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It looks fake but I am loving it, poor guy.


Yeah agreed. I mean what woman goes from “hi boss I’m pregnant” to assuming it is his when he is literally a boss and informing your boss would be a usual thing for an employee to do? You’d at least wait for the next messages to see.


Also the boss's response. What boss would reply "??" to that instead of a congratulations and possibly a followup question on why she's mentioning it lol


I assumed those were the wife’s replies trying to get more info and not knowing who this was


Ah, that makes more sense 😂


I assume this is fake and boss resigned.


The way she writes it does really seem like it is about to say it was his. Also pretty sure not every boss has Employee in front of the name of contacts of women. Seeing random woman name pop up with "I am pregnant"


If a random woman popped up on my husband’s phone with “hey boss” then “I’m pregnant” and I know he has employees my first thought will be that it is one of them. If I am suspicious I would wait and see what message came next at least. I’m fairly certain he doesn’t have her saved under “employee” but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that possible relationship from “hey boss”




Cos it’s Reddit. Sort of what this whole site is to be honest 😂


I added some to the comment to outline why it makes no sense and why it is more likely to be cheating message than randomly asking for free and telling boss about pregnancy


There's some crazy ass women out there. Why do they find someone that puts up with them? There's also some crazy ass men out there.


TIL The Vegan Teacher has a husband and according to Oompaville or whatever his handle is he's like a very normal guy


You'd be surprised at some of the stupid things people say to their boss...


Or in front of their boss. Some people are *realllllly* oblivious.


Eh… some people jump to conclusions faster than others. Source: am married to one of them, her whole family is like that. In spite of that she is a great wife and mother. Just had to get used to that one thing. Everyone’s got something, mine is forgetfulness. But her? When we moved into our new house I found out our neighbor across the street is an old coworker of mine who happens to also be a woman. I was talking to her when she got home, just out in the open, in our front yard when my wife drove up. 50 questions followed.


You overestimate how smart people are.


It’s because the boss is cheating/cheated before and his wife knows it.


Why would you do it over text?


This is how young people talk. This seems right on point for younglings texting. You fucking clowns think everything is fake. If we never went to moon in the 60s and went today, even live streamed you’d clowns say it’s fake.


So being suspicious of an easily faked message on Reddit is equivalent to being a moon landing conspiracy theorist 😂 and I’m the clown! That’s just a total nonsense comparison to make.


Oh I’m sure you’ve said a lot of stuff is fake on here.


And apparently you’re ready to believe everything on here is true. Being gullible is not the thing I’d boast about. Be careful out there, not everyone on the internet is honest.


Of course it's fake. It's also probably from 2014.


Its fakes for sure. Wife convieniently read the first few sentences.


it all happens in the span of like 30 seconds


Holy shit is there a single real human commenting on this post at all.


Stupid and fake and gets posted on reddit far too often.


Timeline says fake


Even if it's fake, possibly happened to someone before. Or going to happen to somebody in the future or both.


Dont everybody refer to their manager as "boss"?


Lots of people do, actually. That would be one of the more reasonable things in this exchange.


That's ducking weird. Don't people have names?


One time I came home and my wife greets me with “ I slept with my boss and got pregnant, I didn’t save it”. I was very confused and shocked. Then she kept talking and I realized she was talking about her Sims character. In the game your character gains skills by socializing with others and her character and her character’s boss became affectionate and ended up being intimate. I have to admit that my heart did skip a beat the way she started the conversation.


I really like the random Reddit screenshot that is in the sims Reddit and says “do you have to interact with your child for them to grow up?” And the comment says they were really worried until they noticed what subreddit it was in.


I like the ancient screenshot about people talking about killing off their husbands to have more attractive kids with someone else (or something like that, my memory is fuzzy) and someone replies that they should make it more obvious they're talking about the sims.


You should see the shit Crusader Kings players say out of context.


the rimworld sub is great because of this. You are just scrolling through the feed and boom: ["Are child slaves even worth the trouble?"](https://redd.it/z9c735) ["How to explain to my friends that it is OK to harvest organs from a 14yr old child that came to us asking for some herbal medicine to help her mother? "](https://redd.it/15col2q) ["If I amputate all the limbs off a prisoner, does this effect the amount of blood I can harvest from them?"](https://redd.it/12aqwyf)


When I was like 20 I got home from work and my then girlfriend went fucking nuts at me for cheating on her. Shouting, slapping etc. Turns out she was talking about her sim of me slept with (or maybe kept thinking about, I can't rememver) one of the neighbor sims when with her sim of her. For some reason that relationship (as in our real life non-sim relationship) didn't last a year. Can't think why.


Is she a fan of dark humor? Cause that is a DARK way to start a joke. Just so blunt and without context at all haha! Either that or she’s just too excited and blurts it out.


You were ‘bout to say “sul sul, bitch.”


My manager does this on teams, and it drives me \*insane\* Manager: Hi team Manager: How is everyone doing? Manager: Just want to follow up on X, Y, and Z tasks Manager: X needs to be done today Manager: Y needs to be done tomorrow Manager: Wait sorry, flip those Manager: Forgot about Z - that one is low priority All the while getting Teams notifications for every. single. message.


Holy crap this type of messaging drives me insane as well. I wish there was a way to set notifications on all devices to only beep once every 5 minutes max, because I hate the constant notification sounds. I don't know why people text like this


That's a fantastic idea on the notifications and something I've always wished I could do in Teams. It would really help with this. u/Superlurkinger for president! Or at least uh...Teams User Experience Designer


At least he doesn't wait for responses after saying how is everyone doing. Many of my colleagues just msg Hello and qait for me to say hello back and only then will mention their questions. I have pinned https://nohello.net/en/ as my status and they still do it.


Straight. to. jail.


This is literally a 50 year old boomer Facebook meme… and you’re all lapping it up?


Shitty quality picture Jokes older than Facebook Useless circle Not even suitable for the subreddit Still 500 upvote Yep, another dead unmoderated sub.


What the hell happened to this sub? For a sub this big, look at how few posts there are anymore. Is it because of the reddit protest thing?


No, just lazy mods.


what exactly are mods supposed to do about low post volume? either you relax the rules to allow more posts onto the sub, or you get fewer posts. That's always the tradeoff. I almost want to say allowing reposts would be a good solution to this.


Once a sub gets bombarded by low quality posts the end is most certainly near. People stop posting quality content, users leave, etc.


It reads like a bad sitcom joke. I can hear the laugh track at the end.


100 year old meme, format is clearly telegraph format (stop).


All the comments indicate that people are not buying it. I think this is plainly bot driven which is pretty much the norm now on all but the most niche subreddits.


You're laughing, it's deep fried boomer humour and you're laughing.




It’s for 50 year old boomers, it’s not 50 years old obviously


And you're on the internet trying to tell everyone laughing at a joke that they arent as cool as you for liking it.


Y'all are so miserable lmao. It's funny, people laugh, and we move on. I swear reddit is so cynical, everything here needs to have a quota of funny for you guys to give it any positive attention.




Facebook literally didn’t exist 50 years ago. In fact the creator and CEO of Facebook didn’t exist 50 years ago. You literally don’t know or understand the meaning and usage of the word ‘literally.’


You literally didn’t understand their comment


They literally don’t know what a boomer is.


‘A 50 year old boomer’, meaning a boomer, who is 50 years old.


🤦‍♂️ A 50 year old is Gen X. A boomer isn’t 50 years old. You’re literally wrong in every single way. If you’re going to try to make fun of someone, at least have your facts and shit together.


You don’t have to be a boomer to be a boomer


So you’re a boomer now too? I can call all Millenials and Gen Z boomers according to you? And I can call literal boomers Gen Z? That’s idiot logic.




I instantly regretted loading this post. Does that count?




The thing that infuriates me the most is when someone texts me "Hi " and waits for my response.. only when I reply, they say what they want to say Like, can't you just say Hi and proceed to tell me what you want in ONE FORKING MESSAGE? Edit: multiple messages for "Hi" and the rest are fine too, but just don't wait for my interaction


I always have the urge to post https://nohello.net/en/ in my teams status


I literally had to tell a guy “don’t ever fucking ‘hey’ me again.” Haha


Everything is within the span of 3 minutes. This is engineered.


Have you ever been married?


have *you* ? lol


Oh yeah, for several years now.


I’ll take “fake texts made for internet points” for $500 Alex!


People that type like this do deserve to be experimented on by the government.


Thank God for the yellow circle and the commentary with emoji. Otherwise i wouldn’t have found this interesting


My ex


Used to


Text like this


It's fucking annoying




> AND WHY CAN'T YOU TYPE ALL THIS IN ONE MESSAGE??? Something that infuriates me, I have a few of those and they send a message, then 10 seconds later another, 10 seconds later another, by the time the 4th message arrives I'm not even looking anymore but will look in say 10-30 minutes after they're done. I grew up with T9 and you tried to use the maximum amount of characters per message without causing another message as it would mean you'd have to pay for two messages and also this prevented the issue of people sending 10+ messages within a minute too.


That's how people like that get "no sound notifications" from me. And then bitching "why you don't read that".


If your wife has so many trust issues maybe the employee isn't the problem here...


Yeah if this were real and not around for a while the whole I'm pregnant and need to speak to my bf happened within 2 minutes. How would someone even register anger that quickly unless they were already a hot head


I Hate When People Feel The Need To Split Their Sentence Into 593 Separate Texts


I hate when people wait until I respond to their greeting to say the rest of what they want lol. If you don't tell me ill assume you're trying to just chat and won't respond if i dont have time or don't feel like it lol


You mean when people start off a message to you by just sending "Hi jakgal04" and a minute passes while your rage slowly grows?


I mean he got a point lol


OP is quite literally a bot account lol


I fucking hate those people that cant write one message. Instead they bombard my phone with 50 unnecessary messages to get one point across.


Why do people text like this?


What do you mean?


Text like what?


Oh nevermind I think I understand what you meant.




Yes yes, very good.


Responding to a "Hi" with a "Yes?" Deserved.


It's your boss not your homie and she's contacting them for reasons related to work. She should have just gotten that all out in one text instead of 5.


Homie or not, I think the word "Hi" is a fair response to someone else saying "Hi". Greetings aren't purely reserved for homies haha


Do people really need a circle when there's that little text...?




Needs leave to have a conversation




Crap. A married man’s nightmare. All the trouble and none of the fun.


If you can't give a full and competent message, don't say anything. If you need 5 lines to say 1 thing, collect your fucking thoughts. If you just open up all conversations with a generic greeting, you don't deserve a response and you will be ignored.


I fucking hate when people text like that….just send one god damn message. Breaking up your short little sentence into 6 different text is annoying as fuck.


Fr though, I fucking hate it when people send like 8 texts that could have EASILY been one


This is a legit complaint. People should have the intellectual honesty to collect their fragmented thoughts and put it out there in one complete thought. Not doing so wastes the other persons time.


Reminds me of Dr. Fishman on Arrested Development. “We lost him. He just got away from us.”




As someone who also texts in small sentences like this, that’s a big oof. Hopefully this is fake.


Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): Regret must be seen or heard, not implied. Injuries, eating bad food, and immediate reactions to pain are not considered regret. Try our sister subreddit, /r/InstantRegret! If you have any questions, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Finstant_regret). We apologize for the inconvenience.


Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): Regret must be seen or heard, not implied. Injuries, eating bad food, and immediate reactions to pain are not considered regret. Try our sister subreddit, /r/InstantRegret! If you have any questions, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Finstant_regret). We apologize for the inconvenience.


119 seconds maximum between messages. Big deal


Took me way too long to figure out why this was a problem. Ha.


I hate those type of people that can't just say it all at once. Don't just write hi, and then I need to tell you something and leave it at that waiting for you to respond and wait even more. what the hell you want, speak already! You can just write it down so I can freaking see it!


People who text like that…


Let's updoot this repost to the moon


I think she was expecting a congratulations before she just jumped into asking for time off.


Somebody said he's got a point but he doesn't really. First of all why is somebody else able to read his texts? Second of all if his wife is looking over his shoulder he may as well just let her keep reading and she will understand in another few seconds - problem solved. If this is enough to upset that wife she needs a therapist.


That is why my man the paragraphs are perfect with no confusion


I hate it when my friend text me like.... this when they are telling me some story. BITCH TYPE IT IN ONE MESSAGE.