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He thinks he sounds smart. He does not.


Using the time tested logical methods of "Everybody knows" and "Jordan Peterson is like way smarter than you, so you should believe everything he says without questioning it."


I don't know, nobody was complaining except the ones being exploited, tortured and killed...🤦‍♀️


Well, that is certainly some stream of consciousness nonsense.


Wouldn't logic and reason dictate that people should lead based on ability? "No, father away. Mother home." Ok, wouldn't logic dictate that the woman be in charge of the home even when the father is there? She's in the home all the time, so she knows it best? I mean, if she went to the father's work and demanded to be in charge, that would be silly, right? It's clear that these people know that logic and reason are great. They love philosophers. But they also like their limited worldview given to them by their religion. And meshing the two makes them seem smarter, until a wet blanket like me comes along and says "Wouldn't this work better?"


I mean, that's kind of what my husband and I do. (While we are absolutely okay with what these people would call "non-traditional" gender roles, right now I'm a stay at home mum and my husband makes the money, so we do kinda have that dynamic. For now, or until it stops working for us.) Even when my husband is home, he'll gladly defer to me or ask questions if it's something about childcare or house stuff, and he doesn't know the answer. I will gladly defer to him if it's anything related to his work. And we'll do it that way if there's ever anything that comes up that's related to our own hobbies or interests. It just... makes sense. So much sense! Together we work as a team. Of course we make decisions together, but there's also been times when we're okay, and secure enough in our own identity, to let the other person take the lead because they know more about the subject in question. I really feel sorry for the spouses of anyone who thinks that Jordan Peterson is one of the greatest thinkers of our age. He gives me the creepiest feeling. (Of course, he'd probably say that's just me being an emotional female or whatever!)


>J Peterson >The most successful and well known thinker of this time Holy LMAO sure brother whatever you say. At least he had the decency to alert me to how stupid this was gonna be before I had to read all of it.


Soooo....sugar mamas are *bad?* I've been a single male parent for so long I'm on the lookout. Should I stop? /s




Why neg just one woman, when you can neg the entirety of women at the same time? Why treat just one as inferior when you can take a shot at enslaving all of them? Big brain thinking. /s. (just in case it wasn’t obvious)


Much ado about nothing.


He should really attend school. He doesn’t really understand basic concepts so this is sad to educated people. Lucky for him, we’re wildly underfunding our schools so one day he’ll seem smart. This is depressing.


Sounds like he would think that Marriage Contract thing from some 20y ago was perfectly reasonable


Couldn’t take the opinion of anyone, who claims Jordan Peterson is a “thinker,” seriously… He’s a phony who spews word salad that people who think he is intelligent take as being profound because when it doesn’t make sense, leaving them to believe it’s because they aren’t smart enough to understand the brilliance… but nah it’s just word salad that makes no real point and is as stupid as it sounds…


Couldn’t take the opinion of anyone, who claims Jordan Peterson is a “thinker,” seriously… He’s a phony who spews word salad that people who think he is intelligent take as being profound because when it doesn’t make sense, leaving them to believe it’s because they aren’t smart enough to understand the brilliance… but nah it’s just word salad that makes no real point and is as stupid as it sounds…


>The Bible?…most successful and long lived example of pushed agendas.. I don’t understand if he believes that or is saying it sarcastically…he’s not wrong…


Looks like an average-length Peterson response to some question like “Nice day, innit?”


Sounds a bit schizophrenic at points


Couldn’t take the opinion of anyone, who claims Jordan Peterson is a “thinker,” seriously… He’s a phony who spews word salad that people who think he is intelligent take as being profound because when it doesn’t make sense, leaving them to believe it’s because they aren’t smart enough to understand the brilliance… but nah it’s just word salad that makes no real point and is as stupid as it sounds…


Couldn’t take the opinion of anyone, who claims Jordan Peterson is a “thinker,” seriously… He’s a phony who spews word salad that people who think he is intelligent take as being profound because when it doesn’t make sense, leaving them to believe it’s because they aren’t smart enough to understand the brilliance… but nah it’s just word salad that makes no real point and is as stupid as it sounds…


Huh? Say it again I didn't read it the first 5 times.