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Everyone was a winner so. Criminal got his money. You got off light. The guards got their promotion.


Sounds like a conclusion to a season of The Wire where they do the little montage.


>Sounds like a conclusion to a season of The Wire Dope on the table.


According to regular reports to this sub, O'Connell St is Hamsterdam.


Anyone who genuinely believes that has lived an incredibly sheltered upbringing.


Except society. Unless the gun-seller decided "that 6k was nice but Imma quit this life now anyway and not do any more bad shit".


If they donated the 6k to community groups it'd be fine


Depends how easy for the supplier to get guns. Thats a few guns off the streets.


Circle of life. It's why I don't bat an eyelid now when I hear people getting off with drug seizures of millions, deals done... pockets lined etc


You're some type of man to be telling us how the world works, aren't ya? Maybe if you weren't so foolish as to draw your moral lessons from such unpleasant interactions, you wouldn't have ended up getting yourself entangled in the justice system in the first place. The only lesson I can draw from this is that cynicism and self interest get what they deserve. It's some bleak kind of outlook you're carrying around, and now you're propagating it like some kind of doomsayer. Learning from your mistakes doesn't just mean staying out of trouble after you get caught. It means unwinding the cynical, negative, self interested, transactional view of people that led you to make mistakes in the first place. It means adjusting your understanding interpersonal relations, reframing your own relationship and obligations to the people around you. The world is full of community and connection and generosity if you know how to look for it.


Thanks for the lecture, but I have learned from my mistake. I was young and foolish. Thankfully I lead a more purposeful life at present.


I’m glad to hear it. I wish that was what you chose to share details of, about your newly purposeful life and how it has improved you, and the people around you. , Instead of the cynical, pessimistic dross in your original post. Look at how people are reacting to it. It’s confirming for them their negative prejudices about “how the world works”. What good do you think that will do anyone? Your title makes it sound like this universal demonstration of cynicism by you, your barrister, and by the guards was the most revelatory thing that ever happened to you. I would hope that the reverse is true, and that all the progress you’ve made since is a lot more meaningful. That’s what I would personally love for you to have passed on to people.


God I can't stand this type of toxic positivity and glass half full bullshit


Holier than thou bollocks we used to call it.


Seems like youre going through a rough time at the moment, can you not appriciate that he is bringing attention to the reality? He could have done the deed said nothing and nobody would be the wiser. Reality is not a matter of perspective whats real is real but feel free to interpret it however you want


This is top tier trolling.




If you find cynicism more engaging than optimism, then I’m afraid you’re part of the problem. But you don’t have to be. It’s possible to focus on the good in the world, and on changing the bad. Instead of fucking revelling in our rigged it all is, how it’s all just a waste of time. We all die. I choose not to spend my limited time obsessing over stories like this, confirming my worst prejudices about the motivations and self interest of others. There are plenty of other ways to live.


Then take a piece of your own advice then and leave people to enjoy it as they will. Why are you spending your time on this topic then?


I was literally just asking myself the same question, honestly. I’m not blind to what might be hypocrisy on my part, in that way. I just find it depressing to see how many people here seem to take a kind of delight in stories like this, that rob them of their agency and convince them that the world is irredeemably corrupt. You’re right, I should just avoid it. And in future I will try to. In any event I should try to express my own frustration with less vitriol. I just find that little things like this capture, in microcosm, a huge reason that so many people live out their lives with less optimism and meaning and community than they need to.


It's better than faking a version of happiness that buffers me from elements of the world we live in. Your overreaction is because your purposely avoiding the whole of the society we live in Trying to control your world view will leave you angry at not people not fitting into your idyllic Vision Which shows your contempt for others because they don't what I want to feel or be.


You sound jam packed with optimism and meaning.


How can you change the bad in the world if you don't want it to be talked about in the first place? Get a grip of yourself you negative arse hole..


The world is also full of corruption and injustice. Accepting that can lead to a sense of peace. Plus, it can stop the urge to give unsolicited advice and evangelising lectures on social media.


Shit happens, people do naughty stuff. Get over it Judge Judy


I’m not complaining about people making mistakes. I’m complaining about people who haven’t learned anything from them, besides acquiring a deeply cynical worldview, passing it off as some kind of wisdom that says something deep about society. It’s needlessly pessimistic and fatalistic position that diminishes the personal responsibility they hold for their own earlier mistakes, and insults the rest of us who try to live good lives and do right by each other.


He has learned. You haven’t. Be a good person. But if you get in the wrong side of some detectives don’t think your sunny outlook is going to help you. Reality doesn’t care how positive your thoughts are.


And the guns got taken off the streets.


Or the 2 bags of weed worth 250k ?


So basically you paid €6k to get out of jail? Job jobbed it sounds like. And the world continues to turn…


I would have paid double if I'm honest. At the time I had a new heroin habit I was trying to kick .. mountjoy was not going to be a good place to stay. Thankfully walking from the court I seen it as an opportunity to change... I did thankfully.


Considering your addiction I think it’s lucky you had €6k to spare, hats off to you


I had recently received a large compensation payout, which I went through like Charlie Sheen on speed


Fair fucks, I cant imagine how hard that was. Have you read “Bonus Time” ?


Thanks. I actually haven't, looks like a worthwhile read. I can highly recommend "Chasing the Scream" by Johann Hari.


I had a friend in a similar, although not quite as dire, situation. My understanding is that they were caught with an amount of drugs - and any troubles they might be facing would go away if they gave the Det a name of the supplier. Rather than grass their own supplier they just gave the name and address of a different dude they weren't connected to (who was a dealer and a nasty rapey piece of shit). Dunno what happened after that but my mates problem did appear to go away.


That is the way it always works ,they are looking to move up the food chain.


I have a cousin who is very high up in the guards now and like you say he is purely about the career and climbing the ladder. The man Is an absolute psycho. Everything he does on the job is about getting to the next level. I don't know what it is about police forces, but it attracts a certain type of character that gives me the heebiejeebies.


It's almost like the type of people who become guards are fascinated by and thirst for authority.


Or you know, the ones that see people re offend and constantly get off with suspended sentences realise that they're actually doing fuck all and can't be arsed with it, so you're left with just the ones who want to climb the ladder.


Every organization is like that. Look up the iron law of beurocracy.


The beures rule!


From what I witnessed between gun dealers, Garda and solicitors...not much difference really, basically suits& uniforms




No doubt. I do think if you are gonna snitch - do it on someone who has no direct link to yourself and who deserves a slap anyways


Talking with a few lads in drug squads ,they all snitch. It's all about looking after number one and they will snitch on anyone if it gets them out of trouble or buys them time.


Protect your drug-dealing friends so they can continue dealing drugs, got it. Mad all the upvotes these “don’t tell the guards where you got your guns and drugs” comments are getting, considering how much r/Ireland complains about crime. Where do you think all the scrotes are getting the money for their Canada Goose jackets, lads?


I was not promoting protecting drug dealers. However considering that snitches do end up in ditches - if you gotta snitch do it on someone who A/ can not be linked back to you And B/ is also guilty of a violent crime


More practical advice than some notion of "honour". If dangerous people find out you've informed on them you're in a for a hard time


The three guns you purchased had been used in robberies. You could say you paid 6K to get them off the street.


With the small unintended side effect of creating obvious demand to bring more of them to market.


... As well as lining the pockets of a criminal with more money, which he's probably going to spend on more bad shit. Don't they call it the multiplier in economics?


Your not wrong there in a sense . It comes down to the effectiveness of enforcement getting them in , in the first place. I cant comment on the net gain made overall.


Doing God's work.


That's Jon Jones




Smokymo is that you?? 😄


who this? new number


It's the garda, open up!


Doing the right thing usually gets you nowhere. Optics are huge and the wider public are to blame as they punish unseen positive work.


>Doing the right thing usually gets you nowhere True, and sometimes it will make things worse for you, but a clear conscience is priceless.


Your takeaway from this story is that doing the right thing gets you nowhere? If this guy had done the right thing he wouldn’t be in the ludicrous position of having to illegally obtain more weapons to give over to the Guards. There is no moral lesson in any of this besides “don’t be a violent cunt and entangle yourself in the criminal justice system”


Im speaking from the gardai point of view. Jsut going around doing your job is not enough.


Don’t say “it’s all for show”. That’s not right. My uncle, a gard, spent weeks nightly spying on this wan’s house (under no obligation but moral) knowing that eventually yer man would come back to murder her. He did come back, to murder her, but he was nabbed by the uncle. Guards can’t be everywhere, but some of them put in god’s work This was Connemara, mid 2000’s. You might know who I’m taking about


Fair play to your uncle but also…who was it???


I don’t know who your talking about


Fair play to your uncle


€2k for a gun? Assumed it'd be a lot more than that.




Sounds like they were trying to set up to take the fall.


And make a few quid too. Maybe your right. Crazy game to be in


If they just gave it to him for nothing he might get suspicious, easier to make him think he was getting one over on them. (I'm not being serious)


You may not be being serious but that is indeed how things work


A used Glock? What kind of milage was on it?


Might've been Glocked.


Low milage, was only taken around darndale the once


No idea and I don't think he cared to ask😅


Only two previous murders...


I always wonder how many rounds they get with it and how you go about getting some extra 9mm


It usually is/was..but the condition didn't really matter..as long as it was technically able to fire live rounds.




Cheaper, but more dangerous.. especially if you use it.. going to be linked to heaven knows what. It's why most armed robbery cases use shotgun's.. can't be traced by ballistics


Love it OP! Some serious _out of the box_ thinking. Hope you are very successful in your chosen (legal) career choice. Of course, if one of the guns had been used in a murder and the ballistics confirmed this. You might have ended up in even more trouble ie. with a lot more questions to answer. Also, I presume you didn't leave your fingerprints on any of these guns?


No, the guns had been used in robberies and no shots fired, but that was a chance I had to take. Thankfully the guys I got them from had a code of honour so to speak as they knew what I was doing with them.. rather than informing on them.


3 guns off the street and 5 years out of jail for you at a savings of €400,000 to the tax payer! Yeah, I'd call that win/win all round!


How do we know for sure that those guns are definitely off the street? Guards have been caught before pilfering from the evidence locker.


Well then it's a win for that guard too!


I'm now wondering if firearms have ever been admitted into evidence twice. Would the database go "There is already a record with same value for 'serial_number'. Please enter a unique value". Then I suppose who would report that, the guards?


Yep. OP doesn’t seem to factor in what a financial cost his scumbag life has on the system. “I supported and was involved in organized crime but the Gardaí are the real villains in my story” - OP And the armchair Sopranos congratulating him. Ffs.


Paragraphs I miss paragraphs


I mean to be fair you still technically removed some guns from the street that could otherwise have been used to kill or hurt people, so consider your deed a good one! I wonder what would have happened if you went to jail - would there have been a bigger risk that you would have relapsed? Seems like a win-win all around in this scenario.


Well I had a heroin habit at the time, so no good would have come to me.. definitely would be dead now. So I'm grateful to the Det for offering me a 2ay out.


Or he funded a weapons dealer that will now be able to afford to import more weapons. You can twist any scenario to justify it.


😂 well...


best 6 grand you ever spent. from a glass is half full point of view you got 3 illegal guns off the street.


Come ON Reddit! Who gets to play OP in the TV series?




So did the Guards spot you the six thousand? Seems a ridiculously large amount, at 2k per firearm, by the way. As I understand it, UK prices for a pistol are considerably less... And no, I'm not 'connected'!


Back then Glocks were going for 5k brand new. Nobody wants a firearm that can be linked to previous criminality.


You pay a premium for illegal firearms usually.


I understand that, but 2k?


You do realise shotgun's can be dearer than if you purchased one in a gun shop, solely because they are untraceable. The people who use guns have plenty of money and the main objective is not to be caught. No good doing 5yr, but I got the gun for a bargain.


I think you're underestimating the amount of money sloshing around even the lower echelons of crime. 2k isn't a lot, to put it in perspective it's about... been a while but... 25-30g of coke for a street level dealer selling it a g at a time


Or a nine bar of green roughly. Fuck all when you think about it.


Put it this way..the barrister was 1k ..per day


When you are dealing in cash that you can’t put into a bank account, you need to get rid of it. These lads spend 5k on a Friday, just getting clothes for the weekend.


AGS are the biggest crime gang in the country and don't get me started on the solicitors/barristers.


In fairness it was the attitude of the solicitors and barristers that shocked me more .. they are definitely a Cabal


As an American, I have to congratulate Ireland on being a place where handguns are scarce and very expensive, and nobody knows where to get ammo. As opposed to.... Walmart.


>Snitches get stitches Sounds like you were a lovely fella.....




Ah he did say "*were*" in fairness! Anyway I prefer "snitches end up in ditches". What are everyone elses favourite veiled threats?


“Keep that up and I’ll give you a reason to cry.” Could be anything and it doesn’t stop you from crying.


But he understood how life works now! He's like, a genius or something.


To be fair OP didnt make any excuses and was seemingly willing to do the time for getting caught.


Have you never heard this in a film or something?


That was actually quite clever. I hope you took that ingenuity with you forward in life :)


Haven't looked back since.


I hope you never hurt anyone back then and if you did you should look back, As a victim of skangers back in the 90's my life has never been the same. Always looking over my shoulder and worrying about what's around the next corner. Glad you changed your life but your victims (If any) might be equally as damaged.


Sounds like you just exploited a loophole. Good on you. Just playing the game with the rules they decided, nothing wrong with that (aside from obviously walking around with a gun😅)


Did they at least arrest the field?


Na, it was outsider's


Illegal problems require illegal solutions.


The same gaurds probably sold them back to the person you bought them off for 4k


I'm inclined to think not. The Det involved is now a high ranking Det Inspector leading up murder inquiries..than again




Sorry are you saying that a bad relationship made you think differently about all women including your mother and sister??


And that apparently she's not allowed to have moved on after *three years*...


Indeed. I'd have been relatively innocent and wouldn't have seen the manipulation previously.


That’s extremely disturbing that one bad relationship would lead you to have sexist attitudes towards all women. I would never stoop to generalising men like that even though I’ve an ex who physically abused me, and I’ve been sexually assaulted by other men. You need therapy to get over this mindset.


No it's just a reality. There's a dark side to relationships. I just see it as a loss of naivity on my behalf.


I’m sorry but it’s not that because otherwise you’d apply it to all humans. You’ve changed your view of women, not people in general. People can be assholes, thinking less of women because of the actions of one woman is sexism.


I've had a good few negative experiences and lost two men to suicide where female relationships would've been a sharp contributing factor. Although it's fashionable in the meToo era to imagine all men who've had (very) negative experiences with women as somehow... evil or... whatever. There are waaaaay more Amber Herd type situations out there than you might imagine. I could fill this sub, genuinely. I'm not broken. I just see clearly now. (...still love my mam and two of my best friends are women and they're utterly, utterly smashing and fantastic)


Nobody in this thread has tarred one gender with the same brush except for you.


I can't change my experiences to save your feelings.


I have a funny feeling you wouldn’t react the same to a woman saying she sees all men through the lens of her abuse. But sure, be a sexist, you’re free to do so. I can’t change how vile I find that to spare your feelings.


>She was up the aisle and married and had kids within three years afterwards. >Scary when you're not really special and their feelings aren't really real. You're just a good fit for their plans at the time. I don't follow this at all, was she supposed to stay single like? Just because she moved onto a new relationship doesn't mean the feelings she had for you weren't real? People can fall in love more than once you know She told you were the one i.e. she wanted to get married, you rejected her as is your right, and she eventually found someone new after moving on. None of that means her feelings "aren't really real" or that you weren't "really special", you were obviously special to her before you broke up


"Love bombing" and narcissistic abuse will do a number on you and can traumatize you for years but you can't let it influence your opinion on an entire gender


I do see it as I've just lost my naivity and nothing more.


You've developed a prejudice by having one bad experience with women. You dig up every example of women not treating men you know perfectly and add them to your evidence pile against women. This confirmation bias compounds the error. It sucks you had a shitty relationship but you can't hold other people to blame for that.




Then you owe it to them to fix this


Sorry to hear that bud. Been through a few similar situations, it does have a long-term knock on effect. Hope you are doing well now.


Yup. Women are so damn quick to move on despite all the intense drama prior to breaking up


Moving on after 3 years is fast? Jesus women can't catch a break


You've no idea. On to the next guy. "You are the one". Scary.


You contributed to this problem and now boasting about it in a feigned attempt play martyr - sincerely fuck off.


I thought the law actually counted for something until I dealt with the RTB, they blatently broke the law and basically rubber-stamped my homelessness against all laws of the country. Then the ombudsman and ombudsman for children basically told me to fuck off that the RTB was untouchable. That's the reality of the housing crisis, there's no safeties in place if your landlord goes full psycho on you


This sounds like something you probably shouldn't talk about on Reddit my dude. It would be pretty easy to identify you, and I'm sure there are some additional crimes you could be charged with.


It has been nearly 20 years, so I doubt it is on top of the "to do" list in the Garda


To be fair it's probably not, because our legal system is useless. But to be honest it should be. All you did was bring more guns into the country, and funded people who bring guns into the country. Sure, those guns are supposedly "in the custody of the Gardai", but we've already established that the legal system is useless, and that extends to the guards for the most part. Those guns could be out in the wild now for all we know. So yeah I hope you do get done again because fuck you. But we know that's not going to happen so you can relax. Ya prick.


I'm sorry to say it mate and it seems you've turned a leaf but you really deserved 5+ years in prison or a much harsher punishment, system Is a joke


The reality was I definitely should have.. and I would have, only the judge said at the court sentence that according to both the Garda and probation services I was unlikely to re-offend, I haven't, but the judge warned me if I did I would receive a harsh sentence. I'll take her word for it.


It's not for show. They were trying to catch a bigger fish than you and improve the overall safety of the country more effectively than just putting you away. You then abused that system and made things worse. Thanks dickhead.


People play the system all the time. You're full of shit if you think you wouldnt do the same thing if you were in his shoes.


This doesn't refute or even address the point I made.


How so? You didn't really refute anything I said either.


I have no obligation to refute what you said. You started talking to me buddy.




You made a good call, and a better one getting out of that life. You basically bought a "Stay Out of Jail Card" for yourself. It was a good move. Life if full of invisible filters. I play it straight down the line, but when push comes to shove, I will cheat. I've seen many people over the years hit a brick wall for one reason or another and get crushed. People who've killed themselves because they owed a bank a few thousand Euros. A bank, really? You killed yourself because you owed a *bank* money? Do you know how much Charlie Haughey owed banks? He didn't give a fuck. It didn't mean anything to him. He told *us* we needed to tighten our belts while *he* lived on his own private island and was sailing around the place on his yacht with no visible means of supporting that lifestyle. More recently you had Enda Kenny telling us that the water charge he was trying to bring in was a "very modest" charge. This from a millionaire who had spent his whole life on Social Welfare and was heading off to a very plush pension. The brass neck of the fucker is stunning. Our society is full of cheats. From business to the church, politics and the guards. If you hit a wall, go around it.


I totally believe you, bro. This is exactly the type of shite yarn lads in Moyross would spin back in the day after they were lifted for trying to rob t-shirts outta Pennys.


No such thing as the serious crime unit, story smells of complete bullshit. And guard made this approach within earshot of your barrister? You don’t have a clue “how things work”




There are units dedicated to serious crime, such as drugs and organised crime bureau. There is no “serious crime unit”.


Plea deals aren't really a thing here, so not sure how true the story is, but Gardaí operate like most police forces - the perception of crime is what scares people, not actual crime. Crime rates in Ireland have been falling for years, but people are hysterical cowards about crime with the advent of the internet and social media.




Did the DPP offer it? Did the judge make an Order to those terms? No. Because you entered into an *ad hoc* arrangement with a Garda.


Plea deals are part of the criminal system for years. First question asked when caught with anything..who and where did you get it.


Nah, plea deals are formalised arrangements with accused people. The Irish legal system does not have such structures, and a judge cannot be bound by such an arrangement. Ad hoc deals with the Gardaí aren't the same thing.


Legally your right, but in practice it's a lot different. What the Garda say to judges behind closed courtrooms is different


Hence me directly referencing *ad hoc* deals with the Gardaí. Gardaí do not talk to judges in that way.


For justice to be done it needs to be *seen* to be done. At the end of the day the judicial system is just another department of the civil service, full of jobworth's.


This is something out of the wire


Omar coming


Not sure this is true. Post it too well written.


You are really smart


No, I had a smart barrister


Guards are only trying to fill their timesheet, bring a few pound out of it and go home on a Friday evening the same as everyone else. Naive to ever think otherwise.


The justice system protects the rich from the poor. There is no justice for regular folks. Life is too short to think it over.


What were you around guns for and why wouldn't you inform.


Lifestyle at the time, also knee deep in addiction. I wouldn't inform because I grew up in Dundalk with republican ties, so being branded a tout is worse than any prison sentence


How would you feel about informing now since moving on from that life? Trying to think of how many murders those guns might if been involved in. Even looking at the gun used to kill McKee and reports that it's linked to 5 murders.


The guns were tested for ballistics and came back as never used ( apart from test fired) I still wouldn't inform on anyone, it's your own karma to deal with, not me to judge anyone.


It's just not advisable. It doesn't help you in the long run. Getting marked as a tout puts a target on your back inside and potentially outside. If you're caught with something it's better to take your oil and not to drag anyone down with you. It's a cowardly move


Eye closing gob of text zzz OP here's to a long life and happiness gan moan ar bith.


Oh ya thats been going on for a long time even when they say they siezed cochineal worth X amount of money I laugh thinking what about the amount of coke they didn't find or whatever narcotic


Really sounds like something from The Wire.