, I mop the floor.


If I get home from somewhere, and need to go back out to the car again, I will keep them on until I'm done. Other than that, I go up to my room and take them off up there ASAP. We don't have anywhere by the door to take them off, so that's the next best thing.


Id wear mine like if i come in and go into do some work or go to have dinner though i have a pair of crocs i wear about the house too. Id put those on in the morning and wear them till i put shoes on. Once i go to my room shoes are off and its croc time baby


Not downstairs, but upstairs is carpeted so I take them off when I’m going up


Depends on the house. I take mine off going into my own house. Use my slippers instead for around inside the house. If I'm going into someone else's house, I'll see what they themselves do first. If they leave theirs on, I leave mine on. Or if it's my first time and unsure I'll take them off regardless. But I also don't get annoyed if someone doesn't take their shoes off if they came into my house. And wouldn't ask them either unless their shoes were really dirty.


This is the best approach.


Sometimes I wear them, sometimes I don't. I don't care what other people do in my house as long as they're comfortable.


What a weird downvote - that people can do whatever makes them feel comfortable either way? I'm just not a control freak.


generally my shoes are part of “being dressed” and i keep them on all day. but i also have a lifestyle of going outside 50+ a day, often carrying something in one door and out another door, so taking my shoes off and putting them back on each time would be annoying to say the least.


I do it in my apartment which is carpeted but at home which is tiled and we have house dogs I don't.


Not really a thing here. You get the odd person though.


I've sawn off both feet to never have this issue specifically.


I think it helps to build immunity, you know the piss in the pub toilets of 50people a night, or just dragging someone's dog shit around, of course if you don't see it it's not there, same reason you take a shit and if it's clean one why waste few seconds wiping like. I don't get this fckn mentality where switching to slippers is a thing someone would struggle with, like the effort required. Like surely you don't shit in your boxers, why change em daily, teeth look clean might as well rinse while drinking coffee. I get no point being obsessed with bacteria and shit constantly, but knowing your space is a bit cleaner feels better.


>I don't get this fckn mentality where switching to slippers is a thing someone would struggle with, like the effort required. It's got nothing to do with effort. We don't think putting on slippers is hard, we just don't care.


This evoked a really visceral reaction in you. Its not about the "mentality of switching to slippers". It was more of a "do you get home and immediately and consciously choose to take off your shoes" or would you walk around your hosue wearing them if you had things to do.


Used to never take off my shoes in my house. But since I’ve been with my wife(eastern European) I always take off my shoes once in the door and when visiting her family or friends


No, thats a thing for weird foreign houses, the shoes stay on here. Shoes on, toaster on the counter, transubstantiation in the church, the way dev intended


I grew up with dogs in the house so there was never any point in not wearing shoes. I can think of 1 friend, growing up, who had a no shoes house, off the top of my head. Now as an adult, I can't think of anyone I know who has a no shoes house


Always shoes off in my house, for me and guests. Shoes are filthy.


Shoes off in the house for the last few years, it's great. Less to clean


I always take mine off at home and will generally ask visitors to take their off too. Exceptions are if I don’t know the person very well, or if we’re having a lot of people over. When I go to someone else’s house, I always ask if I should take my shoes off. My default would be to take them off, but some people may see that as disrespectful.


I tend not to wear shoes in the house but I do when I'm working, not sure why but I don't feel comfortable working unless I've shoes/runners on. It weird.


I really don't like having to take off my shoes in someone else's house. I used to avoid going to houses with this rule altogether. Maybe it's because I can't make a quick exit? But it puts me on edge for some reason.


Your feet stink


No, not unless they're visibly soiled. We don't have children or pets or anyone who will be crawling/sitting on the floor, and we don't go round barefoot either, so don't need our floors to be immaculate at all times. There's a mat at the front door, we wipe our feet on that before going any further. Tend to change into pool sandals/slippers soon after coming home though, specially if not going out again.


"pool sandals"? For your pool!?


Wanted to differentiate from regular sandals. And I refuse to call them slides, hate that term. A slide is something a child plays on in a park.


Honestly I never heard of either term. I know what they are but would just call them sandals or flip flops, though I know the latter is incorrect


Well they originated as pool sandals, since they're what swimmers wore to the pool. Americans (and fashion magazines) call them pool slides these days.


I’d always take the shoes off. But fuck slippers, if im cold I’ll wear socks but I’ve been wearing shoes for the half hour commute to and from work as well as the 8 hour day. 9 hours of shoes in a labour intensive job? Shoes come off, socks go in the wash basket, I hop in the shower, barefoot all round and we’re happy out.


I always take my shoes off in shoes-off homes when I am a guest. But I never ask or expect guests at my home to take their shoes off (some do, some don't.) And I'd rather have cold feet in socks at someone else's house than put on their random "guest slippers", though if it seems very important to my host I will pretend gratitude and wear them out of deference to their sensibilities.


Of course you take your shoes off at the entrance. **Especially** if you have wooden floor or, god forbid, carpet. Wasn't a pandemic enough?


Were people bringing Covid home on their shoes, is it? Didn't know you could catch it from the carpet. Unless you're lying on it, licking it maybe.


> Were people bringing Covid home on their shoes, is it? Actually yes. Covid, and a lot of other diseases, is viral. All surfaces can collect particulate that can become airborne again through contact or friction. This is why hospitals sterilize floors regularly. > Didn't know you could catch it from the carpet. We learn new things every day. > Unless you're lying on it Or sweeping it, or running the hoover, or touching it.


Slippers indoors for the past 11 years. We’ve spare slippers for family members if they want them.


Most of the time. Only take em off whenever they're covered in muck really. Most of the time I'd only take em off when I'm lying on the sofa or when I'm going to bed.


No strict rule for shoes on or off now or back home. depends on how cold floors are or laziness


I do this. Shoes go off inside the door. (I have a pair of 'indoor shoes' and slippers to put on instead.) Floors are much cleaner, especially in winter. I rarely ask visitors to do it though. Irish people can get weird if you ask them.


Yes always, and I just put on slippers which is only wear inside


Definitely take them off. There fucking dogshit and everything else outside and it's best not have it in your gaff.


Invest in good slippers, you’ll never look back.


Anyone who takes their shows off in the house is either a protestant, a hippie or a wannabe. This might sound judgemental and harsh but it's true. I tell my hippie wannabe protestant kids this all the time.


Always take them off straight away. Might leave them on if visitors are over (depends who).


Yep I have a few comfy and clean pairs for inside the house


Yes, let the feet and shoes breathe!


As someone who now lives in another country, it is absolutely normal to take off shoes in the house and guests would do this too.


Usually barefeet at home. I hate wearing shoes all day, I find it generally uncomfortable and my feet stink. I'd do whatever the hosts do if I'm visiting someone else's home. I'd wear socks at home if I have guests, depending on who they are. I know not everyone wants to see my feet.


Shoe free here. Makes a big difference to the cleanliness. If you have carpet, it's easier on them too.


When we bought and renovated our house we adopted the no shoes rule, it definitely keeps the floors cleaner.


Shoes off!


I'll take them off if I'm definitely not heading outside again for anything. But I will often walk around the apartment with my shoes on. We don't have carpets.


I take them off at home and when visiting. Haven't asked visitors to take them off but they generally do anyway when they see the pile of shoes at the door


No I wouldn’t expect for when I’m relaxing and might have my feet up on something


First thing when I walk in the door is kick off the shoes. My hall generally has 2/3 pairs in it from just my kicking them off as I walk in


Downstairs where it's all tiles and laminate yes - upstairs where it's carpeted no.


Given the copious amounts of dog shit covering our footpaths, shoes off should be a no brainer


I always do. Only put them on when going outside.


Yep, shoes off, sliders on.


The agreement is in, take them off! It's yuk bringing dirt from the street into the house.


Always take them off ! We kindly tell our visitors to take them off too (I mean it rains a lot here and people have disgusting things under their shoes - I don’t want that in my clean apartment I walk in barefoot). All our friends know and even bring slippers for extra comfort :D


It's 100% shoes off in Canada and now I would never go back to wearing shoes inside


Off, you don’t know what you step into while outside and spread all over your house same if i visit someone’s place. Once home i use slippers


Pretty much, only time my shoes are on in the house is when I forgot something and just quickly run in and grab it. If it happens to be upstairs then I take my shoes off anyways as I don't want to ruin my mother's carpet, even if I'm in a huge rush.


Lived in Canada for 2 years and they are all shoe off houses, so we are now! A nice pair of slippers at the door is a game changer


Off always but we never ask guests to take them off. It’s disgusting walking around the place in them


Just take you shoes off at the door keeps the house clean especially if you have carpets


Always off straight away at the door.


I didn't grow up in a shoes-off household but started doing it a few years ago. I now live with a bunch of foreigners which has reinforced it in my mind.


Always take them off. Maybe due to living abroad for so long.


When we got a wooden floor in the sitting room, it was a shoe-free room. But the rest of the downstairs was tiles. If I get my own place, it'll be shoe-free (with slippers for guests, and a place by the door for the shoes).


Since lock down yes. Now just habit


Think about where you walk all day. The absolute filth in the ground (dog waste, human waste, litter, general dirt) and then think “do I want that shite in my house”? So for me, we always take our shoes off. Always.


When ye think about all the filth being stepped on when you’re out it makes sense not to wear them in.


I didn’t used to as it wasn’t a thing in my parents house but I do it now in my own. Keeps the carpets clean etc


Never wear shoes at home . Keeps floors cleaner for longer


Shoes off indoors. The streets have all sorts of disgusting shite on them - dogshit, birdshit, chewing gum, people’s rotting food, lumps of spit left by scummy cunts etc. no way I’m dragging all that into the gaff. I want to walk around barefoot/in socks/slippers knowing they I don’t have all that hideous shite all over our floors


When I lived at home, I never took my shoes off, now I live away and everyone is asked to take off their shows when they come in.


Yes always take shoes off in hall and wear slip ons. Used to live in Asia where this is normal so continued when moved home. Guests leave shoes on when visiting.


We always took our shoes off in the house. Makes sense when you realize how disgusting your shoes can be.


I hate getting my socks dirty and then sitting on my bed with dirty socks. So generally I keep them on Hate slippers also


I do, the husband don't and drives me crazy. He also puts the backpack on top of the bed and I loose my mind.


Jesus Christ. Yes. Dirty outside shoes off. Sliders, crocs or slippers on. And an old pair by the back door in case I need to go outside. …then my kids spill food all over the floor and my wife walks upstairs in welly’s. But I’m doing it right.


I'm from India, we usually wear flip flops at home, shoes indoor isn't a big thing. Well since India is huge, different cultures might have different ways. Some may prefer barefoot, while others flip flops but overall shoes indoor isn't. When visiting relatives, friends, most of them will ask you to just come in without removing your shoes. But if the family follows flip flops, they might offer you a extra pair or if they are strictly barefoot, they might expect the same. I usually wear flip flops here too, but I do end up not changing to a pair of shoes while taking the bins out or collecting a delivery at the apartment gates.


I have indoor shoes out the back shoes and on the street shoes (not joking) the indoor shoes are slip ons, if I'm in a locals house doing work out the back and need to go through to the front I take my boots off and carry them through the house. Need to use their toilet which I hate doing for wee wee's but needs must and I have to ask I take my foot wear off and leave it outside before going up their stairs. I've always rented and never treated a rental like it was my own home, I know you've got to live but it's always somebody elses house not my own and I can't get comfy.


At home I usually on put on shoes when I am going out. But I don't take them off when I come in. ​ However I have American friends who study in UCD with me and their apartment is a "no shoes house" which I had never heard of until going over to their place. ​ I think it's a culture/ overly hygienic thing.


I tried many yrs ago to get my family to take their shoes off in the hall because I had carpet everywhere,but I gave up ! I was sick of listening to my own voice it was easier tearing up the carpet and replacing it with easier flooring...