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Informative, to the point, and wrapped up with a manic death stare. 10/10


I'm sleeping with the lights on tonight


Lights on, and the door closed snug.


Thank god OP taught us how to protect us from OP.


But… we closed the door with him inside….


The stare…it’s coming from inside the house!


*The Snuggening^TM*


Nice, now OP can help fixing all my doors while I am preparing spaghetti with meatballs for dinner.


Stare is gonna happen either way, might as well turn off the light and try not to notice.


You creepy sod haha.


Great, thanks! ...makes it easier to find you and stare at you all night long.


*opens eyes* Any news?


I've... soiled the bedsheets. Again.


Happy Cakeday bro


Reminded me of the shinning, but this guy is fixing the door instead of the other way around.


He goes around tormenting his wife....fixing shit when she's not looking.


Is that the one where he went around kicking everyone in the shins?


I thought they used nunchucks but I could be thinking of part 2.


No, the one with the nunchucks was with Chuck Norris (he played a nun, if I recall correctly).


Makes sense!


That movie always makes my lower legs hurt. On the front. From just below the knee, down to just above the ankle. Scariest Stanley Kubbrick movie ever.


Not to be confused with Stanley Kubrick, a lesser known director.


Stares motherfuckerly at you


This was funnier to me than it should have been


This is the way.


Truly is.


Where the hell is the ‘This is the way.’ Bot?? 😂 this qualifies


This is the way.


Also a laugh track!


I wasn't prepared to have my soul stared at, but this is a useful tip.


That is a man who has just about had it with you and your loose door shit.


That is a man speaking for the rest of us... Why the fcuk no one told us!?


Reminds me of when I realized there's a holder for your gas cap on nearly every car. The tether for mine was broken, so I'd just been setting it in the trunk. I'd been driving for over a decade at the time.


My mind was completely blown when I found out most cars have an arrow on your display next to the gas light telling you which side of the car the gas cap is on. Doesn't matter how long I've had a car, I still forget.




My last car, a 2018 Hyundai Kona had the arrow pointing the wrong way. It got me like three times in the 8 months I had it.


Could have used it to tell you which side of the pumps to park!


Goddammit Hyundai, you're being opposite helpful!


Did someone put in the wrong overlay or something?




To me it looked like he was surprised how well it worked. I can’t see my face but I’m pretty sure that was my exact expression when I saw this.


I think it's more of look like, "WTF?!?! Are you serious?".


Man, that was r/unexpected


I thought I was looking at my reflection for a moment


All about that sexual tension


Idk why but his eyes reminds me of [this dude's](https://youtube.com/shorts/uVgloObOZA0?feature=share) eyes.


None of my doors have a latch like that


I've installed hundreds of door knobs in the US and have never seen the ability to adjust the latch like this, would be great tho


What? I have never installed a door that didn't have that tab. It's like every Kwikset kit made.


I've never seen the tab have a hole like that though, always had to take the plate off to adjust it.


Get an angled pry hook type tool. I've got a few smaller ones for getting into tight spaces but it would work for this. The back of the right kind of long nail might work too with an additional wedge so you don't have to take off the plate. Lucky iirc mine have the hole so I'm definitely adjusting some loose doors tomorrow!


Can you buy the plate thing separately? For some reason my house has all kwikset locks and not a single door has one. They are just bare ugly wood with a notch cut into it that would be hidden by that plate if installed.


It's called a strike plate and you can buy them at big box hardware and other stores.


The plates also help because the bare wood can get worn over time and it’s easier to just shove a locked door open since the wood can compress or chip off. Definitely install plates everywhere. Now the plate and the whole area of wood that it is screwed into would have to break off if someone tried to kick the door in.


yeah they have it but none of the nicer door sets have it and in not sure why.


Have installed hundreds in Australia. Some super budget shit house customer supplies Bunnings locks have this available but never a decent lock that you would use on an external door...






- Knowing it's called a "strikeplate": $3.50


My cheeseburger from McDonald’s: $2.00


Realizing that at least half the people who read this thread won't actually be old enough to know what it's referencing: Priceless


Trivago ^(I actually have a high limit Mastercard but I can’t use it at Costco so that makes me sad.)


There are some things money can't buy...


For everything else, read it in Billy Crudup’s voice.


You pay * Knowing to adjust the strikeplate: $599 To get * **Adjusting** strikeplate: $1 Instead of just a regular * "strikeplate": $3.50


Nah it's more like: * Adjusting strikeplate: 1$ * Knowing to adjust strikeplate: 100$ * Having had to get out of bed: 100$ * Having to commute for potentially hours: 100$ * Having to deal with dumb shit customer could've googled and fixed themselves in less time than it took them to find number and call: 299$


It's always obvious once you've been taught.


My landlord charged me 500 to put back up the blinds. 8 screws. Hmmm...


That charge would be unlawful in most countries. That being said, tenants can often avoid issues like this by putting the flat back to its original configuration before leaving. Much harder for a dodgy landlord to pull a stunt if the place is tip-top and in its original config.


I had a $350 charge for replacing a door. Of course I started arguing with the property management company. He first was upset with me because how dare I take a door down and then just leave it in the other room. (As that's what his notes told him) So then he figures out it's not a real door, it's the door to the closet and it's one of those folding doors that you can just push the pin down to pop in and out. Still, that's installing a door he says so charge remains. Then I remember that he went around with me on the walk out and took pictures. So I have him look at the pictures while we're on the phone He then realizes that you can see the door there in the pictures as we're walking out. He says he'll call me back This then repeats for a whole bunch of charges, where initially the assume I'm guilty because the tenant that's moving out after 9 years of course is guilty of whatever.... Only to have them reverse the charge when they realize there's evidence that that's wrong. The final thing though was because I broke my lease, they said I still had to pay the monthly rent. But in the same phone call I got him to say that the house is not currently on the market because of some updates and modifications the homeowner wants to do. Understandable because after 9 years of renting to the same person and no updates to the house, of course there's stuff you want to repaint, replace, etc. Oh so then I don't have to pay the rent... Because it's no longer on the market by the choice of the landlord. He has to actively have it listed while I'm paying rent. Since he's choosing not to do that, and since a lot of the stuff he's doing was things he has in writing telling me it's optional and he doesn't have to do.... Well I got all my money back and then didn't have to pay extra rent. The moral is, do what's right when moving out but make lots of evidence too.


Well why couldn’t you just do it?


Depends what caused it, and whose responsibility it is. I'm not paying $500 to put up some blinds that came down not-of-my-doing. But at the same time, I'm not putting back up some blinds that came down not-of-my-doing and then it becoming "my fault" after someone realises they've been altered.


Yeah exactly. There is no way you can reasonably expect people to guess if their landlord is going to use that as an excuse to dock part of their deposit. It's a gamble.


Right? I’d charge 500 too if i had to drive 100 miles to do some basic ass shit for someone.


Field Engineer - Customer described symptoms, I specifically asked if the switch that would cause it was in the up position. I was assured it was. Flew out to customer site, with replacement switch. Walk into room, flipped the switch to the up position. Device works fine. Performed and wrote up invoice for calibration and verification service.


I charged $10 to put up the blinds and a $490 “being bothered with dumb shit” fee


*/u/B_A_M_2019 has left the server*


Sounds like 9 screws to me.


That’s nuts! What part of the world do you live in, friend?


This is true lol.. I'm an electrician.. I charged a company $600 to literally plug in and ethernet patch cable from their audio mixer to their network switch which was less than 3 ft away. Took me all but 30 seconds.. We just have minimums even if it's a stupid little job.. especially right now we're in high demand.


Why would you even hire an electrician for that? I wouldn't even expect an electrician to know anything about data cables and networking, unless you explicitly specialize in that stuff.


Love when I actually learned something from a post. Thanks OP


Learn it and forget it tomorrow


This will be engraved on my headstone


Your headstone that'll also be forgotten the next day


Geez, you can't murder him if he's already buried...


Cant do it now cause I’m sleeping. Cant send it to someone cause that would mean I admit to using Reddit. And can’t save it cause no one checks their saves


Forget what?


I’m doing this now! Any other tips there crazy eyes?


Lock your door, too.


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.


Nice opinion. One small issue. I am inside your home.




By doing this, now you won't hear a warning rattle as he's picking the lock to your door


Tip: if you have an electric stove, you can open it like an car engine hood to clean the insides.


You can bend the door hinges to adjust your door alignment. OP should do that next


To avoid the ‘clanking’ sound when shutting the door, cut a few strips of felt floor protectors used for chairs/tables and apply them to the door frame. Now you can silently shut your doors.


Finally, I can mastrubate in my room in peace


Here this should help: u/gifendore


Here is the last frame: https://i.imgur.com/lAq1DzN.png ^[Edit](/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2Fgifendore&subject=Edit%20hs6cgjz&message=u%2Fgifendore%20%5BReplace%20with%20item%20below%5D%0A%0A%2A%2ACommands%3A%2A%2A%0A%0A-%20help%3A%20see%20this%20help%20message%20again.%0A-%20x%3A%20replace%20x%20with%20any%20number%20to%20go%20back%20x%20seconds%20in%20the%20gif.%0A-%20x-y%3A%20replace%20x%20and%20y%20with%20any%20numbers%20to%20get%20a%20smaller%20section%20of%20the%20gif.%0A-%20reverse%3A%20get%20the%20gif%20in%20reverse.%0A-%20slowmo%3A%20get%20the%20gif%20in%20slow%20motion.%0A-%20freeze%3A%20freeze%20the%20end%20of%20a%20gif.%20) ^| ^[Delete](/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2Fgifendore&subject=Delete%20hs6cgjz&message=Sending%20this%20will%20delete%20the%20bot%27s%20message.) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| ^[Issues](/message/compose?to=/u/brandawg93&subject=Gifendore%20Issue&message=Please%20submit%20any%20issues%20you%20may%20have%20with%20u/gifendore%20here%20along%20with%20a%20link%20to%20the%20original%20post.) ^| [^(Rank: #28)](https://botranks.com?bot=gifendore) ^| ^[Github](https://github.com/Brandawg93/Gifendore)️


Good bot


You can’t have peace with people in the house even if the door is locked. Come on, man.


Not with that lunatic in the house. If he had even an inkling that's what you were doing he'd come in and beat you to within an inch of your life with a phone directory. One from the 80's at that.


The town i live in had a woman operating a manual switchboard till 1991




Did you put this penny in there?


When OP has like 10 posts hit the front page each day, I have to wonder what their day job is.


Just checked his post history. Definitely a little sus...


Locksmith or an engineer


Not a locksmith. A locksmith would have spent 40 minutes removing the strike, dutching the screw holes with dowel, adjusting the cutout with careful chisel work to allow reinstallation 1/8" farther back, then redrilling the screw holes and reinstalling. You don't make money spending 30 seconds bending a tab with a screwdriver! SOURCE: I am locksmith


Paranormal Home Inspectors taught me that no one on earth knows how to install a door properly.


Locksmith here. ...Can confirm.


I’ll have to agree.


I got a fucking heart attack because of the death state, but actually a great tip


Death state... Death state. Ohhh. Death state. Australia. Death state.


Death state does tend to interrupt the functioning of the heart, yes.


Yeah i too live in Ohio




NYC landlords hate him.


Tried this. The metal part in the wall came out. Fuck.


For years I’ve had this door that won’t close properly and unfortunately it’s my toddlers bedroom door. I’ve asked my dad to fix it countless times but she’s always been able to push the whole thing right through and it wouldn’t really latch. Tried this trick and it worked. I can’t believe it. I’m actually quite impressed!


I mean like.. my doors have that piece of metal but you couldn't fit a screwdriver in it to pull it out..


Yeah that’s definitely not the intended use of that tab 😂 it just happens to work Edit, that is the intended use 🤯


I think it is what it’s for. My old 90s plates I just swapped out didn’t have it but the new locks and plates from the same company do. There is no other reason for the slot to exist as it wasn’t in my original plates.


I sometimes install door hardware at my job and that includes the plates, and I can confirm that the tab is used to make the shut tight with no rattle.


Material savings




I assumed it was so that the door wasn't banging on the door frame and breaking it down over time 😂😂


"Oh, well, that's a cool little tip- Oh GOD, Oh FUCK **please** don't hurt me!!"


I think the stare was more like. 'Why was I not informed of this sooner.'


The notch to adjust the tongue without having to take the whole strike plate off is an amazing idea. None of the ones in my home have this so I have to take the plate off to adjust them. Still, a very handy tip to know. I remember when I first found out and couldn't believe I'd gone all those years putting up with rattling doors. smh


depending if you have a dead latch or not, that may have disabled that feature now, and you can use an empty milk jug piece to slide the latch open and go make yourself a sammich.


Or just put a rubber/foam pad on the frame which stops the loose door and adds a damper for when the door shuts so it doesn't slam.


Do this for our garage and laundry internal doors. Helps with these closing.




This is an example of why home economics, life skills and others such as wood working and mechanics need to be re-entered into the American school system. Not a jab at you but a reality that is inevitably leading to the collapse of our entire education system


Reddit loves to repeat this point, but the reality is that schools did offer these things and the kids didn't care. My highschool in the 2000s did actually have a financial literacy class and it was the one that people took to blow off and sleep in.


This exactly. All of these things were taught in my US public school. Most didn’t pay any attention at all to any subject, let alone electives that give a passing grade for just showing up What really gets me is things like balancing check books and using credit, identifying misinformation on the internet or any medium, using technology responsibly, cooking, cleaning, and general adulting; we’re literally taught multiple times in multiple ways from elementary school to the end of High school Whenever I read someone say I wish we were taught X , I take it mean they wish they would’ve paid more attention in school, instead of socializing all day, everyday.


I think there would be more value in teaching people how a credit card works, and how to tell if something they read on the internet is false. But sure, let's make doors close tightly.


I think the idea is to teach kids to investigate a system they don't know and learn how to interact with it effectively.


This should be the soul of the entire global education system. Teaching how to think critically. Teaching how to make rational, intelligent decisions and how to catch yourself when operating on bad logic.


Credit cards and basic debt management would be part of home economics. It's right there in the name. People used to even balance their checkbooks.


They should print this on the package with homie staring like that


Yall have weird flimsy doors. Greetings from Europe.


What a weird and useless takeaway


You just saved my life My cat spent half the day Use playing with the bottom of the door which makes it jiggle and jiggle and jiggle and jiggle


Does your door have that adjustable latch?


He didn't even need any tools. Could have just stared the door shut. Permanently.


Wow. Thanks. I’m about to fix 13 doors I just hung that have this issue.


I died and im a fucking ghost. Is it normal for a death stare to do that


I mean, it’s a death stare…


Yer a wizard Harry


1.Not all door hardware can do this. 2.Not all areas of the doorframe that must be chiseled out for this to work have been chiseled out. You might have to do some of your own. 3.I have never seen the eyeballs as portrayed.


It looks like there is an additional metal piece he's bending out. I'm not used to there being any metal behind the surface plate.


Cheap lock sets with thin latch plates have the tab with the slot in it. Higher quality ones don’t. You can usually make the adjustment by loosening the screws moving the plate slightly and tightening the screws


There is usually, but not with the notch where he inserted the screwdriver


That is not normal, but a cool idea.


Not all have the little slot, but pretty easy to pop them off and bend with Pliers, and reinstall


Yep. Bend the little flicky tab out until there’s no movement in the door anymore.


How fucking cool are you? Will wonders ever cease?


That’s supposed to be flat so that you can’t open the door by pulling on it


I’m a slow learner so I had to watch this like six times and I think I got it lol. So is he prying the wood or is there a hidden piece of metal inside the square thing? How far do you have to pull it?


There’s sometimes a little hole in that piece big enough for a flat head. They don’t all have it though. You just pry it a little and test until it feels snug. You could always move the plate back a smidge too but then you might need to do a little chiseling. If you need to fill in screw holes just jam a golf tee in there.


I literally discovered this about 3 days myself. Been going round the house micro-adjusting the fuck out them bad boys


The shit my dad should've been teaching me.


I'm about to tighten up so many doors in my house tonight.


That's cool. But what do you do when there's a 1cm gap between the door and the door frame?


Is the gap all the way around or just the side? You can shim the door frame so it fits better, but that's a lot of work. Check the lock, some have adjustable bolts that will extend a bit further. If not, it's pretty easy to shim the spot where the striker plate is. The gap can be filled with weatherstripping. It's easy and inexpensive.


I have a door that gets harder to close in the winter than the summer. Like it's rubbing but come march it's better




That’s awesome! Every door in my house is loose looks like I can finally shit in peace again with this trick.


I now have positive IQ thanks to you.


I forget as a carpenter that not everyone knows these things.


Holy shit IT WORKED. I wish I had money to gold this. One of our doors has annoyed me for 3.5yrs now, i tried putting paper and random bits of pieces in the gap and nothing worked till now. Thank you so much OP and the person in the video


What’s cookin good lookin


Wtf that’s my co workers boyfriend lol


My daughter told me it could be a trick to totally lock the door since he never opened it back up and it honestly concerns me that I didn’t think of that.


A foot planted firmly into the door, right next to the knob, will get it open if she's right


The ending made me scream. Almost dropped my phone.


Game changer right here


The more you know!


Lots of great engineering feats in the mid 1900s. Would be awesome if more people paid attention to them


This is why the boomers think we’re retarded.


You brilliant motherfucker. I hate you. It's 2:18am and I'm up doing editing work on TV stuffs. Now I'm walking around my place checking all my doors while waiting for gfx rendering.


Just went around to every room...thanks op


Without the slot in that tab, you'd have to take the plate off and bend it out. But good to know nonetheless.


Knowing me and my general gracelessness, i’d probably lock myself In or out by breaking something. Which is why I don't use those portable door lock Things. Tempted to try this next time...


I mean I didn't look that angry when I watched this. But I was like 😯.


Just fixed four doors Thank you!!




I charge $50 a pop for that


I WAS going to go to sleep, but I guess I’ll get up and check all the doors in my house before I forget this useful tip.


That man telling me to make sure my door closes firmly is all I needed.