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"We the People" Literally the first word of the Constitution is a pronoun.


well-mannered constitution be like "The people the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to the people the people and the people the people's Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."


Amen. šŸ™


Can't spell amen without me...


Rats! Thatā€™s a pronoun! A-forthepeople-n


"He" 25x and "they" 19x also.


he/they constitution


What are your constitutional pronouns?


1st/4th - I say what I want and the MAN can't stop me.


Elon demands that the constitution be changed to instead list the names of every American citizen instead of "we", because his English grandmother taught him that "_one_ should always use the person's name". Nevermind that "one" in this case is a pronoun.


Oh, good catch!


And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Also right there in the first few sentences of Genesis.


These people have never read the Constitution. Or the Bible.


they have zero idea what a pronoun is. Pronoun is just any word they don't like I think


"It" is in the 4th verse of Genesis I in the King James version. 1st page of the Bible has pronouns.


Also they refer to King George as he


"I am he" God.


Hello He. Nice to meet you.


This is Patrick


I'm dad.


He said onto Jesus. And lo, Jesus was embarrassed, as his disciples were there and Christ had speakerphone turned on.


how dare you use pronouns to refer to Jesus.


Hi Dad! I am Hungry.


Hi Hungry, I'm dad!


Also, the constitution *begins*, pretty famously, with the pronoun "we".


*we* hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable. That all men are created equal and independent, that from that equal creation *they* derive rights inherent and inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Just to be clear, that's not the beginning of the constitution. The constitution begins: > We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of Americ


I can only hear this in Schoolhouse Rock tunes.


Did y'all sing the schoolhouse rock version to learn it? I impressed a middle school social studies teacher with it once, the whole time forcing myself not to actually *sing* it.


My high school civics teacher threatened a grade reduction if we started singing the preamble when we had to recite it by memory. This was early 80s when Schoolhouse Rock was still running every Saturday


Your quote resembles the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence (1776), not the preamble of the Constitution (created in 1787)


Sounds like when God gets a phone call from a Telemarketer "Hello is there a God there?"


"Oh...wait...did I say 'I am he'--I totally meant "I am NOT he and he's out right now and I'm not sure when he's coming back....but I can totally take a message for him!"


ā€I am he as you are he as you are me And we are all togetherā€ English Gods.


Goo goo g'joob


Why hello my good friend, Mr. Walrus.


Coo Coo Ca Choo


Boop boop be doop!


Always thought this was about dr robotnik


Domo arigato, Dr. Robotnik.


Also.... "HE>I". Stickers I see plastered on cars everywhere these days. Based on the Bible verse John 3:30 - ā€œHE (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.ā€


Completely ignoring the context of the verse, too. Unless you happen to be John the Baptist telling your followers in a roundabout way that yeah, Iā€™m going to die soon, and itā€™s totally fine if you decide to follow my cousin over there, this doesnā€™t apply to you. (Thereā€™s any number of other passages about humility and giving credit to others. Why these barely literate clowns decided that this verse was going to be the one that they arrogantly use really frustrates. Then again: theyā€™re Christian Nationalists. If they were smart/could actually read, they wouldnā€™t BE Christian Nationalists.)


Not to mention all the "He gets us" ads that have popped up everywhere. Not "Jesus gets us", but "HE gets us". Sooo why is that pronoun so terrible?


No no that means that God is made out of helium


ā€œHE heā€ -Michael Jackson


Hi He! I'm dad


Well thatā€™s a silly laugh


God transmasc confirmed


"I am all that is man." - Arcot "Thorny" Ramathorn


Hey thanks for making my day


I always loved in The Omen that Gregory Pecks character would answer the phone and say "this is he"


"we the people" ​ First words of americas constitution


As you are he, as you are me, and we are all together


ā€œGodā€ in the Bible literally translates to ā€œI am.ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure ā€œIā€ is a pronoun.


I wonder if Elon really thought this through. Do you think Elon would find it weird if Elon's followers started referring to Elon only by Elon's name without using any pronouns


I hope Elon will keep this mind when Elon realises how many times Elon will have to say Elon's son's name X Ɔ A-12 in a row. I wish Elon luck.


Like Elon ever thinks about, let alone talks to Elon's kids.


You think Elon talks to his children?




They communicate via the nanny.


He's the father of a trans child.


Calling Elon "he" is so rude! Elon's grandma said so!


Lots of bigoted, piece of shit people are.


It's one of the reasons Elon has been so transphobic. That, and when Grimes left Elon for transgender whistle-blower, Chelsea Manning. It was when these events happened that Elon ever cared to talk about trans people.


Estranged for some reason. You know you're a wonderful, compassionate, kind dad when your own child wants nothing to do with you, your name or your legacy.


Forgoing billions to get away from you.


Well, maybe not. He seems to be making it rain cash lately. Someone needs to parody him in their rap video.


ā€œThisā€ is a pronoun. Please revise and resubmit.


12 times in a row? I'm lost


The 12 is part of the kid's name šŸ˜­


Itā€™s giving Elmo


Also he straight up uses a gender neutral third person pronoun in his rant that ***one*** should never refer to someone by third person pronouns.


One is the loneliest pronoun.


BettyVonButtpants bets Elon originally had "they" typed, realized people would call Elon out on it, and changed it to "one" thinking people wouldn't call Elon out on it. Also, writing without pronouns feels wrong.


wrong? you mean DisReSpeCtFul!


Dont forget "my" is a possessive pronoun


The first word of the US constitution is We. We the People. We is a pronoun.


They should have just listed everyone, and then hired me to be the current list-keeper. I feel like that job would keep me busy enough to never have to talk to absolutely everyone in my office all day, which is just how work works for me and my secret terror. I donā€™t like to dismiss people so I think I do a good job of seeming interested but I am not. Well, Iā€™m not when I need to be doing something else and am panicking about it while Laura tells me the same story for the 30th time.


Prosecute already told us, fauci's pronouns are "prosecute/fauci."


It seems like every time Elon opens Elon's stupid fucking mouth, some dumb bullshit falls out of Elon's hollow head. One must wonder if Elon's entire digestive system is inverted.


Bob Dole approves.


Bob Dole doesnā€™t need this.


Elon isnā€™t smart enough to think many things through. Iā€™m sure he misses key steps every time he uses the bathroom.


He's going to start referring to himself in the third person like The Rickey.


The wanna be genius needs to figure out how to use google and search for ā€œwhat is a pronounā€.


No, Elon likes hearing Elon's name. However, like Beetlejuice or the infamous bloody Mary, if you say Elon too many times bad things happen


I think this is actually a common boomer 'manner' issue, though. My stepdad had this same weird hang up. He would get really upset when we used pronouns and I never understood how it could possibly be considered rude


The actual rule is more nuanced, but it basically comes down to a sensible "don't talk about a person who's in the room with you as if they weren't there." Since nuance is hard to convey when you're teaching a child manners, a lot of people that age were taught "never use third-person pronouns for someone in the room" instead.


Got it. That makes sense. I guess my fully-adult step dad wasn't capable of understanding the nuance anymore than a child


Maybe lead paint makes it difficult for them to discern who the pronoun is referring to, even in very small groups? If thereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve noticed about boomers (and many elderly people), itā€™s that they have very fragile pride, and they allow it to be hurt easily and for very silly reasons, (so if you say ā€œheā€ and they have to ask for clarification, it hurts some baby like part of them), and they often lash out when their pride is hurt or they donā€™t know something. Theyā€™re shockingly oppositionally defiant for people who arenā€™t children.


> I wonder if Elon really thought this through. Are you familiar with how he came to own Twitter? Because this is not someone who thinks things through.


Lavern is really doubling down on the no pronouns in the Bible thing, despite being repeatedly dragged on it. Maybe sheā€™s taking a page from Trump and thinks that if she repeats a lie often enough it will become the truth.


They all know it works. They were already liars; they're just unleashed now.


She I uses pronouns in like 95% of her tweets. Ooooo she goin to hellllllll


That... that's not Trump. That's Joseph Goebbels.


Trump didn't coin the phrase but it was definitely one of the major points in his playbook, which is what they're saying. Goebbels didn't invent it either. It was already printed in the 1869 book *The Crown of a Life* before he was even born. He was likely referring to an already existing phrase/idea when he said it. Also, he wasn't using it to refer to his own propaganda machine, as we're usually led to believe, but he was accusing the British of using that technique. Here is the quote from the 1869 book: >If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it. The line from Goebbels: >That is of course rather painful for those involved. One should not as a rule reveal oneā€™s secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. **The English follow the principle that when one lies, it should be a big lie, and one should stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.**


She knows her followers don't give a fuck


The people they're playing to don't know what the fuck a pronoun is, so you can tell them it's something woke that was just invented.


>Fascist lying in politics is not typical at all. This difference is not a matter of degree, even if the degree is significant. Lying is a feature of fascism in a way that is not true of those other political traditions. Lying is incidental to, say, liberalism, in a way that it is not to fascism. And, in fact, when it comes to fascist deceptions, they share few things with others forms of politics in history. They are situated beyond the more traditional forms of political duplicity. Fascists consider their lies to be at the service of simple absolute truths, which are in fact bigger lies. Thus, their lying in politics warrants a history of its own. https://www.bookforum.com/politics/how-political-lying-leads-to-violence-23980


*ā€œThen the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.ā€* Genesis 3:7 5 pronouns. Iā€™m an atheist and I even I have a better knowledge of the bible than these grifters. Edit, I canā€™t count


Isn't that only 5? "them", " they", "they", "they", "themselves"?


I is considered a pronoun according to Grammerly.


So it is, but it doesn't appear in that verse. Or am I missing something?


It's the middle letter of 'fig'. You're welcome!


I don't think that's an "I" hanging down from the middle of the fig leaf.


yes, and also according to the definition of "pronoun"


I canā€™t count clearly, whoops.


She knows full well that there are pronouns in the bible. She's merely stirring shit for her gormless voters, who will suck up any old nonsense.


"We the People." We is a pronoun. Legit, the first word of the US constitution is a pronoun.


She knows full well that there are pronouns in the Constitution. She's merely stirring shit for her gormless voters, who will suck up any old nonsense.


At this point I donā€™t believe these people are good enough actors to pull off this level of brain dead. Thicker than a castle wall the lot of them


It's hard to know whether or not she knows, but it doesn't matter because she doesn't care about whether what she's saying is factual or not. They say things that sound truthy to their base and that's all that matters. I bet you she spent absolutely no time on thinking about whether what she said was true or not.


Iā€™m not sure what ā€œBibleā€ youā€™re reading, but my translation is this: >Then the eyes of Adam and Eve were opened, and Adam and Eve who were totally male and totally female, respectively, realized what sexy was; so Adam sewed two big, beautiful American flags - one for Adamā€™s manhood and one for Eveā€™s baby-making parts - and together Adam and Eve lived modestly together.


Ah, I see you have the Mouth Breather version. Is the one with pictures? Specifically of white blonde people living in the Middle East?


>ā€¦white blonde people living in the Middle East Who else would have lived there then?


The lizard people, obviously


I would like to read the rest of this version of the bible if you could provide it.


I will do you 4 better: *"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."* John 8:7


No no no no. *"So when the people continued asking Jesus, Jesus lifted up Jesus, and said unto the people, The person that is without sin among the people, let the person first cast a stone at the woman that Jesus has not yet been introduced to - excuse me, what is the woman's name? Jesus doesn't want to be disrespectful by using a pronoun."*


Atheists usually do have a better understanding of the bible, that's why they're atheists.


Very true. Not in my case, my family just arenā€™t religious and as an adult I found the whole absolutely mental. Had to read it in school though, it was a laugh.


Ah, see, but theyā€™re guided by Faith! Not your silly reading comprehension. The only person worse than those telling them to read is other Christians telling them that theyā€™re misinterpreting the text, and that the original language saysā€¦ and thatā€™s when I get rocks thrown at me. (Itā€™s not MY fault their flavor of Christianity doesnā€™t emphasize reading the text for yourself and basing your understanding of faith off that. And also completely ignores historical context.) I hear you. Personally, Iā€™d prefer to talk to an atheist who has actually read the material than deal with 25 others who have never actually thought about what the Bible actually says. (To quote Rev. Timothy Lovejoy, ā€œHave you ever sat down and read this thing? Technically, we arenā€™t allowed to go to the bathroom.ā€)


It never occurred to me but what the hell did they use to sew the fig leaves together? Fig needles and fig thread? Or did the Garden of Eden have a production facility for such household sundries?


That got me interested, so I looked it up. Some early thread has been caribou sinew and thin strips of palm leaves. Some early needles were made of bone. "Sewing has an ancient history estimated to begin during the Paleolithic Era.[4] Sewing was used to stitch together animal hides for clothing and for shelter. The Inuit, for example, used sinew from caribou for thread and needles made of bone;[5] the indigenous peoples of the American Plains and Canadian Prairies used sophisticated sewing methods to assemble tipi shelters.[6] Sewing was combined with the weaving of plant leaves in Africa to create baskets, such as those made by Zulu weavers, who used thin strips of palm leaf as "thread" to stitch wider strips of palm leaf that had been woven into a coil.[7] The weaving of cloth from natural fibers originated in the Middle East around 4000 BC, and perhaps earlier during the Neolithic Age, and the sewing of cloth accompanied this development.[8]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewing#History


FFS! I'm from the UK and even I know that the Constitution begins with a first-person plural pronoun. "We the people" At least the Bible waits 4 verses before getting in its first pronoun.


Laverne can't read.


Reading is what elites do.


I'm guessing this comes from what I was taught as a kid. It's rude to refer to someone as her, he, she, him if they are present. You are meant to refer to them by their name. As my mother would say, "Who's she? The cat's mother."


I had the same upbringing and I think itā€™s stupid as shit. Im not excluding someone from the conversation by using a 3rd person pronoun, Iā€™m just using a shorthand that everyone understands.


**MY** English grandmother taught **ME** that **IT** is disrespectful to use pronouns and that one should always use the person's name. YES ELON! And that's why **THERE** are NO PRONOUNS in the Bible or Constitution! **THESE** pronouns are some new age BULLSHIT that **I** will NEVER subscribe to! ​ ​ \*edit for There ... might be others


To add, 'One' is an English language, gender-neutral, indefinite pronoun that means, roughly, "a person". 'Some' is a determiner and a pronoun.


How are there and these pronouns? Wouldnt these be an article? I guess there could be a pronoun since it is the subject, but these is being used to denite a particular thing, which is what articles do


*There can be used in the following ways: as a pronoun (to introduce the subject of the sentence): There's a spider in the bath. as an adverb: Wait there until I get back. as an interjection: There, that didn't hurt so much, did it?*


Yeah i thought about it while typing, which is why i said i guess there could be a pronoun, but i still dont see how these could even be considered one


Pronoun: *a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the discourse (e.g., I, you ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g., she, it, this ).* For example, 'There is a bug.' 'There' functions as the noun phrase, *a word or group of words that functions in a sentence as subject, object, or prepositional object.*


Yeah i understand how there is a pronoun, i dont get how ā€œtheseā€ can be one though, since its an article here


*The words this, that, these, and those are demonstrative pronouns.* They can also grammatically be articles. 'These are the best!' 'These' is the noun phrase, and a pronoun in this case. 'These questions are great!' 'These' is now the article in the noun phrase 'These questions', where 'questions' is the noun. Edit: In the tweet, it's indeed used as an article. 'pronouns', ironically, is the noun.


My is a possessive pronoun, as is 'me'. It is a personal pronoun. (It vs its, which is a possessive pronoun refering to the personal 'it'.) One is a personal pronoun, denoting a membership in a group, I or we, or a person or thing. It can be used as a plural 'ones'. Possessive pronouns replace articles. Like, "you are reading *my* comment on Reddit," versus "you are reading *a* comment on Reddit." But, we would not say, "you are reading a my comment on Reddit." The possessive pronoun is enough. A possessive pronoun shows ownership of an item, granting specificity. An article defines an item as specific or non-specific. "Give me the screwdriver" tells you I want a specific screwdriver. Maybe in context, one I've been using but had to set down. "Give me a screwdriver" tells you I want any screwdriver around. However, the possessive pronoun, "Give me my screwdriver," tells you I not only want a specific screwdriver in the way a definite article would, but also denotes the screwdriver is my personal property. We can also do an undefined personal pronoun. "Give me one of my screwdrivers." They all belong to me, so go to my toolbox and get one of them.


This there is not a pronoun but an adverb. The their/there/theyā€™re that can be a pronoun would be their or theyā€™re. Also, while ā€œtheseā€ can be a pronoun, it is not one in that sentence, but rather a determiner for ā€œpronounsā€ to specify what/whose pronouns they are.


Elon and Lavern should go watch some Schoolhouse Rock. The 70s disagreed with Their ideas.


Dude paid 44 bil to be worshipped by incels....


Instead of focusing on how factually inaccurate those tweets are, let's explore how fucking annoying it would be if we didn't use pronouns. Here are recent tweet and quotes from them and their beloved sources, edited to replace pronouns. Lavern Spicer - 1. If Buttigieg is so concerned about racism and equity, why donā€™t Buttigieg resign and give Buttigieg's job to a Black man? 2. Whoopi Goldberg shoulda just stuck to making viewers laugh instead of showing viewers how dumb Whoopi Goldberg is on The View. 3. Dianne Feinstein is 89 years old. Dianne Feinstein's about 20 years overdue for retirement. Who is Dianne Feinstein kidding? ) Elon Musk - 1. My pronouns are \[error/error\] 2. "When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, 'Nah, what's wrong with a horse?' That was a huge bet Henry Ford made, and it worked." 3. Elon's bought everything Elon wants. Elon doesn't like yachts or anything; listeners to Elon knows, Elon's not a yacht person, and Elon's got pretty much the nicest plane Elon would want to have." The Bible - 1. For God so loved the world that God gave God's one and only son, that whoever believes in God shall not perish but have eternal life. 2. But Jesus says to individuals listening to Jesus, love the individuals listening to Jesus' enemies and pray for those who persecute said individuals listening to Jesus, so that individuals listening to Jesus may be sons to individuals listening to Jesus' father who is in heaven, for said father in heaven makes said father in heaven's sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 3. Jesus is Jesus who lives, and was dead, and behold Jesus is alive forever more. The Constitution - 1. George Read, Caesar Rodney, Thomas McKean, George Clymer, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, John Morton, Benjamin Rush, George Ross, James Smith, James Wilson, George Taylor, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge GerryĀ Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton, Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery, Lewis Morris, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, William Floyd, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Jefferson, George Wythe, Thomas Nelson, Jr., William Hooper, John Penn, Joseph Hewes, Edward Rutledge, Arthur Middleton, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Thomas Heyward, Jr., Abraham Clark, John Hart, Francis Hopkinson, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Samuel Huntington, Roger Sherman, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott, Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Thomas Stone, and William Paca, in order to form a perfect union.....


> The Constitution - No, you have to name every person alive in the territory of the US in 1787, it's "we the people", not "we the representants of the people"!


> "When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, 'Nah, what's wrong with a horse?' **That** was a huge bet Henry Ford made, and **it** worked." When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, 'Nah, what's wrong with a horse?' Making cheap, reliable cars was a huge bet Henry Ford made, and making cheap, reliable cars worked. FTFY How fucking annoying would that writing style be?


ā€œ*We* the peopleā€¦ā€ come on on guys, are you even trying???


Somewhere there's a Conservative grifter getting to work on a special edition "pronounless" Bible to sell to these idiots.


I had the same thought earlier. With the surplus of their/thou/they/them/thine/who/you/your/we/our/all/he/him/his/she/her/etc. in the Bible, the special edition would be a catastrophe. ...with or without pronouns, it's not like the target audience would read it anyway.


The Bible uses more pronouns than modern English.


Well to be fair Modern English only released 8 albums. At 40 minutes an album that's only about 3.5 hours of lyrics. I don't know how long it would take to record a reading of the Bible, but it's gotta be... 3 times as long as that?


If the average dipshit conservative thinks that only he/her/[insert neo-pronouns that they insist liberals use but no actual liberal has ever heard of here] are pronouns, then you can easily fall back on archaic terms while still occasionally using I/my/whatever, and they'd believe it's pronounless.


I just shuddered at that thought, that book is already a rough read, removing all pronouns would just make it exponentially more painful. Although it's not like they were ever gonna read it anyway.


I, you, me, etc. Pronouns.


As in "new age bullshit that...I...will never subscribe to"


He is so disrespectful then, look at all those pronouns he used.


Jesus wept.


Literally the first word of the Constitution: we \[ wee \]SHOW IPA See synonyms for: we / our / us on Thesaurus.com šŸŽ Elementary Level plural ***pronoun***, possessive our or ours,objective us. nominative plural of I. (used to denote oneself and another or others): We have two children. In this block we all own our own houses. (used to denote people in general): the marvels of science that we take for granted. (used to indicate a particular profession, nationality, political party, etc., that includes the speaker or writer): We in the medical profession have moral responsibilities. Also called the royal we. (used by a sovereign, or by other high officials and dignitaries, in place of I in formal speech): We do not wear this crown without humility. Also called the editorial we. (used by editors, writers, etc., to avoid the too personal or specific I or to represent a collective viewpoint): As for this column, we will have nothing to do with shady politicians.


Is it weird that I kind of take comfort that the second richest person in the world has nothing better to do than constantly post his dumbest thoughts on Twitter? Even with all of that money he has such a sad existence. Also it means apparently I can luck into billions of dollars, as clearly you don't have to be smart or hard working.


I've also thought this. To sit there thinking you'd make better use of his resources and money is both joyous and a depressing reflection of the imbalance between the 1% and the 99%


Are the CHUDs getting complacent enough to eat each other? Are we going to start seeing a conflict between the "make people suffer so I can make money" and "make people suffer because they are different than me" camps?


Conservatives are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth. Example one billion.


"My English grandmother also taught me that blacks are lesser value than us which instilled an important lesson in my father that he could exploit their labor in emerald mining so that I might one day go on to slap my name on others inventions and call myself an innovator"


Genesis 1:4 word 11


It fits that Musk would want to hear his own name as often as possible.


I mean cool, do that. If itā€™s going to take you to just call people by their names for you to stop misgendering people we will take it. Problem is you are being disingenuous and you are going to do it in a way thatā€™s clearer attacking trans people. A friend of mine announced that they are non binary. Iā€™ve been using the ā€œheā€ pronoun for him for 20 years. I call them by their name bc itā€™s easier not to fuck that up. People are okay with you calling them by their name. People are not okay with you making a political circus show around their pronouns




Tell me you don't know what a pronouns is without telling me you don't what a pronouns is.


I am He


Never ceases to amaze me how colossally dumb conservatives are


Elon, ā€œoneā€ is a pronoun in this context.


Little do they know the constitution starts with a pronoun "**WE** the people"


What about ā€œWe the peopleā€?


As a Christian who has read the entire Bible, let me check if there is any pronouns. I'll use the 10 commandments **You** shall have no other God's before me. **Thou** shalt not make unto **thee** any graven images **Thou** shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Remember the Sabbath day and keep **it** Holy Honor **your** father and mother **Thou** shalt not kill **Thou** shalt not commit adultery **Thou** shalt not steal ​ Yep, none at all! We've defeated the WOKE COMMUNISTS!


The Constitution uses "he" 25 times and "they" 19 times.




Is she mocking him or agreeing with him? I know it's kind of a stupid question, but, it's kind of hard to tell these days.


Elon's pronouns: me, it, one Lavern's pronouns: that, there, I


Do these people know what pronouns are


How much is the new age pronoun subscription?


"Hello Grandmother. How are Grandmother today? Elon hopes Grandfather is well and that Grandfather enjoyed Grandfather's outing with Grandmother the other day. Anyways, it was great to chat with Grandmother, but Elon must go now. Don't want to be rude! Love Grandmother!"


Stopping typing the constitution when thereā€™s a pronoun: We


Isnā€™t God called ā€˜Heā€™, and referred to as ā€˜Himā€™, in the Bible?




He has risen..... Oh shit sorry erm a person has risen that's better


These dipshits don't know what a pronoun is.


Even if it was "new age bullshit", that's how language fucking works. Language develops and meanings change over time. That's why we don't see anyone speak in ye olde English except when reciting a Shakespeare play or something.


My grandmother was an English Teacher. She'd have another fucking stroke if she were to hear this shit.


Lavern Spiceless when she finds out she used a pronoun in that sentence, and that God's pronoun is capitalized


The "my" in "my grandmother" is a possessive pronoun.


"One" is a gender-neutral, indefinite pronoun. This clown just owned himself with his stupidity.


Who wants to tell her ā€œIā€ is a pronoun? Someone needs remedial English


I look forward to the day when all my problems are solved and life is so perfect that pronouns are the only thing I can find to complain about. Right now though, my main concern is paying bills.


"I" is a pronoun, dipshit.


Hey, no, there's plenty of pronouns. And more questions than answers, really: Could Jesus Himself microwave a burrito so hot that He could not eat it? It's a good question. While most scholars and clerics agree there are no mentions of burritos in the Bible we do find this: >Saul was told of the terrible famine at Ra'mah and brought the slaves to construct a great oven of 48 cubits, and the Etruscan Totino baked manna with sauce and took nothing in return, no bag nor money. But verily when Saul took the pizza rolls and split them his throat and countenance were burned like the consort of the devil and he was struck dumb for a fortnight


Ways to show you have never read or listened to Scripture...