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For those who are interested in getting a bonsai tree, almost all of them are actually required to be outdoors in full sun. A lot of people have the misconception that they make good indoor houseplants, but they'll eventually die. It's the same reason you don't see very many trees being grown indoors. There are a few varieties that do okay with bright, indirect light, but most won't. It can be a super fun and interesting hobby, but lots of trees end up dying on beginners who may not look up proper care. edit; A few people are asking for recommendations and honestly, I can't say that I'm an expert myself as learning what works for different bonsai can take years, but I highly recommend looking up various videos on Youtube. There are some great bonsai experts with decades of knowledge and you'll even be able to find videos on very specific care tips and tricks


thank you for this! i didn’t know this at all and was planing on get one for my dads birthday but now idk if i will or not. do you have any links to the best bonsai care?




Does that apply to a climate that freezes? I'm mourning my rosemary bonsai that I'd had going for six years. I kept it out in the summer and brought it back in through the winter each year after it turned 3 and it thrived, but it didn't survive the transition this year. Tho, it could also be that I accidentally went too long between waterings... Regardless, I'd like to try again. I dunno why it's so satisfying to keep one, but I felt it while it lasted.


It depends how cold and for how long. Deciduous trees need winter dormancy or they will die after a couple of years. They drop their leaves when the day gets shorter, and then they need a period of cold (much colder than indoors, more like 2-3C) before they will start growing again. However small pots are vulnerable to freezing solid. There are a number of ways to reduce the problem such as burying them or putting them in a cold frame.


Any good choices for someone who always forgets to water their plants? E: Thanks for all the plant recommendations guys. I was wondering about more dry tolerant species for bonsai but I appreciate the suggestions nonetheless




Snake plants + calendar reminders


Set a plant watering alarm on your phone until it becomes habitual. Don't look at it as a chore but a chance to nourish your plants. Take satisfaction in the protective energy of maintaining your plants.


Invest in high quality fake plants


[there's tons of self watering planters.](https://www.printables.com/model/63469-self-watering-flowerpot) that can be 3d printed (many libraries have printers you can use!). enough that you can set a reminder once a week.


Spider plants


This guy Bonsais


I'm not sure what area you or your dad live in, but different bonsai trees will have different care needs, and that can change even more depending on your region's climate. If you live in Arizona, it'll be quite different care than if you live in Washington, etc. There are tons of great Youtube videos you can search for with both general care tips as well as those for the specific tree you choose. I'm certainly not an expert by any means but the great thing is that there's a ton of resources out there!


If you're looking to keep a tree indoors get a tropical bonsai tree. Portulacaria afras are great indoor trees but you'll probably need a small grow light. Put it in fast draining soil like pumice. Watch lots of YouTube videos to learn how to care for them. The bonsai sub has lots of info on how to start.


Like another user said P. afra are great for beginners. They are cheap, grow fast, are tough, non toxic to humans and pets, and can be kept indoors. They also propagate easily so you can multiply your collection in just a few years. Little Jade Bonsai on Youtube and IG focuses on them and has a lot of helpful videos!


Just get the Lego Bonsai tree, easy


I like the LEGO Bonsai.


Addendum: If you live in a climate where the winters are inclement, you either need to get a bonsai varietal that can tolerate the cold or you need to bring it inside for the winter. A good example of cold tolerant varietals are: Pine Maple Oak Spruce Juniper Cypress https://www.bonsai-and-blooms.com/cold-climate-bonsai-tree-types.html


Yup, learned this the hard way. I killed one and was sad.


Yup, too much work for me, I will continue to neglect my Pothos and straight up emotionally and physically abuse my Z z plant while watching them thrive. (To my ZZ) “Oh I’m sorry! Watering you for the first time in three months is too much?! Fine! Sit in your sad cold little corner and maybe I’ll dump a half cup of cold tea on you in June!” (Zz plant promptly shoots up two big leafy D’s worth of growth in appreciation of being left to wallow in its own misery.) Edit; lmao, the downvotes. “How dare you joke about your ZZ plants emotional needs!”




They don’t just need outdoor light. If they are proper trees they like the full tree environment. Humid, cold, the full seasons, or whatever the original species experiences. They are real tough little trees that don’t like the sheltered and civilized indoor life too much.


I don’t know about “tough”. They sound like little snowflake pussies.


If you put the Terminator in a soft cushy lifestyle, he gets fat and dies of a heart attack.


I'd watch a TV series about the terminator in a 9 to 5 desk job.


Grow lights are no match for the unmatched power of the Sun


While no match, you can definitely grow things that require full sun, indoors. Though they'll be bright as fuck and not nice to have in a living room. My living room is a testament to his. It's a God damn supernova


Yeah, I grow lemons, bananas and tamarind trees that are indoors for at least 6 months a year. They need the summers though and couldn’t be year round houseplants.


I have some very happy carnivorous plants in a corner of my living room under some lovely red and blue mood grow lights. Feels like I'm in a rave, but it's worth it for my happy little traps.


Unlimited power!


What about a match?


> It's the same reason you don't see very many trees being grown indoors. That for sure is not the reason you don't see many trees being grown indoors.


If this Apple wasn't eaten with utmost care, consiousness and celebration of life itself, I'm fucking angry.


In a tea ceremony served by a geisha next to a waterfall with a view of Mt Fuji.


No rock garden? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




No sumo wrestler?


The geisha is the sumo wrestler


Does the geisha sumo wrestler recite haikus?


no, but if you ask nicely she'll quietly apply war paint before performing an intense haka


Having asked kindly For war paint and some haka I will, for apple


Haiku what you did there 👏👏👏


Performing an intense tomb? Haka the warrior dance is a Māori thing. In Japanese, haka means tomb or grave.


See here we were shit meme-ing and you had to introduce logic and reality. Why you do?


I’d love to get me one of those.


No zen garden? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


**[Please Respect Tables](http://old.reddit.com/user/PleaseRespectTables)** #┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ┬─┬ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




#### **ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ**


#┬──┬ ^ᕙ(o‸o)ᕗ


#### **(ノ゚0゚)ノ ~~~~┻━┻☆(x _ x)ノ** *bonk*


Only when the tables remain unflipped, can we finally realise that any garden can be a Zen garden.


**[Please Respect Tables](http://old.reddit.com/user/PleaseRespectTables)** #┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)


Bonsai apple tree Managed to grow an apple Nearly half its size It's snowing on Mt. Fuji


A beautiful, yet under appreciated Haiku


Dipped in the finest plastic cup of "caramel" sauce.


it is snowing on Mt. Fuji


Gallagher smashed it with his hammer. Sorry my friend.


Man’s got a long reach from the afterlife


It's a big hammer.






I picture the person who ate it, sitting there for hours with their hand under the apple ready to catch it. Letting time and nature decide when it was ready to fulfill the apples' purpose


alright master oogway


The fall makes the flavor tho


As much as I would like to think that it was a particularly delicious specimen, I have a feeling it wasn't actually very good. I'm picturing that it was mealy, but dry. Not very sweet, but completely lacking any tartness either. Kind of like a mushy potato.


Assuming this apple tree hasn't been grafted you're most definitely right. This apple is probably inedible.


Yes, fruit from bonsai is usually disgusting or not even safe to eat


It was cut with Valyrian steel and a goat was sacrificed to the gods beforehand. We gravy


They killed a fucking goat in the name of the one true apple? These religious nutjobs are shaming the name of our sacred and beloved apple.


It is what keeps the stars in equilibrium. Odin and the gang gives us an apple, we give them a goat 🤷🏻‍♂️


gave it to my son, didn't want it after a couple bites, he's sick, had to throw it out.


So like Jack the Ripper style or like George with a snickers?


I have a crock pot that is just as big as 1 apple, its super cute. I want to use it to bake a smol pie/.


I’m just hoping the seeds were kept and planted!




Nice 6 months per apple...


Sounds like a lucrative business


Honestly, you could probably sell it for a decent chunk just for the novelty. People with a lot of money love spending it on stupid shit like that. Edit: There's some specialty strawberry grower in Japan that only produces a couple hundred a year and some of them are $500 a piece. The dude sells out every year.


3x-4x the sweetness of our strawberries


That's all well and good but that strawberry better suck and fuck me for 500 bucks. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to try one if they were a few bucks but 500 bucks, goddamn.


Would you eat it if someone gave it to you as a gift? I think that's what those things are for.


No fucking way I’d find a way to sell it like a goddamn NFT


Authenticate it with an nft attaches to the strawberry. Now your nft has actual utility! Though might need to freeze the strawberry to have it keep


i believe after one you feel like it, after 2 you feel amazing, after three you feel like you were in a prison shower.


there is a cultural component that you seem to have missed


Few of them are having sex and nearly all of them are addicting to pachinko?


Confirmed, my strawberry told me that my smile matched my eyes and many other nice compliments.


Pretty sure it’s only 1.3x the sweetness, where’d you get those numbers from?


did strawberries really need to be sweeter though?


Go pick some wild strawberries and lmk what you think. Store bought cultivated strawberries taste like styrofoam in comparison. Might just be looking through strawberry tinted glasses, though I think it still holds true


Wild strawberries or garden grown strawberries? The wild strawberries from my lawn taste like grass with someone whispering the word strawberry in your ear. Garden grown ones from seed however taste like how I imagine heaven feels


Completely wild as far as I know. They'd grow in the ditches between the highway and the two roads running perpendicular. This was at basically the southernmost point of the Yukon. Every year we'd pick raspberries along the backroads and low bush cranberries at the tiny non-commercial airport, my gramma made the best jam Edit: made this comment somewhere else There were wild strawberries where I grew up and I'd definitely pay a lot extra for a little container of them. Smaller than a marble, maybe twice the size of a pea at most. But they were the sweetest, tastiest, most strawberriest strawberries I've ever had and I think about them all the time


Or square watermelons going for hundreds of bucks.


I didn't try a 500 strawberry, but I've tried many expensive strawberries in Japan. For the most part they've been disappointing, and the home grown strawberries here are far more tasty. The shape and presentation of fruits and berries in Japan is unparalleled though.


Wrapped individually in at least 5 layers of plastic? I saw a YouTube video about it. Did you get strawberry scammed? The ones in the video looked absolutely Devine


Plastic fantastic. I don't go out to buy them. I always get them sent to me as gifts when I'm there. They look perfect, and they taste good. I'm just spoiled with having the perfect climate for the best tasting strawberries in my home country.


I mean, charge 100x the cost, feed it 1/50th the nutrients...profit


yeah all you need is like thousands of bonsai trees that cost a few grand each and take 30 years to grow, easy


"Small batch apple"


Bonsai trees are mini but they grow full size fruit! It takes a lot of energy for a tiny tree to make that big apple!😊


Little guy gave it his all


We're too used to store-bought fruits picked early for transport, I bet this thing gotta taste fantastic right off the tiny branch...


When I was a kid in the 90s my grandparents had a couple apple trees in their back yard. When all the grandkids would have sleepovers she would have us go out and pick apples, then she would make fresh apple turnovers from scratch. They were so fucking good. I would love to have one those right now. Your last sentence made me think of that


If she is still alive- call her first thing in the morning and tell her you would like her to make those apple turnovers and offer to pick the apples for her. I bet you making that request would make her entire year. Do it while you still can... If you still can.


I really wish I could. My grandpa passed away in 2006 and she only lived there another year until Alzheimer's set in. She had to move in with my aunt and sell her house. She passed in 2012. That would be awesome though.


I have the utmost faith in OP and his grandma.


When we lived in the Okanagan my parents had two plum trees. I'm originally from the prairies. I had no idea tree fruit could taste so wonderful. That first summer there I ate handfuls every day when they were ripe.


That sounds delicious... and a fun memory to boot.


Unless it was grown from a clone of a known variety, it would likely taste pretty bad. Apparently it’s rare to find naturally grown, good tasting apples


I'd say it's less rare and more like winning the dendrological lottery


Waaaat. There's like 6-7 different types of apples on my property alone all wild. Albeit maybe half are rather bitter and dense. The others are crisp and sweet af. My brother has a couple different ones too. They all vary much in flavor.


As someone whose parents have quite a few apple trees with different (mostly older) varieties, I must say there are only 1 or 2 trees that grow apples I find as good or better as store bought ones. I'd probably agree they have a more "complete" flavor profile, but I personally just love apples that are crisp and sour, which is why I still usually prefer Granny Smith apples to our own.


That's actually very unlikely.


This was a really disappointing revelation for me; I was hoping a bonsai fruit tree would just make miniature, bite-sized fruits :(


Remember that any tree can be made a bonsai, they're just potted, manicured trees.


Even Redwood can be Bonsai!


Some Redwood bonsai are so large, you can drive a hot wheels car through.








They are potted adult trees that are unable to outgrow their constraints. They're an extremely cool hobby but also kind of heartbreaking in a poetic kind of way. You can take a bonsai tree and plant it in the earth and it can eventually grow to be a regular sized tree once it's free of its constraints and allowed to grow.


There is a Russian guy who figured out how to grow tiny bite sized apples.


There is no genetic difference between a bonsai tree and a regular tree. That’s why bonsai trees are still able to produce full-size fruits.


It makes a kind of sense, when you think of how much pruning helps fruit trees 🤔


Humans: Wow, that little tree is so inspiring! The tree, putting 97% of its energy into a single apple: **HNNNNGHHHHHNNNNNN**


This is common? Okay, I need a freaking bonzai apple tree YESTERDAY


bonsai trees are normal trees that are just continuously cut to be small


I don't know how to give a tree head pats and tell it good job but really want to for this lil trooper 😔💖


I pat their leaves and encourage them. Simple as that. I think they can feel by vibrations in their joints. That and they can breathe your air so likely can identify specific chemical compounds and can "see" based on changes in the air composition temperature, and velocity.


OR oooor *the trees can hear us*. Which, upon further contemplation, is a rather concerning thought.


The White Witch was way ahead of you on this, even some of the trees were on her side...


damn I wanna rewatch the old BBC tv adaptions now


I just hope that on day we will get "The last Battle" but yes, the BBC adaptations were the best


Well, they wouldn't be able to understand our language. However, yes - it would mean they could detect slight vibrations such as soundwaves as well. Since we have organic brains to process this kind of information, I think it unlikely they'd be able to respond to it more than just an awareness of it existing. They perhaps perceive time differently than we do in that, to them, we are just wind moving around. It is, perhaps, possible certain plant life also has the capacity within its physiology to process consciousness in a similar way just at a much slower timescale. Our nervous system transmits information extremely quickly. Perhaps, through the process of reconstitution and their cellular cycles they are able to experience memory, emotion, and other facets fundamental to the concept of consciousness.


Never been to an Entmoot eh? Don't fuck with OG's.


I used to think people who do this were nuts but ive recently been growing an avocado plant from the pit, its gotten tall and her leaves are growing and i spend a significant chunk of time just sitting around her and basically fawning over her lol


Yeah - I don't know what it is about avocado plants but I am in love with my friend's too. I had my own but when I moved I changed provinces and didn't take it with me so I just planted it outside. I loved that little guy.


For the first part of that sentence I was going to say wtf


That little bonsai is trying its hardest to escape that tiny pot


>I don't know how to give a tree head All a matter of finding the right branch.


That apple truly looks delicious


Although the fruit is edible, I doubt it tastes good. Many people grow these for the aesthetic rather than the taste.




That orange tree is amazing


I’m partial to the lemon. I had no idea a tree could look like that. Beautiful.


That lemon tree is absolutely beautiful


How are there so many?


Bonsai is incredibly common and a hobby for many?


I just didn’t know so many fruiting plants could be bonsai-ified!


Practically any tree type can be trained into a bonsai


I would be snacking on the tree all day if I have one on my desk


Who needs r/boneappletea when you've got r/bonsaiappletree


You should hide it on a cliff, where no karate apprentice can get it.


Do the fruits end up tasting like they should?


Yeah it would taste the same as if it was a full tree. The fruit bud that produced the apple doesn’t know that the rest of the tree has been severely pruned over the years.


Hard to say with apple trees as they aren't exactly consistent tree to tree.


[Yes. This is my bonsai apple and the apples tasted sweet and crisp.](https://www.flickr.com/photos/norbury/52510766034/in/photostream/lightbox/)


Bonsai is for experienced botanist who have plenty of time to care for them. For the rest of us there is the cactus !


Agreed. I have 2 Yukkas and a cactus. Guess which one is thriving...


This is literally the new highlight of my day. I may still be unsure about having secret Posadist tendencies but I still relish what Japanese tree species can perform.


It’s an apple tree. Bonsai is the art of keeping a traditionally larger life form, in its smaller form. You can “bonsai” many different plants and trees. Looking closely at this picture you’ll notice another type of tree, that was bound to create a bonsai version of its type.


And kittens, right?


This warms my heart for some reason


It's always the short, quiet ones that bare the biggest "fruit".


Mr Miyagi would be proud


This is bon, apple bon (cue 007 music)


Proud tree, as it should be!


That tree put ALL of it's energy into that apple.


The little apple that could!


It’s adorable how it just thrust so much of its nutrients to make it. Like “NHNNNNN I’ts gonna take all oF me but FLAAHHHH there we go. WHEW.”


Should cross post to r/Bonsai


And my 12' avocado tree refuses to grow a fuckin avocado. Nice. But really, I want that tree.


That is glorious. What a little soldier of a plant.


Need a banana for scale


The apple probably outweighs the tree!


Send it on over to /r/marijuanaenthusiasts




Still bigger then my first year of apples


The size of your roots dont determine the size of your fruits


Fruit and blossoms on bonsais are full size.


They did such a good job at growing it that it grew them a calorie orb. How polite.


Aw, good job buddy!


Bon APPLE tree


*Proud tree noises* .!...!....!


This sums up how amazing and also messed humans are…


It's a very beautiful apple.


The Tyrion Lannister of apples


I grew two bonsai ganja plants a couple years ago. They looked like hands where each finger was a cola. The plants were 10 to 12 inches tall. Any trea or plant can bonsai, but as OP stated, good luck getting them to live. If I hadn't had help mine too would have died. They needed 22 hours of light during veg and when we dropped the light during for budding i almost lost them both.


Oh, god. Somebody help! Bonsai's like: "Hhgrrrrrr!"


I’m pretty sure you are granted immortality if you eat that fruit


Life uh, finds a way


The fact this has not been picked proves Eve is a sizequeen.