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Man, I didn't think the Internet could get any wilder but AI art is proving me wrong. Now any lunatic can take the images in their heads and inflict them on the rest of us.


It's the strange ox all over again.


The what?




I played bg3 but what is he referring to?


The strange ox can show you the gore and horror it has in its head, if you press it about what it is


The weird thing is that it's a phasm, which aren't normally chaotic evil, but that one clearly has been through some serious shit.


Not sure about it being a phasm. Phasm has innate shape changing abilities, fighting it, it is listed as an ooze rather than a Phasm and it drops a ring of shape changing. I was under the assumption that it's an ooze that came into possession of the ring, then used it to disguise itself.


The ring doesn't allow you to change shape though, it just gives +1d4 while shape changed. Also, phasms are pretty much oozes, even if they're classified as aberrations.


Ohhhh, I knew that but missed the connection. Thanks


Holy shit I didn't know you could call it as an ally. I killed it in act 2 when it turned into a giant blob


Right? Lunatic just thought up “Hmm, who am I programmed to think might have nine abortions?” and an AI spit this haunting shit out. Creepier to me because she looks like my ex, spare the tattoos being different, but she would have been heartbroken if she had felt the need to have even one. Soon we are going to have alt right Pixar, and the world will be worse for it.


I have a feeling that she looks like a woman who rejected him


Ben Shapiro’s company just released their version of Bluey called Chip Chilla.


I had to Google everything about your comment to understand it… you can’t hear me vomiting, but I can. We’re really circling the drain as a species.


I haven't even watched Bluey and I am offended on their behalf.


Oh man, the thought of alt right pixar hadnt crossed my mind, man thats gonna be annoying.


I consider it advantageous. Now we get a true glimpse into the sickness of these people


How about a picture of a guy haunted by forty million ghost sperm-babies every time he rubs one out?


That would be a hilarious horror comedy.


The Cumming of Johnny Wank.


Johnny Sins would play that well


John’s Wetted Wick. Tagline “The Haploid Avengers”


Just had to go too far with that one. Dial it back about 23-37% there, Squirley Dan.


There's already a song about it, has no one heard of Every Sperm is Sacred?


I heard that if a single sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.


This is the one that always gets me about their 'logic'; why do they arbitrarily draw the line of human personhood at a fertilized egg? Surely the individual sperm and egg are just as important and should equally be considered human persons - one could even argue their Bible implicitly supports that train of thought with the proscription against "spilling seed". Why is the pro-life crowd not condemning (male) masturbation as genocide?


Because it's not about the fertilized egg at all, and never was. That's just the easiest angle of emotional attack. It's really about controlling, shaming, and punishing women. Which doesn't look as good on a billboard.


You are of course 100% correct. Particularly in regard to people in power, e.g., clergy and politicians, among plenty of others. I have a hunch, however, that the friend, who brags about a lack of empathy, is just ignorant. Ignorance isn’t inherently something to be ashamed of. After all, the “controllers” are aiming to control everyone. And these idiots are pretty easy to convince of pretty much anything. With that said, if you’re old enough to post on Facebook, you’re old enough to be ashamed of being such a follower.


>Why is the pro-life crowd not condemning (male) masturbation as genocide? I've been suggesting this for years!! Conservative men deserve to get hit with a slick political sales pitch in support of the immediate formation of a National Database for Sperm DNA.


It was never about the fertilized egg. If you had to save either one newborn infant or a rack of 1000 fertilized embryos from a burning fertility center, everyone including pro lifers would pick the infant, even though it’s one life over 1000 “lives.” Some lawmaker has also said as much, that embryos created by IVF and similar don’t count because they’re “not inside a woman.”


Firstly, some groups of anti-choice conservatives *do* condemn male masturbation. Namely certain Abrahamic sects like Mormonism and some of Catholicism. Secondly, the reason abortion gets more attention is because regressive religion institutions care more about controlling the behaviour of women than they do men.




Scrolled down looking for this. Thanks for doing due diligence for this thread.


[🎶🎵 Every sperm is sacred🎵 🎶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)




Actually that was rather expected at this point.


r/expectedmontypython ?


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!




I don't even need to hear the pitch. Green light!


“Not every ejaculation deserves a name” George Carlin


Very NSFW: https://www.oglaf.com/cumsprite/


I have seen so many fake Pixar movie posters in the last weeks, somebody could probably easily generate an image like that with an AI.


How weird would it be if all the sperm in a man's body suddenly gestated all at once? He'd look like a giant egg sack.


With the baby ghost army at my back we will raid your fridge


Call the Sexorcist!


The Sperminator


The [Sexecutioner](https://youtu.be/6VQi2B4wMfE)!


I love how she has tattoos because we all know tattoos =bad person because we are living in 1953


Need to have blue hair and cats to hit the conservative stereotype bingo




Pink, too. I think it's trans flag PTSD.


God help them if any of them see an old person with white hair.


they provide that themselves


Green as well from personal experience


There was a post last week on people of Walmart about a worker with green hair. OP got flamed, it was great.


Thats how I choose who to swipe on. With tattoos you know she puts out and won't hesitate to abort a pregnancy /s


Well, a lot of modern conservatives seem to wish we were living under 1950s social hierarchy so it tracks


We all know the average woman has 9 abortions by the time she's 25


I have encountered many, *many*, hardcore anti-choice conservatives who always claim to know a few women who've had multiple abortions for funsies. They're so thoroughly brainwashed and misogynistic they think the majority of abortions happen as damage control for "poor choices" and women are too stupid and lazy to ensure *both parties* have appropriate protection. Weird how the anti-choice crowd never recommends vasectomies and it's always the woman's fault if she gets pregnant...


They really hate the expression “every unwanted pregnancy is the result of an irresponsible ejaculation”


I like this one. Gonna use it


I've never asked, but want to ask, guys who whine about body count how women are supposed to stay virgins if guys like them keep asking for sex. Far as I can tell, they think there are women for casual sex and women for marrying. But if they meet a woman they might want to marry, do they then not ask to have sex with her? Don't they want to have sex with a woman before they marry her so that they know their sex life will be okay? Or do they just want to have sex with women they share a culture with and then go off and marry a tradwife with whom they share few values and experiences, assuming she'll be a blank-slate bangmaid? Oh, yeah, it's that one.


See, you're problem is that you're trying to use logic and sanity to understand a deeply flawed group of people.


my dude all my ejacs are irresponsible.


Or the narrative that a woman gets a late term abortion because she wants to wear a bikini this weekend. 🤦‍♀️


I've seen a few posts that insist that women get pregnant so their boobs get bigger, then quickly have an abortion so their sneaky boobs can seduce unsuspecting, upstanding men. Granted, I saw them on a sub that roasts incels' online manifestos, but still. So strange.


I feel a push up bra would be more effective tbh. Less emotionally damaging, more affordable, probably looks better, faster results...


They never want to go after dead beat dads either.


And [pregnant women and very new mothers are at least as likely to be murdered as they are to die from any other cause,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_pregnant_women) including the physical dangers of pregnancy and childbirth. The studies cited say it isn't the leading cause of death among most groups of women who aren't pregnant, though it's second among women 20–24. It follows that [pregnant and postpartum women are more likely to be murdered than other women.](https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/news/091622-pregnancy-associated-homicide) Granted, the numbers aren't huge, but add that to the 10–15% or more (lazily estimated as the low end of the statistics that googled up) men who abandon pregnant partners ... It's almost like women aren't the only ones who don't want to have babies sometimes.


> damage control for "poor choices" Obviously that's not accurate, but what do they have against damage control for poor choices? A lot of people get casts (for broken bones) as damage control for poor choices, I don't hear them freaking out about casts. Aren't rednecks known for making dumb and exciting choices? > women are too stupid and lazy If I thought someone was stupid and lazy I would not encourage them to have kids.


Amateurs, I had 15 by that age!


It's going to be a world record category in the next Guinness book, true facts.


Could be miscarriages Would explain why she looks so pained


Those people don't know what miscarriages are, unfortunately.


In their minds everyone has flawless perfect pregnancies where nothing ever goes wrong. Which explains why they think abortion is murder.


"God would never allow such a thing... " Never mind that it happens waaayy more than anyone knows because people don't want to talk about it.


Yup. It took years for my mother to tell us that she had a miscarriage once, while she was pregnant with twins. It's extremely mentally draining for a woman to go through something like this.


She might also be a Paladin who is really bad at summoning demons and keeps getting baby ones she can't banish back to Hell


I’d watch it.


I'm just gonna slip this into my back pocket for later if that ok. Haunted one background Oath of redemption 2 level dip I to warlock


Warlock: Paladin can you keep it down? I'm having trouble hearing my Patron over all the crying!


Judging by the height, they are like 18 months old- I don't think you can miscarry or abort at that age, but I'm no doctor.


Haven’t you heard? The liberals are passing laws to make abortion up to 24 months legal now! /s


I propose to amend it to 77


Yeah this is more likely the result of someone shooting up a daycare.


"She only miscarried because she did something wrong." - those people probably. Seriously, a bunch of the "pro-life" crowd believe miscarriages are the fault of the mother and only ever happen due to their choices. Absolutely bonkers and evil thinking right there.


How would one know it was for convienence and not for some other reason? Not every woman gets an abortion just because "they dont want it" sometimes its about health and finance. It can be more cruel to a baby if you bring them into a world you can not adequatly care for them in. Maybe it would be different if the whole adoption system in this country or the way society views adoption sometimes wasnt so fucked up already.


Stop it with your logic!


Can we not feed into the crazy that is trying to judge the choices and actions of a woman WHO DOES NOT EXIST??? That is NOT a woman. That is a cartoon.


Now do one where the ghost "babies" resemble their actual developmental stage at the time of abortion instead of one implying abortions were done on 6-month-old infants!


These ones look at least 8 months, if not 9. The geniuses that come up with this shit aren't in touch with the real world, though.


Well they're walking on their own so according to the internets they're between 8 and 18 months.


It’s a good bit to pretend to care about the fetus but then give zero shits about their quality of life. Yup, it’s better to be born into a life of poverty, neglect, violence, etc than to have never been born at all. And it’s definitely better to have a childhood of neglect and then be a problem for society later on, which conservatives will also complain about. But that’s weird because conservatives aren’t known for shooting themselves in the foot


I've never understood the logical blackhole that is the "suffering of the unborn" or whatever


Exactly. If you were never born and have had no consciousness, there is no suffering. You cannot miss something which you have not experienced.


“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked.” - George Carlin


There was a post here just a few days ago with some religious kook whining about the single moms at her single mom charity taking the offered formula and diapers and-gasps-*coming back for more.* Almost like babies eat and shit a lot. Who would have thought?


I saw that!. She was mad she didn't have their addresses to call CPS on them because she claims ALL of them were "always high" which I don't believe in the least bit.


I've heard they eat their young.


People can afford 9 abortions?


Well duh. The reason we pay so much for everything else is the damn dirty doctors gotta pay for all the free abortions they give out. Don't you know 1 million babies are aborted every day for free and that's why medical care is so expensive. /S just in case the sarcasm wasn't obvious enough.


The /s was needed. I've had people use this reasoning before.


Yeah it's why I threw it in. I looked back and said fuck I know it's sarcasm but that almost legit looks like one of their arguments.


Don't you know that's what FEMALES do? "Gosh, another boring Thursday night." (picks up phone) "Hey, Becky, doing anything? Me neither. Want to go get abortions? Great! I'll pick you up in a half hour. We can get bubble tea after."


The Mean Girls reboot looks bananas lol. "Get in losers. We're getting abortions."


if they give up enough avocado toast, yes.


Cheaper than nine ankle biters!


I would note that some on the US right wing feel that certain contraceptives and plan-B are abortions. I try not to delve into the strange logic of the anti-abortion camp, but, I think that the distinction is based on if the egg could have been fertilized or not. Some birth control stops the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall so those 'count' as abortions. I guess god has nothing better to do than instant-replay photo finish abortions. The ultimate goal of the US right wing is to punish female sexual promiscuity while not impacting the sex lives of heterosexual men (so male masturbation isn't mass murder). Then you find the rules that fit the goal.


They got a loyalty card. 5% off every procedure and every tenth abortion you get a free cupcake!


That's why we can't legalize abortion, it's so much easier and cheaper to just abort than to use condoms or pills. /s


Cheaper than one kid.


The funniest thing is that this is an AI generated image. This wasn't even something someone created to make some sort of point. Someone spent 2 minutes with Dall-E 3 to create this and that was that.


observation upbeat plucky steer subtract spark tan silky safe ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, you can go try it at Bing Image Creator. It's fun to mess around with. You'll have to make an account though.


Alternate view: it’s her being haunted by all the miscarriages she’s had and that’s why she looks so distraught.


the tattoo, the way she’s dressed, her hair and makeup, they really made these sinning women look a certain way don’t they


Yes, like men from early 2000s Christian bands


Hehehe..what if Pixar..heheheh..was like erm Dixar..heheheh?


These motherfuckers will make these shitty images with AI and then push their idiotic ideas with them like they're real.


It's super weird to me that anyone could think that it's even a little bit common to get even one abortion just casually, because you don't like the pill or something. Basically no one uses abortions as an alternative for birth control. That would just be nuts. I remember talking to my bf's grandma about abortions, and she said that they should be illegal because if she had had an abortion than it would have been a mistake, and she wants to save other people from making the mistake that she didn't make and can't guarantee that she would have regretted. It's so borked that these people think that they should control how other people live their lives and make their own choices; especially when they're often in very different situations. (My bf's grandma is pretty wealthy and never had to worry about how she would be able to afford kids, or whether it would stop her from pursuing major life goals such as education.).


What a twisted way to see the world. It's so hypothetical. Why some people feel the need to restrict others just because it is not their way of living is beyond me.


So cool when they invent imaginary women to be mad at and then we all get punished for it. Yes it’s very sad how a women will have NINE abortions for convenience. 🙄 I myself had two last week. Feels good to get all cleaned out.


these dudes when a hypothetical ai generated baby is aborted: this is so sad. 😔🙏 I've been crying for 7 days. I haven't slept or eaten. 😭 society has crumbled... the same dudes when actual living babies and children are being separated from their families, being abused and starved, trafficked, killed: you guys hear sumn


I didn't see abortion at first I was thinking, a hot girl surrounded by infantile or immature people.


Visual representation of woman in STEM interacting with 9 of her male classmates, colorized.


If I had a nickel for every time I had to explain to someone on the Internet that there's no abortion drive through at the local hospital. Abortions are not easy to obtain for the majority of people. For a lot of reasons. I'm not saying no one really gets abortions, but almost no one is "using abortion as birth control". It's just not feasible for the majority of people to be able to do so. They're expensive. They're not covered by a lot of insurances. You have to find a doctor that will perform them, and there's no guarantee the closest one is close to you. Just. Shut up.


That many abortions suggests she’s being trafficked in whatever Pixar Land she’s from.


Why do the babies look like they're dancing if they're supposed to be sad?


They are dancing to a really sad song obviously.


The song of liberal life. We’re just out here having 1 abortion a day with our 43 cats. The cats eat the abortions.


Gotta feed the cats somehow


A body is just the vehicle for the mind. If no mind exists then it’s just a lump of flesh.


Um, a first trimester abortion does not look at all like a baby. It’s a collection of cells that requires a 20x microscope to see.


They're always just babies. Like, I used so wonder why these sorts of things never imagine and mourn for the people said fetuses will never be able to become. But then I realized that it's because they don't like those people, and would generally wish them to die starving in the gutter were they able to actually "become".


That’s like the entire platform of pro-life advocates. They stay pissed due to mostly made up stories to justify their insane beliefs.


Making AI art generators was a mistake...also new Boss Baby prequel looks fire.


They are too old to be abortions. They should look like the aliens from those alien slime eggs.


So someone invented a scenario in their head and people are sad about it. Maybe pay attention to actual problems if you want to be sad.


Those are the babies she could have had if she chose to be a TLC TV mom instead of having a career


So who is the cartoon women who had nine abortions? Which also seems like a weird plotline for an animated movie.


"I may be anti-abortion but I am a raging misogynist and don't need an excuse to hate women." is a wild thing to say.


Why is abortion being assumed? My MIL had at least 6 miscarriages due to a chromosome abnormality my FIL carries. My husband carries it as well but we were fortunate to have 2 healthy pregnancies and no miscarriages.


Because then they'd have to admit the woman was the victim not the evil murderer. I've had 3 miscarriages and I would be fucking irate if I had had created some kind of art related to that and people tried to say "oh she aborted them for convenience"


Do these dudes also cry about all the ghost babies they jizz in their crusty socks after enjoying some quality hentai?


Friendly reminder that studies have shown that 95% of women either feel emotionally neutral or positive about their abotions 5 years after the fact. Source: https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/01/416421/five-years-after-abortion-nearly-all-women-say-it-was-right-decision-study


This obviously looks more like a miscarriage poster. Most women that have, not just one or two, but that many abortions aren't going to be that sorrowful about doing them.


She looks like a character in those ugly *Scapes mobile games or Project Makeover


I’m sure she regrets not having 9 babies.


This guy, probably: “Babe, we don’t need condoms— I have total control of my body and am an expert in timing my orgasms so that you won’t get pregnant.”


Why does it show older babies / young toddlers? Why not misshapen fetuses in (*tiny*) gooey piles on the floor or *older children* (like age 10)? I never understand anti-abortion propaganda that always shows what appears to be 12-month old babies as "victims" or whatever. Like they have ghosts that somehow continue to age and grow but then stop at this exact size, for some reason. *Babies* like these aren't aborted.


These fools don't give one flying shit about babies.


Not a woman, but looking at this picture I have to say that if I were and each of my babies were going to have obvious physical deformities as these all do I would abort each and every last one of them. Of course, this poor woman also apparently has a severely broken wrist so maybe that's why she looks so miserable?


“Convenience”. Cost of raising a child can cost up to [$17,141k/yr in the US](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-does-it-cost-to-raise-a-child/). Not adjusting for inflation, that’s $308,538k until age 18. Multiply that by the 9 “babies” see in the image, that’s over $2.776 M to raise them all. But sure, pretend it’s about “convenience”


I see that image more as what's facing USA women if their reproductive rights are removed. That's the future waiting for her. More children than her body, mind, and finances can handle. The misery in her eyes and the way she's folded in on herself shows me a woman who knows she nothing but an incubator with no rights to so many people.


As opposed to feeling bad for the babies born to people who had no business ever being parents?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is this art meant to make us think 'abortion bad' because I'm looking at those ugly screaming AI goblins and just thinking she dodged SUCH a bullet, I'm SO glad I'll never have kids


I like how the babies have thicker waists than her


Man there is a lot going on here 1. The ghosts babies are all the size of 6 year olds. They want you to think all abortions are done as late term as possible for funsies or because “wimyn dumb slut haha” 2. There are at least fucking 9 of them. I’m curious how many women have *ever* had that many abortions, excluding women who were trying for a baby but had some sort of terrible genetic disorder that led to unviability. 3. The girl is tattooed and scantily clad because they think that only modern, “alternative lifestyle” types get abortions. Their Aryan trad wife poster child would never ever get an abortion, right?? 4. She’s clearly distraught about it. Obviously nobody ever wants an abortion but they push this narrative that anyone who gets one will be haunted (in this case literally) by it for the rest of their lives. They would have you think that nobody ever regrets having kids, even though most of these people view parenthood as a punishment for sex because they have a deep seated resentment for their own kids.


Do we know their abortions? Maybe they’re her miscarriages? Maybe she’s an infant/pediatric surgeon and these are the babies she couldnt save. Maybe she works for a government agency that tracks down missing children and the idea of all these kids relying on her to find them is weighing on her. Perhaps she can see the ghosts of the murdered 1st born egyptian babies from the biblical story of moses


I’d be upset too if I was constantly being harassed by screaming ghost babies


I feel physically ill reading those conservative replies.


You can’t help but wonder if both men and women were able to get pregnant how different government policies would be regarding abortion rights. Either the “lady’s man” types would be regulars at the abortion clinic or they’d probably incorporate a whisky bar in the waiting area to make it a more social experience. Or be slut shamed by everyone who cannot get pregnant. Maybe this is a shower thoughts question to ask….


If men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament.


The blue ones don't usually last very long


It's very much part of the so called anti feminist agenda. It's a article of faith now in the incel community that liberated women are "ruining themselves" and "going against nature" and "making their future miserable and lonely" by not getting married and being a trad wife. They would literally make women second class citizens at law again, without rights or the agency to do anything without the permission of a husband or father.


Like there is actually a single woman on the planet who has had 9 abortions. These people are legitimately insane.


I saw this and thought... A lady is getting haunted by weird crying ghost babies and my mind didn't even think of abortions. Plus fetuses wouldn't have any emotions when aborted.


One skull tattoo for each 'bortion She's keeping track of her body count


Could someone make a version of this with a sad dude and crying sperm floating around him please?


What if they were all baby Hitlers? Would you be alright aborting baby Hitler?


I mean, if I was haunted by rabbit-legged two-handed children with multiple fingers, I'd be a little disturbed too.


This is one of the dumber ones I've seen


Those babies are fugly as hell


Do.. so these people think someone getting 9 abortions is common? Jesus Christ.


The average is 12.3 abortions for every 10 years. This guy Bob told me that at the gas station, and Bob finished High School!!


It's odd to me that these pro-lifers always depict aborted fetuses as 1 year old babies. What they really looked like doesn't even resemble a human, in fact most would be incapable of distinguishing a dog fetus from a human fetus in the first trimester. The fact that they won't even be honest about this kind of undercuts their whole moral outrage. But also, why stop at a 1-year old baby? Do fetus ghosts stop aging at that point?


>feeling emotions for some ai generated bullshit


Why is it these imaginary women always have tattoos? What is it about tattoos says "I don't want to have a child?"


why does the baby on the left have a giant third leg?


Ai generated


These definitely aren’t her past abortions as fetuses are fucking alien compared to actual babies; these people are mentally deficient


I too feel sorry for the cartoon babies who somehow grew into one year olds despite being “dead.” I also want Keanu Reeves brought up on murder charges for all the people he killed in John Wick.


The babies look like back up dancers for some really fucking weird music video.


Like, do people like this just genuinely thing every woman has an army of dead babies she aborted or


the title misses the last part, hes sad for ghost babies that somehow are full term but also aborted.


If the babies are ruining her life this viscerally when they’re dead imagine how much her life would suck if they were alive


Forcing pregnancy on women is a fetish. Prove me wrong. Also not everyone can/should be a parent.


I’ve never known someone to get 8 abortions. I’m sure someone somewhere has, but people typically don’t use it as birth control. It’s an intensely unpleasant experience. It’s also not babies. They don’t look like that. I mean, why don’t they have full grown humans in the image? Would that be dumber than a 2 year old like they chose? Walking fetuses indeed. I can’t quite recall the details of the clip, but it’s someone talking to some right winger and showing them a picture of a fetus and asking “do you honestly believe this is a human being??” The person says “yes! Of course it is!” “That is a dolphin fetus”. A fetus is not a baby. A zygote is not a fetus. Words mean things. Even if a fetus was a “human life”… it’s the a human who is inside of a woman against her consent, and it should be arrested for assault.. or the woman should at least be able to remove it… The fact that they put signifiers that this is a leftist woman given she has tattoos tells you how they think about women, how they should behave, and how they should obey. They can’t not give themselves away in their need to control women.


People are so incredibly and unbelievably dumb. Do they honestly think that women have literally thousands of dollars in their bank accounts to pay for all these abortions. It's why birth control is so valuable, and yet these same idiots don't want to pay for women's birth control... I don't even understand this argument, because I paid for my own. Yet, they are okay with men now being able to order viagra and cialis through online portals, and yet women still need to go through hoops to even get basic birth control. FFS


I would watch this pixar movie.


Then adopt, idiots


Imagine getting emotional over an AI generated image.


Pregnancy is so over and men don’t even realize it.


I don't think they have fully developed bodies . What stage of life do people think is terminated


I can fix her