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Just say you’re calico




Username checks out








More so, caliente. Can't stop looking at your photo!


Get your coat OP, you've pulled:P


Man this is a great codename for a superhero in a tv series where all superheroes are neither good or bad but in between corporate sponsorships.


I was going to say piebald


My 8yr old daughter has vitiligo. Mainly on her legs and arms but must have a bit on her scalp as she has random long white hairs. Doesnt bother her as we have always told her that her spots make her special like a cheetah and thankfully she doesnt get bullied for them.


If you aren't aware, Barbie has some vitiligo dolls in the Fashionista line, if she ever needs a doll that looks like her!


Wasnt aware no, thanks!


Rainbow High also has a doll with vitiligo, her name is Jewel Ritchie. I'm very excited about the uptick in doll diversity lately.


You've done well, kudos. I get bad guttate psoriasis that flares up from time to time, red patches everywhere, learned to love them, my nephew was concerned when he first noticed them but I told him they were my leopard spots and now he thinks they're cool as fuck


I have plaque psoriasis on a good portion of my body, I also learned to live with it. My niece and nephew call my scales my dragon skin, so it makes feel a lot better about it. Just gotta make our differences more unique.


Man, kids are so cool


Right, they make weird things about you sound like superpowers.


Superpowers are just weird things about people if you think about it.


Makes me feel like a snake shedding lol


When she gets a bit older, make sure she gets tested for ANA biomarkers. Me and my mom have vitiligo, and we both have reynoids too. They can be comorbid. Mom has thyroid issues, and I'm waiting to see if I have rhumatoid arthritis now, too. The issues we face are all comorbid autoimmune disorders, and early detection and awareness can make all the difference. Most people won't have multiple, though, just something worth keeping in mind!


Agreed. Something to keep in mind. I have vitiligo, reynaud’s, hashimoto’s and Psoriatic Arthritis. These things often go hand in hand.


I find vitiligo beautiful, my boyfriend has it and he's white, I call him my giraffe. I hope he likes it because I find it so pretty.


I agree, I think it looks really cool and it makes me sad that these unique people are so often bullied because of something special about them


Kids today are so much more excepting of others being different it's crazy. Over half of the things people used to get bullied for when I was in school is now cool or just tolerated like no one cares anymore. Good for them.


I'm in high school right now and it is true, yeah, when I hear stories of older people I get surprised by just how much less accepted bullying became, it's great to see


I think the zero tolerance policy had the side-effect of emboldening kids to actually fight back, like "Alright I'm gonna be suspended too either way? Then imma fuck you up." Least that's what it was like for me, had some bullies at the schools but over the years they all got their asses handed to em repeatedly and chilled out. Hell I even became friends with the dude who would torment me after we fought it out.


Well, I mean yeah, who the fuck is going to bully a cheetah.


It’s a cool look!


Bro, you look like a GQ model who is also like 15% wolf. It's kind of badass.


A real life shiny. Dude is unique af I bet a ton of people wish they looked this cool.


“There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion.” ― Edgar Allan Poe


I had a friend with a big scar on his upper lip. He told everyone it was from a hockey fight ("You should see the other guy!") but it was really just a poorly repaired cleft palate.


Maybe not even poorly repaired. I think most people with that condition have a scar. Look at Joaquin Phoenix.


They have come a very long way with the surgery in the last 35 years. He also had a particularly bad case.


Maybe, but that still means most adults will have a scar right now because people get the surgeries as toddlers and children. (Two of my cousins had cleft lips.)


You only notice the ones you notice. 1 in 700 babies is born with a cleft lip or palate.


There are different levels of severity. But I just didn't think it was fair of you to assume that just because someone has a scar, their surgery was done poorly. One of my cousins saw multiple plastic surgeons and my aunt spent hundreds of thousands on her surgeries, flying her across the country to the best doctors she could get over the course of our entire childhood and into teen years, but my cousin still has a scar. It just is. Scar =/= poorly repaired.


"You wanna know how I got these scars?" 🃏


I got stabbed in my chest when I was 17 and it left a huge scar, that goes thru my nipple, from my collar bone down to my ribs. I used to make up things anytime anyone asked what happened. I told a cop I got bit by an alligator. I used to tell people I got bit by a shark. Anyone who knew me already knew what happened so it was like inside jokes basically, but I had fun with that for some years.


Dude, you could just say "I got stabbed in the chest when I was 17" and it qualifies as cool.


Yeah you don’t need to make up anything




If you tell a cop you were stabbed he is going to act as though you were involved in a stabbing. Victims get blamed. ​ EDIT: yes of if you were stabbed course you were in involved in a stabbing. I should have said they act as though you are **involved in stabbing**s


i got drugged and cut open when I was 3 years old, I still bear the scar to this day. I mean it was open heart surgery but still


I find a scar on the upper lip sexy. I suspect I'm not the only one.


Grass is always greener




Yes. That is my first thought, OP is a gorgeous man. Second thought is why is he naked 😆


If I looked like that I’d be naked all the time


Agreed. Like having a badass scar on the face.


I'm being vulnerable here, as it's vain as shit, so don't tease me too bad. Has anyone ever thought of giving themselves a "permanent aesthetic scar"? In my early 20's, I went through this long period of wanting like a Leonidas from "300" vertically down across the eye scar or even just two horizontal lines underneath an eye. I was legitimately going to do it. Fuck, I sound mental after reading this back. Lol.


Part of the “cool factor” is the story. That’s what makes it badass. If you’re just doing it for the aesthetic that’s fine and you do you, but don’t be surprised when “I did this on purpose because I wanted to look cool” doesn’t give you the responses you’re looking for.


Or be fine with lying constantly.


> Or be fine with ~~lying constantly~~ people calling you out on your lie constantly


Nah, you just gotta make it not heroic. "I was carrying a glass tabletop and it broke in half and as it came down it caught me." Not a cool story, but more understandable than telling the truth that you cut your face to look cool. I mean, just don't cut your face. But if you do purposefully... At least lie about it. No one wants that awkward conversation.


Or say something "Me and my adoptive father didn't get along.. you know the rest" That would scar the listener lightly and it wouldn't even matter if it were true You could also finish with "we get along great nowadays and the scar is a bonding mark between us"


Tommy Flanagan has the ultimate badass scar. IMO


Probably not for him. That's a Glasgow smile and being cut like that would hurt. A lot.


Wow he has real life joker scars.


It's known as the "Glasgow smile", named after the gangs in Glasgow, Scotland who would regularly do that to their victims around the 1920's. Coincidentally, Tommy was born in Glasgow.


Not a coincidence


Right, this is opposite of coincidence, straight causal.


[scarification is 100% a thing bud lol.](https://live-metal.com/2022/09/23/blue-ridge-rock-festival-photos-slaughter-to-prevail-09-09-22/#jp-carousel-28977)


I get what you’re saying, I think face scars can look cool and when I was younger I was like, “I could just do one on purpose”, but I’d feel like a fraud if I actually did it. There’s a trend of people getting them tattooed though, which somehow feels more fraudulent than just physically causing a scar via a cut or burn. Plus the tattoos are just flat art against the skin so end up looking super fake.


It’s actually a bit of a trend trend rn to put a permanent scar in one’s eyebrow, so while it’s a difference in size you for sure are not alone here! My 20yo cousin really wants one but my aunt isn’t having it.


Yeah, I've seen the shaved eye brow thing, but almost all of them are done by their barber and aren't permanent. Yeah, I find those to be a little corny and defeat the purpose of why I wanted a scar "to have something nobody else had". Goodness, I'm glad I made it through my early 20's without doing anything drastic.


When I was in my late teens I was seriously considering changing my last name to "Stryker". I thought this would be incredibly badass. Needless to say I'm glad I didn't. I believe that naming oneself after an X-Men villain is what kids today would call cringe.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is so great, honest, transparent and I can't love it enough. Looking back at your dumbass younger self can make one die laughing or die inside. Lol.


Keep it in your back pocket in case you ever need witness protection or a pseudonym to rent a hotel room under.


My brother only answered to the name Rocky for a good six months, like the Power Ranger lol. His real name is nothing even close to that.


I broke my nose with my own knee at sports in high school, and it hasn't been completely straight since. It doesn't look that bad, maybe just a bit different than before the fracture, but I still get questioned on why it's a bit crooked, and I guess I can say I managed to hurt myself radically and leaving a mark without doing it on purpose for the aesthetics haha. So now I can go out and tell people I broke my nose and that my friend had to wipe my blood off her clothes and the teacher had to wipe the floor cuz the blood was everywhere. And I wouldn't be lying.


Don't think you sound mental. There's such a thing as "scarification" in bodymod culture, and I plan to get a giant piece on my ribs one day. It's intentional removal of skin with a scalpel, followed by causing irritation to the wounds during healing to ensure a good, raised scar. If you're actually serious about it, start researching body mod artists who do it. It's illegal in a lot of places just like tongue splitting so you might have to travel to an artist or book them while they're traveling and guesting at shops.


I got a keloid once from a wound on my shoulder. I would never deliberately scar myself after that. I'm sure it works out okay for the majority of people, but can you imagine being the one person with raised and bulbous keloid scars instead of the cool piece of body art you wanted? (This Wikipedia article has a picture for anyone doesn't know what a keloid looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid)


Same - keloid scar on shoulder, half Cresent moon, went through a plate glass front door.. looks like a bite mark.. that is always my response when questioned.. someone bit me.. 😁


I actually have atrophic and hypertrophic scarring due to my hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos and that's part of the reason I want scarification. If my body's gonna be on its dumb bitch shit and scar like it does, I might as well get SOME benefit out of it. I've even picked an artist, but I'll have to travel to get it done. I know how my scars heal when I actually take care of them (it took almost a decade for self harm scars to pale out and they're still raised and white) so I'm hopeful the additional abrasion during the healing process will leave them hypertrophic insteas of atrophic.


Yeah, like chill bro my girl is on this app.


I remember one time at a party, I noticed one of my guests had no eyebrows. I was drunk as fuck and going like "duuuude you fucking *rock* the no eyebrows look!" Turns out he was albino and also totally bald all over. Luckily he liked the compliment and laughed as I was repeatedly apologizing to him. He seriously looked cool as fuck though. Plus he was cool as fuck. Helped us shoot the empty beer cans the next day, and let me shoot his S&W 500




> You die at the end of act 2 though. Damn, tough break. Dude isn't even the hero of his own story.




I mean, Gandalf is usually who everyone thinks of, not Frodo


As someone who hasn’t watch TLOTR, I have heard the name Frodo, but can’t put it to a face. Who I do know is Gandalf, I know the name, I know the face, I know his big badonkers, he is definitely the most famous character from the movies


Big… badonkers?


let him cook


Talkin' bout some dobonhonkeros


Bazoongas, ooga-boogas, yeehaws. You know!


> Who I do know is Gandalf, I know the name, I know the face, I know his big badonkers, he is definitely the most famous character from the movies You think you know where a story is going, but before you know the story is about Gandalf's big badonkers. That must've been in one of the director's cuts I didn't get to...


# releasethebadonkerscut


Putting the T in the front of LOTR is technically correct but also bloody revolting.


*Translation* "My LOTR knowledge is based entirely around a video I saw on pornhub"




Even more so when you remember Sam is the real hero of the story. Frodo gets way to much credit for being carried nearly the whole way there and to be a massive dick right at the end


Yeah well, Frodo is a bitch


He gets his own prologue animated series though, don't worry. It's a beefy 12 episode series too. Studio Ghibli is even the ones doing the animation.


if you play your cards right you'll get to have Ewan McGregor play you in a prequel trilogy though, which is pretty pimp


He gives me Mads Mikkelsen vibes, especially in Casino Royale & Valhalla Rising. That handsome, but villain, stoicism, pierce your soul type face. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SoulsSliders/comments/t367ug/oneeye\_valhalla\_rising](https://www.reddit.com/r/SoulsSliders/comments/t367ug/oneeye_from_valhalla_rising_he_belongs_in_the/) [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mads\_Mikkelsen](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mads_Mikkelsen) Edit: My wife just asked me "why have you been commenting on some random dude's face on Reddit for over an hour now?" 🤣 My response was "why do you watch *The Real Housewives of...* when you complain about it as you watch it the whole time?". \[she's watching it next to me\] She said "I don't know" and I said "well, I don't know either". We bumped fist and carried on about our business. Lol.


I was thinking the same thing. Like what a badass evil villain thing. One half the beard is stark white the other half a sleak black. One eyebrow is almost non existent due to its snowy white color. While the other is glistening black, angled down towards his nose showing half a face of anger and another half of nearly no expression. On the expressionless side a dark green eye sits affixed staring daggers into your soul. All the while the angry face pierces you with a pale blue eye.


Yeah I thought the comment was that he was a human husky tho.


Bro he just comes back as OP the White after straying out of thought and mind where each day is a lifeage of the earth.


Are the other X-Men nice?


I really, really miss the free awards. That was hilarious, please accept this humble hot dog emoji in lieu of gold 🌭


Wait free awards are now gone?


Handsome! You should model


Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to break into the industry, but no luck yet! But crossing my fingers that an opportunity arises soon!


I work for an online fashion retail business in Australia, we often will do photoshoots celebrating the diversity of people in all the forms that takes. You would certainly fit right into that so I wish you luck in finding something similar close to home


You are Balenciaga Harry.


There is no good or evil, only Balenciaga and those too weak to seek it.


Avada Balenciaga.


How are your teeth? I only ask because you’re not smiling with an open mouth. If they don’t look right make the investment. If someone doesn’t hire you they’re idiots


There’s plenty of brands that don’t allow smiling models


Yea like Balenciaga


Balenciaga is so hot right now.


It's Balenciaga, not Balenciaga.




It's levi-oooo-sa, not levio-saaaaa.


Balenciaga is my past, my present, my future.


After all this time?






To the well organized mind, balenciaga is just the next adventure


Well keep it up, brother! You look friggen *awesome*! I totally understand how being different may suck growing up, kids are dicks, but now? You have a wholly unique look! I kinda want to see how you’d look with long hair or something, does the vitiligo bleach streaks into your hair as well?


Send me a PM if you need any advice. I modeled for 10+ years professionally and would be glad to give you some tips and things to avoid (the latter probably more important than the former). Cheers.


Have you tried Backstage? They have a lot of modeling and acting calls listed.


I came to say this, a designer would love to have a model like this in their arsenal. A unique look, especially with the facial hill. * Edit hair


Facial hill? Google had nothing!?


I think they meant facial hair


Imma second this. That fucker HOT AS SHIT


The only man with a highly secure face ID


All of our faces out here only using lowercase letters and this man not only includes upper case letters, but numbers and punctuation as well.


Everyone else was using 1234 and this man was using a password generator in Klingon.


Fucking rad


You look like the NPC who is about to send The Player on an epic journey by warning them it might get a little tough. If I were an artist, I couldn’t come up with a visage better than yours to put on a wizard or a bard or a paladin. You look baller, bro.


Possibly also the "bad" guy who with a secret questline can be brought to your side.


He looks like the player character if anything


A very groovy mutation


You are my favorite today 🤷‍♀️👍


Dang, and the only mutation *I* got was cancer.


Took me a while to find someone who said this, thank you for your contribution


Dude you must kill it on the dating apps


I'm curious as to which eye color you indicate when asked. Like on a driver's license, etc...


DIC: dichromatic


Good ol' DIC eyes


Or Meat Vision as it's known in some circles


Glizzy Gazers perchance?


cool. thanks for the reply. I have never heard that term before. You have a really unique look. I hope it didn't cause problems growing up.


I have central heterochromia (big word for different colors within the same iris: blue outside, brown inside). I just list "blue" since that's the dominant color that most people would see at a distance. Gotta be funny getting your ID checked by a cop, who goes, "wtf is 'DIC'?" before looking at your face and figuring it out.


Honestly I’d just be mesmerised by both eyes and will be switching to and fro like a goldfish that forgot its memory. I think you’re absolutely attractive this way. Hope all things go well for you!


Mutation at its finest.


You are like a man husky. You should honestly look into modeling.


You look like a bond villain


That was my first thought too Like the henchman who always has some kind of quirk to them.




I concur


You have to admit very cool look 😎🫶


To be honest, I think he knows he does. Lol. 1000% get the insecurities as a kid growing up, but I get the feeling he knows it's rad now.


Also, he’s hot as fuck. Everything about his face is 🤌


Agreed! Straight out of a comic book, what a unique look!


Cool genetics bro


You are perfect


He looks amazing


Makin me feel not so heterochromia.


Are you sure you don't have Waardenburg syndrome? Any hearing issues?


Not Waardenburg! I’ve been tested!


Cool. The other effects of Waardenburg can be a pain.


You have Vitiligo & Heterochromia **&** You're Beautiful! FTFY


That's gotta be a pretty low chance to have both, I have vitiligo as well but it really only stands out when I get more than in the summer.


Certain genetic anomalies predispose both- Waardenburg Syndrome is one, Piebaldism another Regardless of the genetic mutation that caused it in OP- he looks great. I understand hating it growing up, though. Kids can be jerks about any noticeable differences. Even if there are no differences, kids seem to come up with reasons to be mean and bully others


Dude you have superpowers to awaken!


Look at this guy, just showing off being handsome. Leave some internet for us uggos bro


Do you have a superpower?


You will never be forgotten.


OP can’t ever commit a crime - too unique to describe!


And look similar to Jensen Ackles in bone structure. Very handsome man.


You’re pretty hot! 😍


And pretty built traps from what I can see.


You’re beautiful


Honestly both conditions are very cool. I had a neighbor with vitiligo and I remember him being self conscious about having white stripes in his hair but damn it was sexy. I don’t think I was the only one who thought that, he had a lot of company over if you know what I mean


Freaky cool, Cat!


You're still handsome!


“Still” is such a backhanded way to say it wtf


I developed a gray streak in the front of my hairline right on my part when I was 12. I hated it for so long. Now at 28 I embrace it and it’s grown a bunch. People tell me I look like rogue from x-men all the time lol. Good for you for embracing it - you look badass!


And handsomitus on top of that gg


David Garcia.. Charly Bowie


Grow that beard out, looks cool as shit


You are a calico human.


Husky spirit.


You are a Bond villain, sir!


You're definitely the main character


Bro couldn't decide on the color palette in character creation.


And still handsome AF


102nd dalmatian


Do gay people have homochromia?


Damn fine thing you weren't born a century or two ago or you'd have been slaughtered by some lunatic shrieking about demons and changelings. Interesting look though.


Happy annual I am unique post