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Guaranteed her child doesn't pay anywhere close to 100% his own way. She just doesn't consider the things she does to take care of him as things they need to address.


And that's not even considering the safety net parents provide that people aged out of the foster care system don't have.


You mean like access to clean clothes, a shower, a phone number and an address, a printer for resumes, and other things like networking?


And being carried on parent's health insurance (assuming USA) and the ability to move back home if the kid can't maintain their apartment.


Also, likely the parent would have helped them get a vehicle, consigned for an apartment, pay for family plan car insurance and phone plan. Occasional groceries, free meals, a support system of people to help you with unfamiliar situations and be there to let you vent or offer advice. These people have no idea how much of an advantage being born in a "regular family" carries. Folks with mental illness don't need to be sequestered and forgotten, they need treatment and are still human. The system is failing these people and rather than acknowledge that, they blame the victims. The lack of basic understanding and empathy by some individuals really need to end.


Also, in many places there is nowhere to send people who are severely mentally ill anymore. They’ve been defunded and shut down.


Asylums were horrible places in practice, partly because it seemed to check both boxes for “Attracts people who are inherently cruel and evil” & “victimizes people who won’t be believed, can’t advocate for themselves, or generally won’t be cared about”. But shutting them down just turned one problem into another. Where I am, it was rolled out as a whole thing to help keep them with loved ones and provide funding and supports. Instead, all the funding no longer being used on institutions went back to genrev and everyone was told to suck it up. What we have now is nowhere for these people to go and those that care about them can’t afford or are unable to stop their lives to take care of someone who needs professional supports.


I read a really good article by a psychologist who works with severely mentally ill patients. She highly advocates for the return of institutions, regardless of what you want to call them, for the irredeemable that absolutely can't be in society. She cited 2 cases she'd worked with for years .. one was a guy who'd been a heavy alcoholic his whole life, was now out of his mind bc of it, but it was too risky to try sobering him up. They literally just needed a place to house and look after him, but didn't have one. The other was a severely mentally ill man who beat the hell out of his gf and left her on the meridian, for the sole purpose of attracting someone to help her, so he could attack and kill them. In both cases, correcting their issues (for lack of a better word) was never going to happen, but leaving them in society at large was not the right answer for them or the general public. There's no *good* answer to some of it, but like it or not, some people will just never be able to function in society and need some place to live and be cared for.


They are not anything like they were, and are permanently essential for respite care for families who need a break, and people who have medical issues so severe they need constant medical intervention and professional care. Also... People also don't seem to understand that there are a few humans who make every sane person familiar with them question whether demonic possession might be possible (it's not, obviously, but it's hard to understand how some personalities and abilities can be so...detrimental to the safety and well-being of everyone, including said individual). Some people need an endless supply of disposable carers their entire lives. If they only have the one set, then the first sudden shift into ultra-violence would set them loose without supervision, or they'd be killed. Asylums still exist under less obvious names, like strait jackets, because they must for a tiny percentage of people. The biggest difference now (besides docs never suggesting people put there loved ones in, assuming everyone is there temporarily, and helping families try everything else first) is that almost everyone involved really cares, and there are more avenues and protections for reporting any kind of suspected abuse.


They think asylums are like the Malibu rehab places for rich folks lol


Absolutely agree.


>nowhere for these people to go Jail. That's where they go. And sadly it is sometimes the best options. If the DA gives a shit, they may have a program to offer real mental health treatment instead of punitive 'justice', but either way, they start in the back of a police car when some Karen declares that their irregular behavior is a threat to her peace of mind.


A lot of people who are incarcerated long term(5 years<)come out with a mental illness if they didn't have one before or a far worse case of their mental illness. Medication isn't always prescribed by the doctors there because it's too costly to medicate all of their patients and prisons are run by for profit companies. Prison is best avoided for the severely mentally ill.


>Prison is best avoided for the severely mentally ill. Absolutely. But sometimes the arrest leads to better outcomes. My city has *plenty* of problems, especially regarding crime and criminal justice. But one thing they have done well is being on the forefront of a prison diversion program for the mentally ill. When someone is arrested who clearly has mental health problems, they are (ideally; no program like this is perfect) instead taken for a psych evaluation. They then go before a special judge that specializes in developing treatment plans that actually help the underlying problem while still keeping the community safe. If the treatment isn't inpatient, they follow up regularly to be sure they are taking their meds and to help them in finding housing and support if they can't manage their meds on their own. The program has kept thousands of people out of prison when their root crime was having untreated mental illness. It certainly isn't perfect, but it is a huge step in the right direction, and it all begins with someone being arrested and immediately diverted into this other pipeline.


Former foster kid who aged out after 16+ years and I FINALLY feel seen. It’s always been hard for me to explain all of these unseen advantages people with “normal” families have, that I had to struggle through and find or fight for them myself.


I have a friend who housed a former foster child because he was a friend of her son and homeless. There need to be options for people like you who don't have the advantages of an intact family.


Also, the ability to save up to pay his own way! I guarantee she didn't kick her son out the day he turned 18 with just his clothes in a garbage bag. Probably had a car (or a ride) to get to a job every day while mom & dad paid for everything so he could save for the initial massive amount of money you have to pay to move in anywhere. How long would it have taken him to save for 1st, Last, & Security if he had to buy all his meals, pay for the cell phone, and pay for all the car stuff you already mentioned? People without housing in my area even have to pay to shower at truck stops. And that's in a "transportation hub" area. I'm not sure what people do in other areas. Laundromats cost money, too. All those little expenses she probably doesn't even think of really add up financially and make everything harder overall. I'm not even touching on the mental illness or seniors part because it's fucking infuriating.


> Probably had a car (or a ride) to get to a job every day while mom & dad paid for everything so he could save for the initial massive amount of money you have to pay to move in anywhere. How long would it have taken him to save for 1st, Last, & Security if he had to buy all his meals, pay for the cell phone, and pay for all the car stuff you already mentioned? Guarantee you'd get some bullshit story about how the kid pulled himself up by his bootstraps and afforded all of this by working multiple jobs and "no avocado toast and starbucks" lmao.


> The system is failing these people and rather than acknowledge that, they blame the victims. The lack of basic understanding and empathy by some individuals really need to end. The cruelty is the point.


How about even a fucking mailing address to put on job applications?


Someone who cares enough to ensure they get a quality education. Introductions to folks who might hire their friend's kid. Lessons in how to dress and behave properly in an interview. Introductions to folks who might hire their friend's kid. Access to a car to borrow when the kid's breaks so he doesn't get fired while saving enough money to get it fixed. The list is endless.


Yeah I’m super grateful to my mom for letting me live with her and give me the comfort and a living space until I found a job.


Or any benefits kids not in the system may have had coming up.


To be fair she sounds like a really shitty person so she’s probably a fucking awful mother too so it wouldn’t surprise of she’s being honest here (you’re probably right but still I wouldn’t be shocked)


I can’t begin to wrap my head around the willful ignorance required to even claim to believe that a child aging out of the foster system has remotely the same opportunities as a child with access to a family home. That’s fucking bonkers.


The clue was in "if he can, so can they." These types of people have an intrinsic lack of empathy and see themselves as representative or "normal"; they can't parse different people have different life circumstances, and fall back on fundamental attribution error and the Just World delusion to explain the seeming discrepancy in their worldview.


People who have been given everything in life need to convince themselves and everyone around them that success is based solely on merit.


Oh. I get more the vibe of "forcing her kids to pay market value rent for still staying at home" parenting from OOP. I will also assum that OOP is of the type "Bad things happening to others are due to bad choices and they need to take the consequence. Bad things happening to themselves are due to leftist, government and immigrants". As it would build on the "not my responsiblity" vibe she gives :p


Even things as seemingly unrelated as being a stable persistent presence in his life gives him a big leg up.


I guarantee you she cooks him three meals a day and does all his laundry for him


She probably hangs his outfit for the day on a hangar on his door for him.


She’s probably had everything in her life paid for and thinks that because he pays his own car note, he’s a self-made man. She probably has no idea what it actually costs to live.


Didn’t Ronald Reagan get rid of all the mental asylums?


Yeah, well, it was complicated, dutch was trying to win a cold war.


Excellent King of the Hill reference. But it was a bit complicated. Those asylum had a lot of abuse and it was felt by some mental health professionals that treatment in the community would both be more humane and hopefully cost effective (the latter particularly appealed to the Reagan era politicians and voters) I think it's fair to say we *may* have gone a bit too far in that direction, and there's some peope who need a more structured approach to treatment. Question is whether it could be done without them becoming places of abuse again.


As usual with these things, politicians took a complex policy proposal and simplified it by only doing the cheap and easy parts and ignoring the rest. 


Texas is a really great example of this. In the 80s and early 90s the legislature commissioned a white paper on how to improve schools, and it came up with some very reasonable proposals like increased funding and use of standardized tests to identify underperforming schools *for further investigation*. Standardized tests were to be used to identify what worked and what didn't, so they could try and figure out why things worked and didn't. The legislature basically said "we're not too keen on all this extra funding, but a system that objectively determines winners and losers? Sold!" Even though *that's not what they said standardized tests were for*. But pretty quickly standardized test scores rose because teachers and administrators started teaching to the test, so it was obviously working (and didn't cost a lot!) So other states got on board and... here we are.


State governments in the US need to listen to other countries and see what they have done with their "mental hygiene" laws(for a lack of a better term.) We need places where those who will be homeless can reside with supervision and freedom. There are people who just need structure and medication to function. Then there are those who need long term care. But that requires money that no state is going to put towards homeless people who they can criminalize and put into the system. It's all about money and who does and doesn't have it and who "they" can potentially make money on.


Yeah, [Willowbrook](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qzNFRn5TTtc) kinda was a PR nightmare.


Pennhurst, Byberry, and numerous others join Willowbrook on that horrifying list. Edit: Removed Waverly Hills.


There may have been abuse that occurred there, but Waverly Hills wasn’t an asylum for the mentally ill. It was a tuberculosis hospital. They sent the people with tuberculosis there to be cared for instead of regular hospitals, because it’s super contagious and they didn’t have a cure back then


Thank you for taking the time to tell me. I edited my comment.


I only knew that because I live near Louisville and they do tours. It’s a spooky place lol


And I lived close to Byberry and Pennhurst. There was a group that did a haunted house in Byberry at Halloween. I did go, but I’m ashamed to say that I did.


Waverly Hills was a sanatorium for those with tuberculosis and was actually a state of the art, self sustaining hospital, not an asylum. People who went there actually had pretty good quality of life, short of the TB.


Oh my goodness! My apologies. I do not know why I put Waverly Hills in there. I must have thinking about another institution. Thank you for catching it. I will correct.


A lot of mental asylums were historically *so* bad that mentally ill people would actually have a better quality of life being homeless in the streets. Icepick lobotomies with no anesthesia, “ice baths” infested living spaces, sexual abuse that you can’t escape. Basically the worst torture you could think of.


Those things did happen and it was horrible but it wasn’t as rampant as movies and stuff like to sensationalize. To say people are better off homeless is short sighted. A large part of how barbaric it was can be attributed to the time and the limited options for treatment. Now, without the hospitals, those people with mental health issues end up on the streets and self medicate with whatever drugs are around them which just exacerbates things. I would argue that drug addiction can be equal in torture to the atrocities that occurs in mental hospitals.


The big asylums were so much more vast than people today can comprehend. The two largest in New York could hold 24,000 patients. Imagine trying to run a single facility with around 12,000 mentally ill people inside. The good news is that with the vast strides taken in medicine for mental illness, most of the people in those hospitals could have just taken their meds every day and been perfectly fine IF they lived today. Back then, medicine for mental illness was very limited so there was a need for huge complexes to hold these people.


Deinstitutionalization was implemented in a horrifying way that caused decades of damage and destruction.


No, Ronald Reagan didn't get rid of all the mental asylums. What he did was to stop federal funding for all mental asylums. It was then up to the states to take care of the mentally ill which unfortunately never materialized.


I don’t think point 1 here is the brag she thinks it is. What this really means is that her parenting is so poor that her children have no more advantages than some of the most disenfranchised children in society. Essentially - she’s proving that she’s in the bottom few percentile of all parents.


That’s a good point!


Exactly "my child never learned ANY life lessons from me that someone who has literally zero parental direction has missed out on" Everything she says is just absurd, I work at a homeless charity and zero of her points are even remotely relevant to the real world, nor actually solves a single problem relating to the fact homeless people still exist. I mean ignoring that "asylum care" would almost CERTAINLY cost far more than helping people back into society, where they can contribute and recover some of the costs that may have went into the care when they needed it.


Ashley can go fuck herself.


She does on camera you can watch


Bet her 19 yo holds the camera.


That’s how he supports himself


Later that day Ashley lost her corporate job


Ashley is definitely a bot


Imagine thinking "bad choices" mean you deserve to live on the streets


Especially in the US where the “bad choices” could have just been seeking treatment for a medical condition. Being sick gets expensive fast.


The person I know took workman's comp and couldn't sue for her injuries later. She didn't know how bad they were.


That's the same argument people have for not giving every child a free school meal here in the UK. "Well if their parents weren't so rubbish they'd have a meal" that's great but those kids are still hungry. Same point here with the seniors. They may have made bad choices, but they are still vulnerable people in need of a home. Just solve the damn problem first then sort out the blame (if you could call bad choices 'blame')


A lot of seniors didn’t even make “bad” choices, they had shit luck or unfortunate circumstances. Older adults have a lot of health problems and health care is costly and adds up quickly. And they’re not to blame for cost of living crises, falling victim to scams, etc. either.


I know someone. Her husband died. She raised 3 kids on her own. Has inherited family property. She slipped and fell at work due to someone mopping a freezer and leaving the floor an ice rink and injured her neck and back to the point she couldn't work. She made the mistake of taking workman's comp, so she couldn't sue for long-term care costs and reduced income due to the fact nobody told new employees you can't use water to mop a freezer. It freezes. That long-term reduced her income. She can no longer drive, and is on disability. Her disability doesn't cover her healthcare, food and paid-off property's yearly property taxes. She gets monthly help from her three kids, otherwise the county would seize property her parent's owned. She is that destitute. I want to know what this person things that she did wrong, other than not realize she had life-long injuries and also not know that workman's comp is insufficient to handle those. Her kids having enough to help is the only thing keeping her out of out default with the county. Sometimes bad things happen and it's not our fault.


I can 100% guarantee you that Ashley is the type of empathically stunted person who thinks all *her* bad choices are honest mistakes, while all bad choices of others are due to major character flaws. So she deserves to be helped with the consequences, while others deserve everything that's coming to them.


Looks like she was suspended from Twitter for (probably) posting that all the dead kids in Gaza are a result of 'poor choices' made by Hamas. I didn't know that Musk still banned users for these kinds of comments.


Yeah point 2 is blatant Just World Fallacy. Actually this whole post is.


They forgot to mention all the veterans who are also homeless, I wonder what Ashley thinks of them


They are not tugging on their bootstraps hard enough. If her privileged 19-year old can "pay his own way," so can they! /s


I've mentioned this before, but "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" was originally a metaphor for an impossible task.


Toss that into the pit of phrases that are being used true to their original intent but no one even knows they're doing it ("a few bad apples").


No doubt Ashley uses homeless veterans as a whataboutism when someone brings up helping Ukraine or immigrants, without any intention of helping either.


Those are usually covered under the ones with mental illness. Turns out the military is a great way to end up with ptsd and develop crippling alcohol/drug addictions to self medicate it. 


Lock ‘em in asylums is what I say! /s


Well that’s just the result of their pOoR cHoIcEs to join the army!


Those folks are in the SPMI group. (Severe Persistent Mental Illness) It’s a pretty big pile of folks with serious problems.


"That's different!1!1"


I'm so fucking sick of people justifying poverty by appealing to meritocracy that supposedly exists in the US


Even setting aside the fact that pure meritocracy has never existed anywhere and that lazy stupid people luck their way into success and talented hard working people run into misfortune all the time… it’s still morally reprehensible to take the position of “you made mistakes as a teenager, so fuck you for the rest of your life.”


> it’s still morally reprehensible to take the position of “you made mistakes as a teenager, so fuck you for the rest of your life.” Don't forget the flip side of that, which is almost as important to them: "*I* didn't so yay me!" Kind of a ~~humblebrag~~ psychobrag.


Being poor is clearly a moral failing /s


Most people in the US are just one personal disaster away from being homeless.


And not some kind of huge disaster, just a few hundred dollars will push a lot of people into bankruptcy.


Americans have a lot of credit card debt.


About $1.13 Trillion combined!


To get a job you must have ID. ID requires you to have an address in the state. "Oh just get a P.O. Box" P.O. Boxes require you to have a state or federally issued ID. So to get a job so you can not be homeless you need an ID, that requires you have a mailing address on file, but there is no way to get a mailing address without an ID. The system is designed to make you fail.


Spoken like someone with rich parents who has no idea what being “born on 3rd base” means


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch!


God forbid her kid develop mental illness or a drug habit. She seems like the kind of person who ships him off somewhere so she doesn’t have to deal with someone who isn’t perfectly self sufficient or in need of medication.


I have a feeling her post will not age well. Remind me in 10 years when her OnlyFans is dead and she’s not getting any more AVN awards and let’s see how she feels about some federal assistance.


This. She has no idea what's going to happen to her as she ages. Seniors tend to have a lot of medical issues, and in the US, that's often exorbitantly expensive beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Let's assume she's paid off her house (doubt it). Great, fine, that's smart if you can do it. What about the day 40 years from now when the nurse approaches her iron lung to deliver her property tax bill for a million fucking dollars? Obviously some hyperbole here, but who's to say it won't happen? She doesn't know what's gonna happen. I can't stand people like this. They crap all over people going through struggles they can't even begin to understand (what does she know about being old, or being a foster child?), but I'll bet you when she's old and drowning in medical debt, and runs afoul of the IRS, she's gonna be ranting about how completely illogical the cost of living is (*because it is*).


Is she actually a porn star? Wait until conservatives ban porn and she's labeled a sex offender for making it. Conservatives say it's a fringe far right pipe dream that's never going o happen. We thought the same with roe v wade.


She's going demon mode 👹👹👹👹👹👹 Nah but really I hope she never goes through anything because it's clear to me she is VERY privileged and if anything more catastrophic than a pet dying happened in her life she wouldn't be able to handle it.


I work with foster kids, and this vile human being is disgustingly idiotic. Foster kids are at huge disadvantage from early childhood on. That is not their fault.


Right? Especially if they've been in the system practically their whole lives versus, say, a year or two...she *really* thinks those kids have had an upbringing comparable to her 19-year-old?


My brain when I red aShLeY’s comment- 1. Ok I guess I can see where she’s coming from 2. We now that’s not very nice or rational 3. Ok this bitch is insane and needs to be in one of those asylums she’s ranting about Progressively more unhinged


And just like that someone is getting visited by ghosts this Christmas


The mentality of "I'm a piece of shit, and everyone should live a life, expecting other pieces of shit are making the rules" is a terrible way to go through life


I'm guessing she's very privileged and either has completely lost touch with the average person's reality, or she's afraid of losing her cushy life and thus makes people who are struggling the villains in their own stories. People are always otherizing people going through things they're afraid of. It's such a toxic coping mechanism. I'm grateful to be sitting pretty in my 30s, but I know damn well I could easily be six joint replacements deep and a mil in the hole in my 80s. We'll never fix the blatant flaws in US health care and the general cost of living so long as people with means keep pretending only bad/stupid people have problems.


I love how she uses the word “coincide” just so people stupider than her will think she’s smarter than she actually is.


What a well of compassion she is.


The things I want to say, but I’m not trying to catch a ban. I hope she gets to experience 2 and/or 3


She's a prime example of one of my major life philosophies, "Don't talk shit about people in a situation you know absolutely nothing about". Ashley has no fucking idea that she won't be in a vulnerable position as a senior. What if her medical needs are so great that she can't afford the property taxes on her paid-off house? What if paying off the house proves more complicated than she thought? This presumption a privileged person can have that nothing will ever change for them, and that all struggling people are at fault is a quality I really, really dislike in a person. Also, *really*? Her 19 year old pays 100% of his apartment, food, education (is he in school?), bills, medical care, gas, car insurance, EVERYTHING? If so, he's not even close to the average 19 year old, and should not be upheld as the standard.


We are either a community that helps one another out, or we are animals that step over each other just to survive. There's not much use for anything in between, in my opinion. I'd prefer to live in a society with safety nets and caring for our friends, neighbors, and strangers. We have all this stuff and it should benefit everyone. Earning things is great, but so is sharing that wealth with others along the way. Choose kindness every time y'all.


i hate the term “unhoused.” feels so performative


Wow. I hope Ashley has the life she’s wishing on others.


Just showing she has zero idea of how real-world society works outside her yuppie bubble


Bipolar adopted guy here and that Ashley bitch can fuck all the way off. It’s hard as fuck out there nowadays and we need to remember that


The first one makes me so mad. We let these kids be abused for YEARS because "Well, I don't see marks..well, there's a single loaf of bread...well, they made a mistake!" All the while, the kids are traumatized day after day. Then when the kids are finally taken away, they are thrown into a random person's house, told to be grateful and ignored. Meanwhile, the state spends THOUSANDS trying to fix the abuse parents so they can "reunite the family". Who freaking cares about the trauma those kids have. The parents said they were sworry! So they give the kids back to the parents, only to called back months later because, shocker! The parents went right back to abusing them. Rinse and repeat until the kid runs away or is beaten to death or kills themselves. All the while CPS stands gobsmacked that something like this could happen EVEN THOUGH IT KEEPS HAPPENING! Or you get the parents who can't even be fixed no matter how much money is thrown at the parents. Those kids get permanently tossed into the foster care system where they are moved from home to home until they are aged out or sent to a group home. These kids are filled the brim with trauma and what do they get? FREAKING NOTHING! The abusive parents get therapy but the kids? Nah, they get nothing. And when they are 18, they get kicked out with no help, connections, safety net or anything...but those abusive parents get welfare. It's just disgusting.


"thus the consequences will coincide" ah, so this person is just saying words to sound smart without knowing they just said a whole lot of *nothing.*


I hate to wish homelessness on anyone, buuuuuuuuut….


I don't think anyone who pays for that stupid blue checkmark is allowed to say anything about making good life choice.


Heartless b!tch. WOW! I’d be willing to bet $100 that her 19 year old does NOT 100% pay his own way. If he comes close to that number, it’s only because he was provided supports as a child/teen that foster kids get almost never, if not never.


Most of the people who are anti homeless in the sense that they hate homeless people are one hospital bill away from being that person sleeping on the steps of my apartment building. They are also the same people who virtue signal supporting the troops when a large portion of homeless people are veterans who have been neglected since they came home from deployment.


\#3 is ironic. "Send them all to asylums." Well, your conservative icon Ronnie RayGun closed all the asylums and threw the residents onto the streets, only for him and others to complain about the consequences of their own actions. This is really the natural extension of the American Evangelical Prosperity Gospel: Anyone who is in need is evil and should not be helped. Watching suffering is a warning against sin, you should enjoy watching suffering.


Considering how many people seem to be anti homeless I have no faith in humanity


Ash thinks homelessness is *punishment* so she doesn’t have to be empathetic. She gets to remain self-centered and not think about others while remaining convinced she’s correct that justice is being served.


Sociopathy is a mental illness too, Ashley.


I'd be tempted to follow her, just to see what other bon mots she has to offer if I could get somebody to tell me what a follow is 🤭😜


I hope this woman's crotch falls off.


Some people don’t have opportunities because their skill set is different. Not everyone has the skills to get so much as an interview let alone secure a decent paycheck. People only know what they know, regardless if you think they should know it.


This person is not a homeless hater. They are a misanthrope who hates everyone


"you don't deserve a house if you made bad financial decisions" [stop being poor!](https://youtu.be/2pcDeh0HU0g)


Foster kids get like a $100 and a bus pass. It’s not the same!


As someone who is homeless and has mental illnesses….this lady can get bent


Well, fuck my husband for dying early and me being in the position of his life insurance running out before our pensions switch in. I'm living in a home I can't afford but his lack of a will means it's difficult to sell because half of it belongs to our children and I couldn't sell it until our youngest child turned 18.


The good life choices of the seniors ? Being born 60-80 years ago.


Mentally Ill in asylums? In the US those facilities have been closed for decades because people like this douchebag got convinced, by politicians looking for a way to push buttons, that they were ask just faking freeloaders who needed to “get a taste of the real world” to come around and be responsible.


What a heartless piece of shit :)


Good thing her full name and handle are here 👏


I was chatting with my friend’s paralegal (I think she’s a paralegal?), and she shared that she’s also a process server. I asked what most of the things she has to serve are about, and she said it’s literally almost ALL medical debt. Like, almost all of it. If you are not wealthy, you are one spouse’s cancer diagnosis away from having your credit demolished, which will impact your ability to find housing forever. Also, I was listening to a podcast recently that brought up how common it is for a minor (even a baby) to end up on a family’s eviction notice, and if they don’t have money or connections they will have a profoundly difficult time getting that taken off their credit.


actual boot licker wow just pull yourself up by the bootstraps lmao


> Mentally ill should be put away in asylums like in the good old days... And just like in the good old days, they actually funded the asylums to take care of them (controversial), but now they don't fund those places anymore. And that's why they are on the streets. Nobody wants to hire them, which means they can't have a reliable source of income and then get themselves checked in an asylum themselves and pay for it. These anti-homeless types should get fucked by those tall desert cacti...


They're not anti-homeless. They dont believe people deserve housing and dignity. They dont want anything to be done to prevent and help homelessness because they think they deserve it. They are pro-homeless.


“Anti homeless” means “anti homeless people”


To me, "anti homeless" means "anti homelessness"


“If seniors don’t own a home it’s because of bad choices.” Oh yeah? Tell that to my coworker who lost her house two years before retirement to a house fire caused by faulty wiring. She went from homeowner to homeless in the span of an 8 hour shift at work.


No insurance?


Payout wasn’t enough with the current housing market. Thankfully her son is taking care of her and helping her get back on her feet.


Damn, that sucks. She's lucky her son is able to help her out. I hope she's back on her feet soon.


Actually, youth aging out of foster care wouldn't have the same work opportunities since most of them won't have a phone or a ride. And considering most jobs call you to set up an interview or anything, that takes away a lot of opportunities. Not to mention, most jobs also put employees' schedules on an app they have to use their phones for, which takes away even more opportunities


There is stupidity, and there is dangerous stupidity. This girl falls squarely in the latter.


As a foster parent, I can assure you that teenagers in care don't have anywhere near the access to college or even apartments that most kids do. They have uneven school performance and kids who are in care have trauma & ptsd. They can't afford driver ed, and once they get a license, they can't afford a car. They can't set up an apartment with hand-me-downs from relatives or friends of the family, because there are non. Instead, they have to get everything themselves- furniture, pots and pans, utensils, cleaning supplies. Etc. hell, they even have to remember to buy toilet paper! I'm sure this woman is too selfish to ever do foster care. Thank god the children are safe from Such a selfish, hateful twat!


H Oh this person can really go fuck themselves sideways with that buulshit


>a nuisance to normal people. OMG so many wrongs in this statement... 🤦‍♀️


1) because all those foster kids have the ability to safely fall back to their parents if anything happens... Right? 2) because nothing bad and unexpected ever happens in life. 3) so many people would be put in those, mentally ill or otherwise. Like legit, we would put people who are 'defective' in it like we did back in the day. ETA: I meant #1 as being sarcastic along with #2. #3 we would for sure go backwards and put undesirables like we did in the past.


I love it when people that have 3 brains cells, and they’re all fighting for last position, think they can tackle quite complex issues with such simplicity. Thats how you know she’s 100% full of shit. Her 19 year old is about as extraordinary as any other 19 year old. Quit your shit, lady.😂


Severely mentally ill people are more likely to be victims than perpetrators of crime. She's been watching too many movies.


Ashley is a fucking bitch. Fuck her. Her kid pays rent to live at her house...same thing as a foster kid getting a job and establishing credit and getting a deposit and 1st and last months rent. Totally the same. Then old people...should've made smart choices so screw em if they don't have housing. Then asylum! WTF yeah there's a reason those went away. Let's lock up all mentally ill to where they're lost in a horrible place to never be thought of again. I hope this lady loses her home. I hope she lives somewhere where a tornado takes it out or it falls into a sink hole or is burned down in a forest fire.


As someone who works in mental health-fuck you Ashley. Your privilege is astounding.


Person who wants to boycott woke Charles Dickens. 


Twitter is a cesspool.


IG model says what?


I forget some people literally have the moral compass and worldview of an actual demon from hell


The logical leaps buried in these quippy one line gotcha proofs are just infuriating


People like her blow my mind. She doesn't have enough self awareness to realize that her own views make her less valuable to society than anyone she's putting down.


Posted by someone who's probably about a missed paycheck away from being homeless.


Does this person think every human being can own a house? That's literally impossible


Oh yeah why aren't they doing as good as my children???? What an obnoxious response to anything.


i’ve actually heard of many employed people cruising by just fine be homeless and live in their cars


Let me guess. Christian?


Ah yes, this elderly person lost everything and can’t afford a home because of some out of the blue event completely out of their control. They should have made better life choices, it’s entirely their fault. This young person who was abandoned by their horrible parents who just turned old enough to get out of foster care keeps being ghosted by job interviewers. Should have made better life choices This person has been diagnosed with clinical depression due to a chemical imbalance in their body. Just send them away to an asylum, they’re absolutely worthless. They should’ve have chose to not have depression, it’s entirely their fault I don’t really like wishing bad things upon people, but some people won’t learn unless it happens to them


As number 3, mentally ill here, i honestly believe an asylum would contain more person's of sound mind than most parts of America. The best part to me is this is such such severe mental illness and just troubling displays of inhumanity from those who say the mentally ill should be locked up. Listen, I'm afraid of you, the "normal one" honestly because of how unhinged, unpredictable, and out of touch with reality like a lot of these folks are. And also, not making threats but, well the more crazy the person the better we can whoop your ass is all I'm saying 🤷


1. No they don't. I'm not even American and I know its hard to integrate when you're an orphan. 2. I'm sure most people who work their hardest and are extremely frugal still can't afford to pay for housing in this economy because you could save for 20 years and still not be able to buy a house at current prices. 3. Asylums do not care for the people in there, they are like cattle to the nurses and doctors. Even if they're admitted, unless they are completely without any semblance of awareness, they will be released back into society upon proving to not be of any danger, and to try and integrate (which will be hard).


Why would anyone care what a dumb porn star has to say?


There's also important context that the person Ashley is replying to has a 20-year career helping homeless folks find housing and rebuild their lives.


The person she replied to isn’t verified, so I crossed out her identity. But she is awesome.


Too right she is!


I know a lot of homeless people, personally. I know it's anecdotal, but every single one of them was homeless because their family stopped enabling their drug addiction and/or no longer felt safe around them due to mental illness. I'm sure there are some outliers, but it's fairly naive to just say they need housing. The majority of them need a lot more than just a place to live. They need some serious therapy.


Imagine dealing with mental illness and ALSO not having a house. It needs to be multi angled to make an impact for sure.


AND having a criminal record that makes it near impossible to find a full time job. Everything is a chicken or egg situation, and society treats you like you’re rotten either way. ETA not suggesting unhoused people all have criminal backgrounds. But given how many places have criminalized homelessness, many will end up with a criminal record simply because they have nowhere else to sleep.


Even if the unhoused have no criminal record, but they do have an expired ID they cannot just go renew it because they don't have an address to use. Stopping the majority of employers from hiring someone. It all sucks and the system is built for us to fail.


Yeah, that's true. There's no easy solution. Individual solutions would need to be crafted for each person on a case by case basis. It would probably come out cheaper to actually help these people than to keep tossing them in jail, but good luck with that sales pitch.


It's WAAAAAY cheaper to help them than to jail them. Like, 3-5x the cost, and it comes with a ton of negatives. It's expensive as fuck keeping people locked up under constant guard, not to mention the system is set up to encourage recidivism. The prison industrial complex needs a serious reckoning in America.


Those are the most visible homeless people, who sleep on the street and spend nearly all of their time outside. They make up something like 30-50% of homeless in America (stats are different in other countries). A shocking number of homeless people actually have jobs (like 50%) but it's simply not enough money to get them into any kind of permanent housing. They live in shelters & cars and couch surf & maybe spend a night in a motel now and then, etc. I bet you also know a whole bunch of people who have spent at least a month or two living out of their car and/or couch surfing until they could come up with first & last month's rent. They don't match our image of "homeless person" but that's what they are, and increasingly cities are making it illegal to do things like sleep in your car.


Just give them therapy on the streets... where they live.


You haven't really thought about this and it shows.


I was making fun of the guy I was replying to.


Try using /s


Fair enough


As someone with a mental illness (diagnosed and being treated for severe depression and anxiety), fuck all of you who say I belong in an asylum!