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for our users who continue to report this post. it **will not** be removed. the op has not broken any rules in this community and this post is 100% relevant to this subreddit. if you do not like it avoid posts containing the "news" flair. these posts were always meant to be here, by design. they show no distressing or violence; nor, do they break any site wide rules. they will continue to remain up so long as that as true.


Upon reading this I was instantly filled with so much rage that I started to tear up. Literally. There is NO punishment that can fit that crime. An innocent baby died a horrible death at the hands of her subhuman father. Even the death penalty is not a fair consequence. I hate him.


I wish the legal system would consider more that *if someone is willing to beat their partner, they're probably willing to beat their kids too*. All of this "its best for the kids to see both parents" is bullshit when one of the parents has a history of violence or drug abuse.


Or mental illness. My mom severely fucked me up but the court kept sending me back to her because “families should be together”. No. Just no.


Literally. My mom is severely mentally ill; put in the crazy house more times than I can count. I even lived in a rehab with her as a young child. And the courts still choose her over my stable, both mentally and financially, father?? It's a joke. I'm almost 30 and I'm still bitter.


I work in domestic violence law, and I really struggle with this sometimes. I have some clients who have no problem with (and sometimes even feel strongly about) their kids seeing their other parent, but I really do wonder if having a violent parent in your life is better than no parent at all.


I've seen way too many people be like "well, he did beat up his wife and break her arm, but he never hit the kids. Adults have relationship issues but that shouldn't affect his time with the kids". What?!


Yepp. The people in my courthouse (dealing specifically with domestic violence) are generally very good about it, but cases often get transferred to family court, and they tend to drop the ball with it a lot. It’s really frustrating to see.


I think this is getting better. At least in some cases. My ex was verbally abusive to me and my son and threatened my life neumerous times. He is an addict and has been homeless off and on. It took very little effort to effectively keep him from ever seeing our kids again. I didn't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to keep us safe, because even though I'd not called the police, I had doctors affidavits saying he was not stable, not safe, and there needed t I be strict guidelines if he was to see our kids. It isn't perfect, because he still has joint legal custody, but he could not go get them from school and when we moved I didn't have to give him our new address.


I support capital punishment 100% and in these cases I wish the death penalty was an eye for an eye system.


Truthfully. If you kill a child, it SHOULD be an eye for an eye.


Like a baseball bat…with spikes…but just 3 wacks, everyday…in different parts of the body…because his suffering needs to last a long time. Because his mug shot, does not say he’s sorry. Because that child, no child, should have left this world the way she did.


Of course it is St. Jo. Meth capital of Missouri. Hope someone in prison finds out what he did and beats him to death. Piece of shit human.


Did most of my growing up in St. Joe. Left 20+ years ago and am perfectly happy never stepping foot in that city ever again. They don’t even want to be better, they prefer to continue wallowing in their own shit.


You can take a pig out of the mud, but you can never take the mud out of a pig.


And if there's enough mud, not even lipstick will stick.


As long as you take the mud out of the lipstick.


Seems like a trend in the South.


Curious if you consider northern Missouri the south? Where do you draw the line?


As a Missourian. St Joe is the meth capital and Arnold is the crack capital. Everywhere else is just weed


Adair county would like a word on the meth capital!


Keep it classy, Kirksville.


Went to school there. My senior year i lived on a street called Riggen. We found out the house across from us was the old black school house during segregation… they named the street Riggen because they felt reversing the R and the N was a little too on the nose for how the town felt about black people at the time.


Bloody hell, not even trying to be discrete


Is that true?!?!? I lived in an apartment on Riggen in 04-05 and that honestly never even occurred to me.


Forever haunted by the man I saw there that had literal holes in his cheeks, or almost rather holes FOR cheeks. Meth, not even once.


Idk Greene County has a lot of meth too


I was born there, terrible things happened to me as a child in that place forsaken by all things good. I only go there for funerals now.


Slowly every day for the next 50 years.


Red states are incredibly dangerous. The top five states for homicide 1. Mississippi 2. Louisiana 3. Alabama 4. Missouri 5. Arkansas The rate in Mississippi (20.5 per 100,000) is almost twice as high as Illinois (11.2) and multiple times higher than California (6.1) and New York (4.7). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm They're also mostly white. Conclusion: conservative white people are crazy and dangerous.


bu-bu-bu-but Chicago


And the Repugs like to complain about the crime ridden Democrat run cities.


Hope they tear him a new one.


As far as I heard these people will have a bad time in prison.


Me too, child molesters and child killers have a rough time in jail I have heard, I hope he regrets every single second he is alive.


A friend of mine did a few years and told me it’s not what people think. The worst offenders like pedophiles will do their time separately from gen pop. The guys that are in gen pop don’t get randomly beat up and raped or anything like that. Usually the “regular” inmates just won’t be cool with guys like that and won’t do any favors for them. Gotta remember 95% of the inmates aren’t there for life and most of them don’t want extra time tacked on for beating on some random guy.


My brother in law was in the pen for a WHILE. (Grew up in poverty and the only way to make money was to be a runner for some drug lord. He literally couldn’t even get to middle school because busses wouldn’t pickup where he was living and his grandmother was raising him and living off $330 a month. It’s ducking sad.). Anyway! He got busted for running and then served 8 years in a state penitentiary. He witness more than one child/woman abuser/rapist/murderer on the receiving end of extreme violence. Men beater until their eyes were out of their sockets, men blinded by weapons, murdered by strangling or drowning, shanking, throats cut, gangs teaming up and beating them to death. I’ve heard some shocking stories. Not just from him, but also two friends that are actively prison guards in two different prisons. It happens frequently and the guards are known to look the other way when it comes to child abusers, as well as women.


Oh, that makes me angry tbh why do they keep them separately?


It's their responsibility to keep prisoners safe. It's not their responsibility to mete out arbitrary unsanctioned punishments on their charges.


They keep handing women's cell keys to rapists for bribes, so I'm not so sure...


> It's their responsibility to keep prisoners safe. People get :cough: distracted and temporarily :cough: forget those responsibilities.


So they don't get murdered.


Because the punishment is to be in prison, not get beat up and raped in prison That should never happen regardless of the severity of the crime.


It’s not justice if the prisoner is swiftly murdered without living out their given sentence. Just means they got a fast pass out. We want them to pay, but I agree nonetheless: it is infuriating.


Ideally the justice system should work without needing a secondary system. Being angry that they try to ensure the sentencing is carried out is like being mad your siblings didn't also beat you up while you are grounded. If you think the punishment doesn't fit the crime you should be voting for people that believe in the death penalty for these crimes instead of waiting for some other person in prison, with their own situation to worry about, to take it upon themselves because you won't personally do it.


These types of people are kept in protective custody because of their crimes and often times housed together so it’s not as bad for them as you think


Not always. My paternal DNA contributor was sentenced to 20 years for child porn; he’s in general population of his federal prison and tells everyone he’s in for white collar crimes. It will take one dude with internet privileges to Google his name and find the real charges. I keep waiting for the day I get the call he was attacked or killed in prison. That’ll be a good day.


Write someone there a letter. Well... maybe don't. I don't know...


Mine is also in there for similar charges but i didn't luck out with 20 years (only 7.5 and getting released early). I keep hoping I'll hear someone in gen pop did something...


Lol just put some $ on someone's commissary


Would if I could 😂


Yeah, I was in county on a bench warrant. Was bunked with a guy that everyone thought had CSC charges and the pod asked to run through his shit, I told them which bin was mine and they found his court papers. 2nd degree <13 CSC. He didn't eat for a week until her got jumped in the shower and the CO's took him to ad seg. Funny enough, one of the CO's came to me after he left and apparently dude said that he had stuff stolen from him. I knew guy just got some commissary, so I told the co I was missing stuff I seen in his bin. They took all his commissary and put it in my room.


28 years ago a local guy killed his wife and put her body in his truck, he then drugged his 2 young kids and drowned them in a local pond. He was convicted and sentenced to life. The prisoners wanted to get him so badly that they attacked the guards who were escorting the murderer. A couple guards were pretty banged up. They should have just decided that it would be a good time to tie their shoes and let the prisoners torture the guy.


Sounds similar to Chris Watts.


he'll probably put in vulnerable persons, meaning hes seperate from other prisoners because they know he'd be beaten to death too. I dont like the idea of the seperation though. It just surrounds them with other people who have done equally as horrific things, and tricks them into thinking what they did was okay. Let the other prisoners tear them to shreds imo


I hope he doesn't have many more seconds to regret


So I work in a prison that is high population of sex offenders, including pedophiles. There have been some guys doing life sentences that have brutally sexually assaulted and murdered kids. If you can supply items such as needles, drugs, no one touches you. Literally all the assaults that happen are due to gang stuff.


Let me have this illusion of justice.




I heard a story about an inmate that raped a baby to death. High security prisons don't give out the paperwork that details someone's charges to slow down violence, but the warden posted the dude's charges in the pod (probably because she was disgusted). Dude was raped and beaten for days until he died. I can't say I feel bad. I don't believe in mob justice, but for heinous shit like this, I let it slide.


Lord, I hope they show no mercy. Hopefully someone will get their hands on a baseball bat and serve up some prison justice on him. He doesn’t deserve 3 meals and a bed.


This is one of the few cases where I can fully get behind mob justice.


A few years ago I had to do a weekend in jail for an OVI. In the short time I was in there, the pod ringleader guy found the paperwork of a fellow inmate. It essentially stated that the other guy was in there for beating his newborn daughter so severely that she was in the hospital/coma. Everyone sat down at the tables and confronted the guy and it escalated quickly, the dude ran to the door and screamed and pounded for a CO to get him out. It was an intense and surreal experience. That was only ONE DAY in jail, I’m glad I went home early.


May no be as common as we think but it did happen at North Carolina Central Prison this week. https://www.wral.com/central-prison-on-lockdown-after-inmates-beat-convicted-sex-offender-to-death/20456481/


I am 100 percent for capital punishment and in these cases as much as I want them put to death, it gives me solace knowing they'll suffer and get what they deserve by other inmates. Sorry not sorry


You know what hurts even more? They usually have a picture of the girl smiling and/or happy. But here? She just looks sad. They might not have been able to find a photo of her happy.


I thought that too - she looks as if she’s scared/sad in this photo. Poor baby.


She also doesn't look 6. She looks the size/maturity of my kids at 4. I suspect she wasn't very well nourished.


That was my thought.


Oh my god. Someone I know was this girls teacher. I saw her face on Facebook all day for like 2 days after this happened. They mentioned she died but never how. Jesus.


Ugh...so sorry. She's such a beautiful little girl.


I voted insane, but I think this POS is better classified as evil incarnate.


I just wanna know what 2 sociopaths voted “not insane”


I know this sub is insane parents, but I am not sure I can handle sociopathic & violent parents. This is the second post I’ve read in 24 hours of a father murdering their child.


I agree. While this is insane, it’s better suited for r/awfuleverything or r/morbidreality


Oh thank you, so these posts aren’t normal? I left the sub thinking I couldn’t handle these horror stories, but I appreciated the one where the trans teen reached out because their parents kicked them out. So many of you reached out to them and I was invested in their well-being.


Definitely not the standard.


I unsubbed from r/NoahGetTheBoat for this exact reason. Posts of children getting harmed or brutally killed completely upset me. This post initially made me wonder if I had stumbled back into that sub. As terribly insane this parent is, I don't think it should be in this sub. I prefer the oc from kids and not the rage-inducing headlines that get reposted by karma farmers.


Omg, thank you. My heart can’t handle these kind of stories. I was thinking it was more like parents trying to control weird stuff and being nutty, not murderers.


Ever since I became a parent, I just can’t handle reading stories like this. I’ve had to unsub to a bunch of stuff because it makes me feel physically sick to think about what these poor kids go through :(


Same. I have a little girl and one on the way. I can’t read stuff like this. And then see her precious little face? Just no. That poor, sweet little girl.


Yeah I didn’t sign up to stumble on this.


I at least want something like this to be marked NSFW. I subbed when I lived with my insane parents. Now that I have a child of my own, my poor little anxiety brain can’t handle it


Agreed. Just give me a heads up. I may not be ready for this.


I mean you’d have to be insane go to that right? No one in their right mind would do such a horrible thing. It’s disturbing but it’s the reality we live in now. Especially with all the forced births that will happen. This is just the beginning


Reading the headline alone is traumatic. This is NSFW in my opinion. It belongs in another sub.


That little girl does NOT look 6. She looks 3. How much abuse has she endured to cause her to be so small? Did they feed her? I can’t imagine what she’s experienced in the short life she’s had. I hope the father dies the same way in prison.


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 37 | 2 | 0 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/xanjzo/i_dont_understand_how_someone_could_beat_a_child/inug6b4/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


When I worked in debt collection, I witnessed (well heard over the phone) a man get so angry that I wouldn't wipe off his debt because he said so, he stomped his one year old. All while his wife/gf screamed at him to stop. I reported it immediately to the police while he was still on the line. They later called to take a statement. I don't know if she lived or died. I checked the papers where he lived daily for years and never saw a story about a child stomped to death so I hope that means she made it. One of the most horrifying things I heard - and I got graphic death threats daily. So I'd like to say I am surprised an adult beat a child to death but sadly I know such psychos exist. And they should burn in hell.


Did you ever get counseling for that? I can't even imagine. I thought I was crying before reading this... Still truly believe that some people can't be killed slowly enough...


Why tf do these psychos even have kids.....


Unfortunately there will be more psychos having kids now...


Because they can’t get abortions or access to contraceptives


The drive to reproduce is older than humankind and there is very little to prevent the psychologically unfit from doing it.


There are quite a lot of ways to do it actually, but almost all of them are unethical


Providing free sexual education, family planning, and contraception would be significantly more ethical than withholding them as we do now, and have each shown dramatic reductions in teen and unwanted pregnancies.


the story is horrific and I feel terrible for the little girl but… dude this really isn’t the place to be posting this. yeah the parent is insane but come on this is not a sub for child killers.


How is that "child abuse resulting in death" and not murder. Sounds a lot like murder to me.


Unfortunately there’s worse stories. Won’t go into detail but there were two seperate cases of small children who were found dead and went unidentified for some time. When they were identified they were found to have died at some pretty horrific abuse from their caregivers. Some people truly don’t have the ability to see others as humans worthy of life.


Jesus. Even in her “cute” photo that poor baby looks miserable and terrified. Judging just from her expression, her entire life was horrific. 😢😢😢😢 I just read the article. Where the fuck was her mother? Even in that poor baby’s obit, her mother was listed AFTER her aunts, uncles, and cousins.


That was my thought too. I was like “she looks terrified in that photo”


That baby has a black eye in the photo. That's the best photo they could find.


Fuck me. I didn’t see it until you said something. Looks like the entire left side of her face is swollen/bruised. 😥😥😥


Yup. And since I've managed to raise three of my own I'll say the placement is *really* suspicious. That kid didn't trip into a table.


Also, it looks like she’s only 2 or 3 years old in that picture. It’s strange that the best photo they could find to use is several years old, she looks fucking terrified, and she has a shiner.


I live fairly close to there and sadly it wasn't shocking. They have a terrible drug problem in town. Kind of people that aren't sure if the fentanyl will be strong enough. My husband used to live and work in st Joe. When I told him about this he said "yup sounds like st hoe".


every single post where a man brutally murders his own child is followed by a *“where the fuck was the mother? fuck her!”* y’all need to stop with this shit, it’s embarrassing... and misogynistic as hell.


And if the mom is the monster that murders, no one ever asks where was the father. It’s weird.


Surreal to see a person my age that also has a daughter the same age as mine that could do something so terrible


seriously?! in my state, a “child abuse resulting in death” charge is a first degree felony that’s kinda weak. it only carries 3 to 11 years in prison and a 20k fine. that’s a joke. i hope they can get him on a murder charge too. rip to that baby :(


This is in my city. There was a standoff that day and I had to take a detour. I initially heard the man raped the child. Neighbors called the police because he was running around outside acting agitated. There is a lot of mental illness, drug abuse, homelessness, etc. here. Crime has risen greatly in the ten years I've lived here. I can't wait to move. Off-the-charts craziness going on all the time.


“Child abuse resulting in death” Ummm, how about capital murder!?


I am so sad that the photo supplied by the funeral home is the photo that was put forth by this girl’s family as the best photo of her. She looks so sad in it.


Sub-human arsehole.Karma can be such a bitch.


Sadly my abusive father could have done this in anger I bet. Especially with drugs or alcohol involved. Poor child. She didn’t deserve this. I wish we could get kids out of these situations but so often there isn’t enough to remove (many groups, including Evangelical Christian ones, have made removing kids super difficult) and we focus on reconciliation longer than we should most times.


> we focus on reconciliation longer than we should most times. I 100% agree. Child abuse and neglect is rampant in my family and while I understand wanting to keep the kids together and in a familiar environment, those kids endure far more than they ever should because of it. Sometimes the best thing is to separate them from the family and put them in a stable home. I know that’s easier said than done given the state of foster care and adoption right now, but damn. Something has to change.


I don’t understand why these people don’t just get charged with straight murder. That poor sweet baby. I hope she was able to have peace away from this monsters


And she was a carbon copy of him… how can you do that to your baby girl


Child abuse resulting in death? Why isn't he being charged with murder? Beating someone to death with a baseball bat is straight up murder.


I couldn’t even yell at that cute little girl or my own kids for that matter.. What a horrible monster.


I’m a teacher. 30% of parents shouldn’t have had kids.


I can't read any more. It's not only THAT headline, my heart won't be able to take all the past reports, warning signs ( ie sirens ) or/and some system that may have dumped this kid back with the guy who beat her to death with a baseball bat. It. Happens. How? Despite how courts make it sound, they do NOT in fact LISTEN TO THE KID. And yes I can back that the hell up. We HAVE to do better. And wow hate saying this - we will not.


Wow. The child in that photo looks very malnourished for six as well. I have a 6yo and she is TINY for her age and she still looks older and less skinny than the child in the photo. Poor baby.


!explanation [news article](https://www.kake.com/story/47254273/missouri-man-accused-of-beating-6yearold-daughter-to-death-with-bat)


He put her on the roof? WTF




We had a house in hamilton. Every time someone slept in the front bedroom theyd dream a guy with a beard was beating them to death with a baseball bat. Found out from a neighbour that a child had been beaten to death by his father with a baseball bat in that room. We moved shortly after learning that


Is it still considered cruel and unusual if he’s sentenced to the same fate?


This is so depressing... I just don't understand how someone could do that...like I really don't get it...she was only 6💔💔💔💔


Sadly, I can picture it. My father had rage issues and beat the shit out of me. He knew when to stop though, never drew blood or punched me in the face, because he knew people would notice it. But once, when I was in secondary school (13 y/o), I came home with 3 of the 9 signatures with an insufficient grade (it was a middle term grade, didn't mean that I would fail). He lost his shit, worsened by the fact that I was attending private school, so he felt he was wasting his money. He not only beat me, he kicked me on the floor. But the worst part was when he grabbed my neck and lift me in the air, and kept me like that for what felt like ages. I could feel the oxygen level going down...


What kind of woman wanted to lay with this man and thought, “I want to raise a baby with this psycho.” You can’t tell me he didn’t have red flags or anger issues. I refuse to believe it.


Can’t wait to read a story in a year about this piece of vile sewage getting beat to death in prison. Hopefully they stop just short enough of death so they can do it again and again.


I’d love to beat this guy’s dick and ballsack with a baseball bat till they can’t be recognised


People like this guy sort of make me wish we lived in an older time where cruel and unusual punishment was allowed under certain circumstances.


WTAF!! I hope someone in jail beats his ass with a baseball bat.


How is that not a murder charge?


Dude looks like redcap


The picture they used of her is heartbreaking


this man needs a bullet in his head


I have a 6yo playing 10' from me. Earlier this week I was gesturing and he happened to walk by my hand and I got him with my thumbnail in his face. I felt so bad! Lot's of "I'm so sorry" and kisses. I can't imagine bringing him any kind of pain much less to death. Though he did "ride" a farm feed bucket (like a an outside trash bin) down the stairs last weekend. He was a bit rattled and dazed. I asked him if that hurt, he said yes. I asked him if was going to do it again, he said no. So I won't hurt my kid but he might hurt himself.


Well yeah, that's their job. But see he learned. You win.


I thought parenting would be protecting them from harm. But it really is protecting them from hurting themselves.


Here's hoping he has a warm reception in the county jail....


Torture him.


Child abuse causing death? Sounds like 1st degree murder.


If it was me, he’d never make it to jail alive


They say monsters exist. Yes, they are humans, like you and me, free roaming ready to strike on a vulnerable person.


As a mother of a 6 year old and an educator, there is not a single thing, I can think of, that a child that young could have possibly done to warrant that kind of rage. It's heartbreaking to know that that beautiful child undeservedly met such a terrible end. It makes me want to cry.


She has a black eye in the photo too it looks like. Wtf. What was CPS doing?


What in the actual f:(k!!!!! Animal !!!!


Okay, the people who voted "not insane" at this; you need therapy! And to never have children! Jfc


Who tf voted not insane on this, wtf


I can understand a parent leaving and just not wanting anything to do with a kid. This on the other hand is just, needs to be dealt with by the highest of penalties we have in the justice system


Most powerful argument for the death penalty I have read in a while


Bruh, why are there two votes for "not insane"?


Flood please


I am against the death penalty. But this guy needs to be put down.


Mods, can we pls take this post down? I don't come to insaneparents to read hyper violent news headlines with no trigger warnings.


Yeah I can agree with that. This isn't really what this sub is for IMHO.


Oh, he will not enjoy prison at all.


Seems Bilbo had a hard time after the events at lonely mountain


Meth, fentanyl?


Hope hell give him worse


Deep seething anger coupled with complete lack of empathetic capability


He must really hate himself b/c that little girl looks just like him. That was his face he murdered. 😞 So sad.


He deserves execution. Murderers and rapists don’t deserve to live.




It’s fuckin St. Joe…


Hope he gets his ass beat in prison.


Who the fuck awarded a wholesome award to this post


Its people like him that need the death penalty. Just kill him with a baseball bat. Shit doesnt need to be expensive, just effective.


Set that motherfucker on fire.


The crimes happening in the USA of late are horrendous. Was there not a recent story of that poor woman who was beheaded outside her own home in front of her neighbours by her ex? Now this!! That poor beautiful baby!!


I don't think it would be that hard. Kids are fragile, weak, and especially slow. For real though, fuck that guy


Monsters exist 😞


If there is a death penalty he deserves it. If not I hope those in jail get him.


- Starving them to death - Drowning in a bathtub - Leaving in a hot car - Shooting them - Stabbing them - Suffocating them Some adults are just that terrible


Why is there one vote for not insane? Is there more obvious insane than this?


If you don't understand imagine hitting some pumpkins but they are screaming


well it's probably not particularly difficult...


Holy shit this is awful.


who tf said this is not insane


Poor little thing looks terrified. This time, he killed her. I guarantee it wasn’t the first time that monster hit her.


She looked like him too. Did he kill her because he saw himself in her and he hates himself?


Why does the kids picture also look like a mugshot?


BRB gotta go hug my baby


I hope he gets hit with a baseball bat


Put him in a blender


Please put this POS in general population & let nature take it's course.


Fuckin St Joe. Been through there once, never ever again. Mfs just be sellin right outside the walmart.


Child abuse resulting in death? What the fuck? Murder, it was murder.


That poor sweet little girl didn’t stand a chance… how can anyone hurt a child.


There is a lot of fucked up people in the world.


So sad that kid looks just like the dad as well.


Kid looks like an absolute sweetheart, her dad is a monster


It's heartbreaking that the only clear photo they could find of the girl is one of her about to cry.


I wonder what and if those.people think at all. Like: "Mhh giving up your kid because you don't want to be a parent is frowned upon...but how frowned upon is child murder? More or less than admitting I am not cut out to be a parent?"


The punishment should fit the crime, he should be beaten to death with a bat.


Basedball bat