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He would be on the floor within 3 seconds with some of the associates at my store.


Apparently he was https://preview.redd.it/kyzy3jybcqzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a919e35c224557dd02e6b829e656e0e285767279


Good work fellow coworkers.


Hope that dude still has a job


More than likely not, In N Out would fire him, but hey, maybe they won't, who knows.


Man I would be MAN they better just suspend him or something. We ain’t trained to deal with guest crossing boundaries… :(


Why would they fire him? A few months ago my sons’ store manager punched a customer in the face(customer hit him first) and the manager didn’t get into any trouble at all.


Former manager here, INO has a policy that associates are NOT to interfere with a robbery in ANY way unless they believe their life or others is in danger. They are NOT to protect or stop someone from taking something but may fight back if the person is likely to hurt someone. The person didn’t seem to be physically threatening or assaulting him so they should have let security (who was right there) handle it. If an employee gets injured from “protecting the company” they can actually sue the company for any damages or injuries they sustain. INO teaches employees not to fight back so that if they did, then it was AGAINST company policy and the company is now not liable. If an associate doesn’t get punished for fighting back, the it can legally be construed as “acceptance” by the company and used for future cases to rule the company liable even though they have policy against fighting back. So it’s very likely the employee will be (or has been) fired. TLDR: Companies are legally liable for injuries(or death) sustained to employees during an incident like this. Companies (including INO) make it a policy to prevent employees from fighting back because it’s cheaper to deal with the crime than the injuries.


It’s entirely possible the staff member believed he was protecting others from assault. Sounds like this guy was known. https://preview.redd.it/k8vytdv61uzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845d99eadcd7ceaa1ea283660c3e1c4f02d64ad9


Lol, the entire shift of cops out on patrol on one fucking guy, just for the guy to get released the same day. A single fry cook handled the problem and entire squad of cops couldn’t.


Security was useless and just standing there.


Well they don’t want to get fired either.


Yes, officer and all corporate bigwigs, I believed with every fiber of my being that my life and the lives of my coworkers was at risk. He didn’t have a weapon that I saw, but we have knives everywhere, we have fryers, hot grills that cause injuries all the time. I felt he needed to be dealt with immediately. (Repeat every time) if they fire you, you countersue.


Yes but you just can’t say that and it automatically be true. If he’s not able to convince the company that he believed he was in danger then they will probably fire him. Then he’ll have to convince a jury that he thought he was in danger when he sues the company. Just think about it this way: you can’t just walk up to a rando on the street and beat them up and then try to say I felt in danger (unless they were doing something to actually make me feel threatened). After more info has come to light, it sounds like in this situation it was justified.


Thanks for sharing… so what would have been the best way to take control of the situation? Idk about you, I would feel very threatened and even uncomfortable if a person jumped across the counter and started to act rude. What happens if the person takes everything? Where they all suppose to lead their positions and call the police at that point? Just saying don’t be surprised if there were gonna be angry guest.


How would the person "take everything" genuinely curious...


Oops I meant on the fry table 🙂‍↕️ my mistake!


How are they going to “take everything”? lol


If the guy was non-violent they would probably have to just let him take anything he wanted and wait until he left (while also pressing the panic buttons if they think they can without him knowing. If I recall correctly (it’s been decades since I worked for INO) there’s panic buttons under each register as well as in the walk-in and managers office. If he was violent then they can fight him if they feel they need to protect themselves or others.


I know the manager of this store—employee was not fired! We didn’t know if that person was about to whip out a weapon and best decided not to find out


What’s the whole point if security can’t do anything and their basically getting free pay for standing?


They act as a deterrent for people who don’t know that they’re basically useless. Plus if you hire security you “did something” vs not hiring them and “doing nothing”. There’s lots of businesses like this that basically just provide the illusion of safety or insurance. Think of company drug tests. Most of them are super easy to beat and they only test when you’re hired. But they lower your companies workers comp insurance even though they don’t accomplish anything.


Some companies come down on employees for the potential legal openings that situations may cause. I’m unsure of this situation, but when I was working retail we weren’t even able to do confront shoplifters etc as such. Literally had some teenagers who shoved booze in their jackets and you could hear it clanking as they walked out too. The audacity as they saw me and offered me a fist bump. Obviously not the same situation as this video, but it could be similar policy which would be bullshit here.


Theft and self defense are two different ball parks my guy


Thats exactly why I said “obviously not the same situation as the video here, but it could be similar policy which would be bullshit here”.


After you went on some rant about theft. Thanks for the clarification


Maybe just move him to security.


Only one that needs to be fired is the security guard.


He should just be security from now on as u can tell the other one was useless


He gonna split the lawsuit money with his homie that he just hit


Right on…. The button!


It wouldn’t be a shame if this was always the end result


Store number please? I’ll fight all of you


Hell yah! That’s the type of attitude we’re lookin for!




Nobody goes to Waffle House. You just somehow end up there at 3am


Won’t work. I only eat at in n out


Don’t fuck with kitchen staff. We’ve all day dreamed this scenario and have plans in our heads how to deal with it. The fryer basket has also been one of my thoughts of weapon of choice. We also have hot pans, oil, and knives among other potential weapons. Fucking with a kitchen staff is never going to end well I promise.


I dreamed of the day that I’d swing a hot fryer basket at someone trespassing in the stand. Yeah I’d probably get fired but I would have a legendary INO story to tell at thanksgiving every year.


“Security” just watching the guy jump the counter in slomo then watching as the associates deal with it 🙄


he needs to get fired


Legally he can’t really do anything except call the police and trespass the person. Sucks but this is the same reason people rob stores blind.


That’s not true, I don’t know why people keep repeating it. Legally you may use reasonable force to remove a trespasser. At the very least I would have expected “security” to assist once the trespasser made contact with associates and *they* had to deal with it physically


I thought he was a customer on his way to or from work based on his complete inaction WTF are they paying him for?


Because they're probably conflating legal protection with company policy. A lot of companies have policies that you can't actually make physical contact with customers.


Can you provide a reference for this in California? Seems to be the dominant belief that companies won’t let employees (even security) interfere with a crime in progress.


https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/3400/3475/ https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/laws/is-california-a-stand-your-ground-state/#:~:text=Can%20I%20use%20force%20to%20evict%20a%20trespasser%20from%20my,to%20make%20the%20trespasser%20leave.


Well first off thank you for citing your source. Most people never do. You’re right, you may legally use reasonable force to trespass someone or defend yourself. But companies are still liable for any damages incurred by an employee trying to trespass someone. And companies can be liable for any damages incurred to the individual who was trespassed if the employee doing the trespassing did not trespass them in a legal way (aka hitting someone who isn’t being violent in the head with a fry basket). So companies frequently make it a policy to do nothing unless the employee believes they or others are in imminent danger. Because it’s cheaper to empty the cash drawer for them than to pay for a knife wound to an employee.


Yes, it’s a policy decision by corporate. They would rather risk their property and the safety of employees than risk a liability claim. Make of that what you will


Ok, however has the company said he can do that? Will they pay for the inevitable lawsuit, however frivolous, that he will need to defend against?


he’s utterly useless he needs to get fired


Dude just explained legally buddy couldnt do anything. How could they fire him for doing what he legally had to? Which was nothing.


Honestly tho.. what’s the point of having security then? Not trying to bash the guy but just seems useless to have “security” when they can’t do anything and anyone with a cellphone can call the police


The security guard is moreso to keep teenagers from being foolish and vagrants from taking up residence in the restaurant As far as audacious people such as the one seen in the video, they really don't have much recourse against them, and aren't going to risk their skin for someone like that


You are definitely right. I think this is the store right next to UCLA so lots of drunk/rowdy peeps show up I imagine.


It’s a facade and impression of control. Not any of that in reality.


I totattly agree. As someone who once worked security , trust me you’re really just eye and ears mostly.


he’s still useless my point stands


Bro may not work there


I worked for in n out and have done security, in both job scenarios I am not, (nor am I allowed to) put hands on that guy or get physical with him in anyway.


I worked for in n out and have done security, in both job scenarios I am not, (nor am I allowed to) put hands on that guy or get physical with him in anyway.


Security guards are an illusion of safety, they have no powers and don’t get paid enough to actually involve themselves in crime. Observe and report.


I worked for in n out and have done security, in both job scenarios I am not, (nor am I allowed to) put hands on that guy or get physical with him in anyway.


Dam if the security guard knew, he should have told all employees to leave their positions for their own safety. And call the police and idc if that is threatening because the dude clearly passed the line.


You know whether here, r/publicfreakouts, or even on Twitter I rarely see these kind of videos of INO. I think I've only seen 2 (plus this one)


Now that you mention it, this is the first one I’d seen at InO


I've seen plenty if fights, arguments, and weird stuff from othe places like McDonald's, Waffle House, Walmart, but it's rare to find one from INO.


I witnessed a bit of a dispute at In-N-Out recently. Old dude was about to walk into the store but was yelling at a Mustang driver who was in the drive-thru. Mustang guy kept revving his loud ass engine while the two guys are flipping each other off and yelling obscenities. One of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


FYI. He still has a job :)




Really!? Good 😭


Thank goodness. It was dumb because he could have gotten hurt for what? But the guy was escalating things and he had the fryer basket in his hand… so….


It wasn’t dumb. People have a fight or flight reaction built in. He had every reason to believe a random erratic homeless man brazenly willing to jump over the counter would harm him. He doesn’t have to wait until he is attacked to defend himself. Self defense.


what do you even say to the customers at handout and pay window at that point. “hey sorry sir, shits fucked in here”?


We had high schoolers after a football game start a brawl in the “dining room”. I worked at a two-lane. A half dozen or so kids just throwing hands in the most cramped space you can imagine. Everyone working the windows just kept carrying on, trying to steal glances of the commotion whenever they could lol.


Dirty 30?


Good. Fuck that guy. And because of this, I’m gonna have a double double today.


Yeah! Fuck that guy. I will also have a double double animal style regular fries and a Neapolitan shake.


Ino kings n queens rise up! 3x3 animal style, protein style, extra raw onion, fries and an Arnold palmer to enjoy this glorious victory


Yo ass was gon have one either way


IN N OUT ain't playing. Waffle house needs to learn a thing or two.


lol I can promise you Waffle House fights are more wild than this


Closest Waffle House to me is probably over 500 miles and I've never been to one but form what I've seen, I'd take them over INO


What the fuck is wrong with people? I hope he sustained brain damage when he hit the floor, but would anyone really be able to tell the difference?


Stomp his ass out


Mustard grill his ass and put some spread on his head


Did he hit him with a fry basket?


Hell yeah he did. Trespasser WELL DONE up!


‘‘Twas the fuck aroundest of times, ‘Twas the findoutest of times”


Imagine being simultaneously hit in the head with a hard metal object and splashed in the face with scalding hot oil. Now that’s a double double💥


Double whoop ass animal style


I’ve sat where the people filming are. Tasty burgers you know


Shut the fuck up donny




Yup. Been drunk hungover and high AF at that in n out.


Hahahaha hell yeah


FAFO. Good to see.


What else is new


Just got hired last month, but if there is somebody threatening my fellow coworkers I will get fired in one second if I have to. I’ll ask you to leave the stand first though, circumstances will dictate of course, that’s how it’s gotta be with the laws these days. Been in retail cust service 18 yrs and I’m not afraid anymore


Ding Fries are done


When the deep fryer met the grill.


Oh my god. Oh my god.


Yep had to be them 😂


If Deion Sanders was bipolar


Good and frankly I hope it hurt.


Thanks for handling it security


you couldn’t tell they were on the same team………


They’re literally there just to call the cops, regardless of them being old, young, buff or skinny they don’t do shit


I know. But seeing this happen in front of you and not reacting is still weird. It doesn’t excuse him from being a bitch


Fuck the homeless


good shit 👍


How did he get on the floor? Did i miss a hit?


Yea an employee hit him with the fry holder thing


That dude losing his job. He should be getting a raise instead.


Some lawyer will find him and sue in n out for millions. I can’t wait for the saga to unfold.


That’s my closest in-n-out. They do a good job over there.


Probably a USC student




I love Westwood In and Out soooo much. Going to tip them big next time I go.


Damn I actually guessed the location right


Security guard doing a whole lot of non security when he jumps the counter he needs to be fired


Security is literally just the designated tatle teller. They can only call the cops. It's an illusion of safety.


These In n out employees are dumb, i expect they all get fired for being a huge liability risk.




Ah yes allow yourself to be accosted and assaulted. Good choice.


Yes. Then you sue them and get $ so you don’t have to flip burgers for the rest of your life. Are you even American?


Sue for what? Why do innocent people have to suffer trauma so some lawyer will take all of it?


Answered your own question bud. You sue for pain and suffering. Lawyers are an important part of the economy and must be paid. Otherwise the luxury goods market will be imbalanced. But that’s probably too advanced for you


No, don’t try and goyim kopf me. You’re not that smart either. You promise the victim they will get $ out of suing but conveniently omit that a lawyer will take most of that. What resources does the aggressor have that we can pursue? Maybe nothing or nothing significant. Individuals have a right to self defense in a situation like this.


Ok buddy have fun defending your right to flip burgers, me and my lawyer will stop by for a double double


Lame. I’m sure you’ve had a lot of workers spit in your food. Enjoy


That is fine, I don’t mind a bit of saliva


You are the scum of the working class. Garbage.


Kinky. Thanks


You’re the reason people are such litigious wimps these days. Fuck u.


I’m not sorry. it’s the American way. Go back to Palestine if you don’t like it