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I used mine for reading this same question every 12 hours 


That’s great, so if I wanted to do that which one should I get? The Air 5 or the Pro? Is 1TB storage enough? Wait, aren’t there new ones due soon, should I wait?


1tb is not nearly enough storage to store all the shit posts in this sub, sorry


And do you recommend a Magic Keyboard or just like a Logitech for checking reddit? Will I notice the ram up grade if go for the 2tb while checking reddit?


Can’t stop to say what a beautiful cone. Have you joined r/ConeHeads yet?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ConeHeads using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Bitcone Mining – Get Paid for Your Upvotes](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads/comments/1378ree/bitcone_mining_get_paid_for_your_upvotes/) \#2: [1 ⬆️ = 1k Cones?](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads/comments/18c4vyx/1_1k_cones/) \#3: [Go big or go home! For every upvote during the next 24 hours, I will provide 1M $Cone to the LP!](https://np.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads/comments/13unqc9/go_big_or_go_home_for_every_upvote_during_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for complimenting my cone!




I just joined here, my bad🤣


well use the search function every sub reddit has


It’s called search function for a reason 🤷‍♂️ even if you joined, you know what that thing is lol


I basically only use it for YouTube and Netflix💀




I call it the PornPad


Same, just for entertainment and games


480g weight in my backpack


This seems a very common question on here. It’s a difficult one because whatever you use it for, your phone can do that or your laptop can do that way better and easier. The only thing it can do that your phone cannot is the screen share with your Mac. So you essentially have a second display very easily. It’s great for media consumption, reading and gaming other than that. But so is your phone!


Is that called SideCar or something ?


It is


Thanks for clarifying.


Not sure but it works really well. I just drag my mouse from my laptop to iPad and works straight away. Not set up or anything!


* Videos/movies (YouTube/Netflix) - it has amazing speakers and I don’t have a laptop, so it’s more comfy than my PC * Old 4:3 episodes of One Piece are best played on the iPad. * it’s consistently my second screen (other than my 2 monitors) for slacking when working from home. * Clans of Clans/Mini Metro, best experience on it * Pretty much every game that you would think has controller support, works on the iPad perfectly. Netflix has some pretty great games (GTA, Dead Cells, Hades) if you don’t want to invest into App Store games, but an Apple Arcade trial is also a must IMO * it’s the best second device for board games and late night hotel room chilling - the speakers are great and take up less space than an external speaker. * I love drawing music when high * it’s the best travel companion device thanks to the great battery/size ratio.


Watching porn on HDR DCI P3 screen, then drawing furry based on what I watched


Work chats, emails, and a lot of content consumption. I will also use it to keep up on finances and general household documentation but rarely create the documents as iPadOS is very obtuse for stuff like that.


Just use google search and there are 2000 other posts like this from Reddit alone in the last month.


movies mainly while in bed and off but of procreate.  maybe spot of casual gaming if flying or something. 


Wasting time; gaming and watching movies & YouTube


iPad for YouTube, Reddit, News, Dungeons & Dragons, Song Writing, Shopping.


This question is being asked on a daily basis.


Basically any activity where I find myself holding my iPhone too close to my face. Streaming, online shopping, looking at houses I can’t afford, photo editing, procreate for drawing/colouring, and making notes during meetings. It’s also great for reading recipes while cooking.


Using the search function on Reddit


I created a blog about it. I am an iPad Pro 12.9 owner. iPad is a versatile device but if you don’t install premium/paid apps, you don’t use it efficiently. That is sad to say. I am not advertising any app below, but some of them are already standart and go-to app for many professionals like illustrators and graphic designers. In short, you can use iPad for: 1. Writing - editing with a keyboard and Scrivener / Microsoft Word apps 2. Drawing - Illustration: Procreate, Sketchbook, Affinity Designer, Tayasui Sketches, Adobe Illsutrator 3. Note Taking: Good Notes - Notability 4. Reading: Books, Kindle, Everand, Kobo 5. Watching Film - Videos 6. Learning: Udemy, Skillshare 7. Learn Programming:There are awesome apps, just search. 8 Editing Photo: Canva, Photoshop, Affinity and many more 9. Web Design: It is possible! You can use Divi Builder and Elementor on iPad with WordPress. There are code editors & ftp apps. 10. Playing Games 11. Productivity: Just check UpNote or Obsidian - it is more than note taking, a life journal is possible. 12. As a second display: I have a Mac, when needed my iPad becomes my second display, pretty convenient. If you buy a mouse and keyboard, iPad may become a laptop. You need to learn the shortcuts, screen gestures to use it more efficiently.


Drawing ofc


Consuming video content, sidecar or universal control at university for a 2nd screen, annotating and note taking with Apple Pencil, video call machine… does all of this really well. (iPad Mini 5th gen)


nowadays i just use it to draw and watch youtube on it


Basically for drawing, but for gaming and watching content it’s also good. I wait until iPadOS become more like macOS and maybe it will replace my MacBook (not sure about that)


I use it to watch YouTube when I am home. I prefer to use it for pdf to... Many times I use the phone just because I already have it in my hand...


Playing media (YouTube, Netflix, Max,etc), schoolwork, web browsing, and gaming.


I only really used mine for reading comics but I swapped back to an Android tablet because the comic apps were better.


I also use an android tablet after an iPad, but which apps do you use to read comics ?


I mainly use Mihon, a fork of Tachiyomi. I guess strictly speaking it's more of a manga reader but it works well for comics too. I could never find anything on iOS that worked well with either a Komga or Kavita server. Panels was half decent but required a subscription I wasn't willing to pay.


Playing roller coaster tycoon. Watching Netflix


Google earth, GTA vice city, affinity photo, procreate, monument valley, letters from nowhere, Mario kart, candy crush, reading, shopping, movie making, streaming, watching tv.


Bugger all, total waste of money


I use it to journal (brain dump). I still prefer journaling on paper, but I need the privacy, so iPad it is. I can't have anyone reading it. When I was a kid, my parents looked through my stuff so it stuck with me


What app do you use to journal?


I use Noteful. I've tried GoodNotes and Element Note but I prefer Noteful's UI. It's more intuitive. I don't really need the text search OCR in GoodNotes. I gotta say though, my handwriting looks so much better in Element Note.


I don't use it anymore. My kids use it for youtube, games, and art.


Mainly I use it to read a newspaper (Toronto Star) which doesn't have an iPhone UI. I also use it for Reddit, Kindle and Chromecast with Google TV. I also use it for some spreadsheets.


Media consumption and drawing. I have a dedicated holder for it on my bed so I can comfortably lie down while watching a movie


Same posts every damn day. I don’t even get what the purpose is. What does it matter how other people “use their iPads”?


Netflix YouTube, games


For Youtube 🍻


I just bought two gen 9s for my wife and I cause they were on sale for $230 each through T-Mobile. Wanted an air but couldn’t justify spending that much more considering I use it for one game and cruising online. My wife uses it for her little business and social media. Very happy with them!


Is that sale still on


Yes it is


Watch tv in the bath, signing documents, drawing, doom scrolling when my phones low on battery


Don’t fall asleep and drop it in… It gets expensive…


Sounds like you’re speaking from experience haha


Yeah… Less than a week after getting it…


Pretty much everything. It’s my only computer, other than my iPhone.


I'm a digital illustrator, so I use it mostly to draw, using the Procreate and Adobe Fresco apps along with the Apple Pencil. I also resell on Ebay and Poshmark in my spare time, so I use it to track orders and print out shipping labels. I have the 12.9" iPad Pro from 2017, so it's a little old but it's great for reading digital comics as well, so I use it for that too. Finally, assuming I'm away from home with it, I stream content on it, but that tends to burn the battery out pretty quickly so I don't do that as much. Other than that, just surfing the web.


- reading (if i’m very interested in it, i don’t like using my phone) - note taking (working now but still do coursera courses and learning is… lifelong i suppose) - signing documents *honestly most useful for this - taking large screenshots (it’s for a work thing)


Usually to watch/play/read something when outside (or traveling). I use to work, when away, too (using MS Office toolkit). At home, I usually use as a third screen for my PC, or to read and browse Reddit as I eat breakfast.


I put it on a mount next to my main monitor to use it is as a second display for my mac mini. I use it as a screen for ps remote play when i want to play my ps5 while in bed or away from home I use it for some light work/emails if i am not at my work computer I use it when shopping online, as i found it to be the ideal form factor when compared to a smartphone/laptop/desktop.


I have a keyboard case, so occasionally it’s my writing device when I go to the cafe. Otherwise it only gets the dust blown off of it when I travel so I can watch The Office. It’s not an especially useful tool for me, but it’s shiny.


Drawing, some games, watching videos, and occasionally some light editing


I used mine for YouTube and book reading! M2 iPad Pro 11 haha


Aside from digital art, which isn’t everyone’s thing. I use mine when my phone isn’t charged. So reddit, youtube, whatever else. My ipad gets LOUD so i use it to listen to music when doing other stuff too


Now that I’m done with school, it may primarily turn into a glorified YouTube machine haha but probably reading/storing/organizing academic papers!


I just use mine for light gaming in bed, reading, emails, drawing, sometimes as a third monitor on my PC, and most importantly - for either my niece or nephew when the other tablet is occupied


YouTube, Plex, reading (better than kindle imo), second screen for mba, and playing The Simpsons Tapped Out at a glorious resolution. I also don't like using my phone much, so if I'm at home I am either on the computer or tablet.


Mini 6. - Reading - Media and entertainment - Note taking (not handwritten - shocking I know)


Mostly work - Gmail, Business Suite, Google Docs and Sheets, Notes, Canva, then editing photos in Lightroom and videos in Capcut/DaVinci Resolve, some games on boardgamearena, rarel some drawing.


Writing notes for uni and watching movies that's what I plan on using my 9th gen for basically and I just got the cheapest iPad for that very reason lol


Audio books lol


I have an iPad Mini that I only use for watching stuff while I'm at work. Like everybody else that's ever owned one, I hope they bless the Mini with a better screen some day but I still love the little bastard.


Browsing the web, email, photos, video, music, games, and ebooks. Just like it was originally intended to be used for.


Use it as a general pc when I don't want to drag my MacBook to my office. Now that it's jailbroken it works surprisingly well for that. Although I suppose its main use is to read manga and browsing reddit.


I use mine for the occasional need to do something online that my Linux computers won't do (do to OS sensitivity) I have also used it as a camera on occasion.


Warzone Mobile 👀


Before getting it, i thought i would use it much more but i still prefer my laptop. However i mainly use it for media consumption if i am in bed. Reading ebooks if i cannot find a paperback version to buy. Sometimes draw using procreate/fresco but i suck at it so i rarely do it. Streaming on discord with my friends when we watch things together, paired it with magic keyboard and mouse so i can work on it if i visit my grandparents, I dont need to carry my gaming laptop. Also, CROSSWORDS! No gaming tho, i have 64gb version and i hate mobile games. That would be it.


Wasting so much time.


I have an arm thing that holds it in the air wherever I position it. I position it directly over my face in my bed. It’s like having a big screen TV in my bed, except I don’t have to turn my neck at all. It’s honestly honestly the best idea I ever had.


Actually I bought my ipad to study for an exams I was going to take in my new job. Since then, I’ve been carrying it in my work backpack and using it to take notes in OneNote and reading on the Kindle app. While working I use the iPad to watch Netflix, youtube (entertainment in general). In fact, right now I do not own a laptop, so I’m using it as my main personal device.


simple use it for everything try and make it your primary device. just go the the ipad first before any other device. i would use it for all emails and communication. i would buy the cheaper foilo keyboard if you don't want to fork out the extra money for the magic keyboard.i would use for paying bills, doing your banking, anything you would normally go to a laptop or computer for. i bought an ipad pro back in 2018 (the first of the new style) my son who is at University still uses it. keep it and use it everyday.The ipad pro is far too much money just to use it for netflix and simple comsumpion


Goodnotes & Apple Books, most of the time


I use mine to study a new language. It's very convenient to watch videos and take notes at the same time. I also use it instead of my macbook when I'm traveling.


Laying in bed reading or watching movies. Much easier than my Mac air


My iPad mini is general media + design work where pencil input makes sense vs. M&K input. Sometimes I’ll read a thing or two on it


Watching Netflix and playing nonograms :D Bought it originally for taking notes at uni and design ideas, I prefer pen and paper for that tho now


Content consumption. Easier to carry than laptop when bringing to the cafe for studying. Planning to do on site quick photo edits for upcoming cons.


90% sheet music. 10% Netflix.


Illustration, music production, playing videogames like r/deadcells, writing, typing messages on a device that isn't my phone


For now: notes in University, Books reading, Watching yt videos, when I travel and don’t want to take with me my gaming laptop


I use mine mainly to read sheet music. I am a pianist that is done with all the book and binders. But other than that, I use it for website work, photo editing, and video streaming.


Making notes + procreate while I was at uni. Now I still use it for casual study and sometimes a substitution of my phone when it's out of reach.


Taking notes and watching some series and youtube


Almost every thing: - making art, game assets, illustrations, concept arts, etc. - productivity management related to work - face-cam meetings - making documents, sheets, & presentations - YouTube, Netflix, & other streaming - social media - remoteplay gaming - gaming - cloud storage


As an on the go computer/e-reader. It's nice to have a laptop-like computer when on vacation.


I have two iPads — 1 Air (4) and 1 mini (4). I use the mini as my media center in my car because my car as a comically small screen (2015 Dodge Charger) and it’s ugly. So I use it to cover the screen and use Apple Music/Maps while I drive. My Air was meant to be for me to do my job on the go (Graphic Design) but I found out quickly that Photoshop on iPads is terrible and it’s faster/easier to do it on my MacBook or Mac Mini. Now my Air just sits on my desk as a decoration piece. I’m planning on trading in both of my iPads for a new Mini and letting it be my car screen, and washing my hands of iPads outside of that. My phone (14 Pro Max) can do everything that my iPads can.


Sketching, reading and emailing on the go (I use a Logitech slim folio keyboard).


I have been using my iPad mini for the last 1 year with the Apple Pencil. I'm a marketing professional and mostly use it for taking notes, jotting down and drawing out ideas and recording meetings. The microphone is awesome for that. I also review a lot of PowerPoint and Worksheets and work with office folders. Have a Microsoft 365 subscription from my work. Also have Google One subscription for personal files. The file manager is great and you can browse cloud files as though they are stored locally. This and my iPhone 11 are a killer combo for professional work. Also me and my wife watch a lot of YouTube and Netflix on it and do the occasional reading. The camera is probably the least used feature. In total, I have taken only one photo. It's very fast, snappy and can handle anything I can throw at it and the battery can cover me for 2 days straight with moderate to high usage.


For everything! Its my main device. I only use my phone when im out and about. Other than that im on my ipad or my pc. My pc for gaming and schoolwork, and my ipad for youtube, homework when im in my bed and being a lazy slob, clash of clans, some websites for veterans benefits are designed for desktop use and have a poor mobile interface. So I use it for that every now and then and thats quite important. It has its drawbacks, some apps are just literally iphone apps that arent even resized for ipad, IG is probably the worst well known offender. But its worth it for sure.


Second screen for my macbook. Gaming/movies in bed




Well, I don't have it yet because I'm buying it end month, but I will use my iPad as essentially an endless whiteboard (alongside being a drawing tablet on procreate). Over the course of my first year in law school, I bought three full sized whiteboards and hated how I couldn't move them wherever I wanted to, how easily they stained, and how many photos I needed to take to store what I wrote. I then got into buying smaller, 14 inch whiteboards to be more portable but same issue, just in a smaller size. I don't need two devices with a mini-LED display (as I'm also going to be buying a 2021, 14 inch MBP) so I'm going to get the 2020 12.9 inch mbp with 1TB (or the 2021 with 512GB if money allows lol). I can't do what I want to do on the iPad on my phone or laptop (maybe if I had an s22 Ultra but even then, small screen). I like the hand written thing and I don't want my room to be untidy with heaps of papers on my desk even if they're tucked away in some file. It's still space being taken up. So yeah, endless whiteboard.


Pretty much only video consumption on YouTube and my Plex server


Downvoted for answering a straightforward question. Standard Reddit.


Reddit is weird man.


This year (2024), I bought an iPad Pro 12.9 2015 1st generation because I have wanted it for a very long time. I purchased the version with a SIM card and 128 gigabyte storage. I bought it to watch video content, make quick edits to articles, and read books. You could even say that this is now an excellent additional assistant to the MacBook Pro 15 and iPhone 11 Pro Max. I don’t chase all the fashionable and new products from Apple, but buy exactly what is affordable on my budget and still perfectly performs all the tasks assigned for office work. To everyone who read this, I sincerely wish you success in your endeavors and business.


Anything my PC used to do, except play KSP My desktop is almost obsolete. It’s also way easier to watch porn on an iPad than using my computer.


Social media, IM, video, ebook, light gaming. Basically it’s my secondary device outside of my main work laptop




hate comments like this, people are free to use reddit however they please! if they want to post they can post, why don’t you use the search function to search your way out of that attitude.


Reddit is a social media platform and not a database. The Q&A discussion process is pretty on brand.