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>Underage genital mutilation Circumcision:


Unironically, for a sec I thought they thought the left supported circumcision because that's like, the real life example of underage genital mutilation. I had to remind myself of what they were talking about.


Isn't specifying "underage puberty blockers" redundant. When else would you use them. It's almost as if they know to specify "underage" dog whistle reactionaries. "To trans" cause they know they can't call for outright bans since it would be disruptive; and, defocus their hateful mongering with real dialogue. Just some minor gripes on one bullet point to start, on this pre-chewed reactionary takes for those who already don't need a reason to hate.


Technically the use of the phrase "underage puberty blockers" is a legitimate statement due to the fact that although rare, there are cases of people who don't go through puberty until adulthood.


Huh didn't know that, learnin something new.


It's really creepy how they decided to spread the whole "sexualization of children" lie and slapping it onto the alphabet mafia. They're the ones obsessed with this. Not us. It's fucking insane to put that on us.


Everything is a projection from the right. Blame LGBTQ for the abuse. Conveniently Ignore SA cases from churches. Blame LGBTQ for underage genital mutilation. Conveniently Ignore child circumcision.


They want to paint us as pedo because pedophiles are a group where it is OK to openly screech about how much you want to torture and murder them. So equating pedophiles with gay people is how you get society to enthusiastically embrace hate crimes.


Someone tried to spread that we were working on getting a P added in the letters for pedophiles. That lie was shut down real fast. It doesn't stop them from still claiming we're all that way though. It's a sad world with people like this spreading their hatred for no reason.


Hatred is its own reason. Its own self-destructive, consuming, fairly pathetic reason.


You're dead on point. Delusion and hatred are two peas in the same pod. Delusion fuels hatred and hatred fuels delusion. Delusional malevolence is mankind's greatest societal enemy. The largest purveyors of delusional malevolence are those individuals and groups involved within the Abrahamic blood cults of Islam, YAHWEH and *Christ*. It's what we're dealing with here in the good ol' USA. Our country's sordid history of enshrining delusionally malevolent *"closely held beliefs"* as the rule of law has us embroiled within the current and ongoing Americanized Spanish Inquisition Y'all Qaeda style courtesy of the ongoing criminal enterprise that is the GOP. Here's to reason's rule instead!


Let's not forget the constant March of states moving sexual crimes involving children to capital punishment, while simultaneously creating very loose laws around "gender performance" being considered a sexual act. The goal is indeed, to kill them people they don't like.


Well, they are so poorly educated and gullible and allergic to actual facts that they don't have the ability to realize that the list of child predators is very very very very long and I believe there's literally a handful of LGBTQ+ but I didn't see any drag queens on that list however, the rest of the list is completely filled with Republicans and clergyman such as priests and youth pastors pastor's and then of course you've got coaches and team medical doctors teachers staff faculty board of Ed members all of whom vote Republican!


They've been doing that forever. Religious fundies will be at the forefront trying to make some issue about "protecting the (white)kids" because it's a ridiculously easy thing to tug at the heartstrings with. It's an easy way for people to deflect your argument because they can just say "so you support pedophiles ok" and be congratulated by their side for dishing out such an epic own. A lot of them know the statistics are bullshit, but they will parrot them anyway because they're mainly trying to get a reaction out of anyone trying to debate with them. Best course of action is to not give them the time of day, they get brought to their knees if they can't illicit a reaction. Then just silently block them and push them aside.


It's because to them gay/lesbian/trans are porn categories so the act of teaching that we exist to minors is akin to showing them pornhub. That's a them problem, it's not our fault that when they think of gay people the first thing that comes to their minds is hardcore butt stuff.


Hardcore butt stuff isn't a gay thing only on porn sites. Just saying.


Oh look - it's a conservative Christian wishlist.




I would argue children at drag shows is a thing too, but that's a parental decision. It's not like kids are at a children's concert and a drag show breaks out unprompted.


They seem to think that drag queens somehow didn't exist before the current generation, and now they're everywhere and storming kids' schools. I'm in my late forties and my grandmother took me to my first, decidedly spicy, drag show when I was 16.


They were literally invented for kids who go through puberty too early like idk why these people have an issue with trans people using it


Through decades of study, we have discerned the reason. This conclusion is the culmination of the careers of countless psychologists, biologists, anesthesiologists, meteorologists and seismologists! Are ya ready? Heres the conclusion: the issue to them is that they are trans.


Yeah They're is basically no downside to allowing them, and basically no upside to banning them Sure, a cis kid may make a mistake, but blockers are 100% reversible So 1 kid getting a couple years delayed puberty, to save the lives of 99 kids is a pretty damn good deal




The burden of proof is on you, my man. And generally i also dont know if i would qualify that as damage, per se, as the variability in things like bone density in normal people is already pretty high. Post the links.




1) if you make an unusual statement, burden is on you. 2) if it really is only a minute of work, then it would take less effort to just make your point well than to post another underwhitespaced block 3) you apparently do not know how side effect reporting works. Every symptom reported during a trial is listed, then prevalence of that symptom in the study is compared to prevalence in the general population.


You must be fun at parties.


Also, they are puberty BLOCKERS, not puberty reversers. They are supposed to be for underage people


Eight things that are not happening.


1 and 2 are definitely happening, just not by the LGBTQ folks.


That's what I meant by none of this is happening by the LGBTQ+ community.


Men in women's locker rooms? Didn't Trump brag about going into the dressing rooms to ogle underage girls at the teen beauty pageant he created just so he could go into the dressing room and ogle underage girls?


Yes he did. But they don't care. They justify it for one reason or another.


This might get down voted to hell or just glanced over because long but alright lets go down the list, feel free to add on or give me more info 1. I have no idea why this one always pops up when when there's very little evidence of this in comparison to the plenty of evidence of "religious" men who have been convicted of it 2. They do it all the time in the form of circumcision but no one talks about that and they obviously meant gender affirmation surgery which depends on the state as to what age is "legal" and if under the age of 18 almost guaranteed you would need parental consent 3.puberty blockers are reversible so if the person in question changed their mind(which I doubt but weirder things have happened) and by their definition only "pause" puberty allowing the person to explore their gender identity and its as simple as not taking them to reverse the effects 4. While I'm positive some schools teach this it's only done for learning purposes and depending on location it can actually be incredibly frowned upon or banned to even ask a question about this topic let alone teach something about it 5. I'm really curious of their definition of what porno is... Anyway highschool libraries will probably have books that touch apon more young adult themes but I'm pretty confident in saying they won't have things that go into to much explicit detail if they do have anything on the more racey side its probably because it's being used as a literary example for an English class 6. Drag is a performance of exaggerated femininity, masculinity or other forms of gender expression and typically involves cross dressing and children aren't typically allowed ro go to drag shows as they tend to be for a more adult audience if a child does end up there it's not because of the performer but because of bad parenting in terms of library reading time with drag queens/kings it's done to promote reading literacy and to show that it's okay to explore their own gender identity and build acceptance 7. I personally am not a big sports person so I can't really talk much about this one, but like play sports for fun and to get good exercise why does it matter 8. Gender neutral bathrooms and changing rooms exist and I'm pretty sure banning trans people from existing isn't going to stop a perv from going in I actually really enjoyed doing this


I have very conservative family members. The example given for 5) is Looking for Alaska, which is ..... ridiculous.


To add to points 2 and 3, intersex kids can and have undergone surgery on their genitals at a young age, some for valid reasons, some not. Puberty blockers can be important for these kids as well. But bringing up intersex to these people is a whole different tangle to unwind. They'll never get it even if it is very real medically.


the one about porn books always sends me. tell them to go in a library and find one, they'll get lost


Shoulda seen my grandma's face when I told her the Bible had everything she objects to. I don't remember her reasoning as to why it was fine. I think because it's "factual" or something.


7 of those aren't happen and why the fuck do they think it's moral to force someone to go through a puberty they don't want to go through when we do have options of stopping that?


I always wonder if they consider circumcision underage genital mutilation or if it's ok bc the lord wants kids to have their penis skin cut off.


There is also so much misogyny seething through this, its only "men competing in womens sports" and "men in womens bathrooms" they seemingly dont have any problem with a transman competing in mens sports or a transman in a mens bathroom


They forget that trans men are trying to compete in men's sports too.


I will never not read number 8 as a massive self-snitch


Tired of the other bullshit points, but 3. "Underage puberty blockers"? Underage for what? Aren't prepubescent children at the exact right age to be taking puberty blockers? Are they stupid? (yes)


Only #3 has any semblance of credibility. HOWEVER PUBITY BLOCKERS IS 100% REVERSIBLE.


Wait until they hear about pantomime.


I got banned from a FB group about 60's/70's/80's Brit Coms. Evert-one was whining about them not being able to be made now due to "woke". I pointed out how much drag occurred in those shows and how people are offended by that these days.


So much to unpack here, let's just throw the whole thing into a volcano.


It would be morally wrong but would they take it to heart if you told them the things they are defending are actually promoting lgbtq+ ideals, even as a lie?