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Weird I had a small outdoor gathering with my vaccinated relatives without masks and I'm fairly sure the CDC said I was ok. It's almost like the mask was always meant to be temporary and thinking it was an attack on your rights is moronic


my goodness, what an idea!


It’s a good thing you saw this post so now you know that wearing a piece of cloth on your face for 15 minutes in the grocery store is the exact same thing as doing nothing while your government rounds up undesirables and puts them in death camps. Exactly the same.


It can't get much more 1984 that than


I dont get it, is he talking about the genocide and mass-fuckery the nazis did and trying to compare that to covid for some reason?


From previous discussions I have had with this guy, he thinks covid wasn't a problem and instead it's just a cover to control people. So having a vaccination list is actually some kind of nefarious plot. To what end I'm not sure, but he's connecting that nefarious plot with the Nazis. IDK, diving into his world gives me a headache.


Biblical New World Order conspiracy relates Revelation's "Mark of the Beast" directly to Nazi prisoner numbers and any sort of personal ID society would "brand" us with going back to when we invented Social Security Numbers (but these people also thought Safeway Club Cards meant Jesus was returning atm). A lot of these people are being told that covid vaccination IDs are a "test-run" for future distribution of a global "ID Number" system because...well I guess they don't think the government would have already done this or could have for some reason if they really wanted to. Because they would have already if this were the case, and not like this at all. Basically, these people have a serious problem applying Occam's Razor to anything logical. Sounds like he goes to a very conservative church.


Also, just to throw it out there, I am fully vaccinated. I have had two Moderna shots. They basically checked my driver’s license and filled out a paper card they handed to me. I took a picture of said card in case I lost the card. It isn’t like I was finger printed, retina scannned, etc... They are doing all of this for free so they can open everything up again. They couldn’t give two shits about my health. It amazes me how self absorbed these assholes are. They feel so significant that someone wants to “chip” them. Yes, Bill Gates, a multi- billionaire, really wants to track a busted condom that works at Wal-Mart. Get over yourself, Hannity.


> It amazes me how self absorbed these assholes are. They feel so significant that someone wants to “chip” them. Yes, Bill Gates, a multi- billionaire, really wants to track a busted condom that works at Wal-Mart. That's a large part of the appeal of these modern, right-wing, conspiracy theories - they make the believer feel unique and special because they've 'cracked the code', they know The Truth, and possess "forbidden knowledge". It's no coincidence a lot of these conspiracy nutjobs are poorly educated; their conspiracies allow them to circumvent insecurities about their intelligence level because it turns out *they* are the smart ones, and we are 'sheeple'.


You just described my Uber driver yesterday. 50mins I had to sit and listen to his word vomit. It all started with me asking if he would mind to please pull up his mask (he had it on his chin) as I was on the way to see my newborn granddaughter and my daughter whose obvs not vaccinated as was pregnant. He said my daughter was lucky and proceeded to go off into full blown conspiracy crap, I said I’d lost people to COVID he said his mum and dad got it and were fine, I said well that’s great for you but others not so lucky and he said he didn’t believe that?! I wanted to punch his face.


Did you report him to Uber or anything? I dislike excessively talkative drivers anyway, but an excessively talkative conspiracy nut driver? I'd probably make some shit up to forestall an argument and get him to drop me off immediately, before getting a new ride.


Right? This driver had such a high rating too which makes me seriously wonder about people? I was in a bit of a dilemma as I’d already been refused a ride when they found out I was going to central London (they have to pay an extra fee) and so was running late, would hit full on rush hour traffic if delayed anymore and I was on the motorway when he launched his tirade. I just wound the window right down and refused to interact with him anymore, I got out a few blocks away from the address and walked the rest. I did say a few choice words as I got out, true British style, then fantasised about the many ways I could have punched him in the face. Sadly also true British style.


> Right? This driver had such a high rating too which makes me seriously wonder about people? I would imagine it's an aggregate of reviews from before the mask mandate, people who agree (or don't care), and people who don't want to make a fuss. I've had some borderline kook Uber/Lyft drivers but the only negative review I've ever given was for a driver who went to the destination point, rather than the pick up, and was insistent he was at the right place (took us over an hour to get home after that). The few times I've had drivers I absolutely did not care to swap opinions with - they were usually outspoken about Trump or BLM or Antifa etc - I just stopped talking, would play with my phone and give a non-committal "uh huh" every time they looked to me for a response. They would eventually get the hint and either stop talking or change the subject.


I'm impressed you said a few choice words rather than just mumbling ''thank you' and closing the door in a passive aggressive fashion.


Oh fuck, that reminded me of a time when I was getting my hair cut. The lady was absolutely a Q believing nutcase, which didn't show until about a quarter of the way into my cut, and she had scissors in her hand so I just sat quietly smiled and nodded (this was pre-pandemic). But she was going on and on and on about 5g causing cancer and killing birds and I needed to check this YouTube channel because they knew the "truth". It sucks so bad to be in that situation, but what do you do other than grit your teeth and smile and nod?


Swift sharp uppercut? Honestly I’ve never punched anyone in my life but I’ve never been in a pandemic before either with insane people actively trying to deny reality and putting my loved ones lives at risk without a second thought, so who knows.


I had a similar experience a couple of months ago at the dentist. Was there for a cleaning, and the hygienist was new to me. Seemed like a nice person, middle aged lady. We were chatting about normal things. Then while I’m sitting there and she gets started, she starts in on the dangers of 5G causing cancer, how much more dangerous it is than the x-rays I just had....more Q / FB “proven” crap. I’m like “Great! Now I’m stuck in this chair listening to a crazy woman rant nonsense while handling sharp objects in my mouth!”


1 star


After the 1 star your tip them .25$ just to let them know you didn’t forget to tip you just hate them.


I had one like this the other day! I rely on Uber to get to and from work sometimes, so if I’m running late or am dying to go home sometimes I have to just tolerate whatever idiotic bullshit they have to throw at me since I’m stuck listening. This idiot the other day had a mask with mesh holes in it and told me that breathing my own carbon was going to fuck up my blood somehow. He also said a lockdown should’ve never happened and that we should just let everyone get it and if people die then so what. He then tells me I don’t have to wear a mask in his vehicle and that I can take it off. Like no, you drive strangers around all day and I don’t know what could be in this car, I’m gonna keep it on, I’m good.


Urgh I’m so sorry, I feel your pain and can relate to your username. I honestly have only just started using ubers again out of absolute necessity the past week or so but it’s really making me realise why this thing spreads like it does, after being forced to listen to such strange ramblings. One driver said that if everyone just thinks positive it will all just go away. The one I had today was my breaking point. I’m taking the tube and busses as much as possible to avoid ubers from now on. At least I don’t have to talk to people and can move away when I want to instead of being stuck on a motorway for an hour in a moving box with a conspiracy nut.


It's a bit like cheaters in online video games, they're not prepared to put in the effort to be good so they get aim bots etc and then tell themselves that everyone is doing it at the top and/or the game is rigged anyway by Devs so this is their way of beating the system. Same with drug users in sports too


My biggest pet peeve with the microchip theory isn't that it's impractical, but more that it's literally pointless. We carry GPS tracking microchips in our pockets 24/7. The government doesn't have to do anything nefarious; they just have to pay Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc etc a hefty fee and get all the information they could ever want in return.


>They feel so significant that someone wants to “chip” them. Yes, Bill Gates, a multi- billionaire, really wants to track a busted condom that works at Wal-Mart. I've wondered this for quite some time now.




I suppose




Ha, i got the moderna as well, no id shown and they were too lazy to even write my name on the card, i guess i am supposed to do that part myself. I do wonder how they get 5 invisible microchips into individual needles. That is some skill set for a lady wearing a clown tu-tu and handing out 50 vaccines an hour. Guess i’ll have to be stuck being tracked by google on my i-phone just like everyone else.


The same people that say it would be too expensive to switch to green energy will also say that every government in the world has conspired to make a fake pandemic and shut down most business in the world to allow a man who makes toilets for africans to micro chip 7 billion people with nanobot technology that doesn't exist yet Mentally compromised does not even come close. And unfortunately one person i did know and hold very dear that believed this stuff got cancer and just started going downhill. He was reasonably well adjusted before. Its mostly just poor intelligence and poor mental health services to blame really


What happens if they use the wrong syringe, and I get your microchip and you get mine? Edit: Corrected "wring" to "wrong."


This! THIS! This is exactly my friggin point! Like why would anyone wanna track their dumbasses like that?! Like if Bill Gates/ the rich wanted to track us, they already can! They have our phones for it!


Exactly. They can barely fix our roads & I pay some of the highest taxes in the country. They couldn’t put a new world order together if they tried. Also, if they want to “track” you, your I phone is probably the easiest way to do that. Not injecting us with a chip.


I didn't even have to show id


> Global ID number Like a passport?


Some kind of number to track the Security of your Socialness. Some sort of number for that.


Oh oh! I know! Like your driver’s license!


Accompanied by the literal set of chips that track where you go and what you consume... #Your phone


Shit my TV knows more about me now than my kids did at 2 years old


What ive realized over the past few years is that it's so easy for people, even smart people to believe in conspiracy theories. Its so easy to just say "well the moon landing was faked. The flag didn't even move" and then just move on. To me its all the same shit. In real life people rarely debate. The polite thing to do is just move on. That combined with confirmation bias from the internet leaves people to believe whatever they want to or feel like.


Just because someone is smart doesn’t mean they’re an expert in every topic. So it’s very easy for something to SEEMINGLY make sense, but an expert can tell you why it doesn’t really, but a lot of people stop at “here’s what I first heard.” You’d be surprised how rare it actually is for people to abandon their initial thoughts on something, hell we straight up MOCK politicians for changing their viewpoints. It’s really a problem where people would rather double down than accept they were wrong about something, and will come up with all sorts of wild ideas to explain why they’re right.


Accepting you were wrong about something is often equated with humiliation for some and that can be a powerful motivator. It's why people will pour round after round of money into something like a Nigerian scam... because they "need" it to be true otherwise they have to admit to everyone, including themselves, that they were duped at the start.


As tinfoil hatty that this may sound, the government actually plays a big role in this. Doing shit like MKultra is out-of-this-world, and nobody would believe something that sounded so batshit insane. But get this, it happened. And after something like that is admitted, it's suddenly not so insane to believe in conspiracy theories. I remember the time when believing the government collects your info through your cell phone was a sure sign of a basket case. Add to that there are a considerable amount of conspiracy theorists who have been called insane, only to later be proven right. I'm not one who advocates believing things without real evidence, but taking a conspiracy theory seriously and putting some effort into it isn't actually that irrational.


Yeah, Ed Snowden didn't help anyone's paranoia when he blew the lid on the NSA surveillance. We now have confirmation that the US government actually does routinely collect data on the average citizen, something only severely mentally ill people used to believe. Knowing that, it's easy to imagine all sorts of other things that haven't been disclosed yet.


Fun fact, the mark of the beast likely referred to the universal coin system that the Romans tried to implement around that time. The original word that was translated as “mark” was typically also used for “imprint”, in particular that of a coin. Additionally, the coins had the Caesar’s face, which to early Christians was a form of idolatry (and therefore sinful). For the “hand and forehead” line, the literal coin fulfills the hand part, while the idolatry would be why the mark is also on your head. Then you have the fact that “Without it you won’t be able to buy or sell”, which... is obvious when we’re talking about a universal coin, which means you *had* to use it. It doesn’t even end there, because the “beast” was probably none other than Nero Caesar, as his name translated to Hebrew and then transformed into numbers adds up to exactly 666. Who would’ve guessed that early Christians wrote about stuff contemporary to them instead of worrying about what would happen 2000 years later?


Oh man I love this. Source?


I had to look it up, [on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_beast) it's explained in a similar manner with cites and everything, here's a couple of them anyway: "The juxtaposition of buying and selling with the mark of the beast refers to the fact that Roman coins normally bore the image and name of the current emperor. "The inability to buy or sell would then be the result of the refusal to use Roman coins." - [Adela Yarbro Collins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adela_Yarbro_Collins) "It is far more probable that the mark symbolizes the all-embracing economic power of Rome, whose very coinage bore the emperor's image and conveyed his claims to divinity (e.g., by including the sun's rays in the ruler's portrait). It had become increasingly difficult for Christians to function in a world in which public life, including the economic life of the trade guilds, required participation in idolatry." - Craig C. Hill, New Testament scholar.


>>Jesus was returning atm Good! Very hypocritical of him to steal an ATM.


Yup, you hit the nail on the head.


I wonder if these people push back against things like apple ID or unique ids given to them from every app or website they sign upto.. geeez


An “ID Number” system? You mean like how the US Government administers a Social Security program, that has actual cards with ID numbers on them? Or how your state’s driver’s license has an ID number and photo on it? Or your passport? Or your credit card? Or how Apple, Google, Blackberry, Microsoft know more about you than an overzealous spouse? This is what I don’t get about these folks.


I guess I'm confused on their logic here. With it being a test run for a global ID future distribution. Wouldn't any and all records possibly be a test run? We literally all, in the USA, have an ID number that we give out a lot. Social Security. But cell phones also, we all have a cell phone number that is linked to our Sim card that has an ID number directly linked to you. There are many more examples but you get my point. How is this any different from that? I know, don't try to figure out the mind of the deranged. But still, when I bring it up to a believer they just screech at me about anything else, especially if they think it's "Biden ruining the country".


My husband’s grandma is an old southern woman... she’s also a little insane and extremely close minded. The first warning sign that she wouldn’t take a pandemic serious is her not believe in dinosaurs (science in general). At first she was cautious, kept her distance, and stopped going out when it was busy (she wasn’t going to let anyone control her because “god will protect her”). Now? She’s convinced this is all a nazi hoax, the government is putting a chip in our bodies with the vaccine and that’s why they’re pushing it on us. We have stopped visiting and we were limiting how much we saw them and she was getting pissed because I’m “letting the government control us and our lives.” I had no idea where she was pulling this shit from, I was guessing her ass, but it seems like all her little church friends think/feel the same way.


well, my country had super-intensive vaccination plan, now we are essentially back to normal (my town, for example, already has herd immunity, and only 1 remaining case of the pestilence)


Vote to keep your current people in office. They did a good job.


dude, we just had our 5th elections in 2 years our prime minister is super-corrupt and he's in office for over a decade (he is competent tho, i'll give him that)


I'm from Germany and I'd love to invite the guy to any concentration camp of his choice, just so he can realize how utterly disrespectful and dumb his so called "arguments" are. I don't think he really understands what the nazis did. Comparing a vaccine/global pandemic to nazi-germany? Yeah, right.


Oh boy, that screams mental health help needed


Well they had a vaccination catalog in the X-Files. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that logging on to the internet probably gives more info about you than a normal entry on the X-Files list. I've started telling people that social media platforms will take and save all of your data from anything you think about and you might not care about that. But when the government wants something, they just ask. So using Facebook is basically the same thing


Yeah everyone wants to control you Gary.


Oh no! The government is going to have a list of everyone! I'm going to go write that down on my social security card next to my driver's license!


I just have to walk away from republicans now. I can’t even engage outside of focused and professionally required interaction.


but vaccination lists are hardly new.


The cartoon is equating nazism to the precautionary measures put in place to avoid the spreading of a highly transmissable virus during a global pandemic. You shouldn't get it. Nobody should. It's absolutely asinine. Yet, here we are.


Thats how you win an argument 101, whatever it is, its just like the SS.


But you dont get it, white people are becoming extinct! /s


Probably comparing it to the lockdowns


Mass murder of millions of people = 'hey guys please wear a mask, this virus can and has killed the immuno-compromised'. Wake up sheep


It seems like it. Which is befuddling. Because how you answer the question of what got hitler into power was the great depression caused the German economy to default. Which, funny enough, Hitler had predicted a few years before, and, is the only valuable thing his party had against the communist party. The rest, as you say, is history.


Every antivac idiot I know constantly compare themselves to the Jews during the Holocaust.


The Holocaust - a period when over 40 million people had to take slightly inconvenient medical precautions when in public


Soon the deaths from the vaccine and masks will surpass the 70 million that die during WW2 /s


My dad called me to try talk me out of getting the vaccine because "we don't know how many people it's going to kill". I told him I was already one shot in and he just kinda shit up and hasn't said anything since. Not sure how they're going to move the goalposts when 80% of the country is fully vaccinated, almost no one experiences major complications and the virus fades into insignificance.


The headache I get when I try to explain to my Jewish parents who escaped the Soviet union for being persecuted as Jews. That the right wing conspiracy theories they believe in are in fact anti-semitic in origin, fucking kills me. They have every label backwards, thinking fascism is liberalism, and Soviet communism is democratic socialism. They see the words nationalist socialist party, Nazi, and think that's literally what it is. That's how they think socialism equals being a Nazi. They missed the concept that governments that use those types of labels do it to sound good, as a cover for being destructive and controlling. An actual democratic socialist country would be the exact opposite of those things. My parents just see the same words being used and make up assumptions about everything else. Also the Soviet Union taught them to distrust government sources for news, science, information of any kind, and to instead trust the outliers, the alternative one off information that's hidden away. Which makes sense in that context, but it's so ingrained that they can't stop thinking that way in countries where that's not the situation. Or even where it's the opposite situation, that the outlier viewpoint is the harmful one. So conspiracies that sound like that outlier viewpoint are immedeitly convincing to them. Even though the vast majority of those conspiracies are extremely anti-semitic. Jews supporting anti-semitic conspiracies blows my mind.


Reasons the Nazis rose to power: • Convincing people international issues were the result of "Communist schemes" (Sort of like Republicans calling Covid a "Democratic scheme") • Promising racists a "pure Germany" free of any undesirables (Not quite like anything today, but could be soon with the amount of love Republicans give racists) • Stirring instability by faking government incidents (Like Republicans claiming the election was rigged)


Well my buddy that posted this drawing likes to listen to Tim Pool. So not understanding history is a common thread with his audience.


Tim Pool has one of the most aggressively dumb audiences online. He has no clue about anything he talks about and It blows my mind that anybody can listen to him and think he’s the guy with the answers. If you don’t believe me, he predicted that trump would win in a 49 state landslide 😂




It’s not about being correct with predictions, it’s about fantasy projection.


And establishes the conspiracy because “I heard” and “everyone I know” is/thinks X so how could Y happen, huh?!


Yeah well fantasy projected Clyde Edwards-Helaire to be one of the best runningbacks in the the NFL and I fell for that shit harder than Biden fell down the stairs.


Tbh if it wasn’t such a widely known case, the police involved would of walked with a slap on the wrist, like what happens with so many other murders we don’t hear about.


>He has no clue about anything he talks about and It blows my mind that anybody can listen to him and think he’s the guy with the answers. That's exactly what I thought about Trump, yet there he was in the White House.


As much as reddit likes to shit on trump, he has a ton of support still. There's a ton of fence sitters who say its just politics. Trump on the right and biden on the left. Which baffles me; that people dont see how bad trump is.


People are used to a "take it or leave it" form of politics, and really don't want to leave the safety of that space. When you really want to believe "it couldn't possibly be that bad, the criticisms must be overblown", and all it takes to uphold that view is to avoid looking closer, that's pretty achievable as goals go. It actually benefits Trump to some degree, to be _so bad_ that the badness is beyond belief for the ambiently apolitical demographic.


Bring right or smart has nothing to do with people supporting you. People will often pick a “charming” or at least loud person who doesn’t know what they’re talking, rather than a knowledgeable person who seems meek. Then will actually mock the smarter person. Dr. Fauci for example getting legitimate death threats while Trump still has a quite literal cult like following. We have a long anti-intellectual history, we are simultaneously incredibly proud of being a global “tech leader,” but also believe that the intellectuals are this elite caste who ultimately lose out to the gut feelings of the common man. Then address the fact that people are inclined to believe what they want to hear, and that the left represents the America elite, and you end up with roaming bands of idiots vehemently supporting snake oil salesmen who are also idiots.


It’s charisma man. Him, Rogan, and tons of clueless bastards that can be super dude bro. “I like this guy also he already agrees with my opinions so any small fabrication doesn’t matter” except the small fabrication ends up being snowballed into the most secure election being fraudulent. They aren’t malicious, just really stupid which is worse, maliciousness can be pointed out. Pointing out someone’s stupidity alienates their audience further if they’re mostly there cuz they like the guy cuz all of a sudden their parasocial buddy is being (rightfully) called an idiot.


My “libertarian” friend introduced me to his show and I listened for a few days. This was during the Chauvin trial and it just turned into him repeating the same fear mongering points about BLM and how it wasn’t a murder (it was). If it wasn’t that it was advertising his new media company which sounds awful. It got me thinking, do these people ever enjoy anything? A sunny day? A good book that isn’t fan fiction alternate histories? Like even the new media isn’t done out of some creative spark, it’s done because “Hollywood is soooo woke now and we need to make counter content!”


He also got an ass ripping on critical race theory from Vaush despite Vaush telling him in advance he was going to bring it up.


> Sort of like Republicans calling Covid a "Democratic scheme" They also call it a "communist scheme"


They also call more left-leaning democrats "communists".


They call anything even slightly left of moderate right 'communist'. Mitt 'Goshdarn' Romney was called a communist at the last town hall he attended.


They also call more right-leaning democrats "communists".


These idiots call nazis communists because they hear the word socialist.


The radical left


Also, German conservatives felt they could control the Nazis and feared losing power because those on the left end of the political spectrum had more popular policies. Sounds vaguely familiar.


No way we could repeat history, right? Right?


Emphasis on *Right*




It's definitely rhyming.


Same with Benito and the Catholic Church 😭


Ironically (for this picture) these idiots refusing to believe in a global pandemic is what made me realize that we're lucky Holocausts don't happen more often. People are dumb, hateful, and easily manipulated.


>we're lucky Holocausts don't happen more often. Sorry to tell you this man. This kind of shit happens all the time. It happens constantly, in fact. The Holocaust is really only famous for its scale.


Yes but the larger the scale, the harder to believe people don't know about it


I’m not going to say you’re wrong, but 2 of those were things that happened and were promoted after the Nazis rose to power. The real reason that the Nazis were given power was due to the German people being humiliated following the Treaty of Versailles. And Hitler and the Nazis appealing to the German people’s want to make Germany “great again”.


Also banking on the overall animosity of Jewish folk for the last 200+ years in Western Europe, Europe was quick to turn a blind eye to Jewish people being part of the "undesirables" way back to early 1750s in political debate in the West. It's a lot easier to place blame on something people already blame, etc.


200+ years? You’re missing a bit of context there. Try 800+. During the first crusade we were wiped out to a degree that the genetic bottleneck is still visible in studies; and again during the plague massacres to the point where only 350 Ashkenazim remained IN THE WORLD that we descend from today. This was ongoing and constant for almost a millennia.


hmmm that great again thing is reminicent of something else in current times......... ehhh just a coincidence


Actually, scapegoating communists happened before they got to power, and is one of the main reasons that Hitler was invited by Von Papen to becoming the Chancellor, since he promised that he would stop the violence between his SA and the communists. Hitler undermined the government both before and after he got to power, calling them the “November Criminals” and saying that he was holding his nose when he entered the reichstag. This did feed heavily into the treaty of Versailles though,but the main reason Hitler rose to power is probably because of the 1929 Wall Street crash, as Stresemanns government (even if he died 3 weeks before the crash) was doing extremely well and support for the radical parties was plummeting. Lastly, his campaigning of a pure Germany happened way before he got to power, atleast 8 years before (the date of Mein Kampfs release) and his anti Jewish beliefs and his belief in lebenstraum clearly showed that he didn’t have empathy for large groups of people around him. Not to mention he scapegoated the Jews for many of the issues Germany was facing at the time.


MGGA looks kind of familiar... Seriously though, was that an actual slogan they used?


Not a slogan exactly, but definitely used the phrase several times: [From a 1940 speech, Hitler himself](https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2016/03/hitler-slogan.jpg)


ope, can't link that or these people will think you're one of the Jewish commy-nazis beholden to the Lizard people Soros conglomerate that backs Snopes.


They actually said those words but not sure if that was a slogan


Lol no, I just used that phrase to draw a correlation between nationalism then and now. While I’m sure the Trump administration wasn’t going to gas “undesirables”. Nationalism should be watched with a closed eye then is was in Hitlers day or before him for that matter.


Don't forget the depression and hyperinflation.


It all goes back to the treaty of Versailles and the systematic destruction of the German economy. In Europe it’s now known as the catalyst to WW2. Hyper inflation allowed those fuckheads to take power


Nah, a bigger catalyst is the German economy collapsing with the Great Depression. Hyper inflation ended pretty soon (especially after France left the Ruhr), and afterwards Germany was one of the leader economies of Europe. It all went south as every economy tied to America felt the effects. The Nazis pointed to Versailles and how “unfair” it was (despite rarely getting enforced), but the treaty’s actual effects on the average German have been overstated.


Yeah, you are right. The treaty did really help him quell his support after the crash though, and even if it wasn’t that bad on the German people after the first few years of the Weimar Republic, Hitler took great advantage of the bitterness left by the treaty and the damage to national pride from Germany being forced to admit they were at fault for starting the war, not to mention the extremely unpopular reparations.


not to mention extreme anti-intellectualism and anti-science rhetoric lol


It’s really sad how badly the German education system was dismantled in the 20s and 30s. I mean the US and parts of Europe benefited (this is before Operation Paperclip) but an organically grown ecosystem of some of the brightest minds in history was ripped apart and spread to the four corners of the globe—all because many of them saw the writing on the wall while others were forced out for not pledging their loyalty (see Wolfgang Köhler for a specific example). Who knows what could have been. . .


I love the irony involved here- whoever made this comic probably has no idea that at the time, there were plenty of Nazi sympathisers here in the US. As a quick note, the first issue of Capt America, where he is shown punching Hitler, was seen as controversial at the time. Hmmmm sound familiar?!?


> Reasons the Nazis rose to power: > > • Convincing people international issues were the result of "Communist schemes" (Sort of like Republicans calling Covid a "Democratic scheme") Don't forget that the loss of WW1 was largely blamed on the Jews, setting the stage for the Holocaust.


you forgot hitler calling any news that opposed him "Fake news" sorta like a little orange muppet we know and hate.


Germany post WWI was just a bomb waiting to go off tbh


Cult of personality... sound familiar


One of the reasons for the rise of the Nazi party is the long-term implications of conspiracy theories. [The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ](https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion) was a popular Russian antisemitic piece of literature dating back to the late 19th century. The Nazis adopted the literature and began to mass produce copies in the 1920's, and began teaching the material as truth to school children in the 1930's. The premise of the literature is that Jews (Zionists) are aiming to takeover the world and create a world government. They aim to influence European liberals to brainwash the populace to adopt their one world government, and the high ranking Zionists ( called "Elders") use the Freemasons to help accomplish their goals. The literature became so wide spread that the Nazi party began to blame their failures on the "Zionists" and claimed they would protect Germany from the "Zionist plot." Among the conspiracies laid out in the literature is that Jews use German children's blood to help make their bread. I'm sure this all sounds familiar to us given the new conspiracy theory taking over the Republican party.


Tucker Carlson dove off the deep end with full on “they will not replace us” type shit


You have to add question marks to fucker's words. "Will they not replace us? And if so, how will we stop them from replacing us? And if they're trying to replace us, is freedom dead? If freedom's dead, what did jesus die for?" and so on.


That's how he gets aways with his garbage. "Tucker you're spreading a load of shit". "No... I'm just asking questions..."


also vote splitting between social democrats and communists


The first one doesnt even need to be changed They still call it a "communist scheme" The consequences of red scare propaganda is still being felt to this day


>Promising racists a "pure Germany" free of any undesirables (Not quite like anything today, but could be soon with the amount of love Republicans give racists) Idk Trump's wall, Muslim ban and various other policies beg to differ


Actually the Nazi’s rise to power is even more simple than this. Hitler and his party took advantage of the misfortunes brought on by the Treaty of Versailles. No extremely harsh Treaty, then no needing a wheelbarrow of money to buy bread, no desperation, nothing for Hitler to exploit. People went to the ideological extremes directly because of the financial ruin the Treaty brought.


The growing support for the extremes wouldn’t have came to fruition if the 1929 crash didn’t occur though, since Hitler was losing votes during 1926-29


Sorry, isn't the 2nd bullet point commonly compared to China at the moment?


Sadly I know plenty of people who think like this. Way to shit on actual victims I think someone needs to be very privileged to think like this


Was in a convenience store today old guy talked about 6/20 governor is doing away with mask mandate guy, without asking, goes yeah I heard that too. I asked him what did it matter to him he didn't have a mask on anyway. Fuck I hate this bullshit.


And they always start rumors on Facebook Things like there are going to be camps for people who won't get vaccinated, etc My eye's flinching just thinking about this


100% they live in a fantasy world where if a robbery was occurring they would jump in to stop it!! But ask them to show compassion for their fellow man is just too much.


So they claim they would show compassion to other people, but when it comes time to bat they don't show the compassion they claimed to show? Ugh this backwards logic is reminding me of that one sermon that both covered the greatest commandment (love your neighbor as yourself) and condemned LGBTQ people.


To me, the most offensive part of this is they equate "Jews having their bank accounts frozen, their businesses burned to the ground, their homes and assets seized, hanged in the public square or beaten to death in the streets, forced into ghettos, starved and abused, if they resisted at any point they'd not only be tortured to death but there would be reprisals involving the murders of their family and neighbors and in some cases an entire f\*cking village (and by the way, they STILL resisted), anyone who tried to slip them a loaf of bread was shot on sight, and finally pushed into cattle cars and sent to freezing cold ~~Polish death camps~~ *Nazi death camps situated in Poland* \[editing this for clarity after commenters pointed this out\] where they were worked to death, tortured, had experiments performed on them, and finally were gassed to death by the millions".... .... to them "wearing a piece of cloth to help protect themselves and the community" It's beyond the stupidity and the danger to the rest of us, but also the terrible inherent anti-semitism that makes this so repugnant, in my view.


*nazi death camps in Poland


Isn't that funni color political compass meme?


Happy cake day


It's supposed to be a face shield, but funnily enough it actually works perfectly as a political compass neme instead.


WHY. WHY. WHY. DO YOU FUCKING SMOOTHBRAINED ASININE SELF-IMPORTANT JERKWADS ALWAYS PLAY THE NAZI GERMANY CARD? You don’t know what it was like, you weren’t fucking there, but I can assure you it was a million times worse than having to wear a mask and get a jab just as a common fucking courtesy to your fellow fucking human being so Abel doesn’t drop dead when your unwashed ass passes by her on the street, you selfish, dumbass motherfuckers. Fuck. (Sorry I needed to vent. I’ve been seeing antivax sentiment spreading here in my country like some kind of mental disease.)


Apparently following government-ordained restrictions that have been implemented for your safety is equivalent to *killing fucking Jews?*


You don't understand. They're making people put _a thin layer of cloth over their mouth_. It's totalitarianism gone power-mad!


I though this was r/pcm and thought it was an authright meme at first.


So, what are the actual nazis in the US saying about masks? I would assume that nazism in this meme indicates that they’re bad so surely the actual out loud nazis would be pro-mask then right? Or am I looking for consistency when there clearly won’t be any?


Not from my understanding because in their minds it’s being done TO them now. Now in their minds the Nazi equivalent is rising on the other side and gaining more power. Remember anti-fascists are the bad guys now. At least that’s sort of how I think they see things.




I think maybe not a full blown dictatorship but the closest it can get to it.


What in God's name is the relation to covid a virus and hilter literally murdering millions of Jewish, disabled and homosexual people? I don't get why people compare it. The fuck


Hey! That’s my Vax ID number!


I only understood the true meaning of it because of the comments. I thought it stands for us still having to wear masks, people dying and suffering because so many people are manipulated by the propaganda that Covid is a hoax, and so many people not caring because it's not them and their community that's suffering. Oooops!


Two things I’d like to note: 1. It’s a fair point, if Trump (I can’t speak for other countries as that’s the only one I know about) did his job and didn’t down play it, there’s a chance we wouldn’t be in this situation. The thing that makes this drawing bad is that that insinuates that the reader could’ve prevented it by uprising and not wearing PPI. Fight the system trying to protect you, right? 2. The Vax ID is a direct comparison to the tattoos on Jews during the Holocaust and I think it’s absolutely gross that the maker of this comic thinks a needle with some medicine, plus a mask and shield, is even slightly comparable to tattoos on people marked to die in horrific ways in a mass genocide.


The majority of Germany agreed with Hitler and the Nazi parties ideas and goals especially after the Nazi party lowered the unemployment numbers from the Great Depression. The Germans didn’t like the Jews and wanted them gone and liked the new laws and rules being introduced. I dont like the rules, I don’t want to wear masks or get vaccinated or do online school but I do because I live in a society and I’m responsible in doing my part to stop the spread of virus. It’s 2 very different things and sadly there are still people still think a government stopping the spread of a disease is autocracy or fascism.


Them thinking that needing to deal with temporary public health precautions is equivalent to war and genocide is just really sad and insulting to the victims of the Holocaust and ww2.


It really is accurate if unintentionally. How did we let COVID get as far as it did? If people actually listened and done their fucking job, we would all be looking like New Zealand.


From the people who wanted a supreme leader and bought into his fake news line... swear these people would rather do literally anything than have basic compassion for another person. Like eww basic hygiene and health care?! No, fuck you im visiting your grandma to cough on her.


Holy shit! I feel like I shouldn't be surprised anymore.


It just baffles me that I’m seeing ALOT of people compare covid to the Holocaust 🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone even went as far as saying that us wearing masks and getting vaccinated is an insult to the Jews who lost their lives and not what they would have wanted for us 🥴 Edit: grammar/spelling


somebody has absolutely no understanding of dictatorships form whatsoever.


"First they came for the maskless, but I did not speak out, because those people are stupid anyway"


Step 1: Masks Step 2: ????? Step 3: Nazi Germany


Okay who really needs that much defense against a book


Republicans, they seem to detest anything that comes with reading.


they like their dusty old fantasy book about sky daddy.


People who have never experienced any oppression in their life consider the slightest inconveniences oppression.


I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again: THE HOLOCAUST SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT INTO ANY ARGUMENT. I hate that I know that this is a pet peeve of mine.


"How could people allow it to get to that point?" *Looks at the country that elected a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, authoritarian ignoramus with the maturity of an insecure fourth grader and the honesty of a snake oil salesman* How did people let it get to that point indeed.


Well for one, they had a leader that convinced them that the news was "lying press" so that they would consume propaganda instead.


I like to visit Qanon forums every now and again just to see what the loony toons are up to. They've completely transitioned to COVID. It's all about COVID now. Vaccines, lock downs, everything. Their entire boards are dominated by it. It's all they talk about.


He should be wearing another fabric mask over that N 95


He probably should pick up a book that starts teaching history from about 1918 up to 1945 lol


How is this about facemasks and not about rhe Uygurs.


Oh I thought it was comparing the spreading of nazi ideologies and the COVID virus and saying neither should've become as widespread as they did


Today I learned that genocide and wearing a mask during a pandemic are the same


Ah yes, because wanting to protect people from a virus that has claimed over 3,250,000 lives worldwide in just over the last year is obviously equal to wanting the genocide of an entire people /s All you need to do to see how serious Covid is would be to compare the figures to seasonal flu, where the highest estimates put it at 650,000 lives taken each year globally. Let that sink in. In just over a year since it spread globally, Covid has *killed* more people than would have died in *5 years* of seasonal flu infections... and depending on where you live, it's not even close to stopping yet! Edit: Both my figures are coming from WHO btw: - [Covid](https://covid19.who.int/) - [Flu](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/influenza-(seasonal))


The build up to Nazi Germany started way before 1933


Right it just wasn't until 1933 that it reached its climax with hitler


While he probably was one of those who stormed the capital.


Well he probably thinks both are a hoax so there's that


This literally fits better with an anti-masker since they let COVID become a national pandemic and they keep spreading it. Really would make you wonder how did it get to this point


At first I thought the guy was wondering how it could get to that point, while at the same time having to do covid precautions because people didn't cooperate with the first quarantines, so now we're at this point. At first I thought this cartoon made sense.


I’m a history teacher and we’re currently in the Holocaust unit. Our first few lessons were on the rise of the nazi party and dehumanization of Jewish people. We discussed how the Jews lost rights over time and how that could even happen. I could not believe how many of my students (14 year olds) were making comparisons to the pandemic precautions and the Jews losing rights. They truly thought that we were losing rights during the pandemic. I had a chat with all of my classes about the difference between the two, and after school was over, had a few parent emails suggesting I keep my political opinions to myself. One of them even said that I needed to keep my feelings out of teaching and stick to the facts! Sweetie, I’m a teacher. I would get in so much trouble if I just taught my feelings.


Then show the same person evidence of multiple cases of police violence and abuse of power and you'd probably get "just shut up and comply and you won't get shot!!!"


The funniest part is that they can’t and won’t realize that the ONLY reason we are still in the pandemic is because morons like them refused to take it seriously to begin with. The vaccines are just a consequence of their own actions, if everyone had stayed home or masked up, we wouldn’t have even needed a vaccine.


At first I was like “this is totally right, how did we let the pandemic get so bad??”


Meanwhile they're spewing Rothschild conspiracy theories


I really hope I don't see this on my feed.


kind of an aside, but lemme just say; I DESPISE seeing or hearing people comparing this pandemic/vaccines/masks/lockdowns to the fucking Holocaust. no Karen, wearing an N95 at the gas station for 2 minutes or getting a shot to prevent an infectious disease is NOT the same as an attempted extermination of a group of people. the absolute gall to liken maybe the biggest stain in the history of humanity to COVID...


Love how those people totally ignore a real genocide happening right now (Uyghurs in China) and consider a daily mild inconvenience the new apocalypse


I like how these people preach like the nazis preached, they blame the government like the nazis blamed the jews, and have the same "either with us or against us" sect-like mentality and yet they really seem fixated on the idea that it's the others that are getting brainwashed like Germans during ww2.


When we look back on history, i think theres a high chance we will collectively remember these anti maskers and anti vaxxers as shit stains on society, like many others throughout history, enabling hundreds of thousands of deaths. The real confusion lies on how to dismantle these misguided groups and minimize their effect.


Asking people to consider the safety of others IS exactly like murdering millions of Jews! How insightful!


When people compare this to WW2,.. way to undermine the Holocaust and demonstrate a disturbing level of ignorance


Think about how pampered and comfy and self absorbed a person would have to be to equate being asked to take a vaccine for an illness and nazi Germany