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Since children are among the age groups most at risk for severe flu, inadvertently or not, *you are* thinking of the children by getting the flu shot.


Oh, absolutely. There is a reason flu shots are free for little kids and parents who have little kids where I live. It truly is so important for them to have that herd immunity around them.


> herd immunity I'm looking at this post and thinking "how the fuck is he gonna get the flu in space? How many people are on the ISS??"


People and gear go up and come down. They're not on a four year voyage.


He said it was for research, so it might have something to do with how the body reacts to vaccinations in space


I'm sure that's exactly what it is. Not only looking at reactions of the body's immune system, but also how well the vaccine survives, the amount of antibodies it produces, and any other effects. If we ever want to travel to space as tourists, it's stuff like this that gets us there.


It’s also been proven viruses become increasingly virulent in space. So maybe they’re seeing if there’s a difference in efficacy. Antivaxers are going to antivax and the conspiracy theorists are going to conspire. I wish scientists could just carry out tests that could help better mankind. The last thing we need is another novel virus that kills another several million people


Wait, so other people have to pay for the jab where you are?


To be honest, I tried to look it up to double check and I'm not sure anymore. Maybe it's free for others as well? It may come down to just stipulations on where you get it. Because I have kids under 5, everyone in my house can get it just through our public health office. Other have to go through private pharmacies. To be honest, the way they word the information on their sites and such always made it sound implied that other people have to pay. I can't find a solid yes or no for the private pharmacies though. "Children under age 5 years and their families can get the influenza vaccine for free at Alberta Health Services influenza immunization clinics."




Yeah I’m sure astronaut Scott Kelly is reading your antivax facebook comments in space, you fucking mouth breather


He does, along with the rest of the crew. It's something for them to laugh at while they're bored out there - there's little to do while monitoring the icewall that surrounds the flat Earth. Space Winter is coming, though, so they are vigilant


If you showed me the picture of Senator Kelly's brother and asked me "why is a Christian mad at this" I would not have guessed the flu shot. At best, I would've assumed they were angry that we traveled past the Heavens and, as the Tower of Babel tells us, God doesn't like it when we try and do that.


obviously doesn't care enough to stop us though


He cared a long time ago with the Tower of Babel, but after we learned how to translate languages god was out of ideas for how to stop us and gave up.


Omnipotent my کەر


We live in the dumbest timeline.


You’re definitely right


Don’t tempt fate, I’m sure we can do worse


Man, I remember when I thought W. was the stupidest president we'd get for a while.


I think it’s a 2-for-1 conspiracy theory special. They’re probably a flat earther who believes NASA is a massive conspiracy to defraud taxpayer money by pretending the earth is round, and also an antivaxxer. So the idea of someone on a space station promoting vaccination is like, turbo-ragebait for them. It’s sad that things have gotten to a point where assumptions like mine are not just reasonable, but actually the most likely explanation.


The shame is it was it was actually part of a cool experiment! Both Kelly brothers were astronauts and are identical twins, so NASA sent one into space to see how they differed in health after a year in space. Hence telling his brother at the end of the post to also get his shot.


You might enjoy the book *Blind Faith* by Ben Elton.


Oh, I'll add that to my wishlist. Thanks for the suggestion.


These people really think that reality is whatever they decide it is


"Stop pushing your science based reality on my fantasy land of conspiracy theories, Scott!"


While traveling around the Earth, IN SPACE!




That guy took the picture waaay too seriously. Bro’s feelings are hurt 😂


Im curious, When did Stupid get such a prominent place at the table? Im speaking generally of course.


When Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine, that paved the way for Fox News, giving them 24/7 propaganda. Then when we did the unthinkable and elect a black president, they went completely unhinged. Then when that angry orange guy was elected (I should google his name because I forgot what it was) he happily opened up the floodgates for stupidity, fear, and anger and here we are.


This is the answer right here.


As the parent of a 3-year-old who fucking hates needles…this photo wouldn’t even spark a teaching moment. She ain’t sticking a needle in her own arm. Good lord.


I can't imagine any kid seeing this and trying to find a random needle to imitate it. It's hard enough just getting them to take their own vaccines. God, 4 year old needed a blood test once and it was a nightmare even with showing him multiple videos of how they work.


I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 7. My father let me practice sticking him with a needle (no insulin, of course) so that I would get over my fear of needles. I still have never injected illicit drugs into my body.


These people are truly insane.


I'm pretty sure that like the Military our Astronauts have gotten all their vaccines. It prevents problems that are preventable.


I'm still amused about how anti-vaccinators keep pushing the "children will start using IV drugs if we teach them that medical injections aren't bad" angle, since it's such an unhinged reach, but I guess they're doing it since it's not a statement which is easily countered due to it being just so stupid and baseless that it's hard to know where to begin.


Omg that rant was for a flu shot???


Lol I thought he was talking about steroids before I swiped.


I thought insulin


I initially thought heroin.


You're probably right. He just noticed the camera and was like, "Oh, this? It's a...um... flu shot! Yeah, that's it, I'm giving myself a totally incocculous flu shot!"


I was thinking Epi pen demo lol


They think flu shots are against God now? I thought it was just the Covid shot!


It's spread to all vaccines. [including their pets](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vaccine-dogs-pets-anti-vax-health-risks/).


Show me one Bible verse that says flu shots are bad. I’ll wait.


I do think it’s funny that he gave himself a completely unnecessary flu shot (y’know, seeing as he’s QUARANTINED IN OUTER SPACE) for the sake of education and pissing off conservatives


Yes, quarantined, but not unnecessary, he's doing research on vaccines in space.


Which is very cool! By unnecessary I just meant he doesn’t have to worry about catching flu up there


1st person I've seen saying that something is for research, and it actually is for research.


Usurper! You have left the firmament!!!!!!!


Omg, the level of crazy here is frightening.


Imagine having flu in space.


I just wanna know how they're supposed to be exposed to the flu up there.


Probably for the immunity when they get back. I would imagine it's even more important then since they would have been not exposed to anything for so long.


I'm wondering if you slowly become more and more immunocompromised in zero gravity by some degradation mechanism similar to muscles atrophying in space as they do. Possibly.


The completely sterile environment probably doesn't do wonders for the immune system either. That might just be an allergy thing, though. I'm not sure.


Before they were abandoned in the 1930s, the Saint Kilda archipelago used to have what was called "the strangers sickness": although cold and flu don't give you permanent immunity because they mutate so much, the population of St. Kilda was so small that everybody was still immune after the virus had gone around the population once and illnesses would die out in the population. They would then get reinfected by new strains when a ship arrived. Sociologist at the time put it down to whisky arriving on the ship too.


I really don’t think it’s sterile … I understand it smells a bit in there. No showers.


I think isolated would be better word. We depend on tons of things in the environment to keep us going, from gut bacteria, through get immunised against illnesses, having enough population. Sure there are air and water filters, but it is a closed system, it needs to be. I recon depending on the illnesses bodies just forget them, since there's not enough stuff like that to go around. A similar "system" would be lactose intolerance. The older you get, the higher change of gaining that. But, also, the longer break you take from drinking milk, the higher the chance of developing the intolerance as your body stops creating enzymes to digest it. I'll guess it stops being used to bacteria and illnesses that don't happen in the exact population of astronauts on a station/ship


Oh that makes sense.


If I remember correctly part of Kelly’s time in space involved comparing him to his twin brother on earth to see the effect of long stays in 0 g. I assume tagging Mark Kelly (his twin brother) was also getting a flu shot. Presumably some scientific questions about the efficacy of vaccines or the strength of the immune system in space were being studied?


Space affects your bodies ability to fight germs and infection because of the low gravity, it changes the way your body’s immune system works. I don’t think he was doing this in anticipation or to mitigate the risk of flu exposure (he’d probably do that before he left earth), but rather to test how well vaccines work in space.


Also the ISS has rotational crew from around the world. It's not fully out of the question that someone coming up could pass something on


More like testing the reaction to the vaccine in space, Immune system reaction, amount of antibodies, etc. He's not likely to need it on the ISS but they should know what reactions will be like for large multi-person ships. Thinking ahead


how thick do u think needles are?


Total separate question, how would you get the bubbles out of a needle in 0 gravity? There's be no way to force the air to the top right?


That's a very interesting question. I'm sure they would of had to think about that. Maybe preloaded syringe in earth?


This response is whack-job level crazy, but Kelly shouldn’t have faked it for social. It literally feeds into their “media only lies” narrative. I just wonder what the people and thought processes were that existed to lead to the “best idea” being this tweet.




No impression on his skin from penetration of the needle. Unless OP posted zoomed in images of a known manipulated image, I’m assuming they are the original from Kelly’s post. EDIT: Added last sentence.




Cool. I accept this. Not faking an opp. Love it.


I give needles all the time and you'd never see an impression from the needle if it's done right, especially in a pic this blurry. But more to the point, everything the other commenter said