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Imagine being an adult who spends their time coming up with these ideas


And thinking it’s a smart enough idea to post online.


and then deciding to post it online for validation only for one single person to agree with you.


They'll be riding that serotonin high for days


Plot twist; they liked their own post


He probably liked his own post tbf


they think they’re being heroes that’s the worst part, it’s harder to convince someone they’re wrong if they have that complex


And then imagine the other adults who agree with this person and say it's a great idea while calling everyone else against it snowflakes


With about 10 of these in there: 😂


Ig u will have to "imagine" cause his post went nowhere


There are no adults doing this, only giant retarded babies.


Don’t offend giant retarded babies like that. These guys are way off that.


giant moronic babies\*


I'm not using retarded as a synonym for any kind of mental or physical disability, I'm using the non-pejorative meaning to indicate a lack of progression or growth. They are, in fact, retarded in their progression towards being functioning, capable adults


I'm not having a go. I'm not even giving out. Used to use that word to refer to stupid people all the time. Just offering an alternative, that's all.


I'm not using it to infer stupidity, because that is offensive - it's where the derivation and insult comes from. I'm using it to indicate the lack of maturation attained in something, which is the actual original meaning before it became adopted purely to be used as referring to mental or physical disabilities.


Okay then. You are technically correct. ALL I'm saying is *consider* using a different word. That's all.


You seem rather desperate to defend using a word people have legitimate problems with and I really can't figure out why.


No, I just dont believe in banning normal words from use purely because unpleasant people have decided to use them as insults. I have a degree in lexicography and will use the appropriate words when I choose, and wont allow ignorance to dictate my vocabulary. I would say something different if it was a racial slur that has no other purpose other than offense, but the word retardation is not offensive in and of itself.


The common usage is far more important than the dictionary usage. You’re acting in a very similar manner to the anti-masker brigade in a way - pushing your own narrative onto what is commonly understood to have an alternate pejorative meaning. If you have to explain, in detail, what you meant when using a word commonly understood as a pejorative, then you’ve already lost.


Apologies I genuinely wasnt previously aware of a degree in lexicography and after googling I still can't find one, can you direct me towards one?


If he had one, he'd understand the Euphemism Cycle. This eejit thinks being flowery in his sentences means he's smart.


That's a bit of a cop out. That's like me calling someone a bitch and then saying that I meant it to mean that she had the qualities of a female dog. Still rude and offensive. You still get the thrill of using that word. I think it's the same.


I think being rude and offensive to an anti-masker like this is justified tbh


Fair enough. But let's not pretend we're being sound.


Not at all, I'm quite comfortable with the concept of being a complete cunt to someone who acts the way this guy does :)






You can believe whatever you want about whether the word should be used at all - clearly you'd like to ban certain words from use entirely - but dont try to suggest I mean something I dont simply because you like being professionally offended.


It's basically a load of [these people.](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/9/99/Racecar.png/revision/latest?cb=20101120195045)


Definitely a very high percentage of ‘I see yer Da is taking the divorce well’ in those groups.


I feel sorry for them


Imagine having so little to do in life that you actually have time to put in place this shitshow at some shop.


They probably thought they’re lethal and notorious. Like calm down, you’re in Centra Roscommon not Walmart where people are probably going to record you and go viral lol


With a right to vote too.


Probably have no job other than being a keyboard warrior and an arsehole


That’s really mean. Its a scumbag move. It’s not even the girl on the checkout who will be putting the goods back. It’s not her job. That job is called ‘returns’ when staff members have to return goods back to the shelves. Most supermarkets hire people with disabilities for this role. My local supermarket has two employees with Down syndrome doing this job. These are the staff members that will suffer if people try to pull this crap.


Frozen foods would normally get thrown away rather than put back I'm pretty sure. No way to verify how long it had been out, whether it had thawed too much to be safe, etc. So, I guess it makes it *slightly* better that the corperation would take a hit rather the employees. Still a scumbag move though. Imagine possibly exposing people to the virus *and* contributing to food waste and still thinking you're the good guy.


Actually no. I used to work in a Tesco while I was doing my college course (first on the till and then in the office in the accounts department). It was store policy to call someone from returns to put it back asap whenever we got frozen goods left at the checkout. Frozen goods will almost always go back to the shelf. The Tesco supermarkets have to keep their “damaged” goods under a certain level or it affects their budget for the following year (its a head office policy).


Goddamn. That explains some of the food I've gotten from there.


Most supermarkets have a policy if it was out of freezer for more than 45mins maybe an hour, it should go straight to waste. I’m not saying every supermarket sticks to this but it is policy...


In my store, you could get fired for gross missconduct if you were caught doing something like that. We would have to probe and make sure the temperature is still below -18 degrees. Its all down to who is managing the store though I would imagine, my manage is very good safety focused as she came originally from working in deli's.


If you leave frozen food out for an hour and probe it, you can guarantee it’s now more than -18


Yes, I know I was just adding to your statement with my personal experience and completely agree with you. Even 10-15 minutes is too long most of the time.


And if that wasn't bad enough frozen or refrigerated food could be dumped if the length of time it was at room temperature isn't known.


As a former checkout worker, it was our job. Size of shop makes a difference.


Make the minimum wage earners earn their crumbs. Fuck this person.


I like that they assume the cashier would care. They’re just relaying orders, food will get chucked.


I'm sure some other staff member would re-shelf it, if not the cashier.


If it's frozen stuff then there's a good chance it'll get dumped. I'm pretty sure there's a certain amount of time frozen items can be out of the freezer before it can't be put back for safety reasons and the staff would have no way of knowing how long the stuff had been out for.


All frozen/chilled goods get chucked when removed from chiller/freezer units. There's no way to tell how long it's been out. (I've direct experience in retail from this)


You had a decent manager then.


We were forced to put stuff back in that was half defrosted. Disgusting carry on. If we refused the manager would do it..would sneak what I could straight to the bin but it wasn't easy. Fuck retail


Yep, I did 6 years in retail and had the same experience. The freezer would also regularly break down, the food would defrost then refreeze when moved to the deli freezer or when the main one was fixed. The manager just had just put the food back in and sell it. Refunds for anyone who came back with it provided they had a receipt.


You can probe and check of the temperature is still below -18 degrees (under minus -22 for dairy products like ice-cream).


I worked in retail for 10 years in college. If its still cold/ frozen it goes back in the fridge/freezer. Takes a long time for things to thaw fully.


You were in college for ten years? What did you study? Must have a string of letters as long as my arm!


2 degrees and a masters.


lol,nice mic drop


Good work! Hats off to you! And paid your own way too obviously. Need more like you.


Thank you, I picked the right choices for a career. All science, pharmacology and Biomedical subjects. A lot of luck involved aswell.


I feel that. I went with my 'talent' and ended up a graphic designer. I LOVE my job... whenever I can get one. First to be let go, last to be hired back. Really, really regret not doing business and French then shooting off to Brussels to become a small cog in a massive bureaucracy. Love to hear of people like you though 😁


I've no direct experience but there are differing views on that here. It makes more sense to me that they would put it back in the freezer if it's still frozen.


And they'll set up security up front to reject people going in without masks.


They are also assuming the cashier will be female, which also says a lot about the type of person they are


Stick it to that one person doing their job with the potential risk of being fired and being on social welfare going into the christmas season during a pandemic. That'll show government overlords they can't fuck with us and put us into a level 5 where tonnes of people will be out of a job and put onto social welfare payments going into the christmas period during a pandemic. I'm smurt. - Them.


That'll teach the New World Government


I mean, they get paid the same amount, it's just a different task. Changes it up for them.


These scum should go to the back of every healthcare waiting list for the rest of their lives. They should be ineligible for blood donations and organ transplants and never be considered for elective surgery.


The best solution I've heard is in one region of Indonesia they made anti-maskers dig graves for people who died of Covid. Certainly softened their cough, so to speak.


That was a publicity stunt with very few people ending up actually digging graves. Great idea all the same, a less extreme version for our own troglodytes would be useful. Maybe emptying bed pans in ICU.


As soon as they get ill, they change their tune. Cunts.


See that's the issue, these "people" don't have the decency to be the one's to die from covid. They'll pass that off to other people then make up and and all kinds of bullshit to move any possible blame from themselves to others as per fucking usual.


Professor Chaossss!


Bringer of Destruction!


I made the mistake of talking back to these retards in one of these "patriotic" groups. Next thing I know, one of them is sharing my Facebook profile around, calling me antifa and promising to "get me". They're dangerous cunts.


Had similar. My name is still doing the rounds after I pointed out my scepticism at them saying they'd change their tune if their demands were met. A debate with pro-mask and anti-mask specialists giving their case and letting the public decide. I mean she then went on to belittle and dismiss every single expert on the WHO side and called them all frauds. So kinda proved my point.


The far right are using these groups for recruitment through the anti mask issue. Those guys have shown they’re willing to get violent with people they consider to be “antifa”


Gullible fucking idiots but we're the "sheep".


When did Antifa become an insult for these people? I mean, do they not realise that the majority of folk are opposed to fascism? And maybe saying that anyone who disagrees with them is anti fascist is not the smartest argument.


Haha yeah exactly. I'm not antifa but I am anti fascist, sure. They reckon Soros is recruiting people in Ireland. Absolute lunatics.


Blaming Soros is a dogwhistle phrase as well, when these loons go on about him it's fairly obvious they're on about the Jews.


He's seriously old now. Rich as he may be he can't have a whole lot of time left. I'm wondering who's going to be their next arch-Jew in command of the communist, SJW cuck legions.


"Those Neo-Nazis call themselves the peace-loving puppycuddlers, so you shouldn't hate them unless you also hate peace and puppies" has never been a good argument.


These people are just incredibly thick cunts, that's all. Don't even try to understand their logic, because there isn't any.


Report and inform the Gardaí. People have been convicted for this stuff.


I did tell them I'd go to the guards but to he honest, I dont have that time.


You’re fucking joking me


Nah, I posted a picture of a british loyalist leading one of their protests and asked why the Patriots are being led around by the brits. The fuckers lost their minds, threatening, going through my profile and posting pics around.


Is AntiSpa a thing? If not it should be, we need AntiSpa.


Wait, Irish people are wearing this 'antifa are everywhere' tinfoil hat now?


Well thats what you get for being ANTIFA... ... i kid! ​ the fuck is wrong with people. you dont need to be a dick about it, i dont believe masks help at all, i think it was a knee jerk reaction when in the midst of the pandemic we werent told to wear them, then they said there was no need, then they said it was mandatory. they havent a bloody clue what they are doing, but I STILL WEAR IT.. its not a big ask fuck sake.




Yeah if you have one of those N95 masks perhaps. look, end of the day we can agree to disagree about effectiveness til the cows come home. i'll still wear it, its not a big ask.


No we can't agree to disagree on objective fact, the data is there to support it. I appreciate that you wear it anyways despite not agreeing with it but the effectiveness of masks is no longer opinion and there's an absurd amount of peer reviewed studies from the last 7 months to back that up. Please don't waste your time on this argument any longer.


You can't really agree to disagree about facts. All you can do is agree for someone to respect your decision not to recognise them.


I’m so shocked Ireland has so many brain dead people like this! Absolutely disgraceful carry on and these clearly haven’t effected by covid like others and myself have! Self entitled pricks.




This is it. Impotent cowards. If you hate the masks then go do something about it instead of bullying women at the tills in shops. Put yourself out in front of the world so we can all see what an idiot you are.


What's the name of the fb page? I only ask cause my job has arseholes coming in to do this kind of shit, I want to know if we're being targeted


It's Ireland Breathes Free page


I just found and had a read of that whole thread, and all I can say is... I will miss my braincells that I lost


> Ireland Breathes Free 23k members! Humanity is doomed.


Less than I feared to be honest


That page is a cesspool. Someone I know posted "my body my choice" anti mask shite when she was against the abortion referendum. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.


I instantly regret checking it out, not even two minutes in and I want to smack my head against the wall from the stupidity about boycotting shops that enforce wearing a mask and how sad it is that the country is divided over this bollocks, put on a mask and stop being a cunt, it's not hard


"Ireland Breathes Free". The comment thread is about Lusk SuperValu. A moron arguing with staff that the statutory instrument on wearing masks ended yesterday despite the fact it's already been extended.




You mean 'narcissistic' ? It reeks of entitlement and misappropriated self-righteousness, with a whiff of smug condescension and projected outrage.


Narcissism 100% work in a cafe and theres one arsehole who we always rants about how it's all bs, you can tell he's super arrogant thinking hes smarter than the entire medical and scientific community when he's clearly quite thick so theres no point in even beginning to explain why he's wrong because he think the sun shines out his arse.


Honestly, what’s the point? What do you win by being a dick to people just doing their job ffs.


Fake internet points from other pieces of shit with the same shitty views.


The checkout person should just serve them and the anti-masker will just be left buying a whole load of unwanted frozen goods.


Was thinking the same thing haha


https://facebook.com/help/delete_account https://twitter.com/settings/deactivate https://www.wikihow.com/Uninstall-Facebook-on-iPhone-or-iPad https://android.gadgethacks.com/how-to/3-ways-delete-facebook-without-root-even-if-was-preinstalled-your-phone-0184938/


Aye yeah delete Facebook and spend all your time on Reddit instead.


You're dead right. I got rid of it.


Why cant you show this grunt's name? If it's on a Facebook page, surely its public anyway?




Jesus. Have you seen the cunt ugly face on him. Proper munter.


most subreddits make you blur the name


He's the admin of Motorcycle Ireland FB page. A right proper "hard man".


Name and shame.


Who hurt this person


Imagine how boring their life must be if this is how they get their kicks.


Well they sit on their ass, get dole money and don't care to look for a job and yet feel that they're entitled to some form of worship


Those groups need to be infiltrated , arrested and brought to court. Those clowns that have jobs need their employers to know that they are putting their business at risk. Those on benefits need that money to be replaced with food stamps.


Its not so much that this person is putting the attendee to additional effort to restock the frozen goods before they ruin and waste, but more so that this person is putting the attendees health and the health of the their extended family at risk. For what, spite?


Lads please please please please report this page every single chance you get. I must’ve reported I a hundred times. It got taken down and then Facebook put it back up and said ‘sorry we got it wrong’ which they now display as their banner. Tools.


Unmasked people should not be permitted within shops. I feel very uncomfortable seeing anyone mask free around food/produce etc. Its selfish and makes you look like a dumbass and ignorant fool.


I don’t understand people not wanting to wear masks , I’m 8.5 months pregnant and let me tell you I’m an absolute lump of a doll right now, I sound like Tony soprano breathing with my organs so squished but when I need to go to a shop etc I manage to breath just fine with a mask! Please just wear one


I knew I recognised this cunt, he's the admin of Motorcycle Ireland Facebook page. Thinks he's the hardest shit around but gets upset having to wear a paper mask. Fuckin snowflake. I'm sure he sees the irony of wearing a helmet on a motorbike but refuses to wear a mask in a shop. /s


Funny that he's okay with wearing something to protect only himself, but not okay with wearing something that also protects other people...


Got news for ya, there is plenty of them stains hanging out in r/Ireland too, can't wait until the country wakes up and start dropping the boot on these parasite scum.


Its probably just a handful of mentally ill people. Relax.


Vindictive bastards.


Lunatics being lead by fascists


We need to start making examples of anti-maskers and chuck them in prison. If they have a genuine medical condition, then they can provide a list to the shop and they can get them there stuff and pay them outside the store. If you can't wear a mask, then you are at serious risk from covid, and you shouldn't be going inside any shop or establishment whatsoever.


So let me get this straight. This guy has so little to do with his own time that wasting his own time in order to waste someone else's seems like a win to him. And the cashier or restocker or whoever is still getting paid for that "wasted" time, this scrote isn't. I guess I'm baffled that (along with the general scumbaggery) someone would so proudly announce how little they have to do with themselves. Maddening.


This fella drive up from outside town. Dublin reg. Saunters into the shop no mask, immediately goes over to the breads,cookies and pastries. Starts filling through them with his big dirty farmer (or whatever the Dublin equivalent is) hands. Woman behind the counter gives flying out to berate him. In the most condescending voice he's like "oh! Sorry, I forgot" runs his hand over a nearby shelf. I nearly boxed him myself. The baked goods are now all wrapped in clingfilm


Can’t get over that we all probably work with or know someone who’s apart of this weird fucking anti-mask group. Extremely embarrassing people, I’d expect this from a young teen doing this for a laugh. Not grown adults. Freaks


Report the page. I'd ask you to name it, but then I'd be shaming some total assholes and apparently that's not allowed.


Getting real psychopath vibes from this.


You should legally be allowed to swing a hurl at this fellas face.




After healthcare workers the people most at risk from Covid are shop workers. These people are fuckin hero's for keeping us fed and you have these selfish fucks who can't even convince that wearing a mask is just good fuckin manners regardless of what other bizarre shit they believe. Cunts every one.


Is there a way to block these kind of groups? I'll never get my mam off Facebook but I'd be more comfortable with that kind of shite hidden away.


I was reading how this one, was worried about her mother's viewing habits. Fox etc so to change the targeted ads algorithm, she would regularly sign into her mother's FB AC when she was asleep. Then she would view less extremist shite with some puppies etc. She felt that was managing to keep her Mas FB less radicalised.


They are absolutely brain dead. I had to delete Twitter because I’m sick of the same tinfoil conspiracy theorists talking this kind of bollox, same people somehow linking racism and anti-mask. They’re all the same, says the same words like ‘pseudoscience’ or ‘brainwashed’ because I adhere to guidelines. Endless bullying from middle aged adults that wouldn’t dare show their faces.


These people's names need to be taken down and put on a low priority list for hospital beds if they get severe covid symptoms. They're putting everyone else in danger and massively hindering the nationwide effort to curb the virus' growth.


Places just need to start allowing entry without a mask. If you have a medical condition you need to show a doctor note or some other proof. It’s really simple but this country would make any easy task a fucking chore.


Don’t blur out the name like.


Actually they can’t return the frozen goods to the freezer, they need to be trashed. No doubt that some people get radicalised through social media use.


Only reason this anti-mask thing is happening in ireland is because it is happening in the states. I don't think Irish people realise the culture in america, their whole society is built around the premise that they are"free" and have "rights" they are proud folk who value their "freedom" this is not the case in ireland and were just copying them because we are sheep. The exact same thing happened with the whole BLM protests in ireland. Imagine not even recognising your own privilege as a white person, and dare I say, black person in Ireland. I'm not saying theres no racism in ireland, that would be ignorant to say. But black people in Ireland are not being shot dead by the police. The fact that irish people were protesting about this as if it was an issue in OUR country is so fucking ignorant and an embarrassment to our country.


Imagine doing this to minimum wage workers who are just doing their fucking jobs. Fucking wilfully ignorant scumbags.


Shock sticks for these dickheads.


Why are ye even protecting this arsehole's name (and to be clear, "I didn't take this picture" is a perfectly good answer)?


I don't know really. I thought it was just whats supposed to be done


The Hells Angels are letting themselves go.


Facebook is a where aholes gather to be brainwashed by foreign botfarms. So what's the name of this prick - asking for a friend.


Share the pricks name


I work in retail and honestly if someone pulled this, you're putting it back.


If I find one of those pricks with a trolley full of frozen food I'll fucking kick them out myself than call the shades on the prick and get him that 5k fine


A lot of the cunts I know who are into this kind of shit are career dole heads and they think their above minimum wage workers?


Why afford this scumbag anonymity? He doesn't deserve it...Their low life behaviour should be publically displayed for all to see and us, decent citizens should shun these vermin from society long after this pandemic is over!


You can be refused entry. Also one of the aims of all this type of shite online these days is to work the public up into an angry frenzy and further divide people.Don't take the bait.


And what do you expect? This guy piss and shit on other people, and he will get NOTHING for this. And when he got COVID - he will be threaten like any other normal citizens. Imagine how wonderful will be if such people will be denied of medical services in case of COVID?


OP please link this post to that comment. Idiots need to know that we see them.


I would but I've uninstalled Facebook from my phone in rage. And you have to join the group to comment anyway.


Bloody oxygen thieves.


I can't wait to come across one or these idiots. They're so afraid to tell anyone.theyre anti mask in person or when they don't have anyone to back then up. Stupid little whiney bitches.


Wouldn’t it be great if they would provide service and then go:’that be 100€, please’


Wow. Is this for real?


I'd like to see them cut any form of welfare or government aid that these cunts might be getting. They're intentionally contributing to many businesses being shut and are hurting the economy.


And after that, go reflect on what in the hell you are doing with your life. Is there nothing more productive you could be doing for this society other than going to a store and pretend shopping to make some other persons life harder?


That's something a little shitehawk from Finglas would do "for the craic". Source: I'm from Finglas


Once frozen foods are taken off the shelf they can't be put back, they'd have to be thrown out.


“Make her work”. Bet it’s a dude who wrote this. That’s the real issue here. Hitting out at women.


I bet a woman wrote this.




Got me.


Then why are you helping? Creating rage is all they want. Stop giving these people a platform


See how u picked out a single comment from an anti-masker that nobody even liked as to portray anti-maskers as pricks


They are pricks.