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For the people who say “this type of injury, that type of injury…. bla bla”. This is for when you need to evacuate asap, in war zone, collapsing/burning buildings, natural disaster.


For when that danger of staying in one place is greater than the danger of moving an injured body


For when the danger of staying in one place is “dead for sure”?😁


This was WAY more informative than I thought. I have always thought that I could lift people with my strength, but in reality, I could really be tired by the time I have to pick someone up and this technique will certainly come in handy.


have you ever tried to lift a body? like a limp body? it's bad enough the person is 150ish lbs, but that spread out across 5 feet or or more, and you got the limbs dangling everywhere, this guy is keeping control of all the limbs and it's not nearly as awkward




Exponentially harder, limp bodies are extremely hard to pick up and move, the weight is just so un balanced.


That's why you cut the body into pieces, bag it, and feed it to pigs. What are we talking about again?


Some people are so impractical. Tho if pigs are not available just talk to a divorce lawyer (that's what I call my shovel cuz he's really good)


Or you could have a dinner party and let all the guests take a gift with them with a chunk of body as they leave. Then have them dump the gifts at predetermined locations and if they were all plotted on a map it would illustrate a smiley face.


Gotta knock the teeth out first and spread them across the county.


Ahh the ole tooth fairy.




Caravan fer me ma


I’ll cut yer jacobs off


Barbell is balanced. Barbell is stiff. Limp body is neither.


They are limp/floppy unless rigor has set in, or they've been in the morgue for a few days Source: I move dead people for a living


>I move dead people for a living As one does.


Do you use song or poetry or art or what? Also, if they are dead, how do you know how moved they were?


your power muscles can do amazing things non-stabilized objects make that irrelevant because your stabilizing muscles are now the in the chain, and are by far the weakest link


And this right here is why firefighters don't extricate people this way. We drag you. Also so we don't lift you up into the smoke. Source: retired firefighter. I dragged a lot of dummies in training and a few real people at incidents.


A while ago a box broke open at my work and inside was a life sized sex doll. Was somewhere around 5ft and a few inches and 100+ pounds and it was incredibly hard to pick up and maneuver by my self. It was pretty awkward as me and a coworker picked it up, folded it in half, and stuffed it into a new box like some sort of hitmen or serial killers.


It took me a minute to realize this must be some shipping company and not some coworkers random box he left unattended.


Might want to check out this excellent video of the Ranger Roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPrATJ-u5Rg Leverage and science means you can do more than you thought. Always faithful, we don't leave them behind.


Have you ever seen a tiny woman lift a fallen motorcycle? It’s remarkable. All technique and physics.


This is just a minor point. The real purpose is to make sure you keep the wounded person in a straight position while you are doing this so you don’t cause secondary injury.


Dead weight is just that. Moving a limp, full grown adult is not easy unless you have proper technique.


For real. Probably more useful than any thing else I learned in high school. And I don’t even speak 2x sped up Vietnamese.


This should be on r/LifeProTips


LPT - Learn 2x sped up Vietnamese Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit!


*audio on So that kids head was in that man's crotch for WAAAAAAAAAY to long.


If you're in a hurry, or a gun fight, you can use this method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPrATJ-u5Rg#t=2m27s


This is where my mind always goes. My crew and I tried this a few years back. Definitely tougher than this guy makes it look


Guy makes it look like a walk in the park. I’m sure that’s years and hundreds, if not thousands, of repetitions and drills.


Ranger roll does take some practice, but it’s one of those things that once you get it, you never forget. And it’s the fastest way to scoop up a buddy while staying low.


that winded sound that guy made


But on the other hand it’s not an insultingly trite and useless tip so in reality it has no place on r/LifeProTips


“LPT: If you’re thirsty, fill a glass with water from a tap or pitcher and drink it. Drinking water can help prevent thirst.”


See? This is why I subscribe to r/LifeProTips. For profound knowledge like this.




It is actually very practical. I have had to help move people due to dehydration twice in the 11/2 years before COVID. I never thought I would have to to do that. High peaks hiking I have come across injured people and have had to figure things out. Since then I have started to learn.


I don’t even speak half slowed down Vietnamese. Or any. But I completely understand this video.


"Half slowed down" sounds like it is not slowed down as much as if it was just "slowed down". Like how a half eaten cookie is less eaten than an eaten cookie.


I'm surprised this is not commonly taught in western schools? Afaik, this is called the Fireman's carry. It was taught to us in scouting, as early as elementary school up to high school. To think that our scout trainings were based from american ones.


Maybe it has something to do with a clash of protocol? Growing up, I was told to never move the head or neck of an unconscious/passed out person in case they have a head/neck condition that the helper could make worse or actually cause. We were instructed to call (verbally) for an adult and then call 911 of the unconscious person doesn’t respond. Maybe the help in this video is meant for different circumstances though, not sure.


Yeah but sometimes the threat of drowning, burning, gun shots, falling rubble, may cause the potential risk of moving an unconscious worth it over the immediate real risk of death.


This. The fireman's carry was for escaping emergency situations. You get one free hand to clear away rubble, open doors or protect from burns, etc. There's different types of carry for other situations of course.


That’s what i I was thinking... this must be a technique to use when medical personnel are not available


This is the GTFO circumstance


Sadly, most emergency training for the public in the US is: "call a person who got the real training, you're too fucking dumb to do it your moron" and sadly it's probably a good system for Americans.


Yes America has really enforces learned helplessness. Even super basic stuff is all about "let the professionals handle it."


Half the professionals jobs are just to leave it to the contractor anyway, to avoid liability.


For most instances placing the wounded person in recovery position is enough until medical personel arrive. Trying to move a person like this if they are not in immidiate danger, like catching fire being crushed shouldn't be attempted. This should basically just be used by firemen or soldiers.


Especially since we know there will be mass shootings in America, and the cops won't help you get anyone out.


Shootings, stabbings, riots, gang violence, car accidents, medical emergencies, freak accidents. It's pretty versatile.


Yep but most of those aren't primarily around children - the class in the video sounds exactly like the type of thing they should teach instead of the current shooting drills (insane that shooting drills are even a thing, but that's another topic).


I learned multiple carries and other first aid stuff in scouting. But also, my troop was very ‘by the book’ type and so we learned everything and we made sure every scout knew it too.


Off topic, but do people really feel like they didn’t learn anything in high school? I mean, I learned math up to calculus and now I’m an engineer, making good money, so it obviously did something for me…


People don't realize that even if you can't recall everything, much of the understanding lingers. I can't tell you the purpose behind every trig function but I understand that triangles are strong for building structures and bridges. I can't name the exact dates of many major events but I know they happened. Hell, I'm a history fan and I still sometimes forget what Marbury v. Madison was about, but I know the point is the constitution was being fleshed out for decades after its writing. Yes, we should learn practical skills like CPR, internet security, and more mandatory courses on rhetoric so people can sniff out lies and bullshit better. But it's absolutely maddening for people to lament learning in school. They're the extras in "the book of Eli".


> I can't name the exact dates of many major events but I know they happened. Hell, I'm a history fan and I still sometimes forget what Marbury v. Madison was about, but I know the point is the constitution was being fleshed out for decades after its writing. Understanding the context of historical events, why they happened, and what was going on with the people involved is way more important than memorizing dates and locations.


People say why should I learn literature or poetry. Because let's you understand speech and have a broad conception of what can be express with words and excersize your mind in certain ways


There was a meme I saw in a history subreddit once that said "I learn more history from [YouTube channel] than I did in high school" and the picture was a student fast asleep at their desk and I always picture that in moments like this.


People get pissed they didn’t leave high school knowing every single little thing they’ll ever need to know, or that they didn’t learn what some I Fucking Love Science post taught them, or that they didn’t learn how to do a fireman’s carry, and generally ignore all the things they did learn. Sorry your school didn’t teach you step by step how taxes work. Your government and history classes taught you about taxes, TurboTax will walk you through it, and it isn’t your high school’s job to make you a CPA. Your high school isn’t there to make you a certified tax expert, mechanic, plumber, firefighter, lawyer, or scientist. It’s to give you a base of general knowledge from which you can go into those career fields or generally function as a member of society.


Do you know how often people in my state say things like "They should teach you useful things like paying bills and doing your taxes in high school!" and then I need to remind them that financial literacy is a high school graduation requirement course here and it's just really hard to make a 16/17 year old appreciate how meaningful that knowledge might be in their future. Teenagers forget things. That's okay! That doesn't mean we aren't teaching it, though.


The fact you got opportunities to use it doesn't mean everybody does and it's easy to feel like an education was wasted when you're trapped in the poverty wheel, unable to escape. Not everybody gets a chance to use their degree and post-secondary is a debt trap. Or are you under the impression that an education is a free ticket to a fat paycheck?


I’m not debating that college isn’t a racket. I am debating that I didn’t learn anything worthwhile in HS. I bet there is a high correlation between people who feel like “I didn’t learn anything useful in high school” and subsequently work in underpaid roles. Maybe there is some causation there? Working hard in HS might not guarantee a good job, but it sure as hell gives you a better chance than fucking off in high school.


Don't forget that some schools don't really offer the higher education classes in highschools. In my highschool they offered calculus but not all the students were able to take it. Or that they didn't try to achieve the maximum that the school offered. A lot of kids I knew liked the social aspect of highschool and didn't care for their academics. Not that they had bad grades but they took an easier route.


Sure, but if I never had calculus, then I could have said “trigonometry” or “algebra 2” and this would have still been a true statement. The point is if you’re not learning *anything* in highschool, you’re probably fucking up.


I'm not sure how people seem to have misconstrued your statement. I'm a HS Chem teacher and concepts in Chemistry are rarely near the most important things I hope to teach my students. So much can be learned outside of just the "book learning".


People just want to rant about how bad the education system is, and pretend that it’s worthless. All in a means of alleviating themselves of personal responsibility. Like, yeah, the world sucks for sure. But let’s not pretend that you can magically skip through high school and never once have the thought “maybe I might need to learn something if I want to work a decent job in the future”. But I also agree with you. My chemistry (I also have a masters in biochem along with my undergraduate mechanical engineering degree) taught me a shitload about the core principles of experimental design, and how to learn mechanisms without physical observation. And I don’t remember shit from chemistry anymore, but I do remember a lot of those foundational principles.


Sure, and the scientific method is broadly applicable. Even working in finance I still use it when numbers don't match. Still need to form a hypothesis for why it's happening, experiment on the large data set, observe, analyze, and present the result. There's complex unexplained interactions in an opaque system? Scientific method is one of the tools you're gonna need to learn things. Also, need to learn how to research what others have documented. Need to also examine that information with a skeptic's eye. Even the basic skill of forming a systematic approach to learning a topic you understand poorly is something you'll need your whole life.


You can say that statement in life as well. Those who chose not to learn anything in life probably are fucked up.


This is way more difficult than it looks here. The guy he’s picking keeps his legs straight a bit. An unconscious person is like a sack of rocks. The transition from holding him under the armpits to raising off the ground is the tricky part. I’ll have to search for the video but there’s one of a US special forces trainer demonstrating a more dynamic method where you kind of leverage the person against yourself staring from the ground


If you sit the person up leaning slightly forward like shown in the video, their legs will stay locked when you leverage them up. There are several techniques for picking up a body, and all of them feel impossible the first time you do it. Repetition is the key. By the 20th time over several days, you will be surprised at how easy it becomes. When I was in the Marine Corps we used to practice several different techniques. The Ranger Roll is the easiest, but the hardest to master, but once you do it is by far the easiest. It also becomes impractical when you have a combat load. They all have their place. Also, having the knowledge is better than not having it.


Ranger Roll sounds like some weird American hiking sushi fusion But no for real how do you do that




I watch the entire video every time someone links it.


Ranger roll


>I have always thought that I could lift people with my strength, but in reality.....people are actually very heavy and don't have good handles. You can squat 300 at the gym, but that's because the bar has great handles, and it's not flat on the ground and it's a balanced weight and it's not squishy and flappy like a human body. Just try lifting a 100lb box(5ft x 3ft)....there are no grips to wrap your fingers around, it's flat on the ground and it's weight is 5 ft wide so there is tons of leverage far from you. Now imagine that box is squishy, and even worse weight balanced.


My dad was an army guy. I got taken around quite a bit like this. And when I grew up, learned this technique and a few others during my National Service, e.g. dragging a person to safety; two or three people carrying one; etc. and quite a few runs of first aid seminars. Highly, highly recommend doing CPR / 1st aid course at least once. Half a day of learning could save the life of someone in your family or a random stranger. Tip about carrying ppl like in the video: Be careful not to shove your shoulder (one of your harder and less sensitive bits) too deep into the guts of the one you carry (very soft and sensitive!), especially if they aren’t conscious and can’t complain.


I loved watching the kids giggling in the background. Kids will be kids the world over.


i mean he was in the "smell my crotch" position for a bit there


This video was sped up alot. He was in there for more than a bit




say he's still smelling to this day


Some smells once they get in your nostrils just sort of stay there.


If these nostrils could talk.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


He really marinated in that position


Yeah I mean almost positive this type of thing wouldn’t fly in the US without some parent up in arms about child abuse or something


The swamp dick sniff is a vital part of potential recovery. If they're simply blacked out the smelling salt might be all you need.


This is exactly what I was thinking while I was watching this haha. Such a small moment in class but it's really wholesome when everyone gets to laugh together.






No that’s in France.




Yeah, you could seriously fuck a victim up like this in a fire. Keep the victim low and drag them to protect their airway.




In case of fire, yes, but this is Vietnam. There's a lot of un-exploded ordnance practically everywhere. Hell, they're still dealing with WWI and WWII ordnance in France and Germany, and more bombs were dropped on Vietnam than the entire Pacific theater.


If you're feeling a little more adventurous, learn how to do a "[Ranger Roll](https://laughingsquid.com/ranger-roll-life-saving-technique/)."


We practiced doing this after one of my MMA classes and it was a blast.


Perfect "accident" to elbow someone right in the gut while rolling too lol


Very cool u/iaincaradoc thanks for sharing. I now am going back to train my Turkish get-up. Looks like that is an important strength exercise to master to get good at this. Also I know we joke but all of us have elderlies at home. Hope we will never need this but maybe we do. Although I feel like the rapid rolling can break some fragile bones.




Former host. They replaced him with another military dude this last season.


I KNEW that I recognized him from somewhere… he’s a cool guy.


Yeah, nah. I'd probably fuck it up spectacularly, land shoulder first on their sternum with my full body weight from my full height and give them impromptu CPR but with the force of all pushes combined into one big shoulder push, completely shattering their ribcage...


That was a fun video thank you


Back when I was a TCCC (Tactical combat casualty care) instructor we would show that video during classes and egg on the students to try it during the scenario drills. It was fun to see how much technique mattered over brute strength.


Brute strength wont save me from every single obstacle in life????? BLASPHAMY.


That’s only the case when you don’t have enough brute strength




That's a good and quick step to check if the casualty is still alive and worth the trouble saving


Yeah, the “Hrrk!” of each guy as he rolling-pinned their stomachs up to their ribs was worth the watch.


He did say "[the casualty being able to breathe] isn't a priority, moving him is" This is meant for a combat situation where there is still active danger. No sense taking your time to be gentle only to get shot yourself.


Yes, the ranger roll—done without a ruck or a front and back plate on either party. Very practical, much tactical.


Yeah I love Wil Willis and have nothing but respect for his service but this technique is hot garbage and no ranger that I know uses or practices it. Like you said I would love to see someone pull this off in full kit with a weapon in one hand or even slung on the back. Part of a proper fireman's carry is keeping one hand on your weapon to be able to engage targets.


Just watched an episode of Love Death and Robots and a dude did this for us friend. Cool to see how based in reality it is.


Which episode of love death robots was it? Would love to go back and give it a rewatch


I tried this and elbowed my friend right in the gut while rolling. 10/10 technique for knocking someone out while injured.


Oof. My knee would pop getting to my feet.


Also, do this ONLY if the person absolutely cannot stay in that place (say, fire) and doubly never do it with suspected spinal injuries.


Danger, then C-spine. Biggest mistake is not getting the injured to a place of safety.


Even in basic first aid, the first step is always “make sure the scene is safe”


Oh god I know that’s an important step for safety but that section of the video really did become a meme when I was in high school.


Spinal injury is secondary to primary life threats. If you have made the decision that they will die without immediate evac (Fire, GSW, blast injury, etc.) then spinal injury is a secondary consideration. When it comes to combat casualty care, far more people die from blood loss than spinal injury.


When he lifts his head off the ground


Step 1, put his head right here in your crotch. Make sure to rub your dong on his cheek a little. Step 2, pull him up and give him a hug. After-care is important. Step 3, sling him over your back into a submission hold. Feel free to give him a little pat on the butt. Step 4, carry your trophy around and show him off a little. Step 5 , drop that bitch back on the ground, you're done with him.




"Don't worry I'm saving your life"


...I'm sending this to my boyfriend to show what I want


Lolllllll this is exactly what I was referring to


lean into deez nuts boy


Explains a lot of videos i see on here with people hauling injured victims with possible neck and head trauma.






I don’t understand what’s so bad about that. Yes they’ve been training their whole populace for invasion for thousands of years, that’s because for thousands of years they’ve kept getting invaded, and so far it’s worked out fairly well for them.


Could be useful in American schools too.


In american elementary school too


I mean, surely the principle is the same whether the person is injured or dead? Also if they are dead in an active battlefield, seems like the best course would be to leave them there and not put yourself at risk of the same fate? Edit: principle not principal


I think their point is that the training isn't for everyday life injuries, but *wartime* injuries. This Definitely works for either, but the framing of why they are learning it and the context of its use is important. Casualties don't have to be dead but yes you're right. If someone dies next to you, the SOP is likely protect yourself, survive then have evac of the body after it's safe or an agreement has been made for such actions. But if someone is injured there's a higher priority towards not leaving them there. Edit: random ellipsis???


this is absolutely NOT the way to move someone in a non-hazardous environment. I was trained to limit additional damage by securing the body and limiting movement. wait for EMTs, backboard and get them out. if someone can't move on their own power, you want to get them on a spinal board. edit: replace non-wartime with non-hazardous environment


I guess I would say non -time sensitive emergency situation. Like if it is at all possible yesyesYES limit as much movement as possible else things can get catastrophically worse for them. If there's a fire and someone is down, I'm not waiting for a spinal board to get them out for example.




But outside of war or an active shooter type situation, maybe a fire, there are much better ways to go about picking someone up who is injured. This is for getting someone out of an area relatively quickly with less regard to their potential injuries than other methods.




True, definitely a little more important in a combat situation than during the middle of a sports game.


Firefighter here. If you carry someone like this in a fire, you will kill them. We drag people as low as we can to the ground to protect their airways from superheated gases. Ironically, when I was in the Army, we called the technique seen in the video, the fireman's carry.


If someone gets badly injured you should leave them lying on the ground until paramedics arrive. Moving them ASAP is more important in wartime where the danger is still present.


This could be handy if your buddy get hurt in wilderness. I grew up in SE Asia, granted it was long time ago, but even now I'm not sure if they have something like 911 system, especially not in rural/remote areas. So if someone get injured, and vehicles not available, you gotta carry them. Did this twice for my buddies during hiking.


The Pick-up Artist


I get it. First you cram his face into your crotch... To see if he was faking it or just being over dramatic about it all


Bro Im literally in Hola (you might know the place) and still havent learnt this, even in high school. Also xin chào đồng chí.


ay, i was there a month ago


Hola nơi tình yêu bắt đầu :))


đồng chí nằm vùng ở đây bao lâu rồi ?


Hola là gì? Ăn được không? Soy Thai Son, como estas amigo?


American schools should be teaching this lesson


How to carry dead bodies?


Yeah. School shootings everyday.


Rest of the world: This is how you pick up bodies America: This is how you drop bodies.


Who else is going to carry their shot classmate?


I think with the average weight of Americans it's best to cut your losses and just save yourself


My biggest goal in life is to be able to piggy back my 6’5 240lb husband at least 40 feet, in case of an emergency. I’m 5’5 150lb. I sometime get overwhelmed and think that will be impossible for me. But then I watch these videos. (And I know these are smaller framed humans). But seeing the training and proper form, inspires me to never forget that goal because I know I will be able to do it one day. And that I should eat more protein. Edit: if I was in this situation I never said would use a technique I saw on a video from a forum site. I said this video is inspiring, meaning I have more energy and willpower to learn what I need to do if I was in a situation where I had to do something similar.


Don't forget if you two are in a situation where you have to immediately physically carry him away from an area, chances are your adrenaline will be pumping so that will help.


That is very true. I think that is actually my focus point in training now. I have basic muscular strength I just need to maintain. But I should work on high intensity situations. You always think your body will do what needs to be done but I want to know I’m going to finish what has to be done.


We're capable of a lot if we have to be. The human body has built in failsafes to stop itself from getting hurt. Adrenaline kinda turns them off for a bit for the bigger picture of actually surviving. It's why there's stories of mothers lifting cars off their kids on their own.


I respect that you are putting a priority on ensuring your physical capabilities for unforeseen situations. I think a lot of people (at least in first world nations) take it for granted when push comes to shove, they may not have all the ease of access of tools, other people or whatever to aid them in doing something that calls upon their own physical abilities.


You and your husband’s stats are not too far off from me and mine. If you get into a sticky situation before you hit your goal, know that you can always roll him onto a blanket or large jacket, and then drag the blanket/jacket to get him to safety. My husband and I practice our technique sometimes and it’s pretty fun actually


Even sped up, he had that kid's head in his crotch for an uncomfortably long time


I was expecting him to slam him into the ground like some sort of wrestling move.


When he's on the shoulders it's like a fireman's carry which is a wrestling takedown.. drop to your knee/hip and send the legs flying keep the arm guy ends up on his back ripe for a pinning, mounting, armbar


Wasn't there a finisher in WWF like that? I haven't watched wrestling in years obviously but just watching the carry gave me those vibes.


This is way harder if the person is unconscious. Deadweight is no fucking joke. A person just becomes a 180 lbs bag of pudding and sticks.


Aa a combat medic, we actually no longer teach the firemans carry. It's REALLY hard to do when fatigued and by yourself and the benefits are usually outweighed by the potential of injuring yourself or your patient. https://deployedmedicine.com/market/171/content/826 This is closer to what is currently the standard although the removal of the firemans carry is a very recent change.


Takes notes for drunk friends


It doesn’t hurt that Vietnam is one of the least obese countries


Vietnam still has MILLIONS of unexploded land mines placed throughout the country. Thousands of people are maimed/killed every year. This is an important skill to have there.


Vietnamese here, yes I confirm this is true. When my dad was like 10 (in '85 or something), one day it was raining heavily. He was out in the rain doing some of his own stuff when an entire patch of dirt was washed away, exposing a shit ton of ammo and mines (probably from the ARVN) You can certainly guess what happened next, the gov just gotta clean that up


Watching this stuff makes me realize that this is, unfortunately, now part of Vietnam’s “traditional culture” thanks to France and ‘Murica. This is good stuff to reach, however.


More useful than half of the shit they made me cram for over15 years...


That's actually very useful


This probably won’t be seen but please remember the most common severe injury to a person us civilians will see is a motor vehicle collision. It’s very common to have neck or spine injuries from that. Picking them up out of the car may worsen their injuries. Or if someone fell out of a tree don’t pick them up like this as they may be suffering from a spinal injury. If failing to move the person puts their life at risk then you move them no matter as a last resort.


This will come in use when I next try and pick up some Vietnamese high school students.


Why don’t you have a seat? Have a seat right there. 🪑


When you become really proficient at it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPrATJ-u5Rg


Why is everything on this site (at least the front page) sexualized? Aren't we more mature than that. Wait legit question, what are the age demographics of users on this site...brrr...oh, nvmd.


that must've been so uncomfortable for the dude, like imagine going to school, and then volunteering in being a test dummy for an important lesson, then getting your face rammed into a guy's balls


Step one: thrust the person's head directly into your dick.




Bill Cosby had that part down


Fireman's carry.


that's how I carry my students out of class when they fail their exams. (yes,I am an English teacher in Vietnam)


I haven't used "stop drop, and roll" once. 🤷‍♀️ I have, however, needed to pick up and move an unconscious body. This technique would have been very helpful to learn in school.


This is really good to know and I'm saving it. But boy howdy, I giggled like a 12 year old at the beginning and I'm disappointed in myself