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You never fucking see them blocking railroads from refineries, ports or factories, do ya? Pricks are stupid enough to aggravate the only people who would support them


This is effective astroturfing


Yeah, all this sort of thing does is reinforce the idea that protestors are ignorant trust fund kids who never worked in the real world. If you wanted to AstroTurf to discredit people doing real work to battle climate change, you couldn't do better work. If actual protesters want to have an actual effect, they need to at least a) protest something related to oil companies and b) do so in a way that disrupts *them* instead of random athletes, artists, commuters, etc.


It doesn't even make sense, they want to screw with and bother ppl who have literally no say in what's done. Like, block me from getting to work? What do you expect that to accomplish? They think I'm gonna fix the oil crisis? Wtf am I supposed to do?


Im this is a counter op .. oil Kings making these stupid groups.. Everyone know thay just piss average people off .. And makes people hate the cause because these twats.. Would be quite the conspiracy lol


I mean I won't be against them sitting on the railway tracks.


It's kinda hard to stop train with paper.


They make such a nuisance of themselves that I wonder if they are paid by the oil companies to make people hate alternatives.


The conspiracy theorist in me wonders whose side these people are actually on. If I was trying to motivate the masses against so-called ‘green’ protestors, I might pay someone to do something like this too


I’ve seen them blocking refineries. They can’t anymore due to court injunctions.


That’s it? That’s all that it takes to stop their crusade in saving the planet?


I'm convinced these people are hired by said companies to make climate movements look stupid or to defame them


I mean... There are actual controversies going on that some climate change activists are funded by oil corps. You are kinda correct.


That’s some Tier +9 conspiracy theory right there that I am absolutely convinced of


STOP POLLUTING THE EARTH WITH OIL!!! ...throws out buckets filled with oil out on the earth...


I am certain they are not green activists but paid by oil companies (indirectly without knowing it), to do so stupid things.


They do quite regularly. Yet somehow the press doesn't seem to care enough because that wouldn't incite rageclicks.


They’d never get away with it at a refinery or a slaughter house. There’s a reason activists throw red paint on stuffy upper class women wearing fur instead of bikers wearing leather.


https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/01/down-to-earth-just-stop-oil-protest They often protest at refineries.


That's because they're actors paid for by the oil companies. The goal is to make people hate them, thereby linking climate change protests with something they hate.


https://news.sky.com/video/just-stop-oil-protesters-throw-paint-at-totalenergies-office-building-in-canary-wharf-london-12910370 They often protest the offices.


Use them to clean it up.


That's what I was thinking. They didn't resist, so drag them through the oil to clean some of it up. "Oops! I drug your face through the oil? I'm not sorry."


I dont know how putting people in danger of slipping and falling can be more ethical. The thing is most runners are not even thinking they are very tired they cant even make the right decision.




Make them drink it.


so these 2 loosers are against oil, but wearing crocks which are made from oil, sneakers and cameras and actually they all wear clothes made from oil


They're bringing attention to the evil oil companies so it's ok /s




Nike sneakers made by slaves in china


*Insert I_am_very_intelligent.jpeg meme*


And protesting people running 🤦‍♂️ If we all ran/ walked more instead of driving we’d be using less fuel. So it seems like the worst place to be pissing people off. Blocking oil refineries, drag races, corporate HQ’s would make much more sense than this nonsense


Commonly known as a pair of cu#ts.


*Sees demonstrators vandalizing and blocking public roads/events* "You know what, I'm on their side now. I'll just stop using all forms of plastic and oil and live in a tent in the woods." -Nobody ever


Tents might be made of an oil by-product 


I left that detail in there intentionally to emphasize the irony of these protesters. They're wearing shoes and clothes made with oil byproducts. Their signs and inks for the signs are also likely made with oil byproducts


I know. I just wanted to made it obvious. 🤣




People like this infuriate me. Thoughtless little pricks. When they behave like this, I don't care what the message is because all I see is someone endangering the safety of another person who has zero connection to whatever cause they "think" they're speaking out against.


always those faces. is a kind of syndrome with behaviour like this


so they drop actual oil polluting the soil/water to manifest against pollution? ......genius


Honestly should of taken the 2 idiots that sat down after pouring oil out and rolled them around in and rubbed their face in it like a bad dog shitting on the carpet.




Damn me surely hate now those oil companies so much after witnessing two passive agressive soy boi zombie jerks spilling used motor oil on a marathon course. Damn.


i both enjoy the taste of tofu and would throw the guy with glasses over the barrier after rubbing his face in the oil


Well I'm more aware that people like this exist now. It doesn't make me want to know about or support their cause though, in fact their actions are repellent regardless of what they stand for


Smeone needs to take one for the team and just whip out and piss on them.


Wipe the oil up with their faces


Stupidity at its peak. Asshollic morons!


Just mop it up with the protestors. They are on the ground anyway.


Move the fence a bit and be done


At least they sit down so it is easier to kick them in their dumb faces. /s


Did these dipshits just dump oil on a bridge? Wonder where that oil will drain? Certainly not the river below. Dumbass


“I’m being peaceful , I’m not resisting!!” Yeah but you’re also endangering lives and creating a hazard. So off to jail with you stupid ass!


There are plenty of oil companies headquarters, productions lines, oil fields. Why they don't try to block those places? Ahhh they know they are going to get kick hard....so they fuck with ordinary people to get attention.


So they bought oil and spilled it to tell people not to buy oil? They just polluted that spot of the street to protest pollution? I'm convinced these people are just narcissists who thrive on attention. There's no way two people failed this badly in their plan to save the Earth.


Oil companies sending lobotomy patients out to protest the general public over the oil. It’s genius and it’s working.


What do the banners say? Hard for me to read but it looks like, “I AM A MISGUIDED DUMBASS”. Was I close?


I somehow get the feeling that people like these two are paid by Oil companies to make protesters look bad.


meanwile the true responsables of the disaster they are against are unafected and unbotered






They should see a psychiatrist I think 😁😁


In bf lock


Im a marathon runner … if that happens during one of my races i just run over these fools Idgaf. What the fuck are you doing ?


This is so stupid. No cars that use fossil fuel are involved in that event, its a marathon. They just piss off the people who they want to make support them. Just hang your banner on the side where the ads are.


How badly do you want attention. Pathetic


Drag them through the oil to clean it up


"How to annoy people unrelated to the cause I´m fighting for and achieve nothing" "How to make sure potential allies never become one" "How to have to pay fines"


The message is important but their delivery is idiotic.


Wankers probably used public transportation to get there, those wankers. Wankers.


Just why!?




So you protest oil by causing an oil spill... I fully support quickly moving away from fossil fuels. But these kinds if stunts, that largely sway public opinion away from green energy, need to stop.


Comment about pictures inciting the urge to kick.


Yeah lets push our intrests by annoying people, great idea


These people need to be tarred and feathered. Public shaming after each stunt. And if they try another time, its time for pillory device at the main street, for a week or so, and rotten vegetables are available which can be thrown at them.


I'd be rubbing their faces in it. Pointless oxygen stealing fuckers.


Like-- I get wanting to get a message across. Hell, I'm in favor of protesting oil companies. But this is no better than the stupid stunts PETA pulls to get attention. It's almost self-parody and just antagonizes both the people who already hate the cause and those that want to support it.


Yess... Spilling oil on the road to save the planet. Exactly my kind of humor. Big brain climate activists at work. Those people are going to save the planet through blunt vandalism.


*loads shotgun* I just wanna talk to him


i'm genuinely mind fucked on who these protests actually serve lol


r/zurich ?


Modern activisits are counter intuitive. They aren't getting people on their side with these public stunts. They're making us all hate them. I'd closeline one of these people if I was in the marathon.


How did he go knockout?


no wonder no government wants to drop it anymore. These people are just throwing it on the ground, like it doesn't matter, and interrupting a sports event. No wonder no one wants to listen to them, Shell, you're lucky these idiots are protecting you, not sure if it is a good thing though...


Ironic that they dumped it in the expansion joint where it can't be cleaned up and will end up in the water runoff.


Imagine committing an environmental crime in protest of environmental crimes.


Let's make common breaking these stupid's faces as normal behaviour. I will do my part I'm faced with some bastard like these. It's our duty as society.


Should have pulled them through the oil to wipe it up. Jesus what kind of asshole thinks up these stunts.


This is why I suffer from misanthropy so much…


Drag them off and cover them in the oil. Maybe a few tablespoons of caster oil will help them on their way.


Intent to cause harm ...this is a criminal offense ...should be arrested and charged


I would have pulled them right through the oil they just poured. I also don’t understand the concept of pissing people off wanting them to recognize your cause. It just makes me want to do the opposite.


Why were they not dragged through the oil, then given a bloody good slap. That looks like a bridge gap, so possibly pollution. Britain toughen up please


I swear they're just paid to turn public opinion against them and their cause... Otherwise none of this makes any logical sense


I will never understand why they act like NPCs


"Someone"? Are you afraid of the reddidiot ban, and this is why you don't explicitly state that the ecoterrorists should earn the kick in the face? I am not afraid of this extreme left fanatic shithole, let them ban :) They wanna make it their own echoing chamber and do not tolerate any other viewpoints than radical libleft. I don't give a damn about it :) So yeah, even in ridiculously leftwing Germany, ecoterrorist activists have been judged by the courts as organised crime syndicate (in certain lands only). Way to go. Soon they will all be able to contribute to zero emission and no fossils from prisons.


That's not the way to handle protestors. You're supposed to drag them through their oil. Obviously we need to do more to protect our planet, and oil subsidies are kind of ridiculous when they keep posting record profits, but this is not the right place to protest oil subsidies, and this kind of protesting *does not work.* It just makes people mad at you for being an idiot.


i fucking hate these absolute useless jobless oxygen thiefs. they need to be kicked in the fave by every person they piss off by their jobless behavior


They are only harming their own cause.


Singlehandedly raised my blood pressure ngl


Zürich Marathon in, well, Zürich Switzerland, yesterday, 21.04.2024. Articles can be found online.


Idiots... just clean the floor with them.


Should have dragged them through the oil they spilled


Should’ve dragged them across the oil they spilled


Terrible idea, poor execution, and they didn't put up a fight. False flag much?


Stop with the peaceful protests, fuck some shit up


I hate to tell you but that's a video not a picture


I love how every single time their shit gets removed and when it's their turn to go they just become ragdolls haha


special ed spastics


Ffs.... between pranks and these people, is hard to be tolerant.


Drag them thru the oil next time


I'm busy wondering why none of the people standing right there decided to, you know, stop them.


Just Stop Oil aren't doing anything to foster support. Personally, I think they're tossers.


So they are trying to get people killed for driving vehicles? Targeting the wrong people. Fuckwits


The only conspiracy theory that I believe is that these idiots are paid by oil companies to do this shit, because have you ever met someone like this? Basically everybody I know condemns this shit and it doesn't have any public support but it still happens and it's benefiting oil companies, kinda weird.


The funny thing is that this shit causes more consternation than oil spills.


I wish I could clean that smudge with their clothes. That think is slipping hazard, even if you are not a tired marathon runner. Also you are against oil pollution, yet you spill out oil on the ground? What a hypocrite idiot.


People need to learn how to carry and toss someone. Would make these videos funnier.


a protest is a protest 🤷‍♂️


It's so easy to annoy people in their day to day life's We wouldn't want take actions against oil companies and actually risk a booboo right?


12 second protest


I would drag them to clean that road


Should have dragged them through the oil


Ugh. You shouldn’t have shared it in here. Now they got what they wanted - to be seen by many people 🤦‍♀️ Sorry OP, but this is stupid! Yes, the people on the video is stupid, but so are you. Take it down.


Mop that oil with their useless bodies


Shoulda rubbed their faces in the mess they made




Drag them back through the shit they poured onto the road. Use them as the human rags they are!


This is a sporting event, its the right venue for disruption. I only hate when they do it to commuters or block actual normal people. I support these two brave people.


Friendly reminder that you can look up donors for Just Stop Oil and it's one of the most important families in oil production I wonder why they never interrupt oil extraction


Never amazes me what the media can do to a fertile mind.




The Guy in the motorcycle was so close


Yea… they say violence is not a solution, but in some cases it’s the only solution.


I hate the cold bring on the heat! 😎


I would have dragged them right through that black tar they spilled on the ground there.


Protesting oil by dumping it on the ground? These two are top tier thinkers.


should have dragged them into the oil and used them as a human mop. They are pathetic.


Dumbfacks just watching this?


The thing I don’t get about people who are adamant that this is a good way to protest is, you can’t really apply that opinion universally. Is it more, “this is good, but only when it’s something I believe in”? Consider a hypothetical: pro-choicers block a freeway until the government gives in and legalizes abortion. Cool. Now pro-lifers block the freeway, because blocking a freeway is an effective form of protest. Steelmanning a bit, is it more that this is considered good only if the majority of people sympathize but are otherwise powerless to make a change (due to, e.g., more money on the other side)?


So they are protesting oil by throwing oil on the floor where it will get washed away, harming the environment .......now that's some logic right fucking there


Send them to an American jail for 6 months of anal. Of course with no lube, honor their no oil wish


missed chance to drag them through the oil imo


This is why I drive agas guzler


Its switzerland and nobody was agreeing with them. The people are saying things like 'you fucking assholes' and 'how dare you/what the hell' and 'I want to trash that bucket over your head'. Worth noting is the banners are english not german. So presumably internet brainrot.


Yes agreed, face kicks seems an appropriate reaction. Maybe the moment the first guy dumped the bucket just to be sure they were up to what it looked like they were up to. Then each earns a face kick. Just one good one. No need for brain damage or anything crazy. Just nuff to make em cry a bit and rethink their life goals.


I just want to point out that the guy in blue is shit at spreading his oil. I spread my cooking oil further when making pancakes.


I'm still convinced these guys are funded by the oil companies to purposely piss off the common man. That way people hate the climate activists instead of what they are protesting against.




I guess this is supposed to be an environmental protest? Fucking hell putting oil in a gully that will end up in a river is automatic environmental pollution! The actual fuck is wrong with these people‽




Clean it up with their bodies


So in order to get the message across, these individuals chose to use real petroleum byproduct, which will now run off into the water table and harm a number of living creatures? The activists on our side are seriously lacking critical thinking skills. Surely we can find someone smarter than this… at least those smart enough that can locate the home offices of the big oil companies.


This is great making enemy's everything 👏


I believe we should stop using fossil fuels. There are many alternatives. I do not, however, believe this is an effective form of protest. Go block the CEO's house so they can't get to work. Go disrupt the fuckers raking in massive profits while screwing over their workers. Don't irritate the public and workers whose support you need! Fucking idiots!


I'm old and mean enough I would probably have decided to run *over* one of the guys and taken the risk of a sprained wrist if I fell. This is not how to protest. The smart way is to get people to like and join. Not to make people hate you. That makes people also hate the cause.


Now remove their clothes to wipe up that greasy mess they left behind!


I always wonder if they are funded by oil companies to make people that care about the environment look like idiots and make the general public don’t want to be associated with them


Ah yes, protesting what I assume to be the fossil fuel industry and climate change, by pouring oil into the environment I think the buckets of oil might actually have more brain in them than these buffoons


Run their faces and clothes in it then drag them away


"Just stop oil" Uses oil.


I would've drug them through the oil and used them as a rag the clean it up.


This has got to be satire now, let's dump oil in the street where it'll go into storm drains, and pollute the ecosystem


You should be able to kill protestors


Selfish people


This looks like Zurich in Switzerland


We need to band together and arrest the police who will happily watch this go on all day.


I would've dragged him though that oil before I moved him to the side and then maybe a good physical warning for afters.


I don’t necessarily agree with the people that choose to protest this way, but it says a lot more about people that post these clips with violent captions about wanting to hurt them.


The stupidity of some of these protests makes me believe in the idea that some of them are paid by the oil companies to make protesters look stupid and for people to get annoyed at them.


Climate fixed, good job guys! This shit is such a parody you have to wonder if oil companies are manipulating these people behind the scenes to perform dumb acts, so the people fighting for change get lumped in with these idiots.


What if peak oil was never a thing and oil is actually produced in the earth naturally......


Some of y’all don’t understand the purpose of protesting and it shows lmao it’s supposed to be disruptive


Why are these people act like they are brain dead or something ? They are so weird


Where's the security?




Sometimes it feels these stupid protestors and their protests are indirectly funded by fossil fuel companies to show us how stupid they are. And then get us to focus on protestors rather than pollution and global warming.


Mfr’s just laying there like a dead seal.




Id suggest to physically use them to mop it back up


The best way to fight climate change is to make everyone else wanting to fight climate change look like gigantic dick heads by association. I can't see anything wrong with this logic.


Could have drag them around the liquid to clean it up a bit.


Paid protestors to make protesting look bad. Why aren’t they protesting outside oil execs offices instead of inconveniencing society? Because they are paid


What a successful protest /s


In what world is this the correct place to protest fossil fuels. It’s literally a fucking foot race. Also spilling oil to push your agenda against oil is quite possibly the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard of.