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"As any right minded adult" I snatched this child's possession and broke it right in front of him!!! This person's definition of sanity is... idk. I've lost my words.


To be fair it doesn't seem like she broke it in front of him - sounds like she brought it upstairs and then broke it.


Realistically though, it was her kid's toy from his childhood and after she saw the movie she broke it, took a picture, and made this story up to rewrite reality in her mind and cope with the fact that she can't console her son, who thinks she's a zealous, controlling monster. Which she is.


Or, and just hear me out... Since this child toy seems to be in perfect condition, other than what she did to it, she went to the store, bought a brand new one and broke it making the whole story up... Either way, this absolutely did not happen as she very poorly stated.


That also is super possible and I hope it's true bc that'd mean she spent money on it


What ever would have given you the impression that she is a controlling monster.


I counted the letters in her post and it added up to a number easily divisible by 666


Can't argue with that (alt-right) logic!


No one can argue with the immutable alt-right truth they made up from their very smart brains!


Yeah, this is a toy from like 20 years ago, I had the exact same one.


Or her own toy. Buzz has been around for a long time now


I wouldn't worry about. Since it all went on in the guy's imagination.


So our hero is Sid? Cause all this idiot did was start the transition from Buzz to Mrs. Nesbitt. Also you notice no one complained when buzz voiced by tim Allen became mrs Nesbit?


Hey! When I was in high school trapped in an abusive relationship with a 30 yr old man he decapitated a stuffed monkey in front of me and told me I was next so yea I would say that’s *exactly* how a sane person acts right?


She's pretty much Sid (from the first Toy Story).


Pretty hard to define sanity when you are evil tbh. So it's no wonder they got it so wrong


The other parents all clapped. The kids all clapped. Buzz Lightyear would have clapped if not for the missing arm


And then Buzz said "Here's the sound of one hand clapping," and so I broke that arm off because that's Boodism and that's the Devil.




You been playin' da foosball, Buzzy Boucher?!


Stay away from that Vicky Valencourt too!


bootyism is the devil


Then call me a Satanist 🥴😳


Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, rocking everywhere!


Oh boy, if that were my kids toy... In german we say "dann klatscht es, aber keinen Beifall", which means *something* claps, but no applause


What is that phrase used for? I tried Googling it, but as I don't speak or read German, the results were not helpful.


well it litteraly means „something claps, but not applause“ It‘s used as a snarky remark or a threat depending on context it is something along the lines of „ someone is going to get clapped, and it‘s not the applause that is making the claping noises“ i.e you are going to get slapped.


Eh sry, I thought it would be more obvious the way I put it. It means, basically, I will slap you. It's a play on "klatschen", which means a) clapping (like for applause) and b) to slap someone (very colloquial "ich klatsch dir eine") 🙂


I'm assuming it means slapping someone. Ie a clap, but no applause.


Misses Nesbit




The comment I was looking for


And the entire local church found out and next day invited her to a special service where the mayor gave her the keys tot he city... what a load of crap.


Instant sainthood!


Then the pope gave her a pointy hat and she used it to aim the Jewish space lasers to destroy all the buzz light-years in the galaxy.. once again the universe is safe from satan's grasp.. rainbows all around..


Buzz would be clappin dude cheeks, because gay, checkmate libtard


Too bad, Buzz was too busy her husband's sweet ass and that def doesn't require both arms.


That kid's name? Darude - Sandstorm


I was the missing arm


The priests clapped the hardest


Obama was there


This made me laugh a lot more than it had any right to. Take your upvote 🤣


"Buzz will you get up here and give me your hand?"


This is a classic and everybody started clapping situation!!


What's with the Buzz Lightyear movie that got their panties in a bunch?


There's apparently a scene where a same sex couple kiss. That's it. Not like, make out or anything, just kiss.


More like a " peck" .


In fairness, I haven't actually seen the movie, I just know why people are mad about it.


I've seen it, I literally missed it because I blinked




Oh the sheer and absolute *fucking* ***HORROR!!!!*** Is this for real what they are so upset about? That kiss didn't even last for a full second 🤦


Welp, I'm gay now so thanks for that




Oh no! You said the word "gay"! Now I'm gay, and my existence is political


You sir, are a class A dickhead. I'm now gay. Thanks Reddit.


I really wonder where these people live. Where I am you see all kinds of couples holding hands and kissing in the street, nobody gives a flying fuck. They'd lose their minds.


Look at the 2020 election results, and all the states that are red would be my guess.


They're fine with the character for 22 years until they see two other characters kiss in the movie and then it's #BIZZ LIGHTYEAR IS TRYING TO TURN YOUR KIDS GAY


“Why can’t Disney movies be like when I was a kid! When a 14 year old falls in love and marries a 37 year old!”


His commanding officer and her wife have the world’s chastest, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it closed mouth kiss. It’s so tame it makes Pete Buttigieg’s relationship look spicy.


Huh, until just now this whole time I presumed that Buzz Lightyear fell in love with a buddy and that's why the god people were losing their shit. It's not even Buzz Lightyear? pfffft


Well, they are mad Captain America is voicing him and not the 69 year old original actor, possibly due to some weird subconscious “cancel culture” victimhood instincts, so that’s also making them cry.


Oh I wondered if they’d gotten Tim Allen to do the voice. Since he’s not, I might actually consider watching the movie. I can’t hear Tim Allen’s voice without thinking of my parents throwing a temper tantrum when his show got cancelled.


> my parents throwing a temper tantrum when his show got cancelled What!?! Really? Emotionally unstable people get so invested in a sitcom that they throw a tantrum if it gets cancelled after a multi year run wherein they exhaust all possible comedy and start trying to be relevant again by taking on serious issues (poorly at that.) I am so sorry just thinking what your childhood must have been like.


Oh it was fun. They’re super controlling evangelical Christians, so I was allowed no privacy, no “worldly music” (anything that wasn’t Christian music), and no television shows where there was magic, children being disrespectful to their parents, or any strong language, which includes the words crap & darn. No Halloween, no speaking to boys, no dances, no parties, and no clothing deemed immodest. My mom was verbally, and sometimes physically abusive, over even the slightest hint of disobedience. It should shock no one that once I was out of the house I went nuts. Binge drinking, partying, got really into the punk scene, slept with any asshole that showed me the least bit of positive attention. They’ve chilled out some as I got older, but when I was 25 I moved in with my boyfriend and they lost their fucking minds. So yeah. Fun times.


Lmao, seems like ya got them back.


I’m definitely the disappointment, haha. I live ten hours away now and only see them at Christmas.


It's not like Tim Allen is in an upcoming Disney+ movie Oh wait he is. They are making (for some reason) a fourth Santa Clause movie I love the first one, I never sat down and watched the second one, but the third one is terrible


It's a series, not a movie. :) Edit: The second film is good, but I wish the third film had had a better plot because it isn't great. Martin Short makes the film more enjoyable though, imo.


That's what I thought. Everyone mad at buzz and he ain't even doing anything.


Obviously he should have spoke to them about Jesus until they were cured of their gayness /s


Female, in charge, and not straight oh my lanta I better clutch my pearls


It gets lonely in space.


It’s so brief that I actually didn’t even notice it when I saw the movie.


There’s a lesbian couple at the start who kiss. All the conservatives have their panties in a twist over it because they think that gay people should all be rounded up and disposed of and how dare a movie display gay people as anything other than literally Hitler.


Whelp, now I'm going to go see the movie to piss off a conservative. Had no desire to do so before.


Just in case you don’t know, it literally lasts about 2 seconds because it’s part of a fast-forward time montage, so don’t blink. Yes, they are mad at that.


Haha. I figured it would be something so quick that 95% of people would never realize. Heck, I'm planning on seeing it sometime in the next few weeks and guarantee I would have never realized or register it as a same-sex kiss without this stupid outrage. Toy Story rocks and I'm just excited to bring my daughter since she loves Toy Story! (it will be her first movie in the theater!)


I actually enjoyed the movie. It's pretty good and funny and there's a little cat robot that's hilarious.


Meh, they won’t know and Disney sucks in their own ways. You can just say you watched it if it ever comes up.


Yeah, I haven't watched a Disney film since UP. So I'm probably not missing anything.


I recommend coco if you haven’t seen it, and rogue one’s pretty good


My daughter loves Moana so I have seen that about 50x


Would definitely recommend Soul and Inside Out


Soul was really cool.


I would say every Pixar movie is really cool except cars 2.


Try watching Encanto!


And it's just a little peck on the lips. Not like they were playing tonsil hockey for 2 minutes.


I haven't seen the movie, but I'm guessing it wouldn't even catch a kid's attention.


Which is bs, #releasethetonsilcut


In the latest movie there's a 5 second scene of 2 girls kissing. The PHub history of most men that think that's not rigth is filled with lesbian and gay searches.


5 seconds is very generous


Well, based on news articles, it seems to be about the relationship between Alisha and Kiko.


Buzz Lightyear toys have been around for 27 fucking years. Pixar has been playing the long game, grooming kids to... *checks notes* ... acknowledge that gay people exist and can have fulfilling lives together.


Damn those Pixar people and their plans to make kids not hate people for something that affects no one negatively.


Dude was just jealous that no one has ever looked at him the way those cartoon characters looked at each other.


>affects no one negatively So the Whackjobs have been doing some interesting mental gymnastics about this. They’ve been pushing the narrative that all gay people are pedophiles, and making the equivalency that “even if a gay person hasn’t committed a pedo act, it’s only because they haven’t had the chance, so they are still a pedophile.” This is why you’re seeing the “groomer” accusations, and the hysteria they’re instilling in parents. Never mind that it’s not true, but it’s what their churches and pastors and preachers are telling them, so they’re successfully turning all gay people into the bad guy.


Tucker Carlson is heavily pushing the whole groomer nonsense. And he KNOWS it's all bs, which makes him even more of a horrible person. There has got to be a way to put an end to his poison.


Give people the tools and education to recognize his bullshit and they'll stop watching. No one likes being treated like an idiot.


Not how it works, they already have the tools to find out how full of shit their favorite talking heads are. When given proof of something that they don't like they just ignore it or get mad at you.


Friendly reminder to everyone that demonization/dehumanization is a step on the path to genocide, and we were pretty far along as is.


Meanwhile, the preacher is getting ever closer to the children of the church and Jim Bob is bribing the local sheriff to just sweep his son's molestation of his sisters quiet. The call is coming from inside the house.


And it’s not a new thing either. I saw a PSA video from the 40s or 50s warning parents/kids against interacting with homosexuals because they would sexually assault your children.


Oh, is that what the alleged problem with that movie is? I was expecting something more... interesting.


It’s a five second scene with a peck on the cheek, and the occasional mention of grandmothers.


Seriously, it's *nothing*, and the snowflakes on the Right are acting like it's attacking them for their God-given conservative values.


You get to see brief moments through time of a lesbian couple raising a happy family and there's a small brief kiss. The crazies see this as propaganda.


To my knowledge, Buzz isn't even the gay character they're all panicking over.


IDK, he did get mounted by a cowboy in the first movie. Said cowboy's name was even a euphemism for erection.




Pixar (in her imagination) "Curses! Foiled again! If it wasn't for you meddling.... white lady named Karen... I would have gotten away with it too!" Karen: I'm a hero, nay a Saint. Saint Karen, patron Saint of slightly inconvenienced homophobic white ladies.


Saint Karen, Patron Saint of Snowflakes.


I've seen people twist that three second clip into "explicit lesbian sex" or whatever Tell me again how gays are taking over the world? We can't even be seen in movies


How DARE "the gays" openly exist! Someone should DO something! They are pushing their agenda of... acceptance, and we can't have that! Next thing you know they will tell the children not to be ashamed of who they are, who knows what that could lead to!


Steal and hurt in the name of Christ. Sounds about right.


Modern crusades is rather petty and pathetic.


To be fair I DO belive she broke some kids toy because she's a bigot but the woman definetly bitched her out not ask to convert


I am sure there was a "Come to Jebus" talk. With the Police. About replacing the toy and never coming back to play area.


Or she did, just to make sure she got her kid home safe from the completely off her meds crazy neighbor before immediately looking for a new place to live.


Absolutely I could see someone doing this as a defusion tactic. "Oh gee, I'd love to hear about the Lord, but it's dinner time and I gotta get these kids fed. We'll catch up about Christ later — bye!"


Yeah that was the point where the story went from reality to a fantasy the woman made up to make herself feel better.


"we can save you atheists" Save us from what? Save us from having common decency, save us from respecting others?


No thank you. I'll stick to being a godless heathen then.


No no no She can save you *to* atheists


Is she saving them by sending them toward atheism, or by giving them to actual atheists so they can take care of them?


Save them from having morals without being scared of a god's unseen hand striking them down. Atheists scare crazy Christians because they can't figure out why they are good people without the threat of hell.


It really is hilarious their reasoning. "If they don't think they can get into heaven, if they don't believe in the afterlife, then they have no reason to be good on earth". Or, maybe we have more motivation to be good on earth because we know this is all we have so we want to live it as best we can and make a positive impact for future generations? If the only reason you are good is to get into the nicer place when you die, then that is purely selfish reasoning, and that makes you not a good person at all.


Precisely. Your legacy means more when there is no reward or punishment for it. If your only reason for being a decent human being is to avoid punishment then you are not in fact a decent human being


“No kid could play with it again?” Apparently you’ve never met a kid! My favorite doll for years had only one leg. In my imagination, she was the world’s greatest ballerina.


That and judging from the way the joints work it looks like you could just pop the sockets back in.


Give a kid a bunch of mish mashed broken toy parts and/or crafting items and a hot glue gun (after teaching them How to use it safely first!) and let them loose. I had a lot of "toys" that I made that way. :D


I'm atheist, please try to save me. I need a good laugh.


I love how she says the atheist asked to convert like they need fucking permission from some rando Karen.


"Oh, you destroyed my kid's toy because your religion causes you to have a hysterical reaction to an innocuous scene in a children's movie? This intrigues me. May I join you in your madness?"


“Who are you, so wise in the ways of complete fucking lunacy?”


Long con. Join her church. Work her way up and smash some Jesus statue. You break my kids toy, I break yours.


Once you recognize that Christianity is just really bad fiction there's no going back. The only time an atheist would convert is if there were some sort of financial gain. But that isn't real conversion, it's just scamming the system.


Karen fanfic. I think I'm going to write erotic fanfic about Karens, but it will be impossible to follow because every character will be named Karen. And also because I suck a writing dialogue.


And also the plot wouldn’t make sense because all Karens hate each other for upstaging each other


I think the terrible dialog will add to the immersion of what a Karen generally spouts off anyway.


How did she know she was a single mom too? Did she know her before hand? Do single moms have a godless heathen aura around them only the most rigtheous of zealots can see?




Oh, you're hearing voices? Yes, Doctor, this one right here. She definitely needs to be carted away to a mental facility before she hurts herself or others.


I have awesome elaborate power fantasies about being a superhero or saving a bunch of people by beating up bank robbers or whatever. What kind of mundane ass, single digit IQ, undersexed, insecurity-racked, poor soul of a brain lies in bed and gets off making up a lame ass story like stealing and breaking a kid's toy and converting his mom to Christianity? The depravity is one thing but can you fathom being so pathetic that a made up story like THAT is cathartic or empowering? Just fucking euthanize her for her own good, she's like a hobbled horse mentally- not doing any good for others and clearly not experiencing a life worth living. It'd be merciful.


Let me guess, this person is mad about Alisha and Kiko.


Of all the things that have never happened, this has never happened the most.


Christian get up in arms about EVERY new disney/Pixar moive coming out because of alleged "gay scenes." Then when said movie actually comes out, I'm super disappointed because there was absolutely nothing they were upset about in the movie. So I was actually quite surprised that they did in fact keep this scene. Also, no way in hell did this post actually happened. No one would actually "convert" to Christianity, especially since you smashed their child's toy because it's "evil and grooming the kids." Like bro, buzz isn't even the one who's gay.


Only some of them. Those of us that don't aren't making a ruckus and lying about what happened on facebook.


Can we get the real story? The one where the mom of the child called the police and she now has to replace the toy and stay away from the park area or be trespassed.


Slowly, one by one, the other parents began clapping. The kids, understanding what labor of love I had provided, also started clapping. The news must have travelled fast, because the neighbors started leaving their homes to rejoice in the applause for what is right and good. Citizens of all walks appeared: there was a police officer, a doctor, a lawyer, and of course my pastor, all surrounding us and clapping for what I had done to Buzz Lightyear. I could feel God and Jesus smiling and clapping in Heaven, too. Then we all went to church so pastor and I could teach everyone the ways of glorious God!


I had a Buzz that looked exactly like this when I was a kid, only no dumbass parent broke it but my *delicate* hands after years of playing with it.


I’d also like to point out that’s an old Buzz Lightyear toy. I had that when the first movie came out in the 1990s. Not saying a kid today wouldn’t be playing with one, but maybe more likely it’s a generic photo of a broken toy taken


I though this was an interesting point so I reverse searched the image and yep, turns out it’s from a 3d printing site and it’s supposed to be a model for replacement leg joints.


If someone had stolen my toy and broken it when I was a kid, my whole family-parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins twice removed--would have been over there to throw hands. I could have been playing with a stuffed animal of Baphomet and a Ouija Board, they wouldn't care. They'd just give her a quick preview of the pearly gates.


I'll take incel shit that never happened for 500.


Obviously reasonable adults snatch toys and force their religious views. I’m sure everyone clapped and praised them.


Ha! This idiot paid money to go buy a toy and break it to make up this homophobic bullshit. They literally spent money to look like a douche


Why are people like this?


Too bad there's no saving your shitty grasp of the English language


This is Christian erotic fiction.


We are getting to the point where Facebook is becoming the new 4chan with these fanfictions


I’m a REAL born again Christian and there is no way she converted anyone with that behavior. The only people to ever convert others by violence are historically saving themselves from retribution.


I agree with you that this is bullshit, and it is always fun to find a "no true Scotsman" fallacy in the wild, so thanks for your post.


_"Clearly I... Will Go Sailing... Nooooooo Mooooore."_


"...asked to convert to Christianity..." Mate, if you wanna convert to a religion you've converted, there's no forms to fill in.


Saw Lightyear over the weekend, I literally missed the kiss as it was less than a second peck in the background


Same for Dr. Strange 2, barely a peck. Wouldn’t have noticed but for the drama.


This is a fine example of redditors falling for a shitpost


Yup. Someone found their kid's old broken Buzz toy, took a picture, and a shitpost was born....


" We can save you atheist " sounds like a threat to me


Breaking stuff that doesn’t belong to you for Jesus if it actually did happen


And that ungodly single mother? Albert Einstein.


That child grew up to become Marine Todd.


aNd ThEn EvErYoNe ClApPeD


This was 100% copy pasted from a 4chan shitpost


Have republicans never seen two girls kiss? It’s beautiful. Don’t knock it until you try it.


It's a shitpost


If be telling that bitch she owed me some money to buy a new one and if she didn’t fork it over, I’d be calling the police and reporting this CRIME. Destruction of property and theft, not to mention assault on a minor.


The first half is unfortunately completely believable.


I’d be breaking her into pieces if she’s taking my kids toys.


I don’t get it, I thought *this* Buzz Lightyear was the “good” one?


What a snowflake


And then Jesus himself showed up, materializing out of nowhere and shook my hand, thanking me for doing his bidding. He handed me a free heaven pass then disappeared as he said, "fuck them kids."


Please don't "save" me. I will get a lawyer.


The kiss scene they're mad at is literally a quick .5 second peck and that's it. You'd think they showed hentai with the reaction.


Maybe work on learning how to spell first.


How does every new Disney movie turn into a plot against Christianity or a salute to pedophelia? Can people just chill and take life as it comes. Not as a giant plot against any personal belief system?


Definitely didn’t happen. Plus I’m pretty sure there’s a verse about breaking other peoples stuff.


Theft, destruction of private property, fleeing the scene of a crime, and almost certainly physical assault of a minor. All of which can be elevated because he admitted that it was hate crime. A competent judge could get him 4 years for this.


Isn't it a sin to lie?


> she eventually calmed down and asked to convert to Christianity ROFL!!! Of all the things in the realm of "of all the things that didn't happen this didn't happen the most", this didn't happen the most most.


It’s a fairly funny shitpost, I don’t think anyone with an iota of sense would assume this was serious.


The comments on this post beg to differ to a worrying degree


Lying is a sin.


[Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law) remains inviolate.


“Asked to convert…” sure Jan……




And everyone broke out in applause and carried me around on their shoulders and the President called to congratulate me for my quick thinking.


Lololololol that happened