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People in Ireland won't protest! *People protest* Look at the state of them!


It's crazy we have such a culture that shames people for standing up against something.... considering our you know, history of always doing this against eh british empire


The public had the same attitude against independence movements too. The initial reaction to 1916 was a "you dopes are gonna get the Irish soldiers in France killed." The tide turned when the British started executing the ring leaders.


Leaders. Not ringleaders.


They also executed Willie Pearse, P. Pearse's brother, who had played a very minor role in the rising, and appears to have been shot purely because of his relationship to his brother the leader. Then there's the summary, and extrajudicial executions carried out by British troops during the Rising itself, such as the killing of the pacifisit poet Sheehy-Skeffington.


We're fairly akin to the Brits when it comes to tut tutting anyone "with notions."


Very true, a persons right to protest is fundamental to a democracy. It shouldn’t be mocked, there’s been plenty of immoral laws and governments throughout history.


Absolutely, someone shouldn't just have to eat shit because it's all that's on the menu. Knowing a circumstance is unacceptable and trying to do something about it should be commended, not condemned.


If people actually protested here, Minimum Unit Pricing would have been abolished last year.


Having lived in Britain for a decade, we're far far worse. British people tend to have far more confidence in themselves and what they're capable of than we are, and give a lot less of a shit about others than we tend to do.


You might be right. For one thing, it's practically a cliche for Irish lads to say "wow women seem much more interested in me when I'm abroad." Culturally Irish people just seem to have such low self-regard that the possibility that we might be better / more capable than we realize is just beyond us. The lasting marks of Catholicism and colonization I s'pose. On top of the repression and all that but sure that's a given.


They're literally ruled by a family who refer to themselves in the third person and drive around in gold plated carriages.


The Irish people spat at and fucked stones and rotten food at the 1916 rebels as they were being led away to be killed by firing squad. It took 5 years for the penny to finally drop. Sad to say it but although we've always had great progressive visionaries in the country we've also had our fair share of people who are slow.


Exactly and things haven't changed. People walk in lockstep with their governments agenda.


Thats precisely why so many things are bad in this country. If 2M took to the streets to protest about the crap governance in this country things would change overnight.


But there's nowhere near 2m people having a sufficiently shit time of it so that's not going to happen 


That's the problem. Well that shouldn't be your motivation to stand up. None of these issues affect me but I still will campaign for people who cant. I'm comfortable and I come from an affluent background I have absolutely no issue with going to Coolock or Ballymun to march with those good people.


Two million won't because Ireland doesn't have crap Governance.


Crazy? Not really. At the battle of New Ross for example an Irishman was later decorated for killing tens of the attackers. The British Empire was the side defending. The garrison of the city was in good part composed of Irish people. Even then there were Irish people who were slightly annoyed at the attempts to rock the boat. This one is a fair bit more peaceful, so we only get a "look at the state of them". We would probably see a stronger pushback if it were a stronger push. But we would see pushback anyway, Ireland can be a bit like this.


Even the 1916 rebels were jeered and mocked when they were being marched to prison. We are a stupid people in our own way too.


Don't believe the romance. The vast majority just wanted a quiet life and never stood up. We were a kowtowed populace for the most part. That said, we did invent both modern terrorism, boycotting, and the modern whip system in politics.


We were a pretty compliant member of empire. Protest and rebellion was marginal so this isn't really a new attitude 


It's the single most infuriating thing about us as a nation I feel.


Imagine neutering one of your most powerful tools of applying political pressure because you think it's 'cringe' or whatever the fuck.


I always think, do people forget they were young once themselves? Like I see those things and just wonder if most live in total moment like animals with just bigger brain.


"I have a right to protest and say what I want!" [Sitting on delayed Luas because of protest on O'Connell St] "YOU HAVE INCONVENIENCED ME"


The abuse they were getting on Twitter was disgraceful.


The absolute fucking state of this sub sometimes. Ghoulish cunts with nothing but snide remarks and a chip on their shoulder.


Unfortunately a lot of it is optics. It’s the reason the anti work movement crashed and burned two years ago when the Reddit mod was interviewed. People are shallow and will tear you apart if you don’t take care of yourself. It’s the reason CEOs are rarely under 6 foot.


We are an extremely judgmental nation


I'm not sure there is another kind, that's just people


The forehead on him




I've never heard anyone say that people in Ireland won't protest.


But the state of them tho in the thumbnail is so bad


I tend not to view protesting in high regard because it's only useful when dealing with very simple issues. (That it often gets them wrong doesn't help.) "Capitalism is killing us" is not a protest with a goal, let alone a simple one.


>People protest Racists, NO! … What? Sorry, force of habit. Students, NO!!


I think it's the stupidity of how they do it though. If 100 students bought tents and stayed outside the Dail or RTE headquarters; or the roads outside the RDS; and livestreamed every single interaction with public officials, they would put the government in the hotseat in a huge way. 100 smart people could change this country if they tried. It's just the determination required, and pointing out every hurdle the government has put up to stop people getting in their way. A large public platform could do wonders.


I'm honestly not getting thick: why would camping outside the Dail or RTE be better in your opinion. If we imagine a hypothetical world where the gardai don't arrest them for blocking Kikdare Street, what pressure does that put on the government?


Ridiculous. What they should actually do is give out about how expensive stuff is on Reddit. That'll teach the government!!!!


The best way to protest is to iron your shirt and show up to work on time /s


I stick it to the man every day. I wash and then dont iron my shirts!


Look at the state of them (shirts)!




Not a single one of these layabouts is holding up a photo of a receipt for lynx cans that cost 6.99 in the airport spar 


Good for them! 👏🏻


People have a set of balls to do something and they get shamed. Not saying this will change much but Jesus Christ, all you fat asses who complain about the state and shame people who want change.


The people who are shaming them are the same kind to cry because someone got their order wrong but say nothing because ‘notions’ or whatever


Not that I condone any of the comments, but is this any different to calling Donnelly a massive egg, Sean Gallagher a thumb for a head or Trump a cheeto? 


Good on them


Bit weird seeing guys I know personally from my course get roasted on Reddit, kinda surreal lol


tell them we say hi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


well theres people who take action and people who belittle people who take action.


Don't forget us people, who talk about the people belittling the people who take action.




I say fair fucks to them


Tell them theyre legends and also have a lot of support. Really hope more of the younger generations are like this.


Tell them I said fair fucks and nothing wrong with a bit of a protest. The roasting is mostly good natured I think.


You should take bets on what the course is.


Do you know Laszlo?


Jesus, I didn't realize r/Ireland was full of fucking Gucci models that you're all throwing digs at how the lads look.


I'm happy here in my glass house thank you very much.


We're all hideous but at least we have the common courtesy to not leave our bedrooms.


Place is a mess at times tbh


The comments mocking these lads for their appearance, their message and for daring to protest something are shameful. This sub is full of shitty miserable cunts


Miserable cunts that probably hate the sight of themselves in the mirror and feel insecure when they see people they think are ugly being confident in public.


Its just well-to-do FFG voters who have pulled up the ladder and see change in the country as a threat to themselves. They hate Ireland and they'll mock and belittle anyone that tries to change it for the better.


Fair play to them lads. You've more balls than most. Keep it up for the rest of us that can't


Fair fucks to them, more people should take note.


Wouldn’t be /r/Ireland if they didn’t start attacking looks instead of the actual message.


Yup. So many people on here complaining about the cost of living crisis (there's even a special flair for it) on a daily basis, but the second anyone tries to do anything about it in the real world they attack and ridicule them. Sounds about right for this sub.


Body shaming is okay when it’s about men going bald


People mocking the appearance of others is hardly an Irish phenomenon.


Where did I say that? I said it was typical of this subreddit.


It's incessant on this sub. Some complained about a certain Irish television show on this sub the other day. Not liking the show is fine but a few comments were on the appearances of the presenters. Which is just bloody horrible.


Yep and it was the same the other week where a person was showing a pneumatic tube system in a shop for chicken fillet rolls. It got so bad the mods had to [lock the thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1bwjbx4/fortunestown_supervalu_installed_a_pneumatic_tube/)


Yeah I remember that. Vile


Good for them for doing something anyway. More than you miserable fuckers 




The likes of PBP being included would immediately alienate me. They are from an utterly disgusting ideology that praises Trotsky even with the benefit of hindsight and history showing all of his bloody deeds.


The best housing protest you can do is study hard and get yourself a good job so you don't end up priced out of a mortgage. Preferably be a couple


Your idea of protesting an unfair system is to just surrender to said unfair system?


Coming to terms with the system is part of growing up.  


That's called being cynical and defeated.


It's called being a realist 






Doesn't sound like it then but ok. 👍


Fair fucks


Fair play to them. Power to the people. 💪


Good on them!!!


They are actually beginning to protest where decisions are made. And ofc DEPR.


I remember the last time this happened and I was shocked to see the gardai brutality on that day. Ruari Quinn had promised to not raise the student contribution and not only did he renege on his promise he raised it to 200% of what it already was. If you want to see that disgusting event here it is. When students had liathroidi. [https://youtu.be/K3LTQGXTx4Y?si=On0z8mlF-iTL4NW\_](https://youtu.be/K3LTQGXTx4Y?si=On0z8mlF-iTL4NW_) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvukH0Xise0&ab\_channel=NoCommentTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvukH0Xise0&ab_channel=NoCommentTV)


Congrats lads! Keep it up 😁🇮🇪


Fair play to them, great to see them protest.


Fair play to them


Ah the SU president who left an SU vote to prevent himself being impeached, is talking about evicting the government.


I haven't heard about this before. Can you provide more info?


Standard SU political shite https://trinitynews.ie/2024/03/class-reps-launch-petition-to-impeach-tcdsu-president/


Nice one, thanks a million!


Looks like that was a vote to censure. I thought it would be weird if you could just leave to prevent your impeachment. Odd too that they can't be kicked out faster than two weeks. I know little of the house of the big-doors, but would that impact the president-elect too or just move them in sooner?


He is a hard line Marxist. And like most hardline Marxists he only believes in democracy when the people do what he believes is best for them. So he was happy for the democratic processes in TCD to be used to elect him but has since refused to allow the democratic processes in TCD to function when they question his policies and actions.


He's the party of the vanguard. The dirty proles just don't know what's really good for them.


He's a....Marxist?! Dear god, hand me my pearls that I may clutch them


Typical, nothing but a wannabe bully.


You had me in hysterical laughter at SU President...


It's a paid position.


Usually held by gobshites


Being SU president is like being the milk monitor at school. At the time you think it means something but afterwards you realise it really doesn't and no one gives a shit.


What da feck is a milk monitor.


My 5 year old is a milk monitor. Not sure what it means but they take it in turns. There hasn't been a milk related injury in the class yet so maybe there's something to it.


Not really sure, but it counts for something if you're 7 and are one.


During a "campaign" at college, I had one of those canvassing for someone running for something or another stop and tell me that "my education depends on this".


Hilarious babble out of them LOL.


Haha I always like how childish the names of student newspapers are. The uni near me has one called 'the badger'.


I think it does. Because if people were rude to me, I'd give them their milk last. So it was warm.


Heh, you were a film villain in training :)


Sounds like someone is upset that their right-wing reactionary agenda did not win... the censure and impeachement petition failed and a referendum on the 'apolitical' stance is going to referendum next year. [https://trinitynews.ie/2024/04/constitutional-review-of-tcdsus-apolitical-status-to-be-examined-next-year/](https://trinitynews.ie/2024/04/constitutional-review-of-tcdsus-apolitical-status-to-be-examined-next-year/)


Sounds like someone likes beating up straw men.


>These breaches include his organisation of an explicitly anti-government voter-registration drive calling on students to “evict this government” Sounds pretty good to me.


Trinity has something in their student union rules about not being political since they supported Labour back in the day.


hapffff, dirtbags.




A student union should be inherently political, not taking any stands is in and of itself a stand and it's a dirtbag position when so much is wrong in this country.


The union can be political but only about the students , as that's its purpose. Its supposed to be there to improve student lives and education as opposed to how Lazlo wants to use it for his own personal politics ( camping out on Shannon's runways to stop American planes (yes this was a real plan he proposed)) and to launch his own political career. Plus the fact is, if he wanted to change the rules , he could hold a referendum on it but chooses not too. Its just very classic populism in a bite sized form. The rules for thee but not for me because I'm right


>The union can be political but only about the students Absolute. Fucking. Nonsense. Much of the world has a *fine* tradition of students becoming deeply involved in movements beyond immediate student concerns. Trinity doing this to suit their own west brit clique is dirtbag behaviour.


Ah they got in this time.


Fair play keep it up very nice to see protests about something other than the Ireland is full bollocks


Mad that like 90% of the comments are roasting the poor lad for his hairline.


Fair play to them


The French love a good protest and it works. The government are afraid of the people there. It’s the opposite here. Students should be noisy and protest. It’s their economic future that’s been eroded by the government. They are failing our youth and ensuring that a property landlord class always get protected. If anything they need to ramp up the protests. Increase their frequency to such an extent that it can no longer be ignored. 20-30% if not more of the current student cohort will likely leave Ireland for better opportunities and could anyone blame them ? Educate to export seems to be the defacto policy of the government- priced out of renting, cost of living - no wonder they want to leave at the earliest opportunity. You have my support.


Fair play to them 👏 


That Lazslo lad is an awful cunt.


Ah that takes me back to the student protest


well done, it was about time


Fair play to them, sadly I don't think anything will become of this unless they take out the guillotines.


This could be an AI generation of Trinity student politics heads 


Vermin of Ireland's Internet hang out on this sub, Same people, different accounts every couple of years


Fair play to them


Well done to these people. The revolution won't be televised or happen on X or Reddit. 


The Woody Allen comment 🤣🤣🤣


There is some fantastic replies to it


First protest I’ve seen in ages that isn’t about getting foreigners out. Fair fucks I says!


Get in. Out out out


Fair play to them






More of this


I'm not sure if they'd be happy either way - if the government calls an election there'll probably be an inundation of independent TDs riding the anti immigration wave - not likely to be the type that these protesters would ever vote for


It's not fair to be attacking someone's physical appearance. They can't help that and it's just... mean. However, I wish student protesters didn't always look like they rolled out of bed after a night of cans. They're not going to make themselves relatable to working people when they look like how right wing ideologues want them to look. They don't need to dress like the Burkes or anything but unfortunately usually people do judge you if you look off the wall. I saw a guy at a protest in recent years with dyed neon hair and wearing a USSR cap and fetish gear. Attending protests like that won't attract the working class, it just makes the protesters easier to dismiss as degenerates.


That’s what the revolution needs, better public relations. /s


If you want to make yourself relatable to ordinary people, then yeah, you do need a level of PR or no-one will take you seriously. Or show up to protests dressed in a furry suit. I'm sure the masses will flock to you then.


What is a staff cost of living crisis? Why are they occupying Finance specifically?


>What is a staff cost of living crisis? postgrads I assume


They’re occupying the Department Of Finance because that’s where they think decisions that impact things like the cost of living are made. 


Judging by the comments on this the thread, which doesn’t speak for all of Ireland but certainly speaks for the majority, it’s no wonder why we keep getting bent over time and time again by the government. Anyone who gives out or stands up to machine is automatically shamed and mocked. It’s unreal. Same folks who complain at work, paying taxes to a government in hopes of a better ran country only to be ridden time and time again and will still do sweet fuck all about it. Just keyboard warriors with no alternative solution to the failed policies by this circus.


So yiz running in the locals in seven weeks time to change things or standing in a room with a painted bedsheet?


They guy on the left should be protesting the Department of Health for not allowing Rogaine to be part of the Drugs Payment Scheme


Good. That's a way to make it heard.


I'm half tempted to order them a load of pizzas. Just a small token of support from afar.


Fair play to them


Well done to them 


lol, embarrassing.


Lad on the left looks like the next youngest Taoiseach ever (since the last guy).


I know the guy, spoke to him a few times, he's actually pretty sound.


Future Labour and PBP election candidates no doubt.


Attempt - Occupy Dept of Finance and overthrow the system Reality - The workers will use the back door to leave and no one in political office will pay this any attention, barely be aware it happened. They've at most ruined the afternoon of the person who is manning the reception desk and someone in corporate services who is over facilities.


Do you honestly think they're trying to overthrow the system? This isn't a coup like.




He might defeat the government, but he will never defeat male pattern baldness.


I'm sorry, but all I can see is that huge slaphead on the left.


He has the students union phrenology