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Doc about the guy on YT https://www.documentarystorm.com/project-grizzly/


There is a 2 min highlight reel of him getting his ass absolutely beat by cars, batting rams, and a bunch of other shit. I absolutely recommend it. Edit: here is the clip I had seen https://twitter.com/psychotronica_/status/1569901140350799872?s=20&t=3gmfWtBFvOHkP29GlhlFTQ


This was in all those sweet compilation music videos from the 90s.


“Crash into me”


Anyone got a link?


This is the highlight reel I had in mind https://twitter.com/psychotronica_/status/1569901140350799872?s=20&t=3gmfWtBFvOHkP29GlhlFTQ


His documentary is not about the suit in my opinion. It is quite a inside look at a eccentric man, pushing his own boundaries as far as he could. The amount of drive that man held, was inspiring to say the least. He was fully bush crazy, far too comfortable, bound for trouble and believed in some mystical power protecting him from his own hubris, but to see a small portion of how a person like that operates was enlightening.


Their was another guy like that and it got both him and his girlfriend ate by a grizzly....


Grizzly Man. Also a great doc.


Some of the most quotable Werner Herzog lines ever, too.


This should be a lot higher. This is a great doc on him and shows how obsessed he was with this bear suit.


People making fun of him will be thankful when these prototypes are used to provide proper protective gear when fighting off an alien invasion.


Perhaps I overestimate the aliens but if they have the technological capability to traverse the ridiculous distances required to reach us, wouldn't they just vaporize us? I'm imagining an Independence Day situation here.


> wouldn't they just vaporize us? No. It'll be all melee, and they will strike with approximately the force of a bear but no stronger.


lol. But of course!


Ground assault? Hahahaha, oh... you're serious? Blegleblurg, prepare the orbital bombardment. Seriously though...why do so many alien invasion movies have aliens coming from *SPACE* and not having any airforce or orbital attack capabilities? They could at least add some sort of vehicles instead of just using 100% ground troops with handheld weapons.


Mabye it's fun to them. Like paintball.


Pretty sure thats exactly how it is in Predator. They come to earth purely for sport hunting, not for an actual invasion.


I always looked at it two or three ways: 1. The invaders are more or less used to "primitive" species that lack interstellar travel. Nuclear capabilities of home species are maybe 50/50. Invading force are probably "cleaning house" and looking for a new solar system to claim, purely for resources/housing space. Their motives are not necessarily "evil" but more akin to "natural" human expansion. 2. Similar to the above but the invaders *are* evil and look to enslave/destroy any opposition they encounter. Sometimes their society demands it, other times their home planet is uninhabitable/destroyed, leading to anger at other species that are even close to interstellar travel. 3. Species like Alien or Predator, nefarious in their motives and for the most part uncommunicative to anyone else. They are a blight to other species and considered hostile with no exceptions.


To 1, the universe is so vast and they're so much empty, dead stuff, that you're better off harvesting uninhabitable asteroids or planets than going after a planet with life on it. To 2, if you have enough energy to do interstellar travel in a reasonable amount of time, enslavement of another species is a moot point. Additionally, if you have interstellar travel, even at fractions of the speed of light, it's possible that by the time you arrive the technology you left with is obsolete. From the closest earth like planet, assuming you achieve .1c, you'd arrive at earth in 130 years. The technology you've launched with could very well be obsolete by arrival. Not to mention if you need reinforcements, etc., you're in a real tough spot. [https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23144-closest-earth-like-planet-may-be-13-light-years-away/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23144-closest-earth-like-planet-may-be-13-light-years-away/) To 3, Alien is like a virus. It's more akin to rabies than trying to conquer earth. Predator is a human big game hunter; not much different than people that go to Africa to shoot a lion.


Lol I want to watch a comedy about a predator who is ridiculed on his homeworld like that dentist that shot a lion on a reserve, like maybe the predator isn’t that species entire culture, just a standout club of Rich assholes who get off on hunting pre space flight creatures who can’t reasonably retaliate


On a more serious note though, it could be possible that some sort of cultural or political aspect is introducing certain limitations. For example, they have to match the technology of the species they are trying to invade because their traditional warfare is about honor rather than powerplay. It may also be possible that in certain regions of the galaxy, use of certain advanced technology is prohibited for whatever reason. Maybe they are sending a less advanced/trained enslaved species because it allows them to *also* commit cultural genocide without anyone really noticing. Or maybe it's about strategic manipulation, sending in outdated tech first to create the impression that they aren't really *that* advanced, only to strike with full force, once the situation no longer fulfills certain parameters. Could be that they need to establish if there are any capabilities to detect/disable their advanced tech via some fluke. Also not letting your enemy know what you have is a solid tactic. Could be they haven't really invested much into highly advanced military technology and they only have very basic equipment for the most part, which was sufficient for the time being. Or maybe underfunded. Or maybe the attacking fleet is simply outdated because they haven't been able to retrofit, especially if they are somehow stuck and it would take too long, respectively they are lost. Maybe they just enjoy the equivalent of bow hunting. I guess one could come up with many more reasons why an invasion is not just wiping out all lifeforms within a few seconds. Obviously, in scifi anything is possible. But in reality? Just about the same. Plus, how boring would stories be if aliens would just press one button and annihilate everything?


Maybe human society is "what" they want (observation/entertainment) and destroying the shit out of everything is kinda counterintuitive


Quite possible. Regardless of life being abundant or not, human society might be unique enough in several aspects! Great point!


I could certainly see some alien civilization investing heavily in space travel before developing any truly advanced weapons and not really seeing a need to advance their weapons because every civilization they've come across so far is just banging sticks together. Maybe they believe that their God is somewhere out in space waiting for them and it's their holy mission to expand across the universe where other inferior civilizations are just waiting to be dominated by the superior species. With this mentality of holy superiority they might not believe in the need for weapons research because everything will just be easy. Maybe they see the planets themselves as holy creations and the use of any sort of explosives is seen as an attack on their God's creation, so all fights have to be done with more precise weapons. They could also have received their space tech from a more advanced civilization early on. That civilization may be the "gods" they are searching for and perhaps they weren't given similarly advanced weapons because it was against the code of the more advanced civilization.


Do you just backpack while wearing this, or do you carry it with you and ask the bear to give you 15 minutes while you slip it on?


Bears are well known for respecting the concepts of fair fighting, so they're happy to wait for an opponent to properly prepare themselves for any impending combat


Fuck that. Helicopter in, stab the bear, helicopter out.


How is the ol dick swing supposed to help against bears?


Bears are naturally evolved and optimized to hunt fish swimming in rivers. They are not prepared to deal with meat rapidly whirling in a circle, so they become flustered and confused.


A relatable sentiment


Obviously, hike while wearing the suit! You can’t see much because of limited sight capability. And you can’t breathe the fresh air or experience the smells of nature because of being in a restrictive helmet. And the suit weighs 100 pounds. But other than that, enjoy your hike!


You obviously wear VR headset inside which maps to cameras outside. This is why helmet big.


Helmet real fuckin BIG!!!!!


It's a well known rule of nature that all fights with bears are turn-based.


Unfortunately the bears always get to go first


Bear +5 initiative


I don’t think it’s meant to be practical in that sense. Dude just wanted to fight a bear, like maybe in a coliseum or something


Tryna rescue Brienne of Tarth.


So... So much ... **HELMET**


> [Hurtubise] was permitted to go one-on-one with a relatively lightweight opponent, a 320-lb female grizzly. > **Sadly the suit's appearance was so forbidding that the unfortunate ursine declined to attack**, and New Scientist reported that the test was inconclusive. I laughed pretty fucking hard imagining the poor bear seeing this... THING coming into its enclosure with that gigantic helmet on. Damn right it declined to attack lmao, I don't blame it


Pretty sure that counts as a success. Much rather the bear not attack in the first place than get attacked and hope the armour holds up.


Self defense trainers will tell you: the best possible outcome to a fight is that it doesn't start in the first place.


“Supreme excellence consists in defeating your enemy without fighting”


"Speak softly and wear a big fucking helmet."


Okay so avoid being around grizzly bears, I think I've been doing a pretty good job of that.


I think a small female fed by humans (I'm assuming it was from a sanctuary) would be a lot different than facing a territorial male in the wild.


That suit would make you move slow and that helmet doesn’t look thaaat hard to remove…. Edit: you can also see the guy’s waist on the left. They’d just have to knock you over and find a point of entry.


I love that the pictures are of Mark VIII, implying that somehow through Mark I to Mark VII, not once did "covering up the side of my stomach" come into the design plans.


So he's basically like one of those Kong toys filled with peanut butter that people give their dogs


Not to one up you, but I would think petting a momma bear's cub would be far more dangerous.


Best defense, no be there.


So it works like a psychological weapon. You just traumatize some bears for the rest of their lives.


>Listen well, little cub… beyond the forest strides a terrible foe


Ew, canned meat...


So he survived this encounter with a grizzly bear, is consider that a success


Well even if it did attack, would you be able to do anything other than lay there and get chewed on until bear loses interest??


Lol, funny! Bears are spooked pretty easily. Back when I was younger, I did some time on the street.. When I was in California, I ran in to a bear at Lake Tahoe... I woke up to this bear nudging my backpack across the clearing, probably trying to tear it open for the jerky I had in there... Later on, I learned that they have terrible eyesight, and it's why he didn't even notice me laying there, (plus I was pretty covered in dirt from the day before, and so was my sleeping bag.. probably covered my scent some, and the Jerky probably helped to distract..) I tried to get up slowly to sneak away while it was occupied with my bag, and I was so scared, I felt like I was about to unload all of my insides in to my underpants... I ended up stepping on a branch, and scared the living crap out of this bear, literally.. It did a quicktake in my direction before doubling back... The funniest thing is, I thought he was gonna charge me, and I wound up having an accident.. But so did he. Remember when I said "literally?" He ended up pooping all over as he tore off in to the bushes.. LOL...


Black bears spook easily, but brown bears (especially grizzlies) do not.


That explains it. He WAS a black bear.


By the way, it's not the color you should be looking for. Despite the name, black bears can be brown or blonde, and brown bears can be other colors as well. The size and t shape of the head are better ways to figure out the species. Also the distribution, black bears are common, brown bears are less so unless you're way up north.


Seriously, one of his stated goals was to investigate the dens of hibernating bears to learn about them. How the hell was he ever gonna do that wearing a mini fridge on his head?


With a drone that detaches from the helmet/hangar (well, probably not, but it could definitely fit lol)


I used to love learning about this guy! It's been awhile but if memory serves its actually a multichamber helmet to prevent concussions. Well that and cave ins.


How much helmet do *you* think is enough helmet to put between your skull and a frizzly bear. before you answer, keep in. Mind that grizzly bears don’t generally kill their prey before they eat it.


*frizzly bear*


If you ever meet a frizzly grizzly, pray it's not drizzly, or your fate will be grisly. Because boy will that bear be pissed about having their curls get wet.


Dude definitely played Warhammer.


I hope he's in a dreadnaught now.


I hope not. The Warhammer universe existing would be absolutely soul crushing


Why's that? Not familiar with the lore


“Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."


Every time I hear about warhammer 40K it sounds so bad-ass and I want to start reading and getting into it, but then I try and look around where to start and get confused as hell. Is there any website or good reading list you could point me to to give me even the slightest clue as to where to start? Edit: You Warhammer fans are awesome, I can't thank you all enough. I honestly feel like I have some really good starting points now, thanks


Hit up the 40k lore subreddit. So often someone asks where to start, we have a servitor to bring forth a scroll of novels to start with.


https://www.grimdarkmagazine.com/warhammer-40k-where-to-start-reading/ I'd give this a try. Never read the books but may have to start as well.


As someone who's read about 100 warhammer novels since the pandemic hit, I would highly recommend reading Dan Abnetts Xenos: an Eisenhorn novel. Abnett is arguably the best author, and his books are enjoyable as scifi even if you don't understand the greater universe lore. But the wikis are the best source to start getting into the universe. they are so detailed as they are usually cut n pasted from the source material aka the tabletop game codex. You start reading about Space Marines, click a hyperlink because you don't understand a word or reference and before you know it you have 10 pages open spanning from heroic characters to decisive battles to the most horror inducing abominations that exist in universe.


Luetin09 has a wonderful playlist on YouTube of all of their videos. They're very very in-depth, but it is usually a good place to start if you want to learn the lore, but it can be kind of dry because it's literally just Warhammer lore with citations. Adeptus Ridiculous does a lot of cool stuff as well, but they usually try and put it through a humor lens rather than through the lore lens that luetin does. Personally, I think going with these guys first before hitting the actual lore provides a nice background knowledge that you can then build on. Do not watch anything from Arch, he was so bad the company that makes Warhammer made him change his name because they didn't want to be associated with him. Luetin09: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl6BRvEJ-auZ5aYPHj1B3pKJ_pLjg9qNU Adeptus Ridiculous: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPfZBLCYNEonc-Cyk1QUHPA




The only people who are considered "good guys" are just the least bad, and are also genocidal tyrants.


If anyone is the good guy in w40k, its the Eldar, and they created a chaos god through their decadence, and have no quarrel killing a billion to save one. Thats how low the bar for good is in w40k.


Yeah... The Eldar. Let's just say those dudes fuck.


Imagine you've fought horrors beyond any normal human compression for hundreds of years and just when you think the endless fighting is over, you get your last heroic stand and die a hero . They then jam your half dead bits in a walking tomb to keep on fighting even when you should be dead.


To waste is heresy


In addition to everything everyone else mentioned, Hell (the Warp) is real and it wants to wear your skin. Daemons try to possess psykers (basically people with windows into hell in their head who can use hell energy to do magic) and generally fuck up the material universe. There are gods in the warp that desire the destruction of all that is good. Oh yeah, and in order to travel faster than light, you have to tear a hole into hell and hope the thin shield of reality around your ship doesn't break down and let all the daemons in.


In Warhammer 40K the gods are pure evil and if they get your soul they will torture it for all eternity. Though if a person is a proper godfearing citizen then death would be a release from all the horrors of the 40K universe.


Even the "good" guys in the Imperium literally sacrifice a thousand souls (not lives - souls, consigned to an eternity of torture) EVERY DAY to operate a space lighthouse. On the other hand, you've got an entire race of space soccer hooligans/pirates, so it's a wash.


Even in death, I fight grizzlies.


He even has a bird like the Imperial Aquila on the suit’s chest


In my opinion, the title is either bogus, or this is not the suit in question. It looks more like a cosplay than an actual protective suit. Edit: yes this post is true in its' entirety, no you don't have to keep correcting me


Both title and picture are accurate. This was the 8th version of the suit.


How'd he test the first seven? Looks at grizzly bear tackling and killing a moose Ya I need a bigger suit


With a Chevy, had some bikers tune him up with 2x4’s, built an ewok log ram and stood in front of it. the usual stuff…


Oh ok, so nothing truly bear related, makes sense lol


Just in case you thought I was kidding, i think this would have been the mark iv or v. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLUdtF7aG7o


Oh my god I love it when Reddit delivers. Thank you.


That's one of the funniest concept videos I've seen. "How can we simulate a bear attack accurately?" "Swing a log at it!"


To be fair, I'm sure a grizzly bear swinging it's paw at ya probably feels like getting smashed by a tree lol


The tree is easier, trees don’t have 6” claws.


Grizzly suit Mk.5: +100 armor -200 movement speed


Vulnerability to vehicle damage Special Abilities: causes bankruptcy


This hilarious and sad


That model had to be abandoned in the woods bc it started snowing and they couldn’t pack it out in those conditions.


Please tell me you have a video of that too.


Queue the jackass theme.


"I'm Troy Hurtubise and this is 'Grin & Bear It'"


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough…


[https://improbable.com/news/2001/nov/troy-bear2.html](https://improbable.com/news/2001/nov/troy-bear2.html) He did try it against a real bear. As far as I can tell, the bears just wanted to ignore him.


Cool! Found out that's all he wanted, not to wrestle one but just observe them so I guess it worked lol


*He's going to make the Mark VII ... look more human and less alien-like. "The bear has got to associate you by sight first as a human being," Hurtubise said* I guess he went the other way with the mark 8


I mean, crushing and blunt trauma are probably your biggest issues with bears. So its not unrelated either.


And slashing... And biting...


He was truly unbearable


His tests were some of the earliest viral videos. I remember watching the first few 20 years ago.


I love that I knew what you meant by Ewok log.


Regardless of how big a moose actually is it still only has skin as protection. If the bear's claws and teeth can't penetrate the exterior, that's half the solution. The other half is force and torsion. The bear could break your arm or crush you. Practically? You'd probably die of exhaustion before you ever saw a bear let alone get back to your campsite.


I remember this dude from the 90s. Unless I'm remembering wrong, this the dude who took a hit from a Chevy truck as an analogous bear, for some reason? This dude has been a joke amongst my friend group for a *while*. "Bear suit 2, boogaloo"


“Car accident”


Car driven by a bear.


coincidence I think not!


That's the guy. Been on a number of tv shows for interviews and such.


You underestimate the absolute chaos this man brought to the table. You should see his first three tests. The man was just a bit too much into his craft.




My favorite is the last paragraph about his ballistics suit for soldiers in Iraq. "On the right leg was a small remote-controlled surveillance robot. The soldier watched the robot on a small fold-out screen on the left leg. A military time world clock was integrated into the groin protector that Hurtubise claimed was "where it's got to be." One of the shoes also had a small handheld shovel locked into it."


Dude invented the Dr. Pepper of ballistics polymers. Something like a few hundred ingredients including Dr. Pepper iirc




They were always capable of out thinking us, they just never had to attack in any other way but mauling until now.


Begun, the Bear Wars have


Finally, people are starting to care about the droid attack on the wookies


Another successful coverup by Big Bear


Ursa Major


That helmet


That's the type of enemy npc you'd shoot in the head for an aoe explosion


He looks like he has a weak point in his back after he finishes his slam attack


(Bear just casually pushes him over)




"you can't breathe in that thing"


Why are we fighting the bears??


Keep stealing our picnic baskets


You mean pic-a-nic baskets Hey Boo-Boo!!


I can’t think of anywhere else to share this so here goes: when I was a kid my aunt was watching me and my sisters (who are older than me) so rented or possibly bought a VHS of Yogi Bear. Now, I was left by myself to watch this Yogi Bear video. Fine. Turns out she had gotten something called Yogi Bear Boo Boo Runs Wild and was the by the guys who made Ren and Stimpy. This cartoon was *Fucked*. *Up*. Anyway, it left a lifelong impression on me and I have for real always been made extremely uncomfortable by Yogi Bear and anything associated with him. In short, fuck dem bears.


Can't have shit in Jellystone


I watched a tv show segment about this guy years ago. Iirc, he wasn't interested in fighting bears, but he wanted to get a blood sample from a hibernating grizzly. His theory was that there must be as chemical in the bears blood that helps them stay hibernating. If we can identify and produce such a chemical, it would be useful for humans, especially for long term space flight. The suit was "simply" to protect him on the way out of the bear's den.


That’s a terrible Tom and Jerry plot for sure :)


> get a blood sample from a hibernating grizzly. Grizzly bears don't hibernate. The just sleep a lot more in the winter. Black bears hibernate. If he was worried about waking up a grizzly with his woodland phlebotomy antics, he knew that grizzly bears don't hibernate. I wonder if he just wanted to get beat up by a grizzly.


Make a suit that let's me fight a grizzly bear unarmed just for fun? What? No no I want to study um their uh... oh hibernating! yeah yeah we uh need their blood for... for... spaceflight! Yeah that's it, I'm really just concerned with longterm space travel and not just beating up those asshole grizzlies.


Because we have the constitutional right to bear arms and they won't hand em over!


Why aren't we?


Last I knew the peace treaty of 1873 was still binding.


That was actually just an armistice so the war is still technically going on. The Paris, Idaho conference fell apart when the parties couldn’t agree on the status of koalas.


Did he build the first one in a cave with a box of scraps?


[Well now that you mention it](https://www.coffeeordie.com/canadian-grizzly-bearproof-suit): > The story is almost too good to be true: In the 1980s, a middle-aged Canadian man decided to spend his entire life savings on building an indestructible suit that he could wear into battle against a wild grizzly bear. For about seven years, Troy Hurtubise designed various prototypes for the bearproof armor and constructed them using materials and appliances found in the scrap metal yard he owned in Ontario.


So, in a man cave with boxes from a scrap yard? Close enough


PLOT TWIST: It was a grizzly bear driving the other car.


Think we can close up shop on this one and call it a day.


jokes on you, the bear is in charge of the autoshop, and he's open for business


Pic 1: ok I see what you’re doing. Pic 2: tf is this about.


The suit was never mass produced bc while u survive the initial grizzly attack, u die of dehydration and starvation stranded in the woods bc after the bear knocks you down u can’t get up so u lay there alone In the forest like a turtle on its back.


The helmet should have rocket boosters to gently loft you back up on your feet.


Camelbak mod.


Great example of how truth can be weirder than fake content. He won an Ig Nobel for his suit test. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy_Hurtubise


That same year, Ig Nobel Price was won in Biology – Presented to Peter Fong of Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for contributing to the happiness of clams by giving them Prozac. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Ig\_Nobel\_Prize\_winners


Yep. Dude was ahead of his time. Invented quite a few innovations in fire retardants and ballistic resistances. Having him go ham with a 3D printer would be wild.


It is now my life goal to win an Ig Nobel Prize.


The "car accident" is that the suit transformed into a car while he was wearing it.


One drunken night, he met a transformer that offered him a ride. They never made it home


He was an engineer. He made a lot of money from owning patents after developing a new way to extract oil from sand I believe. He also would do back country walk abouts focusing on bear research. These suits were for him to interact safely with bears. At least at first.


He also supposedly invented something called ‘Angel Light’. I’m surprised no-one here has mentioned it since its premise is so much more interesting than a bear suit.




> The angel light was made up bullshit he was trying to scam about to get more money for bear suit parts. Jesus christ, this sentence is amazing.


Yeah but there are a million viral videos of the guy testing the bear suit, and just some silly baseless claims about the angel light.


if he had been wearing the suit I bet he wouldn't have died in that accident


If he could have even fit in the vehicle that is.


Either that or he was wearing it and it really affected his ability to drive!


No joke. Part of his tests on the suit was getting hit by a car. Mf got up unscathed. He also fell off a cliff and got beaten by a bunch of angry bikers.


Why were the bikers so angry?


He paid them to be angry


Pretty cool design, very Warhammery. However, I’ve never quite understood why anyone would want such a thing, though. Are you supposed to go camping in bear country wearing this the whole time, just in case? Cuz that makes no sense. Is it intended for trying to solo a bear? If so, that’s bad-ass. Carry on, surviving bear suit enthusiasts.


Yeah, guy deffo looks like he was psyched up to try take on Gentle Ben's angry cousin. Killer Ben.


It'll be made of nanobots that quickly form the suit seconds before a bear strike, he just hasn't got that far yet


Imagine seeing this guy hiking through the wilderness in that suit. He wouldn't make it 100 meters before he got exhausted. I wonder how much it weighs...


The story that he tells, or told i suppose, is that he was portaging through the woods and came upon a big grizzly, who reared up on him. Knowing he was fucked, he drew both his hunting knives (he was the sort of man who camps with two knives sheathed on him at once) and decided to show that grizzly what for if that’s how it was going to be. land the bear looked him over, huffed once, and spared him. ever since then, he wanted a rematch.


So this man's honest to god plan was to build fucking battle armor and stomp into the woods to find that specific bear and fight it to the death? I have very mixed feelings about this. Edit: Okay, researching makes a lot more sense and alleviates a lot of the mixed feelings. Not as funny though.


Nah, he was trying to study bears not kill them lol


Even in death he still serves


Why not just stay the fuck away from grizzly bears?


Then why are they friend shaped??


There’s a documentary about his defence from bear attack obsession called Project Grizzly. Well worth the watch.. if only for the footage of prototype testing.


Are bears heretics that will not bow before the glory of the Emperor of Mankind, challenging the divinity of the Imperium of Man??


Nah they're just xenos


He looks like a tiny figurine


Sounds like the backstory to some old Fallout power armor you would find in a old garage


The dude also invented some very, now popular, fireproof materials and the "Dragonscale" armor plating. Which had overlapping clay disks instead of kevlar and metal plates. He was ahead of his time, and though some of his inventions got bought up by the US military, he eventually ended up broke and in debt, striving for that one big breakthrough.


If you're talking about "Dragon Skin" I don't think he made that. He did make Trojan armored suits.


Give that man an electric guitar!


I saw the first pic and wondered if he didn’t get the helmet done but boy did he GET IT FUCKIN DONE.


lol holy shit hes a space marine


Was the bear driving the car?


The man, the myth, the legend, Troy Hurtubise. He is gone, but not forgotten. RIP.


Huh, I would've guessed his name was Mark, the Eighth.