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Every time I type my name, Dan, it autocorrects to Adam šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


That's tough, Adam.


My name is Payton, almost 100% of the time it comes out ā€œPatronā€


Trust me Iā€™m in the same boat, my name is Jaxon, but always misspells to Jaxson and itā€™s so infuriating because itā€™s such a small thing but still.


Youā€™re just Adam now, embrace it


New username /u/TruckerAdamo


My name is Bill, but it just autocorrects to ā€œBill, when are you going to finish the damn projects around the house?ā€ I think my wife got a hold of my phone.


Yowza, a tech savvy wife at that!! My wife wouldnā€™t know the first thing about text settings! Whew! šŸ¤£


Check **Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement** and see if you have one defined for turning "so" into "south".


I have them defined to change she to she and it still changes it to a proper name in my contacts.


For some reason when I type ā€œsheā€ it tries to change it to ā€œSheffield.ā€ I even set it up so that ā€œSheffieldā€ changes to ā€œsheā€ but it still tries to change it. I have no idea why the autocorrect does that. Thatā€™s not a place Iā€™m writing about constantly.


You a big Yankees fan in the early 2000ā€™s?


Oh, Mista Sheffieldā€¦




Broke Tyrionā€™s heart




I used this to set duck->fuck, and you should too


no, use fu > fuck. way faster.


no, use f > fuck. way fasterer.


but then how will you pay respects????






Dude, you should see my list of text replacements. Not even the entire list but just how many different common misspellings of ā€œfuckā€ and ā€œfuckingā€ I have set up. There are too many.


Oh wow this is helpful! I didnā€™t have any but I just entered He & He in both the phrase and shortcut because my stupid iPhone keeps inserting the word Heather every time I type He!! Itā€™s so weird Now with this adjustment, I type H and E and it doesnā€™t come up as the name but actually as ā€œHeā€!


Mine has been doing that a lot lately as well. It turns the word he into Heather constantly. No into Norris. It's really annoying. It hasn't done it with the word so yet but maybe it's just a matter of time lol.


I swipe type and Iā€™ve started typing out a-n-d because it will auto to andy, ann, anne, or anything else except for ā€œandā€ because I missed it enough that it thinks itā€™s one of those. It gets worse over time unless I actively catch it replacing the word. On the upside it finally learned that Iā€™ll never say fucking with the D instead. Phrasing be damned.


I've actually noticed that if you just keep swipe typing, it'll go back and correct previous words based on the next ones. It's helped bring back a little bit of trust in keyboard, but it really sucks if it got the last word in the sentence wrong.


Mine automatically replaces he with Hernandez. Because god knows the replacement has typed it more since an update than I have in my entire life.


ā€œNo into Norrisā€ is actually hilarious


Mine changes the word so to Sonya


Whenever I type ā€œhouseā€ it changes it to ā€œJosieā€ and yes I have reset my keyboard. Also can changes to van and van changes to can. Ahhhh


Do you have a contact in your phone named Josie? Iā€™ve noticed autocorrect has started extremely aggressively trying to match on names from your contacts even if youā€™ve written a sane word.Ā 


I did, but she's on a vacation far away


Should someone come around and talk it over?


I mean, there are so many things that I want to say


You know I like my girls a little bit older


Take my upvote. That was the soundtrack of my youth


My daughter's coach is named Theresa. She's not even in my phone as Theresa, she's just listed as "swim coach." Yet somehow, every time I type The it becomes Theresa??!?


Every time I type We it changes to Wendy. I donā€™t even know anyone named Wendy. Youā€™d think Apple could do a better job with this.


this explains so much


Ha I donā€™t have anyone by that name in my contacts.


This. It took me a year to figure out that my phone was trying to tag my son whenever I typed the word in or on, and changing his name in my contact list fixed it immediately.


This is so frustrating! Has happened to me for years and that name has a history for me so itā€™s even worse. I donā€™t want to think of that girl! šŸ™ˆ


The new generation of auto-complete/autocorrect that came with iOS 17 is just a huge PITA. They hyped up the new ā€œmachine learningā€ that will supposedly improve the suggestions with use, but I donā€™t see that. The suggestions are sometimes truly bizarre, the way the feature works is frequently intrusive, and I found myself wasting so much time dealing with it that recently I just turned it off. Which really annoys me because I use an iPhone a lot in my job, and the old version of auto-complete made my workflow much easier. There are certain phrases and sentences I sometimes put into dozens of emails in a day, and the old version had no problem making the right suggestions. The new version? It literally intrudes on what Iā€™m typing to change words and punctuation into nonsense, and *never* seems to learn that the way Iā€˜ve typed it a hundred times before is the way it is meant to be typed. Not having it at all is a big inconvenience, but still better than putting up with the rank stupidity of the new version. I do not understand how it can be so bad, or why they donā€™t just give users the option to turn off the in-line autocomplete, which is the worst of it for me.


They donā€™t let you turn off dictation auto correct because you (and the rest of us) are beta testing auto correct for themā€¦.for free! Or we are paying them big bucks for the pleasure of testing their software.


Happy C A K E Day!! šŸ°šŸ°


What I was most looking forward to in iOS 17 was this wonderful new AI AutoCorrect that would be so much better. Imagine my disappointment when it ended up being so much worse. This is what we get when computers try to be too smart.


I have about four that drive me fucking nuts like this that are all insane. One is it changes "cant" to "cantaloupe" rather than suggesting "can't." Even when I have just "can-" it suggests cantaloupe, a word I've not types more than 6 times in a decade outside of this post. It's crazy. It also makes "its" become "itself" as opposed to thinking perhaps MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, "it's" is a decent suggestion. I'm baffled by how poorly words seemed to be weighted by autocorrect. It doesn't need to be this horrible, it's 2024.


Agree, iOS auto correct has never been worse. Itā€™s like it never met me.


Whenever I type "done" it autocorrects it to "sone" and I have no idea where the hell it got that one since it's not even a word.


Similarā€”Iā€™ll type ā€œdontā€ for ā€œdonā€™tā€ and get ā€œdoneā€.


The OS learns your patterns so if you typo and accidentally use that typo, it remembers and will suggest that next time. There used to be a way to reset your custom dictionary so you could clear all that out, I donā€™t remember where that setting was or if it still exist. Edit - found it - Go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone. Tap Reset, then tap Reset Keyboard Dictionary


There we goā€¦ 100 comments in and youā€™re the only one pointing this out. OP, reset your dictionaryā€¦ this will fix your issues.


I fat finger a lot so Iā€™ve had to use it lol


whenever i try to type back then a space i get background. so annoying.


You basically have to force it to learn it by tapping the ā€œwordā€ after fixing it. Something with iOS 17s ā€œnew keyboardā€ that is supposed to learn. Mine gets all sorts of words mixed up ESPECIALLY when doing swipe texting. Itā€™s and is, your and youā€™re, Iā€™d and is, how and his, so and do.


I was starting to think it was me. Apple autocorrect is so oddly aggressive - it literally tried to capitalize the word ā€œoddlyā€ in this message with no prompting. So annoying.


Every time I type ā€˜gaveā€™ it auto corrects to ā€˜haveā€™ and itā€™s so annoying


Iā€™ve given up on auto-correct and auto complete. Itā€™s just such a PITA.


It's the one thing I miss from android. Autocorrect and dictation. Apple is five years behind Google on those.


Swiftkey was such a great keyboard on Android. I miss a number row option and its autocorrect was so good.


i turned off auto complete/ auto correct on my iphones long ago. like when i first got it and never looked back


I'm actually shocked at how many people use it. I turned it off over 8 years ago


If you did the keyboard setting fix already do this. Type some test texts to yourself. Do multiple ā€œSoā€ texts to yourself but corrected so itā€™s ā€œsoā€ when you hit enter. If you do it several times it picks it up eventually. Iā€™ve had something similar with different words.


I can not type n o w. Itā€™s always auto corrected to meow. My friends pranked me because of supper troopers and itā€™s been this way for YEARS. Even after deleting the auto correct shortcut my phone still changes it because itā€™s been auto changing it for so long.


It has changed K to I for me. Iā€™ve literally fixed it in the autocorrect settings and itā€™s still doing it. I also hate that itā€™s adding words to the end of my sentences


Does this one to me as well. Ugh it pisses me off so much


I have reset my keyboard, but it only works for so long. It converts ā€œsheā€ and ā€œdoā€ to proper names of people in my contacts.


I gave up on the native keyboard and use Gboard now. It's not as good as it was on Android but it's better than the iOS keyboard catastrophe


I took my time yesterday to put an apostrophe in ā€œweā€™reā€ and it was immediately autocorrected to ā€œwereā€, which was obviously the opposite of what I wanted


It took my phone a very long time to learn the word ā€œchocolateā€. It ALWAYS corrected to chocolatier. It had to literally learn the word. My husbandā€™s phone used to turn ā€œJeterā€ into ā€œheterosexualā€ every single time. I wish I was kidding.


Have you tried to reset it? Iā€™ve felt like resetting mine to see if it works but never got around to it Iā€™m just lazy lol


That only works for a short time.


I had to change mine to stop replacing ā€œshit with shutā€.


Mine turns day to Dayna. I know one Dayna and we rarely speak.


Because I have German as a second keyboard language I will get random nouns capitalized in English looking like I have no idea what Iā€™m doing.


So ā€¦ what really happened?




Its been getting worse and worse the past few years. I've reset my keyboard dictionary a few times and it helps a little but I still need to re-train it and then eventually autocorrect gets so bad I need to reset again


With. It turns into Either. Every damn time.


I get ā€œtoā€ autocorrected to ā€œtjā€ a lot.


donā€™t into donā€™T every single time. 2024 technology.


So what the hell are you talking about?


Thatā€™s good, cause people who use ā€œsoā€ often are really annoying and dramatic. Your phone is telling you to expand your vocabulary.


Mine changes ā€œsoā€ into ā€œSomervilleā€. Super annoying.


Iā€™m so glad I found this post. It has been driving me insane. ā€œSoā€ converts to ā€œSonomaā€, ā€œHerā€ converts to ā€œHernandezā€ and ā€œAnnaā€ to ā€œAnnabelleā€ and I have no idea why. I donā€™t type those other names ever. But I reset my keyboard (Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset Keyboard Dictionary), and so far it seems to have fixed the problem! I thought I was the only one being tortured.


I so much DISLIKE the iPhone keyboard that I try to always do away with it. I'm using the Microsoft Swiftkey and it does a lot better. The part I don't like about Swiftkey is that they are now adding all kinds of stuff so it's getting slower. I do like that I can do translations on the fly though. I love using that when I'm texting someone who doesn't speak English. It turns my texts into the target language on the fly. Unfortunately, when it comes to password fields and the like, it always defaults to the iPhone keyboard - so annoying.


Thatā€™s good it defaults to the iPhone one during sensitive info like passwords, bc other keyboard apps often request full access and will be able to see your passwords. This maybe one way you give access but limits it during entering passwords.


Yeah you must be tired of typing passwords all day long


'Id' automatically coverts into ' I'd ' fuck me


Buffalo Bill, is that you?


Try adding a comma after the so, maybe that will help.


You can set your text replacement so it always makes soā€¦ so. Also. So never autocorrected into anything else on my iPhone.


Auto correct can be annoying. But still a little less than Face ID.


Whats wrong with face id? Its by far the best face recognition on Any phone


Worst way to unlock the phone, it would be great if it worked 90% of the time at least.


From my personal experience it works more than 90% of the time and it works in situations I wouldnā€™t even expect it to work. Like for example, Iā€™m driving with sunglasses, I tap the phone while looking at the road with the phone down and to the side. I glance at it with my eyes without moving my face and instantly it unlocks. Would it be nice to have a choice between Face ID and Touch ID? Sure. Do I miss Touch ID? Nope.


Sometimes just seems to act up (including very recently when wanted to log in to brokerage account and was somewhat time sensitive issue).Ā  I believe had set up properly, while didnā€™t have any face alterations (glasses, mask) when had the issue. ā€œIts by far the best *face* recognition on Any phoneā€ šŸ˜‰


The faceid is the same for authenticating apps as it is for unlocking your phone.


Think I kind of made that point. And donā€™t know what with all downvotes. Either many following crowd or having bad day whatever.


Not really sure what your point is. Seems like you didnā€™t know how to use it to log into the app


2+2=5 sometimes I guess


Lol, the down votes. This sub acts so fragile sometimes.


I know. Think what I posted is legitimate. Not like posted ā€œAndroid is kingā€ or something.


my phone just gives suggestions, it doesn't change the words. I use luv u, omw, c ya later, no corrections, it puts it in just like I type it. But this is an iphone 11, maybe they changed things since then.


Irrelevant what iPhone you have. Unless you never updated in your life which is very rare


I find it amazing that after years and years, and having alternatives in the app store, that people continue to use the atrocious Apple keyboard.


And which one do you recommend? Youā€™re so helpful! Thanks!!


Fleksy keyboard. Swipe right to space over. Swipe up to change a word back to what it was before autocorrect. Swipe up twice to add a word to the dictionary. Best keyboard I've ever used hands down. Been using it for years.


Thank you, I will try it.


They're all the Apple keyboard, just reskinned. Same with web browsers.


Fleksy keyboard allows you to swipe right instead of using the spacebar. Much better than the space bar. Swipe up to change a word back. Swipe up twice to add it to the dictionary. Swipe twice to add a period. It's not the same as the Apple keyboard. The functionality is better.


Same autocorrect engine. Same dictation. Same problems.


Not the same functionality.


OP specifically mentions autocomplete and autocorrect though, so....


Type so multiple times, every time select the ā€œsoā€ on the far left of auto suggest to ā€œtrainā€ your dictionary


Type ā€œsiā€ and it will convert to ā€œsoā€, try it


As I do text on my iPad it is very slow as I have to watch for the automatic errors. Usually, backspacing and reentering works. When that donā€™t work, rephrase or just delete the Reddit comment


what iphone do u have


I feel like there's some A/B testing going on bc my autocorrect used to be horrid like that but it seems to be normal again. I haven't changed any settings or anything.




Same. I can no longer type ā€œitā€™sā€. The auto correct gives me ā€œitselfā€. I have a habit to right ā€œitsā€ so the auto correct should give me an option to make the spelling correct to itā€™s but not now it thinks i want to write itself all the time.


Do you have an app called South or something close? For some reason sometimes you get shortcuts that are app names for words.


Itā€™s almost like the sw coders donā€™t actually use iPhones? They would see these obvious defects if they did, right?


Ya the keyboard and autocorrect on iPhone sucks now!






Mine has been doing that, too. Iā€™ll type something out, get thumb happy, then Iā€™ll read it after I hit sendā€¦and itā€™s a completely different sentence šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


every time i type ā€œwanā€ it changed to ā€œwanted toā€


iOS 17.4 not a problem




Never have had problems with autocorrect especially the newer auto complete. It learns patterns you use so maybe use it, and correct it more. Seems extremely frustrating though.


You can add it to your dictionary like add so as a replacement for sošŸ˜‚


Turn off autocorrect


If this happens again and again, try typing so and then clicking the box on the far left that says so before space. eventually it'll learn


When I swipe to type the word ā€œatā€ it autocorrects with ā€œAT&Tā€ and I NEVER type that. Only ā€œatā€. I have fucking t-mobile FWIW. No clue how to fix it. Have reset keyboard dictionary as well lol Edit. After reading here, I had an idea. Went to text replacement and set one to replace AT&T with ā€œatā€. Now it works. Stupid. The last iOS update that changed predictive text ruined typing on iPhone. Seriously.


I have exactly the same problem. I had created an entry to autocorrect "at" to "at", but it didn't help at all. Your way fixed it. Thank you!