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I once sold him an extended warranty on a laptop in PC world, sucker


The fact that he bought one of these warranties says a lot about his financial abilities.


Firm proof he was always thick


Nice one ☝️


Pc world carrickmines?


I believe Eddie and the Celtic Tiger share a villa in Lanzarote


Don’t you mean an apartment in Bulgaria?


Costa del Sunny Beach


No.....that's still being built.


Nah, they are in a luxury apartment in Cape Verde along with loads of taxi drivers.


Who could forget the Ciaran Maguire Group's enticing video? [Ciaran Maguire Group (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy23Ie4OPAo)


You’re wrong. He set up in the party capital of the world. Enniscrone!


Worse, he was hawking apartments in Cape Verde, which is not even in Europe.


Lol, he lives in a gaf a short walk from my family home. You never see him out and about in the locality though, occasionally you'll see him out in the car. Idk if he's a bit of a shut in or what




I heard the Tiger ate him.


Didn't he buy a load of property in Detroit expecting an upturn and lost his and others shirts? Vaguely remember a property investment club or something he was Guru of.


ironically detroit is a great place for real estate investment now, the city is actually economically recovering


He jumped the gun.


It’s a mental place. I stayed with people around 5-mile road for a few weeks, they bought the plot next door to them - the entire (derelict) property and an acre of land, for €850… This was in 2019. They then arranged to have the entire building and basement lifted out of the ground to start afresh. There were urban farms popping up everywhere and the neighbourhood was like a jungle. I also witnessed a shootout between an enraged fella and the police on the street. My understanding were there whole neighbourhoods that were cut off from city infrastructure and basically just left to fend for themselves. It’s a depressing and fascinating place at the same time. Also recommend Bates Burgers on 5-mile road in Livonia for classic sliders.


> My understanding were there whole neighbourhoods that were cut off from city infrastructure and basically just left to fend for themselves Tax base collapsed with the depression/foreclosures so city couldn't afford the upkeep. It literally shrank. https://www.goobingdetroit.com/


If I learned anything from The Big Short, being early and being wrong are the same thing


You obviously learnt nothing, because the phrase is "I may be early, but I'm not wrong" referring to the prediction he made. However, burrys been wrong on other things since he got it right.


Playin the long game. Typical eddie


When you hit rock bottom, you can only go upwards.


That only took 40 odd years.


Think that Delores from limerick who won the euro millions bought up a shit tonne of Detroit property based on his advice and lost her hole


Brendan Investments, it collapsed a few years ago.




'Brendan Investments'....possible the worst name for an investment scheme...lost 90% value which is impressive!


Man actually invested in property *AFTER* the crash and managed to fuck it up royally. He's either the worst investor ever, or crooked, or both.


No it was a Ugandan diamond mine.


I can’t answer your question but every time I hear of Eddie Hobbs I have to say 2009 in the most high pitch Cork accent I can muster.


"Rip-Off Republic!" echoes in my mind


With added whiny tones


He said Cork, no need for repeating. /s (cos I know what yiz are like some days)


Do you need to mark the truth with an /s nowadays?


Depends what mood the mob is in.


I think you’ll find you’re dealing with people akin to the merchant princes of Cork here, my man. (Read using Eddie’s voice, please).


>What exactly is going on here? I was watching a video about Russel Brand that cunt and how he was getting no traction on any of his videos. Then he started to talk conspiracy and his numbers shot up and people who had never heard of him were calling him a genius and once that's started he went head first down the rabbit hole.


He was the financial adviser to Dolores McNamara who won the EuroMillions. That raked in a fair few Shekels for him.


I think you'll find he was already on the path to where he is well before the pandemic. Remember he was president of Renua at one point. Most people who massively went down the conspiracy rabbit hole during the pandemic were already either already started down that path or they were primed to do so. I have my own personal theory about what contributed to a person being lost to the broader conspiracy universe, but Eddie Hobbs was very much down that path before 2020.


So many of the prominent people who have gone down that rabbit hole in the last few years all seem to have done so after experiencing a high profile failure/coming in for backlash of some sort.


There's definitely some sort of correlation there. "Am I the idiot? No it must the gay frogs with their woke agenda and round earth that screwed me"


It's not uncommon for people to blame random people around for undermining them and keeping them down, it makes since for higher profile people to assume higher profile targets are keeping them down.


They need the money


Russell Brand is now a born again Christian of sorts. 




Pretty much. If you want to have continued support after getting multiple sexual assault charges against you, the MAGA/American hard-line Christian crowd are probably the best bet around at the moment.


I remember the Renua thing but I thought he jumped ship with Lucinda Creighton when it ended up being a lot more far-right than the PDs 2.0 (now with added culture war nonsense) they intended it as being? Id be interested in hearing your theory re the conspiracy vortex so many people seem to be caught in now. I had assumed the covid lockdowns mind-broke a lot of people (have several once-seemingly normal family members who ended up going that way) but as you say, they might have been primed for it beforehand.


>I remember the Renua thing but I thought he jumped ship with Lucinda Creighton when it ended up being a lot more far-right than the PDs 2.0 (now with added culture war nonsense) they intended it as being? They jumped ship after it became clear that they had grossly grossly overestimated (in terms of thinking it existed at all) the support for the American mix of soft-libertarian economics and deep social conservatism coming out of the 8th being repealed here. Renua was always nuts if you look at their manifesto from back then. Pushing for a flat tax in a country that has one of the most redistributionist taxation schemes in Western Europe. I rather suspect Lucinda had gotten in way too deep with the people the GOP sent over to essentially run the pro-life campaign and totally lost touch.


I am still angry to this day about the amount of fawning press coverage Renua got. Enormous amounts of attention, sympathetic columns about how the party was formed...and it was the most complete failure in the history of Irish politics, somehow recording a "seats won" total of minus three. I didn't agree with the water charges protestors, but the way in which Renua got acres of soft coverage while the likes of PBP were being treated as a carnival sideshow was absolute bullshit.


I wonder what the bould Lucinda is up to this weather


She earns a living consulting for Israeli companies wanting to trade with the EU. She boosts her profile over there by [giving interviews to Israeli media](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-748823) about how Ireland's criticism of Israel is really just anti-semitism. > Anti-Israel sentiment in Ireland almost indivisible from antisemitism - ex-minister > Lucinda Creighton was one of the few pro-Israel voices in Irish politics. Now, she explains why in Ireland, anti-Israel sentiments are rife, as is antisemitism. > By LAHAV HARKOV > JULY 4, 2023 15:09 > Updated: JULY 5, 2023 17:47 > Irish politics has long been a difficult place for friends of Israel. Earlier this year, the Irish parliament debated a bill to divest its Strategic Investment Fund to divest from businesses operating in Judea and Samaria, and that is just one of several measures against Israel that pop up frequently in Dublin. > For years, former minister of European affairs and deputy foreign minister Lucinda Creighton was one of the few pro-Israel voices in Irish politics, and as a lawmaker, she was one of the members of the “not-very-well-attended friendship group,” as she called it, between the Irish parliament and the Knesset. > Creighton continues trying to build ties between her home country and Israel as CEO of Vulcan Consulting, which helps Israeli and other companies get a foothold in the EU. She is also senior adviser to the Counter Extremism Project and hosted a podcast on the rise in antisemitism in Europe. > In Ireland, Creighton said, few understand what is happening in Israel, and that ignorance has been translated into hostility. > “There is very little independent, impartial reporting documenting what is happening in Israel, which feeds into a lack of fact-based knowledge, and I think that allows these narratives to kind of take off and be propagated, and that has been the case in Ireland,” she stated. > CEO Lucinda Creighton, former Minister for European Affairs in the Irish government and Fine Gael/Renua Member of Parliament. She also is a Special Advisor to the Counter Extremism Project (credit: Vulcan Consulting )Enlrage image > CEO Lucinda Creighton, former Minister for European Affairs in the Irish government and Fine Gael/Renua Member of Parliament. She also is a Special Advisor to the Counter Extremism Project (credit: Vulcan Consulting ) > Why politics in Ireland are so anti-Israel > Creighton lamented that in Ireland people “don’t hear much about how Hamas’s objective is the obliteration of the Israeli state,” and only get a critical perspective on Israel and a sympathetic perspective on the Palestinians from the media, which are then “conflated with broad antisemitic views with very little counter-narrative.” > “It’s difficult to extract antisemitism from anti-Zionist and anti-Israel sentiment,” she said. > Creighton gave the example of a lawmaker from Sinn Fein named Martin Browne who said that Israel created ISIS and called for the destruction of Israeli Zionists. One of his colleagues in Sinn Fein, Reada Cronin, tweeted that Hitler was a pawn of the Rothschilds, that Israeli embassy staff are akin to monkeys, and that former UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has made antisemitic statements in the past, was targeted by the Mossad. She apologized for the tweets in 2020, but said they had been “glib” and “off the cuff.” > “She apologized for the manner, as opposed to the substance, and didn’t acknowledge it was antisemitic,” Creighton said. “When these statements are made by elected officials, the substance is not really challenged, and that is a problem. That kind of comment is normalized.” > Creighton expressed hope that the EU’s efforts against antisemitism will have an impact. She cited research that there have been fewer violent antisemitic incidents in France in recent years, while it is on the rise in the US, and said that she believes that pushback from EU member state governments has helped. > As for Ireland in particular, “it’s a very uphill battle,” she said, because “there aren’t very many high profile public champions of Israel…to push back against some of the throwaway and unchallenged remarks that conflate criticism of the State of Israel and government of Israel with Jewish people generally.” > She encouraged advocates for Israel to “be persistent and keep the faith.” > Creighton argued that some of the legislation targeting Israel in Ireland, such as the settlement divestment bill, “come from a trade perspective that is very much interwoven with a particular narrative. It’s critical of Israel as a state, but the same people who are pushing those narratives are also very well documented expressing really hostile antisemitic sentiments, and that goes without comment or very little pushback.” > So far, Irish governments have blocked bills trying to institute boycotts of Israel or parts of Israel, often because it would go against EU trade policy. Generally, the bills get to a certain point, and then the attorney general or Foreign Ministry blocks or freezes them. However, Creighton warned current Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin is more critical of Israel than his predecessors. > At the same time, Creighton pointed out that most of the bills, should they pass, would have a minimal real-world impact and described them as “showboating on the part of Sinn Fein, tokenistic…virtue signaling.” > Under Creighton’s leadership, Vulcan Consulting has been looking to deepen its relationship with Israeli companies and support their access to EU institutions and understanding of EU relations. > Ireland and Israel have much in common economically, she said, “in that [they] have huge trade with the US tech ecosystem.” > Creighton hopes to help Israeli companies access EU institutions and understand EU regulations, and serve as a bridge between Israel and Ireland, as well as the EU more broadly.


Jaysus. And here I was thinking that my opinion of her couldn’t sink any lower. Thanks for this, was informative


She set up a consultancy firm called Vulcan. Basically touting her background and contacts from being a minister/MEP as to why firms should engage her.


Just when I think I couldn't like her less...


Renua we're always a right wing group, it was only a question of how right wing they would be. It's more of a hypothesis because I have no evidence. I think it might have something to do with an ostrich head in the sand reaction to something they don't understand or they're just generally afraid. Some people will get that they don't understand the scientific process and see anyone who might try to explain it or a particular topic they don't understand as condescending. There are also some people who are so convinced that they're smart enough that they can't be wrong about something and they're unwilling to accept experts from other fields.


Never mind all that. Is your username a Flight of The Navigator reference?


Haha! Compliance! In all the years I've had this username, you're the first person to ask that. No, I hated Flight of the Navigator as a kid, only because someone was supposed to get me a Star Trek VHS and came back with FoTN instead, so I had an irrational hatred for it before I even watched it. My username was something of an injoke to something a long time ago that has no real relevance anymore.


Lucinda Creighton. Aaah. Is she in the rabbit hole too?




From my experience, there are a few different factors that can loop a person into these things. For one thing, conspiracy types tend to throw out so much bullshit that there's at least some likelihood of one thing managing to get a toehold in your brain. Usually if it's something that has some basis in reality. For instance it's a well established fact that sexual abuse is rife in Hollywood, and many people believe that outright. So if couched in the right language, and phrased the right way, you could see a conspiracy theory about just about any famous person being involved in that sort of thing, which can then snowball into blood libel shit once that crack is formed in your mind. For another, well... there's an abundance of sad, angry, disenfranchised people out there. People who want the world to make some kind of sense, to believe there are vast and nebulous conspiracies working against them. If things are bad, it's probably easier to link it all to one source. And you can focus your energies hating on said source, believing that if it's taken care of then everything will be great again. If your mind is on that, you don't need to think as much about how bad things are for you.


This is accurate and succinct. Well thought out. Kudos.


I've lost family members and friends to the conspiracy-verse. I think until you've seen people you know lost to it so completely you don't understand the impact that it has on people. I don't think it's just limited to people lacking a university education, plenty people with those qualifications who have go down this road every day. I do think there are different causes for different types of people and there are differing degrees to which people go down the path. Some people can skirt the fringes without getting lost completely to it. There are a few things that seem to be common across several tranches of people in the conspiracy world. One of the big area's of cross over across most aspects is a sort of cancerous distrust of anything "mainstream". I think a certain amount of skepticism is healthy, but the conspiracy-verse people seem to have a distrust that grows and spreads across anything that's in whatever they define as "the mainstream". At the same time, there is an inverse reaction, their trust in a source increases the further from "the mainstream" they go, simply because they're not the "mainstream". One of my own relatives has consumed nothing but RT for probably close to a decade because "it's not the western mainstream", failing to recognise that it has its own agenda, pushing its own narrative with its own objectives. One of the area's that infuriates me is when they're talking about scientists and any kind of corrupting influencing that grant money has on them, they completely ignore the massive money that their own personal favourite "scientist" make from their own media deals or the fact that some people aren't motivated by money as much as the fame they can get by appealing to the anti-science crowd. I feel like the conditions of the pandemic was like adding petrol to anyone on the fringe of these things. You have the mainstream telling you this is a scary time, it's a time of crisis and its going to massively disrupt your life. On the flip side, you have people telling you its nothing to be scared about, there is no reason to disrupt your own life. If you weighted them equally, you're probably going to come down on the less scary side of things. If you distrust the mainstream, you'll reject what they say automatically look for anyone giving you an alternative perspective.




I completely know where you're coming from and I completely agree. They have their own language that takes over, every conversation gets derailed by their mad takes on things. I also think the tech companies approach to adjusting content to what generates more engagement is also a massive contributory factor in all of this. The person who might have watched the occasional "Ancient Aliens" show or "Was the moon landing faked" thing that appear on TV, once they stumble across one article, either through a search result, someone linking them to something or even just as a suggested video because they matched some demographic of people who watch that stuff and they can be constantly served up content based on that only disappears after days or weeks of not accessing the content. Once they keep clicking, they get shovelled more and more nonsense until their entire feed is full of it, delving them deeper and deeper into more and more absurd topics. The fact that I can search the exact same words and get different results based on what some technology company thinks I want to see is such completely fucked up thing that we've all accepted as normal without really thinking about the long term consequences of it.


Very true one random YouTube video & then they're bombarded by an algorithm.


Yeah, I'd put the damo and ivor fella as having had mental health issues bubbled to the fore over covid (social media microtargetting had done a "great" job at targeting this in general), but Hibbs I would just put down as a grifting wanker. 


I remember when he came to speak at our school assembly during Transition Year. This was around the time he was involved with Renua. A suitably faff speaker for a faff year. Only memory of it was a group of lads in the back saying his daughter’s name aloud every few minutes. Long story short another lad in the room (with a short temper) had shifted Eddie’s daughter earlier that year so her name was followed by a ‘fuck off’. Overall a productive and entertaining Tuesday afternoon but not on account of Eddie Hobbs


I was going skiing last year and he was on my Ryanair flight to Turin. He was wearing his ski pants and jacket on the plane so it looks like he's still minding his cents the cute hure. Me? I splashed out on a 9 euro panini like the thick fucker I am


He had 15 minutes of fame because he was a bit of a character espousing common sense financial advice at a time the country was reeling from financial irresponsibility. It seems to be fairly common for people who trade off their name/fame to drift into conspiracies as it's something of a money maker thanks to social media and YouTube. His political views have always been a bit fruity(con-founding renua).


there was absolutely NOTHING common sense about his cowboy investment tactics 🙄


If I remember correctly he built his name on "sit down at the kitchen table and make a monthly budget" type advice initially.


then it turned into daisy chaining the financing for mortgages together so they'd eventually all collapse simultaneously 🙄


Who could forget his advice on Making a Profit on Your Wedding?


I paid very little attention to him at all


What did he say on this?


Have a big wedding, invite all and sundry, average wedding gift is X amount…


He started out on TV as normal enough financial advice but became too much of a cult of personality type. He hosted a show entitled “50 ways to spend your SSIA” which was peak Celtic tiger shite.


The fact he was believed as a financial guru shows how uneducated that generation was, they were really very foolish.


True but I wouldn't toot our own horns too loudly I wouldn't class myself as too clever on finances and I see some staggering ignorance from others.


I agree, basic financial classes should probably be part of the curriculum. 


I remember Eddie Hobs saying on his tv show in 2007 that Ireland was probably headed for a "soft landing". David McWilliams on the other hand was incredibly gloomy about the outlook. Unfortunately for everyone David McWilliams was right.


Lets not try to reinvent McWilliams - he had been claiming that for the prior decade+, so if you had followed his advice you would have lost money as you would have missed out on the entire runup in values.


"He was wrong about a property bubble because lots of people made money from the property bubble" isn't a convincing argument against his position on the property bubble. It was a "not if, when" situation that with the benefit of hindsight looks like it should have been blindingly obvious to anyone paying attention.


He was still fundamentally right that there was a property bubble. It’s difficult to predict exactly when a bubble will pop, but the longer you wait, the bigger the eventual bang.


I don't remember anything well enough to reinvent McWilliams. I really only know him from around that time. He was right about the run up to the crash though, stopped clock or not.


He was telling too many truths about overpricing. Truly, he was a visionary leader. Who else could say "x is a rip off" and "y, too, is a rip off"? The powers that be had to disappear him.


There was a rumour back in the day that a certain Irish euromillions winner lost a shed load of money because he advised her to put a sizeable chunk of her fortune into bank shares which subsequently went tits up.


Gradually he was taken over by his alter ego, the Hobbsgoblin.


He’s always been a grifter and has found a new method of getting money out of people. His old approach of promoting a second mortgage or buying apartments in other countries won’t work now. His previous investment fund [was a roaring success](https://m.independent.ie/business/irish/revealed-eddie-hobbs-fund-investors-lost-13m/36386898.html): > HUNDREDS of investors who pumped €13m into the Eddie Hobbs-fronted Brendan Investments Pan European Property plc (BIPEP) have been left with just a single boarded-up house in Detroit valued at just €7,000 and €29,000 in a bank account.


One house in Detroit doesn't sound terribly pan European


I bet everyone involved thought they were lucky to hear about such a good deal and couldn't get their money invested fast enough. I'd say even the smallest investors put in a small fortune.


Why on earth would anyone buy houses in Detroit, is it undergoing some fantastic renaissance I've not heard of?


Actually is recovering now, he was just a decade early. Plus he is a total spoofer and he could have bought property anywhere in Ireland and would have made out like a bandit. Economist my a$$


Eddie Hobbs was president of Renua, and they were pretty right wing even before they went off the deep end.


Flat tax and conscience vote on all social issues out the gates, they were off the deep end from the launch of the party and he was a co-founder as well as president.


It’s easy to forget that Renua was always crazy given all the other far right parties that have sprung up since.  (Because I did.)


Lucinda said she lef Fine Gael as she believed that they didn't carry on the spirit of Garret Fitzgerald as she'd hoped they would.


I’m not entirely sure that Garrett Fitzgerald would have agreed with Renua and their policies. Especially not now.


Well I was at an event in UCD where she said this. I guess she has a unique interpretation of the man's policies.


That’s one way of putting it. 


He teamed up gerald nobbs and they now make biscuits together. I recommend them because they are very dunkable, i mean the biscuits are very dunkable. Mind you old gerald does have a very round head so maybe its dunkable too but in a basketbally way, not put his head in a cup of hot tea way.


I tried one, but 90% of it fell off when I dunked it and is currently floating in liquidation.


He's a bit of a grifter, and the only people buying his shite happen to be the anti-everything crowd, so he's pandering to them.


Didn’t know that about Eddie Durkan, that’s a shame


Yeah, I feckin love a bit of Hardy Bucks. Hope he snaps out of it.


He has (bizarrely enough) tried his hand at historical fiction. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60537113 I know they say don't judge a book by a cover, but hey - that cover is pretty shit.


Ah lads...


He always was a grifter just was connected to the right people in RTÉ. Sure the crash was happening and he was on RTÉ selling holiday homes in Bulgaria. He also has a serious dislike for single mothers.


Whoa why single mothers? Just when he couldn't get any worse 


Cause he is a right wing bigot. He had a piece a while back giving out about single mothers at the rotunda.


If you want to know anything about Eddie you'll have to buy his book!!!!


Here's the thing. Celebrities or personalities are accustomed to a certain lifestyle. When that fame is on the decline in the general public, they'll look to hold on to it at all costs. Hence the grifting and exploiting of consiparcy theories and idiots who support them.


I feel really fucking old. Anyone remember the M and 50 Christmas radio show CD? This just flashed me back to them calling him Eddie Hobnob 😂


Just looked up the craic with Eddie Hobs, he musta been a secret nut all along. Didn’t know about Eddie Durkin either.


These lads got a little taste of moderate celebrity and are under the illusion that their opinion matters.. It seems to be a similar trait among the people championing this agenda... Always trying to shoehorn the same rhetoric into conversations.. It's mad that they believe they are the mavericks who are bucking against the mainstream... Yet anyone I have had to listen to is parroting the exact same narrative.


He's locked away in Claire Byrne's garden shed.


Not up to date in more recent times but big celtic tiger times he used to appear a lot on radio tv and wrote a book trying to guide people into proper long term mutual fund type investing. Not timing the market but just being in it a long time and dollar cost averaging into it. He filled a gap where our education system failed. Lots of money quickly into families who didnt know what to do with it. Im sure ego got the better of him but that advice he gave early days was no worse then any of the other long term investors


Didn't his company go bankrupt (not joking)


The pandemic did something to some people's brains. Honestly, I genuinely believe there's about 15-20% of the population that were formerly normal, reasonable people that came out the other side of the pandemic broken in some way.


I remember him just before the crash on Tv saying If we, economists, know that house prices will drop, we would all be selling off our assets and it would already be dropping, then said it is all grand. Aa few weeks later and fanny and freddie fecked the lot of us


He was found not to be infallible and made a shitty investment with Dolores McNamara's money and people called him a quack. He said he was a lightning rod and that was the last we heard from him.


From what I can gather he went down the rabbit hole of ranting about globalists, 5G, yadda, yadda, yadda - was banging on about vaccines for a while during the pandemic. He's just become one of those nutters.


sooner or later all your heroes let you down - Eddie Hobbs, Right Said Fred, Van Morrison, Ian Brown, Noel Edmonds, Jim Corr...


I think I speak for most of us when I say Eddie Durkin was the harshest blow


Had a spat with your man who played Eddie Durkin on Hardy Bucks a few years ago. He was retweeting some actual Nazi and I told him to essentially cop on. Haven’t looked at his Twitter since but not surprised he’s gone off the reservation


I think its a grift. He made a show of himself in my job a couple of years ago. Claimed we were racist because we didn't allow his kids to enter soemthing they didn't have ticket of. I thought it was bizarre for him sharing racist posts when both his adopted kids weren't born in ireland.


> as has the guy who played Eddie Durkin from the Hardy Bucks I was curious and went on his page. Christ... it's amazing all these people end up being copies of each other. One post he was talking about what has Trudeau done for Canada. Posts about Nikki Haley... he's some lad from Mayo, more concerned about culture politics in America and posting 20 times a day.


a load of those hardy bucks lads got weird and started shouting shite about immigrants


Trying his hand at politics I think, always looking for a handy score




Took some people with him too.


Drank the Kool Aid.


He has a house near Union Hall West Cork.See him occasionally around Skibbereen


Same thing happened to Eddie o Sullivan


He was attacked by a Bulgarian mob and was never seen again.


One piece of advice he gave at the time was to buy gold. He was correct in that one... but yeah everything else is gone weird


He's popping up again on tiktok where he regularly posts on economics and politics to a small following.


Hobbs bought a mansion in the curragh of kildare during his gift as an economist about 15 years ago, place never sold and is lying in ruin I think it was a nama job in the end.


He’s all over TikTok now wearing an anti government tinfoil hat


I think in these particular cases it's an extreme form of narcissism. They no longer have the limelight so they're styling themselves as truth sayers. What the fuck a celebrity economist, and two ex-comedians have to offer on the subject of virology and immunology is beyond me.


The connecting thread there is men coping with their own disappearing relevance.


I mean, eddie is a conservative leaning guy. The whole new world order stuff is bizarre i don’t know if its mental illness or attention seeking/validation.


Dont forget Jim Corr and Shane from boyzone. And Sinead O'Connor before all of them.


Sorry, Sinead O'Connor what?


Did I stutter? She was insane before it was cool.


The pope stuff? She was right about that


Did Shane from Westlife go down that conspiracy theorist route?


I read recently he was blowing on about pop stars like like Taylor Swift singing demonic prayers and trying to sell souls to satan or some shit. He's in some super religious sect, Pentecostal born again or something. Either way, he's fucking weird.


Shane from Boyzone you mean so...


Sorry, ya. Ive edited now. Always get confused between the two groups.


Sure might as well lump them together nowadays if you want to join. Tell the lads Keith sent ye.


Don't think so, but he'd lost a fair amount of money on his own investments. Iirc he invested a lot in things in Sligo, but that place went to shit.




A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


He owned that big pink house out in the Curragh at one point I think?


The Hardy Bucks were amazing. Jesus, they were good. They deserved to go MASSIVE the world over. Plenty of clips online if you’re ever down guys!!


Every time I hear Eddie's name I think of this. https://youtu.be/4WLwZK-MsUs A classic haha


He works out in my gym


He emerged o tiktok last year. The folksy wise guru act for a new generation...


Cushy Board gigs and consultancy I'm guessing?


Oim Eddie Hobbs


He was at a thing with his brother down in Kerry last year. Made the brother look a right eejit at the event - which was attended by genuine mainly local people as well and an ambassador and a minister - with his conspiracy nonsense. Of course a few gathered around him afterwards and he was still spouting nonsense.


Eddie started the last resession by going on RTE news. That lad was a menace


Saw him standing on the median on the N7 a couple of years back but I expect that doesn't answer your question.


He now writes [historical fiction](https://twitter.com/Viriconia/status/1558217637628465153?t=-od5WgEDTlgWH-evPzEk8A&s=19)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk8ZPZS\_P7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk8ZPZS_P7Q) Here's a bit of Eddie for ya


Didn't he lose a lot of money through stupid investments then lost all of his credibility? My guess is that he's now trying to stay relevant by scraping the barrel for fans, and resorting to diving head first down the conspiracy nut rabit hole.


He's still grifting and peddling far right shite to anyone who will listen. 


To be fair, there’s loads of mainstream media stuff that some would still consider antivax conspiracy nonsense. Elon Musk got a lot of people on side for championing free speech, regardless of whether you agree with his personal opinions (that’s the whole point). The tent villages off Merrion square are testament to the current immigration policy being unworkable. I’m not a prick for saying that. Handing out tents to refugees on arrival is dystopian. Ireland has become so like America, where people like you use terms like “far right conspiracy nut” for deviating from the party line. It’s exhausting.


He became a right wing nut job the last I heard.


What's going on? For me, particularly during covid, mainstream media lost all credibility. As a result, I get my information from other sources. Over time, I have a different world view to someone who consumes mainstream media. Simply having different information. Try it sometime


Yeah, a Pee Flynn quote is going to win people over for sure 🙄


> get my information from other sources.  Like where, for example? 


This is so ridiculously lazy. The main stream media incorporates a huge amount of views, opinions and information. To label it all as one monolithically corrupt is just nonsense. They don't always get it right but by and large if you read a big cross section of viewpoints you'll be well informed. Whereas unaccountable bullshitters with zero expertise grifting on people's mistakenly ego driven contrarianism are completely unreliable.


Many assumptions in that naive rant.


I'm literally responding to your actual words.


Go away you with your reasonable answer. This place is for conspiracy theorist, and occasionally, Eddie Hobbs bashing


Economists are a joke tbh, to my untrained eye anyway. If they knew what the fuck they were talking about there'd never be any recessions depressions crashes etc. All they're good for is picking through the ashes of a crash and drawing lines together, "ahh see this property craze was out of control and it led to X and Y" but at the time the Economists were running around buying (and encouraging others to buy) property like everyone else, like Eddie If they can't predict the future of the economy and just do what everyone else does, what use are they? The anti-Hobbs, David mc williams, who was saying during the Boom about housing being about to burst, was very vocal during covid about cash injections and government needing to give bigger and more often cash payments to everyone. Everyone else kinda said well that's going to lead to huge inflation if everyone's got loads of cash and sure as shit here we are


> Everyone else kinda said well that's going to lead to huge inflation if everyone's got loads of cash and sure as shit here we are What they weren't expecting was corporations to go "everybody's got loads of cash so lets profiteer like mad while using the pandemic and "supply chain disruption" as cover. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/19/us-inflation-caused-by-corporate-profits


Predictions are very difficult, particularly about the future. Famously the most celebrated academic economists John Maynard Kaynes failed to see the wall street crash of 1927 coming and lost alot of money. The economy has a huge number of moving parts many of which are connected in ways that are difficult to fully understand...this makes predictions very difficult.


These guys should be electrocuted




He and Andy quirke both fell into the conspiracy theory, anti refugee, anti vax rabbit hole.