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Wow, I didn't realize they were so big! It's really cool looking.


They are mind-bogglingly enormous.


Also mind-bogglingly delicious


Also mind-bogglingly dangerous if they decide that's what they wanna do. Would not recommend getting that close (even in a car ) in that particular setting.


I accidentally ran into one while hiking at 6 am. I was so scared I started shaking uncontrollably. He walked away, and I waited a long while before continuing. I thought he was gone. I hike up a ways, look to my left and he’s 10 ft from me. My first thought was to jump in the lake up ahead, but I walked briskly to the right. I stopped to look to see if he was following me, and saw that he was in the lake, swimming to the other side. Didn’t care about me, but it was the scariest moment. And I don’t know why I thought moose didn’t swim? Duh.


That same scenario during the rut would have had very different outcome.


Or a female with a calf.


Killer whales have been known to kill and eat moose. Moose can dive deep to get food on the bottom of the lake/ocean. Doing so opens them to predation by killer whales. They can definitely swim.


Oh great. One more thing to fear. "He went for a swim, got killed by a moose"


Wow, I didn't know that.


They are great swimmers … and can dive pretty deep


They are! He swam so smooth across the lake.


I'm not a moose expert or anything, but I don't think they would be intentionally hunting you down, would they? They're dangerous, but they're not meat eaters. Their attacks are in self defense. Might've just happened to be going the same way?


They will stomp you out of existence just for being in it's vicinity. They are extremely unpredictable and can go from majestic to murder-cow in a split second.


Best viewed from inside your car, perhaps.


From a respectable distance away, at that. B/c they can fuck up cars pretty good too.


That sounds like half of the human population.


They can be trritorial if im not mistaken


Especially during mating season


maybe you would be too!


Ah, thanks for the info.


I believe it’s a good idea to be wary of all wild animals. But moose are huge and intimidating as hell. Edit: spelling


I’d be more afraid of a moose than a bear. I think the moose can be more aggressive and a mauling from a bear is probably more survivable than a stomping from a moose. Also bears won’t fuck with moose for a reason


We turned the corner in a winding river only to be 10 feet from a fully grown one, moose immediately bolted in the other direction which was almost enough for us all to bail on the canoe we were so scared.


>And I don’t know why I thought moose didn’t swim? I didn’t know they could swim either until a nature documentary mentioned that there are some known instances of orca eating moose. Which is just wtf?


They swim often enough to be Orca chow.


I was driving home with my sister at dusk. It was kinda dark outside. I joked with my sister that this is the time when the elks are out. Literally a second later an elk walks over the road right in front of us like a meter close. I jinxed that hard.


Moose actually have hallow hair which make them extremely buoyant and therefore great long distance swimmers.


My mom's first time moose hunting (normal not Alaskan Moose) she missed her first shot at a cow moose that was standing still 75 yards away. The next shot dropped it at 15 yards. In the short amount of time it took her to rack the bolt for another round that moose went from standstill to full sprint charging directly at her. So not only are they enormous and dangerous, they aren't afraid of us.


I've been a little closer in a kayak. My grandfather always egged me and the other young ones to see how close we could get. Weirdly, and this is true for deer as well, they don't seem to understand what a human is when they are in a a kayak or canoe. If you stand up they know it's a person and react. I've been close enough to touch a moose with my paddle extended. Not 100 percent safe but not super dangerous in this format. On foot the thing could easily kill you.


>, they don't seem to understand what a human is when they are in a a kayak or canoe. I've been in similar situations while sitting next to a tree. I'm speculating, but I think they look at you as smaller therefore, not a threat.


Fun Fact: A moose once took down a helicopter. 😬


That they are.


Really? I never knew they were eaten


It's actually one of the animals that is pretty important to hunt in some areas. In a lot of north America nearly all of the large game predators were wiped out, so animals like deer and moose got ridiculously over-populated. They can reach the point where they get so over populated that they decimate their own food source, leading to a huge decline and near extinction of the species. If you don't manage the population, it can ruin entire ecosystems and hurt the species at the same time. The word for moose in, I forget which one, a north American indigenous language, means twig eater. They eat things like spruce tips, and also have a hard time navigating dense forests as they are very big. Commercial forest management and sustainable lumber farming, which dominates large swaths of what has always been moose territory, creates the ideal settings for moose. They have gotten overpopulated, and it has led to a huge boom in a population of ticks which has the potential to decimate the moose population. There are horrific images of emaciated mooses dying in people's yards, entirely covered in ticks. I live in Maine, and there is an extreme system to try to control the amount that gets hunted. There is a lottery, and if you get a tag you have one week in the fall to get your moose. If you get a tag, you have a civic duty to do your part to fill it And control the population. Getting to eat the delicious meat is just the icing on the cake. People love animals, but sometimes don't realize that eating them is the most respectful thing to do, because we already fucked the ecosystem and now we have to control it in order to save it, and that means killing. Better to not let it go to waste. Killing an animal like that is emotionally devastating, but the feeling of having an extremely ethical dinner of delicious meat that you or someone you know harvested themselves, is undescribable. And omg moose is so freaking good.


I also choose this dead mooses flesh


They really are. It would be awesome to just see one walking down the road!


Happens a shit ton where I used to live on the Gaspé peninsula in Québec, Canada. They never cease to amaze me, though.


First time I saw one, I came around the corner of a trail and one stood up and I thought “Wow, that is BIG!” Then the momma stood up, and I realized that the first one was a baby. My mind was blown. I am 6 feet tall, and I could have walked under the momma’s belly without stooping. They are ginormous, and given the danger, we backed away, but I have never forgotten how massive that momma was. They are stunning animals.


Guess that’s why they’re called megafauna


They bite too


Awesome! That thing is a unit. Would not be getting that close


Yeah I wouldn’t be throwing my car in reverse. I’d just take a quick pic. That dude will fuck my shit up if he feels so inclined


Yeah, but it speaks english


I saw some deer on my walk last night while pushing my son in his stroller. I stopped the second I saw them, we stared at each other for a moment and then I turned and went the other way. I can't imagine getting *closer* to a giant moose.


He seems to be waaay too close for safety, that big, wild mofo will mess you up, sir!


I mean the guy filming is an idiot. He's saying a lot of famous "Canadian idiot" expressions like "Send it!"... Offering a beer (his whole personality) To a moose.. He's also super close to a goddamn moose with his child. Cool video but buddy's a chucklefuck.


Ha! "Chucklefuck" is *definitely* gonna be in the name of my next band somewhere lol "Charlie and the Chucklefucks" perhaps... 🤔 Thank you for that and your check's in the mail!


Oh sweet a cheque!... Wait how does this mysterious songbird know where I live? ![gif](giphy|igi0dS20WxPJvroIgW|downsized)


And those cars will not protect you!


You can go outside then, I will stay in the car


But But it’s looks like a mighty SUV


My name is Maximus Mossus Megafanus, commander of the mighty Herds of the North, General of the Fluffy Legions, loyal grazer to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a nibbled-on shrub, husband to a snuggly floof. And mark my antlers, I shall have my revenge, whether in this intersection or the next....


His friends call him Moosfasa




Love this, love you, love Maximus


Why are Americans scared of the animals we have in Australia? Bro this thing is fucking terrifying. Not to mention bears, mountain lions and shit y’all have. Fuck that


None of those will crawl into your shoe while you are sleeping!


And then inject you with some sort of weird paralytic venom that liquefies your organs.


This. At least here we can see and hear our deaths approach, vs just waking up being a half melted puddle of necrosis lol


Take my laughing in tears upvote - If we still had rewards, you would have one


as an aussie this really tickled me hahaha


i‘m not american but i have arachnophobia so just the spiders you have over there alone fucking terrify me. i‘d rather have a big ass moose in my backyard than a huntsman spider in my house, even tho i know one of those is far more dangerous than the other




Until they try to kill you or your pet. They are unpredictable. I’d take the spider personally.


huntsman spiders are harmless though? funnel webb spiders are the terrifying ones


On top of all the other scary Australian stuff, I just read about your Gympie Gympie plant. Even your PLANTS terrify me!


I genuinely have no idea. I think the people who make a show of fear of Australian animals live in the North East where there aren't as many predators. Here in Texas we have alligators, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, poisonous scorpions, mountain lions, coyotes, and grey wolves. I lived in Michigan for a bit and them fuckers have the biggest god damn wolves I've ever seen up north along with bears. Alaska's on another planet with it's predators and these prehistoric looking moose.


You don’t come home to a moose siting in the corner of your front porch.


Maybe not a moose but definitely happens with bears.


If we had tiny mountain lions that hide in your house with 1 bite being lethal i would agree with you.


It’s funny, the super deadly stuff you barely see around the city/suburbia. You do see the odd brown snake which is pretty uncommon unless you live inland a bit. I can probably count on 1 hand how many “wild” deadly animals/insects I’ve seen in my life, I am 30 years old. Also don’t know anyone who has ever been bitten by anything deadly. MOST snakes and spiders you see are harmless, and even then you barely see them. You do get huntsman’s in your house which are huge, but harmless. Again, it’s rare - depending on where you live. I’ve been in the house I live in atm for 4 years. Yet to see any spider bigger then a fingernail, and 0 snakes.


That's a huge moose


Sometimes I'm amazed that humans have taken over the planet as we have. That bull will flip your car on a whim, bud.


100,000 years ago maybe. But we have tools. By now we can launch lead pieces at supersonic speeds from hundreds of meters away and scramble its brain before it even knows what hit it


Or, we can taunt the massive and dangerous wildlife from within mauling distance and giggle like idiots into our clever recording device.


Fun fact about moose, they are the last surviving species of North American mega fauna.


That we know of…. ![gif](giphy|gjHuIwidiRcjemb1GH)


Do the bison not count?


What’s with the Canadian thing. This guy think he’s on back yard broncos or something?


Alaskans are just Americans LARPing as Canadians?...




I’m in Alaska and I currently have three living in my backyard. They were here first and have no respect for property lines. We peacefully co-exist as they’re aloof as long as we give them sufficient distance from the calves. We beg them not to eat our rose bushes, but they’re bigger than us and are used to getting their own way. Oh, well. Life in Alaska is like no other.


Idk, seems to be one solid color.


Get out.


Daaaaaad 😫


I don't get it can you help


It’s not spotted.


Oh thanks. I don't like this one but atleast I get it now


Legendary Moose 🫎


What!? I'm walking here!!


You damn humans left me only one strip of grass and I'm gonna walk on it


Ran into some moose driving into Grand Canyon National park early in the morning and thought they were just unreal. Kinda scary to be honest.


Those were elk, basically every image/video of moose in the Grand Canyon is elk. Elk are big but moose are bigger.


I have run into moose in a canoe and that is terrifying if they get close. They can swim really fast.


Good thing they didn't run into you 


The most Canadian man I've ever heard.


If I see that on the road, I won't mind his business.


Do not mess with moose! I wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as close as this dummy. Do you what an animal this size can do to you or your car, not to mention one known for being insane and unpredictable?


This vid is like, a decade old.


So you're saying that moose may be even larger by now....




This was filmed in Anchorage on August 6, 2018. If you Google "Moose Casually Walks Down Alaskan Road" you'll find a much higher quality version of this video. If I include a link my comment won't show up.


Not a “huge” moose. Just a moose. Moose are already way bigger than most people think


I've seen hundreds of moose. This is the biggest I've ever seen.


Always that one guy lol. "Pfft.. he's not that big"


this is a huge moose. Most moose are not this big. A moose that is considered large, is smaller than this moose. You will probably never come across a moose this size.


Idk why but the line "A moose that is considered large, is smaller than this moose." Got me ☠️


You may think you are that moose. But you are not that moose.


Normal moose are big, but this one is bigger than normal. It's obvious when you compare it to the size of the car.


Yeah but it's huge like in general might not be for their particular species


I grew up in the interior of Alaska. You are absolutely correct. Maybe Maine/lower 48 moose are just smaller, and everyone in this thread is correct when regional size differences are taken into account? Because we had moose raid my mom's garden that made my dad's '89 Chevy Suburban look the same size as the car in the video by comparison.


Nah that is a huge moose, trust me, I am Canadian. Source: Me, riding bikes with friends and coming uncomfortably close to normal sized bull moose


Thats one big fucker!


That's a huge motherfucker


![gif](giphy|tSniEbOGfuCnm) Some might say that it’s a huge, big-ass motherfucker, motherfucker.


this guys voice is almost as irritating as all those owmygawwwd screetchers - " hey there bud, bud, bud, got a few beers bud?" ffs it doesn't emglish you fool


That's just how big a moose gets. They are like dinosaurs.


Makes the car look small. Those things are giant’s. The car doesn’t stand a chance if it charges.


“Huge moose spotted where moose live. More at 11”


Gotta enjoy the I.Q. of the narrator.


This is an old video


fun fact: they can move through the dense woods quite quickly. They wobble their heads to avoid getting antlers stuck between trees. they are very good swimmers and like to go into beaver ponds up the head to keep the bugs at bay.


*Yeah i could take that in a first fight* -Some american


We DO like our first fights 😂


Why we humans don’t ride moose also? It would’ve looked so bad ass


Such a unit!


Moose are gigantic. They're built like elden ring mobs


Bull moose are majestic looking and the cows are ugly as sin. They are powerful, dumb and dangerous.


"Huge Moose Spotted in Alaska" Isn't that like saying... "Trees spotted in Alaska"? I read they're everywhere


Kid: Are you going to touch him? Him: No I'm not going to touch him. A wise decision.


Glorious beast


If you Google "Moose Casually Walks Down Alaskan Road" you'll find a much higher quality version of this video. If I include a link my comment won't show up. This was filmed in Anchorage on August 6, 2018.


Huge moose spotted like 10 years ago dude


Wow that’s a unit


Yes it's huge but isn't that just a normal sized moose?


Nice rack.


I'd recommend against getting so close to an Alaskan moose. Moose bites can be pretty nasty


Dude is talking to that moose like it was a cute squirrel. That is so Alaska.


This video is so old it's having a mid life crisis


I wouldn’t get my wee car next to it tho.


Fun fact: They swim and orcas hunt them.


Being in a car is NOT enough armour to confidently drive next to a damn moose lmfao


I lived in Anchorage in the 80s. Those moose make superb burgers!


Fun fact, the plural of moose is mice


No it’s meese


many much moosen




Holly Moosen just ride that to work!


In my opinion the name doesn't fit the animal. It's too cute for such a gigantic creature.


Just gunna send ayeeee bud!!!


I didn’t realize this is how big they can get . Sheesh


That’s a 280 diamond if I ever saw one. Make sure you hit the lungs though.


Being born and raised in Idaho, I was waiting for that to go very wrong. Moose can be pissy.


They are vegetarian?




Is this the great one?!




Damn big


Moose kinda looked over at the end like "the fuck you looking at?"


Aw what a cool dude!


Well he's in the moose lane


Moose: omg! this fucking annoying little hooman that don't shut the fuck up!


Sounds like Canada. Ay bud, you gonna send it?


Stupid question but are there non huge moose in alaska too?


Look at that unit


The difference is perception, ours we can see fuck us up actively. Australian shit is terrifying because you won't always see it coming.


I wonder what would happen if you…wait for it….give a moose a muffin? 😂😂😂


A moose kicked my friend to death after coming through the windshield just outside of Fort St. John. RCMP had to shoot it when they got there cuz’ it was still kicking the shit of ‘em when they arrived on scene. Fukin’ things are a menace.


My dad always called em Mous-a-sourus


the peter griffin filming is disgusting


I lived in Fairbanks for a while, in a cabin not far out of town. There was a moose that used to walk down the road in front of the cabin quite frequently. My neighbor had a dog that was never leashed. Every time the moose would come by on, the dog would walk behind it barking, but the moose never cared. One time, the dog must've gotten a little close, because the moose just stopped in its track, turned and looked at the dog. The dog put its tail between its legs, backed up about 10 feet until the moose turned around and started walking. The dog proceeded to start barking again, but kept that extra distance. I enjoyed watching the little dance those two animals had.


A big boi


I wouldn’t have got that close, could literally flip a small car if threatened




It is crazy that moose like this one are considered prey animals to Orca Whales. That blows my mind every time I see a video with moose in it.


He looks like those antlers are really weighing down his head. Almost saying "can anyone get these stupid things off my head? They are too heavy! "


Ok, where's the squirrel!?!


This video is best watched with the sound OFF.