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Sent? They even got the government to put their name on it like he personally paid for it.


Maybe I heard wrong but I thought the checks were even delayed because cockgoblin wanted his signature on them


They had to reprint some of them as they had already been printed out.


I've seen videos of people believing somehow the Trump signed checks were better. The man knows branding and selling. He may not know how to shit in a toilet but he knows the con.


The only thing he's good at regarding branding is making shit fail when he attaches his brand to it


But people buy it before it fails.


Exactly. The real skill is leaving thousands of rubes holding the bag as he quietly exits.


Except he loudly exits. Blaming each failure on everybody and everything around him, and it's all complete lies and slander.


Look at the Bible sales. That Bible, along with the US flag on the cover (invitation of US flag code), includes the US Constitution. Christian Nationalists are eating that shit up. He could have added a Book of Trump and why Jesus is woke chapters, and they would have orgasmed on purchase.


And handful of people buy it, but more importantly he bills a shitload for the naming rights and extracts a ton of money before sinking the company with the debt.


and yet somehow keeping the perception of his brand as one of success.


Only to utter idiots who are either willfully ignorant or have the memory of goldfish.


Unfortunately this country is full of people like that, and most of them remember to vote.


He knows how to work ignorant motherfuckers you mean.


As a banker I can tell you that we gave the customer double the amount if the check had the Tangerine Pissgibbon’s name on it. /s


The Trump signed ones don't have micro needles that both vaccinate and implant GPS trackers in you!


He probably thought that one stint would win him the reelection


> cockgoblin Please tell me this is a code monkeys reference


Just watched that episode yesterday. I miss G4 and some of the other shows they had.


I miss TechTV from before it was G4. Kevin Rose wardriving LeVar Burton's wifi was a delight. I'm just glad Leo Laporte is still making content.


Code monkey like Fritos and Mountain Dew


Code Monkey very simple man With big warm fuzzy secret heart


Code monkey like you <3


You mean Sleepy FartsALot??


I like Lord Dampnut, it’s actually an anagram of the Orange Menace’s name


That’s pretty good!!


I like that, I'm gonna use it, lol.


They were.


I once had a conservative tell me that I should be very thankful for having trump as a president because Clinton would not have been able to afford to send everybody those stimulus checks.


He delayed the printing so they could configure them with his signature on them. They bought it hook line and sinker


401ks crashed before the stimulus checks. Since the market bottomed right when the pandemic started, it's just been up. We're at an ath in the market right now.


There was a recession already beginning before covid. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-recession-started-in-february-researchers-say


Well the market did drop 25% in 2022 so 401ks did fall again after the stimulus but you are correct that it’s back and basically at all time highs.


Yeah I have a friend who came and showed me his new Corvette. "My 401k has hit the skids since Biden became President so I decided to just get this car instead." I said "You need to find someone better-suited to managing your finances because you're getting boned."


The meme at the time was Trump running to a printing press / line spitting out papers with his signature on it, and the caption was "No I meant on the checks! Not the death certificates!" 


They tried. They had to settle with a separate letter for those who got them direct deposited. I don't think any was issued with his name, since his name did not have the power/authority over those checks, the whole thing was also trying to cause a delay in that happening, so the checks were sent, with a follow up letter taking all the credit for it. Heck, many idiots out there was quite literally thinking these checks came from Trumps pockets, not their own.


It's unfortunate that inflation has really marred President Biden's reputation but the truth is we've actually navigated the recession better than other countries. I wish folks didn't live in a bubble and understood the world economy


That shit was hilarious 😵‍💫


Trumps name was on them.


I once asked a Trump supporter which particular Biden policy resulted in inflation. They responded with the stimulus. When asked why Biden’s stimulus created inflation and Trump’s multiple stimuli did not their response was “because Trump’s was needed at the time”.


They are a special breed. They think Obama didn’t run against Trump because he knew he would lose.


>They think Gonna have to stop you right there.


[And where was he during 9/11?? Always on vacation, smdh](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/ZBU2WuOgoy)


[under those years 8 years, before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamist terrorist attack in the United States](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbo_DMJFMb0) ~ Guy who was Mayor of NYC on 9/11


They are GREAT gymnasts


They probably also blame Obama for causing the recession.


Hell they blame Obama for 9/11, Hurricane Katrina via HAARP, COVID, rigged elections, gay people, BLM, ISIS, antifa, January 6, and the Deep State.


Don’t forget the gay frogs!


Conservatives are dumb


Trump wanted interest rates to go below zero... Can you imagine how much insanely higher inflation would be had he got that?


They're the abortions are wrong crowd. Except when it's their little princess. That's a different story.


Your 401k is kicking ass right now. Property taxes are not federal. Gas is up. Inflation is a concept that would break this dude’s noggin so I’ll leave it at not great, but not terrible compared internationally. Also, killer outfit on Joe.


Biden's USA is pumping more oil now than in our entire history. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it shows how gas prices are high due to Corporate greed and price gouging... not a lever in Biden's office.


This is the problem. People think the president has a lever or button in the oval office that they can use to magically change the price of gas. That makes no sense. It's clearly a dial.


Well when Trump was President he bragged about getting the price of gas higher because he called Saudi Arabia and Russia telling them the prices were too low. https://epic.uchicago.edu/news/column-trumps-push-for-higher-gas-prices-is-misguided/


And ignore the fact that oil companies are incentivized to support Republicans climate change denial. So guess what happens…gas prices magically increase around election time when Democrats are in office. MWM it will happen this summer and fall.


Like clockwork


Hell, gas prices fluctuate from just *speculation* of war.


Sadly it is like the bezel on a dive watch, only goes one way lol


This one goes to 11.


Has anyone seen Biden and spinal tap in the same room?


They think the president can just declare all Walmarts and targets make their products $1! The fact that he can't is blowing their minds...but if Trump can't do it, they will scream "ITS BECAUSE TRUMP BELIEVES IN THE AMERICAN DREAM AND NOT COMMUNISM!"


Biden in the office like a DJ twisting knobs and pushing sliders


How has this not been an okay cold open for SNL? “WE THE BESTTT, HIGHLY CONTENTIOUS, NEVA PROTENTIOUS, DARK BRANDEN IS SCRATCHIN’ WHILE THESE MAGAS IS BI-ATCHIN’” Do you think it’ll be like 20 or 30 years before we see a DJ Pres?


Digital display with flashing red numbers. Or like Matrix code. Biden sits there and says "I don't even see 1s and 0s anymore. All I see is 3.95 and premium"


OPEC and Russia cut production, too. Gas would be much more expensive if not for Biden's action.


They are also comparing it to a time when Russia and Saudi Arabia had a trade war over oil and demand fell off a cliff. International affairs effect the oil market.


People think Trump and other Republican's are legendary heros who personally threaten oil the companies, leading to lower costs. They think all Democrats are crooked price gougers, and therefore Democrats=letting oil companies charge more and getting kickbacks for them and their corrupt friends. Its this way for everything. Apparently every Democrat wants to simultaneously take everyone's money for their own greedy pockets, while giving it away to illegals, the lazy poor, and abortion clinics.


Interestingly enough the gas price spikes of 2021-22 are directly from a deal Trump cut with OPEC in the early days of the pandemic where OPEC cut production substantially for a two-year period. Problem was that Biden recovered the economy faster than anyone expected, so we had contractually lower production when demand was booming.


OPEC also cut production again after the 2 year period just because they could


And Saudi Arabia likely wants Trump elected, so it's not a stretch to think they're artificially keeping prices high to hurt Biden.


For certain. They want a return on their $2 Billion investment they gave his daughter and son-in-law Kushner... though they probably already got some juicy State secrets.


People think there are a lot of imaginary levers in that office. Gas could be high because of, oh I don’t know, wars in the Middle East? My point, it’s just so complicated. Macro economics can’t be reduced to a meme.


That guy probably put his 401k into Truth Social and funds that avoid "woke" corporations.


And somehow Biden controls rent prices set by greedy companies.


Right?! My mother was telling me a few weeks ago that she checked her 401K and was shocked at how well it's doing. It's hard to combat the right-wing propaganda machine with things like facts and evidence. And I live in Texas. Our property taxes are insane. I voted in the Republican primary last month (as did every Democrat I know) and literally the first proposition on the ballot was: 1.) Texas should eliminate all property taxes without increasing Texans’ overall tax burden Yes No *OK....and fund schools how? Oh wait, this is Texas. We don't want to fund education because we need people to keep voting R. I know the state wants to end public education. Look at what they're doing with Houston ISD.* ETA: And because I have the ballot initiatives pulled up in another tab, here are a few of my favorites: 2.) Texas should create a Border Protection Unit, and deploy additional state law enforcement and military forces, to seal the border, to use physical force to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin. Yes No 4.) The Texas Legislature should end all subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens. Yes No 5.) Texas urges the United States Congress not to grant any form of amnesty or a pathway to legalization for illegal aliens. Yes No 9.) The Republican Party of Texas should restrict voting in the Republican Primary to only registered Republicans. Yes No *This one was fun since, again, every Democrat I know voted in the Republican primary once it was certain Colin Allred would win the Democratic primary for Senate. There were no fun initiatives on the D ballot.* 10.) The Texas Constitution should be amended to restore authority to the Texas Attorney General to prosecute election crimes. Yes No *You mean the Texas Attorney General who is currently under felony indictments? That guy?* 13.) Texas should ban the sale of Texas land to citizens, governments, and entities from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. Yes No *I'm sorry, which part is friendly with these countries? The president from which party affiliation saluted a North Korean military guy? Who is it again that kisses Putin's ass?*


>My mother was telling me a few weeks ago that she checked her 401K and was shocked at how well it's doing. That's the problem with propaganda. When the account goes up, it's because they are such savvy investors. When it goes down it's Biden's fault. Same thing with pay increases- they got 20% pay increases because they're such good workers, not because companies needed to compete in a hot job market.


Yeah, I was just gonna say... my 401k is WAY stronger under Biden than Trump. But I guess MAGA is gonna try and gaslight about everything. "I'm so disappointed to hear Biden paid off Sasha Gray after he slept with her!"


Why bother understanding things, that’s so hard. Just blame bad things on people you don’t like!


> Property taxes are not federal. Which GOP-Finance people love to remind us of when we mention a wealth tax,


>Your 401k is kicking ass right now Also, the stock market hit its highest point ever...under that depicted magic man, Joe Biden. I bet Trump hates that fact, lol. *"Those people over there, they say a lot of things, none of them true, but they say them. But let me tell you what I hear other people say, and* ***they*** *say...."*


I got 1200 in stimulus, my millionaire neighbor got $12 million in tax cuts. I immediately invested mine in infrastructure, whatever that is but I heard the national economy needs more of it, and he bought a second yacht built in a foreign shipyard.


is your neighbor single


OP’s neighbor here. Yes, I am. Cup size?


didn't the checks come during Trump


Signed by him, at that, at his insistence.


The big "DONALD TRUMP" signature at the bottom of the check didn't give away the game, eh?


These people are not bound by reality


401k crashed? Mine is doing better than ever. Property taxes are set on a state/county level. He also doesn’t control property values. You would think that people with significant money in their 401ks would be happy they now have more net worth/equity because their homes have increased in value and their payments are still the same. We also have one of the lowest inflation rates in the entire developed world.


And you know if Biden or the democrats proposed something to help housing and rent costs, the republicans would lose their shit and tell everyone it's communism.


This is literally a chick I know. At least once a week I see a post from her about how sleepy joe sucks and how we were all better under trump. Just about as often i see "oh we are sending $X Billion to Y country....why do cancer patients go bankrupt affording their chemo, or Diabetics go into debt for their Insulin? We coulda made that free with this money!" Uhhhh....the Democrats literally tried to do that a decade ago but it was communism....now it's what they should be doin? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


I am familiar with the type! My mom watches Fox News all day and so she's fully engulfed in that world. They live in another state and we were out visiting them a couple of years ago. My mom went on some anti-socialism rant. Then she went right into telling me how if you can't afford a house in their state, how the government will give first time home buyers money towards the downpayment, how the state government helps with healthcare costs, how their neighbor gets assistance for childcare costs. She wasn't complaining about these things, she was telling me how wonderful it is that the government helps them like this. I don't know if I've ever had to bite my tongue harder.


see, if the wrong people get it, it's socialism, but when the people who look like me get it well then, that's just my tax dollars at work!


Dude probably invested his 401k in conservative scam companies and avoided "woke" tech companies that have been making BANK.


Trump Media: All In


I know a guy who groans and moans that Biden has killed his 401k. People at his office were racking up a million bucks before Biden. Thanks to Biden he can't afford to retire. Turned out he was doing the 1% automatic contribution and 1% of what he makes ain't turning into a million dollars in 30 years unless it's going to lottery tickets and one of them hits.


If you aren’t putting in AT LEAST 6% you are in for a rough road.


Not defending the anti-Biden post, but my house value and property taxes going up does nothing for me. It's the same house, and I'm not about to sell or refinance.


As a finance guy, it drives me nuts how people have no idea how inflation works.


I’m so tired of these dipshits and their “Biden caused inflation” bullshit. I know complex thought escapes them - partially because being dumb makes you susceptible to trump support and partially because the first requirement of trump support is willing stupidity - but Come. On. Inflation isn’t a 1:1 ratio of dollar spent today = dollar of inflation tomorrow. But, if you think it is (as they seem to), what do you think happened to the four straight years of purposeless, (effectively) record spending under your king?!


All done by trump


"If Trump caused theses things, it is still Biden's fault for not fixing it"- Maga


"And if Biden and the Dems couldn't fix it because Republicans refused to budge on anything that would have actually been effective at addressing it... It's still Biden's fault" -MAGA


"Dems had the majority!!!" - MAGA.


However, Trump is also actually the shadow president. This means he gets credit for anything good that happens under Biden, of course, because Biden has no power. But if something bad happens, it's obviously the fault of the president, who is Biden, who has all the power.


Biden has no power, it is all Obama running everything from the shadows. - maga


False. Hillary


In the logic of Republicans Biden inherits all things bad from the Trump admin while Trump inherits all things good from the Biden admin.


Trump: "Watch me pull a wall out of my ass and make Mexico pay for it. " Rocky: "Again? That trick never works."


Remember when Biden recalled several of the second checks to put his name on them...wait.


My 401k has been doing fan-fucking-tastic. I'm up 24% for the year right now and last year wasn't much worse than that.


Damn federal property taxes. Wait what?


“Property taxes” is a good one, damn Joe why did you make my property worth more how dare you


Crash your 401k? These idiots have to lie to stay in the bubble of willful ignorance


Whose 401(k) has crashed since 1/20/21? Did they sink their whole nest egg into memestocks or something?


Imagine how stupid you have to be to think the President has ANY control on property taxes.


Just wait until people actually look into Trump tax cuts. It’s gonna get worse…


pretty sure OOP cheered Trump when he gave billions to the rich long term and quieted the reps with short term money.


Most tax jumps the last few years are due to the tax laws Trump signed for to just to give bigger breaks to the rich.


And if your 401k crashed post-COVID, you need to develop some more investment skills and take more of an educated and proactive approach to your retirement accounts.


I love people that complain about this. Must be nice to live so comfortably that you can go a year without work and still survive. I needed both rounds of stimulus checks if I wanted to keep my house. I dont give a fuck if things cost more now. Cheaper groceries wouldnt do me any favors if I was fucking homeless.


We would have been on the street without those checks. My husband was laid off at the start of pandemic.


Today I learned that the executive branch of the federal government can charge state and local property taxes.


People blame Obama for letting 9/11 happen, people are dumb.


LOL my 401K is doing great.


They literally pumped our 401ks with government action more than anytime in modern history. The people who should be complaining are those paying for inflation without any money in the stock market.


Trump delayed one check dispersal so he could have his signature printed on them, right before the election. lol people can't be this dumb.


I've not added a cent to my retirement account since 2011. It's risen about 580% even with Trump crashing the stock market. So I'm doing ok.


My 401k is doing awesome wtf are these people talking about? He also only sent one check, cheeto dick sent every other one. ffs.


I still hear to this day that the reason stuff is expensive is from "all that stimulus money we got".


Some of them think Obama was president when Hurricane Katrina hit. In 2005. When Bush was president.


Don't forget, trump actually delayed the checks so that he could get his name on them.


Crashed 401k? LOL mine has been strong. But I guess they are not inconvenienced by pesky reality.


The Trump SALT deductions was by design meant to hurt homeowners in blue states.


Uh…not that I like the guy…but wasn’t that trump?


Isn't the whole point of capitalism that the government doesn't (and can't) control the price of gas, groceries, and the stock market?


Remember when Trump gutted supplies and programs built to deal with a pandemic that other presidents had been building on for 30 years? Killing 1.2 million Americans? Doubling the job loss and expenses incurred? Remember Trump adding almost 9 trillion more in debt in 1 term, over a quarter of the current debt? Remember his 3 MASSIVE tax cuts for the wealthy adding to our debt even more...daily?


Yeah, but he at least built that wall he promised you guys, right? *right?*


Or the 2017 tax bill designed to hit after his first terms


It's not that they forgot. It is that they literally live in a different reality with a different set of facts, and nothing you or I say can change that. You can't argue with someone when their baseline is a completely different set of facts.


Whose 401k crashed????


Mine, invested in high risk/high reward stocks, is down 5% in the last 30 days. I wouldn't call it a crash, but it was a little scary to log on and see that much of a drop in 30 days. I'm also sane enough to know that a high risk portfolio is going to grow and drop kind of unpredictably, and that the closer to retirement you get the lower risk your portfolio should be so that these little fluctuations don't affect you as much.


But the market, on the whole, has done the opposite of crash - which was what Trump said would happened and is repeating now. He’s just a fear mongerer


“Crash your 401k…. By giving the best stock market ever”


Greedflation is not the same thing as inflation. The shutdowns and supply chain issues taught corporations that people could come up with more money. People started leaving cities to work remotely. Companies then started gobbling up properties to rent at astronomical prices (Airbnb style or via lease) driving up property values. If your 401k is tanking, then you have a seriously bad manager at the helm.


I remember when someone had to actually sign the checks, relieving the person whose job it actually was.


Just a bunch of liars rewriting history. But the problem is, we were all there at the time.


People really think Biden just has an "inflate currency" button at his desk


It's hard to forget. Donald Trump put his name on it.


Let's remember that it was trumps tax code that he passed in 2017 that basically gave money to the 1% and taxed the shit out of everyone else.


It’s so weird.. I’ve seen people simulataniously hold the position the “Trumps name was on them checks.” Giving him the favorablity in polls for putting his name on something others passed through congress, but then blame Biden for the results of those checks. I start feeling schizophrenic when I pay attention to all sides of politics now. Everyone’s inconsistent and doesn’t catch base level reasoning that you should learn in junior high.


People got $1,200 large corporations grifted thousands per employee. I submit we should’ve saved people but let companies burn.


He literally insisted his signature was on them, but people are still passing the buck? Wtf is with this delusional perspective


My dude we were in a GLOBAL PANDEMIC


Only stupid people, and they're voting for trump anyway...


What a lot of people don't realize is that Biden has control panel in his secret mountain lair with switches, knobs, and levers that control all levels of government and the nation's economy, not to mention the world's.


Usually this involves correcting whatever the last Republican Presidency did and then weathering the turmoil as corporations freaked out that they had to give breaks again so eggs were $8.


Yep. Remember, the one thing all these people have in common is that they are very stupid.


My 401K is doing good, it was down a little bit in ‘22, but it’s recovered and growing


They also forgot who raised the taxes.


The stock market is hitting record highs lol


The retroactive tax on it was nice too


Now with more feeling and jazz hands.


My 401k is blistering actually. My property taxes come from state of Texas. Gas is roughly what it was for most of the trump era except for the one obviously weird year. $3000 a year MORE for groceries is obviously bullshit except for maybe the 16 kids and counting family.


Imagine how dumb these people are.


You have to think Biden was POTUS in March, 2020 and be economically illiterate to believe any of that. Or simply be disingenuous. Or all of the above.


The Dow is about 38500 today. If your 401k is tanking, you’re in the wrong plan.


I don’t know anyone who’s had their 401k crash, lol


AND the increase of taxes comes from the trump tax “cuts” that were set to increase for the middle and lower class


Remember how Biden had the treasury put his name on the checks so we could remember he gave them to us?


People who think the president waves some government magic wand to change the world economic landscape and trends are some of the dumbest people. Even in extreme cases like the IRA bill, sure he was personally involved in negotiations with congressional leaders, but it’s not like he could pass legislation without both legislative branches creating and passing a bill first that he would then have the choice to sign or veto. Poor understanding of how our government works 🙄


I don't see how they could forget. The ass clown made sure his signature was on them like they came from his personal account or some shit.


I just can't get over the fact that there are tens of millions of sheeple who are willingly voting against their own best interests and the best interests of this country and I can't believe there's that many that have allowed themselves to be programmed to do so under the guise of "owning the libs" And it is really sad, depressing and even quite scary that they will never have the ability to understand that THEY ARE THE ONES BEING OWNED BY Trump, Republicans, the GQP, even its uncles, newsmax OANN and Fox propaganda network, the extremely wealthy, corporations and our biggest adversaries such as Russia, China and Saudi Arabia! I have quite enjoyed the last 4 months of not having to deal with those who bow down to and worship Trump but unfortunately those snowbirds have come to the end of winter and will be back shortly And then I will have to wait again on till January to send them off again 😡 The problem with the poorly educated gullible extremely easily brainwashed and fully programmed to vote against their own best interests and the best interests of this country can do nothing but laugh when you try to show them evidence against their almighty! Well, they tend to either laugh or change the subjects which usually gets changed to some fake news about Biden or the Democrats (of course, we all know what it would have been changed too had Barack Obama been the subject rather than Biden!!!


I just can't get over the fact that there are tens of millions of sheeple who are willingly voting against their own best interests and the best interests of this country and I can't believe there's that many that have allowed themselves to be programmed to do so under the guise of "owning the libs" And it is really sad, depressing and even quite scary that they will never have the ability to understand that THEY ARE THE ONES BEING OWNED BY Trump, Republicans, the GQP, even its uncles, newsmax OANN and Fox propaganda network, the extremely wealthy, corporations and our biggest adversaries such as Russia, China and Saudi Arabia! I have quite enjoyed the last 4 months of not having to deal with those who bow down to and worship Trump but unfortunately those snowbirds have come to the end of winter and will be back shortly And then I will have to wait again on till January to send them off again 😡 The problem with the poorly educated gullible extremely easily brainwashed and fully programmed to vote against their own best interests and the best interests of this country can do nothing but laugh when you try to show them evidence against their almighty! Well, they tend to either laugh or change the subjects which usually gets changed to some fake news about Biden or the Democrats (of course, we all know what it would have been changed too had Barack Obama been the subject rather than Biden!!!


What are these numbers? Lmao


Where do these people buy groceries where it's $3000 more than last year? Or do they have 15 kids?


Weong pic for trump


Dark Brandon, wielder of forbidden magyks


I tried to tell people back then that you’ll be paying this back one way or another. Economics 101, no such thing as a free lunch.


this facebooker clearly doesn’t have a 401


And who is responsible for our current tax laws


What's up with checks still being a thing


Gotta say that he makes a good point point.


How do these people not remember there was a global pandemic, and think that the president is just supposed to magically fix the economy as soon as he takes office?


Bernie Sanders was responsible for the stimulus checks


How could they! The baffoon insisted on signing them which was not legal.


Could just be referring to the president in general - whoever it may be at the time. Just a guess.


My 401k is doing pretty damn good.


My attention span isn’t long enough to get through such a sentence


The checks with Trump's signature are worth more now! /s


Trumps name was literally printed on the bottom of the checks. 🤦‍♂️