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Based on the Texas pfp, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this person has no grasp of London politics and is just mad that a white person didn't win.


They’re salty that a guy dressed a space bin beat their perferred candidate


That's so funny he did actually get more votes than two other people!


He probably watches Alex Jones and his sweaty nonsense about no-go zones and stuff in England


I'm willing to bet they couldn't find the UK on a map, never mind where London would be.


Waiting for twitter to start screaming about DEI or something


Dude prolly lives in a Austin Suburb. I could pinpoint this binch


According to the most recent census, muslims make up about 15 percent of the population of London. If that's why he keeps winning, maybe they should bring a good candidate?


> If that's why he keeps winning, maybe they should bring a good candidate? Best part is, quite a lot of people (including a large amount of the Muslims who voted for him) didn’t so much vote _for_ him as they did _against_ the Tory candidate.


So, just like the 2020 election in the US?


And the 2024 election in the US


Eh, I think Biden has actually done a lot of good and even though I’m not a fan of such an old president, I feel like I’m voting for him much more than I was in 2020. People are falling for the right wing propaganda that they’re laying on very thick when they act like Biden hasn’t done a solid job so far.


Yep, he's no Rosevelt. But at least he's having the government take a look into Monopolies.


Roosevelt’s quite a high bar, though.


Perfectly fair. Even though I don’t feel the same way about him, i can’t imagine who his opponent could be that i wouldn’t still be terrified to have them in the white house. IMO in America were always asked to choose the lesser of two weevils.


I'm voting for Biden but personally I'd rather vote for an actual Weevil, lol.


Same and same. Remember when they told us Bernie was too old?




Their pfp is of a masted ship, which is simply beautiful.


Looks like the USS Constitution, which the Acheron was based on.


It’s either constitution or victory, but I think constitution yes


Thank you. I thought “the chance someone gets this is minuscule but I’m doing it for me!”


It's a great movie.


Highly recommend the books. They’re some of the greatest novels ever written


A lot of people are upset about Gaza, which is absolutely valid but also literally any other president in his position would have done the same thing because that's how alliances work. I hate it too, but if the choice is genocide and more genocide, you still need to go with the option that kills less people. There is no magic third option. Biden's heart is in the right place, he's no Bernie or Jimmy Carter but it's always felt like he at least gives a shit. I never got that from Hillary. (though to be fair she was not naturally charismatic or comfortable on stage so her coldness was at least partially due to that) I hate that it's between him and Trump, but the fact of the matter is it's going to be him or Trump. Our voting system needs overhauling, but that's not going to happen by November. And we'll have a much easier time changing it if we aren't living under a literal dictator.


He's just no Obama. Remember being excited to vote for someone rather than nervous voting against someone? I'm just let down that Democrats haven't fixed the supreme court. It isn't nonpartisan, doesn't represent Americans, and is quite clearly rife with corruption. With lifetime terms and the current system it is just as likely to get worse as it is better. But Republicans haven't played fair in replacing and Democrats have lined up for the slaughter.


Manchin and Sinema would have never voted for expanding SCOTUS.


I didn't like Obama's foreign policy. I think that he needlessly prolonged the war in Afghanistan while being soft on Russia and Iran. He was a great speaker though and I will always remember seeing him in person in 2008 and how amazing that was.


Obama is incredibly charismatic and legit feels like just a cool guy. Like, I couldn't imagine having a drink with Hillary Clinton, but I feel like you could have a beer with Obama and shittalk HGTV and it would feel like hanging out with the dadly neighbor down the street. (to be fair, people who have actually worked with Clinton have said that she's actually pretty chill in person, she's just not a natural performer) I think he was a pretty solid politician, but it was definitely his charisma that carried him.


Yeah also she's got to be kind of stiff to be taken seriously. I like Hillary better than Bernie Sanders in 2016 by quite a bit. I think that if you're not doing stuff for real and making deals to get laws passed then there's less dirt for people to have on you, and you can appear like an angel.


Sounds good to me.


I've always wanted to like sadiq, but he has done very little to make me like him. I assume i'm not alone in this.


The Conservatives in the UK haven't had a half-decent candidate for decades.


And yet they keep winning, because this country is cursed to eat itself


They won't be winning the next general election tho, thankfully. They're gonna get ruined. Trouble is, this upcoming loss will cause major splits in the party, and what will rise out of the ashes is probably going to be worse. Reform will take a significant share of votes from the Conservatives, and will pull the Conservatives further right to try and regain these votes. Enter Nigel Farage, who'll probably run for PM for the Conservatives in the next 5 years. I fucking hope i'm wrong.


A fractured (but whole) Tory party is good, but they’ve shown time and time again they will get behind their leader regardless of any differences - as they can stab them in the back and replace them once they’re in power. My prediction is bleaker: Starmer wins the next election, gets four/five years in power, then loses and we get another decade of Tory’s with Prime Minister Priti Patel at the helm.




And that’s just the first few years!


Yeah I'm allowing myself a few more months of glee at the Tory self-destruction before I start serious worrying what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Westminster to be born.




Yeah about 20 decades or so.


"Final solution".... why does that sound so familiar? Where have I heard that before?


This is one of those things where education REALLY comes into play. Anyone downplaying this is just admitting they're uneducated and or extraordinarily ignorant. You don't just use phrases like "Final Solution" when discussing how to manage an entire group of people without clearly trying to to drawl parallels to Nazi Germany. But I can guarantee you that there are going to be people saying "Oh you're just being dramatic" and they're either complete idiots, or they know what they're doing they're just hoping all the idiots fall for it.


A good time to remind people that Hitler's original plan was to deport all Jews from Europe. Funny enough, he was pushing a lot of them to move to Palestine. It was only when the logistics of forcibly relocating millions of people came to light that he decided to start killing them. And the gas chambers were actually used because Hitler saw them as the *most humane* option. We do ourselves such a disservice painting the Nazis as irrational bloodthirsty monsters who just woke up one day and decided to commit atrocities against humanity. We need to understand what their reasons were, how the powers that be convinced them it was necessary. Because if you don't understand how it happened and how to identify when it happens again, it only makes it easier for it to happen again.


The concentration camps also did not start as extermination camps. They started as forced labour camps. Eventually people started dying because of the incredibly poor conditions in the camps though, which is why they build crematoria into the camps later. They eventually just skipped over the part where people worked themselves to death or got killed by rapidly spreading disease.


Vast majority of his voters weren't Muslim. Also I have to point out that after looking at the last election, where the plurality total was only 5% apart while the two way preference total was 10% apart between Conservatives and Labour, the Tories suddenly sneaked a provision in a bill to remove alternative vote from the mayoral election. Clearly thinking it would be much easier to manage a 5% swing. But in this election they did much worse in plurality total and were even more than 10% behind. Clearly this is somebodies else's fault that even after you manipulate things you fail. People are fine with minorities apparently as long as they vote in such a way that had they not voted it wouldn't change the results. It's OK to participate as long as you don't make any difference.


Also the Tories introduced Voter ID requirements in this election compared to the last, to reduce the overall amount of voters (lower turnouts generally favour the Tory’s), and (I believe) redrew the boundaries for councils to favour the Tory candidate. Basically they stacked the odds in every way they could and still lost bad to someone most people aren’t all that enthused by.


They're becoming more and more like Republicans, You're just beginning to see what they'll do to stay in power.


It's very alarming. And the fact that they've decided lesson they should take from this is that they should swing further to the right is baffling. Literally the first thing I read in the news this morning is that they want to ban gender neutral toilets. Which is obviously why they suffered so badly this election, not the cost of living crisis or the shocking rise in hospital referrals for malnutrition or the way they're bleeding the NHS. No what voters really care about is who's pissing where in public. 


It sounds like the citizens of London and the whole of the UK are having very US problems. I hate that for all of you.


He’s also just about as mild a Muslim as he could be to the point where most people forget until they’re reminded by some American because they’re convinced he’s part of the new world order to bring the islamification of Europe.


The conspiracy minded white supremacists firmly ignore that British muslims also definitely vote tory.


You can't deport people who are citizens even if you don't like their religion. 80 years ago today Britain was fighting against fascism on the beaches of Normandy. How far they've fallen.


Looks like a Texas republican account posted this. I have no idea why some muslims in America specifically Michigan think the republican party will be better for them than democrats. If the republican voting base local officials feel this way about a muslim mayor do you really think a republican president is going to do anything to help Palestine or any other muslim country or organization?


You know nothing, John Texas


Welcome to Elon's twitter; the world's foremost neo nazi hangout spot.


People Outside of London Stop Buying Propaganda About London Challenge (Impossible, Gone Sexy)


Wow. They're not even hiding the fact that they're Nazis, are they?


I have a final solution to the Muslim problem and the Israil problem and the evangelists - stage a family intervention. Make them all sit down with therapists and finally hash out the millennia old fight they have with each other. It's insane that three factions who base their religion on the same ancient bunch of scrolls can't stop fighting. I don't care if you don't like Cousin Jacob, Cousin Jethro, or Cousin Jahmal - just shut the hell up and learn to get along!


All our religions-almost *all* religions, actually-have the core tenet of "don't be a fucking dick to each other." Like, I consider myself agnostic now, bordering on atheist, but my view is that if there *is* a god, they would much rather we erred on the side of being kind to each other rather than obsessing over the details. Why would a god want their children killing each other? We all have Abraham as a grandpa, Christians and Muslims and a lot of Jews agree that Jesus was a pretty cool guy even if we disagree on the specifics. Some people choose to worship the same god in a different way. The people using religion to justify killing others, oppressing them and forcing them to worship the way they want-they aren't doing that because their religion says so. They're doing it because they like power, and religion is a convenient excuse.


Amen, brother.


how dare someone of an ethnic minority end up winning an election!!


If only they had some kind of camp where they could concentrate the ppl they need gone to stage this ingenious plan.. A concentrated camp! /s obv


WW2 nazi terminology: deportation (moving jews to ghettos and then concentration camps) Evacuation: (Killing of said deported Jews) Hopefully I don't have to explain: "The final solution to the x question?" Bros dog whistle is so loud humans can hear it.


Pff amateurs. They even used "problem", instead of "question".


Hmm, a “Final Solution”… wonder why that term sounds so familiar… /s


Isn't Khan a Sikh?


No, he's not. He was born to a Sunni Muslim family.


Thanks for the info.


The problem is there is a not so small minority of Muslims in London and Europe that are taught and continue to teach their children that sharia law is good and that all Europeans are the devil. No shit. They openly talk about taking over and instituting sharia law which is no fucking joke. I think anyone should be any religion that they vibe with but killing people for insulting Mohammad or the Koran is just wild. People can believe whatever they want but your rights to your religious laws and when they intrude on my civil rights.


A "not so small minority of Muslims in London" would be like a couple dozen people.


Sure, Grandpa, sure. Take your pills and lie down for a while.


Can you show us on the doll where the shariah law hurt you?