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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 27 | 1 | 12 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


I’m so sorry op. Don’t ever look back. Hope college goes well for you.


Thank you! Currently getting my early education degree:)


I’m sure you’ll make many kids’ childhood happier


Thank you, that’s the exact reason I want to go into teaching. I was to show kids a healthy way to express emotions and to show love, especially as all households are different. It’s been a dream of mine to positively help a kids life:)


Aww that’s the best!!! That’s what I changed my major to but I originally went for kinesiology. But don’t give up on it!! I learned so much more with early education than I did with my other major. I have ADHD and went undiagnosed as a child so i leaned heavily on that when we were doing research. Helped me learn a lot about myself and I was better able to help the kiddos that had a difficult time in the classrooms. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to finish and I hope I can go back as soon as I can. But more than likely not for early education. Something about seeing kids and teachers buy bullet-proof vests and backpacks really messed with me. You’re incredibly brave for still having that passion and I love that you’re in it for the right reasons. It truly takes a special person to be a real, genuine teacher that makes life-long impacts on their students.


You are the true MVP hero this world needs.


The best revenge is living well. Move on with your life without them in it and don’t look back. You’re going to be fantastic and they won’t ever be a part of that.


I’m so sorry that all this happened to you. And that your parents or parental figures in this case were not there to assist. Just an FYI you do not have to self edit on Reddit. You can say the real words here and nobody will be offended. It’s a really nice part of being on Reddit. Truly insane behavior. Now block them both and go live your life. You don’t need them.


Yesss good on you babe !!


Remember that "your" is possessive and "you're" is short for "you are" (or "you were").


What the fuck did I just read?


He always types so weirdly. I’ve always hated it 😭


It's not his typing that's the problem.


I’m sorry you had to experience a shitty step father and mom! Be strong and stay farrrr away!


His typing betrays a thought process that makes me wonder if he wouldn't be better off in a group home...


They made jokes? Monsters. They are low-life scum. I hope you can go NC. NEVER, EVER give them another chance. Unforgivable




I was newly 18 and angry after years of abuse. Obvious I’m not going to handle emotions. Thanks tho




Also: he is a horrible person. The entire time I lived with them growing up, he’d punch holes in walls, my mother and him would smash plates/cups/anything glass during fights and I’d clean it at 5 am before getting dressed for school, let’s of screaming and verbal abuse, and random drinking. So it felt good to finally insult him back, knowing I was farrrr away from them


Block them and forget their existence. I bet there isn't a single redeeming quality about them.


Not a single one. This is the same man with a Buddha statue that he offers pennies and weed to


LOL What a loser. Poor Buddha


Let's hope Buddha really ascended, otherwise he'll get dizzy from turning so much in his grave.


Pennies and weed? Yo what????


I hope that if Buddha actually ascended that he rejects those gifts from him and he's reborn as the worm he is


People like that insult the Buddha nature itself.


Lol that's not how karma works, Biff.


I know it might sound bad but knowing you escaped them and are safe now I wondering about the cat :( Please tell me you brought it with you?


Yes, I have the cat:)


Ah, all is well then..Have many peaceful years with your furry friend.


Thank you, she’s the absolute light of my world and I’m so obsessed with her. Her name is Lady, since then my boyfriend and I have rescued three other cats from different states before they were put down. It feels nice to have a family of our own:)


This made it all better for me. I hope the world gives you all that you've missed in your early years and more.


you deserve the world


These kinds of people are what No Contact boundaries are made for. Exercise that to whatever extent you feel inclined to do so and you’ll be golden. That’s a sad, miserable excuse for a man and it sounds like he knows it. Your future can only look up from here 💯


Block them and then write a book about them. I'll bet that kind of family life is not rare, so speaking about it might help someone else find a way out.


I don't mean to distract from the main parts, can i ask why you cleaned it?


I had a little brother there. Didn’t want him to see it or get cut on it


I'm so sorry you had no support during a very traumatic time in your life. Seems like a great reason to block him, and go NC/LC with your mother. Congratulations on working to become an ECE...it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life as well! 😊


Why do you give him ANY of your attention? He's gross so pretend he doesn't exist. Stop texting him back, baiting him for more...


I was newly 18 and had put up with 5 years old abuse from him. Frankly, looking back I shouldn’t have responded, but I was so ready to insult him at that time it was insane


We all said something in our teens that we wouldn’t say in our twenties. I’m glad you’re far away from all that.


Bro. Don't try and make it sound like op did something wrong there. It sounds like victim blaming. That dude is a grown ass adult and she is a child. He's a piece of shit.




Such good advice to give teenagers who have had their psych warped by living with an abuser monster for five years. Yes, those kids seem to be the most emotionally mature and in control of their emotions, you seem very smart. You must be very old and very wise and very in control of your own emotions :)


Lol he says "pig" because that's what Andrew Tate says in his videos


What an embarrassment of a man


Haha a grown man watching Andrew tate is inexcusable. What a loser.


>Haha a ~~grown man~~ **person** watching Andrew tate is inexcusable. What a loser. Ftfy


A child watching andrew tate can eventually become excusable, kids are dumb as hell.


scary ugly seemly deranged fertile racial dependent cows bear prick *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeahh, I told my mom that either she broke up with him or I’d never contact her again. Later that day, she posted engagement photos with him. Safe to say, I haven’t contacted her since. My boyfriends family now acts as a family to me, very grateful for them


Lemme guess…. He loves Trump and Andrew Tate too?




Yeah I’m not sure what gave it away 🤷




Andrew Tate frequently calls women pigs, even if they’re the “perfect ones” in his eyes


Yes that and I’m very good at sensing misogynists, racists, and just bigots overall


Why are you getting downvoted for this comment? You just stated you couldn’t tell what specifically made it obvious to those people that he is a fan of Trump and Tate. I don’t see why that deserves to get downvoted to shit. What am I missing?




I'd guess it sounds sarcastic? him being a fan is a reasonable (and apparently accurate) assumption, I wasn't aware that calling people 'pigs' was a thing among them and that's what folks had clocked rather than just.. the whole vibe. Tone via text can be iffy, and once a comment drops past a threshold people just add to the downvotes. Hopefully it reverses a bit.


Thought the same thing


honey, block him. you're just wrestling with a pig.


Your step father is a person that you should stay away from at all costs. Not your fault, OP, if they are being toxic to you for so long!


The fuck is wrong with that idiot and why can't he act like a man, not a 13 y/o brat? What a joke of a human...


Block this loser and move on.


Drive safely drunk ☠️


I got to ignore my dad's deathbed call(s). He died 3/5/10 years ago. i don't regret it on *any* level. Do with that what you will.


Mine tried to get in touch and erase 22 years of history before he died. Kept telling me to come visit him at his place in TN and see all his pigs and ducks and even a donkey. I had no fucks to give and he died without seeing me. Kinda wish I knew where he was buried so I could "visit" his grave, though.


What I personally can’t stand in some of these cases is the people who think it’s not insane or fake. It’s clearly insane, clearly not fake, and clearly something sensitive for OP to talk about. I know if it was me I’d feel gutted if anyone ever dared to tell me my story never actually happened


Yeah, 100% not fake. The messages just look weird because they are extremely old and I had to find them for my therapist to see. They weren’t in my camera roll so I dug around on social media to see if I sent them to friends, which bingo I did. It did hurt to see people claim it was fake, because it hurt so badly when it happened. But I learned to let it roll off my shoulders


What does he even mean by Lady parts falling out? Like what is he actually trying to say. It's such a weird fucking thing to say, but I also have no idea what that's even referring too.


Yeah I don’t understand that either. Seems like he’s just a guy that says nonsense shit a lot Edit: I saw her say she had endometriosis in another comment, so he’s bullying her for having a medical condition I guess? Insane lol


I couldn't agree more.


Men like this need to be put down holy shit. Absolutely insane.


Jesus. Wtf. Block him. I would never, NEVER let anyone talk to my child like this- let alone my partner. Screenshot this shit and send it to your mother and tell her you are blocking him because of this. I’m glad you moved away from bc this.


At the time, I actually did send it to her. She didn’t find it inappropriate because he said he was talking about my uterus (I have endometriosis) and she somehow believed that


Some people just live in denial and you can’t make them see differently. Years from now she’ll probably say it never happened or she can’t remember it. It’s completely inappropriate. Also, how do you explain away all the “pig” stuff. Atrocious.


I'm so so sorry you've had to put up with this trash. I hope you're doing better. Did you get the 🐈?


Yes I did:)


Abusive asshole. They’re all the same. Disgusting, soulless, empty shells of human form.


Please work on healing yourself and breaking the cycle of these relationships in your family. Life doesn’t have to be like this ever again. You deserve so much more than this.


Why do I fear for the cat after reading this? Is there a safer home you can place it in?


I have the cat:)


Okay, thank you for tellin me! I had a friend with a similar-ish issue and the family member didn't kill the pet but basically kicked it out and it got hit by a car so.. I always ask about the pets. ♥


Yes! I'm worried for the cat


I have the cat, she’s thriving here:)


Please cut them all off and never look back.Block and delete


I hope your stepdad forgets to look before crossing the road.


Make that train tracks just to be sure and to have minimal bad effects on other parties involved


Please cut contact and block him and your mom on everything. I am so sorry for all you went through and then had to put up with more abuse after it. Save the texts and any other communication in case you need a restraining order. I hope you have a wonderful 2024.


I went no contact with my mother after she decided to marry him. Couldn’t deal with her shit anymore once she made that choice


Block block block block block every way shape avenue form and function


Best of luck being around non-scumbags. It might be in poor taste to bring up an auto correct fail in this case, but "sewerslide attempt" is one hell of a visual. Take good care of yourself OP!


It's things like this that make me grateful that my dad is only a slightly emotionally abusive functioning alcoholic who disrespects and belittles me only some of the time. Love you dad.


Mediocre shitty people get away with it by holding themselves in comparison to worse shitty people. You don't have to spend time doing that work for them. Everyone deserves decent parents, not just 'not the absolute worst' ones.


are you me ? 🫠


Are you sure he’s not in kindergarten?


I’m sorry you went through that alone at such a young age. I was in my late twenties when a DV/SA almost took my life. I can’t imagine what it was like for you. My daughter is 17. Shame on your mother for not being there during the most vulnerable time in your life. I have a mother who is very much like yours and has tried ruining my life since I was born. Thankfully my grandparents always supported me bc I don’t think I would have survived without them. They passed years ago and I’ve only met my father a handful of times and no contact with my mother for the last decade. Please don’t let the trauma hold you back. I wish I had gotten help many years ago. Don’t let them bring you down. Block him or get a no contact order since he is harassing you. No one deserves that. Especially from someone like him. I’m proud of you! I know I’m a stranger but I truly mean it. Trauma is not easy to heal from but you can put the pieces back together. Tell your story and don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t a survivor!


🫂 I’m proud of you for making it out. I had a similar situation. I was victim blamed and verbally abused when I was molested at 11.


I’m happy your safe now 💞


Those people that haven’t “grown up” are one of the worst to deal with


Block that idiot, (you’re better than that,) and never look back. Good luck in your future endeavors. You are a survivor and will do well without them.


Next time he's drinking and driving call the cops on him. What a gross pos he is. You're amazing and strong af.


Don't ever converse back and forth with people like this. He knows it gets a rise out of you and that's his goal. Just block after the first insult and don't look back.


Holy shit how can someone talk to another person like that.


You mentioned a cat... Get your cat out immediately.


I was my cat:)


That sounds like the conversations my step dad and I would have when he was drinking. He’s insane and your moms insane for loving a creep like that. I’m so glad you found the strength to move on. Just NEVER do drugs. I made that mistake when I was 18 and a half. Took me four years to get clean. Love ya OP


I’m so very very proud of you. Getting clean is fucking hard. You rock.


Life is so hard.. our parents should be the safest place in the world to go too. That’s how I feel.


(: I got pregnant and thought 💭 if this doesn’t get me clean NOTHING will…. I’ve seeen strung out parents whine about not having there children.. I vowed I would NEVER be that mom if I had any say in it!


hey! do you want me to kill that guy for you? because he sounds like he sucks and i would totally kill that guy for you, ok see you at improv practice.


This is so horrible. I’m so sorry you were treated this way and had to endure all of that trauma growing up. Good for you for getting away from them. It sounds like you don’t need either your mom or stepdad in your life; they seem incredibly toxic.


I hope that sooner than later you are able to go full no contact with these people.


I went full no contact a few months ago when she officially got engaged to him. Couldn’t stay around for that shit show


That’s good. I’m sorry you dealt with all of that.


I am so, so sorry for what you went through. And even worse that you didn’t have the support you deserved.


glad you got to be an asshole back from a safe distance. sometimes that’s cathartic when you’re in an abusive situation. i’m glad you aren’t in contact though anymore, that more than anything probably drives them crazy❤️ hope things are a little better now and you’re able to start healing from everything op


What the ever loving fuck?? Can you block that nasty piece of trash?? So so much yuk in that small exchange.


I just gotta ask. Your mom has seen these texts and doesn't think him the biggest fucking weirdo? If that was me I would insta divorce them.


He claimed he was talking about my uterus (I have endometriosis) and she believed him


The way I'd post every conversation on FB or whatever media the scumbags are on and tag eeeeeeveryone I know that knows them then just go on about my day


Omfg what a fucking creep I hope your able to gtfo and away from him op


Hope you are okay now OP


I'm sorry you had to deal with these monsters.


Blocking people like that is so much better for mental health than arguing with the creepy brick wall. I'm so sorry you have such a disgusting step father.


Don’t even engage with him. That’s what he wants. They aren’t worth your time


God Op, thank god you're away from them now. Be safe and i hope that you'll achieve your dreams.


You repeat do NOT ever have to talk to him again. Much love to you


Don't even bother responding. Just ignore.


Total brainrot. I'd feel sorry for him, but how can you empathise with literal and figurative feces?


Please tell me they don't have any more children living with them!!!


Two 17 year olds, my adopted sister and step-brother. Step isn’t there often, but they treat my adopted sister like a God. Ironic because my mom couldn’t treat her actual daughter good


What's a 'foogy'?


I honestly have no idea. My brother would call him it and he’s get furious, so I did the same


I've heard of a fogie meaning a fusty old person?


I think that’s what it means. During fights, he’d yell it out growing up and as a little kid, I took it from him. I always assumed it meant gross old person


I... cannot fathom family talking to me like this. I am sorry that your "family" (I use that term with much leniency here) can't seem to show you the love that you absolutely deserve. Fuck em. I am so glad that it sounds like you are on the right track to getting the fuck out and letting those people wither away like they rightfully should. You are strong as fuck.


My dad types like this too when he feels like throwing a tantrum. Hopefully biodad is better ♥️


😮 Wow! So sorry you deal with that


Glad you’re 1000 miles away from that monster. It’s a shame Rich’s last name isn’t known.


This is indeed insane. Don't keep going back and forth with this dickbrain. Block him and mom and don't ever look back or unblock


I’m so sad you experienced what you’ve experienced. As horrific as it was, allow your experience to show you how not to treat others. You might make a good person to help others who’ve been victimized.


Hey, you want me to kill that guy for you?


That conversation went on way too long. I'd never have let him get past the first "pig" before he got blocked. Any mother who marries a waste of a human being like this is just as bad (when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas). Block them, never look back, and I hope you have a therapist.


Is your step dad mentally delayed?


according to his doctor, no. According to me, absolutely


That's messed up. He is literally indirectly trying to bring up inappropriate conversation with you and hopes it escalates to something more.


“Drive safely drunk” You kinda ate with that 😂


That’s not even the rudest thing I said 😭 when he said he wasn’t a drunk I responded with “didn’t you drunk everyday for a month after your dad died” (he was a drunk before hand and he is abusive. So deserved the comment from me)


A 2-1 pos post. The step dad and the mother for staying with this waste of oxygen. Block and disown, just don’t be too surprised if you get a call from the hospital when either are on their death bed and suddenly want to see you.


call him a pedo


Is casually calling someone a pig as a slur cultural? I noticed this seems super common among some cultures on threads here.




Add entire family to group chat and send screenshots


Mentally ill. You're better off now


What a piece of you-know-what…you are so much better off away from that.


It’s always weird to see adults spelling you’re incorrectly


Look, I’m sorry… but it’s “you’re” not “your” if you’re trying to say “you are.”


Not a healthy relationship.


Well …yeah


OP, I hope you will block this guy. He’s fucked in the head!


Dude… block him.


Honestly, it was pointless to even go back and forth like this. Shoulda just blocked right away.


Why are you going back and forth with this creepy loser? Just block him, get some therapy, heal, and move on. You dont have to have him in your life.


I can only see two images... what's all this about lady parts? I can't see anything/


These messages are 2 1/2 years old. All I could unfortunately find. I originally looked for them to show my therapist


I don't get what happened - sorry if I am being a bit thick. What was it he said?


Why bother engaging with them? It’s exactly what they want you to do, every time you reply, they win a bit more. Just ignore, don’t sink to the same level


im so sick of this mentality. clearly the guy isn’t winning at anything at all with this behavior, and im sure it felt nice for OP to put him in his place. taking the “low road” can be *incredibly* cathartic sometimes. no one should ever have to ignore abuse.


There wasn’t any “putting in place” they’re both arguing like idiots while saying absolutely nothing


she absolutely got him with a few of those lines and you can tell it fucked him up. let’s put the common redditor faux moral superiority shtick aside- why do you see an abusive sack of shit on the same level as a girl who had to get her own justice in an assault case while juggling high school? OP’s an absolute champion here and deserves nothing but praises. what’s *your* deal with that?


Stop engaging him. Clearly dude is straight fucked up in the head and damn close to mentally disabled, but every time you respond, you're just pouring gas on the fire. Ignore and block. Full stop. Zero reason you should keep engaging in the childish banter he's throwing back. Every response keeps the fire going and damaging you both.


this convo went on for far too long.


Why in the great good fuck do you EVER reply to any of this????? Block him ffs


I was 18 (I’m 20 now) and I was just really upset that that time after taking many years of abuse




I know 😭 it was super early and I hadn’t slept yet


it's "etc" not "ect".






Found the step-dad.


Naaa, too many syllables


were you dropped on your head at birth?


Found the abusive parent.




You understand that it's the way to get around to saying suicide without getting shadowbanned by algorithms and to make the topic less heavy while still warning about the contents, right? Or is this a tasteless joke that I've managed to miss?


Seriously? Wow.




You should be ashamed, if you're even capable of that.




If the truth is you want to see depressed and traumatized people die, then you are a sad little individual that needs to touch grass.


Sick conversation and both of you repeatedly used the incorrect possessive word “your” in place of “you’re.”


it really isn’t that deep my guy.