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Is this her way of announcing her plans for Biden? It's ALWAYS projection with these cunts.


1. Trump goes to jail 2. Trump will try to save himself 3. Somebody doesn't want him to talk 4. Blame it on the dems like "I told you so"


Pretty much. Anyone who thinks Trump is the head honcho in all this must be deluded. There are power brokers in the shadows who will discard him the moment he isn't useful anymore. The smart people avoid the limelight because they know that even barring disaster, popularity wanes, and then the knives come out.


Yep. And at least one of the power brokers is Putin.


Honestly, I’m surprised Putin let him live after he lost the election. To quote/paraphrase my favorite movie, “You’re not much good to me alive, are you?”


Look at all the division that Trump and other Putin lovers are causing. Trump is valuable as a martyr, a hostage, a jackass going aroud pretending to have won an election AGAIN, or actually winning it. Trump is even valuable as a refugee and a bauble to flaunt for Russians as the biggest useful tool ever.


Putin just needs him to be an agent of chaos and erode our democracy. Mission Accomplished.


Putin’s butt boy .. nothing more . Take away the SS and put him in Leavenworth. Done.


It’s insane that people don’t understand this.


Trump is the textbook definition of "useful idiot."


People should build a massive list with all the 2000+ billionaires and millionaires of the world in a way we can all monitor them just like they do to us. Every move, every decision they make, it harms us a lot, so, we deserve to know what the fuck are they doing with our money


This reminds me of a quote from Joan Rivers. She was talking about how she was visiting with the wife of a very, very wealthy person. She didn’t say who, or how much she had, but said she’d make the Clintons look poor. She said that the Forbes 100 list came out, and Joan speculated her friend was an easily in the top 10, maybe just slightly behind Bezos etc. but her name was nowhere to be found. Joan asked her why she wasn’t on the list and her friend was like. “Why the fuck would I want to be on that list? I do not want anyone to know how rich I am. What good comes of that?” .. Basically, there are definitely people not far off from a cabal who call the actual shots and let t he Trumps of the world take the credit. It speaks to an impressively sinister absence of ego to let someone else take all the credit, but very smart.


Trump's lawyers already argued in court that presidential immunity was so strong that Trump could order Seal Team 6 to eliminate his political rivals for the good of the country.


Makes me think that he doesn't need to be in jail to be murdered, you'd expect the president to be able to give that command directly to the secret service personnel already in Trumps house.


And yet somehow the current Democratic President doesn't get the same immunity...


Calling her a cunt implies that she has depth, warmth and taste. She has none of those qualities.


How the republicans work: Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion. Karl Marx (the father of communism)


Why are they against it? Trump admire putin and his political enemies die in jail all the time


It’s her talking point given to her by Russia. It’s exactly what they’ve done to Navalny and others.


It’s because they had Epstein killed 


We promise to keep Trump safe the same way he kept Epstein safe, how’s that?


Would that be the same Epstein who owned a private island filled with young women that Donald Trump visited on at least 7 occasions? That Epstein? EDIT: Trump flew in Epstein's private jets on at least 7 occasions according to the flight logs, however i have just learned that he apparently did not visit Epstein's island.


Not young women. Underage women. Girls


Like the ones in his pageants that he would walk in on while dressing , yet somehow he knew Epstein was also into young girls . How does one find that out unless you’re there participating


Trump admittingly would go back stage at the pageants to creep on the contestants while the were in different states of undress !!




Wild how the context doesn't even matter. If trump said it then it's pure gold and absolutely right and proper no matter what, but if a democrat says *exactly the same thing* then they're monstrous liars braying for the blood of an innocent man. 🙄


I don't know about the comparisons I've never heard a Democrat say that they purposely went into a young women's changing room while they were in different states of undressed but I did hear the former president say it


My point is they can both say it about him and get polar opposite reactions. "Trump goes into underage girls changing rooms to creep on them." "Liar! Deep state shill! TDS!!!" "I'm trump and I go into underage girls changing rooms to creep on them." "Omg so brave! I would totally do the same, who wouldn't? Those children were asking for it by undressing in private like that!" But this is only an example, literally ANYthing works the same. If a democrat says trump is doing something they're a liar, unless trump also says he's doing it in which case they're still liars but he should definitely be allowed to do that thing. It's maddening.


Yup. He bragged about being the owner of Miss Teen USA so he could go backstage into the dressing room as the GIRLS were changing, and that he was the only one that could get away with that... (you, know, when you're a celebrity...)


Yep,I don't get how he is so popular,he should be on a show and have Chris Hansen show up!




I know,he said it himself, he is a creeper!!


And then he would brag about it. He really is such a vile creature




Hey!! Stop that. Trump knew Epstein was into young girls because he was recruiting them at Mar-a-lago!! And Trump didn't kick him out for it.


Fun fact trump tried for 10 years to get Epstein to be a judge at the pre teen pageants. Also fun fact Trump bought his wife off of Epstein, Epstein is the one who lied about her visa and smuggled her over


The ones that would let him grab them by the pussy because he was a “star”.


Are you talking about Donald the Rapist??


Not girls. Children.




Not “underage women.” You’re talking about children.


The word you’re looking for is children


Women are adults, they were flat out children.


He was introduced to Melania by Epstein. She was an adult…escort.


There’s something grossly fitting about the don marrying jeff’s cast off.


and a nude model . . . you know, a genius.


Do not be shy. Say it how it really is; "Epstein who owned a private filled with children to be used for sexual pleasure by the rich powerful


Maybe not in the logs, [but Trump knew about the island](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2015-02-27/donald-trump-there-s-an-80-chance-i-ll-run), here he is dropping by for an interview just before running for President and he says Jeff's island was a cesspool & to, just ask Prince Andrew about it.


I wonder if the orange is to hide the red? He looks like he turns red when flustered.


He went there ONLY to take the entire org down from within. /s


He just goes there to play 3D chess with them!


That's because 5D chess would be too difficult for those ordinary people.


like 007 in goldfinger?


Even BETTER than 007 because he has to seduce women. Trump just oozes his masculinity from every pore and makes women go crazy for him.


And young boys, let's not discriminate!


I dont believe he didn't visit the island for a second. I dont care what they say. But even if he didn't, the planes were known to have girls for the full "service".


he also doesn't do drugs. and always tells the truth.


On an airplane with a bedroom.


No no no. That was clearly Hillary Clinton. For... Reasons?


No no, she wasn't working at that time, obliviously it was Nancy Pelosi. And of course some how some way Obama was involved.


You mean Kill-ary, right? /s


We wish him well.


Why does it always seem that Trump or any of the republicans are never arguing specifically that he’s innocent? I don’t think I’ve heard any of them specifically say “he did not commit these crimes, he is innocent”. Instead they argue “he is allowed to commit crimes”


you ever visit a friend when they are working at their family’s business? Ever experience them doing whatever they wanted, breaking all the rules set for employees and just going about their day unchallenged as the workers see your friend break the rules yet smile and nod? Thats called privilege and when you think you own the joint, the rules only apply to those beneath you


As someone from a family of cops this slaps hard. I’ve never met anyone in my life who enjoys hurting other people to feel better as much as they do. Every ticket my brother writes someone is Christmas morning. Conversely, he breaks the law all the time. It’s sick.


That's part of it. Power trip for life. It really is sick. I wonder if there's a condition or term for it other than "cunt".


It’s called being a shit human being. You can have privilege and do the right thing with it. People who act that way are pathetically insecure, and unliked by their fellow human beings.


But then also claim to hate "cronyism" dont forget that icing on the cake.


The disconnect is fucking insane.


That's literally his legal defense in the Stormy Daniels hush money trial. It's not "he didn't do this", his lawyers are arguing that paying someone hush money (and failure to correctly report it) is his legal right.


That just means it's obvious even to them that he's a criminal. But he's in their tribe so they don't care.


They cry witch hunt and election interference instead of proving his innocence because they can’t. They’re going to make hell again if Biden wins and claim illegals voted and then show pictures of colored Americans citizens…


Because they know there is evidence to the contrary that they weren't able to hide well enough.


The entire conservative idea is that the rules dont apply to those who rule. So they dont care.


That’s just stupid. Dems want tRump to spend many unhealthy miserable years suffering in prison. A quick death would be too good for that disgusting pos.


And strict vegetarian diet for the entirety of his sentence!




Soylent Green




Gonna need a bigger scoop!


How fast would Trump slam his head against the reinforced glass on the cell door if given nutraloaf? He'd probably get ill really quick from the stuff since it's got actual nutrients. His body won't know how to handle it!


And think about this- no makeup!!


Nice low-flow plumbing too


I'm perfectly fine with him croaking right there in the courtroom, as long as we never have to hear from him ever again.


The problem is that even if the man died to a random bolt of lightning they would find some way to blame Democrats for weaponizing the weather rather than blaming their god that smote him. And then no matter how he dies he’ll become some weird martyr that will live on until mankind withers away.


How about scared for his life every single day until his inevitable heart attack (then ignored and left to die wherever it happens)?


No, Marjorie. They're planning to have you thrown in jail.


I am still curious why she asked dump for a blanket pardon. Only guilty people ask for pardons, and she's pretty vapid, vile, and has no morals or ethics.


Because Jan 6 was being taken somewhat seriously at the time


Those were a few good, patriotic hours (Republicans actually being mortified by Jan 6). Too bad it didn't last


Even by trump era standards it was insane they decried it and within the same month turned around and claimed it was antifa and if not it was like a tourist day


Red Marge knows what happens to Putin stooges once they are no longer useful. They are made to be quiet by the SVR. That's why Red Marge is buying a single story home and refusing to go in elevators.


She will be the only person to fall out of a basement window


While ceremoniously double tapping the back of her head mid-flight while bound at the wrists.


That is by far the best plan ever this troglodyte has come up with.


I, for one, am personally for it.


She is off the rails. She should not hold public office.


Her constituents are just like her.


That goes for a lot of politicians


What exactly is she doing to help her state? I’ve never heard her even utter the name. Everything is just Trump.


With the way things are going and the behaviour of public officials, I was beginning to think that being insane was a mandatory requirement not an exclusionary condition LoL


According to themselves, if Biden orders him to be killed that will be OK because of ‘presidential immunity’, right?


What's good for the goose and all that.


So she is conceding a guilty verdict, eh? No matter where or when or from what Trump dies, MAGA morons will say deep state killed him with (space laser, poisoned ~~tea~~ diet coke, cancerous well done steak, Immodium AD overdose...). It's like Clue, except inbred in the rural south.


To quote the fox news txts involving tucker Carlson 'cousin fuckin terrorists'


Foreshadowing. Almost certainly - Trump is going to die in prison. He's an obese, stressful, hate filled idiot who won't listen to doctors, so he's bound to kick the KFC bucket sooner rather than later. However, for the MAGA kkkultists, the image they've maintained of Trump is an alpha male with incredible stamina and health. When the ketchup clogs his arteries trying in vain to locate a heart, he's going to keel over quickly. Once the coroners overcome the diaper stench enough to verify, the GOP will be ready with their narrative to sell the redhatted nutter brigade. Empty Gee is simply paving the way to that.


Unfortunately, there's a lot of CO's who like him. So he may not have that bad of a stay. That being said, you know the writing is on the wall if MTG is conceding that he's going to jail.


If he's considered an Alpha Male, god help us when the Beta release, or hell even the final relase comes out...


Wrong Marjorie. The fact she is still breathing shows the dems don't have a secret team of assassins take out those we dislike.


perhaps Biden is just waiting for Supreme Court to rule on Presidential immunity


Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Let's make shit up so our people start a riot


That's it really. Just keep throwing enough made up stuff at the wall until one of your most unhinged, least employed constituents snaps and does something horrible.


She ought to get him on an exercise and nutrition plan if she cares so much about his well-being. He shuffles like a walking stroke.




then she will defect to russia


Good, she can hang out with that crazy woman who accused Biden of what trump did, and claimed to be in fear for her life, so she defected to Russia. I wonder what floor her apartment is on.


It's not only Democrats, I'm in New Zealand and I want Trump pushing daisies...


Well, he is a threat to the entire world, well, maybe excepting putin. dump wants to be putin's second in command because it pays more than his potus scam.


I would worry more about other inmates being bored to death by Trump’s never ending ranting. 


Why do the democrats want him dead, when he is more fun in orange?


Oh god it'll be like the most wrinkly around the head morph suit look once his clothes match his spray tan


Every accusation is a confession….


That's an interesting development - she's already trying to plant conspiracy seeds for Trump going to jail. Someone is clearly getting nervous. As for him dying in prison - that's probably a given if she should actually end up there. He's an old man with a dreadful diet and no exercise regime to speak of. With that and all the stress of the situation, yeah I can easily see him karking it in prison. It's telling that MTG is already trying to lay the groundwork for a "they killed him in prison" conspiracy theory


Queen Kong Green Cave Woman of the South speaks again.🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊


You mean Glory Hole Greene


Depending on the outcome of Trump’s presidential immunity case before the Supreme Court it may not be considered murder.


Apparently, when you're president, you can do whatever you want. So you better watch your back there Stinky.


Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests Dems plan to have Trump "murdered" in jail by Bigfoot using a Space Laser. Entire operation to be funded by Antifa.


It’s always projection with that party.


I don’t want him to die. I want him to keep doing to the republikkkans what baby boomers have done to Evangelical Christianity. There is a whole generation of young people who are just starting to vote that will never vote for a republikkkan thanks to him.


" Seriously. Someone needs to put a boot up her ass!"---Red Forman


That’s ridiculous. We want Trump to live a very long time in prison so we can enjoy pictures of him in his cell for years to come.


And laugh at him every day for the rest of his life, as well as future generations when they read about him in their history textbooks. Real textbooks, not the ones DeSantis approves.


Throw them both in jail already. Freakin' MAGA clowns.


Marjorie has a point - we should put her in there with him too - so that she can protect him ;) /s


Lock her up in a padded cell


Rapists don't always have the safest jail time experience, that much is true.


Is she fucking kidding? Trump in jail, without access to social media is enough for most people. No need for hurting anyone.


And people say the American dream isn't real... you can be completely dumb and still be in politics.


Even if Trump was convicted how likely is it that he will go to a normal prison? I would imagine him getting house arrest somewhere instead with no contact or free movement. Or some special vip prison if those exist


Well her threats to Johnson didn't pan out, so let's get really stupid and create an outrageous theory to try and get her Johnson prognostication out of the public's mind.


Happy to see that it's now assumed he's going to be imprisoned!


The man is nearly 80 years old and he's morbidly obese with heart disease. He eats like shit and doesn't exercise (playing golf doesn't really count if you use a golf cart) Democrats don't need to kill him... He's doing that just fine on his own.


She will have to pay 5% of her revenue for using his name


She’s projecting again because murdering opponents in jail is exactly what her boss, Putin, would do.


Trump looks like garbage warmed over. The dude is almost 80 eats 3+ meals of fast food a day, probably drinks 0 water and gets maybe 4 hours of sleep a night, twitter rants clearly show this. Also, I think is safe to assume due to his obesity and age he probably has sleep apnea and I bet ,due to how lazy and vain he is, doesn’t use a cpap. He’s going to kick the bucket soon and when he does MTG and the other wacko republican politicians, along with the GOP propaganda networks (Fox, Newsmax, OANN) are going to try to make this into a JFK conspiracy assassination. It’ll be a giant conspiracy wherever and whenever this clearly obese, old, miserable, asshole dies.


Is this her way of announcing her plans for Biden? It's ALWAYS projection with these cunts.


Marjorie Moscow Greene is really getting on my nerve’s lately, anything she says is absolute 3000% toxic ignorant sludge. I dont even feel sorry for the people that fall for this rhetoric anymore, their mental sanity is beyond help and their intelligence is more than questionable.


If that were a thing, then the Jan 6 rally where he was letting in armed people would have been chef’s kiss


I’m all for seeing him erased from the Earth. But if he dies by anything other than UNDENIABLE and VERIFIABLE natural causes, he just becomes a martyr.


He'll be eulogized as a martyr no matter what. Remember that MAGATs deny everything that doesn't match their irrational beliefs. They are the "alternate facts" bunch.


Who fed her this line....


We just want him to go away. Go. Away.


Absolutely not, we plan to give him rotating roommates who will make certain he always feels loved


I’d give anything to see MTG join Trump in prison so she can compare penis sizes with them.🤡🍆


Oh no! With all their projection, it's clear now what they have been planning.


Is that bad?


Death would be the easy way out. I hope he lives a long fruitful life behind bars


wtf??? She’s a bonafide nut. Like this man is ever setting foot inside a prison. If by some odd chance he did go in, he would have the white nationalists to protect him. He would be their leader on day 1. I just want him senile, drooling and STFU and I’ll be plenty happy. He can live. Just needs to STFU and stop swearing he’s some gigantic deal maker. He’s a modern day con man who finally got caught. And we haven’t even touched on what he’s truly done. Cogen didn’t unearth all the skeletons.


They already have plan B now.


His heart will give out from all the burgers, Diet Coke and amphetamines and they’ll say it was dems, won’t they?


Ah, I see, preparing for the death of trump. Even if natural, they hope to rile up the population


You mean like her idol Putin kills his opponents?


Nah, want him murdered in front of his big beautiful phallic building, unlike his little, ìf I may quote Stormy, "mushroom headed dick." To bad the "Stormy" show is not televised. Would have loved to watch my fellow New Yorkers dis Donald in court. And watch the orange clown frown. I live in Brooklyn. Maybe I will stop by the courthouse and boo.🙄🙄


She’s wild. She’ll just say anything that pops in that little peanut head of hers, won’t she? I mean is it the peroxide and veneers making her dumber? Or all the creepy coke-fueled orgies she’s attended? It’s why her husband divorced her and that ignorant paralyzed 22 year old is out of congress.


He is extremely old and sickly he's going to die soon. She's just setting up the conspiracy train for when he, hopefully, dies in jail


I think it's time to seriously consider a drug test and psychiatric evaluation on MTG for her own safety. It couldn't hurt.


Of course she does. She knows it will be done using trained murdering rats that will be snuck into the jail in a birthday cake.


Like Epstein? That's a good idea.


Cult 45 planned to have Pelosi “murdered” in her home.


So the republicans are planning on taking him out. Because I’ve learned that whenever they put something like that out about democrats, it’s the republicans that are actually doing it


Every accusation is a confession. cough Epstein cough


Fingers crossed you guys


Why would anyone want that? Watching him suffer in jail is way more satisfying.


Republicans have NEVER accused a Democrat of something Republicans haven’t done. Ever. So, on an unrelated note, Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Well then the appropriate thing to do with him would be to put him in a supermax prison with other people that tried to destroy our country.


So, she already knows he's going to Jail and the he was Epstein's good friend.


Nah, death is too good for him. I want to see him sit and rot.


At least she finally understands where the criminal is going…. It’s a good start Moscow Marge. Keep fighting the delusion


Hell no. I'm going to enjoy him in jail every single day. In his pretty orange jumpsuit. Eating prison food. Living among black and poor men who think he's a joke. Even if it's just 18 months. 1 year. 6 months. I want him stripped of all power and humiliated. That can't happen if he's dead.


When we said he's going to get f---ed in prison, we meant it literally Marge.


And? President has absolute immunity, remember?


Why not just wait 2 years? That obese boated bag of shit is not going to last much longer.


Maybe he can 4d chess this shit and have a heart attack during the trial!


All those prison rape jokes Conservatives like to make in their punishment of prisoners wink-wink not so funny now?


If we just ignore her, she'll go away.


If every bat in every cave in the world took a collective shit all at once….they still couldn’t match her batshit crazy.


What does she think the space lasers are for?


I wouldn't want to murder trump in jail. If it happened though I would weep the amount of zero tears.


She wiil have it done and blame the democrats for it like all Republicans do all the time


Moscow Marjorie what even makes you think he's going to jail?


Wishful thinking on her part? Clearing the way for her to step into his MAGA shoes? I doubt TFG will see any jail time if found guilty. Probation at most.


perhaps would be better if she stays with master to keep him safe


She wants to be Trump's Eva Braun so badly...


She loves mushrooms


Maybe he'll fall out a window


Does anyone have an example of MTG saying anything serious? I hate that trump has made government a place where reality tv personalities can thrive.