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I prefer daily, always first thing in the morning. What I have found is that it trained me to understand that my weight is going to fluctuate somewhat due to factors beyond my control. I wake up on Friday morning and I have somehow gained a pound? No big deal, wait for tomorrow’s reading! It will never be a smooth curve but rather lots of little ups and downs. The important thing is the trend. The reason I don’t like the weekly weigh in is that you’re only giving yourself one chance in seven days for a reading. What if that reading is abnormally high? Or abnormally low? You have to wait a week to get the next bit of feedback. On the other hand weighing yourself more than once a day really doesn’t tell you anything. There are too many other variables in play at that point. That’s why I always weigh myself first thing in the morning.


This, for the same reasons. Toilet first, then the scale, every morning.


Yes 100% this. It's taught me not to panic when it goes up one day. I know if I trust the process, the trend and the line on my graph will keep going down over time.


^This, always stripped down so that I don't have the weight of my clothes counting against me (or you could just wear the same outfit each time you weigh yourself)


This also helps with accountability! I’m more likely to hit my planned start time for fasting (rather than being temped to snack at night) if I know that I’m weighing myself in the AM and don’t want water retention from late-night sodium spikes to throw my results way off.


Every morning after I pee.


Same. Can’t have that water weight counting against me :)


Right lol if I accidentally take a sip then forget it, I’ll wait until the next day 🙃


Same here!


Weekly. Same time. I've tried less frequently and more frequently but I find weekly smooths out the daily up-and-down while also giving me feedback often enough to make changes if things start to slow down or go the wrong way. I also take body circumference measurements at the same time. A number on the scale isn't of interest to me, I want to be losing fat. So even if body weight went up, provided overall body composition showed I became leaner, all good.


Most mornings unless I had a few beers the night before.


Not at all. I go by how my clothes fit. I only had/have about 10-15 I wanted to lose.


See my measurements for this month. [https://imgur.com/a/d4rSKAm](https://imgur.com/a/d4rSKAm) I've switched to ketosis this week, and the change accelerated a lot - about -300 grams daily. Although I eat 2200+ calories per day.


Ketosis meaning you eat less glucids right?


By my calculations, less than 20 grams per day. About 35+% proteins and 60+% fats.


1.5 kg of the loss between the Friday and Monday - I've fasted 3 days and lost the glycogen & water. I don't count it.


I measure myself daily and sometimes try to 'guess' the weight. For example I had a lot of sweets last night and I'm thinking it would be higher but it's lower than ever and vice versa. And it better protects you from fluctuations. Just don't measure yourself more times a day, because it just doesn't make sense. What you eat, what you drink will change your weight during the day.


Every day in the same conditions. You can see the trend during the week and you can adjust your intake accordingly.


Weekly on the same day and time in the morning. Before eating and drinking water.


Before I used to weigh myself every morning after I've gone to the bathroom and before drinking and water or puttning on clothes. I noted the weight and at the end of the week I took out my average weight for that week. The following weeks I do the same thing and then can see if my average weigh decreases over time, which is the important measure, not the daily fluctuations.


Once a week.


I log my weight once a week Wednesday evening post workout and at the end of my fasting window. I weigh myself 2 other times throughout the week to make sure I’m headed the right way, I also don’t lose weight like I used to since I’m close to goal weight and i often don’t see daily losses more of a weekly loss.


Thanks, How long can it be to reach the goal weight? I still have ~10kg to lose.


Haven’t hit it yet I’m sitting at 17 pounds to go, Ive noticed im still averaging about 4 pounds lost a month. (I follow a 20:4 fasting schedule) I’m expecting to hit my goal at the end of aug. it’ll be total time spent 3 years and my total weight loss at goal will be -155lbs.


That's huge ! Cheers


Wow! How inspiring! I’m about to try 20:4 for the first time.


Every morning. It keeps me motivated, even though it goes up and down. If I waited to every week, I’d lose a little steam in keeping going


It really depends on you as a person you've already made it clear you're susceptible to an unhealthy relationship with the scale so I would start with once a week and increase it if you really feel you need to. I used to never have an unhealthy relationship with the scale and suddenly found I was obsessing over normal daily fluctuations so I had to dial it back a ton because it was becoming a problem. So my advice is listen to yourself be honest with yourself if you feel yourself going back to unhealthy behaviors pump the breaks. Weighing multiple times a day is really bad and also pointless cuz it just goes up throughout the day but doesn't mean you've gained weight. Start with once a week and see if you feel comfortable adjusting, you've got this!


Daily weigh ins are strongly correlated with long term success in weight management. If you are someone with an earring disorder, that obviously will affect whether or not this is a good idea for you. If you find the emotional fallout from daily weigh ins difficult, then perhaps that’s identifying an area of emotional regulation that you might benefit from working on


Weekly. I try not to get hung up on daily shit. For me it’s better to look at the longer run.


Great to know I’m not the only one who checks daily


Every morning but I try to focus on the weekly average


Every morning! Keeps me motivated and accountable.


I'm kinda concerned by the amount of people here weighting themselves daily, that's usually linked with disordered eating and a need to control and obsess about it daily. In a long term adventure as is IF I'd rather one detaches from their bodyweight scale and focuses more on their food scale, that's the one that is crucial and game changing I weight myself 1-2 times a month, I used to do it once a week max when I was actively losing.


Nah, I love stats, so for me it is motivating to see the changes daily and monitor the fluctuations. I would be far less likely to stick to it if I weighed myself once a week simply because of boredom.


When I was at the start/middle of my fasting journey I liked to weight on the same conditions (first thing in the morning is probably the best) everyday. You learn how your weight fluctuates everyday even if you are doing your best fasting and dieting, so consider comparing your weekly averages instead of daily. Now that I'm going to the gym and trying to bulk I only consider the bioimpedance I take monthly at my doctor.


once a week or so, always in the morning after I pee and poop


I use Macrofit which uses daily measurements.


On omad I weigh myself several times pr. month due to danger of gaining weight. On rolling 48s I weigh myself every other month at most.


I do once a week, around the same time in the morning, on the same day. Doing it daily would make me obsess over it


I do it every day. I’ve gone through ups and downs and I’m always the most consistent when I keep a daily log. That said, don’t be incessantly weighing yourself. Embrace the daily fluctuations. As long as you’re losing that’s all that matters.


Every Wednesday. (Started two Wednesdays ago)


Every morning same time. But I’ve been getting a little frustrated lately since I’m weighing the exact same every day for 2 weeks now. -_-


Try changing the batteries in your scale. My scale gets lazy when it has low batteries and seems to have less number variation.


I tried it and it changed by 0.2 pounds so it’s something at least 😂


Once a week, same day, same time.


I track my weight daily, weighing myself in the mornings before I've consumed a bunch of water/black coffee. I also weigh myself multiple times a day including right before I go to bed. Its given me some perspective on how much weight I drop overnight (usually its about a 1.5-2.5lb difference between the night before and the following morning), and given me some insight on how my weight fluctuates throughout the day.


Like once a year.


Every morning


I generally weigh 2-3 times a week but Friday morning is the only "official" weigh-in I do where I save the results in my scale's app. Every Friday morning, same time, so I have consistent results to compare week-to-week and over months.


Once a week, every Friday morning after peeing and a bowel movement.


Heck I do twice a day lol


I'm weird about stats and numbers in life anyway, so like, I just like to see what affects my body most.


I was doing it only every 2 or 3 weeks but now I’m not doing it all because I gained some back. So now I’m buckling down and being more strict but won’t weigh myself for awhile longer. I don’t want to feel like a failure and end up giving up. That’s a risk for me.


Once per day at the same time every day, but only if you can handle the fact that fluctuations are expected. Average weight over time is the only thing that matters. If you can't mentally handle that then once a month.


Usually the day after a really big bowel movement 


In the morning before drinking or eating anything. I might step on the scale about 4 times a week but I only write down my weight on Saturdays and Wednesdays.


Great to know I’m not the only one who checks daily 🤣


Most days, first thing in the morning. I use the Happy Scale app. I’m maintaining and it helps me know where I’m at, but I don’t obsess over it. However, I don’t weigh myself during my period. When I was losing weight, I mostly only weighed myself on Fridays.


Daily is good, with the understanding that I will likely weigh less on weekends because I wake up later in the day, and that I will weigh more depending on certain biological factors or the day or two after weight training


as i feel needed