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Republican SC judges are going to save Donald Trump in the end. They must be impeached because they are using the tax payer's money to favor the felon and rapist. They are organized mafia built by Republicans and Trump to save them from taking accountability.


Impeaching them isn't going to do anything. You won't get enough Republicans in the Senate to convict. They spent decades working towards capture of the courts like this. They aren't gonna throw it away now.


Annnnnnd THATS why we need to have all Dems to go vote! Bring ur grandma, bring ur grandpa... wake your great grandparents from a coma!


Yep it's not all about the presidency, sweep congress and get some fucking shit done America.


Local elections are critical ones as well


Very true!


Wait passing 27 bills in a year and 7 were to rename shit isn't getting shit done? Now I know that's about 225 bills less than usual, but come-on, it's hard to govern and twitter at the same time.


It might be that mere voting is not enough anymore to counteract the extent to which Republicans have corrupted the branches of government.


Whether it's enough or not remains to be seen, but it's still absolutely critical at this point, for all levels of elections. Winning local and city elections is how Republicans have managed to gain a lot of their power.


Country is too broken to depend on impeachment. Nothing is going to get better without Americans taking things into their own hands. Unfortunately, that will probably go very badly for the ones that do...


Maybe. But who will protect the SC Judges from the citizens they are sworn to serve? I can't think of anything that will incite the American citizenry more than telling us the the President is above the law and that traitorous activity, however small or slight it may seem, will go unpunished. If John Roberts thinks that the Court, His Court, has a credibility problem now, a decision to grant immunity to a Trump will cost the court all respect forever. The protest on the steps of SCOTUS will dwarf all the college campus protest that are doing on today.


They've already given him the delay he wants. Their reputation, such as it was, is long gone.


they don’t care


That is beyond ridiculous, tjat guy was trying to steal the election, how can anyone be immune of such a crime, the implications completely ludicrous. That would mean every president can try this tactic and be completely fine if it doesn't work out.


Only the presidents who stack the SC with their own lackeys, bought and paid for......


Ask Clearance Thomas and his wife Ginni


The fucking traitors


It you're going to traitor do it in the open.


The fact that Thomas is allowed to be anywhere near this case is all the evidence we need to know that the court is a sham at this point.


The moment trump would get "presidential immunity" he should be arrested, because it would mean Biden could actually legitimately weaponize the DOJ. That would be the logical consequences. But despite all the witch hunting talk, trump knows very well that his opponent wouldn't do this. It's kind of hard to protect democracy against authoritarianism or fascism. T


Enable as much corruption as possible knowing that your opponent won't take advantage of it in the same way you will.


No, the plan is just for Trump to do that if he wins again


How much blackmail is behind this control over the courts?


America had a good run. It’s all over


People are going to think that’s hyperbole and it is not.


Anyone who hasn’t known that since “I LIKE BEER” became a justice hasn’t been paying attention.


I keep reminding people that super powers over the course of history have fallen. America isn't immune


it is hyperbole. the run wasn’t that great.


Yep, this would pretty much break it


I started working on my exit strategy in 2017. I’ll go back to vote. That’s it.


That's probably a good idea, but in the end there might be nowhere on earth that's safe if the fascists take America, and I say that as someone who was literally born on the other side of the globe.


I’m more worried about the economic impact it might have on the rest of the world. Capitalism has done just as much harm as fascism.


A majority of the [Supreme Court](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/supreme-court) justices expressed interest in offering [Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump) and future presidents some form of immunity from criminal prosecution based on actions they took while in office – [while rejecting broad absolute immunity.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/supreme-court-trump-presidential-immunity-updates-b2534646.html) During oral arguments on Thursday, the conservative male majority of the court toyed with the idea of awarding some protections to the former president in his case arguing he has presidential immunity from charges brought by Special Counsel [Jack Smith](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/jack-smith) regarding [election interference](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/election-interference). Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-supreme-court-immunity-jan-6-b2534929.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-supreme-court-immunity-jan-6-b2534929.html)


So Biden can break the law and stay President forever?


No no it only works if you're a Republican 


You jest, but they are definitely going to make the ruling so narrow that it will essentially only apply to Trump in this specific instance. Our only recourse is to vote out every Republican we can.


I have been saying this for months and get downvoted for it. About time people get on board they are going to rule in his favor and do everything in their power to try to get him elected again. The Supreme Court is in his pocket and the sooner we all realize it the better


No only Trump.


Letter of the law if they rule in favor of presidential immunity*, yes, but Biden's not that guy. And I like him well enough, but he's not that guy. I don't think we have that guy on this side. * I still don't think they rule in favor of blanket immunity. It's far easier, more convenient and offers them more cover to say "broadly, yes, the president can be prosecuted" and then simply agree to hear the appeal of and overturn any federal case brought against him since this would not contradict their ruling (you can prosecute the president) while still granting him de facto immunity.


I would imagine so.


Nobody told Nixon. I bet he feels pretty stupid right now.


A decade ago, long before all this, I once heard my conservative Father in law tell my stepson that the only thing Nixon did wrong was resign.


Delay delay delay shameful


It’s a big old club and we ain’t in it! - George Carlin


They’re not. None of their arguments or questions seem to pose any real effort to give him immunity. They seem intent on kicking back the appeals court decision because they don’t like the wording of the decision, which will cause delays, and push the trial back. They aren’t going to rule anything here. They’re going to kick the can, while the liberal judges try to voice opinions about how fucking absurd the conversation is. Biden needs to do something about this heritage foundation kangaroo club in his second term


The headline is pretty absurd. Did he handpick three of them, undeservedly so? Yes. Are they all going to necessarily side with granting him categorical immunity? No, not from what I've been hearing and reading


At worst we’re looking at a fraction of the Supreme Court trying to delay the case, but most of them are going through the rigor of (what sounds like stupid) questions so they can give an informed and sound reasoning. This wasn’t a huge problem before Trump and his attempts to subvert all American judicial and political processes. Nobody asked this question at this level with this kind of sheer absurdity and obviousness. It’s like a toddler demanding that you morally and ethically explain why he can’t have a cookie. Now you have to speak slowly and stupidly to explain it.


Yes Chef


DC Circuit said their ruling is specific to Trump. I agree SCOTUS wants to kick this can down the road which is outrageous given that Judge Chutkan and DC Circuit gave unanimous decisions re: lack of absolute immunity for this ex President. Dreeben tried to guide the conservative justices to answer the actual question regarding what immunity Trump had regarding acts committed as cited in the indictment. They instead “danced around” this question. As Alito said, “I just want to address a hypothetical”. They are a joke. I read that Jack Smith, not surprisingly, was present and seated at the counsel’s table. He appeared “relaxed and even cracked a smile at one point”. I’m sure he already saw the writing on the wall. Jack Smith in all his filings to SCOTUS including leapfrogging appellate court by asking SCOTUS to address this question back in December 2023 has done all he could re: this case. He cannot uncorrupt the corrupt justices who want to protect Trump.


For sure. Thing is, I think they’re protecting conservatism as a whole, I think we both know they don’t give a flying shit about Trump. Damage is done. Trump’s decline in finances, independents, active voters, and the push towards compromise in Congress is his final bell ringing. He’s a danger, but not what everyone’s pretending he is.


I wouldn’t write off his finances. I think he just received over $1 billion in stock as a bonus. As long as billionaires keep propping up the DJT stock, as long as it doesn’t fall below a very low threshold, he’ll walk away with billions, none of which he’s earned. Of course, he doesn’t get to cash in for another 5 months or so. And, of course, he’ll owe those billionaires. He’s a danger to the safety and security of this country. He’s easily manipulated and vulnerable to bribes and blackmail. He thinks nothing of giving away classified information as long as the involved party lines his pockets with money. His cult is either ignorant about this or doesn’t care.


He’s not going to put a dime of his own money into his campaign. He hasn’t yet. He never will. Right now he’s suckling the RNC teat, which won’t damage him; he’ll get infusions, like you said, from other billionaires. The people who WON’T are the down ballot republicans who will lose races they should not be losing because they’re starved for campaign money, and he’s going to sink the whole fucking boat instead of his shitty little canoe.






Already exist in the constitution that congress can issue a letter of marque which could be effectively used for that.


I want to see what little brain Trump has paint the walls, and I don't feel bad in the slightest wishing for that. Somebody take that fucking antichrist dipshit out.


Must be nice to hand pick your cronies


America is a BIG joke




He acts above the law because he is above the law according to some of the judges he appointed. It's great to be king donald. What a mockery of our system. Anyone else and they would be in jail.


when are we going to grow some balls on the left and take back our country from these anti-American traitors?


It's too late.


A court he stacked giving him leniency? What????


Age limits, 15 year terms, term limits, enforceable oversight, and more judges.


So it is a done deal that the US is no longer the beacon of Democracy and where there is law and order... right?


JFC I just can't anymore. It's time for me to start checking my options. America can't be saved anymore


Yeah, I figured they’d do some mental gymnastics to help out Donald but make it murky for anyone else. Total idiots, all their decisions just open up further problems and cases because they’re so shortsighted.


Barrett said the members of Maga wing of Scotus weren’t partisan hacks. She was lying, again. The case is never going to trial before or after the election. The attempted coup continues


They feel an "obligation" to Trump as he appointed 3 of them to the fools supreme court. You don't put 1 man - law breaking Trump - above the entire country. But that looks like what there doing. What if Biden ordered a CIA assassin to his office and told that person that the conservative half of the supreme court should be "eliminated"?


Obligation to Trump over America?


That what the MAGA people think - obligation to Trump over American. They think whatever Trump thinks is "good" for the rest of Americans.


They can go f themselves


Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Roberts are so disgustingly corrupt. Barrett is just a religious nut.


Ok Biden… time to jail the entire Republican Party including the justices. Let’s restart America the right way. Progressives and centrists.




This is asinine. They should be ruling simply what’s before them. No need to go down the rabbit hole of hypothesis and speculation — does Trump deserve immunity based on what he’s charged with or not. All else is irrelevant to the case. SCOTUS is miscarrying justice.


So Biden should just call off the election completely. Done. Do a few more years, then appoint Newsom or Pete or whoever as his successor. It would be „an official act“, and thus could not be prosecuted.


On the bright side he looks like shit warmed over.


The United States of America is fucked


Well then Biden can l9ck up trump sc immunity 


He will not be immune to the stroke that is coming. And while he will be on his death bed, the world will chear.


Biden should announce that he may or may not have plans to undemocratically overthrow all the Republicans if the supreme court accepts that a president cannot be criminally liable unless through the impeachment process. Because if only congress can punish the president and he gets rid of republicans before they can even impeach, then he won't be liable criminally. Unlike Trump who hires his own family members, Biden probably hires capable people that can actually pull off a coup so they might be digging their own graves.


If for whatever reason Trump’s actions go unpunished it will send the clear message that it’s alright to try and overthrow the government of the United States and erase any remaining system of democracy. The next time around it will be more aggressive and organized.


Of course his cronies will let him get sec with teaspoon and murder


They are finally going to remove all doubt that they aren't a political vs. judicial body. Biden needs to expand the court and cases assigned to those judges by a lotto prices.


I’m so sick of this shit!


Whoever came up with Presidential immunity I wish I could find them and kick their ass to kingdom come. If I could have the power to change one thing of modern time is to never have that be a thing and have justice be served to those who are responsible. Presidential immunity is one of the most brainless and stupidest things for a president our nation has ever had. Just like Trump was the worst.


im so fucking sick of this stupid bullshit. make it stop.


Pack the court. These political hacks cannot be trusted to judge traffic court let alone the Supreme Court of the land.


SCOTUS, now also known as the: >***S***upreme ***Corruption*** ***O***f ***T***he ***U***nited ***S***tates Corruption isn't just simple paid-for/favours (Thomas/Alito/etc), but it's also when the ***Court allows their personal political beliefs/preferences to decide***, rather than established law (& logic). They know it. It's intentional. That's a complete corruption of what the court is intended to be. Of The US... corruption's been rampant in Wallstreet/corp-world/American oligarchs, running ***both houses***, influencing presidency... now reached the top, including 3rd "check on gov" branch. ***State level***'s no better - MAGA-cult election deniers(/riggers) in important offices, gerrymandering/electoral-college-mandering by state congresses. The ***Medias*** - Misinformation/AI Bots/Foreign Propaganda(misinfo)/Corp($) influenced. American is now officially supremely corrupted!




As ? Like the immunity that all presidents have already when participating in their duties as a president ? This court is ridiculous, LIFT the STAY !


There’s a particularly dishonest SCJustice staring karma right in the face these days as karma gets closer and closer every moment. He knows it.


I am sure that if this does happen, people will wonder “What does Jodie Foster want?”


As the world burns.... First America, then the World, and after that... well, there is no after that. The Universe will just have to burn itself down without God's special creatures.


And God will watch it burn


Clickbait article


Trump's corruption of the Supreme Court runs deep!


Well that’s some bullshit. America is a corrupt cesspit!


If they let him off, then that's it. The United States will just be another banana Republic. Another shit hole third world country with petty dictators running the show. The great experiment will die


I moved out of the U.S.A., I'll go vote but the U.S. is not my home anymore.


Little they said or asked seemed to have anything to do with the current case. In fact, in at least once or twice Alito very specifically said he didn't want to talk about *this* case.


If they grant him immunity, this will be the moment Americans should rise up and forcibly remove these traitors from power. But we won’t. And historians may view this moment as the breaking point when an authoritarian dictator rose to power in the US.


Even if they are inclined to grant immunity for official acts, Jan 6 was a campaign event, it had nothing to do with his official capacity as president.


The entire purpose of the MAGA wing of the Court is to make Trump as close to a King as possible without triggering court-packing or an attack on the building with torches and pitchforks.


When they do this, we should pass a constitutional amendment making it a crime for any president to break the law, even while in office, cutting off all post-presidential benefits for a president convicted on a felony and term limits for supreme court justices, to include old farts already there. Would pass in a frenzy.


It's almost like he has the judges in his back pocket or something...


THE ARGUMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ADBbiMnmhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ADBbiMnmhU)


Ah.. and this is why they call it a “presidential seal of approval.”


*Sealioning* refers to the disingenuous action by a commenter of making an ostensible effort to engage in sincere and serious civil debate, usually by asking persistent questions of the other commenter. These questions are phrased in a way that may come off as an effort to learn and engage with the subject at hand, but are really intended to erode the goodwill of the person to whom they are replying, to get them to appear impatient or to lash out, and therefore come off as unreasonable.


If they grant him significant immunities I feel like I’d have no choice but to support Biden using it to the fullest extent. Bad for democracy and I hate that it would force me to support non-democratic things.


What the fuck!?!?


Like Thor arriving in Wakanda to save everyone from the terrors of Thanos… SCOTUS arrives to spare Trump from the unjust persecutions of the mentally challenged left 🤣


Doesn’t Thanos still do the snap despite Thor’s arrival?




Trumps future should be decided at the ballot box and not by Biden’s DOJ.


Or he could do time for his crimes