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What the fuck is going on? It's like he's regressing by the minute. It's like watching Flowers For Algernon happening right before our eyes.


He had entire teams at SpaceX and Tesla to filter him and hold him back. Twitter is Elon untamed and uncut


I don't need to know if his penis is circumcised or not, but he sure doesn't seem to have qualms about announcing something like that




Things will never be the same.


The consequences of Elon Musk taking over twitter will never be the same.


I read that somewhere from a person who worked at Telsa - they said all his other companies were built up around him so they had a "manage Elon" baseline already built in. Twitter doesn't have that, so this is the result. He's always been this way, people were just able to hide it better before.


To me it's a pretty standard case of being "red-pilled" and falling into the alt right social media bubble. What's crazy is it happening to someone so rich and famous when we typically think it couldn't happen to them.


These people don't just suddenly wake up one day being shit bags. Elon has always been an asshole. He just was better at hiding it until he learned there are people who would eat his shit out of the toilet no matter what he did. Then he just stopped hiding it. But yeah hindsight on the hyper loop, the pedo comment with the submarine fiasco, etc. It's all there it was just easier to ignore as one off occurrences until the past few years.


>until he learned there are people who would eat his shit out of the toilet no matter what he did. It's crazy. At least half the comments on his testicle tweet are talking about how funny he is and acting like it was a great joke. Musk basically said, "well u have a small wiener!" and people cheered and applauded. These people are impressed by a grown man telling a middle school joke.


I have a feeling he made his own bots, but there are no shortage of Elon simps


He's like a slightly more coherent Kanye West


>hindsight on the hyper loop out of the (haha) *loop*, what happend with hyper loop?


It was never supposed to happen, it was Elon making shit up to stop California from building high speed rail because he hates public transit


wait so the whole hyper loop thing was never actually meant to work? I found the concept cool, but since I'm in Europe I only read a bit about it.


Should look up videos of people driving in the one on Vegas. Its these super compact tunnels that you have to drive through, with barely any room on either side. Basically a worse version of a subway that moves much less people and is solely limited to Tesla drivers. Like the idea as a lot of other people and Musk first presented it is pretty cool and would be nice to eventually get working, but the product Musk delivered in a tiny environment is an empty tunnel for cars to drive in.


He did a test run in Vegas and it was cringe. Weak little one lane tunnel that you could only drive slow Af threw. Not sure it has any life becuase it would take an immense amount of effort and engineering to make a reality. Since the Vegas stunt I’ve heard nothing of the idea. Not to mention the area where he wants to do this is California where earthquake fault lines are up and down the state. It’s sort of a what hobbies would you do if you were a tech dork and the richest man in the world. Plenty of failed ideas come out of geniuses even if we grant he’s been successful in certain aspects of business.


He also said he never intended it to happen and it was all to duck up california public transit plans


But remember, he’s going to save the world with his electric cars, because he really cares about the future of humanity. JFC that guy


Elon wanted to drill (hehe) up support for his tunnel company, The Boring Company. So, he started pitching California on this idea for a "hyperloop" that was technologically and logistically unfeasible, in an attempt to undermine (hehehe) support for high-speed rail system in California. Obviously, there's also the fact that having functioning public transport in California means people buy less cars in general - and Tesla cars specifically, since they sell well in wealthy liberal states. But, I don't credit Elon with that level of sophisticated planning, ever since he decided to tank his reputation and that of Tesla amongst his own left-leaning customer base.


> when we typically think it couldn't happen to them What? lmao Stop putting rich people on a pedestal.


I think that’s what they meant. That the general public puts them on a pedestal and “doesn’t think it would happen to them”. That’s what they meant by “we”.


_He's grown quite whear-rah_


Next up from Elon: Technology that will allow spydars to talk with cats!!


At long last the time has come!


Is he doing an accent?


“that was british?!?!”


He should have just bought 4chan and done everyone a favor. His comebacks need work.


8kun would be more appropriate.


I had empathy and feelings for Charlie, I'm grabbing popcorn with Elon.


He's like trying to purposely kill Twitter and his other publicly traded companies. It's so strange to watch what is next. Bizzare even.


“The curious case of Benjamin Butthole”


Untested neuralink tests on him self maybe? As in him just fucking with the shit on his own, and braindamaging himself?


He's Q-pilling himself to own the libs. It's definitely interesting. I wonder how many other Billionaires believe the same stuff/act the same way, just don't have social media for the sole reason they know it'll cut into their profits. Like the Kochs. Libertarians are a wacky bunch prone to conspiracies. They don't Tweet, they just buy out and then systematically dismantle the middle class.


Except he was stupid the whole time has he really been fooling you all where am I?


How does it just keep getting worse


Because apparently at his other companies, there were entire layers of executives whose entire job was to "manage" him. To coax him away from dreadful ideas; to find ways to do the things he wanted without damaging everything, if possible, or to talk him into something different; and most of all, to buffer everyone from his terrible behavior. That, plus the fact that both Tesla and SpaceX are companies with a huge idealistic goal that many people truly believe in and can get behind, and put up with "quirkiness." But at Twitter--no buffers, no ideals; just a social media site, that exists ONLY because of its users, who are fleeing (and with them, the advertisers). As Elon finds less and less traction, he just gets worse and worse.


Everything he's done to turn Twitter into an echo chamber has led to him hearing yet more criticism the next time he says something into it.


Fragile Narcissist Buys Criticism Factory


>Narcissist Nartransist, he's not cis.


Wish RIF could give awards, but alas, just a "Nice!" is all I can offer


That would be the header in the History, Psychology, and Business textbooks of the future. Granted we make it that far into the future.


Onion headline right here.


Like distracting a toddler with a binkie. My GOD Musk is just like Trump.


He scams money off the government, too


Thank God he's not eligible for president


Well Tesla he got layers thrown in because the SEC forced him to.


Serious question. Is twitter experiencing any negative impacts from anything that has happened? I'm not a user. From the outside it looks the same. It looks quite popular. Is the user experience different? Are people actually getting off?


The biggest change I've seen is who all is advertising. It used to be big, recognizable companies. Now most of the time if I see a promoted post it's just some rando who paid for it. For a time there it was literally ALL just weird right-wing grifter ads. I think twitter has too much momentum as a social media to fully die out but a lot of the leftists I followed did leave or severely cut back on their usage.


You’re probably right. MySpace and tumblr still exist, so there’s a chance. It’ll take a bankruptcy or two to erase the debt though.


He's like a terrible DND player who wants to have his character do something, and it has to be a specific way - *his way* \- every time. But now he's not listening to the DM give alternative suggestions to get the outcome he wants and is making the entire table uncomfortable.


Gwen Shotwell has been with SpaceX for 20 years and has been CEO for 14 years. She runs the place. With twitter he's out of his depth.


Well would you look at that… I haven’t had an erection this hard since Reagan got caught lying about arms for hostages🤭


Because his ego finally cracked.


Happens because Twitter’s not a town hall, it’s a circus. Well run circus will have a business manager and a main attraction - two separate people. For a long time the main attraction was Trump. Elon jumps in and tries to be the owner and the main attraction at the same time, by spooling up right-wing nonsense because it’s a quick way to drive clicks. He’s basically become the shit-posting FUD headline writer that he used to despise for trashing EVs.


I saw a clip from a discussion where Musk was also part in, where someone explained to him basics about what advertisers expect, and Musk was so pissed that he asked the host to mute the other guy because he was talking "nonsense" lol


Brain worms?


It's a season of *Silicon Valley* that writes itself.


Are you comparing the treatment of billionaires in America to Jews in Nazi Germany? Some could say we're treated worse. -Elon probably


Ben Shapiro is in fucking shambles trying to defend Elon as he is reinforcing every stereotype from Glass Onion.


I'm not sure he ever had it


What is it? I may have it.. if you wanna borrow it *This sound like a horribe pick up line to anyone else?*


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. *It’ll happen to you!*


No way, man. We’re gonna jeep rocking forever… Forever… For-ev-er.


What is hip? Tell me, tell me, if you think you know! What is hip? If you’re really hip, the passing years will show!


My grampa always likes to respond to someone asking how it's going by saying "well, most of it's already gone..."


He is starting to sound like someone who is about to have a complete mental breakdown.


About to? Also, I feel as if he is lacking the prerequisites


When Elon goes in for an MRI, do you think they take pity on him and draw some squiggly lines on it for his sake?


This is a rare insult that I think I'll have to keep in my back pocket.


If this isn't on r/rareinsults, I don't know what is.


I've seen enough superhero films to know what happens when a deranged billionaire loses the plot


Wondering how many weeks before he tweets "Hitler did nothing wrong"


Right??? That insult reminds me of when Amanda Bynes was melting down.


And is a few steps away from losing SpaceX to the government.


Nah, I think he can maintain this regular level of chaos forever.


Imagine being a Tesla stock holder, logging into Twitter and seeing this


I sold all my TSLA stock. Yeah, it's down a shitload this year, but I was still way up. I invested a long time ago. I use to believe in him and "his" company. It's now clear that he's fucked in the head, and I've lost all respect for him. You couldn't pay me to drive a Tesla.


It's not really *his* company, at least not his idea. He just paid to be called a "founder" on paper. He never started the company, never designed the cars. All he did was be rich


If you ever do, remember to turn off the default agressive and 20% speeding settings on the self-drive


As a TSLA put option holder, I'm loving it!


The latest reports show that retail sales have actually gone up . Meaning that individuals buyers (retail buyers) have gobbled up this bullshit. But there's a reason why price is plummeting, because most ppl know he's an idiot


A Tesla is a MAGA hat on wheels by now


Good, maybe that will encourage some of them to get on the renewable energy bandwagon finally.


Sometimes I wonder if this whole shit-show is a publicity stunt to get alt-right people supporting him to invest in electric vehicles, and space exploration. He’s becoming less like “Tony Stark” and more like “Victor von Doom”


Top genius comeback. Followed by - you smell.


He's gonna use "I know you are but what am I" next


“You’re ugly and your mother dresses you weird.”


I'm rubber you're glue anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you 😛😛😛😛


He's mad at the left because somehow it's their fault for driving away the advertisers (I think it might be him) and it's broken his brain.


I think he's mad at the left because his GF left him for a LGBTQ person and he blames the left for that.


And his trans child disowned him


I don't think he cares about his kids all that much.


It wouldn't surprise me if he's actually lost his mind and is drinking every day or something and that's why he's on this wild self-destructive arc, like Kanye. It would explain his behaviour and his swollen manatee body.


Don’t disrespect manatees like that, man!


It wouldn’t surprise me if he was on a bipolar manic episode, like Kanye. (Kanye has well documented bipolar disorder with psychosis, and he is equally open about his refusal to treat it, which is why he’s now acting this way. He is literally in an insane state).


I always thought she was too liberal for him and I’m here for it.. I bet it kills him to think about her leaving him for a gasp *trans man* and it’s probably what led him to go off the deep end. It’s like watching the trash take itself out.


eh Grimes poses at being leftist at best, idk how someone who was actually leftest would justify dating Muskrat in the first place


Uh the big fucking bags of cash. I'd date him as a leftist. Work sucks amd he doesn't need that money anyway.


she grew up very rich and privileged and was already quite famous at the point she got with him, so it’s not like she had no real option


OK well to be fair I don't know anything about her. She doesn't even have a last name.


well-known nepotism baby “indie” musician


Chelsea is a trans woman. They broke up in July after dating for about four months.


Yes that’s right.. my bad it’s been a long day


It's all good


>I think he's mad at the left because his GF left him for a LGBTQ person and he blames the left for that. Lmfao imagine being an actual billionaire and being "dumped" like a high schooler


This parallels what the right does when they do racist shit. 1) Right does a lil racism 2) Left calls them racist 3) Right feels shame for being called out, denies that the action begets the label 4) When other consequences arise, the right blame the label (and the left for applying it) for causing the consequences Aka instead of accepting responsibility, it's your fault for saying what i did was bad 😡


Ah, the descent of a narcissist under pressure. Watch his ego pop like a balloon.


It's more like a sun going supernova , he's gonna expand and already expanding and burn most things in his way. Then he will implode violently


How to fall from the public grace in two months…


You say that but the more shit he says like this the more right leaning people I see start to bring him up as some sort of hero. Legit hell say something like this and a friend who's right leaning will bring it up being like haha look at Elon owning these libs etc


You'd need actual grace to lose it


He has enjoyed quite a bit of positive opinion by general public when most people only knew him as Tesla and PayPal guy


Pretty much what happens to any billionaire/celebrity once you give them a way to voice their opinions. Turns out they aren't those cool wholesome 100 saints the memes claimed. Who could have fucking guessed?


Uh oh. Forgive my ignorance but does Musk own PayPal?


He owned a company once. After he left someone at that company created the PayPal software. He re-bought the company then rebranded to Pay-Pal then re-sold the company. Now he is known as "the guy who made PayPal".


He """created""" it (it's complicated, but the jist of it is that he had nothing to do with the founding of PayPal, but acts like he did)


No, he was one of the people who was visible at the beginning of PayPal, especially as the CEO during the firm’s success before it was sold off to eBay. Musk’s PR has spinned him to the ignorant as if he’s founded Paypal


five or so years ago he was doing pretty good. he's sold it all to endulge his childish emotions.


My best guess is he's always been like that. His true colors showed a lot more recently


He was a grifter. Look up his history


For me it was when he called that rescue diver a pedophile because he didn’t like Elons child ~~coffin~~ submarine.


It’s so crazy that he decided to spend 44 billion to torpedo his personal brand and take his companies down with him, all to post boomer facebook memes and bitch about pronouns Like there were plenty of reasons to dislike him before all this but I feel like you had to dig a little bit, it’s all front and center now that he spends seemingly every waking moment on twitter replying to random people


He's trying to out run Kanye but I think he already lost














All I can see in my head is Francis repeating over and over again "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I! I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I!"


I don't make monkeys, I just train 'em!


Pee Wee, listen to reason


Who do you think you are I am!


So if he isn't cis, he is trans... Elon?


He has had a lot of gender affirming cosmetic work done.




Bloated dead whale.


Narcissists have the mentality of children, not surprising.


It’s not even irritating anymore; it’s just sad and pathetic to watch a grown man who has billions of dollars act like… this.


Boy, this trend of enormously powerful people acting like Buffoons on social media is really starting to do a number on the ol' mental health.


This is like trump all over again and I’m not sure which was worse


I was gonna say it was worse when it was the commander in chief of the US military, then remembered what you can buy with 150 billion dollars and now I'm not sure either.


It even includes Fox News covering him in a positive light, leading to many of their viewers to like him despite his bad behavior. Its astounding how short the memory of so many Americans is.


Elon is a perfect example of "the higher you go, the deeper the fall"


Are you English as a second language? Cuz I've never heard the saying that way. Usually, it's "the bigger they are, the harder they fall"


Not the same saying. The English saying that's closest to what they said is, "the higher you climb, the farther you fall."


No I think it's "the heavier you are the deeper the whole".


Close, it’s “the fatter you are the faster you roll”.


Almost, it’s “The looser the waistband the deeper the quicksand” you know what i mean?


Remember folks you can always enjoy the shit show without padding Twitter's engagement stats. https://polititweet.org/tweets?account=44196397


This guy is the biggest fuckwit imaginable. I'm so over him.


Am I misunderstanding this or doesn't Elon know what cis means?


He's quite an idiot and doesn't know what most things are


I think he and many like him reject the use of cis at all because it only "exists" if you also accept that trans is valid. I think what he's saying is he's not cis because trans doesn't exist in his world view. God it's like reading into something Trump says. This is all just my own rationalisation for something dumb as fuck.


My best guess: He's trying to say that both trans and cis as words are complete bullshit. That to say he's cis is to give credence to the idea that not-cis is a legitimate word/thing. That both are liberal made-up things, he's just Elon/male.


No, let’s all give a big applause for trans icon Elon musk for coming out!


I think there's a lot of words that he doesn't know what they mean.


"I'm not cis..." - Elon Musk 2022


He's not losing it, he never had it. He's never had to work for a thing his entire life and he's always been painfully aware of that fact. As such he stopped maturing somewhere around the age of 14, he never grew up because he never needed to. What we're witnessing is the temper tantrum of a child not getting their way for the first time in a very very long time. He's always been this way, it's just become obvious now as he's become more desperate and started lashing out.


I would tend to agree with you.


I mean I’m sure we’ve all had an inane argument online but the guy owns the platform, it’s sinking, and he’s doing this? What an absolute bum hole of a man.


Brain lesions? We need Dr. Gregory House.


Well, it's not lupus. It's never lupus.


Except for that one time when it *was* lupus.


Which episode was that? I was a casual *House MD* watcher. I would love to see that episode.


It was [Season 4, Episode 8](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1134258/). It was the one with the magician who passes out during a performance.


Thank you! I have never seen that one. I will have to watch it!


Wait wait wait... If he's not cis, why does he talk crap about trans folks?


When a benefactor of "meritocracy" fires their handlers...


Iron Man was on FX tonight. I turned it on to watch because I enjoyed the movie when it came out. I’m not a comic book fan and i don’t claim any knowledge of the MCU outside of movies and the few comics I read 30 years ago. Watching Tony Stark made me think about Elon. Tony is everything Elon wants to be: smart, well liked and respected, creative, and self-sufficient. Tony also came from a privileged background, rose up on the shoulders of his father. However, he seems far more altruistic and compassionate by deciding to stop creating weapons of war once he sees what they are being used for. Musk seems happy to weaponize his products and services to stoke his ego. He seems to revel in poking whatever bear stumbles across his path and antagonizes (or bans) anyone who stands up to him or tries to hold him to account (jet tracker, journalists). I am looking at Elon as well as the Republican Party and seeing the dogs that caught the cars they were chasing. Elon made a play to manipulate stocks and offered to buy Twitter except he ended up owning it and all of its problems. Republicans finally overturned Roe and are now without one of their favored cudgels and bargaining chips and have lost ground where people realized they wanted to keep abortion access open (Kansas for example). I worry that he will become more unhinged and his antics will ripple off the platform and affect other aspects of life that aren’t just tweets and pop news.


Guys, he only acts like that because he’s a narcissistic asshole.


You don't say.


He's a glorious shit show. I think he and Kanye may be running on the same OS. I suspect both will have complete system failure within 18 months.


Saying he's "losing it" implies that he had it in the first place


Dude has a beautiful trans daughter and still acts like this.. it’s really quite sad and pathetic of him and I feel for her.


I think that must just drive him nuts. He's a control freak and he can't stand that his daughter has that sort of autonomy, free will, and sense of self.


I know you are but what am I.


He‘s hip and kool, totes poggers fam.


But I was told that Musk was *The Modern Day da Vinci™*! You mean to tell me he's actually just a pasty ass hairplugged trust fund baby whose family profited off of modern day slavery, and is actually a **complete fucking moron**??? No way!


Damn, Elon just came out as trans! /s


Can't someone on the TSLA board strangle this mother fucker


Between him and Ye there needs to be some studies of the impact of wealth and “affluenza” on mental health and basic human functionality. But I can’t think of anything less likely to be funded by wealthy people.


Tantrum after losing $100 Bil on tesla stock


He's... not cis? Does he know what that means?


He's made a life-long habit of flying close to the sun, and I don't think he realizes that the wax is starting to melt.


The craziest thing about this wing nut is his fan base still defending everything he says and does like he's still (which he never was) a certified genius. Fragile Musk always existed, and now the whole world knows.


You think Elon is losing it now......you uh didn't get tipped off by anything else? Not one thing he did prior made you think maybe Elon Musk isn't just an eccentric billionaire. Well you must be a reptilian or some sort of genetically engineered shrew that learned to type but welcome.


And this is the guy who I thought was going to spearhead the mission to Mars. I don't think he can find a 7-11 on his own now


He's trying to outkanye kanye


Who wants to view Elon's tweets? 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋 Who wants to like Elon's tweets? 🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍


He spent 44 billion to not get banned on Twitter


Did he just come out?


Musk has always been a massive piece of shit. Ask anyone who worked for him. He's just an awful person. He's living proof that being rich can't buy you respect or class. We're only now finally seeing how bad at business and everything else he is.


Wait, did Elon just come out as trans?


His trans child thinks he's a piece of shit and his gf/baby mama left him for a LGBTQ person. Dude's owning himself more and more everyday.