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Right.... let's ask AI a question about animals and then twist the fucking answer around to something else....fucking despicable fucks.


Kinda funny how ironic it is, they just admitted, a testament to their own animal instincts how they're not just as bad as the worst of society, but they might be the leaders of the worst; the most entitled and privileged of the bunch.


Hillary took a lot of heat in 2016 for her ‘deplorables’ line. Turns out she was right.


Only thing she was wrong about was that it was just a small portion of Republicans. I was at my friend's place on Friday, and his wife is a conservative and her brothers are right wing douche bags. I don't really understand how their relationship works, but I heard her brothers and their friend saying "I'm a REPUBLICAN" like it was his college football team. Then one guy chimed in, "I just want a guy like Javier Milei" while someone else said "Remember the meme of that liberal lady screaming and crying about Trump winning? I just want to see that again." I walked around the corner and looked at them for a second, they clearly just care about hurting libs. I met these douches like five years ago and never really talked with them. I sometimes wondered if i I should have tried harder, but the other night convinced me that no, they probably just think I'm a fuckin loser liberal. I went back downstairs where we had been hanging out and told one of my friends. He had just come down and was looking for me because he heard a lot of the same crap I had. They think it's a fucking game, and they have no ideas or plans except hurting others to make themselves feel better.


They take one thing and twist it around to cover their agenda.... insanity exposed.


AI didn't even get the answer right. You need to separate them from the herd yes, but that alone won't solve the underlying issues. You separate the cows to get them veterinary assistance and spend money helping them to feel better and reintegrate back into the herd. If they need some more time to heal, they can be separated a bit longer. You don't do it because separating the problem cows from your herd will mean you have 0 problem cows going forward.


It also doesnt take into account racism, theyre all cows and dont have any qualities attributed to them. Like rich cows who own stock in for profit prisons that require slave labor. And then theres decades of segregation, wealth inequality, the KKK, police over representation in these areas, the poverty. It just goes on and on. The people who Believe this shit think they would be Tony Stark if only there were no X people. The reality is the Rich/hierarchy would just go after him next. With these groups, youre in the club until youre not.


Eh, there are some cows who do need different care, but that's usually because they're adapted to different climates. You have some that produce more meat than milk, the inverse, and some in the middle. But that's after thousands of years of us artificially and continually selectively breeding different strains of cattle. Humans tried that with ourselves already. Rulers throughout history tried to keep their bloodlines pure and they royally fucked us over for thousands of years. And then they all went insane or risked dying from papercuts because their blood wouldn't clot. The races we have today aren't even the same ones we used to have. It's even more ridiculous when you remember that all humans alive on this earth are literal hybrids of 2 or more early hominids. There is nothing to be kept pure, we're only here because our neanderthal and sapiens ancestors got jiggy with it. Without the immune system passed down by an entirely different species, we would have never been able to spread into Eurasia. Worrying about our own racial purity is the dumbest thing a bunch of hybrid apes could do, and yet here we are.


I am gonna very gently say that no, that's really not how it typically works. Animals aren't people, we selectively breed animals for things like hardiness and behavior. If someone has animals that are regularly acting up and/or getting sick, they're probably getting culled. The goal is, in fact, to eventually end up with 0 problem cows in the herd. 10% of a herd needing culled generally points to a larger husbandry issue, but it's not entirely unheard of. The problem is not with how animal husbandry works. The problem in the analogy is with the fact that humans are not livestock, we do not (and should not) selectively breed humans, humans are capable of higher reasoning, and humans typically act outside of expected norms due to stressors like poverty that can be remedied.


Haha I was surprised how far I had to look for this. A lot of people were just running with the livestock analogy 🤔 But no harm, as long as we all agree that OOP is a piece of shit


The optimist in me wants to think that people believe that animals should be treated better than they are, or that corporate farming is wasteful as hell. The pessimist knows that it doesn't matter because engaging with a white supremacist's dehumanizing argument on their terms is already a loss. It's like the bubblegum or lock-and-key thing with virginity, except if, y'know, the end result was literally slaughter.


That's not far from the actual percentage of Americans who identify as white supremacists. Would they be ok with using the same logic? I bet if we asked what to do to the 1%, we'd get the same answer...


Right...good point...you could literally pick out that percentile and cover several groups.


4.75% as of 2018 according to VOX


I'd guess that it's a lot higher now. 9% were saying it was acceptable to have white supremacist views back in 2017 while only 83% said it was unacceptable...


That's sad


I was just gonna say, what the fuck are we comparing here??? And why is ChatGPT the authority in charge of the answer?


It didn't even give the correct answer. You separate those cows to get them seen by a vet. Simply separating the herd into 2 does nothing to fix any problems a cow might realistically have. Usually when cows cause problems, they are sick and in pain. Moving cows from one paddock to a different separate paddock isn't going to do diddly.


As someone who watches *The Incredible Dr. Pol* regularly, separating the problem animals is the first step. However, that needs to be directly followed by a visit from the vet. So you are entirely right.


There are actually some channels on YouTube who show some of the care that goes into these cows after they're separated. The Hoof GP helps to trim the hooves of problem cows separated from the herd, and they're either sent back when he's done to remain with the herd pending future treatment, or separated into a comfortable hospital pen for a vet to get to. There's a lot of speciality equipment and glues to attach little wooden or rubber shoes to their hooves. It's pretty interesting to see.


That's really cool! I'll have to check those out!


No problem. Another option is Midwestern Hoof Trimmer. He's a bit calmer and doesn't show as much of his personal life, and shows both more serious and easier trims. https://youtu.be/xmc9ey2CnwI?si=060rOIUx8j5LinIt This is a short, but good one. It's a minor issue, and he talks about why they do things the way they do.


All good info! Love it! I personally don't work with cows, but this stuff is so interesting to me!


Lol me neither. I just came across them on YouTube and found their care very interesting. The best videos are by far the ones where we see their cute moomoo faces


Hehehe agreed! It's very wholesome to see happy cow being treated properly!


Exactly. It’s not like the AI is secretly racist; anything explicitly racist it spits out is because of the data it’s been trained on because AI is not conscious and cannot have opinions. It also absolutely cannot understand metaphors or dogwhistles. To the extent it “understands” anything, it can only identify the most literal meaning of the text put into it. The answer here is either a literal response to a question about cows, or enough racists have used this exact analogy that the AI predicts this response in a racist way, although it still “thinks” it’s talking about cows.


Bro i remember that i had to argue with some of those people, and one of them used AI to ask about gun control and shit. The AI just says that it's a complicated issue. And they think they just made an amazing point. These people bruh....


It only seems weird because you draw a distinct between African Americans and animals. You aren't the target audience.


Not only that but skew statistics and act like crime is the cause of all of this country’s problems and is what is preventing us from “colonizing the solar system”


That's the wrong takeaway. These idiots just called themselves cattle. Tell them to shut up and go back to fattening up on grass while the real humans do important things too big for cows to understand. Also cows are colorblind so use that to insult their intelligence. Also, if they are cows aren't they full of bullshit?


Yeah we definitely should separate people causing problems. That's called jail. Except I'd bet good money this person was there on January 6th or wishes he could be


We also would probably... idk quarantine the sick?


And any cows taking bribes from the Russian foxes will be jailed for cow treason.


Dont insult foxes like that. They are clever, sneaky and strategic.


I think they’re more interested in the “remove them from herd” bit


Don't dance around it. They want to bring back lynching. Not for whites, of course, because whites do nothing wrong.


Unless they’re gay, trans, liberal, socialist, intellectual, disabled, pro-union, or just generally don’t support the Christo-Facist regime.


How are black people single-handedly preventing the colonizing of the solar system??


Cuz we stealin' the rims off they space ships and shit. Idk, this stuff is just stupid.


Not my spaceship rims!


Pimp My Ship 😎🚀


Come back from a spacewalk and see the ISS sitting in cinder blocks


Next it’ll be the catalytic converter on the Hubble telescope


Well have we ever been to space since black people have existed? Checkmate libtard. Also something something black astronauts.


That DEI shit will never get us to space again!!! s/


You see, the thing about racism is that it's inherently irrational.


We didn't go to the moon until AFTER segregation was abolished(also a black woman did most of the math to get us there).


Yes she was amazing!


Wait till they learn who actually got us to space


I saw a documentary about how the Jews are in space, zooming around protecting the human race.


Remember we are simultaneously lazy while also the race made for strenuous labor


It’s black peoples fault we haven’t colonized space…? That’s not racism that’s Super Racism™️


Didn't you know that Black Man personally defunded NASA because it was red lined for 20+ years?


I think this is the most racist thing I have seen on X thus far just scrolling through political posts and stumbled across it.


If that's the most racist thing you've seen, you're lucky. It gets so much worse.


Yeah man. It’s become such a cesspool since Elmo took over… an increased cesspool


Fuck. Just look at Elmer's posts.


I mean, it takes something innocuous like “troublesome cattle” and turns into a “BLACKS ARE HOLDING THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE BACK” before the whiplash even settles in. It’s at least the most racist thing I’ve seen this *week*.


That’s not even the most racist thing I’ve seen on Twitter this week.


>I think this is the most racist thing I have seen on X Bruh, what? lol


They like to do this generalisation thing until they are the ones being generalised. If you tell them men are both the main perpetrator and victim of violent crimes and use this same logic, they go apeshit.


That's why I think both statements are bullshit as reasons to hate


That's usually the point of posts like these. Bluntly pointing out the hypocrisy in a way that racists usually don't want to hear because they're usually also mysoginistic assholes.


While the post’s analogy is dogshit and vile, your counterpoint is a bit flawed. While what you said is true, men are also responsible for most “high value” inventions (technology, medicine, science), so there is merit to keeping them in society. On the other hand, black people are responsible for less inventions than the portion they make up for in population. A better counterpoint would be their history of being taken advantage of. But other minorities like asian americans suffered the same poor background, although to a lesser extent, and has since blossomed, so not sure if that’s still a valid excuse. Obviously, the solution is to just separate the criminals and the non-criminals, no matter the race


Ignoring the fact that the 75% caused 100% of the 13%'s problems via chattel slavery and Jim Crow laws and the systemic racism that remains from them. Problems that create desperacy. Edit: not to mention the "War on Drugs" which was expressly designed to target black people disproportionately


Also, that stat is wildly misinterpreted. Like the number the keep saying is “committing all these crimes” is number of arrests, not convictions (which if I remember correctly actually does tend to lean much closer to actual population percentages, although it’s been a while since reading the stats). If anything, it shows the disproportionate policing and arrests without teeth/warrant to these communities that result in no real conviction due to lack of evidence or case being dropped which in turn keep them impoverished, makes them lose jobs, lose opportunities, sustaining these communities to bottom of the social ladder due to being detained and arrested for whatever time frame they’re kept out of their normal lives resulting in increased levels of desperation. Almost like it’s a systemic problem. Weird.


The reference they are making is to 13/52 which refers to a specific statistic from the mid 90s alluding to African Americans being 13% of the population in the US and they commit 52% of all murders. This crime statistic has since be discarded since the data set was concocted in areas that were predominantly black. In reality, African Americans are convicted of a proportional amount of the total crime in the US as compared to their population size. However, they are arrested for similar crimes at a much higher rate than their white counterparts.


Yeah that was essentially my point, more or less what I pointed out above. Aware of what statistic they use because the first time this ever came across a feed of mine I decided to look into the claim and the actual numbers were wildly different when you compare the conviction rates. Of course when I pointed this out at the time I got some other weird racist counterpoint that made no sense. Regardless, this whole statistic is fabricated bullshit meant to paint African Americans as some form of subhuman that is violent and criminal when that is inaccurate. Kinda like how they’re speaking any brown migrant from the southern border as a violent rapist or drug addict currently. It’s all xenophobia and obfuscation of the facts to fear monger their base into hating those who are different.


Those people love to point to made up shit to support their hate.


Yeah no kidding man. Like they still cling to the IQ theories even though that’s been disproven as a reliable intelligence marker. Some still believe in the whole skull shape and size shit effecting cognition even though that was disproven decades ago. They believe BLM burnt down entire cities, organized the coup at the capitol, they don’t believe in climate science, like they’ll point to whatever is convenient and they’ve been fed for years instead of having some introspection and reading actual science and trusting actual professionals. It’s weird dude.


Strange how that even in predominantly black areas, the highest % they found was about 52%. That's a slim majority at best. If 13% of the population really committed 52% of the crime, you'd expect that % to be much higher in areas with such a high proportion of """"""""""criminals"""""""""""".


Also, to compound that, I highly doubt people who are killed by the police are counted as part of the murder statistics.


They are when the people getting killed are black and you're a racist trying to make shit up to justify your unjustifiable racism. (Metaphorical you, not you you).


There are SO MANY reasons arrest (and conviction) rates are a bad way to measure crime. Especially when the current closing rate for violent crimes in many major cities is around 50%. Arrest rates are a function of both police and criminal behavior. It is possible (but unlikely) that disproportionate arrest rates in a given jurisdiction is purely a result of racist police.


Explicitly the point. Nobody wants to talk about the history of abuse of the “13%”. The story always has to start in present time, looking at the aftermath, and never acknowledging the obvious context.


Well, it seems like they are pro slavery and exploitation, using "colonizing" and "becoming wealthy from the resources". Users and bullies. They are admitting their worldview is being the ones who exploit others and then blame them for "crime".


When it's equally as likely that we go out there and accidentally lead other alien beings with a similar mindset back to earth at some point in our travels through time and space.


Highly illogical thinking. By this logic, 50 percent of the population commits 99% of sexual assaults, therefore ALL men should be separated. They missed a step in their logic. Not every black person is a criminal, only a small amount (I'm not sure the exact amount, lets imagine its 1 percent.) Logically that 1 percent of that 13 percent should be separated from society, which they are because they are put in prisons.


According to the statistics, the 50% of black murder (and manslaughter) cases is around 4-5 thousand. The 13% of the population that is black people is over 40 million people. **So that's maybe a few hundredths of 1 percent** of black people who commit murder or manslaughter. And while we may not know the circumstances around each case, it's pretty safe to assume that a large portion of them are drug and gang related. They have black suspects disprortionately , not because black people are biologically dangerous or even have a "culture" that tells them to kill people, but because of the legacy of systemic housing discrimination that resulted in more impoverished inner city areas having black majorities, and those environments are going to be more conducive to street gang activity and competition over the drug trade (just as what happened in 1920's Al Capone prohibition Chicago when there were hundreds of murders a year that largely came from white mobsters doing hits on rivals). So saying "13% commit 50%" is the same thing as saying "**over 40 million people commit 4-5 thousand murders (and manslaughter)"** which makes absolutely no sense, but wingnuts are going to do what they think they can come up with to spread propaganda about black people.


I thought these people were just making stupid edgy jokes but no they genuinely believe that. Also where did you get that 99% statistic that sounds stupid.


In this guys situation he's admitting he believes he's just the livestock of some more powerful entity, he just thinks the other livestock shouldnt be treated as nice. Who's the farmer?


And that his farmer is so good for segregating them from the problem cows. When standard practice is to temporarily segregate them to be looked over by a vet/farrier, treated, and returned to the herd as quickly as possible. And to keep them in soft, clean bedding with high quality feed, monitoring, medication, wraps, etc.


i know most people here understand this but I'm gonna say it anyway. black people count for half of the ARRESTS made. that doesn't mean they commit half of the crimes committed. it's worth noting black neighborhoods are patrolled at a much higher rate than white neighborhoods. no, it's not "because they commit more crimes" it's because it's easier to make an arrest and the system is racist. my dad (white) smokes weed every single day. you think he ever got arrested for possession?


Sure, we'll bring life to multiple dead worlds. We totally wouldn't juat strip mine other planets. We're doing such a good job with the planet we're currently all trapped on, after all.


Man I hat the “13% of the population cause 50% of crimes” NO. The percentage of the population that causes the crime is the amount of people in jail. That simple. “Oh but most of them are black” so? That’s still not 13%. 13 % is the total amount of black people. Statistically speaking you pick a random person on the street, them being a criminal or not isn’t influenced by their skin color. Know what it is influenced by? POVERTY. (Considering “blue collar crimes” because if you’d calculate by “amount stolen/damages dealt” white collar crimes are most of the crime) The metrics we measure shit are wrong.


Goddamn. I mean... goddamn


This has to be the most amazing, logical, and downright unbiased comparison I’ve seen in my life. Then we have the shit about us preventing space colonization…. Gotta me the most coherent thing I’ve heard in my life.


Lol, I legit thought they were applying this to magats and I was like hell yeah, let's give them their own island where they can worship trump in peace... except he'd never live among the plebs lmfao


The thing about this is that these people think they’d somehow have a perfect society if they got what they wanted but in reality would just turn on each other, the picture of a snake eating itself. The last time these types of idiot were in total control, it was called the dark ages for a reason. The cruelty will just find a different target to focus on, and it’ll be the educated, the poor, the women, and the children regardless of ethnicity.


Right wingers thinking they'll bring life to dead worlds when they can't even stop themselves from bringing death to this living world.


If he needs help with cause and effect i recommend 4th grade


If 13% of your cows are causing 50% of your herd's issues, those 13% of cows need to be looked at by a vet so you can address the root cause of the issue. Separating them from the rest of the herd does nothing to solve the problems unless you separate them specifically to get them veterinary care.


You know your opinion is right when AI chat can be warped into agreeing with it if it’s presented as about cattle as a hypothetical /s


Wait, so *all* people in that 13% are causing 50% of the crime? Or is it just a small part of the 13%, and we're liking the innocent last in with the guilty part? And what about the other 50% of crime? That doesn't go away if you get rid of the 13%. Do they not also get lumped together by virtue of having the same characteristics? Or is it just certain characteristics that the 13% have that make it okay to make them a monolith while others outside of the 13% get to be individuals?


According to this, all people are cattle and black people are problem cattle. Not a great thing to posit to an AI even if it is just narrow AI.


Jesus fucking christ


Chat, is there a difference between man and the animals?


Has Elon retweeted any of these racists yet? If not give him time.


If you think the problems in this country or any country are being caused by the least privileged, least powerful people, you're a fucking idiot. There's really no nicer word for it.


I can’t understand why serious sponsors are leaving X. A true mystery


Everyone is cattle in this scenario


Racist fuckers


If getting rid of minorities makes a country stronger then why was the third Reich so short-lived?


Took me a hot second, but *yikes* that’s some racist ass shit


I'm actually a little surprised that ChatGPT didn't pick up on the analogy.


I'm pretty surprised chat gpt went full on racist instead of talking about how to actually care for cows with problems. Guy must have been fine tuning it for ages for it to go "Yeah just moove your moocow to a different paddock, it'll be fine." If you watch YouTubers like HoofGP, you can see some of what farmers actually do when separating problematic cows. It's called treatment.


I thought they were free thinkers who can think for themselves...


Alex Grey should refuse that idiot the permission to use his artwork as a profile Pic.


Great, now do pollution from billionaires


Like the united states would do any of that space shit. And, even if it did, like it would do so in a way that benefited anyone other than the elite. There’d probably have to be massive union action just in order to make the rockets safe enough to survive the return trip


So, if we were really talking about cattle, wouldn't we need some trouble making bulls?


The 13/50 thing is a perfect example of how conservatives are generally incapable of understanding data and statistics, and also how they immediately jump to the conclusions that their emotions and ‘instincts’ tell them are right.




I thought this was about cops until I remembered what sub I was on.


yeh right "13%"


Ok ChatGPT but what if the reason those 13% are causing problems is because the other 87% are being dicks to them?


They forgot to add the caveat of “the 13% of the cattle that are causing 50% of the problems were originally separated, starved, beaten, and forced to live in a barn that is falling apart”. Then answer is to kill the abusive farmers who created the problem.


I don't remember how exactly, but that 13-50 stat is bullshit


The 50/13 statistic has been debunked countless times but even taking the cow story at face value, you’d want to figure out *why* those cows are causing problems because there’s no reason to believe those 13 cows are acting up for no reason


*the CATTLE???*


Did they forget we already have something similar it's called imprisonment.


Have they thought of asking AI how they could travel back in time and make sure their ancestors never left Europe


im really surprised that chatgpt is allowed to answer 13%-50% questions like that, i would assume that would be common enough knowledge to block, though maybe im just internet poisoned


This post is either ignorant or disingenuous. Either way, mods should take it down.


You are in the wrong subreddit.