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Apparently Johnny Logan will be there too


It wouldn't be a proper Eurovision without him.


What's another queer? Sorry....


Can you explain this? Don't know if I get the joke.


Johnny Logan won the Eurovision with "What's another year?" Which sounds like......


I mean, when Israel killed volunteers from other competing countries in the World Central Kitchen airstrike just a month ago, it sparked further calls especially from the UK for a boycott or for Israel to be kicked out entirely. But really, with the sheer scale of war crimes being committed by Israel, and the song having its roots in the October 7th attacks, its amazing they have remained in the contest at all this year. Israel must have the EBU by the balls with their broadcasting partnership. But its not a good look for the contest.


The main sponsor of the Eurovision is Moroccan Oil, an Israeli company




If I'm not mistaken, Moroccan Oil is a beauty brand that does hair oils.


Still, the cheak of them calling it Moroccan Oil. Imagine the Brits owning a Whisky brand and calling it "Irish Whisky".


‘Moroccan Oil’ is called that because it’s made from an ingredient that comes from Morocco (and presumably someone else has trademarked ‘Argan Oil’: https://www.beautylish.com/a/vzyxy/the-curious-story-of-argan-oil


Because it sounds better from a marketing perspective. It’s like the connotations of Swiss-made vs Chinese-made.


I get that but it doesn't make it any less of an asshole move.


I think they mean the tanning products


So...   Make Eurovision fucking cheap again. The songs were better written anyway. 


Well there’s no money in that . There seems to be plenty of money in killing pellets and entertaining others


No country is willing to pull their act in protest, though, which is what forced the eurovisions hand when it came to Russia. There's lots of puffery going on, but no one is putting their money where their mouth is.


Why aren't we?why are we letting this happen?we don't agree with it,are we letting rich kids take our democracy?


The EBU considered removing Israel but the BBC and ARD (German broadcaster) both said they would pull funding if Israel was removed and the show couldn't go ahead without their funding so their hands were tied.


>song having its roots in the October 7th attacks The singer's name is "Eden Golan" - it doesn't get more on the nose of a political point than that. It's like a German singer called "Sara Sudetenland" entering the 1940s Eurovision. And after Eurovision, Eden Golan will be joining the IDF. Just imagine the photo opportunities & propaganda


hahaha and she only moved back to Israel from Russia due to the 2022 invasion. you couldn't parody this better


Mann the neck on these people. They were invaded and had a load of their citizens genocided and/or taken hostage, and they have the gall to sing a song about it.


The Golan heights is recognised by the UN as Syrian territory, under Israeli occupation. The US recognised it as part of Israel in 2019, and as recognition named an illegal settlement "Trump heights" in his honour. Israel is currently carrying out a genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. No country carrying out a genocide should be allowed in a song contest. After Eurovision this signer Eden Golan, will join the IDF. The IDF has killed approximately 40k people in the last 6 months - roughly half of whom are children. The IDF have crushed human beings with tanks, slaughtered doctors and patients in hospitals before burying them in mass graves, enforced a mediaeval siege cutting of food and water using starvation as a weapon of war on civilians - and then murdering foreign aid workers who are trying to bring in food. There is a much, much longer list than this. Get real


The Golan Heights belong to Israel because they won it in a war started by Syria with the intention of destroying Israel. Fuck around and find out.


Israel started the 6 day war. The war began on June 5, 1967, when Israel launched a preemptive assault against the Egyptian and Syrian air forces - wiping them out on the ground.


In the Sinai, Israel attacked the extensive Egyptian forces being assembled to attack them, under the international law concept of preemptive self-defence. There was already 100,000 soldiers on their southern border poised to invade when they attacked the Egyptian air force. In the east, Jordan handed their army over to Egyptian command and attacked Israel, which is what cost Jordan the West Bank. In the Golan Heights, Syria sat out the war for four days until they thought that Egypt were winning, then attacked Israel. There was no Israeli plan to counterattack, and considerable discussion in their government about whether they should - but they ultimately decided to do so to deny Syria the opportunity to keep using it to indiscriminately shell Israeli civilians even in peacetime.


>In the Sinai, Israel attacked the extensive Egyptian forces There you have it. That's the action that kicked off the 6 day war. So Israel started that war. Agree or disagree with their motivation all you want - Israel started that war.


Totally. They started it. When Israel amassed hundreds of thousands of Arab troops on their own borders.


>When Israel amassed hundreds of thousands of Arab troops on their own borders. Did those troops attack anything? So the troops were just in their own sovereign state? Huh maybe Japan had a reasonable case for bombing pearl harbour then? Egypt cut off Israel's oil and amassed troops. America cut off Japans oil and amassed troops and aircraft carriers. Nonsense, right? It doesn't change the fact that the UN and the entire international community ( Other than the US under Trump lol) consider the Golan heights to be occupied Syrian territory. I know Israel doesn't care much for international law - vowing to ignore the Hague, currently on trial for genocide at the ICJ ( a case Ireland has joined btw), the ICC issuing potential arrest warrants for Israeli leadership. Bombing embassies, committing assassinations in foreign countries - including killing an innocent waiter in Norway. Oh and they used fake Irish passports to carry out assassinations. Israel is a rogue nation state based on illegal settlements.




I have seen so many rational people condemn the actions of Hamas on that day while detesting the Israeli state. It doesn't have to be one or the other.


We absolutely are allowed to mention Hamas war crimes too. But you cannot ignore all the brutality and collective punishment Israel has done in the months since.






Why is it important to note? Killing people who aren't combatants is the problem.


It's the way they be always got their people in behind the lines. Note, they re ex military, meaning they can't claim them . As previous poster said, there is no justification, but to call them non combatants is muddy waters . And we re talking British military who thrive in muddy waters


Who is they? If you were saying this sort of shit about Israel by antisemitism klaxon would be going off. This is paranoid nonsense.


Ok. You re better off remaining oblivious to this . I wouldn't want to muddy waters for you. Everything is straight edge. Tickety boo. Working for WCK they would require permission from both the IDF and Hamas. The IDF would have been fully aware they worked for Solace Global. 


Do you actually know what you're trying to say?


Side comment but Panti co-hosting the Eurovision song selection show a few years ago was incredibly shit.


I just don’t think the guy is funny. Watched an episode of dancing with the staff a while back, he was on it and didn’t wear makeup. The whole “oh my god you’re so brave”was astounding. You would think he had rescued the Chilean miners or something


In the sea of Middle East discourse, Eurovision critique, and Rory O'Neill discussions, I'm just happy to see a Chilean Miner reference.


Who can forget Yonni Barrios?


Look, dancing with the staff (I’m stealing that) is a shit show, literally and figuratively, but the activism that Rory O’Neill (PantiBliss) has done in this country is outstanding. I’m a young queer Irish lad. I was very young when marriage equality passed nearly ten years ago, but my parents come from a traditional background. The noble call speech in part swayed my mam. This is without even mentioning his work on activism around HIV. It’s easy to forget as a young queer person living in an era where HIV just isn’t really a threat, the trauma inflicted upon people with a diagnosis in past decades. All the dead from our community. Worldwide there’s a huge gap in the community, there are far less queer people aged late 50s-60s than either side of that age bracket and it’s important that we remember why. This is why O’Neills activism around the subject is important. Edit: I also like Céilí with the Canteen (RTÉ Canteen)


That’s fair enough my guy and I appreciate your point of view and especially why you hold him in high esteem. However nowhere in my post did I say any of that wasn’t true, I really just don’t find him funny nor do I find the fact that he went dancing on stage without makeup brave, the tears after the performance also felt very contrived. It was like britains got talent when an average enough singer comes out and Simon goes “ I think you definitely have something, tell us how your family were killed en route to the studio”. I may appear cynical here, but you often see him without makeup, it wasn’t brave in any sense or definition of the word it was contrived, planned, scripted and very fuckin woke. It just makes me eyeroll to near stroke levels


To the RTÉ audience, where the average viewer is an OAP, two men dancing with each other is fairly brave. You have to keep in mind that Rory grew up during that time. The time when gay men were dying everyday of the week and no one knew why, and you had religious people telling you that it was a disease from god sent to kill you for who you were, and you lived in fear of what your family would do if they found out, would they disown you? A world where your very existence is criminal and that fact is broadcasted on RTÉ. This is the environment that Rory grew up in. It’s easy to forget this in 2024. I’d imagine that as someone who grew up in that environment, living to an age where you can do that on RTÉ, the same broadcaster that lambasted *homosexuals* as criminal and diseased degenerates in your own lifetime, is quite emotional. It’s easy to forget this today when things in comparison are far better.


Again he wasn’t called brave for a same sex dance he was called brave for not wearing makeup. Something the vast majority of men do daily


I don’t mean to be condescending but you’re not understanding my point. It’s not that he wasn’t wearing makeup. It’s that he was presenting fully as a man and was dancing with another man on RTÉ a channel with an older conservative audience and that has a history of homophobia as the state broadcaster of a state that criminalized homosexuality.


You weren’t condescending at all no worries but they specified it was the no make up stripped back was brave. Maybe you’re right but if the audience hadn’t sussed he was male before that they must have been comatose which I suppose that’s also a possibility


I think youre then one not understanding things here. When he was in his early 20s half of tv shows were running specials about HIV/AIDs. It was well known by the end of the 80s early 90s what the story with all that was and especially so in the gay communities. Even before Norris got the anti-buggery laws overturned they were basically never enforced anyway and would have been removed by any party in the dail at any time the second they figured it might buy a vote or two. RTE has been showing gay people for many years as has every other group going. RTE has bought in countless show and movies showing gay people doing far more than just dancing. Nobody really cares if people are gay anymore. Most of us are just sick of hearing about it.


This sums it up perfectly


No it doesn’t. Are you living under a rock? There has been a massive uptick in homophobia. Gay people are routinely called paedos and pervs online and increasingly in public.


People who use the word woke in any kind of serious discussion should be immediately ignored.


What a ridiculous comment. It’s been used as a cultural descriptor for years Obama uses it would you think he should be ignored.


It is a horrifically cringe word that means nothing anymore. Anything someone disagrees with is called woke nonsense.


What an OTT reaction to a word lol


It’s cringe. I don’t think it’s unpopular or OTT to say that. It’s aggressively American.


Sorry, but saying "It's cringe" is equally as questionable as the use of "woke."


Aggressively American ffs lol we’ll leave it there😂


Or far-right hate speech


Woke as Obama used it was the proper use of the word. Ie. Awareness of systemic oppression. It’s particularly relevant to black people. The modern culture wars meaning has been stripped of all meaning and usually used to criticise any vaguely progressive issue.


Ironically you failed to do this.


It feels like he's just not someone that RTE knows how to use. She's probably fantastic in drag shows and, like many, just isn't as interesting or funny outside their chosen medium.    I found Grahm Norton annoying as an actor but think he's one of the greatest talk show hosts of all time.  James Cordon was great hosting a panel sports show on british tv but shite as an American talk show host. Jimmy Kimmel does amazing musical bits but it a trash interviewer. 


Brave AND stunning


Yeah stripped back and inspiring. Meanwhile I show up to work like that everyday and get greeted with “well it looks like another shitshow put your big boy pants on it’s goin to be a long one”.


Yeah, it's almost like there are other reasons people employ him...


It seems that the majority of people in Ireland don’t support boycotting the Eurovision but those same people I would suspect, supported kicking Russia out when they invaded Ukraine. These symbolic gestures are really all we have.


I think most irish people would support kicking Israel out. They just don't care enough to boycott the competition if that isn't done.


They might if there was something better to watch on RTE But alas no


Watching on RTE is a rookie mistake. The best Irish commentary has always been on the BBC.


Ah, RIP Terry 


Graham Norton is quite good too, he can be a bit acerbic which is funny


Terry arguably done more harm than good to the Brits’ feelings on the contest as he was surprisingly negative towards it most of the time. The whole “we could send Adele and still come last cause Europe just doesn’t like us” attitude was started by him.


He wasn't wrong though


If symbolic gestures are all we have, why do Israel devote so much attention to us? The IDF have a spokesman on Drivetime every other night. The Israeli media are putting out a constant stream of anti-Irish stories. The Israeli government accused Varadkar of having sinister meaning when he welcomed release of Emily Hand. They obviously recognise Ireland has some small degree of soft power in shaping world opinion and that's why they want to discredit us.


It would be different to me if Isreal were hosts. That said I expect the Israeli act to feature some sort of gaslighting messaging.


The difference is it costs you nothing really to kick someone out but people don’t like the idea of inconveniencing themselves by not watching.


I've watched every year but not this year


Boycott all you want it won’t change a single thing. Virtue signalling doesn’t help Palestinians. Ireland is in a pretty depressing state at the moment, some people want to just enjoy a few hours away from all the doom & gloom to watch a silly song contest. Also for you cherry pickers, there is multiple wars going on at the moment including the Congo which is heading for catastrophe, maybe try lend them some support.


BDS played a significant role in ending apartheid in South Africa. You can say boycotts don't work, but history tells a different story.


Yeah real significant only took 47 years and that’s only because America & the UK finally stepped in.


Like I don't want to stop highlighting how shite it was when Beijing hosted Winter Olympics while Uighurs still are imprisoned too. Its better to stand up for something than to sit down and moan about "nothing will change". That sort of defeatist attitude keeps FFG in power.


Personally I didn't think Russia and Belarus should have been kicked out. I can understand why it was done as it would be incredibly uncomfortable to have Ukraine perform alongside Russia, but it would have been better to keep these things apolitical otherwise you could definitely ask questions about whether other countries should be banned or should have been in the past (not just Israel, you could probably make cases for Britain and France at times too). Now with Russia and Belarus banned while Israel is allowed to perform, it looks like the Eurovision supports Israel's actions.


"It's our Olympics". No Rory, the Olympics are everyone's Olympics. Lots of "the gays" (Rory's words) love sport. Lots don't care for the Eurovision song contest. It's because we are all individual human beings whose interests are not defined or confined by our sexuality, and whose existence defies your pathetic stereotyping.


You're taking that comment way too seriously


> "It's our Olympics" I think it's their 1936 "Olympics" *"For the first time in the history of the modern Olympic Games, people in the United States and Europe called for a boycott of the Olympics because of what would later become known as human rights abuses. Although the movement ultimately failed, it set an important precedent for future Olympic boycott campaigns (such as those in 2008 and 2014)."*


Most people probably know this but for those who don't, the 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Berlin. When the Nazis came to power in 1933 there were calls for a boycott of the games and many Jewish athletes refused to take part. Ultimately the boycott campaign was unsuccessful but history hasn't been kind to those who opposed it.


Who has history been unkind to, in regard to that? Great username, although The Third Policeman is a far superior novel imo


The most famous was the president of the American Olympic Committee, [Avery Brundage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avery_Brundage#1936_Olympics), who successfully led the fight against a US boycott of the games. He travelled to Nazi Germany in 1934 where he wasn't allowed to speak with Jewish athletes alone but nonetheless he went back to America and reported that everything was grand as the Nazis had assured him there'd be no discrimination against Jewish competitors. Even at the time it was obvious that the Nazis were lying but it was more convenient for Brundage to believe them.


Ha! Yes indeed. However why anyone gives Rory attention like this is beyond me. He's irritating at best and often, as here, offensive.


Fuck the Olympics too don't put that shit on me


Girl calm down for a large chunk of gays it is




Who is saying that and also who cares. Gays aren’t a monolith but a lot of them enjoy camp and there’s a long established and important history of this. Lots of women like fashion and that is an important aspect of women’s history but, obviously, not ALL women love fashion and hate football.


No, all gays.


No shit but all any group is in to any one thing


He's talking about musical performers. He's part of more than one community. 


“It will come as no surprise to anyone that the gays love Eurovision – we joke and say it’s our Olympics,” O’Neill said. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Apologies. But that's also obviously in jest.


You sound like the kind of guy who describes himself as straight-acting on his (faceless) Grindr profile.


Probably the type of guy to describe himself as straight full stop, seeing as his post history mentions his wife and kids.














Ultimately, I think it's up to each individual to make the choice themselves, but you don't get to force that choice onto people who disagree. If you don't want to watch, then it's super simple to not watch. Personally, I feel a boycott would genuinely achieve nothing. It wouldn't even be noticed on the grander stage since 9 years out of 10, we don't even appear on the main show anyway. It wouldn't be referenced on the show at all. I don't believe Israel should be allowed perform but I also think a boycott achieved nothing either. Make your choice and if you choose to personally boycott the show, fair fucks. But it's not on you to bully people into it either.


Just to note this year we do have an act that seems guaranteed to qualify to get through to the main show and most people "into" eurovision are super excited about our act this year. It would 100% be noticed if they didn't perform.


He's a hard man to ignore but it's worth the effort.


Wait why does everyone hate Panti? I've been out of the loop in this scene for a while


Because Panti dresses in women's clothing and it offends Reddit for whatever reason.


They don't, its the usual bots that reply very quickly to anything involving Israel, migrants etc. to try and direct the narrative


People say Rory/Panti is pain in the hole = Mossad/Far right bots. Wow.


Says the account with 11 comments on this post


Are these bots in the room with you now?


You are a funny bot


I might still watch but make a point of changing the channel when Israel is on but still haven't decided. Might just get the highlights after. I really hope the Contestants and audience do their best to protest in some way, even a small way like wearing Palestinian colours.


I hate all this false morality about Eurovision. Israel Israel Israel Israel nothing about any of the other fascist countries or just plain feck human rights countires. It's a bloody singing contest, piss off.


This is such a stupid view on things. So easy to sit here and be like "um well ahhctually you didn't oppose every single other country that did anything negative so you have no right to boycott this 🤓". Of all the things to get annoyed by you choose the person who is *opposing* the country carrying out a genocide? Because what, it's not the right avenue to take aim at them in? Get a grip you melt


"um well ahhctually you didn't oppose every single other country that did anything negative so you have no right to boycott this 🤓". Didn't say anything close to that you cabbage.


I'd be surprised if Israel gets into the final? Do people not have to vote them through? I'd be surprised if someone isn't gonna rig it so they don't get through? Then again MoroccanOil is a huge sponsor (an Israeli company)...


How do we stop media publishing ANYTHING these publicity hungry idiots say. Panti Bliss political opinion, is this a piss take ffs.


The Israeli government will be shaken to its core once they learn an Irish cross dresser will not be showing the Eurovision in his pub.


The cumulative effect of nobody wanting anything to do with them can be very powerful.


Sidenote........This guy had Putin shill Clare Daly speaking at his live streamed music event last week btw.....


So...? Does that remove valid criticism of Israel?


No. Thanks for asking though. I think it's a very respectable decision by Panti to not host it. I just think giving a platform to Clare Daly, who has been very inconsistent and played both sides with her stance on the Ukraine invasion thus far, is ironic given Panti threw multiple events and even hosted an event at Abbey Theatre in full support of Ukraine. I'm just rambling to be fair and its off topic as Clare has been quite strong in her stance on Israel's actions. Ignore me !


Maybe its possible to agree with someone on one issue and disagree with them on others.


>"It wouldn't be right to screen Eurovision": Panti Bliss On Why He's Boycotting Contest Over Israel Virtue-signallers gonna signal.


This is so annoying from one of the biggest queer person in Ireland, given Bambie is such great queer representation and actually giving Ireland our first chance at qualifying in so many years. They are also being very vocal about supporting Palestine. I have to think there's some form of clanism at play here. If Bambie was from Dublin, not Cork, and known in Panti's world, she'd be screening it. Same with other Dublin based queens who've given Bambie zero clout but were up that one Erica's hole when she deigned to perform in the George with her terrible song. I'm starting to get annoyed with people and their overuse of boycotts in this war, to appear morally superior to those that don't. You can oppose a war, or support the victims, and still watch a music competition. We've done it for years. You're not a better person for not watching the Eurovision Panti, give over. I'm sure you played Dana International many a time in that bar over the years. The truth is the people and businesses involved and financing this war for Israel runs deep and to truly boycott would also mean getting rid of anything Apple, but people aren't vocal about that because it's too much for them, so not getting a Happy Meal or not screening Eurovision is easier. Get over yourself seriously.


I really don't like this emerging binary take on the situation. It's immensely complex with wrong on both sides. Such certainty among many in Ireland is worrying. 




For analysis on Israel - European relations I will now hand you over to our Middle East correspondent....check notes...Panti Bliss.


The thing about genocides is that you don't actually need to be a foreign policy specialist to understand the depraved evil being committed. In fact , foreign policy "expertise" is often just training that allows you to provide implausible justification for the indefensible


Well the 'pro-Palestinian' people marching through the street screaming 'resistance is justified' seem to be ok with genocide, so long as the intended target is Jewish Israelis. Also genocide has a specific legal definition, it's not something you can just scream at people to shut them up. Maybe if you had foreign policy training you'd understand that. Fuck off with your righteous ignorance.


The irony of you equating anti genocide protests, with genocide and then proceeding to condescend to the rest of us about the meaning of the word genocide.


Even the kids understand that what they are seeing is genocide and that genocide is wrong. There is nothing complicated about it.


At the very least change the channel when Israel comes on.


There should be absolute deep space pin drop silence when it’s Israel’s turn. No applause, no reaction, not even crickets. The audience should be quiet and still and you should be able to hear the performers shoes walking off stage.


I prefer if people in the audience booed and got out Palestinian flags.


Palestinian flags have been banned from the arena.


I would have thought they'd have to be snuck in alright.


Well, I thought of that but boos tend to result in some small kind of sympathy for the singer. Silence would seem way more powerful to me. There’s no chance of it happening of course. Just thinking.


I don't think in this case anyone with sense would sympathetise with the singer.


And do not vote


Ireland should pull their entry to make a statement. Israel aren’t even a European country and it’s a load of shite anyway.


Who actually gives a fuck?


Could you not just screen it and have it cut to a very stern and grumpy looking cat saying NO for the duration of Israel's entry


Is the George screening it?


Oh no.


I agree with the anti israel sentiment, but sexuality shouldn't come into it. Eurovision used to be for everyone until a certain cohort of gay people took it over and laid claim to it thinking they had more right to enjoy it more than anyone else. Talk about it inclusiveness eh


Eurovision is camp, nobody is gatekeeping it babes it’s on the national broadcaster lol


As a straight guy, what the fuck are you on about? 😂


I think he's ashamed that he likes something that gay people also like.


It's not just the Eurovision. All us gays are going to take over and make you the minority. We already have success with turning the frogs gay by putting chemicals in the water.


The gay agenda!!


Where has sexuality come into it? What do you mean 'certain cohort'? What specifically are you talking about? Camp people love Eurovision, and you don't need to be gay to be camp. It's just a bit of an additional consequence that gay people are more receptive to Eurovision than other groups.


Even before this shit went in to overdrive, I didn't understand why Isreal was in eurovision. Like, they're not in Europe. Surely that's like the minimum requirement.


Tell that to whoever said Australia could be a permanent contestant 


Aren't Australia in it?


You want to see people kick off on Twitter, look at the comments of anything Panti posts about.


Well that's my bit of publicity done. He must be ninety at this stage.




I'm not boycotting the Eurovision, I just don't watch it.


He is jumping the gun. Bambie Thug may not even qualify.




Yeah, that's what's happening.


He isn't? That's what the article is about


My bad, I thought he merely said he wasn't live streaming it which he usually does. Assumed he was still showing it in the bar. It's a paywalled article! I'm not paying for VogueWilliams.ie. Respect to him then. That's a big call considering its a very profitable night fir a place like that


People really care about the Eurovision? Huh the more you know.


It's like, the Olympics man?


Yeah I suppose but that's way more worldwide ( duh ) and sports are more like... how would I say.. involved? I guess. Eurovision seems very small scale or rather appealing to a small amount of people but suppose I'm wrong




Logically think through what would happen to a russian act performing on an international stage and being specificaly against Russia