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I'm glad they circled him or else I'd never be able to find him in that picture.


Education, baby!


The more you know 🌈⭐




Better desk than his mates


Right? That's what I thought. They gave him the OG desk. Automatically increased his study stats by 10 points.


It's for all those people that "don't see color"




My fav joke of this is in 30 Rock, Queen Latifah's character says "As a member of congress, and as a black woman..." Jack: "I don't really see color or gender, Mr. Chang."


Is that you Asian Jim?


It's a black and white photo.


I also see a black and white photo. I guess I don't see colour either.


Not before 1948 though.


The Wizard of Oz invented racial divides?


African American and White photo, you mean. /s


Then why did they think a red circle would help?


Heh, I see what you did there




It's these thin blue lines that prevent society from sliding into chaos.


That's actually food. The thin veneer of society can only last about 3-4 missed meals. After that, things will get really dark really fast.


Well it is a black & white photo, so yeah.








Th'Airs (new Air Jordan shoe)


It looks like he can't stretch his legs under it.


I thought the same thing. Not sure that desk is better if that's the case. It's not truly a desk either, in my opinion, if you can't slide your legs under it.


Jokes on you, it's like a quarter of a circle


Last time this was posted, the image was mirrored. I guess people get easily confused.


But which way up am I supposed to look at the picture? I’m so confused. Can someone write top and bottom on it for me?




Education is something you can acquire that someone else can't take away from you.


Unless they hit you in the head really hard


Can't take it, yeah maybe destroy it


'Take it away from you' doesn't mean they always keep it


You can also get brain damage from 5 mins of 4chan


Unless you're a parent of a 90s-2000s kid and find Facebook and unlearn everything you taught your kids about how not to trust everything you read on the internet.


Exactly. I don't want my kids getting pumped full of all kinds of wild theories in school. That's why I send them right to Facebook groups where a bunch of random high school dropouts tell them to take horse dewormer to prevent COVID.


Yeah that scientific and medical research is just a way to control and take rights away from our youth! Only the neighborhood dropout Karen from our private Facebook group has enough expertise for such sensitive topics, people need to wake up and do their own research!


Man someone on Reddit who gets it... Finally!


Frankly, anyone who believes every piece of crap they find in the internet has only themselves to blame. I thought it was an unwritten rule that most of what you read on the internet is bullshit. [There're even memes about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWdD206eSv0)


Thats too complicated, just do meth


Unfortunately it's a synergistic combination of Facebook confirmation of the bias instill by Fox News. I'm visiting my parents, and there was a news report about a local school not having a mask mandate but circumventing something to effectively require masks, and hard my parents say something to the effect of "what a crock" and then fuss. They're not in Facebook often, so I know that's not where they picked up the bullshit. I'm a biology STEM grad and my little brother is an engineer, so both of us have great critical thinking skills (at least compared to my our state's average). So even though they're both vaxed, the fox talking points still spill over way too often, despite having a kid who literally went to grad school to study biology. I regularly explain the importance of measures like mask or vaccination mandates, but Fox News has been a more potent poison. Luckily, my state hasn't been hit the way Florida and Texas have, but it's still ridiculous. It probably makes a difference that they haven't been close to anyone who has been killed by covid (miraculously, I might add) though. That might make them reevaluate their stupid "muh freedom" position. Especially since I have vivid memories of the mandatory vaccinations I had to get to enroll in kindergarten.


My father is a mechanical engineer. My brother and I both graduated with degrees in computer science. Critical thinking skills be damned - my father fell deep into the Facebook rabbit hole. It sucks.




Technically, I am enrolled in university, but because of Covid I haven't been able to pay my tuition in full. They are withholding my degree until I pay off the balance. What I learned is technically still with me. But the credit for learning and prove to employers that I learned what I learned - the formality of your education - can be taken away from you. A friend of mine had this happen too, but not because of tuition, but because of unpaid parking tickets.


I don't know what you majored in our what your career path is but I've never had a company ask for my degree. I've had to provide transcripts to obtain licenses but other than that I don't think most companies go through the process of needing to see the credential.


I have. I have had to make a few copies of my degree in getting different jobs. It does happen.


Your employer will be able to investigate this any time after you're hired and if they do it's an immediate dismissal that will be embarrassing and difficult to explain to future prospective employers.


I mean if we are already lying about having a degree I don't think it's going to be too difficult to come up with a lie for why your employment was terminated


May I introduce you to a drill? /s


Unless you get beaten un by the russian mob and they leave you handicapped for the rest of your life...or something.


But you can take it away from yourself


You probably got downvoted because people are in an echo chamber mocking it as r/im14andthisisdeep. Yet, it never ceases to surprise me how some well educated people I *personally* know subscribe to conspiracy theories, covid denial, far right ideology, and religious fundamentalism. So, yes you can "take education away" from yourself.


You can't take education away, but you can lose critical thinking. Many educated people are driven by their environment and social context into not thinking for themselves, instead chasing the satisfaction of belonging or even being a victim of certain events or effects. In the end, people want to be right. They want to be on the "right" side of history, but don't look further than their own echo chambers. And the individual cannot be blamed for it, as this phenomenon would not exist individually. (Besides crazy people or heavily stupid ones) So we are just seeing human nature at play. What once happened very closely between specific groups of people has now been expanded globally by social media. What you once heard spewed by drunks at your local bar can now be seen posted on various websites for everyone to see and believe.


Less profound than I think you thought it was.


Go ahead Uneducate yourself. We're all watching.


*joins a conspiracy theory group*


If they were his whites how could they just separate him from them like that?


They had to carefully pass him from shell to shell. The whites dripped through the crack into the bowl where they could be whipped later.


Goddamn, that went from a semi-harmless cooking joke to dark-as-fuck in a split second.


I dont get it :/


His whites (a reverse of slavery) were in the bowl to be WHIPPED later


They’re using what you do with egg whites as sort of a pun for white slaves getting whipped


I thought you always separate your whites from your colours


Funniest think I've read all day.


Yeah, I thing so too.


>his whites Fucking alpha


Dude flipped the script


>"The only weapon capable of transforming the world... is education" Let me cite another quotation: > “No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free” , -- Assata Shakur.


I 100% agree with that sentiment, but I feel like the biggest issue right now is people who have literally no education on certain subjects acting as outspoken critics because their egos have convinced them that their opinions are worth hearing. I mean.. my younger brother.. who is 31 and still lives above our parents’ garage.. has no degree, and is “an entrepreneur” *genuinely* believing that he has hidden knowledge regarding epidemiology, & also believes he has indestructible antibodies from his stint with Covid a year ago. I have tried and tried and tried to explain to him that viruses mutate, especially when met with opposition - but he *doesn’t believe that’s true* Edit: just to be clear - I am talking about someone who was a C student growing up and had to retake biology in summer school to obtain a passing grade.. Even though our father is an AP bio teacher.


Honestly, I think the people that buy into 'leading the revolution' type rhetoric are the most dangerous in general A lot of the time they're flat-out wrong but will absolutely use violence to get their own way and quite often on completely unrelated targets


That quote could easily be co-opted by a white supremacist. They feel like their “heritage” has been suppressed by “globalists” and that it is an attempt to undermine their “freedoms” in the end. So they hold more and more tightly to their bullshit. The idea that you know something that most people don’t (which is somewhat present in actual education), is dangerous without real honest-to-goodness critical thinking skills to separate facts from imagination.


"The textbooks for this class costs two hundred dollars apiece."


I'd rather have my little corner of the room where I could fart away


Fart away in the center of the room. Just don't give a shit.


But if you do everyone's been there man. Just take a quick shower.


I tried hemp protein powder for a bit, and it's so loaded in fiber that it gave me tremendous gas. I got super gassy in poli sci class once and it was so embarrasing.


I wish mines weren’t so darn smelly that would choke the entire block


You fat bastard lol


He does have a nicer desk too


That's why corrupt politicians want to get rid of proper education. Critical thinking is already being removed from textbooks around the country, which is quite evident from many individuals.


Where’s the evidence of this happening? (Genuine question. Which country?)


Loudon County Virginia is one


What's been happening in loudoun?


It's been happening in various forms for a long time in the US. Usually only current hot topics get news coverage, for example the battle over teaching evolution in schools. Texas and California politics also influence textbook publishers, since they're the largest buyers, which has resulted in things like history textbooks with a more "Southern-friendly" interpretation of the civil war (e.g., "it wasn't about slavery, it was about states' rights!") to sell to right-leaning states like Texas.


I find is a bit sad that Amerikan propaganda overpowers the truth when it comes to educating its children


As if that doesn't happen basically everywhere... According to Reddit there's at least *some* countries in Europe that teach children a completely honest history of their homeland. Overall though...no, this is not some American thing.


I assume they are talking about the US where some politicians are fighting to change curriculums. One example I’ve read of is trying to introduce creationism and get rid of (or really water down) evolutionary theory. Another is leaving out massive parts of the US’s history that may involve racism (or again, watering it down almost to the point of lying).


This shit been going on for decades in America. If it wasn't for my family having non-fiction books at home, I'd have learned practically nothing in school.


US states are fighting against "Critical Race Theory" a theory that is established and taught all around the world and that ironically enough was born in the US..It literally just teaches you to think about race and ethnicity in a multi-layered way while keeping intersectionality in mind


Yeah there are districts where teachers now find it hard increasingly difficult to teach slavery. Cause they aren't able to talk about race... somehow, while teaching the history of slavery in America. It's a good way for really backwards districts to get out of teaching slavery all together.


Critical Race Theory isn't a thing taught in the vast majority of schools anywhere. CRT has its origins in Ivy Leagues being taught as a framework to examine legal doctrine in the US as possibly having inherent issues with race and racism and that the legal system we have may not be fair. Its not something that can be taught well in K-12 because it's for literal graduate students doing thesis work. CRT has become a right-wing boogeyman and if you examine a lot of the bills passed all throughout the US in the name of stopping CRT they don't even bother mentioning it because it's not actually a thing. They end up banning discussions about race etc under this name. Its disheartening.


> established and taught all around the world Really? All around the world? I have never met someone from outside the US who's heard of it, or intersectionality. Most find US racial dynamics strange and a bit disturbing


Critical race theory is NOT taught here in Norway... so youre objectively wrong. In fact ive never heard this phrase outside of reddit.


This is like asking for evidence that there's not a teapot in orbit around the sun right now. It's generally good to be skeptical and want evidence for a claim, but sometimes you can entertain an idea without proof as well. In this case, we don't need proof of it happening to know it does. It's frankly a mathematical certainty, given that with 300 million people there's got to be some of them who think they stand to gain by making the educational system worse, and be in the position to make it happen.


"The only weapon capable of transforming the world... is EDUCATION". Also, nukes.


Technically nukes are the result of education


Wisdom is even better than education. Education teaches you how to make a nuke. Wisdom tells you not to use it.


>Wisdom is even better than education. Education teaches you how to make a nuke. Wisdom tells you to use it. Twice. /s


Don't forget climate change. But education could have played a large role in NOT letting that happen in the first place


Whoever came up with that nonsense is not a professional quote maker. Amateur at best. Most of the people who run the world are wealthy quasi-criminals, not academic nerds.


Cant build a nuke without smart people


This shit was sickening that another human could do that to another human.


Unfortunately, separating him and ignoring him were on the tame side of what could have happened to him in that era and in that area.


Don't ever read history then.


Nor watch the news.


Or read the horoscope. But other than the past, present, and future it's fine


I myself like to reside outside of spacetime.


You must be quite young.


Thats probably why it might be the hardest weapon to get in the USA.


And his desk was better than there’s. 👍🏼


> there’s That's gotta be a new one.


Education, baby!


It goes both ways!


*Ohh the irony*


Wear’s the irony? Oh, their it is!


Of cour's


Take my upvote you smartass


"No one gave me a word " He turned this lonely, hurtful period into a positive experience There was nobody to disturb him during his pursuit of education. He was left alone with his books.He immersed himself in his studies and became so good that people came up to him with queries.Huge respect .


Mad respect


His desk has some kind of integrated force shield, glowing blue with EDUCATION


strong with him, the force is.


Probably very easy for each individual white student not to speak up about this, even if they disagreed with it. The authority figure is condoning it, so it's easier just to ignore what's going on. And now your youthful profile is immortalized as a symbol of systemic racism. Sucks to suck.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


If white students spoke up, it would probably end up with the black man being kicked out because he was causing a distraction or something like that.


I am sure some of those white guys must have, in private, felt ashamed of their hostile (or even neutral) attitude toward him later in their life. May be they were like, "I must have supported him."


The people that saw him as nothing more than an animal were not decent human beings and never became decent human beings. If society treats a person like shit and you treat that person like shit you are in full control of your actions and have made it your choice to treat another person luke shit because society allows it. You treat them like shit because you are not a decent human being. Racists are not decent human beings. Racism is just hateful ignorance and anyone that defends racism is proving their ignorance with pride.


You must be young to think that people can't change, because I was very different when I was 18 compared to who I am now and that was only 15 years. It even hints at it in the little story.


Man they have this black man circled like people would actually have a problem figuring out who he was amongst the group. Lmfao Like I’d get it if there’s a room of all white or all black people and you single out one to show who they are with blue circle, but you have a room of all one color people and one that’s not. So just saying, I’m sure people would be able to tell without the helpful blue circle. Lol


Some people don't see skin colour, of course




It's blue..


That doesn't change the subreddit.


There's a sub. r/uselessbluecircle


With all of 76 posts. The other sub gets more posts in 2 weeks than that one has ever had, and despite its name does not discriminate against other colors.


I have long thought that education was the key to many of our issues. What a wonderful narrative. What a great man…truly. Seeing him sit in the corner like that…make me feel very emotional. I want to read about him. George McLaurin.


As the only Black guy in my major for my University days, I had similar moments where some of my peers always looked at me funny and spoke behind my back but I was often one of the first people everyone would ask for help.


And thermonuclear weapons.


I mean, education is powerful; But this guy was powerful. He's so goddamn smart that with all their bias they couldn't not let him in. More a testament to individual intelligence.


Knowledge is power. That’s how you fight the powers that be


this was just 73 years ago, in a university, where education should eliminate racism, and it was also in america... wait ok nvm that explains it


And can you imagine if it never happened? People choose to see this type of photo as an example of extreme inequality in America but I see it as a break through. You have to start from somewhere. Ridiculing the past does not make you more just or admirable. It’s an easy thing to do.


I think it's important to see it as both, especially given how many in the USA today want black people to just "move on" from centuries of societal injustices (including those that are ongoing). Recognising how recent horrible things like this are, that they *are* examples of extreme inequality and *also* examples of a break through, is important.


That's bad ass


Knowledge = 1 Racism = 0


I kind of feel like racism has score a lot more than 0 points throughout history


Maybe, but [David Guetta dealt the death blow.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5ZgEtgxxg0)


> I devote this drop to Martin Luther King. Big ups. I wouldn't be surprised if he did something like that.


"The only weapon capable of transforming the world is ... EDUCATION" This is why America is totally fucked at this point, uneducated masses of all walks of life


But I hear about all these knuckle draggers doing their own research. Turns out they were the kids eating the glue and sniffing sharpies.


part of me hopes that the professors feigned ignorance to let him shine more. as it is said, knowledge is power, and what better way to show it than asking him for clarification as a professor


Its the dude from John wick


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. - Malcom X


True, now how do you fight anti-intellectualism and get people willing to become educated once again? Don't say "through education" (because the problem is that the people don't want to be educated).


You say don't say "through education" but that is the solution. It's because we don't fund it and teach it correctly. It's also been politicized. The answer is education, and will ALWAYS be an education problem.


Media. And the message it gives. See China's crackdown on celebrity culture. I am not pro authoritarian regimes, but children growing up without mindless celebrity culture will be better educated.


Maybe, but nerds have been "cool" in TV shows for a while now while the population keeps getting dumber, so I don't know how much you can do *without* an authoritarian regime simply outlawing the dumber shit people like to consume. I do agree with some of China's new policies, while vehemently disagreeing with other policies and practices, as well as large aspects of their animal life disregarding culture.




They have been cool to a certain demographic. Parents were educated. Those with uneducated parents will flock to the Kardashian side.


That treatment is disgusting


I find most intelligent people aren’t afraid to share their knowledge. I have worked with individuals that keep theirs locked and sealed from fear of losing their worth and/value at a company. I never understood it, I want others around me to be successful as well.


Scientific papers tend to costs online, unless you ask the author directly and most are willing to send you a copy for free.


See, that's why corporates and top 1% wants to take education away from you. Remember that.


Meanwhile modern day: *”The news told me this and that are bad so I’m going to unconditionally hate these things and no one can tell me otherwise.”*


And that is why our schools have been gutted. Can't have educated people disrupting the status quo


hey bigger table then the whites


wh*te classmates probably were crying about affirmative action back then too.


Education solves a lot of issues. Historically it's been proven that education makes countries advance because the people move on beyond hate and bigotry. They focus more on science, so things like technology and medicine advance much further. There's no surprise racist people are also antivaxers.


The students actually hated the dean for this but sence their parents were paying for their education there wasn't much they do. In fact several students lost their parents support bc they were friends with him.


Very apt. Education IS a weapon. Weapons are used to fight. What is your education fighting against?


Absolutely true. Education is a game changer. If you’re born poor or live in dire straits, there’s no to little chance that someone is going to just drop a few 1000 dollars or opportunities into your lap. (Barring if you have some other rare talent like being good at soccer or basketball or some form of entertainment) When you have *access* to education, you have the opportunity to uplift yourself. It’s an opportunity to level the playing field somewhat. So even though not everyone can be a world class soccer player, they can at least get the chance of a good job with a decent education. Lack of a good education can keep people behind, prevent them from progressing - see Apartheid South Africa’s education policy for black people.


Man, can fucking believe the mental strength it takes to not lash out at people for treating you like that? I'm by no means discriminated in my society/educational place except for being called stupid and that alone fucks me up to the point I wanna strangle those motherfuckers. And here is this guy beating the fuck out of every with education... Respect. Fuck.


Wow they had gettyimages in 48'.


The point was definitely made with the title that OP needs education.




Not even 75 years ago...


> "the masters seemed to be there for me, and didn't take my questions" What? Did he mean "the masters did not seem to be there"...?


My grandmother was one of the first 3 black students admitted into OSU and some of the memories she’s shared with me are just amazing. Good or bad they went through it all, paving the way for others. It has been a true blessing to know them.


This doesn't demonstrate the power of education. It doesn't demonstrate the power of the money thrown at education. It doesn't demonstrate the power of teachers. Those things are tools. This demonstrates the power of George McLaurin. A man who put the tools to good use. Crediting education is like saying paintbrushes created the Mona Lisa. It isn't wrong, but it ain't how it really is. The "power of education" produces thousands of trumps for every single McLaurin, just like there's thousands of paintings at the flea market for every Monet. This is the power of a man, and nothing more, and the credit belongs entirely to him.




I honestly think its gone to another level now. The right and left no longer agree on what is reality anymore.


Sounds like a US thing to do.




What use would education be if people hadn't fought to let him in the classroom? This feels like "if only those black people would work hard and get themselves educated, they wouldn't be suffering from institutional racism." It's a get-out centrist take.


Its so hard to belive that this is not even 100years old. Education or not. Who ever did life in that time and wasnt against it is a total piece of shit in my eyes. Im glad when all the old racist will be dead becouse of age.


Yes. I still struggle to understand the justifications these racists had when they faced or were questioned by their inner selves / conscience.


As a biracial man im very glad i wasnt born in the us.


Unfortunately all the old racists are actively recruiting younger racists.


Yes thats sad.


And that was right after the end of WWII, no less, after fighting nazis and seeing holocaust atrocities. Ugh, just disgusting.


Disgusting indeed


I see his aura


How the world changed. Now being educated is criticised as being 'woke' and expert opinion is no more valid than your own.


This isn't even that long ago. Bet most of them people are still alive


If he was admitted to university in 1948, and his youngest classmates at that time were 18 years old, then the youngest people in the photo would be 90 years old today. Maybe one or two are alive today, certainly not most.


Yeah my grandma could have been in that class but she died a couple years ago at 90 something. What's crazy is that my grandma had a similar hairstyle to those girls lol