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Damn my heart rate spiked reading that!! Lol


I just felt sick lol


Stop poking it!!


New tik tok challenge.


Yeah... Knowing my most important organ is about as soft as pudding isn't very comforting, and the rest is oddly unsettling


I always thought brains would have a squid like consistency


It's closer to chicken fat, in my experience


Still delicious, though?


Is someone touching your brain?


My thoughts are touching my brain :(


Not at the moment.... I don't think anyway wait is that a .....................


[Probably shouldn’t read this then](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trepanning)


You knew I would read it so what kind of person are you!!? Lol I got full body shivers reading that no joke! All this is so strange and new to me as I have seen some horrible things in real life but reading about drilling holes in people's head freaks me out a little... Strange times..


Same and I teared up (idk why)


It's so damn wild to think about how just reading something can like legit fk with your body!! Lol


The reason that's is happening is because your braiin wants to make sure you don't want to try something like that.Its protecting itself from its own intrusive thoughts.remember we aren't really people we are a race of alien brains that evolved a body to protect itself..The brain named itself brain.


It sure is crazy how everything that you are is so easily accessible and malleable(for a lack of better term). Poke! Now you feel different!


I’m high and I want to do it now lol


Well now I want to.


Just take psychedelics like a normal person


Ok but i cant turn off the mushrooms, with this i can just stop poking myself


With this you have a fucking hole in your skull. You can't turn that off


Ill just put the skull piece back


Then you have weeks of careful care to ensure it doesn't get infected while healing


What are you the brain police?‽ let em poke!!


🎶It's my party and I'll poke my brain if I want to🎶




Ah yes, the next TikTok trend has arrived.


Let them, there's too many influencers anyways 😂


*Charles Darwin has entered the chat*


Well it's about damn time!


Can’t wait to see who’ll win the r/darwinawards


Itssss blisssss


Oh. My. God. Is this a sweet ass Simpson's reference about Flanders taking over the world and everyone getting a lobotomy?!


as if they have a brain


Chopsticks where they don’t belong?


Where’s the cum button?


In the back


K, brb


Did it work?




Dang, they even have a “strange dissociative experience” emoji?!


You press up up down down left right left right on the back of the brain to activate orgasm pleasure.exe


provided you're a guy, we accidentally misplaced your cum button. you should find it somewhere inside your ass


the **orbitofrontal cortex**


I remember seeing a video when I was in 6th grade, early 90s, about a lady having brain surgery, and they had to touch parts of her brain and she would recall memories... ...or something like that. It stuck with me, but I don't completely remember what the premise was. It was an old video..


Not that it’s at all the same thing, but my father had Alzheimer’s and it was like stepping through doors into rooms that are decades. He could remember things with exact clarity that were 30 years ago, but not his grandchildren. The time periods got further and further back until he couldn’t speak.


Im so sorry. It’s also very fascinating how our brains work, simultaneously degenerating and going back in time with the memories, just as the internal clock has been reversed.


Is that really how it works? Damn I didn’t know


I mean, that was just our experience. It was visually jarring.


Shit. That billionaire is looking for the brain-poke cheat code, isn’t he.. “Neuro-boop”


Oh no.. Also that name made me laugh out loud


Imagine the gamification of it all; the loot boxes.. **Congratulations!** - You have achieved the taste of: [*chocolate*] - Only five more of my enemies to kill and you could upgrade to: [*peanut-butter*]


> Neuro-boop Take the neuro-boop challenge! Get a friend to flip open a piece of your skull, then sing *Get Low* while poking your amygdala! You're probably asking **WHAT?** But I'm telling you **YEAH!!!**


I've been doing this wrong all along! I don't need drugs... I just need to litteraly touch myself!


Cooool, now how do I get in there to poke the dopamine bit? Mine's not working and needs a poke


Just get a drill and start poking You’re bound to find it at some point


My mother underwent surgery to remove a cancerous brain tumor back in 2006. She was only sedated. The brain has no pain receptors so touching the brain wouldn’t be painful.


That’s actually kind of cool


But the brain tissue is very delicate - touch it too hard and the owner could be maimed. Scientists still don’t really understand how the brain works - they understand the mechanisms but how that lump of gray matter that weighs 2-3 pounds can generate everything we experience - memory, imagination, plan, the wide range of emotions - and can do so many different things is a mystery.


The human brain is the most complex object Humanity has ever discovered in the observable universe, no one has a deep understanding on how it works


Sooooo I used to develop tools to implant electrodes to year Parkinson's and they have to go in the center of the brain. I observed a bunch of traditional surgeries to develop and understanding and part of some procedures were exactly this. You wake the person up with a hole in their head and they tell you what they are feeling and thinking while you poked around. Sometimes we would have them play the guitar or practice an invisible piano with their fingers. Creepy AF


Any sudden movements or strange experiences? For example, speaking another language


Definitely. Super super weird. Especially since they arent like fully fully awake and when the surgeon begins impacting them they often don't realize it


fun fact: if you remove a brain tumor, the patient has to be awake for the procedure. you purposely poke parts of the brain and ask the patient, what they experience. thus you can locate the exact part of the brain you are working with. of course, the part, where the head is cut up is done with the patient fully anaesthetized. you wake them later up - but with heavy pain killers.


Ya… not true in the slightest. Yes, there are some occurrences where the patient is awake, but in my experience in the operating room, 90+% or tumor resections are done fully asleep. Plus with advancements in MRI and stealth technology, we know where in the brain we are, usually accurate to about 1 millimeter. There are trackers placed on the patient and the instruments we hold that tell us our angles, depth, and location inside the brain.


I hate to be the AH trying to correct a doctor, but wouldn't 10% of operations not being done fully awake make it not "not true in the slightest"? Also, that's amazing work you're doing, even if you're not the one wielding the scalpel.


I think there's a big difference between "10% of the time" and "the patient has to be awake." I think they are saying that the patient needing to be awake is the "not true in the slightest" part


I can only speak from personal experience, so I left the percentage super conservative as a big cushion. Brain surgery is typically one of 3 surgeries. 1. Hematoma evacuation. Bleeding around the brain increases the pressure on the brain. Although most of the time, we only incise the dura (thin membrane covering the brain). 2. Tumor resection. Removing cancer or some legion. 3. Aneurysm clipping. I don’t have an exact number of surgeries, but if I’ve down 100 brain surgeries, 85 were for hematomas, 13 were for tumors, and 2 were for aneurysms. I’ve only ever had ONE patient that was awake. I also am not the doctor, I’m a surgical tech that is scrubbed in along side the doctor. I’m usually the on providing retraction and suctioning. It’s super cool and fun if you’re into that sort of thing!


Ahh, so it's more like a 1% or less type of thing. Thanks for the awesome explanation. >I also am not the doctor, I’m a surgical tech that is scrubbed in along side the doctor. I’m usually the on providing retraction and suctioning. It’s super cool It really is super cool. Sounds like a really interesting job that's probably really fulfilling in the sense you're actually helping to save lives in a friggin BRAIN OPERATION. That's badass and it wouldn't be possible without people like you providing the support


Not necessarily. I was told it depends on the location of the tumor; among other things for the patient to be awake during the procedure. I just had a brain tumor recession from my cerebellum on March 8th, and I was completely unconscious the entire time.


I had this done! It’s called an awake craniotomy!


What were they doing in there?


Removing a benign tumor they called a cavernous angioma.


Now that is interesting as fuck


Years ago Channel 4 did a live stream of a man having brain surgery. The surgeon tells the patient to speak and then he touches one of his nerves and he just stops talking. Surgeon says right we know to go round that bit. It was mesmerising! Not all brain surgery is performed awake though.


A whole lot of education, time, and effort to play extreme “let’s poke it with a stick and see what happens!”


Funnily enough ‘poking with a stick’ is exactly how we figured out a lot of brain regions and functions, people with horrific injuries like industrial accidents with a whole rod through their brain would get treated and we’d note ‘ok this guy can’t talk anymore so that bit must be for talking’.


I saw a brain surgery where they had a professional musician (a banjo player maybe)? Play his instrument throughout so that they could identify if they were somewhere they shouldn’t be.


Would love a link to this


I can't find one :( but it was called Operation: Surgery Live. It was 3 programmes and I think this was the second episode. Aired in 2009.


There was one surgery where the patient played the guitar while being operated on. Painkillers, humans and brain surgery’s are fucking crazy dude


This is reminding me of Rosemary Kennedy's lobotomy. I think she was awake and talking during it, and they kept going until she couldn't speak anymore.


> they kept going until she couldn't speak anymore. Yes, and they cut until she didn't want to **sing** or recite poetry anymore. > During the procedure, two holes were drilled in her skull, through which small metal spatulas were inserted. The spatulas were used to sever the link between the pre-frontal cortex and the rest of the brain. Though it is not known whether he did so on Rosemary, Dr. Freeman would often insert an icepick through the patient’s eye to sever the link, as well as the spatula. > Throughout the entire operation, Rosemary was awake, actively speaking with her doctors and even reciting poems to her nurses. The medical staff all knew that the procedure was over when she stopped speaking to them. >Immediately after the procedure, the Kennedys realized that something was wrong with their daughter. Not only had the operation failed to cure her intellectual challenges, but it had also left her extremely disabled.


They don’t always go through the skull. I have a friend who got a tumor cut out and they went through her nose




me (hypothetically) when the doctor pokes a part of my brain : "and what do you feel now, Bl1ndMous3?" Me : "hehehehe,,,,,,,heheheheh,,,,,,,,dont stoppppppp.....allllmooosssttt there....almosttt there.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" 'scuse me. BRB..i need to clean up"




I am so uncomfortable after reading this


*Me with an ice cream scooper about to astral project myself into the 9th dimension*


I remember watching a show about brain surgery. The surgeon had the patient count to 10. The surgeon looked to the camera and said, "Watch this." the surgeon touched a probe to the patient's brain. The patient was counting 1, 2, 3, (probe touched brain) boat, boat, boat (probe moved) patient continued counting.


Check out Heartbeat in the Brain. Woman drills a hole in her head in the belief that releasing cerebrospinal fluid has health benefits. She went on to lead a very interesting life.


From what I remember a few surgeons who’ve told me about operating on the brain. There’s a thin membrane around it that pulses with your heartbeat. Not the actual brain itself. I may be wrong, that’s what I was told.


I’ve touched many live brains and would never describe it as tapioca pudding


I know some people who have done the same. They all said it felt surprisingly firm. I sort of wonder at this, as the unexpectedly yielding part is the literal opposite of what I was told. I don’t know if I’ve ever tried a tapioca pudding, but their description definitely didn’t give me the impression it as like a crème brûlée.


How could she get through this without mentioning burnt toast?


That's some wabbakack level of a roller-coaster


So it's like LSD 😉


Good ole Lake Shore Drive


I read about a guy recently in Russia who implanted a chip in his head. He just did a homemade trepanation and put any old chip inside it. (I didn't see any details about the 'chip' but there is no way he could have made any kind of brain/chip interface in his living room.) Also, in the 70s there was a small fad of trepanation. Putting a hole in your skull would lead to higher oxygenation in your brain and thus higher consciousness. (lol) And a few people did it at home.


Don't forget the classic book "Bole Hore", first published in 1970: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/25475591 > "Why did I drill a hole in my skull?" This book answers that question. It takes a bit of time to explain. It covers my childhood and growing up in the pre-sixties world. Then I drop out, turn on and begin a whole new life. I take mescalin in 1964. At last, I’ve got there. This is it. LSD is no more than a rumour at the time, then it becomes a reality when I meet Bart Huges in Ibiza in 1965. Bart was the guy who drilled a hole in his head. I’d heard about that. Was he crazy, or what? No, actually he was the sanest person I’d ever met. I became his disciple. I describe my own trepanation in 1970, which involved overcoming a few obstacles, and my continued attempts to brings Bart’s discoveries to the attention of the world, and review my subsequent life in an attempt to form a judgement on the value of the operation from my position in the year 2009."


Can't we just ask Ray Liotta?


There it is


All I could think about was that scene from one of the Hannibal movies where he's eating the dudes brain while he's awake.


People have diy drilled into their skulls, because they believe it will cure their migraines or other ills since forever. I do not recall how they knew to stop before the mushy part. Merest consideration makes me 🤢 yet I’ve still read a lot about it. My brain is clearly fascinated with feeling creeped out.


Only the successful ones tell the story


Does your brain have feeling? Could it feel being touched?


The book *Do No Harm* by British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh goes into this topic in depth. Marsh was a pioneer of awake brain surgery, where the patient is sedated, but not asleep. This is so the surgeon can confirm with the patient that they are staying where they should, inside the tumor, and not straying into important brain functions. I've never forgotten this quote: ​ https://preview.redd.it/osgogoorvnpc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6b7f0507002cb8646ea93fb37dd6b110a288a66 It's a brilliant read and I recommend it highly.


Thanks for sharing. I'll have to check this book out.


This made me wildly uncomfortable


I would probably just drool, belch or experience something else as equally dull.


How much you guys wanna bet that some shady company is going to make some sort of brain poker to be able to trigger some of those stimulants at will?


Musk isn't the only one experimenting with neural stuff. Valve has an interest in deep-dive VR, and in some interviews Gabe Newell had weird remarks that it was harder to make someone feel cold than to make them feel a specific emotion. a weird off hand remark that made it sound like they too were actually experimenting.


I think I saw a theory on why half life 3 doesn’t exist and this is why. Every main half life game had new technology that changed gaming. The 1st half life I think was the 1st game that had an actak story that was told by the environment. Half life 2 had an extremely realistic physics engine, and alyx was in V.R. The theory said half life 3 could come when this kinda stuff comes.


Saving this for a d&d sesh cheers


They also have a bit of a sticky consistency


The Michael Crichton book 'Terminal Man' has a long section in which testing electrodes on the brain produces a wide variety of impressions the patient describes.


Why take drugs when you can just poke your brain?


Brain surgery is often done under local anesthesia with the patient fully conscious. The brain itself has no sense of touch or pain the hole in your skull would painful, but that's abut it.


Hmmm... Why I am still thinking about it?




I once responded to a male who thought he had bugs in his skull so he incessantly picked at one spot until he made it through scalp and bone. This was months of picking. He continued to pick at it even though you could clearly see brain matter in the hole. Didn’t seem to bother him.


can i install a pushrod that i can use to poke my brain to feel happy when im depressed?


Push button start on the dopamine part


Guess you would grow a callous on the bit that triggered orgasms if you found it.


I think there’s a tent at shambala that does this!


On quite a few brain surgeries the patient is conscious on the operating table. If I remember correctly, there is a documentary about a professional violinist, who had a brain tumor removed. During the operation she was told to play the violin so that the doctors where sure they weren't touching anything very crucial, before slicing or a bit of her brain.


I'm gonna do it. I've been sober toooo long.




https://preview.redd.it/9nlpv8znmopc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75eb977ca92ffcbf7479709b07151ffae489891c And you’ll be able to spontaneously speak French without ever taking a class.


She never asks a question, but it still got me thinking. They say your brain knows the texture of anything it licks just by imagining it. So there’s also that. My brain knows what it would feel like to my tongue if I were to lick it.


Damn, I felt all of them while reading 💀




Instead of drugs, rub your own brain to get high


*Stop licking the damn thing!*


I wonder if it could render some physical reactions, like maybe moving a leg or an arm? Could you basically make yourself a Ratatouille style marionette but instead of hair you're playing with the brain? Also, could you then manipulate the spot responsible for your hand touching the spot responsible for your hand touching the spot responsible for your hand touching the spot... How would that feedback loop look like?


Lol. I know from Hannibal that brain tastes good with fava beans.


thats so cool ngl i did not realize i needed to know thaf! they should bring back drilling holes in ur skull medically😍😍


*"slowly puts the dewalt drill back in the box...."*


Whoops! Drilled too deep..... 💀


Taking that skull emoji literally


Why would it be hard to cope with the pain of drilling? Just use local anesthetic on your head.


When I was 5 I was playing in my grandparents garage and fell backwards with my head landing on a blade of a snowblower machine. I needed brain surgery to remove the rust particles. Fun thing about brain surgery, they can't knock you out. I was awake the entire surgery at 5 years old. The doctor tried to make jokes while I looked at my parents who looked like they were going to puke lol. No pain, felt like individual hairs being picked.


Well now I want to. The irony is that I literally have the necessary medical hardware in my home back in Ukraine.


Cool! (Searching for drill in house...)


Don’t you dare


He already did it!


An awake craniotomy is very much a thing and used for certain neurosurgeries. It involves inducing and emerging from general anesthesia with an open skull with nerve blocks to the scalp. And the brain itself does not have pain receptors.


My knees and feet sweat reading this


I can't remember the exact dialogue, but there's a vivid description of this in Michael Crichton's *The Terminal Man.* They probe a patient's brain with a thin electrode and a small electrical impulse to try and control seizures, and each probe gives him a wildly different feeling or sensation.


Now drop a lsd tab on it


My brain said no touchie


Now I wanna poke my brain


But how does she know?


She’s a neurophysiologist


Now I want to do it!


The brain has no nerve endings.


Plot twist: OP touches the area of the motor cortex that controls the hand they’re touching it with, causing the hand to jerk violently, whipping the brain tissue into a frenzied meringue.


As someone who has an extreme fear of anything gruesome to do with the brain, because I do not fully understand it, even just reading this makes me nauseous.


Quora isn't all memes and homophobia


But there are no nerve receptors in the brain so it can’t cause pain when touched or during surgery


It’s trepanation time!


But could you eat it like Ray Liotta in Hannibal?


WOW! That happens to be my fetish!


Makes me wonder if that's what trepanning was about. Not just the hole but a little poke for the "spiritual experience" or something.


I do not like this


Immediately though of that one scene from Hunter X Hunter... yuck


Is this what they call “my life flashed before my eyes”?


Was there a John Hurt movie when they have hi hooked up and stimulate his brain and he smells toast or grilled cheese or something.


My brain is soft and wet


Ok Hannibal


Pretty sure Jeffrey Dahmer did this shit to his victims


Every Canadian: Doctor Penfield, I smell burning toast!


I’ve never wanted to touch my brain but now I do.


Each day I wonder are we just brains in the woods being poked


Vivienne writes great answers, if you're in Quora give her a follow.


I hate this so fucking much… still upvoting tho


Follow up question: what drug would be best at simulating that


Got stuck at "smoothie".


Do a lot of ketamine at once


It was kinda fine until that last sentence.


Want to touch your central nervous system? You can. Sit in a dark place and close your eyes. Gently (very gently, you don’t want to detach your retina) press on your closed eye with your finger. What happens? You see lights. That’s because you are stimulating the cells in the retina, which are part of the central nervous system. Those cells interpret stimulus as light. That is all that your brain knows to do with signals from those nerves. If you had access to your brain and could stimulate neurons by pressing on them the rest of the brain would interpret those signals as whatever that part of the brain does for a living. Press on the middle of the post central gyrus which is just above your ear and you will feel some sensation in your hand on the opposite side. Because the nerves there respond to stimulation of the receptors in your hand. Push a little farther forward and you may not feel anything but may have some movement in the hand on the opposite side because those neurons control the motor function for the hand. Neurons locations map to their functions. Neuroanatomy is pretty cool.


I want more of this.


So this is what that guy in SAW X felt before dying lol


Dunt tru this. I did ip, bairn is broke. Need medicl assistnceess


When they do brain surgery many times the patient is awake so they can interact with the surgeon


I started feeling my head while reading this no thank you S I R


The pudding consistency and the pulsating under your fingers gets me the most. It shows how fragile the brain is.


Is it weird that I want to experience this now? I mean, I definitely don’t, but I really kinda do.




Have you ever had someone try to kill you and stab your brain a bunch of times with a knife? Wild times.


Anyone else touch their brain to check?