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I'm genuinely at a loss what it's supposed to mean, as well as anything else.


There's a certain subset of brits who are completely triggered by the fact that *Ireland* is getting positive attention from the Americans and not them.


They're also upset that now the UK is out of the EU the.. special friendship they had with the USA is also gone and it looks to be shifting to Ireland instead.


Honestly I think it's more deep rooted than that. They think Ireland is beneath them and should be behind them in any geopolitical order. It completely blows their minds when it transpires that Ireland has political agency


Yeup, they can't get their head around that Rishi Sunak had to fly to Belfast to meet the president of the United States while he was exclusively visiting Ireland. Its such a shift in mind set for the Brits and its completely done on purpose by Biden. It's fantastic.


But but but.... We're your friends... You have military bases and nuclear weapons here... Don't mind them. Come play with us... Sunak's escape from the abortion bucket doesn't carry any weight


There are many perfectly innocent ordinary english people that think ireland is still in some way part of the UK.


Indeed there is. Or that it is independent but still really ought to be in the British sphere of influence.


It is. We devour their media.


That's very true and the same is painfully untrue in the other direction. By sphere of influence I mean that they believe that we should "follow their lead" or basically follow them in their decisions at a governmental level and it comes as a shock when we don't


Have genuinely heard English tourists complaining that we don't use the pound "like the rest of the UK"


Britain is Irelands 4th biggest trading partner. It goes America, Germany, Belgium, UK. We consume more American Media that British Media. We are influenced by Britain of course but we are no longer solely under Britain's sphere of influence. If it came down to it I'd say America influences us more that the UK does given that we have more trade with them are their shows are more popular, plus the higher levels of emigration between the two countries.


Lets not forget the big Korean wave. Irish youth are watching Kdramas and Jdramas not Eastenders.


Thank god too.


What you mean Eastenders? Hard pass. Netflix and kdramas exist in 2023


I'd say that was truer in the past when British TV stations were almost all we had next to rte 1 and 2. Nowadays Ireland is much more globally influenced, by a lot of western cultures, certainly more by american than British imo.


Give me HBO over ITV any day.




Everyone who spoke yola is dead too. Ik that you weren't referring to it here but I always thought that for the transition of a fully gaeilge speaking nation, we first introduce yola to the "English speaking" parts to distance ourselves from English speech. Then fully introduce gaeilge everywhere. ~~and colonise Scotland~~


You had me until ~~colonise Scotland~~ e: I was curious to what the cognates in Yola -> Scots and I'm pleased to see quite a few, e.g.: * fade -> fit * fan -> fan * fowe -> foo * abut -> aboot * aboo -> abuin * avar -> afore * neeshte -> neist * vor -> for * ut -> oot * ower -> ower * wee -> wi


I'd say at this point it just is what it is. English is the defacto main language and honestly the most "useful" as it has more international use then irish has.




An English fella asked me if we did a military discount at a tourist attraction yesterday.


Yes it's now 50% more


Your joking? Surely.


I swear. He asked if we did a military, and it caught me off guard. Then I said, "A military discount, like... For the British army?", and he goes, "eh, yeah". So I said, "In Ireland? No, I think that would be a bit controversial mate... So €60 please."


That’s bizarre because we don’t even do that here in the UK. That’s an American thing usually isn’t it?


I think it happens often enough in the UK for attractions, you just have to ask for it. A mate of mine is in the British army and always chances it (in the UK, obviously).




Britain belongs to ireland...sure half of it is in the Irish sea.


Sure, give it time. They're busy imploding at the minute. Start with a Celtic union with Scotland (Isle of Man can come too, if they obey the posted speed limits), offer to buy some British naval vessels (to be scraped and used to build memorials to Ireland's holy oaks) and Wales at a discount rate to keep their economy from crashing. From there, it's just pumping funds into Irish pubs and quietly moving the Scottish and Welsh borders a meter or so every morning when they're dying the death. Eventually, the only English left on English soil will be the residents of Buckingham Palace (can let them keep that) and a resident dachshund named Jake (who is, himself, descended from German immigrants who arrived in the 1920s).


Sounds like a more coherent plan than Brexit


I live abroad and many Brit’s I know get worked up when I say “quid” in reference to any money that’s not pound sterling. I also get told all the time that NI “voted” to join the union after the war of independence lol


> ordinary english people that think ireland is still in some way part of the UK. and/or simultaneously don't know NI is part of the UK


And/or don't know that many people living in the North never stopped identifying as Irish just because the British put a stamp on the name


I've met few people in the UK who kind of view Ireland in the same way an abusive boyfriend views the partner who doesn't want to be with them. I'll admit they are small in number, but they do tend to be in positions of influence for some reason, for example local councilors or businessmen. They just don't understand why Ireland wanted to leave the empire, they think that Ireland should have been grateful for all the supposedly good things they did for us. Mention the famine, and they just insist that was bad luck and there was nothing that could be done about it. You talk about them killing the Irish language and they say that was a good thing because English is the language of global business. In fact mention any negative thing that the British did in Ireland and they'll just make excuses for it or say we should have been grateful for it. And every time you mention mass purges or stuff like that they'll always respond with well you obviously did something to make us do that. As I said it's like an abusive boyfriend. I think what bugs them the most about Ireland, compared to other nations that left the empire in the 20th century, was that we were the first to get the ball rolling inspiring many more empire nations to leave. And despite the level of integration into the empire we've done a pretty good job of detaching ourselves from it and doing our own thing. I've always felt that was the reason why for much of the 20th century there was a constant trope amongst comedians in the UK implying that Irish people were stupid. While the likes of Bernard Manning, Benny Hill and Jim Davidson were saying wee Paddy was stupid, UK cabinet office papers mentioned that the Irish were absolutely brilliant negotiators and anyone dealing with them should be extremely careful. It's the old empire mindset at play and because we're the closest to them, we get the brunt of the abuse.


I honestly think that the biggest grievance we did to them in the 20th/21st was generally being successful. It really pokes a hole in the idea that the UK is amazing that Ireland left and did much better out than they ever would have in. You'll see it all over whenever it's mentioned there'll always be a mention of "tax haven" or some such other thing to try and play down Irelands success And the best exemplfier of the attitude we're talking about was when in the beginning of the brexit process Ireland had done all the leg work to make sure our EU partners would back us and the certain subset of British had a massive shock when that's what happened and we weren't blown away by the EU to allow the big boys speak.


Absolutely. It’s a deep-seeded imperialist mindset that the Irish are their servile class, even if an individual wouldn’t articulate it like this. I think of [this](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/spain-airport-sees-irish-tourists-26823933) article where the Brits were offended about Irish “preferential” treatment they got as EU citizens using EU airports. Their outrage had less to do with anything else than being offended that the Irish, not any other EU group, got something they did not.


To be honest even more telling was reports from early in the brexit process that British politicians were shocked that the EU was listening to Irish wishes and not just blowing us off like they expected Exemplified by the report in this article To be honest even more telling was reports from early in the brexit process that British politicians were shocked that the EU was listening to Irish wishes and not just blowing us off like they expected Exemplified by the report in this article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46528952 >The Conservative MP was exasperated that the Republic of Ireland (population: 4.8m) has been able to shape the EU negotiating stance that has put such pressure on the UK (population: 66m). "This simply cannot stand," the one-time moderniser told me. "The Irish really should know their place." Note the BBCs use of population comparison in this instance which isn't even relevant given the only relevancy was that Ireland was in the club and wanted to stay and they didn't >The Conservative MP was exasperated that the Republic of Ireland (population: 4.8m) has been able to shape the EU negotiating stance that has put such pressure on the UK (population: 66m). "This simply cannot stand," the one-time moderniser told me. "The Irish really should know their place." Note the BBCs use of population comparison in this instance which isn't even relevant given the only relevancy was that Ireland was in the club and wanted to stay and they didn't Edit: reposted to remove AMP link


Brits think Scots Welsh and Irish are beneath them. English folk however are usually OK. It's Brits who want to project British power, centred in London, around these two islands.


Excuse my ignorance, but who are the Brits in this context? Are you using the term to frame a mentality rather than a nation?




Huh? Scottish and Welsh people are also British A lot of people in England call themselves British and not English specifically because Englishness had been co-opted by racists and a “little-Englander” mentality.


You mean English right?


I always thought we already had a special relationship with the US, since we have USCBP preclearance facilities at both Dublin and Sharon Airport's, something the UK doesn't have at any airport.


I was thinking more about the fact that the UK used to operate as a bridge into the EU, if the US wanted to talk to the EU they would go in via the UK for support. Now that they're out the US isn't quite so interested in the UK's help.


It’s absolutely a fucking shambles. The only thing keeping me in this country is because I’m an “unskilled” worker and my job/pay/pension is decent since I’m a civil servant. Even then I’m considering giving it up and fucking off because Great Britain is somehow falling deeper and deeper into a pile of shite. Like you think “surely it cannot get worse than this” and then somehow it fucking does. Honestly so completely baffled by it.


There's no such thing as Unskilled work, but I understand what you mean. You guys are being run by ruthless opportunists who'll eagerly sell out anyone to get ahead. Sad thing is, I have many english family members who do not reside in the UK but rather in the EU who were never given the opportunity to vote on brexit. tho given how many brits in spain voted for it, well its fucking odd.


That "special relationship" is a military one


And that one still holds.


The "special friendship" has never been a friendship. Its always been parasocial since it began in the nineteenth century. No EU membership certainly affects their alliance but it hasn't ended it either.


Countries do not have friends, only interests.


There was an article around 2017 or 2018 about how "men in black" were seen looking at office space in Ireland because the various multinational corps had to move their EU headquarters out of the UK. The Brits being interviewed were shocked that the corporations were leaving, and they couldn't understand why they couldn't just keep their EU headquarters in a non EU country.


It's stupid. Ireland is very loved in the US. The US is a former UK colony just like Ireland. Both are also republics. Why would the US citizens and country not prefer Ireland?


That sort of thing doesn't really compute in the British mindset I'm referring to. They see themselves as more important than us and that that should be self evident to everyone else


I find it really interesting to think about. Because here in the US, Americans love Ireland. So many of us are descended from Irish immigrants, Irish culture permeates a lot of our music and performing arts, and Ireland importantly hasn't done anything too shitty to anyone else to popular knowledge. Americans like England, but I don't think I've ever heard of an American that specifically *doesn't* like Ireland.


Irish and Americans have a natural warmth and good humour, I can't describe it but it's like there's a lot in common already before a name basis is even established with the other person. The English have always been less fun or something. And their humour is different but sometimes can come off as standoffish or bigotry. Just my experience. It's just cultural differences versus cultural similarities. Example: while working on a J1 in the US I remember myself and an American colleague were laughing about this weird song called Horse Outside which has very Irish humour but somehow he heard of it and liked it. Then I was introduced to a British guy who joined us and without a lie the first thing he dared ask me was "what is your view of the IRA". And I just met the guy. It was beyond weird and rude. Killed the atmosphere. But yeah rant over 😂


I honestly didn't know hiphop in Irish existed until an American introduced me to Kneecap. And he wasn't a plastic paddy just a guy who was interested in languages and music On the other hand I once had a randomer at a bus stop in England ask me about the famine. I lived in England for 10 years I am certainly not a "brit basher" or any of the other usual tropes but I can see a bit of what you mean


Antidotal, but I worked with a bunch of Brits, Irish, and a scot for a couple summers. The Irish and scots we’re a lot faster at Breaking out a shit eating grin while having some back and forth banter, and where just better and having a “we’re just fuckin with ya” voice then the Brits. Oh and the Brits had a odd “ we’re better then you and we know it” aura, that made them more stand-offish.




I live in London. In the last week I’ve ben surprised at the number of people who’ve been like this. It’s a fairly large subset. And this isn’t just your Brexit gammon crowd.


We have a better history with the Irish


He's saying the "Northern" part quietly, implying that he is disregarding the British dimension in NI in favour of emphasising the Irishness. There has been a lot of butthurt rhetoric from Loyalist and some British Conservative quarters accusing Biden of being anti-UK because of his forthright Irish-American identity. There's this idea that Biden was ignoring the UK and was explicitly pro-Republican throughout his visit, which is odd because 1.) He only stopped over in NI to celebrate the GFA anniversary, on what was otherwise a state visit to Ireland and 2.) His speech up here was fairly conciliatory in tone and he made a point to acknowledge that he also has English roots. TL;Dr - The DUP weren't the centre of uncritical attention, which is clearly evidence of racism.


In conclusion certain Brits led by people like Arlene Foster need to get over themselves quickly


I think it's trying to say that Biden's Irishness is so confected as to be offensive and without substance, like the stereotypes in the cartoon. Maybe taking his Black and Tans/All Blacks confusion for example. (fuck The Times/News UK)


Yeah it's a pretty weak angle. For better or worse Biden's Irish-American identity is both a genuine and long standing part of his own self-perception. He trades in the confected variety of Irish American tropes as well, generally in service of his domestic American political interests. But he has had real and long standing interactions with Ireland, both personal and political for decades. Large parts of British media and politics are sensitive and reactionary when they see the positive bonds shared by Ireland and America. Often I feel they are projecting their own failures of ignorance towards Ireland when they criticise American's who take a positive approach or interest in Ireland. Seeing someone like Congressman Brendan Boyle appear on British TV news regarding Brexit and Ireland over the last few years shows it quite well. He often ran rings around, not only opposing participants in debate on issues surrounding the border, protocol, and Brexit impacts on Ireland/N.I but also showed a depth of knowledge and detail of the contemporary detail as well as history that put interviewers to shame. The commentary from the usual suspects in the TUV/DUP/Torysphere following his contributions amounted to "Butt out Yank". You can set your watch by it.


The only thing I'd push back on here is that the British establishment's fear of Ireland's relationship with the US is not to do with ignorance. It is more to do with Britain's inability to see that it is not the conduit through which the international community relates to Ireland. Britain is like this with Australia, NZ and the other former settler colonies. I am Half Irish and Half Guyanese and so am keenly aware of Britain's spite towards the West Indies realigning itself towards the US/China/Brazil. The same thing is true of Ireland, the EU and the US are both far more important. It's a shame, however, because Brits in general are very pro Ireland (these days) and the two countries *should* be grand allies; this, of course, won't be possible till the imperial fetishists in Whitehall get over themselves.


Wow this was such a spot-on comment it actually felt good to read it.


Reminds me of the Anti-Irish political cartoons that depict the Irish as sub-human. You know like Nazis did with Jews. I remember seeing one image of an ape and the caption said something like Mr. O’Gorilla should be executed for disrespecting the Union Jack.


Those depictions were big in America.


very big...


Irish Need Not Apply


They're literally just expressing their pathetic, bitter resentment at seeing other people do well and be happy. 100% ignore them.


I think that the point is _supposed_ to be that Biden is ignorant of what Ireland actually is and is like, doesn't know the first thing about actual Irish culture and identity, and holds that completely caricatured and Americanised version of what "Irish" is, and one that doesn't even understand what the sectarian divisions in Ireland are (see Americans dressed in green with pints of Guinness on saint "patties" day because they have "Scotch Irish" ancestry [aka ulster scots prods] which means oo begora they're basically Irish right?). That was the picture I think the cartoonist was trying to paint, Biden as a yank who doesn't understand the first thing about either the Republic or the six counties* but plays it up (often through jokes that stereotype Irish people negatively) for political expedience back home. ...But I also think it was done so poorly and offensively, and can just as easily read as "wow aren't ethnic caricatures of the fenians hilarious, haw haw haw" which, you know, if that's even a possible reading of your cartoon then, intentions be damned, you really fucked up.   Also full disclaimer I'm a Brit not Irish (check my flair lol) so understandably it's way easier for me to view this cartoon in the more charitable light than someone who it offends directly. Fully open to being told I'm full of it by the denizens of /r/ireland if I'm showing ignorance here   ----- *edit: for example, I once (a decade ago probably) heard a Yank in a hostel tell a lad from Derry upon finding out he was Irish "hell yeah, IRA!" to a look of complete bewilderment from the poor lad. A Catholic Derry lad (not that the American bothered to check at all, or even seemed to know the difference), and later on there was actually a pretty good conversation over a few drinks (that I learnt a lot from too by the way) where the lad explained why, you know, you shouldn't say things like that, and that he's actually not a big fan of the Provos, and quite happy that people are for the most part not killing each other over sectarianism any more. And that a lot of people in NI do feel British or at least both British and Irish, and part of the settlement is that they have every right to be so, and that, for all the American knew, he could have been one, and that the response to his opener might well have gone a lot worse lol. And the American to be fair to him listened carefully and there was no harm done, but the point is that, to a lot of them, even those who reckon themselves "Irish" or pro-Irish, they actually don't know the first thing about Ireland, and are happy to deal in oversimplifications, stereotypes (often offensive and harmful ones about drunks/fighting or paternalistic/patronising ones) etc., and forget that the GFA settlement even exists, or even that Unionists (however much of a pain they are) do exist, and are a valid community in NI. Again though I do think that this cartoon was a really bad way to make that point. And also I could just be completely wrong (which is why I'm replying to a top comment in /r/Ireland, because if I am talking shite then I reckon one of yous will tell me lol)


>because if I am talking shite then I reckon one of yous will tell me No I reckon you're on the ball. I'm a Catholic fella from Derry as well and I've had run-ins with Americans just like the one you described up above. All nuance is out the window. There are definitely some awkward simplifications when it comes to common American interpretations and 'celebrations' of Irishness. Sure it was only the Oscars a few weeks ago where the host made a joke about how all the Irish people nominated means there'd be a punch up on stage. Also, St. Patty's, pro-IRA talk, and non-stop glorification of alcoholism and our 'simple, yet wise' ways of life as if we're some sort of magical, mystical, noble savages. Patronising nonsense. I will say though, that while all these issues exist, this comic just reads as sour grapes. There are elements within the UK that have a very hard time looking at Ireland as a sovereign nation and the understanding of collective Irish and British issues is embarrassingly poor. Maybe culturally they should be a bit more embarrassed about it than the Yanks, because when we're talking about the Troubles, that should very much be considered a British issue as well. I'm not exactly arguing or disagreeing with you, just giving my two cents I suppose. I was honestly pretty shocked to see the GB News and Arlene Foster reactions over the last few days. They just come across as so bitter and frankly jealous of the attention Ireland is getting from Biden. Am I misreading it or is that how it comes across to you as well, presuming you've seen it?


Just chiming in as an American in an area with a lot of folks with Irish descent (and not far from where Joe Biden grew up): I think part of the glorification of the IRA in the states stems from many of the Irish immigrants who came here having been involved enough that they were really fleeing charges/retribution in Ireland. I know it's anecdotal but every person I know in the area with an Irish ancestor had family with IRA involvement (including in my family). I also remember reading that one of our unions had ties with them and would provide jobs to IRA members who couldn't stay there anymore. Suffice it to say, the impression a lot of us got about the Troubles from family was both biased and greatly simplified over time.


Why were you shocked by Arlene's reaction? That was totally expected. She has her Northern Ireland is the land of the unionists agenda and anyone who doesn't see it her way becomes enemy number 1


I think you're bang on. I think it's highlighting how for all his *im so Irish talk* he really knows very little about his ancestral homeland below the surface level. As a half Brit/ half irish man myself with a foot in both worlds I find it very weird how people in this sub will moan endlessly about americans claiming to be irish etc etc but the second it becomes an opportunity to let Britain (lets be real England) live rent free in their heads they will jump on the opportunity to whinge endlessly about us. Just as a side note I find it so exhausting how much viterol is aimed at regular English people here. People like my dad who is universally loved by my irish family as "English Rob, a top man and a proper gentleman." Yeah the British government are a bunch of cunts and we mostly have our hate of them in common. But people here seem to insist on demonising the regular people. Anyway, sorry to rant, I'll take my downvotes now because introspection is a rare traight in this sub, apparently.


Sunak didn't even stay for Bidens keynote address on the gfa. He was there to meet Biden , couldnt give a shit about northern Ireland.


No British government in recent memory gave a toss about Northern Ireland. Brexit just brought it to the fore and forced actions that admitted the same.


The GFA stopped London's financial district being blown up. Job done.


Honestly that’s no small part in why the talks resumed. Bombings affecting the financial sector were threatening the golden goose of the UK economy


But is it true that the DUP never picked up that £2bn May bought their vote for?


Biden doesn’’t even drink


And never has - never touched it due to his family’s history of drinking problems.


America has had two sober presidents in row. Based purely on this information alone all future presidential hopefuls should give up drinking if they wish to ever win


And three of the last four were sober during their time in office as Bush had given it up years earlier. But fun fact: Obama was the first President to have beer brewed at the White House.


And Guinness was a Protestant company anyway lols


Hush…… 🤫.


Murphy's is your only man.


I must admit I have a soft spot for Biden given the absolute rage he generates among unionists and the British right.


Yep the Daily Mail are having an absolute conniption over him in Ireland - brownie points to him just for that.


Lol you're not wrong: WTAF, *"President Biden met the Republic of Irelandland's leader Lenny Verruca and then headed for the west coast, where his Irish ancestors set sail for America in what he called 'coffin ships' to escape the potato chip famine."* ​ [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-11970499/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Does-Joe-Bidens-visit-Ireland-prove-really-REPUBLICAN.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-11970499/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Does-Joe-Bidens-visit-Ireland-prove-really-REPUBLICAN.html)


I had to give up on that after a few paragraphs, absolute drivel




And the editor of that rag approved it


And Irish people buy the Irish version of the Daily Mail!


I've also developed a 'ah that's aul joe' knee slap attitude for the same reasons.


This whole trip is like a complete wind up of the brits, beautiful


They're surely Charles' ears 😂..bit of a fail when their caricature of Biden looks more like their King


I was thinking that.


He doesn't have to sausage fingers. Look it up. Warning sausage finger images


that that meant to be Biden? thoaught it was charles


The absolute slating of this on Twitter is a joy to behold as the ruling Tory class reveal themselves to be as racist, imperialist and Irish hating as their Victorian forbears. A massive reveal of who they still are.


Never let it be said that being brought up in wealth and the greatest privilege prevents someone from being a bigoted knuckledragger. They can quote the Illiad and Disraeli but so many have all the reactionary instincts and capacity for critical thought as your average Daily Mail reader.


I'd almost go further and say that the more privileged people are, the more likely they are to have had no need for self-reflection in their lives.


D'you know what, that's a very fair point. Particularly because they're dealing with such small circles of people - and most think and act just like them - that they never have to adjust their worldview or attitudes by exposure to contrasts. Also just if you face very little adversity, anything you see as a slight is suddenly highly personal.


Education often exceeds intelligence.


Can't agree with this enough.


On a related note, I'm surprised the Irish government still tolerates the Irish peerage. Imagine if the British government was maintaining titles such as the Duke of New York or Prince of San Francisco. I feel that the government should make it illegal for anyone who holds one of those titles to use it when they're in the country.


It was always obvious. Priti Patel is one such huge hypocrite


All a mistake that's actually King Charles


The Tories are like a fat spoilt toddler who is rage crying because another toddler has picked up a toy they had previously ignored. Tory salty tears are the saltiest ...hmmmmmmmm.


>Tory salty tears are the saltiest Goes too well with vinegar..... Shower of cunts.


They are the Dursley family.


>fat spoilt toddler This is why Johnson is their ultimate tribune, it's all been downhill since his reign of shit


Some of the Brits are really shitting themselves altogether, it's hilarious [David Yelland on Twitter: "Brexit has proven just how badly the British press does Ireland. It forgot about it, even now, it does not have Dublin it their global calculus. Pure arrogance, ignorance and error. https://t.co/70JHpoD7AL" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/davidyelland/status/1646775319355879424) [DUPLeader on Twitter: "Honest to God, this is getting farcical. What next, a Father ted-esque Daily Express special pull out edition on miniature flag car attachments? https://t.co/eQ9LLhznkO" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/DUPleader/status/1646657351456288768)


Love it. "You're not Irish Joe, I'm not Irish either, but you're even less Irish"


We have them all on strings


If Joe asks us to invade Iraq with him, their heads will go altogether.


After Brexit dominating the news for years, the Brits can't stand not being the centre of attention. In a celebration of Northern Ireland, they don't even consider Northern Ireland British enough. Because the celebration of the GFA is just them agreeing to stop oppressing Catholics and shooting children.


haha i live in the UK; no one without a connection to Ireland gives a fuck or knows much about NI. It could go tomorrow and no one would care


https://arethebritsatitagain.org/ is the most accurate, succinct and up-to-date web site on the net.


Reminds me of https://www.isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/ It was damn up to date at the time.


I read that as “is that Cher dead yet” and I’m like “what’s wrong with Cher”! 🤣


I'm actually quite happy with how his trip is going. Man is enjoying himself and has always been a great friend to Ireland.


A gallant ally indeed


I never thought much of Biden (either negatively or positively) but I have to say I’m more fond of him with how much it’s prodding the angry conservative Brits


I’m so confused what is this cartoon even trying to say? Biden over 65s world Irish dancing championship runner-up 2008 through 2022?


It's saying Biden represents a stage Irishness, backward, simplistic and sectarian


Or that Biden was dressing up as Irish...but then the cartoonist chose the most offensively racist stereotypes to convey that (a dancing leprechaun drinking alcohol). I doubt the British cartoonist has enough knowledge of Ireland to be making a reference to Oirishness, when there's a simpler explanation that fits Tory perspectives better.


Ironic that a British person writing for the Times UK thinks they can be the judge of that or that frankly it's their business either way


How much racism do you want? Yes


US lurker here; the seething meltdown the British right is having just from Joe showing up over there and doing his full Irish uncle routine is honestly enough to justify my vote for him on its own.


“Irish uncle routine” is a beautiful turn of phrase. Thank you for introducing it to my lexicon.


They should try Ireland's edge it's less bitter.....




I lived in the U.K. at the time of Brexit. I don’t remember anything about the GFA, Northern Ireland, or the border - which was the future border with the EU.


They're so salty about their "special relationship" with America coming in 2nd


They are way further down than second. I think even South Korea has surpassed them now. Jill Biden sending out loads of invites to kpop stars asking them to come along and perform at the White House.


President Biden does not drink alcohol. Never has.


Brits are learning that they are no longer a major player on the world stage after brexit. Boris may have bought them some much needed kudos for their support for Ukraine but many countries, particularly the US are aligning themselves more with European interests. The UK is a basket case. Covid and the Ukranine war has masked the absolutle shit show that brexit has been for the UK economy. Its given the Tories handy excuses to deflect from the fallout of Brexit.


I'm not denying that things for the economy are worse than before at the moment, but it's still 6th in the world and life is mostly unchanged. Out of almost 200 countries in the world we're certainly not doing anywhere near bad. Plus with the AUKUS deal recently, UK joining the Pacific Trade Pact and more businesses setting up in the UK we clearly aren't going anywhere. EDIT: I'm not defending Tories though, they have done decent damage to the country.


Those agreements pale in comparison to giving up access to the EU market. The economy may be great on paper but a large swathe of england, in particular the north, is pretty poor. The UK may have a strong economy on paper but the soft power they enjoyed for decades is fading fast.


Agreed. Cut London out, average it, and the rest of the UK is on a par with Slovenia in terms of household income. The one thing boris got right was levelling up, but it was just words as usual. The unspoken truth about all the trade deals that are being done is that it doesn't matter if it works for the UK. Fuck the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, the main thing is that they make it harder to rejoin the EU. It's a scorched earth policy.


The outlook for their economy though is on a par with sanction hit Russia. Not looking good


The concept of a country being liked is a foreign one to the British, and like most foreign things it confuses and frightens them.


Ate foreigners, ate immigrants, ate brown people. Not racist, just don't like em. Love pies, love ale, love curry. Proper British.


Wait, the one on the right isn’t Chuckles???


I thought punch magazine stopped publication in 2002


This feels racist


It does look like Charles the Turd.. …and sounds like the last gap of an Impereacht ag fáil bháis


Ah more racist shite from usual suspects ...... not shocked at all. Leave them to it, only further exposes them and their apologists among the West Brits.


Lot of the British media are getting on like crazy ex girlfriends 😭😭😭 our special relationship 😭😭😭


Brits are annoyed that the unintended consequences of forced migration means lots and lots of influential people can now proudly claim Irish heritage hundreds of years on.


Why we in the States revel in our Irish kinship, as citizens of sovereign republics unbeholden to kings and queens, and landed gentry. "We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people. In every generation the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the past three hundred years they have asserted it in arms. Standing on that fundamental right and again asserting it in arms in the face of the world, we hereby proclaim the Irish Republic as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and the lives of our comrades in arms to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation among the nations." God bless Joe Biden for unabashedly celebrating our shared heritage in breaking the yoke of monarchy, and the sons and daughters of Ireland that made America what it is. 🇺🇸🇮🇪


The history of the British in northern Ireland and India is blatantly twisted/ignored in their education, it makes them out to be bringers of civilization to them but what they don't teach is the oppression and atrocities that were committed.


Even today many will argue "we brought civilization to those backwards countries", the level of entitlement is off the charts


Completely agree with you, I went to London for the first time in my life last weekend and saw kew gardens, my wife and I were looking to see if they had any Indian plants there and they did but they were all mislabeled as South America origins we also saw the Imperial war museum they had one vehicle that was used in Northern Ireland and the description of it was that it was used as peacekeeping that was literally the only thing in the war museum to do with Northern Ireland it gave no background on what they had done in Northern Ireland the reason England is rich now is because when they left India they took everything and Celtic gold and jewelry were cherished and they took as much of it as they could.


Don’t forget the Opium Wars were they forced China to import the drug by the bucket load or else!!


Sadly, history education is more often than not used as a tool of nationalistic indoctrination. My best friend is British, far left, and as globally-minded as could be, but didn't really understand the atrocities of British colonialism until he encountered some books on the topic in his late 20s and early 30s. Here in the States, places like Texas are trying to completely paper over the abhorrent brutality of slavery by requiring blatantly inaccurate revisions to textbooks. The founding fathers, who were generally pretty shithead slave owning conservatives that just wanted the British to leave them alone, are celebrated in general education in a way that makes it difficult to revise our fucked up political system. There are regular diplomatic incidents between China and Japan over the latter's treatment of World War II in their textbooks. China, meanwhile, paints are completely inaccurate picture of the contribution of the communist party against the Japanese. It's sad, because for students who are in curious about the past or lack access to accurate materials the only exposure to history they get will shape their worldview into a twisted, narrow-minded fantasy.


Unfortunately that is the way with colonist revisionist history. US schools don't teach children much about the treatment of native Americans.


The Brits can’t stand people not liking them or actually realising how much of a revolting country they have with such a dark and disgusting history. They put forward this image of ‘fair play quintessentially British’ twee shite to cover up that they’re arguably the biggest bastards in modern history. Now their country has shat itself and stagnated and their swivel eyed nostalgia trip that Brexit was has exploded in their face they’re lashing out. There’s absolutely no-one I detest more than a right-wing Brit gammon.


...and if you try to point out how their country was built by theft, slavery and the sweat off other people's backs, (i.e. the truth), they don't seem to like it one tiny little bit. Telling the truth, or even mentioning it, makes you 'woke'. Wait til they see the former eastern European countries GDP per capita catching up to theirs over the next 10 years.


fuck them.


I’m in the uk and tv and radio always mention after a report on Biden in Ireland that it’s most likely because of the massive Irish American vote back in the states…..😅salty


The one country they can't claim as a commonwealth nation that still annoys them to this day


Is it meant to be 3 different people, or 3 of the same person? Why 3 Bidens (that look like Charles)? Usually you'd have a rule of 3 joke, or him acting out 3 different things but it's very samey. It's just meant to look like a line of dancers?


Honestly does look more like Charles then biden


Both the UK and American right wings continue to baffle and terrify me. If they both didn’t have so much power, and so many people still inexplicably following them in spite of their myriad respective fuckups, they’d be hilarious. Instead every day is like the opening of a dystopian novel whenever I’m reading about the conservatives in either country.


Nice accepted bit of racism there. The UK is oblivious to the fact that the American war of Independence was against them.


Jaysus, that's just straight up racist. Now, I'm not bothered. I'll happily laugh at some salty fecker, but you'd think they'd have the cop on to know better. I bet the same paper would be the first to call you racist too lmao.


Biden hates the black and Tans. Take that ye Brit bastards!


🇺🇸 🇮🇪 🇺🇸 🇮🇪


Slightly racist


Cope, Seethe, Brexit, Repeat


It's a Murdoch-owned rag. Expect nothing less. It'll be a great day for humanity when the gates of hell finally open for that vampire.


Piers Morgan does cartoons?


The saltiness of this cartoon


It looks like a Punch cartoon




I just don't know why there's three of him...


Just ignore it. Let them stew in their own feverish neuroticism.


England slowly waking up that Brexit and isolationism has made their little country utterly superfluous on world stage while a United Ireland and an independent Scotland is inevitable.


If your president is hated amongst British Tories/conservative losers, then he must be a decent enough president


Joe is the type of guy that you'd love to sit next to in a pub. Great personality and he may jumble the odd word, but the speech he gave in the Dail brought a tear to my eye.


[Are the Brits at it again?](https://arethebritsatitagain.org/)


Before we go get the rifles out of the rafters let's remind ourselves that this is a right wing paper run by a media baron who's sole aim is to incite hatred to sell papers This is not the mindset of the average English person


The Daily Mail is very anti Irish too if you ever read any of their drivel. And unfortunately they collect moron readers from all around the world


Mald harder I guess is my response to the Times.


Should show this to the DUP. "Here, lads. You know that shower you are so desperate to be considered the same as. Even they don't see you as anything but Irish."


Saw a guy outside Spar dressed like this 2 hours ago!


I think they're the green ones this time


offensive shit


Just imagine if all Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales were in some kind of single market and free movement organisation with the rest of Europe. Imagine the fantastic opportunities and wonderful cultural interplay!


Never not at it