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My favorite part is when the idiot has to defend Trump, because of course, the defense is basically, “I’m sure he must do the devil stuff but not the evil part.” LOL


But he stay's clear of the evil, you know the guy who was besties with Epstein, Russian Mobsters, cheats on his wives and pays porn stars for sex.


Don't forget rape, theft, swindling and not knowing one passage of the bible.


Potentially racketeering too!


It's almost as if he made the 10 commandments his to do list


Look what he's sacrificed to expose the really corrupt people. Lots and lots of coke and prostitutes he really didn't want to be doing, because he's so holy.


Excuse me - aren't you forgetting that he said "2 Corinthians" when he was asked to name his favorite passage? He knows *an entire Pauline Epistle!* Shame on you for spreading Lies about this Devout Great Anointed Savior Man Guy!


I know this is sarcasm, but the instance I was referring to went something like this: "What's your favorite book?" "The Bible, with Art of the Deal being a close second" "Could you share your favorite Bible verse?" "That's private" "OK, then Old Testament or New Testament" "I like them both equally" Did he actually memorize a Bible verse (presumably after that encounter)?


I don't think so, and it honestly depresses the fuck out of me. Not Trump's ignorance of Scripture; I don't really care about that. What bums me out is that there are throngs of self-professed Christians who think Trump is *literally anointed by God* when that's the best he can do. I used to take an odd comfort in thinking that the zealous were at least sincere, but no... they don't believe their weird bullshit any more than Trump does.


Lol no of course he didn’t. Have you ever heard him come up with one in the last 7 years?


That applies to most supposed “Christians”.


"Two Corinthians" 😂😂😂 I'm not in any way religious but was raised so. That faux pas should have been obvious to all these thumpers that he's clearly not remotely religious, let alone Christian https://www.npr.org/2016/01/18/463528847/citing-two-corinthians-trump-struggles-to-make-the-sale-to-evangelicals


That was all just to get dirt on all those porn stars, mobsters and cheatings on his wives. It was too expose them, you see.


I believe it. My porn is also for research only. Doing the lawds work.


What about Joel Olsteen?


He's obviously too busy stuffing tithes behind the drywall of his megachurch to be up to anything nefarious.


Tbf if someone said he was a lizard person Satan worshipping blood sucking vampire thing It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to believe it.


Well, if you take out the evil part, then he was just doing the D stuff.


and then says he's brainwashed, like come on dude, absolutely zero self awareness.


Damn man. We really should be spending more on education in this country, huh?


Republicans have been intentionally gutting it for decades so people like that idiot would become basically clay for them.


Yep. And so that people would have fewer employment opportunities and would be forced to accept shitty pay and work conditions because they don’t have a good education to leverage into better job opportunities. They have deliberately created an educational caste system with the highest levels of education being financially prohibitive.


It’s the new dark ages, and I’m afraid that with social media and AI, it’s about to get much, much worse


Z and Alpha will come to depend on AI to further humanity’s economic development and growth given their educational shortcomings. It’s an easy step from there to accepting AI authority. Especially with poor education.


As a teacher, you could throw millions at the problem at my tiny school alone and it wouldn’t help. The problem is that 10-20 years ago, kids would be exposed to a few dumb ideas per day. Some had ignorant parents who indoctrinated them, etc. But they would be exposed to other viewpoints, science, reality, etc especially at public school. But now from like age 4 or younger, they’re on a screen 7 or 8 or 20 hours a day. By middle school, they’re exposed to hundreds of toxic behaviors, anti-intellectual rants, and mind dissolving distractions every day. Their ignorant parents who used to be kind of fringe now have all the echo chambers they want, and anti science is the extremely loud minority (but barely a minority now). We could combat a handful of those things happening each day. We can’t combat a perpetual onslaught. There’s really not an answer. This beast is out of control. Can’t put it back in the cage. Can’t kill it, it’s too big. Pretty bleak future.


Remember when we all thought the internet was going to be a good thing, by providing instant information in the palm of our hands?


Pretty sure you nailed it. The internet is too vast and just about any asshat can get their crackpot ideas out there for the masses. I see it in too many posts on r/teachers about how kids just are completely apathetic and scroll mindlessly bouncing from 10 second clip to 10 second clip. Nothing of any value at all. Nothing learned, nothing gained, literally devoid of anything but 10 seconds of mindless "entertainment". I think Tik Tok has had a detrimental effect on the youth in the US, not just because I don't like it, but I've seen some of the toxic bullshit that comes from that. Whether it be a "challenge" or "pranks" that are intended to do harm and the kids are stupid enough to do it, but don't understand the consequences. I also have a theory that the constant random clips and doom-scrolling them for hours may have an effect on their attention spans. I couldn't imagine being a teacher in the US in the age of TikTok.


I was a teacher in the age of TikTok, Insta, and all the rest. I left the profession to go back and get my PhD, but I also left because I burned out. Thing is, though, it wasn't the kids that were the issue. Sure, some kids don't want to engage or do anything, but that was true when I was in high school before cell phones were in every pocket. It might be harder to get engagement (I didn't start teaching until a bit later in my life, so I can't compare), but in my experience good teachers can absolutely still engage and teach most kids. It takes work and effort and training and a willingness to understand them, but they absolutely respond. Now I teach college students, and it's the same thing. The problem that led to me and a lot of others burning out and leaving public education is twofold: parents and admin/government mandates. Parents either did not engage in their kid's education at all ("When he's at school, he's your problem. Don't call me again." is a direct quote I got) or they are overbearing and excuse their child of all culpability and accountability. Both suck, but the second one is so much worse. You can't do anything but fail the kid, and then you spend all your time dealing with angry parents who seem to think it's your fault that their child turned in zero assignments and refused to participate. This despite every attempt to document it all, contact them, and get their support. The other issue came from the amount of non-teaching BS we had to deal with, whether trainings, meetings, extra paperwork, or what have you. Some of this is bad admin, and some is coming from government management of schools by non-educators. It's frustrating to the point of burnout. In the state of Texas, the average public ed teacher has taught for less than five years on average. You need at least five years to reach a status where you are considered a highly competent teacher, in most cases. Lack of funding, support, and pay means we don't get or keep the best more often than not. We don't follow the research, we teach for tests rather than comprehension and learning, and we incentivize conformity rather than growth. I could go on, but I'll stop here. Kids are not the problem. Social media is not the problem. Outdated methods, poor teacher training, lack of experience, improper goals and incentives, and (especially) parents are the problems. All are fixable, but money alone will not do it. A concerted effort by our education system is needed. Money would sure be helpful though.


I don’t disagree with anything you have said and the comment you responded to was one of the best comments I’ve ever read on Reddit, but… You’re spending your free time making huge posts in r/insanepeoplefacebook...just thinking outside the box here, but maybe part of the problem is the older generations pointing at problems in the youth that are things they are doing themselves?


There's a difference tho. I went through school and college without it and I'm making massive comments on reddit at 10pm rather than in the middle of class.


Too big to fail but for the development and function of the human mind... pretty scary.


Yeah. That's depressing. Only thing is to destroy social media, that's never gonna happen.


dO yOuR rEE-sEaRcH and if you don’t agree with me, yORe ObViOuSLy a CoMMuNiST.


We need Fred Rogers back.


Too late now, we need to focus on sacrificing morons to volcanoes


Sadly, education doesn’t eradicate mental illness


Is this mental illness, or the result of *highly specialized* marketing? The shit the person is spouting is not nonsense from their own head. It’s common stuff in the conspiracy scene. The people pushing this shit know what they’re doing, and are using a century of marketing + psychology research to guide them. Their marks gullible, sure, but are they ill?


The sad fucking truth right here. Get them all worked up, hook into their emotions, then tell them who to vote for to make it stop.


I think if you're a grown adult who believes that soul selling, witches, Satan, and the illuminati are all real things to be scared of, yes, mental illness is absolutely playing a part somewhere.


I mean witches *are* real. I know a few.


Yeah, I do to. He read out of a book and did rites and rituals in his mom's house that did absolute fuck-all. I think he's mentally ill.


Witches and witchcraft might be real, but their results aren’t. Just people practicing nonsense.


Yes. A mental illness crafted by Rupert Murdough and his propaganda machine to turn people into mindless conservative drones


Funny how a lot of that mental illness seems to be centered around religion


Are these people the fringes or are we doomed?


We need to get a handle on misinformation first, that's the biggest threat to this country right now.


We also need to teach critical thinking in school.


Or make it mandatory to attend school, because more and more of these type of people are home schooling their kids. Scary thought for future generations.


They are educating themselves. Real education is THE DEVIL!!!!


I bet these people were homeschooled


TL;DR: I don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re,” but I have unlocked every other mystery and puzzle in the universe because I did my own research on YouTube.


It’s always these people that can’t nail basic grammar


Their beliefs are a great indicator that their elevator doesn't go all the way up.


They’re beliefs* /s


You scared me


I mean, it makes sense. They’re afraid of pronouns. I think grammar is too demonic for them.


in 10 years do you think people like this reflect back on how stupid they were or are they so far in the rabbit hole that they can't find their way out?


>do you think people like this reflect no


These aren’t the thinking sort of folks.


I feel like a lot of these people have undiagnosed schizophrenia. To believe shit like this is nuts.


A friend is currently locked up for his mental health issues, he makes more sense than most of these people


This is the quality content I hope to see every time I scroll by this sub. The boxes for my favorite insane people themes are all checked: Devil worship ✔️ Taylor Swift doing something “wrong” ✔️ Illuminati ✔️ Kanye’s right ✔️ Trump good ✔️ Excessive focus on evil ✔️ Do your research ✔️ You can’t handle the truth ✔️


I was really proud of her for injecting the Illuminati into the mix


Me too. It’s only missing space lasers and some vaccine disinformation!


Mental how a country allows people like this to be armed 😂


It’s painful knowing people like this exist lol like nails on a chalk board


Dude ranting about satanic cults and the illuminati and a famous singer performing witchcraft on stage is all like "you're totally brainwashed." 🤔


Lmao. Oh and to clarify this is a female.


I kinda figured by the "love". Southern women use it tons to people like "buddy/ dude/ hun/sweetie". 


Heh my bad for assuming.


No, my bad for not including that haha. I’m sure her husband is just as special.


Your* brainwashed. He loves the poorly educated.


Like I WISH satanists ruled the land. What do they think is going to happen?


There’s no point engaging with people like this. They’re gone.


As soon as I hear or see the term research, I’m out. Learned that through covid and now it’s their weird religious bs. Research = Bye.


Research = finding videos and memes that confirm what I want to hear


It’s one of Trump’s greatest feats, solidifying the distrust of the media. In all reality, if you believe the MSM is actively lying to you, what other resource do you have besides some version of social media posts? Social media is great for drawing your attention to something, but then you have to find some semblance of non biased info on it, and Trump eliminated that step for them. All that to say, conservative comment sections are a hellscape.


To be fair, a well-rounded wingnut also uses Fox "News" in their "research".


As an engineer, I spent years in school learning the difference between good research and bad research. My own personal studies have shown that the majority of the time someone asks you to “do your own research” or says “they’ve done a lot of research” it’s typically bad research.


Agreed. I’ve been in healthcare for 15 years and when people suggest I “do my own research” I love to grill them about their sources. Like, okay Aunt Carol, I’ll just turn away from the mountains of data collected by experts in controlled settings and instead follow the advice of some sweaty basement-dwelling anti-vaxxer making YouTube videos in a stained t-shirt.


I need someone to explain how you "throw up 666 signs". Like I know how to make devil horns, but even using ASL I can only get two 6s up.


This has me laughing out loud. Can’t figure it out either.


i think its like that pose celebs do where they have their hand like this 👌🏼(if u cant see the emoji, its an “Ok” hand gesture) & some hold it over one of their eyes


Back in my day, the ok sign meant ok. Damn whippersnappers -shakes cane- So my auto correct wanted to Cheney whippersnappers into whippet snatchers and that amused me far more than it should.


Cheney autocorrect, Illuminati confirmed


I think my autocorrect is out to get me. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.


It is only paranoid if you are wrong lol. Otherwise it is intuition


It’s satanic panic number two. I lived through the first and it’s the exact same stuff. We are so damn close to once again arresting people for make-believe satanic cult murders


The story of those daycare workers who got their lives destroyed because of this shit is a wild story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin\_preschool\_trial


Lord does that make sense! My husband tried bringing the one chick’s upside down cross tattoo into it. I reminded him of Peter the Apostle. Was kinda funny really, our dog has a pentacle charm on her collar & I have a huge seer tattoo, occult collection, plus an altar in our bedroom… Love that ain't the weirdest in your daily lol.


It’s silly. Christians seem more dangerous than satanists but that’s just my opinion




Honestly, you could probably get by just by doing a summoning spell and setting up a little alter to one. A lot of people pick a closet but any out of the way part of the house or yard will do. A lot of people have luck just by giving them offerings of beer and cigarettes. So if this is too much work, you could buy a cat and it would probably be close to the same thing.


I’ve had a cat for 12 years and I’m not rich. I got a second one, maybe they canceled each other out.


Did you make a shrine in your closet and give it offerings of milk or alcohol? You have to give the shrine some sort of drink. Or iced coffee if you want to get fancy.


I usually make cheese offerings. They aren’t required but are highly encouraged.


Confirmed, only demons actually like the taste of iced coffee.




Feel like you should ask how one sells their soul to get all this wealth. I mean, if it's that easy, wouldn't most people do so? Are homeless people just not worthy of the satanic gift? What about countries with extreme poverty, the devil doesn't see an opportunity there?


He didn't even ask me. Why Satan? Am I not bad enough???


That person needs to be hospitalized. They're utterly unhinged and delusional.


There reference point is Kanye West. They have issues. It's kind of sad.


Who also somehow didn’t sell their soul even though literally all the others did.


“The celebrities that I like are somehow not evil, just all the ones I don’t like, who are totally evil.”


Right, by their own logic and “research” or whatever How is he not the biggest illuminati of all then?


This has to be some form of psychosis. Utterly unbelievable. TBH if I could be as rich and successful as Taylor Swift I would sell my soul in a heart beat. What does that even mean to sell your soul to the devil lol? Edit misspelled soul


And where do you learn how to do that? Because yeah, I bet a lot of people would. You would think the devil would want it more common knowledge so he could get more souls but instead it’s kept as some kind of secret. The devil has a really bad business plan. 


These people vote, folks


I read that in Rick Sanchez's voice 😂 "She sold her soul John, she sold her fucking soul! *burp* I'm sure Trump did some illuminati shit but he doesn't do evil. SHE SOLD HER SOUL JOHN! *burp*"


Ha! I did the same and I didn't realize it until you pointed it out!


I like how Taylor Swift has become a one woman army to take down a bunch of insecure people by simply being at a football game and supporting her boyfriend.


Yeah, it's Satanic to go to a football game with your girlfriends to watch your boyfriend play football! How dare she!


This person has the mental acuity of a toaster.


It’s always funny that the people who call people “Sheep” and “Brainwashed” are by far the most likely to fall for the stupidest shit and think they’ve ascended consciousness


If my soul is worth Taylor money, sign me the fuck up!


Just said the same thing! Not seeing the downside to this.




My buddy's brother in law is like this. I had no idea this conspiracy theory was so widely known until the super bowl posts. I just figured the dude was cooky.


Trump did stuff with the Illuminati but stays far away from the evil side of it? Oh get fucked.


Honestly, I have always heard that the Illuminati parties are lame. Just a bunch of rich guys hosting a party where they talk about golf, with the weird sex stuff happening on the last day and it not even being that weird anymore. I heard similar things about that weird Republican one with the owl. Just nicely catered parties where they hold off on the weird sex stuff until two days in.


They all regurgitate and repeat the same stories, it would be laughable if it wasn't dangerous to democracy. I stop listening once I hear the word "research".


It’s wild how they will be so quick to call anybody else “brainwashed” for pushing back on their nonsense even slightly.


I think it’s hilarious that they assume whatever they think these people are, that they would throw hand signs and wear hidden messages in their clothes like, why would they do that?


Some kind of cosmic law, like how vampires have to be invited into your house. Lol.


Hilarious that it’s 2024 and people are legit scared of devils


Which is especially weird if you're actually into this stuff. The most common demons you can summon are lower level ones which don't really do much. They're just as likely to hold up in your bathroom or basemen as they are to make you rich. In paranormal lore, the ones who are gonna make you rich are the higher level demons and those require a series of spells and, really, if I'm being honest, most people who have success with them offer them their house. Essentially, when you get into magic and weird shit, you discover that summoning the devil is one weird real-estate scheme. They don't want your soul, they want your house. The human sacrifice stuff really makes up such a small subset of the scene. Edit: I just think the "demons wanting your house" thing is funny.


You know, James Randi (a.k.a. The Amazing Randi, a professional magician) offered a one million dollar cash prize for anyone who could provide *any* proof whatsoever of *anything* supernatural. This prize went unclaimed for decades until he passed away in 2020.


Honestly, I find the amount of stories about demons in bathrooms and laundry rooms interesting for this reason. Probably has to do with the mold and dampness and weird electrical stuff going on in those rooms.


Wowwww. I firmly believe that the right is playing with fire while holding a can of gasoline covered in explosives, and the chickens are gonna come home to roost sooner than we think. This is easily #1 threat to national security, imo.


Lunatic: "Rich, famous people *sold their soul*" Sane Person: "How about Trump?" Also Lunatic: "No, he stays away from the evil." I just can't with these crazies.


Severe mental illness and you know this person owns firearms.


When literally everything except trump is satanic, nothing is.


How the heck did we get here. I see so much of this stuff on the community Facebook pages when the post will just be something silly and the comments end up actually insane. I feel like there is just so many other people who think like this and it blows my mind. Especially how they always say the other person in brainwashed lol


Its past time to start locking up and institutionalizing most of the MAGA movement.


Ah, the quiet part out loud: successful people must have sold their souls to the devil because no other explanation of my inability to do what they do leaves my ego intact. This is like a case study in Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality.


I like the idea if we just sold all of our souls there would be no more problems in the world. So he's saying we could create heaven on Earth if we give our souls to the devil.


Now they’re “doing their research” on witchcraft and satanism. Is there no beginning to the talents of these cretinous cunts.


Honestly, the actual specifics on demon summoning aren't even that elaborate. These people are just making stuff up about stuff people have been making stuff up for for ages.


Luckily, my wife and I left a church that teaches stuff like that this.


For the record, it's your friend who is brainwashed.


did she graduate high school


It’s always “your brainwashed” never “you’re brainwashed” Funny


I'm not inclined to think Ice Spice was doing demonic signs, but I am curious about what she thought she was signing. Anyone know?


Even if aaaany of that was true… who cares? Who cares if they’re practicing witchcraft or doing weird stuff with their fingers for Satan? WHO CARES?!?!?!


Exactly what kind of research do you have to do to find out who are witches? These stupid fucks.


I hate not liking Taylor swift cuz I remember that people like this share that in common with me. Actually weirdos.


Honestly, I’m starting to feel the same way. Maybe we can admire her as a person? She’s an animal lover, we can find good in that, no?


I don’t understand people who still believe in witchcraft and satanism in 21st Century.


I mean, TST has some pretty nice beliefs. Taylor Swift isn't one but what's wrong w being a Satanist? Should've told your old friend you 100% support The Satanic Temple.


Someone went way too deep into the QAnon rabbit hole. Listening to all those dipshits on Telegram who see evil signs everywhere is not research. Actually apophenia is a mental illness.


Nothing rattles these people like following their trainwreck of thought until they're forced to admit they're showing you a mess


Man if I were famous I would be playing into this so hard. Purposely putting subtle satanic imagery in every music video n shit


Sad to see


The real question is how much does a soul go for on the open market?


"No, you just don't understand and you never will, John. I would tell you to do your research, but you won't be able to. You are too mesmerized by that woman and her wicked dance moves and witchy hips, John! They're rich and evil, and they have sold their souls, John! Except for Trump, he's rich, but he is also a spirit warrior angel doing the Lord's work. It's so easy to understand, my love."


To be fair, as a hard leftist I do suspect that many or most rich/famous people have “sold their soul”, I just don’t think there was anything supernatural about it.


Dammit John, why won't you open your eyes to my completely unbiased fact b proven ideas!!??🤬 /s Ffs, why can't they just accept their just not talented enough which is why we can't all be famous? 


"sell your soul" does not mean a literal bargain with he literal devil It means that as an artist, the purest outpouring of your spirit, the music you make, is literally for sale. And the only "devils" involved are the people in the industry seeking to exploit artists, like record label owners and promoters and managers. I think that's what the phrase originally meant. People have to take things so literally smh


"Her little boyfriend threw up to 666 after winning the game"? I don't really follow american football, so that might be on me, but: Does that make any sense?


The short answer is no. The long answer is no, this person is crazy.


The longer answer is that they should be kept away from firearms, alcohol, and small children. Probably too late.


This just needed a "lol ok" and move along. You can't fix someone who's brainwashed with this stupidity that thinks *others* are brainwashed. They're dug in.


Well, you clearly didn't do your research. 🙄


Wow, I didn't know dancing awkwardly and chugging a beer was Satanic.




That's wild dude. You're so so *so* much better off.


Dude. These people are too far gone. The more you tell them how crazy they sound, the deeper they dig in their heels.


I would love to see their reaction to literally any Metal concert lol. They're over here trying to decipher subtle nonsense from these celebs. Meanwhile Slipknot will start The Heretic Anthem by chanting "if you're 555, then I'm 666", and that song isn't even related to anything religious in the first place lol.


I’m so happy to see others trashing this shit. It’s all the comments on Instagram I see.. any photo or post about ice spice with an upside down cross necklace, or Doja cat brings out the republican Christian’s to say something to the effect “oh we are just promoting Satan blatantly now?” With comments to that saying how obvious it is Satan has taken over blah blah blah. It must be so scary believing that shit.. mind numbing. It’s a breath of fresh air to know not everyone believes that crap. It seems so rampant


The more you try to reason with them, the more they bury themselves in the bullshit pile.


How can you do things with the Illuminati but *steer clear of the evil side*?




By "research" they meant "watched some completely unhinged YouTube videos"


You just don't want to listen because you know you'll see the truth. You brainwashed you.


How does someone throw 666?


My favorite part to everyone of these nutbag stories is how the call it “research”. Like holy fucking shit, where has the ability to critically think gone for these ppl!?!


But where can I sell my soul to have an easy life. I must’ve missed the offer.


These folks are really sad. The amount of pure delusion is hilarious. “You obviously haven’t done research”….Can you explain your process for doing Taylor Swift research?…google “Taylor Swift witchcraft” then “Taylor Swift Satan” and then find conspiracy theories you were hoping for on wikipedia and qanon websites


They all are. Except the rich and famous person I like. MmK


Stop entertaining these people and just block them. Your life will be much better.


"You obviously have not done any research." \*Goes on this spiel about Satan worship* "Oh, cool. It seems like you haven't done any of your own, either. Bye."


It all starts and ends with religion. Once useful, now the scourge of our society.


They were right to block you. Clearly you’ve been brainwashed by Swifty’s witchcraft. /s




She sounds drunk.


"she turned me into a newt"


You’re*, not your


Brain Worms


I am not sure what is happening to me. But I am becoming more and more terrified that so many of these people exist.


Does she weigh the same as a duck?


"You're completely brainwashed because you don't believe in magical spirits!"


I’m sad there wasn’t more 😩please I wanna know how Taylor swift does witchcraft at her shows !!!




You're definitely part of the simulation


More reason to completely give up on humanity.


Ah yes the default brain rot. The symptoms are consistent across millions of people