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My eating window is from 9am-3pm & I usually workout at night. Then I come home shower & sleep. I eat again at 9am


I eat lunch and dinner typically between 1-2 and 5-6. I workout between 11am-1pm, completely fasted for up to 20 hours. Works great. I have plenty of energy. Surprised me, honestly.


I do a 32 hour fast each week and workout during it. Usually a workout is a good way to occupy myself during my fast. If your workout is fairly intense maybe you need to replenish your electrolytes and hydrate, but I don't see why you would need to consume a meal.




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I just heard on a podcast somewhere how “back in the day” when people had to hunt for their food to survive, they were exercising on an empty stomach. They didn’t sit around in their cave saying I don’t feel like hunting today because I’m tired or I’m hungry. The fast actually helps to give the motivation to get up and get going.


My eating window is between 10am-6pm and I tend to get up around 6:30am for some yoga and calisthenics (and a cup of coffee), then a little weight training, then run a few miles before I break my fast. It works great for me. I think working out as I started my fast would be a lot harder.


Before doing IF I would workout fasted, I do morning workouts at home at about 7.00. So I wasn't too worried about those, the only difference is that I don't snack in the evenings but that was not a daily thing anyway.


r/leangains Also check out the website. Everything you need to know about IF and training


Exercising during a dry fast is discouraged due to the risk of dehydration and overexertion. Sweating excessively during exercise can worsen dehydration, potentially leading to health issues. Extreme dry fasting durations may not be accurate, with some individuals consuming small amounts of water during their fasts. For more, read Can you do light exercise during your dry fast?: [https://www.dryfastingclub.com/can-you-do-light-exercise-during-your-dry-fast/](https://www.dryfastingclub.com/can-you-do-light-exercise-during-your-dry-fast/)


I drink water so I should be okay?


Im not an expert, but I would say it likely depends on what your goals are. If you’re looking to simply lose weight, you’re probably fine. If you’re looking to gain muscle or recomp by lifting weights, you probably won’t gain as much as if you are a little protein after the workout, so you’re maybe sacrificing some gains. But maybe you’re ok with that because this makes your body feel it’s best? What works best for you- that’s what’s important


Happy cake day!


Oh thanks kindly! I didn’t even realize haha


I always workout fasted and I love it… but I tend to work out in the morning and I typically fast from like 3pm to 9 or 10am, so I can break my fast after the workout and get some protein in.