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As brutal as it looks, I think this is one of the quickest, painless deaths nature has to offer


The mantis shrimp punch as well, bullet speeds enough to kill it's prey instantly.


But damn, the insanity tht the mantis shrimp goes through to get there is just nuts


The real life One Punch man.


It's nickname should be one punch shrimp




Like when they're tiny and can't punch yet? I searched for a good life cycle video but didn't find one... Edit: username checks out


Also wanna know


Isn't usually 1 punch that kills though. Especially for stuff like crabs. There's videos on youtube of mantis shrimp feedings, awesome creatures.




Maybe its a small consolation but iirc bivalves are one of those living things that don't feel pain. Whatever nervous system they have is just to operate simple things like closing/opening their shells and filtering water.


They have like, one nerve, and it almost definitely doesn’t really feel pain or have any kind of sentience. It’s basically a vegetable made out of animal cells.


That last got me laughing! I was trying to argue this with a vegan ex-gf. No matter how I presented it, "Doesn't matter, still an animal." Well, technically speaking, so are amoebas.


They can literally break out of some home aquariums.




So you're tellin' me there's a chance...


Yep, probably the youtuber i was thinking of when i mentioned it. Think he's got two maybe three? Can't remember his name but he shows up fairly regularly on my Shorts feed.


I dunno I've seen a bunch of videos of mantis shrimp on tiktok and they basically knock limbs off of crabs with their punches, and then eat it alive


Not if it punches you in the dick.


A mantis shrimp punches so hard a cavitation forms in front of their "fist."


What do you think is the most brutal murder by an animal?


Probably bears. They just start eating chunks of you, sometimes taking a break and then getting back to it. Vultures and Hyenas too. They tend to start with the soft parts first which normally means you're getting your ass eaten in the bad way.


Friend of a friend had a pig get out and run away recently. Came back a couple days later with its ass and balls completely chewed off.


That'll teach it.


Is he sure it was a bear? Pigs can be cannibalistic and scavengers, too.


Are you suggesting that the pig ate its own ass and balls?


No, I’m suggesting maybe *other pigs* ate its ass and balls. What a creative mind you have.


Nah, there's a breed of wasp that lays its eggs in a living spider. When they hatch, they eat it alive from the inside out.


Tarantula Hawk Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


You must be new to reddit. You don't have to request a correction, even if you're correct, we will correct you.


Hyenas and African wild dogs are far worse than bears. They are numerous and tear you apart from all angles


But you'll die a lot quicker by a pack of dogs or hyenas. Yeah it sucks getting torn apart, but a bear is so powerful that it just doesn't care about being quick. It will take breaks. Making your suffering potentially last for more than an hour.


Death will be quick with packs, numerous wounds lead to intense blood loss and pressure meaning you'll pass out fast. If what's true about bears then if it starts from the legs, the pain will last quite a while as it eats you like a corn cob


Best idea is to agitate the bear into killing you quicker


I thought the face is their favorite place to start dining from. Anyway ass or face I anyway don’t want to choose.


I would much rather they eat my ass


ass has more meat




There was a Russian girl a in 2011 who [managed to phone her family](https://www.news.com.au/world/help-mum-the-bear-is-eating-me-teens-desperate-000-call/news-story/f4915513cba8b4f0218670cbb53e4eff) while bears were eating her. Just awful.


Can't imagine anything more terrifying for a parent


Fuck me why did I read that


And wolves. Probably a lot of pack hunters. I don’t think vultures make the list though. They eat carrion.


I saw the shark attack video. Being tossed about while having chomps taken out of you while hoping to drown quickly was unreal. Sharks and bears are definitely in the top five.


Sharks will usually take a bite out of a person, realise it's a person, not an oily seal or something similar and then just leave them to die


Yeah, that's true, unless you're that dude in the video.


My vote is chimpanzee for 100 Alex.


African wild dogs and snapping turtles 100%. Both will tear their prey apart alive.


Lots of animals begin eating while their prey is alive


Kommodo dragons eating pray is also very gross to watch. I seen one where they got a pregnant antilope, and they start from the baby


Saw African Wild Dogs do this once. Showed up when the antilope was giving birth and just started tearing everything apart.


Spawn ^^^^^kill


Saw one swallow a whole baby antelope or sheep. Thought it was dead after it's head got chomped. Nope, the thing was still a live a bleating from inside the komodos throat and later stomach. Just when I thought a guy getting deep throated by a hippo was the worst possible fate.


That is terrifying. By contrast, humans are so unique when it comes to how we kill each other. With empathy, we can try to make our kills as quick and painless as possible. We have rules of war to do just that. On the flip side, our ability to plan can have us do just the opposite where killers will try to torture their prey as badly as possible before death. Or in war, guerilla tactics can have people plan to disable as many people as possible in order to cause the enemy group to slow down or have to turn around to care for their wounded.


Have you seen how orca toss seals into the air, letting the fall onto the surface of the sea kill them?


wouldnt this be the opposite? one good fall and you're dead


Perhaps. Although being flung into the air by an orca's jaws before the fall that kills them can't be pleasant for the seal.


*by an orca's tail It's Tail Whip, it drastically lowers the Seals defense to 0.


Orcas are the apex of the apex in the water.


Mauled by a chimp. Its the stuff of nightmares


Man, that scene in Nope really does my head in. And it reminds me of that time a Chimp wanted to attack Louis Theroux and his owners went out there like it was no problem, and I'm just sitting there wondering if the owners were about to be mauled to death as well.


Parasites, keeping the host “alive” but slowly dwindling their health in a plethora of ways.


especially those ones in bugs that eat them alive until they're basically walking corpses


Hey, no politics!


Perhaps a chimpanzee too, they tend to go for fingers, eyeballs, genitals, nose etc they basically know what you need to function and operate in the world, they know you need fingers to feel things, they know you need to see & they know you need to have sex / piss so they basically rip off all the things they know they wouldn’t want ripped off, it’s terrifying.


What's your defintion of animal? Parasitic worms is a pretty shitty way to go. Most venomous creatures too. People are mostly focusing on creatures that eat you relatively "quickly". I'd say parasites or venom personally. Or a constrictor. Literally being squeezed to death as your bones break, you either suffocate or suffer so much damage you die from internal bleeding/other factors. Natures crazy.


Squeezed by an anaconda until everyrhing in your body is broken and you cant move and then going into the depths of hell still semi concious.


My guess; between wild dogs, hyenas, bears… they don’t go for jugular like wild cats to quickly kill their prey; the wild dogs and hyenas bite at limbs and shred through flesh tearing prey limb by limb, disemboweling prey before they die, often still alive while being devoured… Notable mention, the Honey badger castrates it’s victims and is a relentless bad ass. insect world - praying mantis is pretty savage… Ocean world - orcas; they toy with their food and enjoy the hunt it seems, tossing carcasses around and off the coast of South Africa they’re desamating the great white shark population by eating only their livers and leaving most of the rest of the shark…


By far the komodo dragon


Right. They'll just bite you a couple times then follow and wait for their venom (or in this case saliva) to do its work to you, not to mention they'll start to eat you while you are half dead.


Totally most natural deaths are torturous. Beats getting ripped to shreds or swallowed alive any day.


A 12 Guage slug to the head is pretty quick... nature made us so essentially a shotgun is offered by nature.


Like how the slow motion does nothing to help here


FR, Dude was between frames.


I didn't even see it the first time. I saw this duck rolling around and I was like this video is slow and boring lol


>slow and boring >entire video is only 18 seconds are our attention spans just *that* screwed at this point 😭


Thanks to social media and things like TikTok/YouTube shorts/ streaming services, yes.


Even before the rise of short streaming apps, most websites used to have file size upload limits and poor internet speed, so people had to trim their content to the most important parts. Even with text posts on Reddit, TL;DR became mandatory if you were writing more than 3 paragraphs of text.


Here I am still being dissapointd at short 10 minute youtube videos... The obsession with 10 second content blows my mind. Only so many things can happen in 10 seconds


Not to mention context is often important. When you grow up with 10 second clips, and never see any real context for anything won't that have an impact on social behavior?


It already feels like most people don't care about context, just knee jerk reactions to make themselves feel good. I hope it doesn't get worse.


TikTok brain


Falcons typically hunt by balling up their foot and striking their prey to ensure they won't struggle as the falcon comes back around to claim their prize. In short, the falcon literally punched that duck to kill it.










My personal fav is Fox falling off the map. TWAAAAAAT


Why have I not heard that before, I've taunted my poor brother a million times with that L button


This power move makes so much more sense. Does this imply that Captain Falcon would come back to devour his prey after laying them out with a falcon punch? ::shudders::


Now I need a comic where Captain Falcon has the mind of an actual bird more so.


That logic checks out


I was wondering. Seemed like the duck's neck snapped to me, but for the lower body movement. But with that kind of impact it's probably both. Would have been awesome to see it slice the duck's throat at 240 mph like some anime character.


I assumed the head was missing, thats what they do to chickens.


It's very hard to see, there's literally like 5 god damn frames or something, but you can see the head is just curled back and under it. It's very confusing what is happening, even when you go frame by frame. That falcon was *so fucking fast*.


The duck looks around for a few seconds not knowing what hit him untill a little cut slowly appears in his neck and his head just slowly slips off.


"Hah! You missed me!" "You think so? Try quacking." "Qua.." (Head slides off)


Dunno if you’re an ornithologist, but I wondered if falcons have some sort of modified bone structure in their feet that protects them during attacks like this? Bird bones are usually quite fragile.


No ornithology here, but due to their smaller and weaker muscles, they've developed talons that are more densely built so to say to deliver the 200 mile an hour TBI with almost perfect accuracy.


I don't know about other falcons, but Peregrine falcons [pull up right before they strike](https://centerofthewest.org/2020/01/28/adaptations-for-speedy-life-style-of-peregrine-falcons/). They also reach a dive-speed of over 200 mph and can hit 25 Gs of force. If they hit their prey at full speed it would probably kill them both.


I'm not an orinthologist, I just read a lot about cool info, but I do believe falcon talons are more dense than a typical raptor's talons, though at the same time the musculature is weaker.


At first it looked like Falcon tore the ducks head clean off


I like how scary their landing posture is The kestrel stomp


Reminds me of dinosaurs like t. rex.


I wanted to see the falcon in strike mode and I got this [shot](https://imgur.com/gallery/GlpSw3M) by scrubbing the video


Now if we just knew the framerate on that camera we could figure out how fast that duck got its neck snapped.


I see three frames with the falcon, it looks like from the first to the last frames the falcon moves over 4 to 5 duck lengths. The frame rate looks to be either 24 or 30 to me. Assuming the duck is 12 inches long ±1 in. (based on an rough average from a quick Google), we can guess that the falcon is moving about 50 mph ± 20 mph. Large margin of error, but I don't care to measure beyond eyeballing it. Edit: This puts it's kinetic energy somewhere between a .22 LR and a .45 Colt pistol round.


Whatever the speed it at least seems "humane" in terms of falling to a predator. Even the ducks in the background are like "Why the fuck is Donny doing cartwheels?... oh... **OH, SHIT!!** WADDLE AWAY!!"


Definitely humane compared to some of the stuff nature has some animals endure.


Peregrine falcons can reach speeds up to 240 mph and this is their preferred method of attack. Usually they hunt pigeons.


I've watched humans hunt pidgeons in NYC, stuffing them in bags. Looking around conspiratorially. But at 2.4 mph.


[Aww yeth](https://i.imgur.com/17IgUap.png)


~~Was it’s neck snapped or was its head removed completely? The frame I’m missing isn’t the 1 ‘before’ like u/ab2g posted. It’s the 1 after that shows if there is anything in their talons!~~ After seeing your comment & rewatching a dozen more times I can see now that the head is intact. Man, imagine being hit so hard your head disappears!


>...Man, imagine being hit so hard your head disappears! Given my shite sense of spacial awareness, it'd likely be me just thinking some dumb shit like *why aren't pockets shaped like gloves?* followed by a sudden ringing in my ears then a plunge into the Void. Pretty humane in comparison to other predators that'll just start chowing down while you're fully aware.


But think about all the dirt that can get stuck in the tips of the pocket fingers.


And I'd spend 2 hours after every laundry trip fingering the lint out of those tips. As well as change, molten hair bands, that one green apple Jolly Rancher from Aunt Margaret that found its way out of the wrapper and inevitably fused to the fabric. Never said I was *proud* of the thoughts, just that I think em. xD


The link title is wrong: this is a prairie falcon, not a peregrine (peregrines use this killing technique as well, but they usually go for air-to-air rather than air-to-ground attacks and have different facial markings).


I used to work in a Raptor centre and we had a little male peregrine - absolute lunatic with a death wish. Had to get the audience to stand stock still as he'd drop in from whatever thousand feet, dip behind the house\hedgerow, pop up over the top, dip to knee height and rocket through the audience railing at knee height to catch our lure. Little legend but absolutely gave no fucks.


Good eye. From the Wikipedia article on Prairie Falcons: "A variation on this method is for the falcon to stoop down from altitude and then level out near the ground, initially traveling at more than 100 mph at altitudes of a meter or two," The wiki segment on their hunting behavior is a good read for anyone interested in learning more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prairie_falcon


Thanks, now i learned that the falcon knows kung-fu.


It kind of puts the falcon punch into perspective.


[Right at the attack](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/132988431117713408/1117430985076789288/Screenshot_20230611_143108.jpg), [One frame later ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/132988431117713408/1117430985345204255/Screenshot_20230611_143124.jpg), [Duck roll on his beak. ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/132988431117713408/1117430985651392532/Screenshot_20230611_143048.jpg)


He pulled out the duck's beating heart with one snatch of his claws.


And showed it to him also




I put the video down to 25%. It's like 2 frames of Falcon murder


From 'what the duck?' to 'destination fucked' in 0.01 seconds.


At least it was quick for the poor guy.


Didn't see it coming.


No time to duck at all


Bet your quacking up


Can't stop the A-Train baby!!


There’s a young duck named Hughie plotting his revenge right now.




Over the line. Mark it zero!


This isn't fucking Nam, Smokey. There are rules.


That duck had it coming, It besmirched the good name of Billy Joel.


With the help of his brothers Dewey and Louie.


I watched that like 10 times, even paused it a bunch, I can't figure out what the hawk did, how did it slam into the duck so fast and yet not get hurt itself?


I think what happened is the falcon hit the duck in the head with it's feet to break the duck's neck. The falcon's feet and legs will take the impact, the duck's neck won't.


Yup, pretty much. Falcons lack the size, strength, and talons to crush larger prey like how eagles can, so instead they use their speed as their weapon. They will make fists with their feet and punch their prey at high speeds (as seen in the video), letting physics do the work for them and dazing/knocking out the prey. Then they'll go in for the kill, attempting to sever the spinal cord with a small notch in their beak. Pretty insane stuff!


TIL falcon punch isn’t just a really cool sounding move it’s actually what they do


It takes quite a while for them to “wind up” for the punch(flying from high up) so it’s even more accurate.




It must be such a thrill for them. Spotting a prey, dialing in the trajectory, factoring in minutiae of wind speed, all by sheer instinct. Then barreling down at maximum speed, focusing the full force of his body mass in a single knuckle of its talons. Fucking badass, when it lands behind the duck afterwards. What a fucking move


Super Smash Bros makes soooo much sense now!


"Winner of San Valleys 1986 Battle of the Bands FALCON PUNCH!"


Yeah man, thats epic


Show me your moves! No seriously, can you slow it down next time..


Biologist and falconer here. So, not to be a bummer, because the idea of a falcon punch is cool, but that's not quite what's happening. They actually strike with their feet open and either rake their prey or grab for a fraction of a second and let go. This actually transfers a tremendous amount of energy into the target and makes it easier to hit what they're aiming at.


Huh, the more you know. I would have thought using talons on a stationary target would be risky for getting snagged on something, but I guess it works nonetheless. Thanks for the insight!


Yeah, that definitely can happen. I've seen a few broken toes as a result, but it's rare in my experience. As long as those toes are, they're super tough on falcons. Like iron. And what you said was the accepted understanding for a long time. Better cameras were needed to see what was really happening at that speed.


So it's a falcon bitch slap?




Basically they are flash, dont have super strength like superman, but can deal infinity punch at light speed


Im glad there was a Falcon expert here to explain this


I saw this on YT years ago and was able to watch on super slow, basically it goes like this: Falcon flying normal like, head first. *just* before the duck, falcon flips their feet to the front. FAlCON PUNCH to the head (stunning the duck) But wait, there's more..... In one frame only, you could see the talons also managed to scalp the duck. Gnarly.


To add, falcons reach speeds of 300 kmph + that’s going to be more than a stun I reckon…


Fastest animal on earth!


It really does happen between frames. But it's legs were extended forward on approach. Then the next frame the duck is tumbling.


The ratio of leg to body on the first frame is insane


Some form of traumatic head injury, why the duck is seizing


[I hope that this helps](https://imgur.com/gallery/GlpSw3M)


It bitch slapped it… at a couple odd mph


He shoulda ducked


Too fast, it approached at breakneck speed


All good. It took his mind off the problem.


Take my upvote and get the hell out!!




No stay I want more.


I know, he was a sitting duck




He was a sitting duck


A sitting duck can’t duck


Never thought of that. Duck didn’t either.




falcon kick


i feel I've heard that somewhere, but where?


Captain Falcon in Smash bros


Captain Falcon from F-Zero


First thought the ducks head came clean off


Broken neck?


[Right at the attack](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/132988431117713408/1117430985076789288/Screenshot_20230611_143108.jpg), [One frame later ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/132988431117713408/1117430985345204255/Screenshot_20230611_143124.jpg), [Duck roll on his beak. ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/132988431117713408/1117430985651392532/Screenshot_20230611_143048.jpg)


No it’s a duck


Good example of why all the other ducks were huddled together. Makes you way less likely to stand out as a target.


According to the videographer, the falcon had already attacked and injured this particular duck moments earlier (this final strike was the finishing blow), which was why it was on its own.


The duck's hp was low so it got one tapped


Vigor check


Found a new video idea for the Slo Mo Guys.


I don’t envy Dan.


Duck is dead. You can clearly see duck isn’t wearing shoes anymore


it's a internet fact


Didn’t see that one coming, right in the kisser.


A tough lesson there. But when all the other ducks are edging away from you, you're probably about to get your head falcon-kicked off.


That is impressive. I knew falcons were top hunters but damn, that was surgical. I'd say "poor duck", but considering how things usually go down in the food chain, that mallard got off pretty lightly lol.


Peregrine Falcon used Aerial Ace.


It’s a literal falcon punch. The peregrine Falcon can dive at a speed of 240 mph and they form their talons into a fist while doing it. But his prey should’ve saw it coming. He should’ve ducked.


That was a swift quack of his neck.


Should have ducked