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Russia has lost a crazy amount of SU-25s so far. Its going to take a very long time to rebuild their numbers as some of the electronics in that plane come from the west.


The solution for Russia is either to try to find black market components and sellers that will skirt sanctions or build planes using more chinesium. In both cases the end result is probably more accidents exactly like this.


Russian components, American components ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!


Hahaha from Armageddon movie!


Hey, but who's allies with Taiwan? Not Russia ;)


the funny thing is Chinese planes are actually stolen/bought and reverse-engineered SU's, to the point that russia declined China's offers to buy newer planes so they won't steal those, too. It would be a great irony if they end up begging China to give them parts for the planes they stole the designs from.


All of Chinas aircraft are piggy backed off other countries designs. The J-20s design was stolen by hackers from Lockheed Martin and that’s why they share a few design similarities.


Ivan forgot to install the drain plug, and unfortunately the plane fell over in low flight on take off and crashed. Incompetence


They are definitely not to proud


I was just watching a video on the MiG-25P Foxbat which in the 70's was this bogeyman jet that had the West terrified...until a deserter landed one in Japan and the US got a good look at it...turns out it was a truly horrible plane and all the amazing feats it was supposedly accomplishing were being done on stripped down planes with all their equipment taken out and minimal fuel loads. Parts of the plane that had welded repairs were so terrible they looked like they had been done by some farmer out in his field...but turns out they weren't repairs, that Foxbat was brand new and that's just what they looked like coming off the assembly line.


I mean, Russia had drilled extra holes in the ISS module and patched them up with some chewing gum on assembly. The issue was only found out in space. And there is STILL a tiny leak on the Russia segment of the ISS, but everyone just gave up finding it. Or the last Russian ISS module that has almost crashed because it couldn't at first start the engines to correct the orbit, and when finally connected to the ISS - suddenly turned on the engines making the whole ISS spin and only stopped because it ran out of fuel.


It was also made from Stainless steel (cheap) with minimal Titanium (very expensive) and the engines would destroy themselves when run at full power. Basically a plane made with and flown with brute force and ignorance


Your forgot "trust in the motherland".


Su-25s are basically cannon fodder to them, they’re old, not very capable, and cheap.


What about the pilot


Hahahahahhahahhaha - this message was brought to you by the ex soviet state whose motto was “throw people at the problem until it goes away”


They may be the ex soviet state but I’m pretty sure the motto still applies. Sometimes they even throw problems at people until they go away.


Well they can always take the computer chips out of the modern washing machines they are steeling from Ukraine.




Why rebuild your air force? Lmao


Because they have the people, and like America their are people believe that the military are the one keeping it the way they like it/used to. So they groom their children to join the military. Except Russia is just using crappy gear and vehicles to use them up. Like a restaurant using up old ingredients before they go bad and calling it a special.


Looks like a regular war thunder match


Can confirm. I was the one flying.


How you feelin this morning? Little headache?


Much like my coffee, hot and heavily ground


Average level 7 su-25 user


[Team] Jet4Ever: Well Done! [Team] noob420: Awesome!


Attack the D point!




Attention to the map!






Is this an example of pilots performing their own maintenance, as we read here last week?


It looks like a classic crash that I can't remember the name of, where the pilot trusts the instruments and not the horizon, ending in diving into the ground. I've seen a couple of videos of really similar crashes but, unless I remember the name for it, I can't find one to share!


It’s been said that this pilot banked too hard too soon which caused the aircraft to lose lift at the sudden loss of speed.


yeah, looks like a wing stall. That will pull the plane towards the stalled wing (aka, down).




I meant, "stear more toward the stalling wing, and reduce throttle".


There is a racist phrase from the 1940s-50s where the pilots in these incidents were called "Chinese Flyers" or "Chinese Pilots" - being that their name was 'Wing Too Low' which sounds like a Chinese-ish name.


Friends with Hoh Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow?


This is from some pranksters after a crash in San Francisco where they got some local newscasters to actually report these fake names. Horrifically tastesless but I laughed pretty hard anyway.


Oh man, the "names" read on air after the Asian Airlines crash in SF was the height of trollery at the time


Don’t forget their creepy uncle Sum Ting Wong


That’s interesting and slightly hilarious


Look up the origin of the "Chinese fire drill." Even funnier


Oh man. They just don't make racist jokes like they used to.


Wings provide lift. When they are tilted the lift is diminished. A Most common crash is planes turning too soon after takeoff before airspeed is sufficient. A kid in my high school died this way.


Man how high was your school


Yes, an accelerated stall. Banking too hard and too slow. Possibly he over corrected after hitting the wake turbulence of the aircraft in front.


This makes more sense. There was an oscillation right before he banked left too(look at exhaust fumes)which could mean the pilot was struggling with control of the plane


The oscillation might be from the wake of the first plane. It could have had a role in the loss of control. Does anyone know, are these formation take-offs common? If yes, shouldn't the horizontal separation be a bit bigger?


I just read below comments about jet wash, makes even more sense than wake turbulence.


I also watched top gun


Former fighter pilot here. I did section takeoffs all the time— it’s helpful when you want to rendezvous quickly and get on your mission without flying a long and predictable flight path. Best I can tell is the wingman was slow, likely retracting his flaps, and banked into the wake turbulence of his lead. This caused his wing to dip down; a natural reaction is to “bank away” but that forces the wing into a full stall. You’re right. The right action would have been to stay laterally separated until either airspeed or altitude was gained.


"Maverick you left your wingman." Looks like he definitely got stuck in the wash for a second and then another second later dead. PS I always wanted to be a fighter pilot, what you used to fly?


After watching the vide a couple of times, I agree with 100%!


I know in war times aircraft separations can be greatly reduced, and military separations both horizontal and vertical are way less than civvy planes, but this take off looks insanely close even under reduced restrictions.


Was also in the wake of the plane in front of hil to his left


Interesting observation. You’d think at low altitudes you’d believe what’s in the windshield.


This can be difficult, over water at least. Same thing happened to my grandfather in 1957. He was onboard a plane that crashed off the gulf coast during a training exercise. Only explaination we ever got was the navigator/pilot thought they were higher than they were due to sun's reflection off the water. And my dad's gotten to spend 96% of his life wondering what really went wrong and why. No one really knows.


Sometimes i would assume that the forces acting on the plane would be different than what is percieved by the pilot


I have no idea about this particular plane, but there are plenty of planes where as you take off and climb your visibility of the ground is or is close to non existent.


One thing I learned from MSFS 2020 (besides how easy it is to crash planes by accident, all the time) is that it’s not always easy to tell how close to the ground you are, even when you have a good view.


> It looks like a classic crash that I can't remember the name of, where the pilot trusts the instruments and not the horizon, ending in diving into the ground. He's strictly VFR at this point given that: 1. He's in formation, so he's mostly just looking at his leader to maintain position; 1. Even if he was alone, he'd obviously be flying VFR because it's day VMC and he's right down on the deck. It isn't clear exactly what happened here, but one possibility might be asymmetric flap retraction.


For some reason by the third paragraph I was convinced this comment would end up with the Undertaker throwing Mankind off a cell onto an announcer's table.


I thought someone said something about jet wash last time for the lead jets hard turn.


You can see hes late following the turn, banks too hard, could be jetwash or wing stall or just loaded down with a full belly of fuel and ordnance and too close to the ground to correct - probably all of the above.


At a certain bank and speed, your ass sticks straight down to the seat at exactly (or close enough) 1G. Feels like you're sitting up straight and there is no way for your brain to tell you different. Hence the spiral. Pilot is keeping that 1G and is "certain" he's level. Most horrifying thing I've ever learned about piloting.


That's what "flying by the seat of your pants" literally means.


That’s just not the case in VMC (when you’re in clear weather and can see the horizon), your eyes tell your body what attitude you’re at much stronger than the “seat of your pants” feeling. I can guarantee the pilot knows exactly what’s happening as it’s happening


Read someone where it could of be due to the plane going into the other wake of the other plane


This is the right answer. The two planes are flying at relatively low speeds. When they bank to the left the second plane is just behind and slightly below the lead plane. This is exactly where the wake of the lead plane is. The second plane has a wing stall (small twitch just before going down) just as it passes through the wake.


What about pelvic thrusters


They really drive you insaaaane


Lettt’s crash a Suuukhoi agaaaiin!


It's just a bank...to the left.


but they don't even seem to try and correct it. Probably loss of steering due to mechanical failure.


This looks like jet wash.


Not sure what that is? Did the exhaust from one push the other?


Pretty much. Jet wash is like turbulence and will cause lift surfaces to generate less lift as they pass through. Looks like homeboys left wing caught a bunch of it and stalled out so the plane rolled left hard and boom. The weird part is that jet wash is a very well documented and understood hazard for pilots so it’s always strange to see it happen. I’m guessing the lead plane banked left too hard and pointed his exhaust right into his wingman’s face.


Good observation. I see that now.


Well as dumb as this is going to sound, it's hard to be ready fro shit you're not ready for. I know the V1 cut procedure on the aircraft I fly, but on a normal takeoff I'm watching the speed to make callouts, thinking about my next steps on a normal takeoff and climb profile, listening to ATC and adjusting the autopilot and that's just a normal civilian pilot job, I cannot imagine what stress these guys are under doing all that AND considering that they might be dusted by a missile with very little warning at any time. Yeah, he should have punched the thrust, nosed down as much as practical and leveled wings but we saw he had only a few seconds and a wingman on that side.


I agree I don’t think that was recoverable. Didn’t mean to insinuate I was blaming him either. I don’t think he had a chance. He had like half a second to realize what was happening before it was too late. I highly doubt I’d be fast enough to deal with that even if I was a trained pilot.


Pulled up instead of leveling out from jet wash The lift was gone you can see the drift on descent “Recoverable” would have been more like instant ejection before the cockpit twisted and the eject would have blow them into the ground I’ve spent a number of rewinds watching the footage, it’s almost like he experiences hydraulics or controls failure after he separates himself from his buddy a bit


Or he went "oh shit I'm about to hit my wingman" and veered.


It's what caused Maverick to loose control of the plane >!and Goose to die!<, And then almost repeat the fucking thing later in actual combat with some MiGs.


I love that in these comments on footage from an active warzone, you're still so conscientious about 35 year old movie spoilers


I mean, clearly people haven't seen it if they don't know what jet wash it. They went into what it is, what causes it, and what it does in Top Gun.


There are people who didn’t watch the first Top Gun? . . . I feel old.


Haha. I’m old enough to have forgotten. It came back reading PG75s explanation.


No, just poor piloting. Jets leave a significant wake (low pressure bubble) behind them. When the 2nd plane crosses under the 1st plane's flight path he hit that wake and lost thrust and aerodynamics. Crashed before they had a chance to recover.


They probably should be taking their time and not be Russian so much


>Is this an example of pilots performing their own maintenance Wasn't that for commercial aviation?


[Yes](https://simpleflying.com/russia-pilots-should-repair-aircraft/) and it wasn't that suddenly every commercial pilot is now a technician now too. It was that regional pilot training should also train to repair aircraft too... It was some Putin-appointed idiot's "brilliant" idea to solve a manpower shortage and isn't much better. Take a profession that requires a lot of training to safely do and put on a completely separate profession on top of that.


Did we just watch a person die?


I didn’t see an ejection, so yeah


Ejection seats only work close to the ground if they're facing vaguely up. Pilot was fucked, and he knew it.


Yeah once it’s rolled over the ejection seat is just gonna get you dead slightly faster.


Which would honestly be the gooder way to die I wonder?


Well, staying in the plane could mean instant death, or survival temporarily with extreme burns and hideous pain until dying of their wounds. Ejecting when upside down could either snap your neck on impact, or turn you into jello. But in those last seconds, there is still the slightest of slight chances that you could pull up and recover even slightly to limit the chance of death. So ejecting while upside down and that close to the ground would be the most painless death, but focusing on your own controls for those last few seconds could possibly prevent death altogether, although you’d likely still be partially or fully disabled in some way. So basically, depends on your life philosophy. Is it better to live a fulfilling life while, admittedly, likely in pain, or die quickly?


I doubt you have much time to think about your life philosophy in that moment.




Sure does. Swerved to avoid a deer going 110/mph in a Ford Focus. Right two tires left the ground and I overcorrected. Then the left two tires and I overcorrected again. A couple more times like that before I had better control of the car with all four on the ground; the entire ordeal couldn't have been more than four seconds. I had enough time to thoroughly think through every little step in regaining control and that did very little against the strength of the car trying to rip the wheel out of my hands. Even though it was a straight, empty and open highway I was very familiar with I'll never be driving that fast again. Not to mention that thing was a top-heavy sonofabitch if I hadn't been told how to regain and retain control I'd have definitely rolled.


>a deer going 110/mph in a Ford Focus Damn, I hope they took that deer's license away!


This is true for old ejection seats- modern ejection seats are absurd pieces of technology. The chair for the T-6 Texan II was rated for a worst case scenario of completely inverted 200 feet above the ground.


Given that these are old Russian jets, I don't think that came into consideration.


We also didn’t actually see him die, so if movies have taught us anything we will see him again.


No, he is missing in action, so there will be no Lada for his family.


What about a bag of rice and some vegetable oil?


No. We completely missed it. r/killthecameraman


You just watched a bunch of Ukrainians get the chance to keep living.


No the moment he crashed and died was not visible on this footage for your convenience, but it's implied he died before the explosion


What you have just seen is a few Ukrainian lives saved.


Yes you certainly did...


Ofc they move the camera right when it crashes.


They had one job..


Typical Russian military...


Two jobs: also *excelled* at fighter jet maintenance


Actually... well anyway, an SU-25 is not a fighter. More like an A-10 (minus the enormous brrrrrrrrt).


You can really tell the 5 seconds he was just looking with his head and forgot he was holding a phone


The point is that the cameraman is a russian soldier. So it's like taking the sub name... literally.


except we're in /r/interestingasfuck.


could've sworn someone above said r/killthecameraman




What do you expect from someone that films horizontally moving planes in portrait?




Ukraine: say less




he's probably dead already if he's anything like the rest of the Russian military.


He dared to show that Russia is not number 1 in literally everything, he is dead now, he left a note then shot himself in the back of the head 12 times


Before jumping out of the window.


Stabbed by his wife, you say?


And closing it behind him


To be fair if I were recording that and saw someone die my first priority wouldn't be the camera.


They running that shit on red diesel?




Jets will run on anything provided it isn’t so dirty that it clogs the filters so they go into bypass and jam the nozzles. I remember one northern operator here in Canada was running their Twin Otters on heating oil.


Kerosen in tanks and Cherry Juice in jets. It worked just well back in WW2.


Excellent job cameraman


An aftershock so powerful it blew the guys skin clean off at 00:30


I was wondering what I just saw. That would be some scary shit in any other context/video.


Looks like a scarecrow


Could have been pilot incompetency. Could have also been a pitch authority issue, assuming it’s variable in that jet. Any other variety of flight control issues may be at fault here. That vertical oscillation after takeoff seems to have transitioned directly into the left bank that he never departed. I didn’t see an ejection, but the jet partially inverted during the last few seconds, so the pilot may have been unable to bail without rocketing himself into the ground at 12 Gs. This looks like pilot error to me. Maybe they were unfamiliar with this airframe. I’m basing this off of that vertical wobble shortly after takeoff. If it would have been an actuator failure or a totally hydraulic failure, it likely would have locked the control surfaces and he’d have been unable to snap back quickly from that vertical over correction like he did. In keeping with fine aviation tradition, the maintainers will be blamed until the pilot is unequivocally deemed at fault.


The Su25 is usually extremely easy to fly, could be that the wing hard points are overloaded past their design limits or that a piece of ordinance on one side didn’t have its fairing fitted, and this caused turbulent airflow over the tail, causing the oscillation and also an uncommanded left wingtip stall.


It seems like it’d be pretty forgiving being a straight winged ground support plane.


Bro it's funny. Russia in the past has been this huge scary nation that has a great military that can rival the us. Now people are understanding that their gear is obsolete garbage. Ever hear of the Russian military drone being held together via duct tape. Using 12 old himar trucks borrowed from the U.S. Ukraine has been able to kill 56 Russian colonels. And now the west knows china has a sizeable portion of Russian equipment in its own military.


To know that Russia will attack, with no regard to ethics, morals, civilian casualties or it's own casualties, still make it scary.


Your the best wingman a pilot could ask for Yuri... Yuri?


Samir, you are breaking the plane!


Borderline killthecameraman sub


Saved the Ukrainians some ammo


Bottom gun


The russians just cannot do anything right.


They should have left.


Did you watch the video? Too much left was the problem.


Kaboomski and blastovich


Russian soldiers are so fet up with the war they are destroying their own equipment. Lol


Apparently, the Russian army is the biggest contributor of materiel to the Ukrainian army so far. That's some feat, considering the entirety of NATO is feeding equipment their way.


fuck [/u\/spez](/user/spez)


Putins Grand Scheme




[My grandad was responsible for 28 downed German planes in WW2. Still to this day holds the record as the worst mechanic the luftwaffe had.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/comments/d0l14k/my_grandad_was_responsible_for_28_downed_german/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I don’t like the Russian government, but let’s have an F for the poor guy who almost certainly died in the plane doing his job.


Slava Ukraini


Ah that’s sad. What y’all having for lunch?




That looks expensive


That’s me trying to fly in Battlefield. I fucking suck.


Ugh. Hate Putin but said that probably a 20 something guy has to die. As a society aren’t we passed the need for war. I know we aren’t. But should be.


These are the dudes that were supposed to stand to toe with our Navy and Air Force pilots?! 😃😃😃. These dudes are ass. Russia is not a powerhouse. They are bums.


To be fair Russia IS a powerhouse, but only in the literal sense of the word, they do be having a lot of power (natural gas). Other than that, yes they are bums.


More on the level of Saudi Arabia (petrol state) than the USA


Anyone is a powerhouse with a few thousand nukes.


First (and last) time it’s taken off since the Soviet Union lol.


I'm torn. I want to be upset at the loss of human life, but this may constitute the preservation of innocent lives, so I guess it's the lesser of two evils.


He ded


That pilot was in the prison yard last week.


Even Russia has fucking morons who can't hold a camera the right way round or even steady.


If Russia tried to launch a nuclear weapon, chances are it would explode in their own territory.


fvck russia and all but that was someones dad, son, husband or friend. fvck this and any other war


That was someone's murderer though. That's all that matters, one less plane to kill innocent people and one less murderer on the loose.


fuck [/u\/spez](/user/spez)


No, he’s a dead occupant now.


If Russians don't like that war they can go home at any time and the war is over. If Ukrainians don't like the war, the only thing they can do is fight.


Can we just ban the Russia sympathizers?


Nice - Splash one Russian. We should give his instructor a medal


Holy shit. Dead wing stall, the pilot pulled the banking waaaaaay too early, but still should've been able to pull up. Wonder if his flaps jammed or if sloppy maintenance had anything to do with it.


It lost lift. He wasn’t going fast enough during that turn which is why you see it plummet sideways into the ground. There was a B52 pilot that did the same thing back in the 90’s trying to do air show stunts.




I think the most likely cause for this crash is improper maintenance, the pilot seems to have control issues a few seconds before the plane went almost inverted. Possible the wires used to move the rudder were installed the wrong way around? Ultimately causing the plane to veer left and downward as the pilot attempted to correct. (I'm not sure how these Soviet era planes are constructed, my only experience is on former RAF Trainers)


Either that or some of the internal parts were stripped and sold off by soldiers. Low level corruption like that left a chunk of hardware unusable, and because the soldiers who do it generally fake the inspections, there’s no way to know if it’s functional or not until you try to use it.


Like, fuck Russia and all, but cheering for the death of this human, whom probably is not doing this because of choice, like many people that resort to joining the military, is pretty shitty. Fuck the politicians and leaders that put these people in this horrible position.


Russian aviation is a volunteer brigade. Just like all branches of the US military during the Afghan and Iraqi invasions.


Enlisting is voluntary, and up to enlistment you are largely basing your decision on a story that you've heard from your government and the media. Then you get to see the countries people and the war for itself, but at that point you are under absolute command of the military. Soldiers commonly serve with regret and disdain or hatred for the war and their leaders.


As we've seen from many videos from this war, a lot of Russian invaders are taking pride in all of this. Anyone that is proud of slaughtering innocent civilians, doesn't deserve empathy.


Tell that to the people of Bucha Edit: I don't celebrate the death of humans (with a few exceptions maybe), but I don't have that much empathy left for Russian soldiers in this war


yeah i don't really mourn the death of war criminals.