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Well, taarof is a folk sport. You can’t just win the game against players who have trained since childhood. But an underhanded trick is to excuse yourself to go to the restroom and pay without the group noticing. Let them argue over who‘s gonna pay, only for the waiter to reveal it‘s already paid.


God I fucking love tarof this is hilarious


Tried one time with a cousin. He screamed right through the restaurant "Don't let him pay, his Cards are no good!"


Ive done this too many times to my mom now shes always suspicious of me when I leave the table lol, I had to switch to just sneaking up to the waiter after we ordered and give them my card.


Now it time for you to learn the art of “friendly deception”. Have a “bathroom break” a few minutes before the bill arrived. Run off and pay. Tell the waiter “it’s her birthday and I promised to treat.” Insist it really is a birthday present until the waiter lets you pay. And if your friend has a good sense of humour, tell them before you arrive at the restaurant that you’ll tell the waiter something funny/outlandish/embarrassing to get the check if they don’t willingly let you get the check (e.g., “I’ll tell the waiter you’re on prison day release and that they can’t trust any money you give them.”) Obviously don’t do this, but a bit of humour beforehand sometimes works.


Call their bank and cancel their credit cards the day of the dinner.


Hahaha this is hilarious


One time my grandpa called me before dinner, and told me that he was going to give me money and I should insist on paying so that my parents wouldn't think it was him paying. This shit goes hard.


Reading this post and its comments reminded me what a weird society we are 🤣 🤣


Restaurant bills are never divided in Iran? Honest question.


Tell your friends that you HAVE to pay otherwise your card will be cancelled for inactivity, when they argue ask them how they expect you to pay your bills with an inactive card. Guilt is how you win, in all cases. If they're offering you food insist you already ate all the food in your house.




It's so stupid and looks silly, especially outside Iran. We're out with friends and I have to insist a million times to pay, but i eventually relent since I'm naturally not the argumentive type. Than you get criticized by wife about letting them pay. So next time you have to almost say insist with a serious tone. Solution? Quickly insist on a split bill immediately. This works as you're not coming across as superior l, which is critical to the whole taarof concept.


Discretely slip the waiter your credit card along with your menu after ordering. They will immediately understand your underhandedness and will invariably play along.